WWE Mission Report Gerba & Koshe, Ethiopia June 2021

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Dear friends, Between January and May we were able to conduct eight evangelistic campaigns in Ethiopia. In the months of June and July it is the rainy season, then we will continue in August. We have just now had another two blessed campaigns. There is great hunger for the word of God everywhere and it is a joy to see people drinking in the word of God. The preached word, when it is combined with faith, brings salvation, healing and deliverance. We experience that in all the meetings. We have so far been able to conduct a total of 123 evangelistic campaigns in Ethiopia. Our old German postal vehicle, which was not made for African roads, has had its day. With your help we have been able to purchase a new truck in Dubai, which will be put into action as of August. With it we can reach areas that our postal vehicle would not have managed. The same applies to our Hyundai bus. It is equally unsuitable for poor roads. In faith we have therefore also ordered a Toyota Land Cruiser. The two vehicles – the truck and the Land Cruiser – have already been paid for. Together they cost just over $100,000. The import into Ethiopia and the customs duty for the two vehicles will cost us an additional $140,000. Ethiopia has the highest import duties in the world. Of the $140,000 we are still lacking roughly $25,000. We were not too costly for Jesus and he came and gave his blood for us, even if you or I had been the only one. That is why the equipment is not too costly for God, either, because with it we are winning precious people for Jesus. Peter needed a boat and nets in order to catch fish. We need vehicles and a PA system in order to fish for people.

“What God orders, he pays for,” I often heard Reinhard Bonnke say. So we also believe that the Lord of the harvest will give us the means we need to continue harvesting. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust (inflation) destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven ...” Our reward in heaven depends on what we have done for Jesus in this life. Our salvation depends on what Jesus did for us on the cross. Salvation is free, but the reward is something I have to earn. Our money can win people for Jesus and thus we convert it into something of eternal value and store up treasures for ourselves in heaven. Many people organize their lives as if they were going to be here forever. They don’t think about eternity at all. But this life is very short and it is only what we have done for Jesus that will have lasting value. Perhaps God is putting it on people’s hearts to help us with the remaining $25,000. I send you my best regards and wish you God’s protection and guidance in these turbulent times!

Ekkehard Hornburg


She was completely blind and started to see.

For 28 years his right ear was completely deaf and the other ear partially deaf.

For eight years he had been bleeding because of haemorrhoids. His suffering has stopped.

For three months she had been completely deaf. Now she can hear.

She had been deaf and bent over for seven years. Now she can hear and stand up straight.

For 50 years he had been deaf in his right ear. Jesus healed his ear.

Since a car accident he had been unable to use his right arm; he couldn’t lift it and couldn’t hold anything or eat with it. Jesus healed him.

SPEAKING THE LANGUAGE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues ...” Mark 16:17 “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.” Acts 2:4 Jesus commanded his disciples to go to Jerusalem to wait there for the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was to come upon them and they would speak in new languages. Today we no longer have to wait for the Holy Spirit since he came and stayed. Jesus is God’s gift to sinners and the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to his children. Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to be able to do his ministry, the disciples needed the Holy Spirit to do their ministry and we need the Holy Spirit, for without him we are powerless and weak. The Holy Spirit helps our weakness, Paul says in Romans 8:26.

I still had a question mark in my head as to whether the experience was for me or whether it only applied to certain Christians. Of course, God cannot answer a prayer like that. It was not a prayer of faith but of doubt. The one who doubts should not expect to receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7). First the Holy Spirit needed to remove the question mark from my head before I was in a position of faith to receive from God. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truths: into new birth, into baptism in the Holy Spirit, into healing, into prosperity, into the gifts of the Spirit, etc.

At Pentecost all the disciples present were filled with the Holy Spirit: that means that this experience, this baptism in the Holy Spirit, is for all Christians. Each one got their own flame of fire, their own anointing. And they all spoke in new tongues. That means speaking in tongues is for all Christians. What should I speak in new tongues for? I asked myself when I was still in my old church and had no idea about these things. James says that the tongue is set on fire by the fire of hell and no human can put out that fire. Only the Holy Spirit can extinguish the fire of hell and set our tongues on fire with the fire of heaven. That is what happened at Pentecost. The tongue of fire from heaven joined up with the tongue in the mouth and they started preaching, prophesying and speaking with the fire of the Holy Spirit. A miracle happened in the mouths of the 120 disciples. The same miracle happens every time someone receives the Holy Spirit.

One night I read Acts 2:38–39: “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” I had already done that. “For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

My pastor back then told me that speaking in tongues and signs and wonders were only for the first disciples – only for the initial apostles. At their death, the signs and wonders also came to an end and today such signs (if they happen) are not from God but from the devil. Of course, I wanted nothing to do with the devil and kept well clear of anything supernatural. Then I heard Reinhard Bonnke preach with fire and passion in a way I had never seen or heard in my church. Signs and wonders followed his preaching. I knew this man was a true man of God. I saw that signs and wonders still happen today. I wanted the same fire, but still had doubts: Was this speaking in tongues for me or not? So I prayed: “Lord, if it is your will for me to receive the Holy Spirit and speak in new tongues, please give me the experience; if not, I want nothing to do with it.”

World Wide Evangelism Postfach 500231 60392 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 06186 9143727 info@wwevangel.org www.wwevangel.org Evangelische Bank IBAN: DE85 5206 0410 0004 0039 93 BIC: GENODEF1EK1

Suddenly the light went on inside me. I saw that this experience did not just apply to the first disciples, the first generation, but also to their children, the next generation and all generations who are still far off that the Lord will call. At that moment, the question mark was gone and I immediately received the Holy Spirit. It was as if electricity were flowing through me. I opened my mouth, started speaking and heard strange words bubbling out of me. Jesus said streams of living water would flow from our belly. By that he meant the Holy Spirit. My religious mind, my flesh, said: “What are you doing? That is all rubbish and makes no sense.” The flesh always fights against the spirit and wants to rob us and talk us out of the blessings of God. I was banned from entering my old church. But I wouldn’t have gone back there anyway. I thank God that I came to Africa and got to see and experience first-hand what God is still doing today. Praying in the Holy Spirit serves to build us up personally, helps us to worship God in spirit and in truth and allows us to pray for things we have no idea about. The greatest weapon we have is our mouths and God wants to fill them and supernaturally speak, pray and sing through us. Praying with Jesus means I allow his Holy Spirit to pray through me.

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