Welcome by Taboobreaker

13.15 Official start of the symposium Welcome by Taboobreaker
Why and how is Costello Medical supporting Taboobreaker with a SROI and CEM
Naman Kochar, Costello Medical
13.30 Concept, content and goals of Love Land
Karin Stierlin, Initiator of Love Land App 14.45
13.45 SRH education in schools - current situation and challenges
Keynote Managa Pillay, National Department of Basic Education (DBE)
14.05 Need of accessible and age appropriate SRH education
Interview with Dr. Kate Molesworth
This is the Love Land App App Demo by The Game Design Team
Outlook: Information and insights on the planned Implementation study
Prof. Dr. Cathy Ward, Dr. Elona Toska and Hlengiwe Saccolo
15.30 Q & A and Call for action
14.20 What is the benefit of the app Love Land Video clip of young people playing the App 16.00 Closing of the symposium