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December 17, 2019 - January 6, 2020 Vol. 24, No.17 • yourgood.news
PAID Sylvania, OH 43560 Permit No. 8
L-R: Capt. Doug Hubaker, Sylvania Fire Chief Michael Ramm and Sylvania Police Chief Rick Schnoor celebrate the season as they prepare to participate in Shop with a Hero on Dec. 11 and Dec. 12 at Meijer and Walmart on Central Avenue to brighten the holidays for the children of clients P6B of Sylvania Area Family Services. –Photo by Dee Kalb
Sizzle Simmer Sauté
Holiday sweets are a nod to tradition
Shop With A Hero
Sylvania Township Police Chief Paul Long takes part in ‘Shop with a Hero’ P6B
Happenings Business Food Red Bird Art Walk Miracle on Main Holiday Gift Guide Sunnyside Schools Sylvania Then and Now Community News Business Cards Lives Remembered Real Estate Classifieds
2-4A 5-11A 12-13A 14-15A 16-23A 1-8B 9B 10-11B 12B 13-14B 15B 17B 18B 19B
Healing Service The Victory Center invites cancer patients and survivors to a healing service on the third Tuesday of each month at Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 W. Central Ave. The service is free and open to the public. Register by calling 419-531-7600. Mom2mom Mom2mom is a way for moms to get connected with others who are also journeying through motherhood. We meet the first Wednesday of every month from September through May from 9:15-11:15 am at Christ the Word Church, 3100 Murd Rd. Childcare is provided. facebook.com/Mom2momtoledo/ MothersÊ Center of Greater Toledo First and third Thursday meetings for fun, food and friendship from 9:45-11:15 am at West Toledo YMCA, 2110 Tremainsville Rd., Toledo. Developmentally appropriate childcare provided. For info visit motherscenter.net. Nar-Anon A 12-step program for families and friends of addicts meets on Saturdays from 10-11 am at Mercy St. Anne’s, 3404 W. Sylvania Ave, third floor conference room and Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm at Harvest Lane Alliance Church, 5132 Harvest Ln. Olivet Lutheran ChurchÊs Free Community Meal Olivet hosts a free community meal each
Wednesday in the Christian Life Center. Enjoy food and fellowship at 5840 Monroe St. Call 419-882-2077 or visit olivetsylvania.org. Pet Loss Support Group SylvaniaVet hosts a pet loss support group meeting at Christ Presbyterian Church, 4225 W. Sylvania Ave., 7 pm the second Tuesday of each month. Park in the back. 419-885-4421. Prostate Cancer Support Group A prostate cancer support group meets the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at Cancer Center library at St. Anne’s Hospital. For info, call 419-346-2753 or 419-344-9830. Stamp Collectors Club of Toledo Meets first and third Thursdays, Sept.-May at Perrysburg Masonic Hall - 590 E South Boundary at 7 pm. Each meeting is a program or member auction. Stroke Support Group Monthly support group for stroke survivors and their caregivers. Group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 4 - 6 pm at ProMedica Flower Hospital, 5200 Harroun Rd. Contact 419-291-7537 or stroke.support@promedica.org. Survivors of Suicide Support Group Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Advent Lutheran Center, 3941 N. McCord Rd. at 7pm. Call Nancy Yunker at 419-517-7553 for more information. Taizé Service A Taizé Service is held monthly on the third Thursday at 7 pm in SUCC’s Christ’s Chapel, 7240 Erie St. 419-882-0048. TAME Meeting The Toledo Area Miniature Enthusiasts meet the first Saturday of each month from 1- 4 pm in the Sylvania Heritage Museum Carriage House, 5717 Main St. 734-847-6366. TOPS Meetings (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Two chapters of TOPS,1961 and 1672, meet at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 6715 Brint Rd. Meetings are held Mondays from 9-10:30 am and Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Call 419478-1103 or 419-841-6436 for information. TOPS is not church affiliated. Toledo Area Genealogy Society Meets from 7-9 pm the second Monday of the month September through June at Sylvania United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie St. Visit tagstoledo.org for info. Toledo Country Live Band Toledo Country Live Band is in concert the first and third Saturday, 6 pm at the Church of St. Andrew United Methodist, 3620 Heatherdowns Blvd. Light refreshments. Free. Information 419262-4453.
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Sylvania Senior Center Programs
Hours: 8 am- 5 pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri • 8 am-7:30 pm Tuesdays Lunch is served from 11:30-12:15 p.m. Mon-Fri; suggested donation age 60+ is $2.50; non-senior is $5.62, make reservation by noon the day before. Tuesday Evening Dinner served from 4:30-5:15, $8.00 per person; reserve by 2 p.m. the Friday before Billiards: Mon-Fri open all day, weekly Computer Lab: open when classes are not in session; Open Gym: when classes are not in session, see schedule; Woodshop: Tue, Thu & Fri, 1-3, weekly; Woodcarvers: Tue, 3-6 weekly through Dec 17, 2-5 Dec 17 through February Transportation to Senior Center & Shopping: call Deb, 419-885-3913
12/17 Senior Chorus: Tuesday 9:45-11:15, weekly O.S.H.I.I.P. Trained Specialist: 3rd Tue of the month, by appt. Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Contract Bridge: Tue 12:30-3:30, weekly Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: Tue 3-4, weekly, * Alt. Health Discussion Group: 1st & 3rd Tue, 4:15-5 Medicare & You: 3rd Tue, 5:30-6:30, monthly Silver Scholars: 5:30-6:30, call for details 12/18 Pinochle: 12:30-3:30, weekly Movie Day: 3rd Wed 1-3, monthly, RSVP Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Hatha Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * 12/19 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Book Review: 3rd Thu, 2-3, monthly 12/20 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Advanced Funeral Planning: 3rd Friday, by appt. Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly 12/23 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Woodcarving Class: Mon & Wed 1-2:30, weekly, ltd. occupancy 12/24 SSC Closed for Holiday 12/25 SSC Closed for Holliday 12/26 Podiatrist: call for appt. 12/27 Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly 12/30 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 12/31 SSC Closed for Holiday 01/01/20 Closed/Holiday 01/02 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Rug Hooking: 1st & 3rd Thu, 9:30-11:30, monthly Strength Training: Mon & Thu
10-11, weekly, * Hand & Foot: 1st & 4th Thursday, 12:30-3:30, monthly 01/03 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly Line Dancing: Fridays 2:30-4, $3, weekly 01/06 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Mahjongg: Mon 12:30-4, weekly 01/07 Art Studio Group: Tue 9-11, weekly, * Charter Sr. Living BP/BS Clinic: Tue 9:30-11, weekly Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Bunco: 1st & 3rd Tue, 1-3, monthly Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: Tue 3-4, weekly, * 01/08 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * Retirement Specialist: 2nd Wed, by appt., monthly Rummikub: 2nd & 4th Wed, 3-4, monthly 01/09 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Memory Chat: 2nd Thu, by appt., memory care professional, monthly Pathways Consultation: 2nd Thu, by appt., monthly Camera Club: 2nd Wed, 1:30-2:30, monthly 01/10 Estate Review, by appt., monthly Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Line Dancing: Fridays 2:30-4, $3, weekly 01/13 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy for details 419-460-1734 Strength Training: Mon & Thu 10-11, weekly, * Arbors at Sylvania BP Clinic: 11:30-12:30
*Call for fee and registration • For more info, call: 419-885-3913
Sylvania Community Services, a nonprofit agency, manages the Sylvania Senior Center. For a complete listing of all Senior Center activities and programs, visit sylvaniaseniorcenter.org and click on Senior Center Newsletter.
Sylvania Senior Center • 7140 Sylvania Ave. • Sylvania, Ohio 43560
•Through Dec. 24
ChildrenÊs Wonderland, 11 am-8 pm except Dec. 24 only until 2 pm Tam-O-Shanter 7060 W. Sylvania Classic displays, train rides, kids zone and photos with Santa. $8 adults, $6 kids and seniors.
•Through Dec. 31
Lights before Christmas Toledo Zoo Sponsored by KeyBank. Over a million lights, animated displays, ice slide and visits with Santa. Visit toledozoo.org/lights. Zoo is open Jan. 1, 10 am-4 pm.
•Through April 26, 2020
Yayoi Kusama: Fireflies on the Water Toledo Museum of Art Yayoi Kusama’s artistic practice spans seven decades and her paintings, sculture and installations have left a mark on the art world. A single infinity mirror installation will be available for viewing with timed tickets.
•Dec. 17
Code IT, Jr.. 4:15-5:15 pm King Road Library Kids age 5-10, learn the basics of coding with kid-friendly software and hands-on activities. Multiple Sclerosis Connection Support Group, 5-6 pm ProMedica Neurosciences Center Second Floor, Education Rooms 1 & 2 2130 W. Central Ave., Toledo Monthly group provides those living with Multiple Sclerosis with support, conversation and educational topics. Individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis as well as family and caregivers are welcome to attend. Contact Nikki Artiaga at nikki.artiaga@promedica.org.
•Dec. 17, 19, 31
Teen Gamers Guild, 3-5 pm Sylvania Library Tweens, age 10-13 play the newest games on the Nintendo Switch, such as Fortnite, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Minecraft, Super Mario Party, and many more. Teen Gamers Guild meets every Thursday in the Teen Area.
•Dec. 18
To advertise, email ads@yourgoodnews.com
5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Telephone: 419-824-0100 Facsimile: 419-824-0112 Email: editor@yourgood.news YOURGOOD.NEWS PUBLISHER Sharon Lange
EDITORS Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gayleen Gindy, Mike Jones, Judi Pittaway Craig Stough, Erin Thompson, Janis Weber, Emily Win, Sgt. Stacey Pack CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS John Crisman of AssetWare, Dee Kalb, Mary Kay Urbanski COPY EDITING/PROOFREADING Sarah Groves, Bobbie Ziviski PRODUCTION Susan Utterback
ADVERTISING Dave Achen, Mary Rose Gajewski, Molly O’Shea GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Elissa Cary, Penny Collins
Views expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff.
Bariatric Information Seminar, 6-8 pm ProMedica Health & Wellness Center Community Education Rooms 1 & 2 5700 Monroe St. ProMedica Weight Loss Surgery is hosting free bariatric informational seminars to help people learn about the ProMedica Weight Loss Surgery Program and the benefits of weight loss surgery. To register, call 419-291-6777 or visit promedica.org/bariatric seminar. •Marbelous Marble Run Fun, 4-5 pm Sylvania Library Roller Coasters are fun to ride and even funnier to build. Kids, age 4-10 build our own roller coasters using Marbelous Marble Runners. After building, children can use marbles to test their roller coasters. •Toy Car Racing, 6-7 pm King Road Library Kids age 5-19 can zoom their toy cars on a race track, win prizes and have a wheelie good time. •Homeschool Hour, 1:30-2:30 pm King Road Library Join us on the third Wednesday of each month to network and hang out with other homeschooling families from the community.
•Aromatherapy, 1-2 pm The Victory Center, Ste. B 5532 W. Central Ave. 419-531-7600 Learn and discuss the special ways that essential oils can be used for everyday health and wellness. This program is free to people with a cancer diagnosis and is sponsored by ProMedica Cancer Institute. •Fitness Night Hike, 6-7 pm Secor Metropark There are so many physical and mental health benefits to hiking. Jumpstart your path to overall wellness and enjoy nature by exploring Metroparks trails with a naturalist. We offer evening hikes, fitness hikes, 5 and 10 mile hikes, and more!, Reservations, Code 205515101
•Dec. 19
Code IT Club, 4:15-5:15 pm King Road Library Tweens, age 10-13: Have you ever wanted to create a video game, program a robot or make a website? Learn more about coding and show others your skills. •Boots and Cats Holiday Concert, 6:30-7:30 pm King Road Library Join us for sounds of the Holiday Season with the Sylvania School Teachers' Quartet- Boots & Cats!
•Dec. 19, 26
Ice carvings, 6 pm Toledo Zoo Main Plaza
•Dec. 20, 21
Sleepover Toledo Zoo This overnight experience features up-close encounters with animals, special talks by Zoo staff, evening cookies and hot cocoa and a continental breakfast. For more information, visit toledozoo.org/snooze. Model Railroad Open House 11 am - 4 pm Blissfield Model Railroad Club 109 E. Adrian St. (US223) Blissfield, MI 49228 •Mystery of the Christmas Star, 7:30 pm The layout has three levels and is set in the 1950’s - 1960’s era. The railroad covers the C&O and Clinchfield Railroads in the Appalachian Mountains, Ohio and Kentucky region. We operate with Light signals and Centralized Traffic Control utilizing a Direct Traffic Control System with two way radio comunications. Free; donations welcome.
bmrr.org (517) 486-0404 or facebook.com/blissfieldmrc
Appold Planetarium Lourdes University Story of the Star of Bethlehem. $5 adults, $4 children 12 and under. Reservations encouraged. Call 419-517-8897.
•Dec. 21
Euchre Saturdays, 11 am-1 pm Sylvania Library Do you enjoy playing cards? How about coffee, conversation and a chance to meet new people? Whether you're a "card shark" or have never played Euchre before, all are welcome.
•Dec. 25
Holiday Walk, 3-4:30 pm Wildwood Metz Celebrate the beauty and peacefulness of the season as you enjoy a walk to observe some gifts of nature. Warm up afterwards with sassafras tea in the Window on Wildlife. Free.
•Dec. 27
Minecraft Meetup – 3:30-4:30 pm King Road Library Tweens, age 10-13 join other Minecrafters at the Library to explore, build, battle, collaborate, and survive in exciting virtual worlds.
•Dec. 27, 30, 31
Metropark Mini Camp, 9:30 am2:30 pm Wildwood Metroparks Hall Metroparks popular Outdoor Explorers Camp. Crafts, stories, songs and games will all be part of this mini camp experience. Learn what park naturalists do and become an honorary junior naturalist at the end of the session. This is a drop-off program. Fee includes a Metroparks camp winter hat and afternoon snack. All participants should bring a packed lunch and a reusable water bottle. Dress for the weather as many of our activities will take place outside. Activities: Owl Pellet Dissection, Animal Tracking, Winter Twig Identification, Slackline, Nature Walk, Snack: mini-campfires made with grapes, crackers, cheese. $30, Reservations, Code 409903101
•Jan 2 and 3
Winter Camps, ages 5-12 Toledo Zoo Drop off your child at the Zoo from 9 am-3 pm for a winter adventure that promises exciting exhibit tours, amazing animal visitors, cool crafts and goofy games. Separate fee; member discount applies. For full details and online registration, visit toledozoo.org/camps.
Jan. 3
First Friday Art Walk, 5-8 pm Downtown Sylvania Monthly art walk through downtown Sylvania with shops and restaurants open.
•Jan 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31
Snooze at the Zoo Toledo Zoo Spend the night at the Zoo. A good time for families, groups and schools. During the overnight adventure, guests make enrichment for our animals, tour the Zoo, meet animals up close and enjoy delicious meals. Each Snooze lasts from 6:30 pm-10 am the next day. Separate fee, pre-registration required. For more information, including pricing and available dates, visit toledozoo.org/snooze.
•Jan. 6
Beginner Taoist Tai Chi, 6-7:30 pm Elks Lodge #53 3520 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. Consists of slow movements that use gentle turns and graceful stretches to improve balance, flexibility, circulation, and strength.
•Jan. 7
Beginner Taoist Tai Chi, 1-2:30 pm Elks Lodge #53 3520 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. Consists of slow movements that use gentle turns and graceful stretches to improve balance, flexibility, circulation, and strength.
•Jan. 11
Horticulture Make & Take Workshop, 10 am-noon
YOURGOOD.NEWS Toledo Zoo The horticulture staff help you improve the health of your home and humans by creating a custom houseplant arrangement in a decorative glazed ceramic planter. No experience necessary but space is limited. Reservations required. Register and learn more at toledozoo.org/workshop.
•Jan. 17
Wine Tasting, 7-9 pm Toledo Zoo Great Hall of the Museum Ages 21 and up enjoy an array of wines, hors d’oeuvres and live music. Advanced tickets are required. Separate fee. Member discounts apply. For more information, visit toledozoo.org/wine.
•Jan. 20
Camp for a Day, 9 am-4 pm Toledo Zoo Kids will learn all about animals built for the extreme cold weather. Bundle up and check out our penguins, polar bears and other cool animals. Separate fee, pre-registration required. Available for ages 5 – 12. Zoo member discount applies. To register or learn more, visit toledozoo.org/camps. •KidÊs Day, 8 am-4 pm Christ Presbyterian Church 4225 W. Sylvania Ave. Drop the kids off for a day of fun activities, games, and friendship. This event is for children ages 4 through 5th grade. The event is free and lunch is provided.Registration required by Jan. 15. Contact Jen Juhasz at 419-475-8629 or JenCPCToledo@gmail.com.
Sylvania Branch Library Recurring Events 6749 Monroe St., Sylvania, Ohio
Days Mondays
Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays
Program Preschool Storytime Code IT Club Family Storytime Sit, Stay, Read Babytime Family Storytime Toddler Storytime Teen Gamers Guild Cricut Creations Library Playdate
Time 2-2:45 pm 4-5 pm 10-10:45 am 7-8 pm 10-10:30 am 11-11:30 am 10-10:30 am 3-5 pm 6:30-8 pm 10-10:45 am
Program Family Storytime Babytime Toddler Storytime Code IT Jr. Homeschool Hour Let’s Talk! Storytime Playdate Code IT Club Sit, Stay, Read Minecraft Meetup
Time 4-4:30 pm 10-10:30 am 11-11:30 am 4:15-5:15 pm 1:30-2:30 pm 6-7 pm 6-7 pm 4:15-5:15 pm 7-8 pm 3:45-4:45 pm
King Road Branch Library Recurring Events 3900 King Rd., Sylvania, Ohio
Days Mondays Tuesdays
Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays
Johnson takes the culinary reins at Inside the Five
Local chef Casey Johnson has been hired by Inside the Five Brewing Company, 5703 N. Main St., to serve as the restaurant’s executive chef. Johnson, formerly of Fifth Street Pub, began his position at Inside the Five on Dec. 16. As executive chef, Johnson oversees all culinary operations at Inside the Five including staffing, menu development and ingredient sourcing. He will also assist with the opening of the restaurant’s second location in Perrysburg in the 3rd Street Market in 2020. Johnson received his training from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. He spent the past 18 months as the chef de cuisine for Fifth Street Pub’s Sylvania and
Perrysburg locations and their other restaurant, Luckies Barn and Grill, in Oregon, Ohio. While Inside the Five’s diners won’t see an immediate change in the restaurant’s menu, Johnson has plans. “My vision for the restaurant is for me to truly practice what I preach. I will be working hard at sourcing food and supplies locally,” he said. “My goal is to get the menu to within 80 percent of being locally sourced.” In terms of food, Johnson plans to deliver comfort food in an elevated style. “I want to utilize the melting pot that is America and create dishes that are influenced by the world’s cuisine,” he explained. Johnson also plans to offer seasonal meals with four menu rotations throughout the year. “I want to bring new food to guests regularly, just as we do new beers.”
Musicians Spread Holiday Cheer
A group of residents gather at Oak Leaf Village to enjoy holiday music and cheer on Dec. 8.
Carolyn McIntyre, Dr. Larry Johnson, Edward Gerrity, Joe Hunyor and Paul Dwyer entertain guests at Oak Leaf Village. –by Mary Helen Darah
Casey Johnson is the executive chef at Inside the Five Brewing Company.
UT Football Team Helps SCS After-School Program
Sylvania Community Services Extended Time Care Director Gina Black introduces the University of Toledo football team to her students at Central Trail School. The team spent time volunteering with the children early in November. The program is available before school beginning at 5:30 am and after school until 6:30 pm. Extended Time Care is also provided at Highland, Maplewood, Stranahan, and Sylvan elementary schools. The program is available at Hill View for Hill View and Whiteford students in the mornings and Whiteford for Whiteford and Hill View students in the afternoons.
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My years on Main Street BY JUDI PITTAWAY
I want to take you on a walk down Main Street and tell you of the places I have lived and the businesses I have owned for over 48 years. It began in 1940. My family moved here from Toledo and we lived in a house on the hill , which was catty-corner from St. Joseph Church. When I was 14, I was in a hurry, rushing out the door and down the cement steps and fell the last four or five steps, landing on my ankle. Back then, we didn’t go to the doctor unless we were near death so my mother wrapped it with an Ace bandage and I hobbled around for many weeks. At Christmas, when the hill was icy and not salted, my sisters and I would watch the cars try to get to St. Joseph up the icy street for Christmas Eve services. The cars would weave from left to right, get a ways up and then slide back down. That was our Christmas Eve entertainment. Big trucks would pull to the side of the street, watch the traffic light at the top of the hill at Monroe Street and when the light turned green they would take off and be able to go right through the light. When I was a bit younger, I was sitting on the front porch swing, watching the cars go by. Across the street a car parked in the driveway, rolled down the driveway and into the street. It somehow turned and started down the street to the bottom of the hill. The owner saw this, came running out of the house and took off after his run-away car. Luckily, there was no other traffic on the street and the man’s car was not damaged. Speaking of cars, at the bottom of the hill next to 10-Mile Creek, Carrol’s Auto Sales had their business. We would stand by the fenders, which were bowed (that was the style in the 40s) and look at ourselves.The bowed fender made us look short and wide. We would wiggle, dance, move around and then laugh and laugh at ourselves. More Main Street entertainment. Back in the 40s there were Buicks, Fords, Chevys and maybe a few more. Susi, Joan and I, again on our porch swing, would watch a car coming and yell out the make. Such fun! Susi, Joan and I spent many a summer and winter playing on the Ten Mile Creek. We would wade in it in the summer, sometimes coming out of the water and finding blood suckers on our feet and lower legs! I have a memory of us running up the hill to our house to get salt to pour on the suckers to loosen them. In the winter, we skated on the creek, sometimes going as far as the Boy Scout reservation on Sylvania Avenue. One winter I was punished and was not supposed to go ice skating. Being the child that gave my mother her grey hair, I took off and went skating anyway. But I got caught because I fell through the ice and came home soaking wet! There was a movie theater uptown that my sisters and I went to most every weekend. They showed two full movies, cartoons and news. Sometimes we would stay and watch the second showing - for free! That is if the manager wasn’t there to clear us all out. Another Main Street entertainment! (Have you noticed the fun we had
that didn’t cost us more than the 10 cents we paid for the movies?) We lived on the east side of the street and across the street behind the houses was a railroad track —still there. It was used to haul grain, usually corn, to the grain elevators just over the Michigan line. Late in the evening you could hear the train whistle at the crossings on Brint Road, Convent Boulevard, Monroe Street, Maplewood Avenue and Erie Street. If it was especially quiet outside, you could hear it two more times in future homes that I lived in. After graduating from Burnham High School in 1950, I moved away from Sylvania, traveling to Livonia and Plymouth, Mich. In the 70s I returned to Sylvania. I lived off Brint Road but opened a yarn shop on the corner of Main Street and Maplewood Avenue in downtown Sylvania. I was back on Main Street. Unfortunately the shop didn’t last long. The next Main Street home is gone now. That house and the one next door were torn down and condos now sit there. I lived in that house with my sister Joan. While living there, Joan and I opened a needlework shop. We started out in the alley downtown but, within a year, moved to a house on Main Street across from the old post office. We had that shop for nine years. Before selling the shop, I moved into the back apartment next door. This is a grey house owned by Gene Paul, that years before had been converted into three apartments. There were two down, one in the front and the other in the rear and an apartment upstairs. I lived there for 23 years and loved the apartment. It was just right for a single person. It has a full basement where I put a washer/dryer and a chest freezer. I had lots of storage room. In those 23 years, I watched the carry-out become a fancy gift shop and then become Element 112. I watched the needlework shop close and become Harmony in Life. I found a rubber stamp store in a little house set back on the property beside the Sylvania Heritage Museum. I spent many hours there buying stamps, making greeting cards and when Bev moved the shop up front, I worked for her. While living in the apartment, I had a front row seat for all the parades. When the Wingate Hotel opened, I worked as the breakfast attendant. And, of course, the hotel is on Main Street. As much as I loved the apartment on Main Street I had to move on. It became hard to take my laundry down to the basement and hard to step over the edge of the tub to take a shower. I moved into Luther Crest, which is located on North Holland Sylvania Road. Guess where Main Street in Sylvania ends ... where it turns into Holland Sylvania Road. I was still on “Main Street.” In November 2019, I moved to Illinois to live, for awhile, with my daughter. Unfortunately, she does not live on Main Street. She lives on Heaven’s Gate...it’s not Main Street but it is a lovely name for a street.
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ProMedica President and CEO recognized as top influencer by Modern Healthcare ProMedica President and CEO Randy Oostra has been recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2019. This is the third consecutive year Mr. Oostra has been recognized by Modern Healthcare in this capacity. The prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors individuals who are deemed by their peers and the senior editors of Modern Healthcare to be the most influential in the industry, in terms of leadership and impact. “This year’s selection process was contentious and difficult. Many healthcare organizations made bold strides in the continued transformation of the industry. Many others were more cautious during a year that brought uncertainty over how the law of the land might change as a result of a federal court decision,” commented Aurora Aguilar, Modern Health-
Ribbon Cut to Open Nothing Bundt Cakes
care editor. “The honorees chosen this year by Modern Healthcare and our readers are those who were fearless in their risky strategies and unapologetic in their rationale. Whether you agree with the compiled list or not, you can’t argue with the influence of these 100 healthcare leaders. Congratulations to those honorees.” “It’s an honor to be recognized as one of Modern Healthcare’s 100 most influential people,” said Oostra. “This past year, the ProMedica team has continued its transformation by exploring several new opportunities that have come about through our nontraditional partnership with HCR ManorCare. These opportunities are helping ProMedica to redefine the role of health care in healthy aging and to expand our social determinants work – necessary steps to meet the future demands of health care.”
Santa’s Helpers Keep Very Busy
Cathy Martin, Ann Baksh, Mary Pohlman and Michael Martin of Waterford Bank wrap some of the gifts they purchased for the three Sylvania Area Family Services families they have adopted.
Chamber Welcoming Committee: Joe Szafarowicz, Tammie Brainard, John Healey, Oliver Turner, Dan Saad, Jan Tidd, Kathy Crowther, Betty Bassett, Dee Sabo, Katie Hahn and Bud Crosby along with Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce Exective Director Michelle Sprott and Sylvania Town Crier Mike Lieber join the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce staff Diane Karnower and Stacey Mallett to help Nothing Bundt Cakes owners Christie Bush and Taylor Bush cut the ribbon along with Pam Bush, Kevin Bush and Guest Service Representatives Caroline Smith and Morgan McCune. The bakery is located at 7427 W. Central Ave. - by Jennifer Ruple
A DEAM LENDER for o DREAM HOME ES Morttgage gage Lending You’ve ou’v been patient. Scouring the market. Looking for f that home that checks all the boxes. But the home buying g pr process is complicated and overwhelming. You You can be ready r with a little help from Waterford Bank. We take the time to truly know each of our clients, assessing their personal goals oals and guiding them through buying, selling, and borrowing g. We even take simple a step further with our mortgage loan origina riginator apps and educational video series. With Waterford on o your side, you’re always ready and never alone. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. All loans subject to credit approval. NMLS# 520256
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Chamber Spotlight Business Honored
Tanya Semler, event supervisor, Erinn Kaucher, membership director, and Roger Parker, general manager, all representing Sylvania Country Club, accept the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Business Spotlight of the Month’ award at the Dec. 4 luncheon meeting.
Chamber Speaker Offers Chick-Fil-A Advice
Chrys Peterson and her husband, Tom Runnells, talk with Chamber luncheon speaker Justin Amburgey, owner of the Central Avenue/McCord Road and Spring Meadows Chick-fil-A restaurants, about his topic, ‘The Chick-fil-A Way.’
Annual Christmas Luncheon is Entertaining
Northview’s Harmony Road singers entertained the record-setting crowd at the Chamber’s Christmas luncheon meeting at Sylvania Country Club.
Chamber Executive Director Michelle Sprott, Community Relations Manager Tiffany Scott and Executive Assistant Julia Vandergrift ‘dressed’ for the festive occasion.
New leadership team joins Heartland at ProMedica Diana Eggleston, LNHA, RN-BC, and Stacey Sautural, RN, have joined the staff at Heartland at ProMedica. Eggleston, the new administrator, has been in long-term care throughout her career, beginning as a registered nurse then advancing to administration. She was the regional director of operations at a Michigan-based longterm care company for 10 years. She is boardcertified in gerontological nursing and is a licensed nursing home administrator. New to Ohio, she saw this position as an opportunity to be part of a top-rated facility with unlimited potential. “My goal is to make this facility a premier provider and to offer outstanding customer service to our residents and their families along with our staff,” Eggleston stated. Sautural has been named director of nursing. She shares Eggleston’s goal to develop an outstanding staff that provides excellent care to residents. Sautural said she thoroughly researched the company and found it to be top-rated for ca-
reer growth. “I also liked the fact that this facility is part of the ProMedica campus that includes Flower Hospital, the Goerlich Center and Ebeid Hospice, providing a continuum of care.” In her new position, she oversees all clinical services, orientation and training. Before joining Heartland, Sautural was the director of nursing for a Michigan-based 223-bed nursing facility. She has 21 years experience in the industry and is a longtime member of The American Association of Directors of Nursing Services. The two feel that their biggest challenge is getting to know everyone on staff. They both agree that they have a great team in place and there is a lot of potential for the company. “We are a caring and compassionate team working toward the common goal to give our residents quality care and to offer our employees the best working environment possible,” Eggleston said.
Lourdes University President Mary Ann Gawelek announced the appointment of Dr. Sandra Atkinson Greniewicki as Lourdes University’s new College of Nursing Dean. Dr. Greniewicki, who assumed her duties on Dec. 2, is responsible for leading the direction and management of the university’s undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Dr. Greniewicki comes to Lourdes from Brenau University where she played a pivotal role over several decades in the establishment of a three-year nursing diploma program and the subsequent evolution of the institution’s Mary Inez Grindle School of Nursing, which offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. While at Brenau, the Birmingham, AL native served in many roles including faculty liaison, consultant, chair, dean, provost, endowed professor, and her most recent position of professor emeritus. Throughout her career, Dr. Greniewicki has
led and taught at several higher education institutions including Western Carolina University, the Troy University System, Concordia University, Michigan State University, and Christopher Newport University. Other appointments include membership in the U.S. Department of Labor Federal Training Program’s community mental health and international studies interdisciplinary team. She has also successfully secured multiple grants focused on health care, aging, elder care, and diversity totaling more than $600,000. A trailblazer in international health care leadership, Dr. Greniewicki has taught and practiced nursing in several large higher education institutions in China and Mexico. In that capacity, Dr. Greniewicki collaborated with nurse educators, physicians and students, produced scholarly papers and discipline specific lectures for the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and the Chinese Nursing Association. “I am excited to begin my time at Lourdes University. Personally and professionally, I am invested in the continuing development and transformation of nursing educational programs. Our role is to promote faithful caring within the healthcare profession and to prepare future nurses who will carry on this tradition,” said Dr. Greniewicki. “Lourdes administration is confident in Sandra’s abilities to lead the College of Nursing. Through her expertise and guidance, Lourdes nursing faculty and staff will enhance our accredited programs and foster strong partnerships in the healthcare industry while continuing our tradition of graduating excellent graduates and nursing professionals,” said President Gawelek.
Michelle Ariss, MD, has joined ProMedica Physicians Eye Care, located at 5700 Monroe St., Sylvania. Born and raised in Toledo, Dr. Ariss is a pediatric ophthalmologist who specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of childhood ocular disorders for children of all ages, including newborns. For many years she practiced at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, but has since returned to continue treating pediatric patients in her hometown.
While Dr. Ariss provides comprehensive pediatric eye care, her surgical expertise includes strabismus surgery for misaligned eyes, nasolacrimal duct surgery, and eyelid lesions. Dr. Ariss received her medical degree from Medical College of Ohio in Toledo and completed her residency at the Freindenwald Eye Institute in Baltimore, Md. She also completed a fellowship in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus at the Cole Eye Institute in Cleveland. She is accepting new patients.
Lourdes appoints new Dean of Nursing
New pediatric ophthalmologist joins ProMedica Physicians Eye Care
Stacey Sautural, RN, and Diana Eggleston, LNHA, RN-BC, join the leadership team at Heartland at ProMedica.
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Find holistic healing this holiday season
Jenifer Wise
Did you know that it only takes 27 seconds for oils to be absorbed from the bottom of your feet up into your bloodstream? Jenifer Wise, local healer and businesswoman, shared that her Reiki-infused essential oils lotions support anxiety and stress relief, chronic pain relief, weight loss and a healthier immune system ... just to name a few! Her threeyear-old business, Enchanted Essence, was founded in her personal search to find healing from a lifetime of pain and suffering. Since a traumatic horseback riding accident at the age of 9, Wise has dealt with numerous injuries, including a hip replacement and back surgery. She calls herself a “chronic pain survivor” because she has endured over 30 years of
severe pain, including a diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Looking for “other ways to heal herself,” she researched aromatherapy and Reiki. In learning the complexities of essential oils benefits, she decided that lotions and butters, in conjunction with Reiki infusion, were the best ways to share healing with others and heal herself. Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, harnesses energy in the world and channels it into healing. Jenifer found that after only a few months of using both of these tactics her pain levels immensely decreased and she was able to wean off of Western medicine completely. She has now “taken [her] health back into [her] own hands.” Clients all over the U.S. now swear by her products. All of her items are vegan, natural, organic, and handmade from her home in Sylvania. What sets Enchanted Essence apart from the mainstream trendy companies, which produce similar products, is her dedication to easily traceable and organically sourced ingredients. Her passion for her business truly comes from helping people. As someone who understands lifelong pain, she sincerely wishes wellness for her customers and clients. Those interested can find a list of her Reiki services and products on her Enchanted Essence website. There, they can even take an essential oils quiz where they can customize products based on their specific needs and concerns. On Dec. 13, she showcased five new CBD blends at the Toledo Night Holiday Market. Keep an eye out for upcoming Christmas deals.
Stacey Baumgartner encourages a service dog to open the refrigerator in the model apartment.
Ability Center and Agility Angels open new Canine Training Center
The Ability Center and Agility Angels have opened a new Canine Training Center. The new training facility is home to The Ability Center's Assistance Dogs for Achieving Independence Program and Agility Angels, a program founded in 2008 by Melissa Voetsch and Kim Holmes. Agility Angels uses the sport of dog agility training to help individuals diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum. The stand-alone building provides ample dog training space, a consumer service center, a model independent living apartment, and extended programming opportunities for children and adults with autism. The shared space will improve programming for both organizations but they will continue to function as separate entities. Consumers working with The Ability Center’s therapy dogs will now be able to use agility training as an added benefit of the program. Agility Angels will be able to expand programming to offer services
to people with all types of disabilities. The Ability Center has placed 12 service dogs, eight therapy dogs, and four school therapy dogs in the last year. In 2018, The Ability Center served 686 people with disabilities in northwest Ohio and surrounding areas through their seven programs. Agility Angels has served over 100 children since June of 2008 and volunteers participate in agility competitions both in Ohio and Michigan. AA Boes served as general contractor for the 8,000-square-foot building.The total cost of the project was $1.4 million. Generous funds from the estate of Marilyn I. Payne secured finances to begin the build. Additional support from The Ability Center’s Supporting Organization, Agility Angels donors, community partners, local grants, and private donors funded the project. Commemorative plaques are available for purchase on The Ability Center’s website: abilitycenter.org/facility.
Mark Klopfenstein Mark Klopfenstein has been hired as wealth advisor and Lukas Thill as wealth advisor associate at First Federal Bank. Klopfenstein was a founding member of Strategic Investment Advisors based in Toledo. “The addition of Mark and Lukas to our team speaks to the momentum and growth of the First Federal Bank Wealth Management division,” said David Kondas, senior vice president, director of wealth management. “We are excited to continue Mark and Lukas’ exceptional service to the clients of SIA.” Klopfenstein provides clients with tailored solutions to understand the opportunities and successes of a proactive approach to financial planning.
Lukas Thill He graduated magna cum laude from Cleary University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®). He has been actively involved in the community as a former corporate treasurer/finance chair for the Toledo Community Oncology Program Board of Trustees. He also served as vice president and finance chair for the Northwest State Community College Foundation. Thill is responsible for finding solutions for his clients’ investing, retirement, estate planning, and wealth preservation needs. He earned his bachelor's degree from Taylor University where he studied finance and economics and holds a Series 66 License.
Wealth advisors join First Federal Bank
New owners assume helm at Invisible Fence in Sylvania
Patrick and Sarah McIntyre recently acquired the local Invisible Fence dealership. After a lengthy career in the health care industry, Patrick McIntyre decided it was time to look for a business of his own to control his destiny. “I have been involved with several companies who were acquired by larger corporations, including my own family business. When that happens, there are changes,” he explained. Earlier this year, while playing golf with Casey Nowicki of the VZN Group, McIntyre mentioned his desire to find a business. “Casey said I just might know of one that could be available,” McIntyre reflected. Nowicki’s clients, Steve and Susan Farley, had decided to sell Invisible Fence, their 22-year-old Sylvania-based company. “Steve and I had breakfast shortly after and as hard as I tried to poke holes in the business, I could see no down side for me,” McIntyre reported. In mid November, McIntyre officially acquired the business headquartered at 6100 Monroe St., complete with a staff of 15 team members and a fleet of 11 vehicles. “This team is amazing. Each person is passionate about animals and we all love dogs. Each person is also very knowledgeable and skilled at what he or she does,” McIntyre reflected. “That is one of the things that I first noticed about this team. In addition, everyone has been very welcoming to me and my wife, Sarah. Everyone is also very helpful and eager to assist me as I learn the business.”
McIntyre said he is shadowing each of his team members to really get to know all aspects of the business.Those team members include sales consultants, technicians, pet trainers and customer care providers. According to McIntyre, Invisible Fence, headquartered in Knoxville, Tenn., has 45 years of experience with dealerships or corporate locations throughout the country. McIntyre’s territory extends to the Indiana border, south to Lima, east to Huron, Ohio and north of Ann Arbor, Mich. “We offer outdoor and indoor containment for pets,” he explained. “Our certified trainers customize the technology and training to meet every pet’s unique needs.” An insulated cable is buried around the property, which carries a digital radio frequency creating a signal field on all sides of the cable representing the pet’s protective boundary. This signal is created by a centrally located control panel and is detected by a computer collar receiver worn by the pet. When the pet crosses into the signal field, an audible warning tone is provided first followed by a correction jiggle reminding the pet that the boundary has been reached. The level of correction is customized to each pet ensuring the right levels are maintained. Invisible Fence certified pet trainers get to know each pet. They use the customized Perfect StartTM Plus training, a systematic, gentle training approach used by veterinarians and an-
imal behaviorists. “We work vey closely with local veterinarians and pet influencers,” McIntyre offered. “After this training, animal owners find they have better behaved pets that understand their
boundaries,” McIntyre reported. “And, we offer training for both dogs and cats for indoor and outdoor containment. “This really makes for a safer, happier and more independent pet.”
Patrick McIntyre recently acquires the Invisible Fence dealership at 6100 Monroe St.
Leaf and Seed Café opens in downtown Toledo
Toledo Farmers Market 525 Market St., Toledo Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm The heat is on and the overhead doors are closed for cozy shopping until spring. Each week, the market offers local winter vegetables, homemade baked goods, specialty foods, coffee, wine, plants and handmade items such as candles, soaps, jewelry and pottery. toledofarmersmarket.com Holiday Markets at Eastern Market 2934 Russell St., Detroit, Mich. Thursday, Dec. 19, 5 - 9 pm Sunday, Dec. 22, 10 am - 4 pm Additional markets have been planned to help meet all your holiday shopping needs. The markets feature Michigan-made gift options including clothing, art, jewelry, beauty products and more. The events are free and open to all ages. easternmarket.org Island Soul: Winter Dinner Series Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center 1225 Broadway St., Toledo Friday, Dec. 20, 7 - 9:30 pm Chef Mikhala Bagot presents a fine-dining experience with Island Soul’s Caribbean flavors. Three-course meal, hors d’oeuvres and live music. Tickets eventbrite.com: $35/person or $60/couple. New YearÊs Eve Bash and Fundraiser Benfield Wines 102 N. Main St., Swanton Dec. 31, 8 pm - 1 am Ring in the new year at Benfield. The evening features appetizers, dinner from Switchback Café, a midnight toast, live music, and a silent auction to benefit the Swanton Historical Society. Tickets $50/person at benfieldwines.com.
TASTINGS SofoÊs Italian Market 5400 Monroe St. Wednesdays, 5 - 7 pm Sip on several wines while enjoying complimentary food samples of Sofo products and a fabulous Sofo family dish created by Chef Frankie. Prices vary. shopsofos.com Bottle Shop at MancyÊs Italian 5453 Monroe St. Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Weekly tasting event. December themes include: The Festival of Seven Fishes and Wine, Dec. 19 and Let’s Kick Back and Relax, Dec. 26. Pours begin at $2. bottleshopinfo@mancys.com
Susan Herhold is the owner and creator of the vegan restaurant, The Leaf and Seed Café, 116 10th Street in downtown Toledo. The café opened Monday, Dec. 2.
Stacy Betts and Josephine Doddy of Toledo look over the breakfast and lunch menu options during the grand opening celebration.
Champagne All Day Bottle Shop at MancyÊs Italian 5453 Monroe St. Saturday, Dec. 28, 2 - 7:30 pm Sample champagne and bubbles from around the world. bottleshopinfo@mancys.com JosephÊs Beverage Center 4129 Talmadge Rd. Wine Tasting: Thursdays, 6 - 8 pm Beer Tasting: Fridays, 5 - 7 pm Enjoy a selection of wines or beers for a nominal fee. josephswinestoretoledooh.com
Got foodie events? Email editor@yourgood.news
The Hawaiian Burger, served with housemade chips, is one of the many plant-based menu items featured at The Leaf and Seed. The café is open Monday through Friday 7 am to 2 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm. - by Jennifer Ruple
Angry Irishman wins excellence award Angry Irishman Hot Sauce, manufacturer of 10 unique, handcrafted, Ohio-made hot sauces, mustards, barbecue sauces and dry rubs, was honored with the CIFT Excellence Award. The award is in recognition of exceptional achievement in the development of the food company and the contribution to the industry and state of Ohio. “We are very excited to receive this award for our achievements,” said Kevin Mackey, president and CEO, Angry Irishman Hot Sauce. “Because of the ongoing assistance from CIFT we are looking at the next big phase for the business, and we look forward to continued growth and expansion.” In 1995, Mackey founded the company that
has earned several prestigious local and regional awards over the years. Production takes place at the Northwest Ohio Cooperative Kitchen, managed by CIFT, where several products and flavors were recently added due to consumer demand – including online orders coming from across the globe. Since 1995, CIFT has provided a unique blend of business solutions, innovation and technical expertise to the food processing, agricultural and manufacturing sectors. These services are designed to enhance the economic performance of the industries and create new jobs. CIFT is a partner of the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership, designed to help small to mid-sized manufacturers in Ohio become leaders in their industry.
Holiday sweets are a nod to tradition
clean. Allow to cool and turn out on to a wire rack to cool completely. Dust with confectioners’ sugar. (Recipe from the recipe box of my grandparents, Lucy and Carl Ries)
Cranberry Cookies
Cheesecakes with Fresh Berry Sauce Makes 18 mini cakes Crust 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup butter, melted Filling 1 pound cream cheese, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs
BY JENNIFER RUPLE It’s funny the things we do in preparation for the holidays. There are the usual tasks leading up to the big day like decorating, baking and wrapping. And then there are the not-sousual tasks … the ones Jennifer Ruple where we run all over town in search of those little things that make the holidays extra special for our families. The year I became the host of our family’s Christmas Eve, I tried to make it an entertaining and comforting visit for my brother and his family who had to travel from out of town. I happened to pick up a movie; I believe it was “Christmas Vacation.” With a few hours to spare before the dinner festivities, everyone gathered in the living room in front of the fireplace with cozy throw blankets and watched the movie. The movie ended up being the perfect down-time Whiskey Cake
activity for my weary travelers - I think they actually slept through half of it. Ten years have passed since then, and although no one ever really pays much attention to the movie, my nephew and niece, who are now young adults, still ask, “What’s the Christmas movie this year?” It gets harder and harder each year, but I still search for (and sometimes stress about in a funny way) finding another movie. It’s simply one of our traditions, and it wouldn’t be Christmas Eve without it. Other holiday traditions at our house include a buffet of hors d’oeuvres which we eat around the kitchen island while listening to music, dancing and catching up on the year’s events - no more formal dining room dinners here. And that brings us to the desserts - my grandma and grandpa’s whiskey cake that my brother swears is worth the trip up from Orlando, an updated version of the scrumptious mini cheesecakes my mother introduced us to in the 80s, and a newer addition, cranberry cookies, always make an appearance on the cookie tray. How ever you celebrate the holidays, I hope they are filled with love, laughter and all your favorite family traditions.
Whiskey Cake
1 box yellow cake mix 1 box pistachio pudding mix 2 tablespoons sour cream 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup whiskey 4 eggs 2/3 cup vegetable oil 1/2 cup maraschino cherries, drained and halved 1/2 cup chocolate chips 1 cup walnuts Confectioners’ sugar Heat oven to 350 F. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients through oil. Fold in cherries, chocolate chips and walnuts. Pour into a well-greased Bundt pan. Bake for approximately 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out
Heat oven to 375 F. In a small bowl, combine crust ingredients. Line cupcake pan with paper baking cups. Evenly distribute cups with graham cracker mixture. With a 1/4 cup measuring cup, firmly press crumbs down. Set aside. In the bowl of a stand mixer, mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour filling over graham cracker crusts. Bake for 15 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack before freezing or topping with berry sauce. Cheesecakes may also be dusted with cinnamon. (Recipe by Jennifer Ruple)
Fresh Berry Sauce
2 pints raspberries or blackberries 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the fruit breaks down. Add corn starch dissolved in water if a thicker consistency is desired. To remove seeds, push mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Let cool and drizzle over cheesecakes. Top with mixed berries. (Recipe by Jennifer Ruple) Mini Cheesecakes
Cranberry Cookies 11 tablespoons butter, softened 1 cup sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg 1/3 cup milk 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 1/2 cups fresh cranberries, halved 1 cup walnuts, finely chopped Heat oven to 350F. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add the egg and milk. Stir to combine. Scrape the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula. Combine flour with the baking powder and salt. Gradually add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture and mix well. Stir in the cranberries and walnuts. Using an ice cream scoop, drop cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove cookies and allow to cool on wire racks. (Recipe from atreatsaffair.com)
December’s First Friday Art Walk is part of Miracle on Main 14A
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Photographer Rick Luetke talks about his work with Judy Gates and George Brymer of All Square Marketing.
Amy Morford and Rachel Holland admire the ornaments on display at Hudson Gallery.
Tina Wagenhauser of Art Elementz looks on as photographer Rich Hunter and Dave Ansel admire Linda Szyskowski’s paintings.
Tiffany Davis and her children Ezekiel and Naomi with Silas and Addie Louviere look over the candy selections at Village Candy Shoppe.
Jane Wurth and Sue Kenny enjoy a glass of wine at Chandler Cafe.
John Fisher looks over the display of cards at Beautiful Blooms by Jen.
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Jon and Lynnette Davis check out Santa on the beach enjoying his DORA cup created by Mike Hennessy on the chalkboard in Stellar Blooms.
Angela’s Angels “Angel-Inspired Gifts & Memorials”
• One-Of-A-Kind Gifts! • Memorial & Inspirational Cindy Walton and Carole William enjoy a bite to eat supplied by Zane’s at Fuller Art House.
Josette Snyder of Toledo Memorial Park carries the owl she recently purchased at the Mistletoe Market.
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Sheridan Paulus and Scott Briddell check out a bracelet with help from his mother, Sue Briddell, of Harmony in Life.
Jewelry artist Chrissy Deiger of Wyldlu welcomes Jen Huntsinger and her mother-in-law Nancy to her table at Reve Salon and spa.
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WE CATER • WE DELIVER • FARM TO TABLE • SIMPLY DELICIOUS! Bob and Mary Westphal plan a stop at Element 112 during the December Art Walk.
Shannon and Bill Sanford keep warm as they walk from store to store.
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Jenny Gorkowski, Deb Krohn and her brother David admire all of the art in Fuller Art House.
Tim and Marty Grohnke wait outside of J&G’s to meet friends.
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Shoppers find Mistletoe Market to be a great venue for gifts
John Ruppel samples some maple syrup from Tom Brickly of Brick ‘n Brecher Sugar Shack.
Andi Erbskorn stops by the Mayberry Ice Cream stand to get a cup of hot chocolate from Tiffany Scott.
Colleen Hood and Linda Hilinske look through the handmade tiles created by Emily Snyder.
Kyle Baker helps Taylor and Carol Gibbs make a selection of Gertie’s BBQ sauce.
Sloan, Rowan and Ford West gaze longingly at the cupcakes made by Emmy Bagnato.
Kennedy Schwab and her mother, Nicki, look for goodies to buy.
Give the gift of Sylvania’s good news Call 419-843-0100 to subscribe
Cat Hoover and her daughter Magnolia select the perfect bow from Amanda Rickett of Lily Bow.
Teresa Harvey selects a wine to purchase from Julia Benfield of Benfield Wines.
Jessica McKiddy tells Susan Helier and Amy Schell about her chocolate products.
Diane Amstel talks with crafters Linda Stein and Jess Betz about their work.
Tommy Ray buys a bag of popcorn from Jack Carls of Old Tyme Kettle Korn.
Sally Oberski and her mother, Dorothy, learn about Pantless Jams and sugar scrubs from Jessica Hopkins, helped by her mother, Tami Nate, and her daughter Makalyah.
Deck the Halls for History raises funds for Heritage Center Museum
Pictured right: Volunteers Jennifer Archer and Liz Stover check out one of the silent auction items available for bid.
Lyndsey Stough and her parents, Craig and Barbara, look over all the items available for bid at the Heritage Center Museum’s Deck the Halls for History fundraising event held Dec. 6 and 7.
Heritage Sylvania board members Bob Smith, left, and Kim Hess, right talk with executive director Andi Erbskorn at the fifth annual fundraiser held in conjunction with Miracle on Main Street.
Julia and Melissa Dubiel consider placing a bid on this Christmas basket at the fifth annual Deck the Halls for History silent auction.
Sandy and John Husman check out the wooden nativity scene and Christmas wall decoration at the Heritage Center Museum fundraiser.
Kids Have Fun Learning a Bit of History
Rooney Sanda explores the engine in the train barn at the Historical Village, which hosted activities for kids on Saturday, Dec. 7.
Terah Miles and her daughter Caroline make an old fashioned ornament in the Historical village Schoolhouse while her son, Jude, looks on.
Blacksmith Steve Karr forges a nameplate that he makes for Blake Oswalt in the Historical Village Armstrong Barn.
Steve Arnold watches as his children Oliver and Sophia put their touches on the mural for the Sylvania and King Road libraries.
Miracle on Main offers festivities for kids of all ages
Carriage rides on Main Street are a big hit during the Miracle on Main festivities.
Isaac Ainakeep and Garrett Osborne help Sylvania Mayor Craig Stough and Sylvania’s Town Crier Mike Lieber light the Christmas tree in the corner park on Maplewood Avenue and Main Street.
McCord Road Christian Church volunteers Brooklyn Elmes and her mother, Wendy, sell carriage ride tickets to Erin Mansour and her daughter Zenta.
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Peg Anderson and Pattie Fowler make a holiday statement as they get ready to run the Miracle on Main 5k.
Peg Huntebrinker and her grandchildren Mason, Cole, Gianna, Vaughan and Anthony Vogt cheer their mothers to the finish line.
AJ Halsmer and Nathan Meisner watch for their mothers in the 5K run.
The Tree, aka Mingo Valdez, makes his way along the 5K route without losing a needle.
Nick Domi and his mother, Laurie, are a son and mother running team.
Blair Donnelly, 4, plans to run like a reindeer in the Santa’s helper kids run.
Miracle on Main 5K Run
Santas, elves, Christmas trees and more make their way through Sylvania streets. Over 200 people participate in the 2019 Miracle on Main 5treet 5K. Following this race, a half and quarter mile Santa’s helper run is held for kids of all ages on Saturday, Dec. 7.
Mingo Valdez, better known as the Tree, Janice Navekin and Jamie Trzeinski are happy after finishing their run.
Eddie Lockhart wears his “Christmas Story” bunny pjs for the race.
Griffin and Rob Wilson and Katherine and Shawn Wilt are dressed for the occasion.
Tess, Paige and Casey Weiser are bundled up to keep warm during the chilly evening after the run.
Jeff and Courtney Kuehne are a festive pair.
Melissa and Nick Dallas of UpSide Brewing and Scott Stampflmeier keep the taps flowing.
McCoy Walker, Josephine Bennett, McKenna Walker and Priscilla Blues Bennett are thankful for the hot chocolate after they finish their run.
Brian Kezur, Pete Avenelbe and Brad Crown serve UpSide brews to runners after their race.
From McCord Road Christian Church Nanyang Cechner, Melinda Ghesquiere, Chardae Newton, Betty Bassett and others serve over 85 gallons of hot chocolate to racers.
The parade is another Miracle on Main 22A
Here comes Santa Claus, coming to town riding in his horse-drawn carriage.
St. Joseph students are part of the nighttime parade.
The SCAT float is full of Christmas.
Brian Schroyer of Spoke Life Cycles entertains the nighttime crowd with colorful wheelies.
Sylvania Township Fire Department is well represented in the parade.
Whatever is good for your soul, do that.
Clint Keifer, Doctor of Audiology, performing an ear exam
No Sylvania parade is complete without the Sylvania Town Crier, Mike Lieber.
These floats make an impressive ride up Main Street with the inflatable snowman and the brightly decorated truck.
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Sylvania Twirlers keep the parade upbeat.
Southview cheerleaders look sharp as they perform for the crowd.
May you all survive your f amily ...
Santa Comes to Town
Connor and Avery Floria, visiting from Royal Oak, Mich., meet Santa at the Heritage Center Museum.
Santa learns the wishes of Rowen Lucia when he greets children at Chandler Cafe.
Sarah Best and her mother Sandy Bourland of Peace Love and Pottery talk with guests Barb Gramza and Peggy Bondy.
Elizabeth and Emmett Kuhn meet Sylvania Mayor Craig Stough and Santa Claus at the Fuller Art House.
Beautiful Blooms by Jen Celebrates
The Discovery Shop
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Debbie Gembolis, Linda Hamel, Becky Carr, Diann Meadows and Dana Stricker join Jen Linehan to make centerpieces at Beautiful Blooms by Jen.
OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Springfield Township 7359 International Dr
Beautiful Blooms by Jen Ladies Night Out guest Tessa Mossing has fun with Ally Holding and her daughter Kira Mossing at the Dec. 5 shopping event.
Michelle Haubert, Judy Omey and Diana Curtis create festive holiday centerpieces at Beautiful Blooms by Jen on Nov. 30.
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Children are filled with wonder at annual holiday event
Derek and Kerrie Fielding and their children Greyson and Sloan, talk with Barb and Chris Nye at the Children’s Wonderland opening party.
Patrick Richardson, his nephew Luke Jennewine, neice Jackie Jennewine, brother Daniel, sister Cakie and Kylie Morgan have a fun night.
Anthony and Lauren Harmon with their son Hudson look on in wonder at one of the displays.
Ken and Renee Wilson talk with their son about all the great sights to see.
Rex and Max Bernyk hop aboard the Santa Claus Express.
Santa learns the wishes of Henry Mixsel while his mother Lindsay listens in.
Caroline Spiess looks in awe at the Winter Wonderland display.
December 17, 2019 - January 6, 2020 Vol. 24, No.17 • yourgood.news
The gift of love, the gift of peace, and the gift of happiness. May all these be yours this holiday. From all of the Sylvania AdVantage Staff
Volunteers Gather to Celebrate
5840 Monroe Street, Sylvania, OH (next to Dave White) 419-882-2077 • www.olivetsylvania.org Sunday, December 22
9 & 11 a.m.— Beautiful Christmas Cantata—Sanctuary
Dec. 24, Christmas Eve
4 p.m.—Service designed especially for the young at heart and those who love them- Christian Life Center 7 p.m.—Traditional candlelight service with Holy Communion— Sanctuary 9:30 p.m.—Traditional candlelight service featuring Olivet Choir- Sanctuary
Holy Communion—all services ~~ Handicap accessible
Sunday, December 29
10 a.m.—Joyful service of Lessons and Carols—Sanctuary Enjoy refreshments at 9:30 for all
Sylvania Heritage volunteers, past and present, gather at the home of Claire Achen, left, including, standing, Candy Baker, Sarah Groves, Yvonne Normand, Connie Ryan, Sharon Horkey, Joy Armstrong, Gail Gibellato, Michelle Rondinelli and, seated, Debbie Downs, Judy Addington, Karen Keebler and Cindy Rotondo to welcome the holiday season. — by Dee Kalb
Annual Christmas Lunch Tradition Continues
Sylvania area residents and friends Byrne Stapleton, Gus Mancy, Brad Patterson, Steve Turner, Ryan Knight, Keith Walker, John McNerney, Ryan Wamsher, Matt Maley, Jarrod Hirschfield, Brent Gilley, Mark Henderson, Greg Wagoner, Marty Patrilla, Bob Mollenkopf, Ryan Schwartz, John Jennewine, Dave Venable, Ryan Miller and Tom Creque enjoy a Christmas lunch at Mancy’s Steak House on Dec. 5 followed by a get together at Mancy’s Italian. Many members of the group have been gathering for the past 25 years to celebrate the holidays together.
Cookie Decorating Fun
Annual Studio Sale Held
Durocher’s Janelle Ustian and Nayla Ariss have a good time decorating cookies on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Monroe Street store.
Janelle Ustian and Rick Russell enjoy decorating the Brieschke’s Bakery cutout cookies and plan to take any leftover sweets to people in assisted living facilties.
Bead artist Margaret Mazur talks with Juliana Clendenin about her work at the annual Studio Sale she hosts with Ann Tubbs.
Ric Archer and Wane Anthony ask potter Ann Tubbs questions about the design of the serving piece they plan to buy.
Volunteer Toni-Lynn Barber gives her son Royal a helping hand at the art show.
Iris Schooner and her mom Liz check out the handmade soap on display.
SV Construction Trades Hosts Craft Show
Addison Heath works on a project along with Nathan Heath, Riley Young and Lydia Hong while Instructor Ric Roach looks over the work of Tessa Heath helped by student JD Hendricks at the Dec. 7 event.
Jackie Kennedy-Jackson and Shelley Frank are happy with their purchases from the Southview construction students art sale.
Volunteer Kathy Hooker greets guests and offers them the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets to win several gift items.
Winter Festival of Crafts Held
GIVE A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION! YOURGOOD.NEWS 5675 Main St, Sylvania, Ohio (419) 517-8821 • Find us on Facebook!
Holiday Shopping
Tyler and Angie Zoldowski and Debbie and Jim Sturtz stop by to admire the fused glass art created by Gail Mirrow.
Kay Ball checks out the work of Gay Trace Ashley at the holiday show sponsored by the Toledo Craftsman’s Guild.
Sylvania artist Marilynn Fine talks with customer Linda Ehlert at the show held at the Franciscan Center.
Sister Mary Peter Kaminski checks out the mermaid blanket at the Toledo’s Craftsman’s Guild annual show.
Colleen Barnhart of Beautiful Blooms by Jen helps Small Business Saturday shopper Michelle Turner select a candle.
Roxanne Mason looks over angel ornaments with help from Francesca Breitner and Katie Delker at Angela’s Angels in downtown Sylvania.
We have something for everyone! Cards, ornaments, gifts, holiday decor, award-winning floral arrangements, and much more! Experience the NEW, Expanded Beautiful Blooms on Main Street in Downtown Sylvania for the Holidays HOME SPARKLE | HOLIDAY FLORAL | GIFTS COMPLIMENTARY WRAPPING AVAILABLE
Small Business Saturday Shopping
Toys for Tots Event
Kelly Sporleder hosts the eighth annual Toys for Tots Family Night in memory of Lcpl Kyle Sporleder at the American Legion Post 468 on Nov. 29. —by Mary Kay Urbanski
St. Francis, Santa and the animals is an annual Christmas treat Evelyn and Leah Ramsey have a fun chat with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the St. Francis, Santa and the animals event.
Mary Robinson introduces her dog Angel to Shamar Robinson and Santa.
A turtle and rabbit (aka The Tortoise and the Hare) race to bring smiles to everyone!
Shop with a Hero brightens the holiday for local children
CIGAR MERCHANT For All of Your Holiday Cigars & Accessories! Over 45 Sylvania police and firefighters, 40 local kids and their families, who are clients of Sylvania Family Services, participate in Shop with a Hero on Dec. 11 and Dec. 12 at Meijer and Walmart on Central Ave. Kids received gift cards, pizza and a holiday meal to take home.
5838 W. Central Ave. • Toledo, Ohio 43615 419-535-8717 • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
QUALITY - HANDMADE CEMETERY DECORATIONS AND FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Grave Blankets, Pillows, Crosses and Wreaths made from Fraser Fir Greens, Silk Flowers and Waterproof Ribbon Our Trees are Fraser • 32 years same family same location
C h a n dle r’s Fa rm M a rk et
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(419) 466-2190 - jrc@cass.net - facebook.com/joycesmarket
L-R: The Meijer team of Steve Krout, Colleen Weirich, Heather Schuester, Danielle Corder, Tiffany Fuller and Elissa Schwind spread holiday cheer.
Mom Trisha Butera and sons Ryan and Jon are happy to shop with their $175 gift card provided by Meijer.
L-R: Team members of Sylvania Township Fire Department Greg Shadler, Kirk Wolfe, Tim Osborn and Mike Mottor are ready to take children shopping.
L-R: Officers Brachett, Sulaica, Barnswell, Sgt. Pack, and Officers Cereda, Largent and Espinosa serve as heroes for local kids. –by Mary Helen Darah
The Perfect Gift... Because every girl wants pretty toes for the holidays! Gift cards for manicures & pedicures for all ages!
Lisa’s Nails
4024 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623 • 419/517-0092
It was a No-Shave November
A group of caring Sylvania Police Department staff raised funds through ‘No Shave November’ to support Chuck Adkins, Sylvania Police officer, retired 1995, and Robert Armstrong, Sylvania Police dispatcher, retired 2009, who are both battling cancer.
Give the Gift of Comfort and Joy! Socks and Slippers on sale til Christmas!
Gift Certificates Available
Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season!
Foot Solutions • 4204 West Sylvania Ave., Toledo, Ohio (419) 214-3668 • www.footsolutions.com/toledo L-R: Capt. Danilynn Miller, Officer Amy Martin, retired Sylvania Police Officer Chuck Adkins, retired telecommunicator Robert Armstrong, telecommunicator Amanda Hubaker, Chief telecommunicator Heather Kelso, and Sgt. Stacey Pack support the efforts of ‘No Shave November’ at a gathering held at the Sylvania Police Department on Dec. 2.
Stay safe this holiday season BY SGT. STACEY PACK
It’s that time a year again! Holiday parties, Christmas shopping, wintery weather. It’s sure a busy time of the year! If are going to a holiday party and know you can’t pass up the temptation of drinking that delicious egg nog, or any other alcoholic beverages for that matter, please have a plan in place. Have a designated sober driver, or save the number to the local taxi service in your phone. There are also plenty of rideshare services available like Uber or Lyft that you can download on your phone that make getting a safe ride home easy to do. Please, keep everyone on the roads safe, including you, by not drinking and driving! When you decide to go out shopping for gifts, park in a well-lit area and lock up your vehicle. Try to avoid keeping anything of value inside your vehicle or in plain sight. Stay alert of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not! Call 9-1-1. Have your keys in your hand BEFORE you leave the store and don’t be distracted by your cell phone when you are walking to and from your vehicle. If changing locations, put merchandise in the trunk or out of plain view BEFORE you leave one destination and go to the other. If you decide to do some online shopping, use a secure WIFI. Never shop or do your banking on public WIFI, unless you are using a virtual private network (VPN). Secure your
PC with firewall and antivirus software. Shop only from reputable sites with “https” or a lock in the address bar. Avoid phishing scams. If the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so don’t click on those links in emails or on social media. Make purchases with one credit card instead of a debit card and monitor your credit and banking statements regularly. Lastly, request a signature for items shipped to your home or consider having a neighbor sign for them. Since the snowy season is upon us, I would like to remind motorists to adjust your speed down to account for lower traction when driving on snow or ice. Accelerate slowly to regain traction and avoid skids. Keep in mind it takes longer to slow down on icy roads, so take time to slow down for stoplights and stop signs. Increase your following distance, compared to when you drive in clear, dry conditions. Make sure your tires have plenty of tread and are properly inflated. Always keep at least a half of a tank of gas in your vehicle during the cold winter months. Before you even begin your drive, make sure your view isn’t obstructed by removing any snow or ice from the windows and mirrors. Don’t forget to clean the snow and ice off your headlights and taillights to ensure maximum visibility. I also recommend keeping a survival kit inside the vehicle at all times and include items like a flashlight, blanket, water, shovel and windshield scraper. The Sylvania Police Department wishes everyone a safe and joyous holiday season!
At a loss on what to give?? Give a gift subscription! $26 per year. Call 419-824-0100
Where are my good scissors?
Where are my good scissors?!” made it official: I have turned into my mother. There was a time when I was clueless as to why my perfectly sane, maternal figure would be interrogating everyone in the house with that question. In my mom’s eyes, her special shears—which we used for all kinds of unmentionables—were meant strictly for sewing. Now, decades later, I am searching for my herb cutters that I soon discovered were used to cut a “sticky gunky thingy” out of Corgi fur. Still, I have not completely morphed into my mom … yet. Although I am hanging on by a thread in the technology department. At least I can use my laptop for more than just playing Spider Solitaire and following people I cherish on Facebook. However, my trickle down DNA comes from a woman whose cell phone voice message begins with the prerecorded message, “You have reached the voice mailbox of Sue,” followed by my mom’s voice saying, “OK, Mary Helen, now what do I push?” My mother was one of the first to purchase a rectangular disposable Kodak camera back in the day, eager to capture our family’s important events. When she picked up the developed film, she quickly realized that she had been holding the camera the wrong way. Needless to say, we could not use one of the 36 “eyeball” shots as one of our Christmas cards, but it explained her concern about her vision when seeing “really, really bright lights” while taking photos. Another sign that the “momisms” are sinking in: I found myself counting the mile markers and reading every billboard (yes, out loud) on the way home from a recent trip. Even worse, I had already incorporated the standard, “Well that’s not good,” after anything my children would throw at me over the years. From the “I have a zit on prom night!” to “the guinea pig is stuck in the Barbie car,” received the same “Well that's not good,” just like good old mom used to say to me. I also have followed her lack of having no idea of how to wrap up a threat—“If you don’t get your act together … I’ll do something. I have no clue what but something ... and I mean it!” My mom and I have had our differences, especially in the kitchen. I would be whipping up a lemon, caper, white wine chicken piccata and my mother would come along with an, “I think that could use a little BBQ sauce.” I do, however, cherish the similarities that prove I am her daughter. “Turning into my mother” will mean that I will be the “fun” grandmother that lets kids find worms in muddy gardens, practice loon bird calls and, like my mom, lose their bra skinny dipping and go “fishing” for it SUCCESSFULLY with a fishing pole and my lucky gold hook. I will share books, a love of nature, my Tarzan yell before jumping into a frigid lake, and share a good joke around a table of loved ones. I will tell the people in my life, “If it weren’t OK to make mistakes they wouldn’t have erasers on pencils,” and that the “five second rule” can be extended to 10 if anything homemade or containing chocolate hits the floor. I will cheer for sports that I don’t understand, get lines on my behind from sitting on aluminum bleachers during sport season yelling “PULL! PULL! PULL!” at competitive swim meets with full knowledge that the competitive swimmer in the water won’t hear me, and scream “Good eye!” at a granddaughter way out in left field. I will stress the importance of watching a good sunset, being a non-smoker, wearing sunscreen, never losing your sense of humor, forgiving and always being of service to others. Most importantly, after I belt out a song that I THINK I know the words to, I will look at my friends and family and know with every ounce of my being that I have given them the feeling of being loved beyond measure. Sunny Side Up is in honor and memory of Sue Scheib, a joyous woman who lived life to the fullest until she was unexpectedly called home on Nov. 28, 2019.
Southview Career Tech Students
Tim Walsh is a student in Financial Management II. He has shown an enormous amount of growth in many areas. Tim recently placed second in the Junior Achievement Business Challenge at the University of Toledo, receiving a $1,500 college scholarship. He participates in Business Professionals of America and will be competing in the Financial Analyst competition in January. His teacher, Mr. Bascuk, said, “Tim is very friendly, personable, hardworking and a true joy to be around. I really appreicate Tim’s attitude and positive outlook on everything. He will definitely do well with the skills, attributes and friendships he has developed at Southview.”
Queen of Apostles kindergartners with Santa and Andrew Allen, a St. Joseph Sylvania alum and Sylvania resident, enjoy the annual Christmas event at St. John’s Jesuit high school.
Emma Rummel is in the medical technologies program. Emma demonstrates the insight and knowledge of the course content which allows her to do well on assignments, tests and quizzes. Her work is always completed in a neat and timely fashion. Emma is an outstanding student, compassionate and empathetic. She has done an admirable job preparing herself for a career in health care. Emma is selfdetermined and has demonstrated responsibility and accountability for her own learning. She has contributed exceptionally to the professional student organization (HOSA) as its secretary.
St. Joseph Sylvania alum and Sylvania resident Ryan Snyder, with a kindergartner from Queen of Apostles enjoys the Christmas festivities.
St. John’s celebrates Christmas on campus
Elementary students from Queen of Apostles and Rosary Cathedral visited St. John’s Jesuit high school to experience the annual Christmas on Campus hosted by high school upperclassmen on Wednesday, Dec. 4. A tradition started more than twenty years ago, games, crafts, and holiday activities are planned and organized by faculty and students. Children had the opportunity to decorate cookies, visit with Santa, enjoy bounce houses and games in the gym, and receive a gift.
Southview takes the win
The Southview Speech and Debate team took first place in sweeps at the Perrysburg invitational held recently.
Southview Musicians Honored Jessica Fisher has been an involved and talented member of the Southview band for four years. She has demonstrated leadership and great musicianship as the oboe section leader for three years and marching band squad leader for two. Jessica has been a member of the Toledo Symphony Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, OMEA D1 Honors Band, Regional Orchestra and performed highly at OMEA competitions. She is also the captain of the girls golf team, a member of National Honor Society and Tri-M Honors Music Society. She is the daughter of Donna and Eric Fisher.
Cristien Quarterman has been an involved and talented member of the Southview Choir for one year. He has demonostrated leadership and great musicianship. He shows up on time, ready to sing and always knows his part. Chistien is involved in the Southview Theatre department and baseball program. He is the son of Paula Quarterman and Christopher Zaharias.
Morgan Shephard plays violin in the Chamber Orchestra. She has represented Northview at OMEA District Orchestra, and at the BGSU and University of Toledo High School String Festivals. Morgan performs regularly at Solo and Ensemble. Morgan has been a member of the pit orchestra for Northview’s summer musical, “Little Women,” and participated in ensemble for Northview’s fall production of “Mamma Mia!” Morgan is the daughter of Chris Shephard.
Allison Li plays viola in the Chamber. She has represented Northview at OMEA Regional and District Orchestra, and is a member of the Greater Toledo Symphony Youth Orchestra. Allison has been a member of the Northview String Quartet, and performs regularly at Solo and Ensemble. In addition to her musical activities, Allison has been a member of the Speech and Debate, ARK, and NCompass. Allison is the daughter of Man Chan and Vince Li.
Northview Musicians Named
‘Give a Gift to Kids’ is a 24-year tradition Members of the Southview Cougarettes and the Southview men’s basketball team purchased holiday gifts for children living in foster care, or with an appointed guardian in Lucas County. Both teams came together for a “gift wrap party” and breakfast.
This is the 24th consecutive year of the program and it is a collaboration between Lucas County Juvenile Court CASA Program and Jewish Family Services. Both the kids and the parents find joy and an honor in participating.
Stranahan Students hold Penny War for Charity
Southview Athletes Named
Kyle Valdez is in his third season on the Southview swim team. At last season’s NLL Championship, Kyle finished 3rd in the 100 butterfly and was a member of the NLL champion 400 free relay team. Head Coach Kris Moellenberg commented, “Kyle is a team leader in the pool. He is a beast. He always brings 100 percent work ethic to each practice and is extremely positive. He is the perfect example of how hard work pays off and how believing in the system works.” Out of the pool, Kyle is a member of the Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy, a junior class student government rep and has a 4.1 GPA.
Paige Brown is the starting midfield for the Lady Cougars soccer team. Head Coach Majd Ali said, “As a freshman, Paife has shown great leadership and attitude. Paige is a hard worker and a great player to coach. Her teammates love her and she works hard for them every day in pratice and in games.” Paige is considering joining track and field team in the spring. She carried a 4.46 GPA with honors and is in AP classes. She also enjoys singing and dancing.
Boys Scouts Collects Donations
Principal Jeremy Bauer welcomes Old Newsboys’ representatives, Jim Pool and Ron Shnider, center, to the Stranahan Elementary Penny War. The collection of pennies and bills was held from Dec. 2-13 at the school with all proceeds going to Old Newsboys charities. The children place money in each respective class jug during their lunch hour. The class with the most money gets a prize from their principal. Participants include the 5th grade team of Taylor Bosl, Amy Errington, Laura Konrad, Andrea Pasquale and 2nd graders, pictured, Bryce Tandler, Elliana Neal, Leya Singh, Lydia Merricle, Kali Eberle, Anna Royzman and Peter Fitsumbrhan.
5657 N. Main St. #1 • Sylvania, OH 43560 editor@yourgood.news • yourgood.news
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Cost is $26.00 a year. Email our office with credit card information. Send check or cash to Sylvania AdVantage, 5657 N. Main St. #1, Sylvania, OH 43560. The Sylvania AdVantage, the Good News Paper, is published the first and third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted, for residents and business owners of the Sylvania area.
Sylvania–Then and Now
In the last article we left off on the northwest corner of Erie and Woodrow. Moving west on Erie Street all the houses along the north side of the street were constructed after 1920 so they have not reached their 100th birthday yet. The next house that has reached 100 is the house at 6768 Erie St., which is recorded as being built in 1917. I love this house! In 1917, when this house was constructed, Gertrude Mercereau owned the land and was living in the home to the west of this house, which I already wrote about. The following were the listed owners of this property: 1912 – Gertrude Mercereau 1920 – Albert T. and Clara L. Day 1927 – Second Mortgage Securities Co. 1927 – Ruth and Edna May Day 1945 – Clifton G. and Mabel I. Hesselbart 1966 – Clifton G. Hesselbart 1966 – Stanley R. Hesselbart, etal. 1967 – Karel F. and Jessie M. Sporek 1977 – Jon A. and Pamela S. Teske 1980 – Richard “Terry” C. and Barbara J. Schuette 1992 – James D. Jr. and Sandra T. Bourland In 1920 Albert and Clara Day purchased this home, and he may have built it. When the 1920 census was taken in January they were renting a home on Division Street (Main Street), and he was employed as a house carpenter. Within a few months after this census was taken this home transferred into their names. The census shows that they had the following children at this time: Price E. – son – 19 years old; Ruth – daughter – 18 years old; Walter A. – son – 16 years old; Glenn J. – son – 15 years old; Edna M. – daughter – 14 years old; Earl H. – son – 12 years old; Paul O. – son – 10 years old; Howard W. – son – 8 years old. In November of 1924 Albert Day was issued a building permit by the Village of Sylvania allowing him to construct a 20 x 24 foot wood frame garage. Mr. Day was listed as the builder. In 1927 the home was taken over by the bank and then re-deeded to two of Albert and Clara’s daughters, Ruth and Edna. By the 1930 census the Day family was listed living here on Erie Street. Albert was 53 years old, listed as owning the home valued at $10,000,
married, and employed as a carpenter of houses. His wife Clara was 52 years old. Still living at home was: Ruth – 26 years old – employed in promotion work for the Detroit Masonic Temple; Edna M. – 24 years old – employed as a collector for the Detroit Symphony; Earl H. – 22 years old – employed as a salesman at a drug store; Paul O. – son – 20 years old – employed as a salesman at a shoe store; and Howard W. – son – 19 years old – employed as a janitor at the library. Albert Day died in 1933 and his death certificate indicated he died of pneumonia. His daughter, Edna, was married in 1936 in Adrian, Michigan . By the 1940 census Albert’s widow, Clara, was living in Adrian with her daughter Ruth, who was working as a sales woman for a retail auto sales company. The property here in Sylvania stayed in Ruth and Edna Day’s name until 1945. Family records say that during this same time the Hesselbart family rented a home on Monroe Street, from 1921 to 1934, and then moved to this Erie Street house in 1934. The 1940 census shows that Clifton and Mabel Hesselbart, and their family, were living here. According to this census he was listed as already owning the home, valued at $5,000. It may have been a land-contract situation and it was paid off in 1945. They were listed as follows in this census: Clifton G. Hesselbart – 45 years old – employed as a merchant of a retail grocery store; Mabel – wife – 44 years; Robert – son – 25 years old – employed as a chemist at a research lab; Stanley – son – 22 years old – employed as a clerk at his father’s grocery store; Eleanor – daughter – 18 years old – attending school. According to the Oct. 10, 1945 Sylvania Sentinel, T/Sgt. Stanley R. Hesselbart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hesselbart of 6768 Erie Street, arrived home with his discharge from the Army. It said that he had worked at the Sylvania Savings Bank before entering the service for three years and four months. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his excellent work as a base administrative inspector. He had been attached to the 397th D-25 Marauder Bombardment Group, famed as the “Bridge Busters.” Clifton Hesselbart retired from his grocery business in downtown Sylvania in 1960 after 38 years in business. His wife Mabel died in May of 1965, and he died in February of 1966. His obituary notice said that he was a director of the Syl-
6768 Erie Street
vania Savings Bank for 33 years and very active in Sylvania community affairs, including two years on village council. He volunteered for 45 years with the Boy Scouts, and was awarded the Silver Beaver Award in 1952, the highest honor. His children listed in his obituary notice included: daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Ihrig, Corning, N.Y.; sons, Robert, of Owosso, Mich., and Stanley, of Sylvania, who sold the house here that same year to Karel and Jessie Sporek. Mr. and Mrs. Sporek owned the home from 1967 to 1977, and according to her November 2011 obituary notice, Jessie was a teacher and educator in the Sylvania community for many years and was survived by her husband of 60 years, Karel. Following them, the Teske family only owned this house for three years and I only know that the Suburban Directories did show them living
in the house during that time. The Schuettes purchased the home in 1980, and in 1984 Terry Schuette was granted a building permit to rebuild the garage because of fire damage. His 2015 obituary notice said that he managed Alexis Auto Parts for more than 30 years, owned and operated the former Glass City Marine for 10 years, and retired from C N R Automotive. He also enjoyed restoring classic cars. His children were Tim, Scott and Chris. In 1992 the Bourlands purchased this home. In 2004 James Bourland obtained a building permit to install an in-ground pool in the backyard. I know that Sandra Bourland taught school at Maplewood for many years, and my son Allan had her for fourth grade. Awesome teacher! I read recently that Sandy and her daughter, Sarah Best, recently acquired the business at 6750 Sylvania Ave., called Peace, Love and Pottery.
Sister City Update
Woodstock, Ontario is Sylvania's Canadian Sister City. The relationship and cultural exchange between the two communities is now in its 27th year and is growing stronger every year. Mayor Craig Stough Together with several other Sylvanians, we recently traveled to Woodstock for their Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, November 16. Town Crier Michael Lieber, Sylvania Township Fire Chief Michael Ramm, two Sylvania Police Officers, our Police Explorers Honor Guard and I all participated in the Saturday Night Parade. Earlier in the day, the city of Woodstock presented the city of Sylvania with original artwork titled “Passing Under the Willow Bridge,” depicting a natural scene near Woodstock by wellknown Woodstock artist Cathy Groulx, O.S.A., during a reception at her studio. Sylvania City Council President Mary Westphal and member Mark Luetke were present for the presentation along with many members of our Sister City delegation in Woodstock for the weekend events. It has become traditional over the years for Woodstock to send a delegation to our Fall Festival and Parade as we attend their Santa Claus Parade. Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch along with others attended the last two Sylvania Fall Festivals and rode in the Fall Festival Parades with me. Previous Woodstock Mayors, Mar-
Omni use permit
A hearing on a request for conditional use permit for the development of a residential care facility planned at 4828 Whiteford Rd., is scheduled to be held at 9 a.m. Jan. 22 before the Lucas County Plan Commission. The township's planning office and township trustees heard complaints from residents in the area after a representative of the developers, OMNI Property Co., of Beachwood, O., held meetings to inform those in the neighborhood of the proposal. Some concerns voiced had to do generally with the size of the project, its proximity to Whiteford Elementary School, and increased traffic on Whiteford Rd. George Oravecz, the representative for OMNI, said he thinks many of the initial concerns of the residents have been dealt with after OMNI heard the issues. He said the project, which includes memory care, assisted living and congregate living, had originally been planned to be three stories, but has been reduced to two stories, turn lanes will be added to Whiteford Rd. and the company intends to plant evergreen trees around the borders to allow for sufficient screening along with the existing trees, which can be retained. Plans call for 20 patients in the memory care unit and 44 in assisted living. There will be room for 88 people in congregate living. Those spaces are designed for people who need little or no assistance with daily living, although they may elect to use some services such as 24-hour dining, housekeeping or other amenities. The plan commission meeting will be held at One Government Center, Jackson and Erie streets in downtown Toledo. The commission
garet Munnoch, John Geoghegan, Michael Harding and Pat Sobeski, have all also visited Sylvania and ridden in our Parades. I treasure the many friends I have made in Woodstock over the years, including those Mayors and many more. I have traveled to Woodstock many times for various ceremonies and activities, including annual Vintage Base Ball games on Canada Day – July 1st. I have learned much about our neighbors to the north including their approaches and solutions to the many challenges of local government, which are very much the same as ours but often approached and financed differently. All subjects are open for discussion, local, regional and national, and my horizons have been broadened and my knowledge enriched by this international exchange. Our Sister City relationship was formally established Oct. 22, 1992 by then Sylvania Mayor James E. Seney and Woodstock Mayor Margaret Munnoch after an initial period of investigation and introductions. The founding Sister City Agreement hangs both in their City Hall and ours. The document was signed by the Mayors, City Councils and our Sylvania Township Trustees, and is on public display in the Sylvania Mayor's office. Many Sylvanians including John Crandall, John Bolster, Scott Sutton, Joy Armstrong, Sister Sheila Shea, Mark Luetke, Michael Lieber and many more have contributed their time and effort towards growing and enriching our Sister City activities and relationship. It is my hope that this international exchange and friendship will continue to grow and strengthen over the years to come.
will make a recommendation to the Sylvania Township Board of Zoning Appeals. The BZA, which will make the decision on the request, is tentatively scheduled to hear the request Feb. 3 at 5 pm at the Sylvania Township administration building, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd.
Christmas tree disposal
Sylvania Township is again offering a place for residents to dispose of their Christmas trees after the holiday. Residents may place their trees in a fenced-in area at the southwest corner of the parking lot of the township administration building, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd. All lights, decorations, and tinsel must be removed. There will be no street-side tree collection.
911 call center
Lucas County's eight 911 emergency call centers, including Sylvania Township's, will be merged into one operation based on a recent vote of representatives of municipalities and township's in the county. The 4-1 vote marked the end of a period of sometimes-contentious debate over the consolidation plan and the beginning of its implementation, which is expected to take about 18 months, Under Ohio law, one vote is allocated to the county's largest city (Toledo), one to the county itself, one to the largest township (Sylvania Township), and one to all the other townships as a group and one to the other municipalities as a group. The dissenting vote was cast by Springfield Township trustee Andy Glenn. He said he knew of some jurisdictions which can’t afford to pay what they will be responsible for under the proposed cost-sharing plan for a central dispatching operation. He also argued that bylaws should be established before the proposed council of gov-
Attending the Woodstock Sister Cities Banquet are Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch, Sylvania Town Crier Michael Lieber and Sylvania Mayor Craig Stough.
Making a presentation of "Passing Under the Willow Bridge" are Sylvania City Council Member Mark Luetke, President Mary Westphal, Mayor Craig Stough and artist Cathy Groulx, O.S.A. ernments is formed to oversee the creation of the new agency. John Jennewine, Sylvania Township trustee who cast the township’s vote, said he understood the misgivings of some, but hoped that everyone will work cooperatively to make the system a success. He added that studying the plan for consolidation as it has developed over the past year has led him to the conclusion that the result will be an operation which will improve service for most county residents and will be accomplished with greater efficiency. He praised Sylvania Township’s call takers and dispatchers and said they’ll add to the work ethic of any group they join. Under the consolidation of services all current employees of dispatch offices will be offered jobs under new contracts, which will have to be negotiated as part of the steps needed to implement consolidation. According to documents compiled in the consolidation process, Sylvania Township has a current annual budget of $1.1 million for dispatch services which will be reduced to slightly more than $350,000 as its share of costs to the new agency.
Annex vote petition withdrawn
About 90 minutes before a vote was scheduled by Lucas County commissioners on a petition by the city of Sylvania to annex 31 properties from Sylvania Township, the city, via email, withdrew the petition. Leslie Brinning, city law director, added in the same email that she intended to refile the petition. The episode began about a year ago when Sylvania sent letters to property owners in the city's water district instructing them to sign a petition for annexation. The city contends that property owners had agreed to do so when they originally got water service. Many of those property own-
ers, other nearby residents and Sylvania Township trustees have opposed the city's actions. County commissioners held a public hearing on the issue last month and no one, other than Ms. Brinning when she introduced the petition, spoke in favor of the forced annexation. Many pointed to the fact that they would become subject to a municipal income tax and and would not benefit by any governmental service provided by the city, beyond what is provided by the township. They contended the move into the city would reduce their property value. Richard Malone, an attorney for the township, at the hearing also pointed to a number of procedural errors in the process. John Borell, an assistant Lucas County prosecutor, said the city's withdrawal of the petition erases everything which has so far occurred and all of the procedural steps will now have to be repeated.
Let’s customize your computer
Do you desire a desktop that looks and feels like your own? If generic displays, boring colors and old stock images don’t speak to you, you’ll love Janis Weber this. Windows gives you the ability to set and customize various features to your liking.
Your Theme
The most obvious way to personalize your Windows computer is by changing your theme. You can do this by right-clicking anywhere on your desktop and choosing the Personalize option. Here, you can choose and preview different backgrounds and themes. You can even add new themes by using images from your gallery or by clicking the Get More Themes in Microsoft Store option. Windows themes features a wide range of background images, sounds, colors and even mouse cursors. While the themes and options for your Windows display seem to be endless, there’s much more to choose from, which can be found in the Microsoft store. Just like that, you’ve already started customizing your Windows computer to fit your preference; and that’s only the beginning.
Lock Screen
Lock Screen uses the generic “Windows
spotlight” as its default to present a new background each time you open your computer. While this option provides users with a little variety by pulling striking images from Bing, it’s possible to permanently set any image you want. To personalize the Lock screen using a custom image, open Settings, click on Personalization, choose Background from the left menu and tap the Browse button to find the specific image you want to use.
more space for your more important apps. If you right-click on your Taskbar and select Taskbar settings, you will open a window which enables you to customize certain features in your taskbar. You’ll see quite a few options to change its appearance. You can choose to hide it, use smaller taskbar buttons or lock the taskbar so you don’t accidentally delete a shortcut.
As you well know, the start menu is an essential feature of Windows 10 because it acts as the gateway to all your most important features. Your apps, settings and files can all be found via the Start menu. So, why not do away with the generic menu and make it your own? There are various ways to customize the Start menu, some of which can be customized from the menu itself, and additional options can be managed through the Settings menu. Right click on any one and see the options to unpin, resize, etc. You can rearrange them by dragging and dropping. You can also group your live tiles together in any combination you want. Windows makes it so you can create a group for anything from games to scheduling or productivity apps, communication apps, design apps, etc. It’s completely up to you.
New classes with be held through 2020.
Start Menu
In addition to the variety of options available in Settings, you can also choose to change things up a bit via the task bar. For example, if you’re not a regular user of the Cortana search box, you have the option to remove it or only leave a button to access the experience to create
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Next Sylvania Senior Center Classes:
Each year, we announce the annual costof-living adjustment (COLA). By law, federal benefits increase when the cost of living rises, as measured by the Department of Labor’s ConErin Thompson sumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Usually, there is an increase in the benefit amount people will receive each month, starting the following January. Nearly 69 million Americans will see a 1.6 percent increase in their Social Security benefits and SSI payments in 2020. Other changes that will happen in January 2020 reflect the increase in the national average wage index. For example, the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security payroll tax will increase to $137,700 from $132,900. The earnings limit for workers who are younger than "full" retirement age (age 66 for people born in 1943 through 1954) will increase to $18,240. (We deduct $1 from benefits for each $2 earned over $18,240.) The earnings limit for people turning 66 in 2020 will increase to $48,600. (We deduct $1 from benefits for each $3 earned over $48,600 until the month the worker turns age 66.) In December 2019, we will post Social Security COLA notices online for retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries who have a my Social Security account. You will be able to view and save future COLA notices via the Message Center inside my Social Security. You can log in to or sign up for a my Social Security account today at socialsecurity.gov/myaccount to get more information about your new benefit amount. You can choose to receive an electronic notification by email, text, or both ways under “Message Center Preferences.” Our notification will let you know that a new message is waiting for you. We will not send any personal information in the notification. The Message Center also allows you to go paperless by opting out of receiving agency notices by mail that you can get online, including annual cost-of-living adjustments and the income-related monthly adjustment amount increases. The Message Center is a secure portal where you can conveniently receive sensitive communications that we don’t send through email or text. More information about the 2020 COLA is available at socialsecurity.gov/cola.
Social Security Expands Public Hours
Starting on January 8, 2020, Social Security offices nationwide will be open to the public on Wednesday afternoons, Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, announced. This
Check the SSC newsletter and website for the most current information. It should be posted in late January. Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer Training & Support, is a professional computer adjunct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or comments to JwPCtutor@Gmail.com or call for assistance at 419-318-9112. Private tutoring and repairs are just a phone call, text or email away.
change restores Wednesday public service hours that were last in place in late 2012. “I don’t want someone to come to our office at 2:30 on a Wednesday only to find our doors closed,” Commissioner Saul said. In another move to improve service to the public, Commissioner Saul announced in his Open Letter to the Public at ssa.gov/agency/coss-message.html that the agency is hiring 1,100 front line employees to provide service on the agency’s National 800 Number and in its processing centers. The agency is currently bringing onboard 100 new processing center employees and approximately 500 new teleservice representatives for the 800 Number. An additional 500 hires for the 800 Number will occur later in 2020. “Improving service is my top priority. Increasing full public service hours at our nationwide network of more than 1,200 field offices is the right thing to do and will provide additional access,” Commissioner Saul said. “The hiring of a thousand new employees to provide service through our National 800 Number and an additional 100 hires to process people’s Social Security benefits at our processing centers around the country are steps in the right direction in our mission to greatly improve the service we provide.” Currently, a field office is generally open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to Noon on Wednesdays. Beginning on January 8, 2020, offices will remain open until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, with typical field office hours from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. While the agency continues to improve both the access to and the experience with its services, it is important to note that most Social Security services do not require the public to take time to visit an office. People may create a my Social Security account, a personalized online service, at socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. Through their personal my Social Security account, people can check personal information and conduct business with Social Security. If they already receive Social Security benefits, they can start or change direct deposit online, and if they need proof of their benefits, they can print or download a current Benefit Verification Letter from their account. People not yet receiving benefits can use their online account to get a personalized Social Security Statement, which provides earnings history information as well as estimates of future benefits. Currently, residents in 40 states and the District of Columbia may request a replacement Social Security card online if they meet certain requirements. The portal also includes a retirement calculator and links to information about other online services, such as applications for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits. Many Social Security services are also available by dialing toll-free, 1-800-772-1213. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call Social Security’s TTY number, 1-800-325-0778.
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Sylvania Area Crime Reports Assault Natalie Lloyd, 7200 block W. Sylvania, physical altercation Burglary Christopher Montz, home entered without permission Thomas Draheim, 2200 block Crissey, attempted break in Criminal Damaging Jack Thompson, 5800 block Main, vehicle damaged Domestic Violence Terri Morgan 5600 block Marshall, verbal argument Lupita Sturt, 8300 block Sylvania Metamora, mailbox damaged Theft Marshalls, 5200 block Monroe, purses, boots, backpack stolen John King, 3800 block Herr, 1993 Honda stolen 4 Trax, Yamaha Rhino side-by-side, folding ATV ramps stolen Cassidy Winterfield, 7100 block W. Central, wallet stolen Ballas Buick, 5700 block W. Central, tires and rims stolen Traci Hirschfeld, 7000 block Hickory Ridge, diamond earrings stolen In & Out Mart, 5500 block W. Alexis, cash stolen by deception
Bryan Robinson, 4800 block Parkgate, PlayStation, Camo Jordans stolen Rite Aid, 8300 block Sylvania Metamora, Craig tablet, Magnavox TFT, HD windows stolen O’Reilly Auto Parts, 5100 block W. Alexis, merchandise stolen Fantasy Custom Golf Carts, 5500 block W. Alexis, trailer stolen Risaiah Osborne, 6800 block Convent Blvd, jacket with wallet, cash, debit card stolen Jennifer Becker, 9400 block Sylvania, Apple iPhone stolen Target, 5200 block Monroe, merchandise stolen Tractor Supply Company, 7700 W. Central, merchandise stolen Rashmi Agnihotri, 5800 block W. Central, wallet with cash, credit and debit cards stolen From the Courts Assault Marcus Perkins, 935 Gramercy, Toledo, $150 fine, 180 days, 150 days suspended Karlie Dubois, 132 Willamont, Toledo, $150 fine, 60 days, 53 days suspended Myesha Newton, 5365 Glenridge, Toledo, $150 fine, 180 days, 138 days suspended
Attempted B&E Julia Kochanski, 334 East, Curtice, $150 fine, 180 days, 111 days suspended Disorderly Conduct Desiree Baker, 1201 Bowles, Toledo, $100 fine, 30 days, 19 days suspended Domestic Violence Christopher Butler, 6924 Oakfield, Toledo, $150 fine, 180 days, 136 days suspended DUS Jermaine Witcher, 1144 Pomeroy, Toledo, $200 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended False Info Christina Clark, 515 Chestnut, Toledo, $100 fine, 30 days suspended Menacing Joseph Szalkowski, 6021 Garden, Maumee, $200 fine, 60 days, 54 days suspended Misuse Credit Adam Wilson, 3825 Monroe, $100 fine, 90 days, 76 days suspended No Operators License Richard Eckman, 7213 Dutch, Waterville, $50 fine, 60 days suspended OVI William Fye, 1001 N. Byrne, $375 fine, 10 aye, 177 days suspended Samson Bennington, 1805 Chrissy, Holland, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended Arron Truhan, 5222 Patriot, Toledo, $525 fine, 180 days, 170 days suspended Miyonna Browning, 4150 Willys Pkwy, Toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended Sierra Handley, 4420 Airport, Toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended Shannon Garrett, 6016 Fallenleaf, Toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended Emanuel Zepeda, 129 Union, Adrian, Mich, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days suspended Esther Diaz 2250 Perrysburgg Holland, Maumee, $525 fine, 180 days, 157 days suspended
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Bryce Gambrell, 1461 S. Crispy, Holland, $375 fine, 180 days,, 177 days suspended Ricardo Chea, 1800 N. McCord, Toledo, $375 fine, 180 days, 174 days suspended Reckless Operation Michael Schell, 1449 Burton, Toledo, $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days suspended Theft Deanna Alton, 5730 Hill, Toledo, $150 fine, 90 days suspended Benjamin Marx, 4919 Burnham, Toledo, $200 fine, 90 days, 60 days suspended Tamara Maulaby, 2571 Briar Lane, Toledo, $150 fine, 90 days suspended Sarah Friend, 5135 Oldham, Toledo, $100 fine, 90 days suspended Elliott Bungeeing, 5426 W. Alexis, Toledo, $150 fine, 90 days, 60 days suspended Trey Porter, 2454 Lawton, Toledo, $150 fine, 90 days suspended Dennis Anderson, Eber, Holland, $150 fine, 180 days, 168 days suspended Neil Rehlein, 5086 Norwich, Toledo, $100 fine Joshua Hill, 317 W. Delaware, Toledo, $150 fine, 90 days suspended Steven Comrie, 7307 Beaulah Ct. Sylvania, $200 fine, 90 days suspended Shawn Ritenour, 3230 Centennial, Sylvania, $150 fine, 90 days James White, 997 Plum Creek, Toledo, $150 fine, 180 days suspended Julie Haddad, 3230 Centennial, Sylvania, $300 fine, 180 days, 170 days suspended Angela Miner, 1944 Glencarin, Toledo, $150 fine, 180 days, 165 days suspended Unauthorized Use of Property Christina Damato, 2648 Springwater, Toledo, $100 fine, 30 days suspended Underage Andrei Varney, 5652 Breezy Porch, Sylvania, $100 fine, 90 days, 75 days suspended Information is provided to Sylvania AdVantage. Sylvania AdVantage is not responsible for the contents on this page.
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Sue Ann Scheib
years, where she taught Sunday School, sang in the choir and was a member of its board of trustees. She continued to enjoy her Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters and especially looked forward to the annual Angel luncheon. She was an excellent bridge player who also loved game nights with friends and family in town and with lifelong friends at her homes in Canada and St. Augustine. She also enjoyed traveling with her husband and seeing the world. She was known for her sense of humor and her incredible ability to make everyone else she came in contact with feel welcomed and cherished. She will be fondly remembered for her love of the family’s Canadian retreat on Maple Lake, appreciation of nature, laughing out loud, rock solid faith, commitment to honoring, respecting and loving her spouse of 61 years, kindness to animals and all living things, margarita happy hours and leaving those she met better off than how she found them. Above all, Sue’s missions in life were to give, spread and be filled with joy and to leave a perpetual legacy of love. Sue is survived by her loving husband, Jim Scheib, son Jim Scheib Jr. (Rheta) and their five children Austin Scheib (Tiffany), Colby Scheib, Kevin McFee, Katherine Bowers (Patrick) and Corbin Scheib, her daughter Mary Helen Darah and her three children Lauren, Helena and Maria Darah, brother-in-law Tom Scheib of Covington, La., sister Mary Gay Shields, two great-grandchildren and family friends she considered family and countless young people whom she nurtured and loved as her own. In lieu of flowers, the family asks donors to consider honoring her legacy of love and kindness with a gift to the Metroparks of Toledo, the University of Toledo Foundation or Epworth United Methodist Church. A visitation will be held Dec. 28 at Epworth United Methodist Curch from 9-11 am followed by a Life Celebration service beginning at 11 am.
Sue Ann Scheib, the woman who welcomed everyone into her heart, was called home on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2019, surrounded by her family during the Scheib annual gathering in St. Augustine, Fla. The oldest daughter of Dwight and Helen Shields, she was born Dec. 1, 1934, in Indianapolis, Ind. and was known for her infectious laugh, quick wit and perpetual smile. After attending numerous schools due to her father’s frequent moves as a pharmaceutical sales rep with Eli Lilly, the family came to settle in Toledo where Sue received her elementary through high school education. She graduated from DeVilbiss High School in 1953 where she was involved in many activities including being chosen queen for DeVilbiss Relays. She then attended the University of Toledo College of Education and pledged with Pi Beta Phi fraternity. She left UT after two years to become a Michigan State Spartan. She graduated in June of 1957 and married Jim Scheib, son of Dr. and Mrs. B. V. Scheib, on June 7, 1958. She helped support her husband as a first grade teacher at the Custer Consolidated School System in Monroe, Mich. while he finished his senior year at the University of Toledo. In May of 1959, she became an Army officer’s wife with her husband at Fort Benning, Ga. When Jim left active duty, the couple moved to Wooster, then to Columbus, Ohio before settling in Toledo, They have shared their love of giving, supporting numerous organizations leaving a legacy of love since their move here in 1964. Sue was involved in many activities, especially those that involved children and young adults. She touched countless lives as a tutor, Girl Scout leader, elementary school mobile art history program provider and most enthusiastically served as an understanding pseudo-grandmother for anyone needing a compassionate maternal figure. Sue enjoyed being part of a book club, singing with the Toledo Choral Society and serving Epworth United Methodist Church for over 50
John Pigott
John Arthur Pigott was born to Daniel and Emma Pigott on July 8, 1934 in Toledo, Ohio and passed peacefully on Dec. 1, 2019, surrounded by his loving family.
John met the love of his life, Barbara Ueberroth, who grew up only a block away from his home. Together, John and Barbara spent a lifetime gathering beautiful memories, loving and guiding their family. They were often found hiding together in local restaurants “in the back, in the booth, in the corner, in the dark.” John and Barb would have celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary this year. They were never more than a moment apart. A friend recently commented that the two of them were “two bodies but one soul.” John graduated from Central Catholic High School. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of St. Louis and his medical degree from University of St. Louis Medical School in 1959. John completed his residency in pediatrics at Detroit Mercy Hospital. He then proudly served his country as a captain in the United States Air Force at Kincheloe Air Force Base, becoming the first pediatrician in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Upon completion of his service, John returned to Toledo to begin private practice as Drs. Kappus, Miller and Pigott. This partnership continued until each of their retirements and eventually became the continuing pediatric practice of PediatriCare Associates. During his career of over 50 years John maintained staff privileges at St. Vincent’s, Mercy and Toledo Hospitals. John served those institutions in several positions including as chief of staff of pediatrics. Through his personal care and skill, John not only treated but built lasting bonds with many patients and generations of families in the greater Toledo area. Though John truly loved his profession, he was devoted to his family. John was a wonderful teacher to his children through his worldly wisdom but even more so by the example he set as a truly good man, husband and father. John was preceded in death by his parents Daniel and Emma (Bohnett) Pigott, his brothers James (Mary) Pigott and Dennis (Darlene) Pigott, his father and mother-in-law Charles “Cub” and Volera (Tuttle) Ueberroth and sister in-law Carol “Topsy” McAvoy. He is survived by his dedicated and loving
wife Barbara (Ueberroth) Pigott and children John (Kathy) Pigott of Sylvania, Ohio, Michael Pigott of Worthington, Ohio, Karen (Steve) Munsat of Chapel Hill, N. C., Thomas (Kerry) Pigott of Sylvania, Ohio and Denise (John) Monaghan of Sylvania, Ohio. His love will continue through ten grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. The family wishes to thank the staff of Kingston Sylvania and Ohio Living Hospice Care for their professional and loving care of John and his family. In lieu of flowers and in honor of John’s profession the family requests you donate a toy to a child this Christmas season. All who knew him will miss him, we look forward to seeing him soon and as he would often say, “As we go along.”
Wayva Black
Wayva J. (Comstock) Black, 93, of Sylvania, Ohio, passed away peacefully in her home Dec. 3, 2019, surrounded by family. She was born in Sylvania to Manfard and Clara (Everett) Comstock on Aug. 25, 1926. Wayva married her high school sweetheart, Bernard (Bud) Black, after attending North Central University in Illinois. Bernard was the love of her life and she was devoted to her three sons and their families. Besides working outside the home as a bookkeeper and child-care provider, she loved collecting antiques and decorating her home. Wayva had such a positive outlook on life and a caring attitude that touched everyone who knew her. She is survived by her children, Brad (Kaye) Black, Baron (Margie) Black, Ben (Karolyn) Black; grandchildren, Darcy Black, Adam (Jamie) Siler, Clay (Misaki) Black, Brett (Laura) Black, Chris (Amy) Black, Spencer Black, McKenzie Black; ten great-grandchildren; sister Clara (John) Beach; and sister-in-law Jean Comstock. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years, Bernard; brother, Eugene Comstock; and her parents. The family suggests memorial donations be made to ProMedica Hospice.
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Epworth United Methodist Church
Times of Service: 8 am Chapel • 10 am Sanctuary
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Zion Lutheran Church ~ LCMC
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Saturday Contemporary Service 4:30 p.m. Bible Class at 9 am • Sunday Worship Service 10 am
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NOSF Hosts Night on the Polar Express 20B
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Whirlpool® 24.6 Cu. Ft. Capacity Side-by-Side Refrigerator à ® Frameless Glass Shelves à ® Can Caddy à ® Deli Drawer WRS325SDHZ
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Google G oogle R Review eview
Toledo Ballet Nutcracker dancers Sophia Turk and Sadie Evener welcome guests to the event held in the lobby of the Downtown Toledo Train Station.
Lourdes University President Mary Ann Gawelek and Brittany Telander enjoy visiting at the event supporting NOSF and HOPE Learning Academy Foundation.
Tolani and Dr. Akinfemi Afolabi enjoy munching and mingling with David and Cheryl Koenig at the event held on Dec. 8.
Brianna Bergman, Rochelle and Andrew Schaetzke, and Bill and Ann Riddle are on track for education at the Downtown Toledo Train Station.
Margaret Baehren and Jan Tidd attend A Night on the Polar Express to benefit Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund.
Barbara Baumgartner, Brian Hazel Bahrs, and Elaine Lewandowski are thrilled to help support the event that will assist students in the community with education.
Matthew Hubbard and Dante Dante Maimone serve guests smiles and samples from Rosie's Italian Grille.
James Combs and Isaiah Nichols pass out samples from Element 112, one of the many food vendors at the event.—by Mary Helen Darah
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