WWE Mission Report Leku, Ethiopia November 2019

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Dear friends, From 13 to 17 November we had another evangelistic campaign in the south of Ethiopia, in the village of Leku. Due to political unrest we had to move our evangelistic meetings to Leku at the last minute. We were invited by eight churches. In the last meeting, the power of God came on the gathering and it was as if heaven kissed earth. Many, many people were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit manifested himself as wind, fire, speaking in tongues and being drunk. In other words, the people were so overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that they could no longer speak properly or stand up. That was how we experienced it in Leku. The Holy Spirit came and settled on many, many people – like a chicken settles on an egg. People were literally overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit. Seeing and experiencing that is very, very supernatural and holy. The field where we had gathered became “holy ground” and people did not want to go home at all. They stayed two hours longer to sing and pray. “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,” (Acts 2,17). The Holy Spirit breathes life into us. He is the power of God. The Holy Spirit is the resurrection power of God and also heals. One man who had been suffering constant pain for 16 years was touched by this power and all his pain fell away. We then got to see him dancing with joy in the crowd and praising God. Many other healings happened. The greatest miracle, though, is when people are born into the Kingdom of God and move from unbelief to faith. Only through birth do we come into this world, and only through new birth do we come into the Kingdom of God. Everything else is dead religion that does not change anyone.

From 11 to 15 December we have our last campaign this year. Then we start again at the very beginning of the New Year, from 2 to 5 January. The past year has flown by and it is already Christmas again. We want to make the most of our time. With all my heart I thank everyone who has helped us this year. Many, many thanks. Heaven will reward you with blessing, healing, provision or whatever it is you need. Everything we do for the name of Jesus has eternal value. It is not lost time or wasted money. We will also reap blessing even here on earth. Please help us again in the new year as far as you are able to. We want to do so much more. We want to equip 10,000 lay pastors with a good set of books to give them a good spiritual foundation. To that end, we are currently translating four study courses by Kenneth Hagin. Each course has 26 lessons, and the four topics are: faith, prayer, healing and the Holy Spirit. This project will cost us a total of €50,000, which we have faith for. We want to sow this literature as seed into the lives of these pastors. I send you my very warmest regards and wish you a blessed Christmas season and rich blessings for the New Year. “And the God of all grace ... after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast,” (1 Peter 5:10). Grace is God’s willingness to use his power for our benefit although we do not deserve it. With that in mind, I wish you God’s overflowing grace for 2020. Warmest regards!

Ekkehard Hornburg

Many were overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit.

She had been repeatedly vomiting for a month. Now it has stopped.


The wife of the leading pastor who had invited us to Leku had had painful kidney disease for six years. He had wanted to take her to hospital in the morning. She came to the meeting in pain and was healed.

Her right eye was completely blind and the left almost blind. Jesus healed her. She had been hardly able to hear since early childhood. Now she can hear normally in her right ear and better than before in her left. Her whole body was in pain and all the pain disappeared. She had suffered from epilepsy for seven years.

For two years he could not breathe properly. He could neither climb stairs nor move normally. It has all disappeared.

She had had gastritis for seven years. She could not eat properly and kept vomiting. She was healed.

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