Simmental Country February 2014

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Fe b r uar y 2 0 1 4 H e r d si r e Ed i t i on Sim menta l Coun t r y

2014 Transcon Managed Spring Bull Sales Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale Monday, March 17, 2014 - Red Deer, AB

Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale Saturday, March 22, 2014 - Innisfail, AB

Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale Monday, March 24, 2014 - Beaverlodge, AB

Jay Good (403) 556-5563

Bob Wilson (403) 540-3084

Glenn Norton (780) 542-0634

Darren Paget (403) 323-3985

Kelly Richardson (403) 638-9377

Sandra Smith (403) 638-9377

Terry Stewart (403) 638-9377


Bruce Holmquist General Manager Cell: 403-988-8676

Barb Judd Office Manager Phone: 403-250-7979

Margo Cartwright Marketing Coordinator Phone: 403-250-5255

Jane Crawford Eastern Sales Consultant Phone: 519-287-5286 Cell: 519-317-5263

Emily Grey

YCSA Coordinator Phone: 819-835-0284 Fax: 819-564-4652


Volume 35, Number 1

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-5255 Fax: 403-250-5121 Website:

The official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association

Canadian Simmental Country Deadlines March/April/May “Spring 2014” Issue “Queens of the Pasture” 2014 Issue October 2014 Issue November/December Winter 2014 Issue February 2015 “Herd Sire” Issue

Material Deadline: April 1, 2014 Material Deadline: July 1, 2014 Material Deadline: September 1, 2014 Material Deadline: October 1, 2014 Material Deadline: January 1, 2015

Commercial Country Deadlines September 2014 Issue January 2015 Issue

Material Deadline: August 1, 2014 Material Deadline: December 1, 2014

Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Simmental Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Production & Ad Copy Changes – Special production requests and ad copy changes may be subject to extra charges. Charges will apply on an individual basis. Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Simmental Country office by the 21st day of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Advertising Content - The Simmental Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing. Users of any information contained in Simmental Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means. Subscription Rates Canada $40 + applicable taxes per year $75 + applicable taxes for two years (GST included) Published for: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Published by:

AB, SK, MB, QC add 5 per cent to all fees for GST BC add 12 per cent to all fees for HST ON, NB, NFLD add 13 per cent to all fees for HST NS add 15 per cent to all fees for HST 4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Office: 306-934-9696 Fax: 306-934-0744 Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Chris Poley, Ted Serhienko & Shane Michelson Accounting: Mina Serhienko & Treena Ballantyne Production: Tiffany Peters, Jamie Van Cleemput, Debbie Thiessen, Teresa Mann & Amanda Adam

USA $65 per year U.S. funds Foreign $130 per year Canadian funds

Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794 © 2014 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association.












From the Gate Post

By Bruce Holmquist General Manager, Canadian Simmental Association

Simmental Country - A Powerful Marketing Tool


he seed-stock sector is an exciting and challenging segment of the beef industry that requires a balance of skills and talents. From animal husbandry needs which include being on top of nutrition, vaccination programs and daily care; to genetics, promotion, customer service and of course marketing; all are of equal importance. Over the years the seed-stock operations which have been the most successful have balanced all of these areas very well. Breed magazines such as Simmental Country have always been one of the most important tools in attracting new interest to a particular breed. They are often the introduction to the breed and one of the main sources of influence that people use when deciding which breed to invest in. The impression that the breed magazine makes on the individual cannot be overvalued as it may be the deciding factor on which breed the individual pursues. When viewing the different breed publications sitting side by side at the local auction-mart, it is easy to begin to evaluate the amount of interest and activity in a breed by the size of the issue which is largely influenced by the amount of advertisements it contains. In recent years, electronic promotion through e-mails and social media has put increasing pressure on all breed publications, including Simmental Country. We have seen new and exciting options appear in the area of marketing and promotion through online videos such as YouTube and various forms of social media. These are options that some have quickly adopted to self-promote their operations at the expense of print advertising however we must also keep in mind how it may not catch those who are not on top of social media 14

as well as how it fits into the promotion of the breed as a whole. In the past breed publications were the most obvious choice to promote seed-stock operations and specific animals that were for sale. This was quite often followed by an ad thanking the purchaser and at the same time promoting the success of a particular sale. Not only did this promote the individual program but also helped to provide overall promotion for the breed. Over the last few years, we have seen less and less Thank You ads in the Simmental Country promoting our phenomenal and record setting bull sales. This makes it harder for the readers to use this as a gauge to measure the success of the Simmental breed in this country. The Simmental Country is the official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association and of the breed in Canada. It is distributed widely not only throughout Canada but around the world and accompanies staff and directors in our travels abroad as an example of the genetics that we have available. The advertisers who are in any given issue have a huge advantage over those who are not as they are the breeding programs that people see. Simmental breeders are fortunate that we have a great breed publication that is the envy of many other breeds; a publication that has a solid and enviable history of quality, production, editorial content which is accomplished by hard work of its staff and most importantly the support of its advertisers. Everyone has to structure their marketing approach to hit what they feel is their target market, and just like the balance of skills and talents that it takes to be a successful producer, a balanced approach to marketing and promotion is the surest way to success!


Appuye sur le poteau de cloture

Par Bruce Holmquist General Manager, Canadian Simmental Association

La revue Simmental Country – Un outil promotionnel important


’élevage de race pure constitue un secteur dynamique de l’industrie bovine canadienne, offrant de nombreux défis et nécessitant que l’éleveur possède plusieurs aptitudes et talents variés. Qu’il s’agisse des diverses activités liées à la régie du troupeau, notamment les soins quotidiens aux animaux, le programme de vaccination, l’alimentation du troupeau, ou encore les éléments liés à la sélection génétique, la publicité, le service après-vente et le marketing, ces aspects sont tous très importants pour chaque éleveur de race pure. Au fil des ans, on constate que les entreprises qui réussissent dans l’élevage sont celles qui possèdent habituellement une bonne maitrise à tous ces niveaux. Les revues de races bovines telles que le Simmental Country ont toujours servi d’outils importants contribuant à intéresser de nouvelles personnes vers une race donnée. Elles ont ainsi souvent favorisé l’introduction vers une race de boucherie et ont constitué par le fait même des véhicules de choix permettant d’influencer ceux qui voulaient investir dans une race spécifique. On ne doit pas sous estimer l’impression laissée sur quiconque consultant une revue de race, car cela peut très bien représenter l’élément qui fera la différence dans le choix de la race retenue. Lorsqu’on examine les différentes revues de races placées l’une à côté de l’autre dans les présentoirs de notre encan local, on peut facilement évaluer le niveau d’intérêt et d’activités au sein d’une race donnée, si on en juge par l’épaisseur de la revue, laquelle est largement influencée par l’importance de son contenu publicitaire. Au cours des dernières années, les publications des races de boucherie, incluant la revue Simmental Country, ont été confrontées avec la venue de la publicité électronique via les courriels et les médias sociaux. De nouveaux moyens promotionnels ont aussi fait leur apparition, tels que les vidéos diffusés par l’internet via le site You Tube, ainsi qu’une variété d’autres médias sociaux. Certains éleveurs ont rapidement adopté ces nouveaux outils promotionnels, parfois au détriment des médias imprimés. Toutefois, nous devons garder à l’esprit que ces nouveaux véhicules n’attireront peut-être pas l’attention de ceux qui ne s’intéressent pas vraiment aux médias sociaux et on doit se demander quelle est leur 16

place réelle par rapport à la promotion globale d’une race donnée. Auparavant, les publications de race étaient les véhicules de choix pour effectuer la promotion d’entreprises d’élevage de race pure et de leurs animaux offerts en vente. On pouvait ainsi souvent voir une annonce publiée dans un numéro suivant, laquelle servait à remercier les acheteurs et, par la même occasion, à faire la promotion de la réussite d’une vente donnée. Cela contribuait à la promotion d’un programme d’élevage spécifique et favorisait par ailleurs la promotion globale de la race. Au cours des dernières années, on remarque qu’il y a de moins en moins d’annonces publiées dans la revue Simmental Country afin de remercier des acheteurs et souligner nos succès et nos ventes record de taureaux. Se faisant, les lecteurs ont probablement plus de difficulté à vraiment mesurer les succès de la race Simmental au pays. La revue Simmental Country constitue la publication officielle nationale de l’Association Simmental du Canada et le principal véhicule de promotion de la race Simmental. Notre revue profite d’une large diffusion à travers le Canada et à l’étranger, où elle est notamment mise en évidence un peu partout dans le monde, par exemple lors des déplacements d’employés ou de directeurs de l’Association. Les annonceurs présents dans un numéro donné de la revue peuvent donc profiter d’un avantage en mettant en valeur leurs programmes d’élevage. Les éleveurs Simmental sont privilégiés de pouvoir compter sur une publication de race de qualité, laquelle fait d’ailleurs l’envie de plusieurs autres races bovines. Notre revue jouit également d’un historique enviable en termes de qualité, d’informations liées à la production, de son contenu éditorial et, de plus, elle peut compter sur le support de tous ses annonceurs et le travail acharné des employés de l’Association. Chacun a la responsabilité de choisir la meilleure approche de marketing en fonction des cibles de marché visées. Tout comme il est important pour un éleveur de posséder une foule de talents et d’aptitudes, une approche équilibrée en matière de promotion et de marketing demeure toute de même la clé du succès !




DNA profiling rates MAGNIFICENT as #1 for feed efficiency



Breed Improvement

The Economics of Genetic Improvement Jeff Hyatt – CSA Research Coordinator

hrough my travels in 2013 it became very clear how much Simmental in Canada has improved over the past couple of decades and Canadian Simmental breeders should be commended for moving in a direction which has provided commercial producers with genetics that they deem more suitable to North American beef production. The uptake on Simmental genetics has been phenomenal and this comment was supported while I was at Canadian Western Agribition and I picked up an AI catalogue at one of the booths; in the last 5 years the amount of Simmental semen purchased through that one company has increased by 707%! The breed with the next largest increase was half of that amount. Also while at Agribition I had the opportunity to visit with my parents and several other local cow/calf producers from the Rainy River Valley in Northwestern Ontario, which is located on the Minnesota and Manitoba borders. Many of them hadn’t been at Agribition in the last 8 years and recall commercial producers having older style Simmental cattle that had quite large birth weights. The one resounding remark I heard every day of the week was how they couldn’t believe how much Simmental has changed in the last 8 years. The cattle are much more moderate but still maintain the capacity that the breed is associated with. It is not good luck that has increased the demand for Simmental genetics; rather the hard work of the breeders and using the genetic improvement tools provided by your Association as a result of industry leading programming and research. With that being said, we have to continue to work hard and stay ahead of the genetic improvement curve. Canadian Simmental is quickly becoming a powerhouse worldwide in beef cattle genetic improvement and often it is difficult to put a dollar value as to how each trait affects profits or how much improvement is gained by beef producers. In the USA, the amount of prime beef marketed has increased from ~8% to ~15% of the total amount of beef harvested. Over the same period, total revenue of prime beef has increased from ~$1 billion to ~$4 billion; double the amount of premium beef and at quadruple the price. Consumers are starting to have a more consistent eating experience with beef and are therefore willing to pay for it now. The increased revenue equals approximately $100/head. As we see the same shift in Canada, cattle buyers are going to recognize the producers who have provided quality cattle in the past and will be



willing to pay more to get them. Within the Simmental Innovations projects there are roughly 2500 animals having carcass traits evaluated and having them linked to genetic markers. This doesn’t mean that once the calf drops on the ground that he is automatically going to produce premium beef, but it certainly gives Simmental breeders better genetic selection tools to work with in order to provide a better starting point for their customers. The information in the table below was presented in the report from Livestock Gentec “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Genomic Tools for the Alberta Beef Industry”. Please note some of these economic weights look much more important because of how they are represented. For example Post Weaning ADG is $238, this means that for a every 1 kg/day increase in ADG from weaning until finish point the animal would save you $238. In relation, Cow mature weight has an economic weight of -$0.22 meaning that for every extra kg of mature weight the net cost would be $0.22 annually, or $0.10/lb.

The major efficiency for genetic improvement through DNA testing is for traits that have low heritability, those which are hard to measure or that cannot be measured in younger animals. The response will be far greater when selecting for any of these traits when genetic testing is done because it is hard to select a superior animal with just physical trait measurements (phenotypes). Examples of the traits that the CSA is currently working on would be Residual Feed Efficiency (hard to measure), Fertility (unable to measure on juvenile animals) and Intramuscular Fat (low heritability). All of these traits are economically important and over the next few months, I’m going to comment more on the dollar values associated to the traits and what these traits could mean to Simmental Breeders.


Amelioration de la Race

Valeurs économiques de l’amélioration génétique Jeff Hyatt - Coordonnateur de l’ASC, recherche

n 2013, lors de mes déplacements au Canada, j’ai pu clairement constater que la race Simmental s’était améliorée beaucoup au cours des deux dernières décennies. Le travail des éleveurs Simmental du Canada doit être souligné et, en particulier, le fait d’avoir orienter leur sélection vers des lignées génétiques correspondant davantage à ce que les producteurs commerciaux recherchent en Amérique du nord. L’engouement pour la génétique Simmental demeure simplement phénoménal. J’ai été à même de le constater alors que j’étais présent à l’Agribition et que je consultais le catalogue de l’un des centres d’insémination; leur quantité de semences de race Simmental vendues au cours des cinq dernières années avait augmenté par une proportion de 707 %! La prochaine race avec la plus importante hausse se situait à la moitié de cette augmentation. Durant mon séjour à l’Agribition, j’ai notamment eu la chance de discuter avec mes parents ainsi qu’avec d’autres producteurs vache-veau de la région de la Rivière Rainy, localisée dans le nordouest ontarien, près des frontières avec le Manitoba et le Minnesota. Plusieurs d’entre eux n’avaient pas assisté à l’Agribition au cours des huit dernières années et ils se rappelaient l’ancien type de taureaux Simmental utilisés auparavant, lequel engendraient souvent des veaux plutôt gros à la naissance. En fait, j’ai entendu dire plusieurs fois au cours de cette semaine une remarque à l’effet que la race Simmental avait beaucoup changé au cours des huit dernières années. Les bovins démontrent une taille beaucoup plus modérée, tout en possédant une grande capacité qui les a toujours caractérisés. La demande pour la génétique de race Simmental n’a pas subi une telle augmentation par hasard. Elle est plutôt la conséquence du travail attentionné des éleveurs qui ont employé les outils d’amélioration génétique offerts par leur Association, lesquels sont issus d’importants travaux de recherche et de développement au niveau de notre industrie. Ceci étant dit, on doit continuer de travailler fort si on veut conserver notre avance quant au taux de progrès génétique. Les Simmental du Canada deviennent rapidement des joueurs des ligues majeures à l’échelle mondiale dans le domaine de l’amélioration génétique des bovins de boucherie et il n’est pas vraiment facile de fixer une valeur monétaire correspondant aux profits générés par chacun des caractères et aux progrès effectués par les producteurs de boucherie. Aux États-Unis, la proportion de viande vendue et classée “Prime” a augmenté d’environ 8 % à près de 15 % par rapport au volume total de viande produite. Pendant ce temps, les revenus totaux provenant du boeuf de classe “Prime” sont passés d’environ un milliard de dollars à près de quatre milliards de dollars; soit le double de la quantité de viande de boeuf “Prime” et, de plus, vendue au quadruple du prix. Les consommateurs commencent à bénéficier d’une expérience plus constante avec la viande qu’ils mangent et, en conséquence, ils sont maintenant prêts à payer le prix demandé. Le revenu additionnel est d’environ 100 $ par tête. Nous commençons à observer la même tendance au Canada ; les acheteurs de bovins vont se mettre à reconnaître



les producteurs qui leur ont vendu des bovins de qualité par le passé, ce qui devrait les inciter à payer davantage pour les acheter. Au niveau des projets d’innovation présentement menés par la race Simmental, on retrouve environ 2500 sujets pour lesquels nous possédons des données évaluées sur les carcasses qui seront par la suite reliées à des marqueurs génétiques. Cela ne veut toutefois pas dire que le veau naissant permettra automatiquement de produire une viande “Prime”, mais cela devrait certainement leur fournir de bons outils de sélection génétique pour effectuer leur travail et ultimement rejoindre la demande de leurs clients. L’information présentée dans le tableau suivant a été rendue publique dans le rapport produit par le centre “Livestock Gentec”, soit “Analyse des coûts et des bénéfices des outils de la génomique pour l’industrie bovine de l’Alberta”. Veuillez considérer que certains des poids économiques semblent très importants, cela étant dû à la manière de les présenter. Par exemple, le GMQ post-sevrage est estimé à 238 $, ce qui signifie que pour chaque kilogramme de gain par jour, entre le sevrage et leur finition, l’animal vous fera économiser 238 $. En comparaison, le poids adulte de la vache est estimé à -0.22 $, indiquant alors que pour chaque kilogramme supplémentaire du poids adulte, le coût annuel net serait de 0.22 $, ou bien 0.10 $ par livre.

Au niveau de l’amélioration génétique obtenue en incorporant les analyses d’ADN, on fait davantage de gain d’efficacité pour les caractères possédant une faible valeur d’héritabilité, c’est-à-dire ceux-là qui sont difficiles à mesurer ou encore qui ne peuvent pas être mesurés chez de jeunes animaux. Lorsqu’un testage de l’ADN sera effectué, on obtiendra une réponse bien supérieure de sélection pour n’importe lequel de ces caractères, car il est très difficile de sélectionner les sujets supérieurs seulement par l’examen des données de mesures phénotypiques. À titre d’exemples, l’ASC effectue présentement du travail sur des caractères tels que l’efficacité alimentaire résiduelle (difficile à mesurer), la fertilité (impossible à mesurer chez des animaux n’ayant pas atteint la maturité sexuelle) et le gras intramusculaire (faible héritabilité). Tous ces caractères ont une grande importance économique et, au cours des prochains mois, je vais m’attarder davantage sur les valeurs monétaires associées avec ces caractères et en quoi ils peuvent contribuer au progrès des éleveurs Simmental.


A Simmental Country E-Blast!

Contact Margo or Jane for more information on Simmental Country Eblasts Margo Cartwright Phone: 403-250-5255

Jane Crawford Phone: 519-287-5286

w w w. s i m m e n t a l c o u n t r y. c o m


Thank You... to everyone who has supported GJR genetics in the past and to all the bidders and buyers at our “End of an Era � Sale who made it a huge success. Hope to see you down the road... GJR Simmentals Ross & Marilyn Jansen & Family Box 4, Beechy, SK S0L 0C0 P: 306-859-4540 3 mi. north and 11 mi. west of Beechy


IPU 191A



Red Western X Red Ace

Liner 56U X Black Joker


Code Red X Specialist


(306) 969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900


Horizon X Exciter

IPU 109A

Lotto X Nugget 28

Annual Spring Bull & Female Sale

Guest Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms The Fornwalds, Lampman, SK (306) 487-2557

Box 72, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0

Fullblood F.F. Radium X Laredo



In 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014 1:00 p.m. at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK

Lotto X Ribeye


tte Ba • DVD of Sale Bulls Available

IPU 145A

Marksman X Accelerator


Esposito X Stubby

Sale Offering • 80 SIMMENTAL BEEF BULLS Reds & Blacks


Reds & Black View CATALOGUE online at:


Poker Face X Tank 1U


Lotto X Black Joker

IPU 312Z

November 29, 2012 Horizon X Red Chief

IPU 309Z

November 13, 2012 Horizon X Red Chief


Horizon X Powerline


Horizon X Red Label


Horizon X Accelerator


Horizon X Gunner

Sales Consultants:

Wilf Davis - Brandon, MB (204) 834-2479 Cell: (204) 841-0211

Scott: (403) 370-3010 Geoff: (306) 731-7921 Daryl: (403) 363-9973

Marc Boisvert – St. Germain, QC (819) 395-5502 Cell: (819)314-0367 Call BARRY for Catalogues, Up To Date EPD’s And Videos

IPU 162A

Liner 56U X Heavy Weight


Tanker X Quattro

Shane Michelson (403) 363-9973


Shear Force X Liner 56U


Lotto X Extra Effort

IPU 171A

Horizon X Soder State

IPU 313Z

November 30, 2012 Full Throttle X Black Joker

IPU 322Z

December 6, 2012 Full Throttle X Black Joker 29


occidiosis can be one of the most frustrating diseases to treat in your young beef calves. If not caught early death losses can be as high as 20% and many calves will have enough intestinal damage to make them poor doers for life. Coccidiois has a long life cycle and the oocyst (like an egg) is very resistant to the environment and disinfectants making prevention even more complicated. Many articles have been written about coccidiosis over the years and much has been improved upon regarding prevention because of very good coccidiostats which can be given to the cows ahead of calving or calves in the feedlot. Coccidiosis is spread via the fecal oral route and undergoes a 2128 day cycle. During this cycle this protozoa multiplies mainly in the large intestine causing often irreparable damage and scarring to the intestinal lining. This is why one of the first clinical signs can be a dark tarry diarrhea from bleeding into the intestine and this blood being partially digested before it is expelled. In severe cases straining from the irritation can even result in prolapsed rectums. For every clinical case there are many subclinical cases affecting performance and this may carry on for the life of the animal. Keep in mind these clinical cases will shed thousands upon thousands of these oocysts into the environment (calving area) for other calves to pick up. Calves being inquisitive are always picking at manure or drinking stagnant water the two main sources of the oocysts. A confirmed diagnosis can be made by your veterinarian looking at a manure sample and doing a float to check for these oocysts. This test is the same one used to determine the worm load in your herd. Bear in mind in severe cases clinical signs will show up before the life cycle is completed so initially no oocysts are found. Treatment involves sulfa drugs and products to sooth the gut such as activated charcoal or kaopectate but check on the latest treatments available. I like to finish the treatment with long acting sulfa boluses such as calf-span to make sure the infection is truly over but since a lot of these drugs may be prescription discuss with your herd veterinarian their recommendations. In severe cases veterinarians may need to give a long lasting epidural (tail block) and put the calves on intravenous fluids. Prognosis is very guarded by this stage for the calf returning to normal productivity or even survival. Remember for every clinical case in the herd there are numerous subclinical ones. Manage to prevent involves manure cleaning in-between calving seasons and spreading it on grain land such as we recommend for other transmissible cattle diseases such as Johne’s disease. Try and clean out manure early enough so the drying by the summer sun will kill off additional organisms. Giving the cow-calf pairs as much room as possible is of great benefit. This is why you will rarely see this disease with producers who calve later on grass providing lots of space per cow-calf pair. Any clinical cases should be isolated with their mothers to prevent further spread to the rest of the calves. Clinical disease is the combination of other stresses the calf is under such as concurrent diseases like scours, pneumonia or navel infection and the number of coccidian oocysts the calf is exposed to. Treatment for prevention is where the cattle industry has made the most advancement in recent years. Coccidiosis in the feedlot used to be a major economic disease especially in the warmer southern U.S. climates where cattlemen don’t have the benefits of freezing. Freezing does not destroy the oocysts but it at least keeps them in suspended animation


frozen in the cow patties. This at least interrupts the life cycle. With the advent of ionophores such as Monensin (Rumensin) not only do you get the benefits of improved weight gains, feed efficiency and bloat control they are a proven coccidiostat (coccidian killer). The use of these and or similar products in the feedlot has greatly reduced clinical cases of coccidiosis both the diarrhea form and the much rarer nervous form. The nervous form can come in an outbreak and resembles polio, ITEME and other nervous disorders. The cycle starts because most mature cows have very low levels of oocysts they are shedding into the environment. They are immune to clinical disease and it does not affect their productivity yet they are exposing their calves to it. Our attack at preventing coccidiosis in the cow-calf sector is two fold. We can treat the cows before and during the calving season with these ionophores (they are safe in pregnant cows at recommended levels) and preventative measures can be started with the calves as soon as they start creep feeding. With a lot of producers using total mixed rations now in silage the ionophore such as Rumensin can be mixed in the ration starting 30 days before calving. This insures treatment for an entire cycle so when cows are moved into the clean calving area they are not contaminating it. The normal levels of these ionophores should be continued throughout the calving period. You can also mix these products in free choice mineral or use a specific coccidiostat like Deccox but do this under consultation with your herd veterinarians or nutritionist. Consumption is variable and sporadic with this approach and because it is not the recommended form of delivery you will need a veterinary prescription. Deccox is a coccidiostat that also works in all stages of the life cycle so even if clinical cases are just starting it may be effective. Our local feed mill has it mixed in with the creep ration and we have our producers use it in creep rations until the calves go to pasture. Generally cases show up in the month to six week range just about the time calves are becoming interested in creep feed. Our clinic even tried prescripting it into molasses blocks as young calves seemed to more readily consume these. It was more awkward and more producers like the convenience of the creep feed in bags to always keep fresh product out. A producer “Edith Fontaine” in St. Paul Alberta has a novel and I think very effective way of getting the Deccox into young calves. She mixes 6% deccox premix at the rate of 4 cups per gallon of mineral or 2 cups per gallon of diatomaceous earth in the creep area for the calves. As they start licking they inadvertently take in the product. Deccox is very safe but again pass this by your veterinarian before using it. Having these creep areas keeps inquisitive calves away from licking dirt, manure and drinking stagnant water all major sources of coccidian. The snow upon melting washes through manure packs and causes high concentrations of the oocysts in the stagnant water. Try your utmost to not allow young calves access to this stagnant water, as the oocyst levels could be high. By using these preventative measures we should be able to all but eliminate this devastating disease from our calves. Remember for every case you treat there are several subclinical ones robbing the calf of its true performance. Always be on the alert for new advancements in the treatment of both the protozoan diarrheal diseases coccidiosis and cryptosporidiosis.

95A MRL Integrity X Black Edition

42A MRL Integrity X TNT Top Cut


LFE Casino X 570U Donor



LFE Bundi X Hurricane

MRL Integrity X Black Edition



MRL Integrity X Freedom

MRL Integrity X BBS Red Eye


139A MRL Destination X Gunner

MRL Destination X Black Edition

IPU Red Western X MRL Storm

MRL Integrity X Black Edition


MRL Destination X Power Surge



128A MRL Seismic X Red Force

46A LFE Casino X Good A Nuff


A shworth F arm & R anch 11 th A nnual B ull S ale

A t the F arm - 8 M iles S of O ungre (H wy #35), 2.5 M iles E or 2 M iles N of P ort of F ortuna , ND and 2.5 M iles E

M arch 3, 2014 - 1:00 pm - L unch A t N oon


Farm & Ranch Ltd. Kelly & Janice Ashworth Box 53, Oungre, SK S0C 1Z0 (306) 456-2749

KWA 253A Broker X Limited Black

KWA 52A Full Throttle X Power Surge

KWA 86A Integrity X Biss Toby

KWA 1A Kop True North X Steve French

KWA 381A Rampage X Top Gun

KWA 67A Integrity X Red Teddy

Kelly (c): (306) 861-2013 Kyle (c): (306) 861-9352 Owen (c): (306) 861-9044 Email:

Box 1409, Crossfield, AB T0W 0S0 Office Phone: (403) 946-4999 Brian’s Cell: (403) 813-7999 Doug’s Cell: (403) 635-1840 Brent’s Cell: (403) 773-6392

O n O ffer 65 R ed & B lack S immental B ulls

One Time Offer 4 X 50 D ose P acks R ed M ountain semen . T here will be no more sold . P roceeds to STARS. 32

KWA Fly F Red Mountain 16Z

The Horizon

has never looked better...... CMS Keystone 332A

10th Annual Bull Spectrum Sale

March 4, 2014 at Innisfail Auction Mart

MAF R Horizon x CMS 112Y (Crosby)

CMS Skyline 311A

Consigning 25 red & black bulls, including these exciting Horizon sons who are definitely herd bull material

CMS Skywalker 305A

MAF R Horizon x CMS 601S

(Wheatland Inferno)

MAF R Horizon x CMS 42R (Starquest)



South-Western Pulled Beef

Pulled Beef is the perfect food for après ski, après skate and for watching the Olympics (or Superbowl) – and since it is done in the slow cooker, it is especially easy on the cook! Enjoy this pulled beef pot roast with baked or mashed potatoes. Leftovers can become several next-day lunch or dinner options – try the Quick Quesadillas!

South-Western Pulled Beef 2 tbsp (30 mL) ............Vegetable oil 4 lb (2 kg) ...................Beef Cross Rib or Boneless Blade Pot Roast 1 cup (250 mL) ...........Beef broth 28 oz (796 mL) can .....EACH crushed tomatoes and whole tomatoes 1 pouch ......................Onion soup mix 2 tbsp (30 mL) ............EACH tomato paste, chili powder and ground cumin ¼ tsp (1 mL) ...............EACH black and cayenne pepper 2 tbsp (30 mL) ............All-purpose flour 1.

Heat oil in Dutch oven or heavy deep skillet over medium-high heat; brown beef all over, turning with tongs. Transfer to slow-cooker. Drain fat.


Reduce heat to medium. Add broth, tomatoes, onion soup mix, tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, black pepper and cayenne to Dutch oven. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, stirring up any brown bits. Pour over beef. Cover and cook on low setting for 8 to 10 hours until beef is fork-tender.


Skim fat from liquid. Leave meat in sauce, remove twine. Whisk flour into 1/4 cup (50 mL) cold water; whisk into sauce in slow-cooker. Cover and cook on high, stirring once, until thickened, about 15 minutes. Use two forks to pull the beef into shreds.

Left-over Options Hot Beef Sandwhiches: Heat some Pulled Beef in microwave or saucepan. Spoon over split sub buns and top with ready-made coleslaw OR pan-fried onions and sliced pickled jalapeño peppers. Serve with green salad or raw veggies and dip. Quick Quesadillas: Spoon 1/2 cup (125 mL) Pulled Beef on half of 1 large flour tortilla; top beef with some shredded Cheddar cheese and sliced pickled jalapeño peppers. Fold tortilla over filling; repeat with 3 more tortillas. Bake on parchment paper-lined baking sheet in 400°F (200°C) oven, turning once, until golden, about 8 minutes per side. Makes 4 servings. Taco Time: Heat some Pulled Beef in microwave or saucepan; spoon into warmed taco shells or flour tortillas with your favourite taco fixings. Mexican Shepherd’s Pie: In 9 x 13-inch (3 L) baking dish, combine 4 cups (1 L) Pulled Beef, 1 can (19 oz/540 mL) EACH chili-style stewed tomatoes and kidney beans (drained and rinsed) and 2 cups (500 mL) frozen corn. Top with 4 cups (1 L) mashed potatoes (homemade or 1 pkg/907 g ready-made). Bake in 350°F (180°C) oven until heated through, about 30 minutes. Pulled Beef Chili: In saucepan, combine 4 cups (1 L)EACH South-Western Pulled Pot Roast and sauce and 1 can (19 oz/540 mL)kidney beans, drained and rinsed and 1 can (19 oz/540 mL) stewed tomatoes (chili-style if possible) and 1-1/2 cups ( 375 mL) frozen or canned corn. Heat over medium heat to warm through, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes. Makes 7 cups (1.75 L)

Join the club. It’s free! Sign up for Make it Beef Club to get more easy good-for-you meal ideas. Visit




130 Bulls On Offer, Most Homo Polled

March 6, 2014 1:00 PM

Spring Creek Ranch Moosomin, SK

BSCC 46A SC Lotto 52Y x KS Bravado - Homo Polled, Hetero Black


SC Lotto 52Y x Lazy S Red 236M - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 27A SC Lotto 52Y x SC Liner 104S - Homo Polled

BSCC 18A HAR Wallbanger 111X x DOY Mr Red 749P - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 38A SC Lotto 52Y x Sand Ranch Hand - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 99A SC Lotto 52Y x SC Liner 104S - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

Craig & Karla Davidson & Family

Box 2680, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 • PH: 204.761.5991 • Follow us on Twitter- @BlackSandCattle 36

Simmentals, Angus and Sim/Angus Enhance your purchase with our Customer Care Programs - Check them out online!


MBJ 31A Poker Face x Line Drive - Homo Polled, Homo Black

SC All In 155Y x Line Drive- Homo Polled, Homo Black

MBJ 903A

MBJ 81A SC Lotto 52Y x Line Drive - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

MBJ 63A Power Play 102Y x Line Drive - Homo Polled

SC All In 155Y x (TNT Knockout x Line Drive) -Homo Polled, Homo Black

MBJ 55A Power Play 102Y x SC Tank 57P - Homo Polled

Brian McCarthy & Family

Box 467, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 PH: 306.435.3590 • Cell: 306.435.7527 • 37


1st Annual

Next generation

March 8, 2014 Lloydminster, SK

Lloyd EX grounds, 1:00 pm

Bull Sale TFL Commander 32A

S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: PRL Houston 005H

TFL Crossfire 50A

S: Double Bar D Spit Fire 20X DS: CEN Laredo 519L

TFL Hemi 4A

S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: WS Beefmaker R13

“King of the Ring” Champion Over All Breeds Lloydminster Stockade Round-Up

1st In Class at Agribition 2013

Red Willow Ranch

TFL Toro 68A

S: Champs Wallace DS: PRL Houston 005H

Catalogue available online at

Formerly “Tyler Farms”

The Tyler Family Box 542, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0 Josh Tyler • C: 306-390-7745 • Darren Tyler • P: 306-398-2811 • C: 306-398-7554 • 39

KASK 348A Wheatland Octane 169Y x Top Cut

TSN 11A Broker x ACS Primetime


KASK 351A Wheatland Octane 169Y x Dynamite Black

Wheatland Octane 169Y x Rapid Fire

MEM 305A MRL Destination 91Y x HAAS Ranch U42

KASK 313A Wheatland Pioneer 60X x Good Enough

Sons of these herdsires sell...

MJ Redland 1X


Downey 505W

ACS Tundra 110Y

FGAF Dragon 029A

s 028A

dnes FGAF Ma

FGAF agbusiness 045A

FGAF Epic 034A

FGAF swe et poney 981z

Yves et Diane Gagnon

426 route 315, Chénéville, Quebec J0V 1E0 Tel: 819-428-3502 Fax: 819-428-4967


March 17, 2014 Heartland Livestock - Lloydminster, SK

NCS MR Anchor 7A

NCS MR Appollo 38A

S: Appollo DS: BHL Western 36R

S: Tanker DS: Black maximizer

ome You are welc ulls to view the b prior at the farm, to sale day

NCS MR Arizona 32A

S: El Toro DS: MJ Red Rock

Thank you to our 2013 Bull B uyers

We would like to thank

BARRY & RENITA SAUNDERS BOX 285, BORDEN, SK S0K 0N0 Phone: 306 997-4427 Cell: 306 230-3123

View catalogue online at Bohrson Marketing Services website at: 42

Labatte Simmentals, Fore See Cattle Co, R Plus Simmentals, Mike Kunec and North Hill Simmentals

who supported us at the Mid-Western


JHSN 9137Z


Selling 60 Simmental yearling and 3 two year old bulls along with a select set of replacement heifers

View the catalogue online at


Scissors Creek Cattle Co.

Sun Rise Simmentals

Mark & Jennalee Beutler P: 306-735-4434 C: 306-735-7841 E:

Evan & Linda Cuss P: 306-534-4700 C: 306-745-7431 E:

Johnson Stock Farms

Flying F Ranch

Prairie Wind Farms Ltd.

Tableland Cattle Co.

Lyall & Konleigh Johnson P: 306-224-4272 C: 306-736-7877 E: Wes & Brian Mack Wes: P: 306-634-4410 C: 306-421-1853 Brian: P: 306-634-4431 C: 306-421-2938 E:

Mike and Carla Fellner P: 306-842-1816 C: 306-861-2186 E: Wade & Heather Brokenshire P: 306-634-5535 C: 306-421-7967 E: 43


10th Anniversary

Focus on the Future Bull Sale

Selling 30 Red & Black Simmental Herd Builders - Purebred & Simm Angus Wheatland Bull 364A

Lock N Load X Wheatland Lady 752T

Wheatland Circuit Breaker 325A

Tried - Tested - True Wheatland High Voltage X Wheatland Lady 81X

Wheatland Bull 319A

Wheatland High Octane X Wheatland Lady 168Y

In The Ring - In The Pasture - In The Progeny

All Grand Champion Females at the 4 major shows sired by different Wheatland bulls.

Vernon, Denise, Riley & Cody-Ray Lafrentz Ph: 306.634.7765 Cell: 306.421.2297 Email:

View the catalogue online at


Women in Simmental Country:

“The Behnke Sisters” Juanita owns and operates Indian River Cattle Co. (IRCC) with her husband Billy and their two children, Owen (13) and Katie (11). Located east of Peterborough at Indian River, ON, their operation consists of 55 Simmental and 90 Polled Hereford cows. They also run a sales management and custom fitting business. “We started nineteen years ago with two cows and one heifer calf, which was the wedding present from Mom and Dad,” Juanita recalls. “The traditional first anniversary gift is paper, so on our first anniversary Bill handed me the registration certificate for another Simmental cow. She was my namesake, and actually the resulting calf from performing my first AI service.”


n 1971, Larry and Florence Behnke established Flo-Lar Farms in the Ottawa Valley near Pembroke, Ontario where they raised Simmental cattle and a family of four daughters. The girls were very involved with the farm while they were growing up, and for a wedding gift each daughter was given their choice of that year’s Flo-Lar heifer calf crop. “When you marry a Behnke, you marry Simmental!” was a family saying. Today, three of the four Behnke sisters remain active in the Simmental business: Juanita Elmhirst, Tracy MacIntyre, and Jane Crawford. Each was successful in adding the Simmental breed to their spouses’ family operations, and the sisters are a force to be reckoned with in show rings across Ontario. The friendly competition between siblings at major exhibitions like the Royal Winter Fair only makes them better cattle breeders, they say, and it has always been family first, cows second. Juanita Elmhirst


The IRCC herd continues to grow, and has seen many successes since then. In December 2008, the Elmhirsts hosted Canada’s first internet calf sale, an accomplishment that earned them an Ontario Excellence in Innovation Award. “My kids were small at that time and I was looking for a new way to stay involved since I couldn’t spend as much time in the barn,” Juanita says of the first internet sale. “The learning curve was steep, but we have found success in combining social media and internet promotion to the advertising we do in Simmental Country.

We seem to spend every waking moment marketing!” When it comes to Juanita’s roles on the farm, she does it all. “I’m mom and wife first. Then record keeper, catalogue designer, photographer, AI technician, vet, fitter, showman, public relations, cook, fencer, cow chaser, etc.”

Before family and farming full-time, Juanita earned a diploma in Agriculture Business and Nutrition from the University of Guelph. She worked across North America as a fitter, exhibiting both beef and dairy cattle. The show ring remains an important marketing tool, and Juanita says winning the Simmental Premier Breeder award at the Royal Winter Fair for seven consecutive years is one of her proudest accomplishments. Juanita has served as a director of the Ontario Simmental Association (OSA) and spent four years as OSA secretary. In this position, she designed and launched the OSA webpage, which she continues to manage. Juanita is leader of the local 4-H beef club, and the Elmhirsts will host their 5th annual on-farm “Source for Success” bull sale in March 2014. Tracy MacIntyre

Tracy owns and operates Xcel Livestock with her husband Kevin and their daughter Morgan (12). While appreciating her family’s interest in agriculture, Tracy chose to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree and then went on to earn a Chartered Accountant’s designation. For the last 15 years, Tracy has worked at Export Development Canada (EDC) and is currently a Senior Portfolio Manager in their Treasury Department.

Despite not pursuing an agricultural education and career, her interest in the cattle business did not wane. In 1995, Tracy and Kevin purchased their farm in the Ottawa region, creating a home for Xcel Livestock. “Xcel is the herd name I picked at twelve years old when I joined YCS,” Tracy says. “Kevin brought Angus cows to our marriage, and the heifer calf we picked from Mom and Dad’s herd in 1999 as our wedding gift was the foundation of our Simmental program.”

Today the Xcel herd consists of 15 registered Simmental and 7 Angus cows. “With off-farm jobs, we want low numbers but extremely high quality,” says Tracy. “Nonetheless, our herd has grown over the last five years. In our effort to offer to a quality product, we seek out unique genetics that can deliver in the show ring as well as on the rail.” As an infant, Tracy and Kevin’s daughter was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS). The couple founded aHUS Canada, a nonprofit advocacy group for patients suffering with the disease. “Our lives have revolved around Morgan’s doctors and hospitals, with weekly visits up until recently,” Tracy shares. “But Morgan is very involved with the farm and loves showing. We have to negotiate with her on every animal that is sold off the place!” When asked about her relationship with her sisters growing up, Tracy shares show ring stories. “Juanita and I are closest in age and she beat me all the time. Her role was the good jobs like clipping – my role was the dirty work like washing and blowing. Sally (our only sister working outside agriculture) is six years younger and it didn’t take her long to start beating me. Last born was “Baby” Jane, eleven years younger… Her first year in 4-H was my last, and when she beat me in showmanship I decided it was time to retire!” Tracy didn’t exactly “retire” though. Her current role on the farm includes a little bit of everything. She handles all of the office work and is hands-on with the cattle. The MacIntyres exhibit their genetics extensively in Eastern Canada. Now that Morgan is old enough, they also attend a number of junior shows. One of Tracy’s proudest accomplishments was breeding, raising and exhibiting Grand Champion Simmental Bull at the Royal Winter Fair in 2010 and then selling him to Semex. Another of her favorite moments was exhibiting Supreme Champion Female at Expo Boeuf in Quebec; a female who traces back to Tracy and Kevin’s wedding gift heifer. When it comes to the success of Xcel Livestock, Tracy credits her sisters. “Family will tell you how it is – the competition and constructive criticism between us has helped us constantly improve our herds.” Jane Crawford Jane owns and operates River Point Cattle Company (RPCC) with her husband, Reed, and their two daughters, Shelby 47

(3) and Josie (7 months). Their farm is located between London and Sarnia at Glencoe, ON and consists of both cattle and 900 acres of pasture, hay and row crops. Jane grew up with her own small Simmental herd, and this venture helped pay for her Diploma in Agriculture from the University of Guelph. She met Reed at a show when she was 14, and they started dating in college. When her parents sold their farm in 2002, Jane’s cows moved to Glencoe.

The Crawfords were Shorthorn breeders before Jane joined the family. “It took some persistence,” Jane admits, but the majority of Jane and Reed’s cow herd is now Simmental. “We calve 50 purebred Simmentals, 10 Angus and Simmental-Angus cross, and 10 Shorthorns. We also manage and board a herd of 25 Polled Hereford cows and work with my in-law’s Shorthorn herd of 65 cows”. Two years ago, Jane and Reed started their own annual internet production sale to market both males and females. RPCC also markets breeding stock by private treaty year-round. Jane is involved in all aspects of work on the farm. “Since our girls are so young I’m less hands-on with the cattle right now, and more involved with decision-making, marketing, photography, paperwork, and showing. Reed calls me ‘Momma-Boss’!” Jane

laughs. “And I have always said I was raised and live in the barn!” Her interests beyond the farmyard include working as the Eastern Canada sales representative for Simmental Country magazine and volunteering with 4-H and the local agricultural society. Jane has also served as an OSA director. “My fondest cattle memories are winning Grand Champion Simmental Female at the Royal in 1998 and then again in 2010. Juanita had the Reserve Champion Female in 2010, and Shelby was born just a few days after that show,” Jane says. “Beating my older sisters my first year of 4-H was also a highlight – but my sisters are still my best friends!”

Why Simmental? “The Simmental breed today is the complete package,” Juanita maintains. “It’s one of the few breeds that has a huge spread from birth to weaning. Simmental cattle maintain both maternal and paternal traits, making it easier to sell bulls and females into the commercial industry.” While Simmental has always been popular in the Ottawa Valley, Jane has seen the breed make great progress in Southwestern Ontario. “There are more and more Simmental breeders popping up, and commercial breeders are now starting to buy Simmental or Simmental-influenced bulls and females,” she says. “We’ve been selling out of Simmental bulls the last few years.” “Although the breed is thriving across Canada, we need to continue to educate the commercial cattle industry in Ontario about the changes in Simmental in terms of calving ease, vigor at birth, frame size and feed efficiency,” Juanita adds. “I think the role of genomics will help us recognize outliers in the breed sooner. Creation of a North American EPD will also make it easier to trade genetics back and forth across the border.” “The Canadian Simmental Association goes the extra mile for its members. It’s there for the promotion of the breed and works hard to keep costs low for producers,” Tracy believes. “Our fellow breeders, along with the rest of the industry and the 4-H program, have been so supportive of Morgan and her aHUS foundation.” All three sisters agree that the people in the Simmental breed are one of its greatest assets. Raising their children on the farm is also important to each of them. “Like our parents, I believe there is no better environment than agriculture to raise kids, in particular the cattle business,” Juanita affirms. Stay tuned for the next generation of Behnkes in the industry! By Trish Henderson


B.C. Interior Provincial Exhibition Show Results 2013 August 28 - September 1, 2013 | Judge: Scott Bodell, Sherwood Park, AB

Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

XBAR Allie 1A KRS Lady Anne

KRS Simmentals, Quesnel, BC KRS Simmentals, Quesnel, BC

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

SCSF Blk Cash Advanced 21Z KRS Blk Zen

Silver Creek Simmentals, Rosemary, AB KRS Simmentals, Quesnel, BC

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

RLC Hussy Temptress 1Y LGW Designer Label

Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB Lorne Webster, Abbotsford, BC

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

SCSF Blk Cash Advanced 21Z RLC Hussy Temptress 1Y

Silver Creek Simmentals, Rosemary, AB Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

RLC Freek Show 308A SCSF Red Ace 12A

Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB Silver Creek Simmentals, Rosemary, AB

Senior Champion Bull

Ultra Mr Northern Star

Tim Chalack, Carstairs, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Ultra Mr Northern Star RLC Freek Show 308A

Tim Chalack, Carstairs, AB Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

Breeder’s Herd

Southpaw Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB


Olds Fall Classic Show Results 2013 October 4, 2013 | Judge: Scott Bush, Britton, SD


Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

CHUB’s Flirtin For All 5 A Mader Dirty Martini 6A

Lundago Livestock, Sundre, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

SCSF BLK Cash Advance 21Z Harvie Ms Pepsi 262Z

Silver Creek Simmentals, Rosemary, AB Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Mader Iron Sugar 7X JT Opal 33Y

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB JT Livestock Ltd, Stettler, AB

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

CHUB’s Flirtin For All 5A Mader Iron Sugar 7X

Lundago Livestock, Sundre, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

Harvie Blazing Guns 147A Ultra Star Power 27A

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Junior Champion Bull

BMD Mr BLK Lone Rider

Daines Cattle, Innisfail, AB

Senior Champion Bull

Ultra Mr Northern Star 36Y

Tim Chalack, Carstairs, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Harvie Blazing Guns 147A BMD Mr BLK Lone Rider

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Daines Cattle, Innisfail, AB

Breeders Herd

Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Get of Sire

Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Expo Boeuf Show Results 2013

October 12, 2013 | Judge: Lee McMillen, Carievale, SK Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

Greyledge Behavin Badly Xcel Sheeza Ruby 407Z

David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, PQ Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Greyledge Miss Behavin Ruby’s Dream 130X

David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, PQ Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Greyledge Miss Behavin Ruby’s Dream 130X

David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, PQ Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Bull Calf Champion

Elm Tree Zander 11Z FGAF Epic Meal 948Z

Elm Tree Farms, Little Britain, ON Ferme Gagnon, Cheneville, PQ

Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull

IPU 52N Accelerator 210U FGAF Guerrero 810Y

Jean Francois Leblond, Armagh, PQ Claude Lemay, St-Gerard-Laurentide, PQ

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

IPU 52N Accelerator 210U FGAF Guerrero 810Y

Jean Francois Leblond, Armagh, PQ Claude Lemay, St-Gerard-Laurentide, PQ

Premier Exhibitor

Greyledge Simmentals, Cookshire, PQ

Premier Breeder

Greyledge Simmentals, Cookshire, PQ


Lloydminster Exhibition Show Results 2013 October 31, 2013 | Judge: Rob Garner, Simpson, SK


Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

City View 9W Arizona 302A M & S MS Soft Touch 14A

City View Simmentals, Calgary, AB M & S Cattle Co., Streamstown, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

Maplerose Miss Sweet Pea City View 27T Boss Lady 31Z

Peters Simmentals, Perdue, SK City View Simmentals, Calgary, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

NGDB Paprika 106Y MS BGS Black Wonder 11Y

Hoegl Livestock Ltd., Lloydminster, SK Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

NGDB Paprika 106Y MS BGS Black Wonder 11Y

HOEGL Livestock LTD., Lloydminster, SK Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

McIntosh No Equal 23A XS Atomic Load 3A

McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK Regan Schlacter, Humboldt, SK

Junior Champion Bull

M & S Mr Jack Daniels

M & S Cattle Co., Streamstown, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Mcintosh No Equal 23A XS Atomic Load 3A

McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK Regan Schlacter, Humboldt, SK

Premier Exhibitor

City View Simmentals, Calgary, AB

Premier Breeder

City View Simmentals, Calgary, AB

Royal Winter Fair Results 2013

November 2, 2013 | Judge: Rob Young, Breton, AB


Junior Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion

IRCC At A Girl 335A Jetstream Amaze 25A

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

Senior Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion

Barlee Abbey Road Academy Hill Apricot 8A

Barlee Farms, Shawville, QC Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

Maple Key Flirt Xcel Sheeza Ruby 407Z

Maple Key Farm, Port Elgin, ON Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Greyledge Miss Behavin Ruby’s Dream 130X

David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, QC Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Greyledge Miss Behavin Maple Key Flirt

David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, QC Maple Key Farm, Port Elgin, ON

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

RPCC BLK Admiral 210A Greyledge Black Cammo

River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON David and Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, QC

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

Elm Tree Zander 11Z Destiny Brawler

Elm Tree Farms, Little Britain, ON Destiny Simmentals, Meaford, ON

Senior Champion Bull

Donovandale Tuxedo

5-Star Livestock, Arthur, ON

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Elm Tree Zander 11Z RPCC BLK Admiral 210A

Elm Tree Farms, Little Britain, ON River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON

Breeder’s Herd

David & Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, QC

Get of Sire

River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON

Progeny of Dam

Xcel Livestock, Russell, ON

Premier Breeder

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

Premier Exhibitor

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

J. Handley and S. Williams, East Garafraxa, ON

Manitoba Livestock Expo 2013

November 3, 2013 | Judge: Don and Ryan Lundberg, Eastend, SK


Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

CMS Sundance 310A EGC Black Charm 25A

Czech-Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

KRGS Holly 221Z Maple Lake Miss Me 2002

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney, MB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Erixon Lady 126Y Double Bar D Lady Monique 194Y

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Hannah Simmentals, Didsbury, AB

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Erixon Lady 126Y CMS Sundance 310A

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Czech-Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

Come As U R Red Rocket 29A Erixon Revelstock 41A

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

MRL To The Max Maple Lake Zeus 2210

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney, MB

Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull

IPU Crosby 164Y Downey 103Y

Twin Meadow Livestock Farms, Treherne, MB Downey Farms, Coulter, MB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Come As U R Red Rocket 29A Erixon Revelstock 41A

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Breeder’s Herd

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Get of Sire

High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB

Farm Fair International Show Results 2013 November 7, 2013 | Judge: Brett Wildman, Sangudo, AB

Junior Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion

Mader Sweet Medicine 37A BLI Adele 340A

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB SIBL Simmentals, Cherhill, AB

Senior Heifer Calf Champion

RF/RU Flirtin 304A

Rancier Farms, Killam, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

RF Certainly Flirtin 202Z Ultra Miss 680 Candice 19Z

Rancier Farms, Killam, AB Ultra Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Mader Iron Sugar 7X RLC Hussy’s Temptress 1Y

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

RF Certainly Flirtin 202Z Mader Iron Sugar 7X

Rancier Farms, Killam, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Junior Bull Calf Champion Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion

MMWK No Limits 256A HPR Sherman 3A

Willow Creek Simmentals, Crooked Creek, AB Jodi Hampton Simmentals, Falun, AB

Senior Bull Calf Champion Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion

NGDB After Party 21A MMWK Southern Comfort 81A

Hoegl Livestock, Ltd., Lloydminster, SK Willow Creek Simmentals, Crooked Creek, AB

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

M&S Mr Jack Daniels 15Z BMD Mr BLK Lone Rider

T-D Livestock, Streamstown, AB Danes Cattle, Innisfail, AB

Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull

Skors Enticer 139Y CDP Milhouse 128Y

Severtson Land and Cattle, Red Deer County, AB Yellow Rose Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

M&S Mr Jack Daniels 15Z Skors Enticer 139Y

Ty-D Livestock, Streamstown, AB Severtson Land and Cattle, Red Deer County, AB

Breeder’s Herd

Willow Creek Simmentals, Crooked Creek, AB

Get of Sire

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB


Canadian Western Agribition Show Results 2013 November 13, 2013 | Judge: Justin Morrison, Radville, SK

Junior Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion


Wheatland Lady 374A Sunny Valley Hayley 55A

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Senior Heifer Calf Champion Mader Dirty Martini 6A Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion McIntosh Cleopatra 21A

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

Wheatland Lady 2104Z Harvie Ms Pepsi 262Z

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Mader P Iron Sugar 7X Erixon Lady 126Y

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Wheatland Lady 2104Z Mader P Iron Sugar 7X

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Junior Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

Wheatland Bull 310A Wheatland Bull 364A

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK

Senior Bull Calf Champion Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion

Come As U R Red Rocket SVS Milwaukee 53A

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

IRCC Zephyr 222Z MRL To The Max 70Z

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK

Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull

KBR Black Bull 132Y IPU Crosby 164Y

Tableland Cattle Co., Estevan, SK Wilcox Simmentals, Treherne, MB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Come As U R Red Rocket KBR Black Bull 132Y

Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK Tableland Cattle Co., Estevan, SK

Breeder’s Herd Progeny of Dam Get of Sire Premier Breeder Premier Exhibitor

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK




OSA News OSA would like to thank the following sponsors of the Banners at the 2013 Royal Winter Fair. Your support is appreciated. Bouchard Livestock International, Crossfield, AB Hallridge Simmentals - Dr. Everett and Marylon Hall, Owen Sound, ON Prospect Hill Simmentals - Andrew Schuller and Family, Granton, ON Leahy Stock Farms - Bernard and Lise Leahy and Family, Lakefield, ON Waydamar Simmentals - Dave and Gayle Milliner, Dundalk, ON Donovandale Farms - Gerald and Keitha Donovan, Ashton, ON Terry Lewis, Rockridge Simmentals, Russell, ON Delta Rho Farms, Welland, ON Bar 5 Stock Farms - Ron and Carla Nolan, Markdale, ON Flo-Lar Farms in memory of Larry Behnke Robson Acres - The Robson Family, Millbrook, ON Evergreen Odds - Norm Plume, Cardinal, ON Ferme Bischof in Memory of Beat Bischof, Roxboro, QC Destiny Simmentals - Todd and Karen Campbell, Meaford, ON V5 Simmentals in Memory of Bennie Vance, Kanata, ON Canadian Simmental Country, Calgary, AB Burns Simmental - Sterling and Mona Burns, Perth, ON Indian River Cattle Company - Billy and Juanita Elmhirst, Indian River, ON Alliance Simmentals Farms - Mike McCart, North Gower, ON Ottawa Valley Simmental Club Poplar Simmentals - Kevin Howatt, Ashburn, ON Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Wild Oak Farms - Hank, Tina and Brandon Hiddink, Bloomfield, ON Gravandale Simmentals, Wellesley, ON Black River Farms - Dan and Janet Munro, Sutton, ON Arkacy Simmentals - Russell Code, Perth Road, ON BIO, Guelph, ON. O’Brien Farms - Dan O’Brien, Winchester, Ont. Maple Key Farms, Port Elgin, Ontario NAPA Auto Parts, Cambridge, Ontario

Ontario Young Canadian Simmental Association Results Showmanship Peewee- Faythe Barkley • Novice- Reegan Sawyer • Junior- Nicole Giles • Intermediate- Angeline Sullivan • Senior- Ashley McNevan Champion Showperson- Angeline Sullivan Reserve Champion Showperson- Ashley McNevan Conformation Heifer Calf- Craig Matthews with Rosemead Amaretto Yearling female- Katie Falconer with Maple Key Flirt Bred & Owned Yearling- Brittany Barkley with Hi-Tech Zaira 2 yr old cow- Kaylea Donovan with JF Ebony’s Joy 1217Y Mature cow- Morgan MacIntyre with Ruby’s Dream 130X Grand Champion Female- Morgan MacIntyre with Ruby’s Dream 130X Reserve Champion Female- Katie Falconer with Maple Key Flirt Champion Bull- Andreanna Sullivan with Sully’s Triple A Reserve Champion Bull- Brittany Barkley with Hi-Tech Amaretto Overall Aggregate Points Peewee- Faythe Barkley • Novice- Emma Falconer • Junior- Nicole Giles • Intermediate- Vivian Batty •Senior- Brittany Barkley Clair Sullivan generously donated a heifer to raise funds for OSA youth programs. The heifer was consigned to the Elite Sale at the 2013 Royal and was purchased by a consortium of three Breeders. Thank you to Hi Tech Farms (Larry and Rhonda Barkley), Elm Tree Farms (Glenn and Pamela Wotten), and Kingfield Farms (Charles and Michael Burns).

OSA Annual General Meeting, March 1, 2014 at 1:30 PM Best Western, Peterborough, ON. Royal Winter Fair - Toronto, ON Grand Champion Female

Reserve Grand Champion Female

Grand Champion Bull

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Greyledge Miss Behavin David & Marilyn Grey Cookshire, Quebec

Maple Key Flirt Maple Key Farm Port Elgin, Ontario

Elm Tree Zander 11Z Elm Tree Farms Little Britain, Ontario

RPCC BLK Admiral 210A River Point Cattle Co. Glencoe, Ontario

Debbie Elliott - Treasurer T: 519-345-2785 60

V i s i t o u r n e w w e b s i t e at m b s i m m e nta l . c o m

Trevor Vance Scholarship Recipient Cathryn has been involved with Simmental cattle her whole life and is currently on the executive board for the Alberta Young Canadian Simmental Association. She enjoys showing Simmental cattle at 4-H shows, local fairs and at the Alberta YCS shows. She has been actively involved with her 4-H club and is now in her 11th year of 4-H beef club. She is also an avid volunteer in her community. Cathryn is in her second year of a BSc. in Agriculture majoring in Animal Science at the University of Alberta. After obtaining her degree she hopes to work in the cattle industry preferably as a beef specialist

or working with a cattle breed organization. She also plans to continue her education by pursuing a degree in education in the future. “I appreciate the generosity of the Vance Family, Canadian Simmental Belles, CSA, GSSF and all those who make these scholarships available for Simmental enthusiasts like me who are pursuing a postsecondary education. This scholarship has helped alleviate financial stress as well as it allows me to devote my time to school and extracurricular activities rather than to a part time job.� Thank you, Cathryn Thompson


2013 Dr. Allan Dixon Memorial Scholarship Recipients Victoria grew up in the city of Scarborough before moving to the small town of Millbrook, Ontario. She first got involved in the agriculture industry through 4-H which led her to joining the YCSA program and working on a local Simmental farm (Robson Acres). Her love for the agriculture industry grew quickly. She started showing Simmental cattle in 2006 and has been ever since. She had the unique privilege of winning the 2009 Ontario Simmental Association donation heifer; which led her to start building her own herd of Simmental cattle. Her love for animals and the strong, positive and supportive influence of Dr. Neal Robson directed her to attending the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus where she is currently studying to be a Veterinary Technician.

Victoria McEldon

“When I complete the 3 year Vet Tech. diploma I hope to continue studying for an additional year in the large animal field. Once I have completed school I hope to work with large animals. Someday I hope to purchase my own farm and be able to expand my herd. Thank you to the Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation for their contribution to my education.” Bethany is a proud part of Little Willow Creek Ranch that her family owns and operates at Frenchman Butte, Saskatchewan. Agriculture and the cattle business has been a very important part of Bethany’s life and she has spent most of it working side by side with her family whether they were working with cattle; branding, calving, sorting, feeding, or in the fields driving truck for silaging and harvesting. She has been proud to promote the Simmental breed in 4-H for 11 years. Bethany held various positions in their local beef club over the years and is still involved with the 4-H club this year. As well as her involvement on the farm and 4-H, Bethany teaches swimming lessons every summer and plays softball and basketball. She is currently in the college of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. She may be a city girl for the next five years but her heart will always be on the farm!

Bethany Harland

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Garth Sweet Simmental Foundation for awarding me with one of this year’s Dr. Allan Dixon Memorial Scholarships. I am very honored and grateful to have been chosen as a recipient of this prestigious award. Thank you to the Directors, Members, and the Staff of the Canadian Simmental Association; it is an honor to be part of such a great organization.” Practically born into the Central Lacombe 4-H Beef Club, Kathleen has been in love with cows all of her life. At the age of 10 she purchased her first purebred Simmental heifer, and from there her herd continued to grow. She is a member of the YCSA program. Kathleen has been an active member in 4-H, holding many executive positions and having the honour to help represent the province as an Ambassador. When not on the farm you could usually find Kathleen at the arena where she played and coached Ringette. Kathleen has had the pleasure of volunteering with the Classroom Agriculture Program where she was able to help educate Grade 4 students in how and where their food is grown. Kathleen is currently attending the University of Saskatchewan, in her first year of Animal Sciences with all hopes of becoming a veterinarian. She also hopes to become a member of the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders program and to continue to develop her Simmental herd.

Kathleen Murphy

“I greatly appreciate being awarded the Dr. Allan A. Dixon Memorial Scholarship, and hope to be able to honour his memory.”

For more information contact:

Canadian Simmental Association #13, 4101-19th St. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 Tel: (403) 250-7979 Fax: (403) 250-5121 62

Sale Results Ferme Gagnon

Cheneville, PQ September 28, 2013 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Pick of Bull Calves Semen Embryos Sale Total


8 30 1 1 2 42

Average $2,537.50 $4,730.00 $10,000.00 $3,350.00 $2,100.00 $4,279.76


High Selling Lots Lot 8- FGAF Kananaskis 947Z S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Buyer: Rust Mountain View Ranch


Bar L7 Dispersal Innisfail, AB October 4, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Live Lots Embryos Flushes

59 39 2

Sale Total






Bar 5 Extravaganza Sale

Markdale, ON October 5, 2013 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Cow/Calf Pairs Cows Recips Semen Sale Total

Lots 30 34 5 36 17 1 123


Lot 49 - PHS Polled Zowie S: BLI Warlord 915W DS: Dora Lee Keswick Consignor: Prospect Hill Simmentals Buyer: Starwest Farms

Lot 50- Pick of the 2013 Bull Calves Buyer: Dora Lee Genetics


Lot 5- FGAF Justice 909Z S: Champs Trilogy DS: Nawina Global P Buyer: Bar 5 Simmental Stock Farms


Lot 7- FGAF Kananaskis 944Z S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Buyer: Virginia Ranch


Lot 9- FGAF Kananaskis 946Z S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Buyer: Rand-Mar Management


Lot 1- OLF Otis Y43 S: OLF Odin U5 DS: TNT Gunner N208 Buyer: 7M Livestock


Lot 3- Remington Miss Knight S: Remington On Target 2S DS: SV Charlies Applause Buyer: Gary Rairdan



Lot 52- Sibelle Sansa 19Z S: BBBG Bradock 2T DS: Smithbuilt Freightliner 91J Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Buyer: Prospect Hill Simmentals


Lot 51- Sibelle Nemesis 17L S: Virginia Walker 97W $2,360.00 DS: BFP Bolagi N522E $4,933.00 Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Buyer: Ferme B.M.S. $2,880.00 $2,842.00 Lot 22- Bar 5 SA Ilka 806Z $2,364.00 S: Leeupoort Brits $1,500.00 DS: Holzer 1DA $3,227.00 Consignor: Bar 5 Stock Farms Ltd. Buyer: Jeff Knox, Bowral, NSW Australia



Lot 22- Double Bar D Penny 13Y S: TNT Tanker U263 DS: TNT Accelerator S226 Buyer: Rod Hannah



High Selling Lots

$15, 000.00

$2,895.00 $671.00 Lot 18- Remington Honey 45U $3,975.00 S: KS The Duke S30 DS: SHS Navigator N2B $2,193.00 Buyer: Downey Farms

High Selling Lots Lot 12- CDY Signature Red S: IPU Revolution 172U DS: MRL Talladega 15S Buyer: Hampton

Lot 1- FGAD Chanel 936Z S: Champs Trilogy DS: JB CDN Hennessy 5005 Buyer: Double Bar D

Lot 46- PHS Zinfandel S: BLI Warlord 915W DS: Bar 5 SA Harrach 801P Consignor: Prospect Hill Simmentals Buyer: Well’s Crossing Cattle Co.





Sale Results WLB Livestock 1st Internet Simmental Female Sale October 21, 2013 Sale hosted by

Sale Summary Sale Total

Lots 9





High Selling Lots Lot 1- WLB 223W Gwen 420A S: Hart Good TIme 223W DS: IPU Black Label 156S Buyer: Shannon Pirlot


Kopp Farms Simmentals Complete Red & Black Cowherd Dispersal Amaranth, MB October 28, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg and Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Black Bred Heifers Black Bred Cows Black Herd Bulls Embryo Lot Fullblood Herd Bulls Red Bred Heifers Red Bred Cows Red Herd Bulls Semen Lot Sale Total

Lots 19 47 2 1 2 43 133 9 1 257




$4,187.00 $4,510.00 $13,125.00 $650.00 $11,750.00 $2,820.00 $3,022.00 $11,722.00 $1,800.00 $3,783.68

The Royal Elite All Breed Sale

Toronto, ON November 1, 2013 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Sale Total




High Selling Simmental Lots



Lot 8- WLB 47Y Fae 348A S: Sunny Valley Force 47Y DS: Wheatland Bull 462P Buyer: Hannah Simmentals


Lot 3- WLB 223W Gwen 385A S: Hart Good Time 223W DS: Wheatland Bull 462P Buyer: Dakota Braun


Lot 4- KOP Crosby 137W $36,000.00 S: Muirhead Live Wire 95R DS: R Plus 2169M Buyer: Bouchard Livestock/Bonchuk Farms Lot 235- KOP MS Tracker 49X S: CG Tracker 45T DS: Muirhead Like A Rock 1R Buyer: Beechinor Bros.


Lot 232- KOP MS Tracker 18X S: CG Tracker 45T DS: KOP Mr Midnight 114M Buyer: Silver Lake Simmentals


Lot 207- Harvie Moonshine 32Z S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: Silver Lake Simmentals


Lot 276- Virginia Radison 5Z S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: Smithbilt Molson 21M Buyer: Virginia Ranch


Lot 29- Koyle Amanda 15A S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X DS: SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Consignor: Koyle Farms Buyer: Matt Kent

Lot 24- Maple Key Mia S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Average Consignor: Maple Key Farm $3,371.43 Buyer: Muirhead Cattle Co.


Lot 31- Duncs Triple A S:CLO LTS Entourage 72T DS: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Consignor: Dunc’s Cattle Company Buyer: Seven-M Livestock

Lot 2- WLB 223W Gwen 437A S: Hart Good TIme 223W DS: WLB Blowout 366R 381T Buyer: Dequier Farms




Lot 30- Koyle Abraxis 32A S: Mr HOC Broker DS: 3C Mach M450 BZ Consignor: Koyle Farms Buyer: Wiser Heights Stock Farms


Lot 28- Cedar Creek Ally S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X DS: WLE Overload Consignor: Cedar Creek Simmentals Buyer: T&N Simmentals


Sale Results The National Trust Simmental Sale Chapter VI

Lot 6- CMS Sundance 310A S: MAF R Horizon 7Y DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Czech-Mate Simmentals Buyer: J R Simmentals


Lot 5- CMS Sharona 231Z S: Prairie Wind Red Wing 12W $5,974.00 DS: CMS Red Polled Icon 16P $6,078.00 Consignor: Czech-Mate Simmentals Buyer: Starwest Farms $3,750.00 $9,700.00 Lot 3- Starwest POL Abbie $5,000.00 S: Porters Reserve 20R $3,758.00 DS: Champs Bravo $4,150.00 Consignor: Starwest Farms $5,555.62 Buyer: Prospect Hill Simmentals


Brandon, MB November 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Cow Bull Pick Semen Embryo Lots Sale Total

Lots 17 9 1 1 1 6 2 37



High Selling Lots


Lot 21- Cherry Creek Rapid Fire 45Z S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Cherry Creek Farm Buyer: Ray J Simmentals

Headliner All Breed Sale

Edmonton, AB November 8, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary




Sale Total


High Selling Simmental Lot 21- Mader Blackgold S:Mader P Cast Iron 49X DS:TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: Mader Ranches Buyer: Flying F Ranch

Lot 11- BLI Adele 340A S: RPlus 20X Gross Average DS: TNT Cruzer K265 $5,510.00 Consignor: SIBL SImmentals Buyer:Ter-Ron Farms $138,650 $4,781.03 Lot 19- Sun Star So Seductive S: SHS Enticer P1B DS: ACCI Hustler 2N $13,000.00 Consignor: SIBL Simmentals Buyer:Ter-Ron Farms

Pembina Triangle Simmental Association Cypress River, MB November 9, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Sale Total

Lots 26 35 61

High Selling Lots Lot 45- TRI - R London 35Z S: ALLM Colossal 25U DS: Anchor T Titanic 22E Consignor: Triple R Simmentals Buyer: LaBatte Simmentals

Lot 20- NGDB Daisy Duke 228Z S: Wheatland Bull 914W DS:BH Limited Black 015K Consignor: Hoegl Livestock Ltd. Buyer: Hannah Simmentals

Lot 12- Outlaw Hey Girl S: Wheatland Red Hummer 608S DS: IPU Red Baron 7T Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer:Hannah Simmentals Lot 46- TRI - R Paris 38Z S: ALLM Colossal 25U DS: Gidsco Apollo 3F Consignor: Triple R Simmentals Buyer: Triple R Simmentals

Lot 30- Berts MS New York 16Z Gross Average S: KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T DS: R Plus Kodiak 4200P $1,980.00 Consignor: Bert’s NR Simmentals $2,871.00 Buyer: Boynecrest Farm $151,965.00 $2,491.23 Lot 2- Oakview Miss Allie 53A S: Wheatland Red Ace 747T DS: MSS Jasper 17J Consignor: Oakview Simmentals $7,100.00 Buyer: Triple R Simmentals Lot 34- Silverlake Zan S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: Bar 5 SA Evan 440L Consignor: Silver Lake Farms Buyer: Homestead - T Simmentals












Sale Results Canadian Western Agribition Simmental Sale Regina, SK November 13, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary



Lot 457- Boundry Isabella S:TNT Gunner N208 DS: Springcreek Tank 57P Consignor: Boundry Ranch Buyer: Ter-Ron Farms


Lot 458- Sunny Valley Hayley S: SVS Scout 25X


Average DS: LFE Red Hemi 391N

$6,782.00 Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals $5,500.00 Buyer: Meadow Acres Simmental $5,100.00 $11,000.00 $153,850.00 $6,154.00 Lot 459- Erixon Lady S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 11X DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Consignor: Erixon SImmentals High Selling Lots Buyer: Double Bar D Farms Lot 470- Mader Twisted Passion $12,000.00 S: Mader PS Power Surge 1X Lot 459- McIntosh Cleopatra 21A $10,500.00 DS:TNT Dynamite Black L137 S: NCB Cobra 47Y Consignor: Mader Ranches DS: Springcreek Liner 56U Buyer: High Country Simmentals Consignor: McIntosh Livestock Buyer: Mader Ranches & McIntosh Livestock

Open Heifers Bred Heifers Embryos Sale Total

14 7 4 25

Rock Ridge Cattle Company Complete Dispersal Vermilion, AB November 18, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Sale Total






Lot 9/9A- RRC Wasp RS 45W S: AEDJ Red Zing DS: LBR Dash 19L Buyer: Black Gold Simmentals / Westgold Farms Ltd.

Lot 106/106A- RRC Wooki BS 12W $3,650.00 S: Hooks Shear Force 38K DS: JLA Roll On 9R Buyer: Kin Kin Cattle Co. / Shaun & Carol Robinson

Spring Creek Simmentals 40th Anniversary Simmental Female Sale Virden, AB November 23, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services



Purebred Heifers Hybrid Heifers Cows Commercial Cows Semen

29 24 48 5 23

Sale Total


Lot 78/78A- RRC Y33 Trinka RS $3,350.00 S: TNT Top Gun R244 DS: AEDJ Red Zing 2P Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd. / Loralta Farms

$2,170.67 Lot 72/72A- RRC Y08 Yettie RS $3,300.00 S: BOZ Redcoat DS: LBR Dash 19L $4,200.00 Buyer: Kelly Konieczny / Shaun & Carol Robinson

High Selling Lots

Sale Summary

Lot 52/52A- RRC Y58 Kitten RS $3,350.00 S: TNT Top Gun R244 DS: NLC 64Y Tomcat Buyer: Black Gold Simmentals / Shaun & Carol Robinson



Lot 85/85A- THRS 280 S: FVFR Red Sky 40L DS: PRL Maverick 266M Buyer: Jayshaw / Nilsson Bros. Direct


Lot 2- Dunk Clean Sweep 731Y S: 3D Mr Red Powerplay 475W DS: BBS Red 500 K10 Buyer: Carpathian Cattle Co.


High Selling Lots Lot 3- Springcreek Linne 33R $14,500.00 S: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 DS: PVR-BF BF26 Black Joker Buyer: Rancier Farms/ Cedar Creek Simmentals/ Canadian Donors

Lot 1- Springcreek Linne 6R S: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 Average DS: Springcreek Dakota 50D $2,428.00 Buyer: Dugdale Agco $2,450.00 $3,907.00 Lot 2- Springcreek Linne 23R $1,370.00 S: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 $3,750.00 DS: LBR Black Reward Buyer: Boundary Ranches $3,177.00

Lot 28- Springcreek Linne 72R S: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 DS: PPRS Nophalt 20H Buyer: Scissors Creek




Sale Results Transcon’s Simmental Cow A Rama XIV Innisfail, AB November 23, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bull Calves Mature Females Herd Bull Sale Total

7 70 3 9 1 90



High Selling Lots Lot 60- CMS Lola 242Z S: WLB Red 462P 375T DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock Buyer: Flying F Ranch

Lot 62- CMS Proud Mary 225Z S: WLB Red 462P 375T Average DS: Virginia Red Texas $2,700.00 Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock $3,655.00 Buyer: Diamond K Cattle Co. $3,367.00 Lot 61- CMS Maggie May 234Z $2,944.00 S: WLB Red 462P 375T $4,300.00 DS: STF Starquest N114 $3,5070.19 Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock Buyer: Diamond K Cattle Co.


Harvest Hoedown Simmental Sale Neepawa, MB November 25, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Sale Total

Lots 1 48 49

High Selling Lots Lot 49 - Triple T Heather 414Z S: Double Bar D Hemi 201T DS: Oh Kay Ulrich 76U Consignor: Triple T Diamond Buyer: Big Hills Simmentals

Lot 23- Virginia MS Zaneta S: IPU Red Specialist 70T DS: IPU Red Warrior 265 Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Mader Ranches Inc.

Lloydminster, SK December 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International



Lot 8- Virginia MS Zillow S: IPU Laramie 6S DS: Eagle-Ridge Jumper 7J Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Applecross


Lot 21 - Twin Brae MS Ainsley S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: NLC 64Y Tomcat Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals Buyer: Maple Lake Stock Farms


Lot 50 - Triple T Josie 432Z S: Eagle-Ridge 27W Gross Average DS: Solway Adonis Consignor: Triple T Diamond $4,400.00 Buyer: Peterbuilt Simmental $2,729.00 $135,392.00 $2,763.10 Lot 3- SBSF Mocha 8Z S: ABAF Vegas 1L DS: Bar 5 MR Landmark 320F Consignor: Schweitzer Simmentals $5,800.00 Buyer: Creekside Cattle Company

Mid Western Simmental Breeders




Lot 4- SBSF Gin 25Z S: SBSF Vegas 1L DS: MRL Alero 34K Consignor: Schweitzer Simmentals Buyer: Creekside Cattle Company


Lot 23- AFSM MS Zada Lane 2Z S: KHG Rock Steady 34X DS: LRX Thor 59T Consignor: Lane Simmentals Buyer: Fore See Cattle Co.


Lot 2- NCS MS Black Pearl 66Z Sale Summary Lots Gross Average S: NCS MS Wichita 21W DS: NLS Good A Nuff Open Heifers 16 $2,431.25 Consignor: North Creek Simmentals Bred Heifers 22 $3,313.63 Buyer: Fore See Cattle Co. Sale Total 38 $111,800.00 $2,942.11 Lot 1- NCS MS Zandra 39Z S: BBBG Braddock DS: Dora Lee Will High Selling Lots Consignor: North Creek Simmentals Lot 4- NCS MS Black Beauty 5A $7,000.00 Buyer: Mike Kunec S: In Dew Time DS: RC Club King Lot 19- Kindred Spririt Baltimore 17Z Consignor: North Creek Simmentals S: Baltimore Buyer: LaBatte Simmentals DS: Shawacres Nacobi Consignor: Kindred Spirit Cattle Co. Buyer: XRC Simmentals





Sale Results The Source of Elite Simmental Genetics Lloydminster, SK December 2, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bulls Sale Total



33 21 2 56


Lot 101- Crossroad Zweet Pea Average S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: TNT Gunner N208 $3,685.00 Consignor: Crossroad Farms $5,976.00 Buyer: Doug Krepps $12,500.00 Lot 103- Crossroad Zalicious 120Z $4,854.00 S: Crossroad Bartender 380W

High Selling Lots Lot 105- Crossroad Zibbons S: Bar 5 SA Harrach 801P DS: MFI Whistler 47L Consignor: Crossroad Farms Buyer: Lenny Mark


Bred Females Heifer Calves Bulls Sale Total

23 18 10 52


Average $2,794.00 $2,120.00 $3,330.00 $2,642.00


High Selling Lots Lot 6- Cherry Creek Royale 1A S: Crossroad Tuxedo 222T DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Cherry Creek Farms Buyer: Corey Mack


Transcon’s 36th Annual Simmsational Simmental Sale Moose Jaw, SK December 5, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bred Females Bull Calf Herd Bull

10 38 9 1 1

Sale Total


High Selling Lots




Lot 3- Cherry Creek Sheraton 6A S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Gidso Appollo 3F Consignor: Cherry Creek Farm Buyer: Michael Momotiuk


Lot 32- JFRS Ms Topsy 43Z S: TNT Top Gun DS: Red Label Consignor: JR Simmentals Buyer: Crest View Land and Cattle Co.


Lot 42- Mar Mac Twisted Sister 124Z S: OBB Hot Rod Son 322U DS: PPSR Nophalt 20H Consignor: Mar Mac Farms Buyer: Crest View Land and Cattle Co. Lot 1- IPU Barbi 17Z S: LFE Hot Iron 812W DS: IPU T-Bone 13R Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Ashworth Farm


Lot 4- IPU Ms. Hot Iron 113Z



Average S: LFE Hot Iron 812W


$2,255.00 $5,765.00 $1,600.00 $2,000.00 $3,300.00 $259, 520.00

Lot 7- IPU Ms. Steffi 32Z S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: Red Baron HR P101 Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Rust Mountain View Ranch


Lot 7 - Cherry Creek Sure Fire 43Z $4,000.00 S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Cherry Creek Farm Buyer: Schmultz Simmentals and CRM Simmentals

Brandon, MB December 3, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Keystone Sale Management



DS: Double Bar D Max 51K Consignor: Crossroad Farms Buyer: Tri K Cattle Lot 151- South Seven Miss 55Z S: MFL Country 24D DS: Anchor D Harrison Consignor: South Seven Simmentals Buyer: Kulyck Simmentals

Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 104- Crossroad Zula S: Crossroad Bartender 380W DS: STR H813 Pay Day P403 Consignor: Crossroad Farms Buyer: Doug Krepps

DS: Remington Red Label HR Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Come As U R Simmentals

Lot 10- IPU Ms. Tula 109Z S: JS Sure Bet 4T DS: KBR Black Exciter 758T $4,398.64 Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Bar M Simmental Group


Lot 6- IPU 66R Lucy 8Z S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: BF L113 Hero Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Bar M Simmental Group



Sale Results Shades of the Prairies

Brandon, MB December 9, 2013 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Embryos Sale Total

21 19 5 45

High Selling Lots Lot 1- MRL Miss 2423Z S: LFE Bundi 300X DS: Hooks Shearforce 38K Consignor: McMillen Ranching Buyer: Come As U R

Lot 10- Downhill Ms Steamy S: Tess Black 38X DS: Wheatland Bull 459P Consignor: Downhill Simmentals Buyer: Silver Lake Simmentals

Lot 5- MRL Miss 3376A S: MRL Integrity 76Y Gross Average DS:GW Lucky DIce 187H $4,195.00 Consignor: McMillen Ranching $5,574.00 Buyer: Quinn Wilson $4,585.00 Lot 19- AJB BLK Bambi’s Shadow 1A $216,925.00 $4,821.00 S: LFE BS Lewis 322U “Stubby” DS: Hooks Shear Force 38K Consignor: AJB Livestock Buyer: Hannah Simmentals $13,500.00 Lot 22- Crowe Diamond Doll 4A S: Mr HOC Broker DS: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Consignor: Crow Bros. Buyer: Stewart Cattle Co.

Camrose Country Classic

Camrose, AB December 11, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Lot 41- ZSL Miss Mango S: ZSL Mr Red Mango 65X DS: Skors Red Precision 79S Consignor: Spring Lake Simmentals Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd.

Lot 15- NUG Kiwi 63Z S: 2R Bulls Eye 1X DS: ACC1 Hustler 2N Sale Summary Lots Gross Average Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Open Heifers 19 $3,813.00 Buyer: Ter-Ron Farms Bred Heifers 35 $5,081.00 Lot 6- NUG Shelly 77Z Sale Total 54 $250,300.00 $4,635.00 S: IPU Classic 1X DS: Bar 5 SA Kaptain 427R Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals High Selling Lots Buyer: Robb Farms Ltd. Lot 11- NUG Suzie 67Z $9,000.00 S: IPU 52N Accelerator 222U Lot 1- NUG Rosie DS: LRX Red Wizard 80T S: Anchor “T” Legend 7H Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals DS: NUG Ranger 168R Buyer: Beechinor Bros. Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: Robb Farms Ltd.

Friday Night Lights

Olds, AB December 13, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Lot 34- WCC Wells’ Zaviera 23Z S: PHS X-Pansion DS: IPU Laramie 6S Consignor: Wells’ Crossing Cattle Co. Buyer: Prospect Hill Simmentals










Lot 11- RF/RU Flirtin 304A $26,000.00 S: MR HOC Broker Sale Summary Lots Gross Average DS: LFE Street Legal 510S Open Heifers 31 $7,766.00 Consignor: Rancier Farms Bred Heifers 15 $10,450.00 Buyer: Oattes Cattle Co. Yearling Bulls 1 $87,500.00 $21,000.00 Sale Total 47 $485,000.00 $10,319.00 Lot 8A- Chub Rush 5Z S: Remington Lock N Load 54U DS: WFL Mr Westway 200M Consignor: Lundago Livestock & Gardner Livestock High Selling Lots Buyer: Diamond M Cattle Co. Lot 1- Come As U R Red Rocket 29A $87,500.00 S: MRL 130Y Lot 13- SVS Black Jenna 65A $18,000.00 DS: MRL Heritage 131U S: Wheatland Bull 680S Consignor: Come As U R Simmentals DS: RLA Redstream 152S Buyer: Rust Mountrain View Ranch and Canadian Sires Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals Buyer: Prospect Hill Simmentals


Sale Results 19th Annual Checkers Purebred Simmental Sale

Red Deer, AB December 14, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Lot 4- LRX Raspberry S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: IPU Revolution 172U Consignor: Robb Farms Ltd. Buyer: Come As U R

Lot 5- CSI Tina S: LFE Tomcat 389X Sale Summary Lots Gross Average DS: LFE Mr Lewis 462P Open Heifers 18 $5,711.00 Consignor: Sharian Farm Bred Heifers 12 $7,658.00 Buyer: Randy Ward Bulls 2 $5,000.00 Lot 10- MRC Miss Broker Flushes 1 $8,000.00 S: Mr HOC Broker 481A Sale Total 40 $251,525.00 $6,288.13 DS: Twin-Chief Nexus 56N Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. High Selling Lots Buyer: Black Gold SImmentals Lot 1- LRX Ms Black $21,000.00 Lot 12- RJY Sweet Signature S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X S: McIntosh Sweet Talker 32X DS: TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 DS: HC Powerdrive 88H Consignor: Robb Farms Ltd. Consignor: High Country Cattle Services Buyer: Sharian Farm Buyer: Rising Star Simmentals

3rd Annual Fullblood Perfection Sale

Red Deer, AB December 14, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bulls Sale Total

Lots 4 3 7

High Selling Lots Lot 56- Silver Lake Zanzibar S: Crossroad Brigade 210X DS: WKF Romeo 23P Consignor: Silver Lake Farms Buyer: Marchants

Open Heifers Bred Heifers Two Year Old Bull Semen Flushes

20 21 1 5 3

Sale Total




Lot 54- Alliance Polled Desitny S: JNR Gravity DS: PRL Proterhouse Regent Consignor: Alliance Simmental Farm Buyer: Pools Arrow Ranch




High Selling Lots Lot 33- Harvie JDF Ms Baron 27Z S: Black Baron DS: CG Tracker 45T Consignor: Harvie Ranching & Jaydawn Buyer: LC Ranch

Average Lot 37- Berwest Amber 236Z

S: Skors Crocket 252X $4,655.00 DS: Erixon Sunrise 85S $4,162.00 Consignor: Berwest Farms $17,500.00 Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals $1,976.00 $661.00 Lot 5- CMS Sunrise 320A S: MAF R Horizon 7Y $206,865.00 $4,197.30 DS: STF Jalapeno Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock $17,500.00 Buyer: Stout Bros. Simmentals

Lot 1- Skors Enticer 139Y S: SHS Enticer P1B DS: DNS Dream On L186 Consignor: Severtson Land & Cattle Buyer: Sunberry Valley Ranch 70



Red Deer, AB December 15, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.



Lot 53- Starwest Pol Arabella S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X Gross Average DS: South Seven Nestor 7N Consignor: Starwest Farms $3,125.00 Buyer: Double Bar D $7,333.00 $34,500.00 $8,625.00 Lot 55- Alliance Miss Pattie S: JNR Gravity DS: Kykso Miju Consignor: Alliance Simmental Farm $9,750.00 Buyer: KSL Simmentals

Transcon’s Ultimate Red & Black Simmental Bull & Female Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 51- Starwest Pol Arizona S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Latco Hager Junior Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: Virginia Ranch


Lot 16- Skors Prairie Rose 43A S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: IPU Red Nugget 132N Consignor: Skor Simmentals Buyer: Quinn Wilson





Sale Results Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale

Lot 66- Miss Renegade 323Z S: NCK Renegade 16R DS: PRL Houston 005H Buyer: TTT Diamond


Lot 23- BLCC Miss Blacksting S: BLCC Mr Black Sting 155S DS: Kenco/MF Powerline 160T Buyer: Beechner Brothers


$3,357.00 Lot 4- BLCC Miss Rochfort 18Z S: LFE Rochfort 3013T DS: LFE Red Hemi 391N $7,500.00 Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals


Virden, MB December 17, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary





Sale Total

High Selling Lots Lot 32- BLCC Miss Renegade S: NCK Renegade 16R DS: MF Mr Evan 14P Buyer: LaBatte Simmentals Lot 33- BLCC Miss Sledge S: R Plus 110X DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: R Plus Simmentals



Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bull Calves Two Year Old Bull

4 40 19 18

Sale Total




High Selling Lots Lot 56- Parview Mr Red Heavy 265Z S:YR BLK Heavyweight 514 DS:Bar 15 Copper 212M Consignor: Parview Stock Farms Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd.


Lot 35- MJB Aaron 29A S:Virginia Premier League DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Average Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh $2,300.00 Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd. $2,019.00 $4,166.00 Lot 78- DFM 97Z $4,375.00 S: Eagle-Ridge 36T DS: Spruceburn Supreme 12P $3,060.05 Consignor: D. Maronda Buyer: Skywest Simmentals



Muirhead Cattle Co. Female Sale


Lot 33- JKL Andrew 19A S:Virginia Premier League DS: Fleckstock Kalifornia 17K Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd.

Southern Alberta Round-Up Group’s 20th Annual Fleckvieh, Red & Black Simmental Bull & Female Production Sale High River, AB December 19, 2013 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Lot 19- BLCC Miss Ridgeline S: LFE Black Ridgeline 536W DS: BLCC Mr Dynamite 2S Buyer: Lewis Farms

Saskatoon, SK December 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Serivces


Lot 40- MJB Miss Zahavah 7Z $6,100.00 S: Gidsco Appollo 3F DS:Virginias Red Marciano Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Group Buyer: Diamond T Simmentals Lot 1- Muirheads Gemstone 23A $9,500.00 S: Mr HOC Broker DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Buyer: Poplar Meadows Angus & Simmentals

Lot 5- Muirheads Tosca 14A S: Mr HOC Broker Sale Summary Lots Gross Average DS: PVF-CW Rapidfire 0195K Buyer: Jarvis Simmentals Open Heifers 17 $5,026.00 Bred Heifers 38 $4,195.00 Lot 2- Muirheads Peggy 16A Sale Total 55 $244, 850.00 $4,452.00 S: LFE Boardwalk 3009X DS: Muirhead’s Kosmo 27N High Selling Lots Buyer: Quinn Wilson Lot 3- Muirheads Luster 4A $10,500.00 S: WLB Bull 223W 400Y Lot 6- Muirheads Myski DS: Muirhead TNT 202U S: JS Sure Bet 4T Buyer: Rust Mountain View Farms & Rancier Farms DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Buyer: Tableland Cattle Co.





Sale Results High Selling Lots

Black Diamond Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal

Virden, AB December 21, 2013 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Bred Heifers Fall Born Heifers Cow/Calf Pairs Bred Cows Fall Calving Pairs Herd Bulls 2 Year Old Bulls Semen

17 19 73 11 29 5 12 2

Sale Total




Lot 56/56A- BDS Miss BLK Diamond 62Y $16,750.00 S: Muirheads High Tide 82R DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd. & Circle H Simmentals Lot 2- WLB Bull 223W $7,900.00 S: Hart Good Time W223 Average DS: IPU Black Label 156S $2,953.00 Buyer: William Burnett $1,753.00 $7,800.00 $4,951.00 Lot 59/59A- BDS Enticer 56Y $2,509.00 S: SHS Enticer P1B $2,671.00 DS: BH Cool Down 821H $5,830.00 Buyer: Triple T Diamond Simmentals & Jean Paul Morin $3,296.00 Lot 69/69A- BDS Miss Bombshell 40T $7,700.00 $1,550.00 S: LFE Bombshell 508N DS: TNT Black Boss F131 $3,177.00 Buyer: M & J Farms and Peeco Ranch Ltd.

New Years Resolution Frozen Genetic Sale Volume II Saskatoon, SK December 31, 2013 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Serivces

Sale Summary


Simmental Flush Simmental Semen Simmental Embryos Fleckvieh Semen Sale Total

High Selling Lots

1 11 20 4 65

Lot 52- 5 Simmental Embryos $7,000.00 S: Wheatland Stout D: Flirtin For Certain Consignor: Rancier Farms & Reay’s Unlimited Buyer: Danny Hansen

Lot 59- 5 Simmental Embryos Gross Average S: SVS Captain Morgan 11X D: Sun Rise Black 45R $12,500.00 Consignor: Sun Rise Simmentals $3,663.64 Buyer: Kyle Martin $5,022.50 $1,475.00 Lot 48- 5 Simmental Embryos $262, 725.00 $4,041.92 S: JS Sure Bet D: Drake Tula 1R Consignor: Drake Cattle Co. Buyer: KBAM Investments $12,500.00

Lot 30- Simmental Flush Sunny Valley Jenna 88U Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals Buyer: Come As U R Simmentals



Lot 56- 5 Simmental Embryos $5,500.00 S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 D: Erixon Lady 2P Consignor: Erixon Simmentals Buyer: Black Sand & Spring Creek Simmentals

2013 Sale Summary Spring 2013 Summary Yearling Bulls 2 Year Old Bulls Total Bulls

Sales Reported: 53 Lots




Bulls Calves Bulls Open Heifers Bred Heifers Heifers 372 $963,872.92 $2,591.06 Open Heifers Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Total Simmental Animals Sold in 2013 Semen Total Sales reported 82 Total Lots Gross Average Embryos 5,056.50 $22,875,538.01 $4,523.99 Flushes Uncatagorized Note: Reporting of only those sales reports submitted to Sales Total the Simmental Country. This does not include on-farm sales. 72

2,637.50 $13,925,630.02 $5,279.86 269 $1,346,487.96 $5,005.53 2,906.50 $15,272,117.00 $5,254.47

Fall 2013

Sales Reported: 29 Lots


25 57 338 673 338 127 115 53 73 7 310 1778

$106,255.00 $360,046.00 $1,327,685.00 $2,762,531.00 $1,327,685.00 $392,240.00 $484,652.00 $172,828.00 $184,934.00 $30,433.00 $817,944.09 $6,639,548.09

Average $4,250.20 $6,316.60 $3,928.06 $4,104.80 $3,928.06 $3,088.50 $4,214.37 $3,260.91 $2,533.34 $4,347.57 $2,638.53 $3,734.28








BARRY & BRENDA LABATTE Box 72 Gladmar, Sask. S0C 1A0 Ph: (306)969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900





Industry Events








What’s Happening Feb. 26 - Erixon Simmentals Annual Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK


Feb. 27 - Pheasantdale Annual Bull & Female Sale, Balcarres, SK

Feb. 1 - Mar. 1 - Bar 5 Stock Farm Online Bull Sale, Feb. 1 - Springer Simmentals Value Based Genetics Bull Sale, Decorah, IA Feb. 8 - Soderglen Ranch Bull Sale, Airdrie, AB


Feb. 8 - Kenner Simmental 17th Annual Production Sale, Napoleon, ND Feb. 9 - Diamond M Ranch 3rd Annual Bull Sale, Estevan, SK Feb. 10 - Rendezvous Farms 10th Annual Bull and Female Sale, Ste. Rose, MB Feb. 11 - Bata/Olafson Simmental Sale, Rugby, ND Feb. 13 - M&J Farms Simmental and Angus Bull and Female Sale, Russell, MB Feb. 13 - Janzen Ranches 21st Annual Red Simmental and Red Angus Bull Sale, Rosemary, AB

Mar. 3 - O Double E Simmentals Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB

Feb. 15 - Timberlind 5th Annual Bull Sale, Buck Creek, AB

Mar. 4 - 34th Doll Ranch Bull & Female Sale, Mandan, ND

Feb. 15 - P&H Ranching Co. Guest Bull and Gelding Sale, Innisfail, AB

Mar. 4 - Transcon’s Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale, Innisfail, AB

Feb. 16 - Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale, Virden, MB

Mar. 5 - Mar Mac Farms and Guests Annual Bull Sale, Brandon, MB

Feb. 17 - Kopp Farms 10th and Final Bull and Female Sale, Amaranth, MB

Mar. 5 - Sunny Valley 24th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK

Feb. 19 - Crossroad Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale, Shell Lake, SK

Mar. 5 - Skor Simmentals 12th Annual Red & Black Simmental Bull Sale,

Feb. 20 - 9th Annual Robb / Hoegl Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Feb. 21 - Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale, Westlock, AB

Turtle Lake, ND Feb. 26 - 19th Annual Herd Master Bull Sale, Camrose, AB

Mar. 1 - Ontario Simmental General Meeting, Peterborough, ON

Innisfail, AB

Grenfell, SK

Feb. 25 - Rainalta & Guest Charolais & Simmental Sale, Brooks, AB

Mar. 1 - MCG Simmentals & Rack Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Stavely, AB

Mar. 3 - Severtson’s Bull Sale with Guest Consignor Trendsetter Livestock,

Feb. 15 - Double Bar D Farms Best of Both Worlds Bull & Female Sale,

Feb. 24 - 12th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Shellbrook, SK

Mar. 1 - 6th Annual Westgold Farms & Guests Simmental Bull Sale, Vermilion, AB

Mar. 3 - Ashworth Farm & Ranch & Guest Bull Sale, Oungre, SK

Feb. 14 - TNT Simmentals 29th Annual Bull Sale, Almont, ND

Feb. 24 - Rust Mountain View Ranch Ace In The Hole Production Sale,

Mar. 1 - 20th Annual McMillen Ranching Production Sale, Carievale, SK

Mar. 2 - RPlus Simmental 14th Annual Bull Sale, Estevan, SK

Feb. 14 - 40th Annual Mader Ranches Bull Power Sale, Carstairs, AB

Feb. 24 - Simmental Summit 2nd Annual Bull & Female Sale, Bentley, AB

Mar. 1 - Cutting Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB Mar. 1 - Mappin Simmental Bull Sale, Veteran, AB

Feb. 12 - Young Guns & Guest Bull Sale, Wainwright, AB

Feb. 23 - Prochar & Triangle Stock Farm 3rd Annual Bull Sale, Glenevis, AB

Feb. 28 - Early Sunset Ranch 33rd Annual Bull Sale, Edam, SK Feb. 28 - Bull Fest Sale, Camrose, AB

Feb. 7 - Genetic Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB

Feb. 22 - Lewis Farms 29th Annual Bull Sale, Spruce Grove, AB

Feb. 28 - LaBatte Simmentals 34th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

Camrose, AB Mar. 6 - Westway & Deeg Annual Bull Sale, Olds, AB Mar. 6 - In Pursuit Of Perfection Annual Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK Mar. 6 - Bull Rush Simmental Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB Mar. 7 - Genetic Destination Annual Bull Sale, Grenfell, SK Mar. 7 - Northern Classic Annual Bull Sale, Grande Prairie, AB Mar. 8 - Ranchlands 7th Annual Bull Sale, Stavely, AB Mar. 8 - Synergie Bull Sale, Ste. Sophie de Levrard, PQ Mar. 8 - Swantewitt Simmentals Annual Bull Sale, Mayerthorpe, AB

Bill & Nancy Biglieni

See them online at 84

Douglas, MB


Insure you get a catalog! Call today!

204 763 4697 - 204 729 7925

Mar. 8 - Next Generation Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Mar. 8 - Place Your Bet Bull Sale,Veteran, AB Mar. 9 - Rebels of the West Bull Sale, Virden, MB Mar. 10 - Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale, Brandon, MB Mar. 10 - 5th Annual Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, Olds, AB Mar. 11 - Kuntz-Stoughton-McIntosh Annual Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Mar. 11 - Prairie Partners Bull & Female Sale, Killarney, MB Mar. 12 - South Sask Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar. 12 - Transcon’s Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Mar. 12 - Built Right Bull Sale, WJ Simmentals & Pedersen Livestock, Provost, AB Mar. 13 - Rocky Mountain Simmental Bull Sale, Olds, AB Mar. 14 - Family Tradition Charolais and Simmental Bull Sale, Dropmore, MB Mar. 14 - Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Spiritwood, SK Mar. 15 - Ferme Gagnon Inc Annual Bull Sale, Cheneville, PQ Mar. 17 - Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale, Red Deer, AB Mar. 17 - Butts, Gutts & Nuts Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Mar. 18 - On Target Bull Sale, Barrhead, AB Mar. 18 - Cityview Simmentals / Ivanhoe Angus Annual Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar. 19 - Transcon’s 19th Annual Advantage Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Mar. 19 - Adair Ranch Bull Sale, Provost, AB Mar. 20 - Get-A-Grip Angus & Simmental Bull Sale, Forestburg, AB Mar. 20 - Maple Lake Stock Farm Bull Sale, Grand Clairiere, MB Mar. 21 - Porter Ranches Bull Sale, Stoney Plain, AB Mar. 22 - Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB Mar. 22 - 4th Annual Highway 16 West Multi-breed Bull Sale, Mayerthorpe, AB Mar. 22 - Spring Select Bull & Female Sale, Grande Prairie, AB Mar. 22 - Proudly Western Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK Mar. 22 - Indian River Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Indian River, ON Mar. 23 - Cattlemens Classic Bull Sale, Virden, MB Mar. 24 - Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale, Beaverlodge, AB Mar. 25 - WLB Livestock Bull Sale, Douglas, MB Mar. 27 - Wheatland Focus on the Future Bull Sale, Alameda, SK Mar. 27 - Transcon’s Winnipeg Simmental Bull Sale, Winnipeg, MB Mar. 30 - Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK Mar. 31 - Southwest Showcase Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK

April Apr. 5 - Best Bet Bull Sale, Williams Lake, BC

May May. 17 - Timberlind Auctions Spring Machinery Consignment Sale, Buck Creek, AB

June June 19-20 - 2014 UCVM Beef Cattle Conference, Calgary, AB June 24-25 - T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK

July July 4-6 - YCSA Quebec Show, Brome, QC July 16-20 - World Simmental Fleckvieh Federation World Congress, Cartagena, Columbia July 17-20 - YCSA Alberta Show, Lacombe, AB July 25-27 - CSA AGM 2014 & YCSA National Classic: Elkhorn Resort, Riding Mountain National Park, MB July 30 - Aug. 2 - YCSA Saskatchewan Show, Prince Albert, SK

August Aug. 15 - Anchor D Ranch Pasture Treasures Female Sale, Rimbey, AB August 21-22 - YCSA Maritimes Show, Truro, NS Aug. 30 - Timberlind Auctions Fall Harvest Machinery Consignment Sale, Buck Creek, AB


Sep. 13 - Ontario Autumn Classic Sale, Hanover, ON Sep. 27 - Ferme Gagnon 18th Annual Production Sale, Cheneville, PQ

October Oct. 4 - Bar 5 Stock Farm Extravaganza Sale, Markdale, ON Oct. 25 - Partners for Progress Vol. III Sale, Waterloo, PQ

Table Of Contents

Gatepost (English).........................................................................................................................14 Gatepost (French)..........................................................................................................................16 Breed Improvement (English)........................................................................................................22 Breed Improvement (French)........................................................................................................24 Vet’s Advice...................................................................................................................................30 Recipe Page...................................................................................................................................34 Women In Simmental Country......................................................................................................46 Show Reports................................................................................................................................49 YCSA National Classic ....................................................................................................................57 Saskatchewan News......................................................................................................................58 Ontario News.................................................................................................................................60 Manitoba News.............................................................................................................................61 Trevor Vance Scholarship Recipient ..............................................................................................61 Dr. Dixon Memorial Scholarship Recipients ..................................................................................62 Sale Reports...................................................................................................................................63 What’s Happening.........................................................................................................................84 85

3D Simmentals............................................... 79 ABC Cattle Co................................................ 79 Adair Ranch.................................................... 73 Afri-Can Simmentals....................................... 76 Alameda Agencies Ltd.................................... 82 Alliance Simmental Farms.............................. 77 Alta Genetics.................................................. 83 Anchor D Ranch............................................. 73 Applecross...................................................... 73 Arrow Creek Simmentals................................ 40 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd.................... 32, 79 Aumack Simmentals....................................... 79 Bar 5 Farms Ltd./Circle 3 Genetics............ 5, 77 Beagle Simmentals......................................... 73 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals.......................... 73 Big Rock Simmentals..................................... 76 Black River Farms.......................................... 77 Black Sand Cattle Company..................... 36, 76 Blushrose Simmental Farm............................ 79 Bohrson Marketing Services............................... ................................... 10, 11, 12, 29, 35, 39, 83 Bonchuk Farms.............................................. 76 Bouchard Livestock International....................... .................................. 3, 13, 29, 32, 40, , 83, BC Boundary Ranch............................................. 13 Bova-Tech Ltd................................................. 83 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd................................. 83 Boynecrest Stock Farm.................................. 76 Brockhoff Simmentals................................... 8, 9 BS Ranch....................................................... 73 Canadian Bull Congress................................. 82 Canadian Cattlemen....................................... 82 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp..................... 82 Carey, Brent.................................................... 82 Car-Laur Simmentals...................................... 77 CC Simmental Ranch..................................... 73 Circle G Simmentals & Angus........................ 73 City View Simmentals..................................... 79 Come As U R Simmentals.............................. 11 Coulee Crossing............................................. 11 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh.................................. 78 CRM Simmentals............................................ 44 Crocus Simmentals........................................ 13 Crossroad Farms............................................ 80 Curtis Simmentals.......................................... 11 Czech-Mate Livestock.................................... 33 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.......... 83 Deeg Simmental....................................... 10, 73 Destiny Simmentals........................................ 78 Diamond T Simmentals.................................. 73 Dodge............................................................. 88 Don Heggie Simmentals................................. 73 86

Donovandale Simmentals............................... 78 Dora Lee Genetics.......................................... 78 Dorran Marketing Inc...................................... 82 Dorran, Steve................................................. 82 Double Bar D Farms............................... IFC, 80 Double G Simmentals..................................... 80 Downey Farms......................................... 40, 76 DP Sales Management................................... 83 Dunc’s Cattle Co............................................. 78 Dwayann Simmentals..................................... 78 Eagle-Ridge Simmentals................................ 73 Early Sunset Ranch........................................ 25 East Poplar Simmentals........................... 11, 80 Edge, Dean..................................................... 82 EDN Simmentals...................................... 13, 80 Elm Tree Farms.............................................. 78 Ericson Livestock Services............................. 82 Erixon Simmentals.......................................... 80 Fallen Timber Farms...................................... 76 Ferme Gagnon Farm................................ 41, 79 Ferme Saro..................................................... 79 Flying F Ranch............................................... 43 Flying N Cattle And Feed................................ 83 Genex Cooperative, Inc............................ 15, 83 Get-A-Long Stock Farm.................................. 82 GJR Simmentals....................................... 27, 80 Grant Rolston Photography Ltd...................... 82 Gravandale Simmentals................................. 78 Grinalta Farms................................................ 73 H.S. Knill Company Limited............................ 83 Hairy Hill Cattle Co......................................... 73 Hallridge Simmentals...................................... 78 Hannah Simmentals....................................... 73 Hartman Cattle Co.......................................... 25 Harvie Ranching............................................. 73 Herter Simmentals.......................................... 13 High Bluff Stock Farm..................................... 76 High Country Cattle Services......................... 73 Highway 5 Simmentals................................... 80 Hi-Tech Farms................................................ 78 Hoegl Farms................................................... 80 Indian River Cattle Co.................................... 78 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd............. 83 Janzen Ranches............................................. 74 Jetstream Livestock........................................ 78 JNR Farms..................................................... 74 Johnson Stock Farms..................................... 43 Keato Meadow Simmentals............................ 74 Kelara Farms.................................................. 80 Kin Kin Cattle Co............................................ 74 Kindred Spirit.................................................. 11 Kopp Farm Simmental.............................. 23, 76

Kuntz Simmental Farm................................... 80 Labatte Simmentals............................ 28, 29, 80 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals.................................. 80 Lazy Creek Simmentals.................................. 11 Lazy S Ranch Inc........................................... 74 Lewis Farms........................................... 6, 7, 74 Little Willow Creek Ranch............................... 80 Lobster Point Farms....................................... 77 Lone Stone Farms.......................................... 74 Lundago Livestock.......................................... 12 M & J Farms................................................... 77 M & R Cattle Co........................................ 12, 25 MacKenzie Cattle Company........................... 74 Mader Ranches.............................................. 74 Maple Key Farm............................................. 78 Mappin Simmentals........................................ 74 Mar Mac Farms.............................................. 77 Masterfeeds.............................................. 17, 81 Maxwell Simmentals............................... 8, 9, 74 McCormack Family Ranch....................... 38, 80 MCG Simmentals........................................... 74 McIntosh Livestock......................................... 80 McManus Simmentals.................................... 77 McMillen Ranching Ltd............................. 31, 80 Meadow Acres Farms............................... 27, 80 MI Simmentals................................................ 74 Mitchell Cattle Co........................................... 76 More Simentals............................................... 40 Muellers Nossa Terra...................................... 79 Muirhead Cattle Co......................................... 81 New Holland..................................................... 1 North Creek Simmentals................................ 42 North Hill Simmentals..................................... 74 O Double E Simmentals................................. 74 O’Brien Farms................................................ 78 O’Grady Steel................................................. 81 Okotoks Flechvieh Embryo Group.................. 74 Optimal Bovines Inc........................................ 44 Oslanski Simmental Farms............................. 74 Parkhill Ranches............................................. 74 Parview Stock Farms...................................... 75 Pearson Simmentals...................................... 75 Pheasantdale Cattle Co.................................. 81 Phillips Farms................................................. 81 Polzin Cattle Co.............................................. 25 Porter Ranches............................................... 75 Prairie Wind Farms Ltd................................... 43 Prospect Hill Simmentals................................ 78 Rainalta.......................................................... 75 Rancier Farms........................................ 8, 9, 75 Rattray Livestock............................................ 75 Red Rose Angus....................................... 37, 81

Red Willow Ranch.......................................... 39 Rendezvous Farms........................................ 77 Ridgeline Cattle Company.............................. 12 Riskan Hope Farm.......................................... 11 River Point Cattle Co................................ 21, 78 Riverbank Farm.............................................. 77 Robb Farms.............................................. 26, 81 Robson Acres................................................. 78 Roenda Stock Farms...................................... 40 Rust Mountain View Ranch.............................. 4 SAJ Simmentals............................................. 81 Saugeen Acres............................................... 75 SC Spring Creek Land & Cattle Consulting.... 83 Schatz Simmentals......................................... 75 Scissors Creek Cattle Co............................... 43 Semex Beef.............................................. 18, 19 SIBL Simmentals............................................ 44 Simmeron Fleckvieh Simmentals................... 75 Skeels, Dan.................................................... 82 Skor Simmentals............................................ 75 Southpaw Cattle Company............................. 75 Spring Creek Simmentals......................... 37, 81 Spring Lake Simmentals......................... 8, 9, 75 Spruce Grove Cattle Co................................. 81

CSA Executive

President Fraser Redpath Mather, MB P/F: (204) 529-2560 C: (204) 825-7401 First Vice-President Kelly Ashworth Oungre, SK P: (306) 456-2749 C: (306) 861-2013 Second Vice-President Randy Mader Carstairs, AB P/F: (403) 337-2928 C: (403) 660-1123

CSA Directors

John Sullivan Kazabazua, PQ P/F: (819) 467-2713 Wes Mack Estevan, SK P: (306) 634-4410 C:) 306) 421-1853

Starwest Farms.............................................. 76 Steen Agencies............................................... 82 Stewart Simmentals........................................ 79 Stock, Mark..................................................... 82 Stockmens Insurance..................................... 82 Stone Simmentals.......................................... 75 Stoughton Farms Ltd...................................... 81 Sullivan Simmentals....................................... 79 Sun Rise Simmentals..................................... 43 Sun Star Simmentals...................................... 75 Sunny Side Simmentals................................. 11 Sunny Valley Simmentals......................... 35, 81 Sun Rise Simmentals..................................... 81 Swan Lake Farms........................................... 81 Swantewitt Simmentals.................................. 75 T Bar C Cattle Company.................... 29, 43, 83 Tableland Cattle Co........................................ 43 TD Simmentals............................................... 81 The Register................................................... 81 Thomas Ranch............................................... 25 Timberlind Auctions........................................ 82 Todd Simmentals............................................ 79 Transcon Livestock Corp............ 29, 33, 83, IBC Trevor’s Cowpix.............................................. 82

Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS P: (902) 661-0766 C: (506) 536-8454 Maureen Mappin-Smith Byemoor, AB P: (403) 579-2175 Deanne Young Breton, AB P/F: (780) 696-3643 C: (780) 542-0855 David Milliner Dundalk, ON P: (519) 923-9188

Provincial Associations British Columbia President Lorne Webster Abbotsford, BC P/F: (604) 823-6797 Secretary: Jan Wisse P: (604) 794-3684

Triple Rose Simmentals................................. 79 Tryon Simmentals........................................... 77 TSN Livestock.......................................... 40, 77 Twin Brae Simmentals.................................... 77 Twin Butte Simmentals................................... 75 Tymarc Livestock............................................ 75 Virginia Ranch................................................ 75 W2 Farms....................................................... 81 Weldehaven Farms........................................ 79 Wells’ Crossing Cattle Company.............. 12, 76 Westway Farms Ltd.................................. 10, 76 Wheatland Cattle Co...................................... 45 Wild Oak Farms.............................................. 79 Windy Knoll Farm........................................... 77 WJ Simmentals............................................... 76 Wolfe Farms................................................... 76 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh............................................ 76 Wright’s Pro Rich Seeds................................. 77 Wyvern Cattle Co........................................... 20 Xcel Livestock................................................. 79 X-T Simmentals.............................................. 13 Yellow Rose Cattle Company......................... 12

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 P: (403) 250-7979 • F: (403) 250-5121 • E:

Alberta President Ashley Anderson Minburn, AB P: (780) 259-0093 Office Contact Heather Saucier Airdrie, AB P: (403) 861-6352 F: (403) 948-2059 Promotion / Fieldperson Chuck Groeneveld High River, AB P: (403) 938-7843

Ontario President Dan O’Brien Winchester, ON P: (613) 761-2403

Quebec Président Philippe Bellavance Ferme Sibelle Fleck SENC St-Sophie-de-Levard, QC P: (819) 288-5005 Secretaire: Sandra Berthiaume Saint-Garmain, QC P/F (819) 395-4453

Saskatchewan President Manitoba Dave Erixon President Clavet, SK Darryl Perkin P: (306) 270-2893 Elgin, MB Secretary: Carolyn McCormack P/Fax: (204) 769-2159 P: (306) 697-2945 Secretary: Donalee Jones P: (204) 529-2444 Email: Maritimes President Don Godfrey Meadow Bank, PEI P: (902) 566-3613 Secretary: Ralph Taylor P/F: (902) 895-2117

CSA Staff

General Manager Bruce Holmquist C: (403) 988-8676 Office Manager Barb Judd P: (403) 250-7979 Research Co-ordinator Jeff Hyatt P: (780) 492-6165 Marketing Co-ordinator Margo Cartwright Tel: (403) 250-5255 YCSA Coordinator Emily Grey P: (819) 835-0284 Processing Department Perry Welygan Beth Rankin



2014 transcon managed spring bull sales february Monday, February 10

Rendezvous Farms 10th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale

Ste. Rose, MB

Thursday, February 13

Janzen Ranches 21st Annual Red Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale

Rosemary, AB

Friday, February 21

Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale

Westlock, AB

Monday, February 24

Simmental Summit 2nd Annual Bull & Female Sale

Bentley, AB

Friday, February 28

LaBatte Simmentals & Guests 34th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale

Moose Jaw, SK

Transcon’s Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale

Innisfail, AB

march Tuesday, March 4

-Czech Mate Simmentals -Virginia Ranch -Ultra Livestock -Clearwater Simmentals -Wolfe Fleckvieh Simmental -New Trend Cattle Co. Wednesday, March 5

Skor Simmentals 12th Annual Red & Black Simmental Bull Sale

Camrose, AB

Saturday, March 8

Ranchlands Bull Sale

Stavely, AB

Monday, March 10

Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale

Brandon, MB

Wednesday, March 12

Transcon’s Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale

Neepawa, MB

Friday, March 14

Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale

Dropmore, MB

Monday, March 17

Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale

Red Deer, AB

Wednesday, March 19

Transcon’s 19th Annual Advantage Bull Sale

Saskatoon, SK

Saturday, March 22

Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale

Innisfail, AB

Monday, March 24

Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale

Beaverlodge, AB

Thursday, March 27

Transcon’s Winnipeg Simmental Bull Sale

Winnipeg, MB

Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale

Neepawa, MB

-Big Sky Simmentals -Oakview Simmentals -Triple R Simmentals

april Saturday, April 5

Jay Good (403) 556-5563

Bob Wilson (403) 540-3084

Glenn Norton (780) 542-0634

Darren Paget (403) 323-3985

Sandra Smith (403) 638-9377

Terry Stewart (403) 638-9377

Fe b r uar y 2 0 1 4 H e r d si r e Ed i t i on Sim menta l Coun t r y

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