SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA e-zine in New Avatar | Jewels of South India

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SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA e-zine ( Vol- 06, Year - 2018, SPECIAL ISSUE )

Jewels of South India

~ Published By ~


SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA ezine 's New Avatar , brimming with info on Fashion, Lifestyle, Arts , Culture , Sports , Health , Literature , travel and leisure .............

New Stories, New Segments .......

With New Dreams, New Hopes, New Aspirations and a Desire to achieve new horizons .................

After nearly 5 years , Aten Publishing House proudly brings to you “Swapnil Saundarya Ezine � in its newest avatar!

It is truly a privilege to celebrate this milestone with our readers, as we reach out to a wider audience. The editorial team appreciates the encouraging feedback and your continued support . Happy Reading !



Swapnil Saundarya ezine : An Intro Launched in June 2013, Swapnil Saundarya ezine has been the first exclusive lifestyle ezine from India available in Hindi language ( Except Guest Articles ) updated bi - monthly . We at Swapnil Saundarya ezine , endeavor to keep our readership in touch with all the areas of fashion , Beauty, Health and Fitness mantras, home decor, history recalls, Literature, Lifestyle, Society, Religion and many more. Swapnil Saundarya ezine encourages its readership to make their life just like their Dream World . www.issuu.com/swapnilsaundaryaezine

Editor’s Note :: We are extremely proud on the completion of successful and glorious five years of India's first lifestyle ezine avaiable in Hindi Swapnil Saundarya ezine .

But who are we? Who are the people working behind the scenes to make Swapnil Saundarya Ezine truly beautiful & inspiring ? Today we’d like to publish something rather different. Being chummy as we are, we’d like to give you a peek behind the scenes — a little insight into how we work, who we are, where we live and where we come from. It will be quite a ride, so get yourself a beverage, make yourself comfortable and set a few minutes aside. How We Work And Tinker: Slow Is Good Link So far, you have seen only one side of our little publication. Articles get published, and you, dear reader, take care of the rest: promoting the article throughout your social channels and sharing it with colleagues offline. Sometimes an article instigates new discussions on and beyond Swapnil Saundarya Ezine , while sometimes one doesn’t quite manage to spark the conversation we had anticipated. But in either case, at that very moment when the article gets published, we are absolutely confident that it is delivering value to you.

All of Swapnil Saundarya Ezine 's articles have to have a certain… signature, a certain something that justifies their reason for existing online. That “something” has to pass the judgement of our editorial team, which never compromises its strongly held values. However, finding that signature isn’t easy. In fact, the route that an article has to take until that “Publish” button gets clicked is usually quite long. So how exactly does it work? We’re glad you asked.

THE EDITORIAL PROCESS Five years ago we established our “Publishing Policy,” a sacred set of editorial principles that we adhere to for every single article published on Swapnil Saundarya Ezine . We always protect your interests and ensure that the content published always merits your attention. We never publish any sponsored articles or hidden advertisements. We don’t participate in affiliate marketing. Our lovely sponsors have no influence on our content whatsoever. These rules help us guarantee a fertile environment in which useful, high-quality articles can be born. Our authors are usually quite surprised by the attention that every single draft gets. We don’t set any deadlines for our authors, and we never push them to deliver an article by a particular date. We never shy away from sending critical or challenging feedback, and we take time to do proper research and quality control to ensure that an article delivers the value that we strive for. That’s the reason why articles usually take time — and the process in general is slow and time-consuming. Most articles go through three to four rounds of revisions . Being slow enables us to focus and tinker — to work on the little details that make the article feel right.

WORKING WITH AUTHORS Sure, some authors don’t like the process — justifiably so. We are certainly not always a pleasure to work with, but we don’t have to be — what we do have to be is confident that we can stand behind every single article published in the magazine. And we don’t try to hunt down as many articles or as many authors as possible. In fact, we always publish the most valuable articles first — even if other articles have been waiting in the queue for months. Now, if that doesn’t make an author angry, what would? Other authors feel grateful that we help them develop their ideas and techniques as the article progresses. We always do our best to take our authors out of their comfort zone; to challenge them, to make them think differently about their craft and their process. We don’t make it easy: we question the status quo and we obsess over all of the little details such as image captions and image credits and sources and front page images and links to related resources. Every single bit of it takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. We are not perfectionists, but we do try to make sure that everything is as it should be.

OUR TOOLS How do we manage it all? Well, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. We don’t use any sophisticated tools; we prefer to work with simple tools. For every article, we follow our custom editorial guide, which was thoroughly developed for the magazine as well as for our eBooks and printed books. We have developed a style and tone guide as well, which clearly states what is important to us, what our values and principles are, and what we pay attention to in terms of copywriting, customer service, code and visual design. And we tend to use quite a few checklists as well.

Occasionally we’ll take an hour or two on the weekend to handle the most important tasks and to make sure that our authors, customers and readers don’t have to wait too long for a reply. We have developed custom tools to make it easier for us to write, coordinate, edit and proofread but we follow a thorough editorial procedure here as well. The magazine runs on Issuu, Blogspot, WordPress & Tumblr . Notes are often taken with iA Writer, and to-do notes are managed in simple plain-text to-do files. Images and screenshots are created using InstantShot. Design sketches often happen on paper or in the browser. Most of us use Chrome and Firefox as our primary browsers. We try to avoid distractions. Choosing an office space where avoiding distractions is easy was, therefore, the right decision for our small enterprise. While a major part of our work requires being available online, over the years we’ve learned to appreciate the distinct appeal of being offline. A lot of planning, editing and design work is deliberately done offline — in sketchbooks with pencils, with sticky notes and doodles, sometimes with large headphones on. Especially when writing feedback for articles and discussing ideas, finding a calm area is often helpful. In fact, we don’t have fixed working hours.... we care that things get done, and we care that things get done properly. Sometimes they are done on the go, in the work place or in a coffee shop. As we begin volume 6th of Swapnil Saundarya ezine, my prayer is that we continue to grow and find the space within ourselves to know, beyond all doubt, that there is nothing more that we need to do in order to be complete. All we need is a willingness to allow ourselves to feel good and to be at peace in the present moment. All we need is gratitude for all that we have, and all that we have had the pleasure to be and to experience. That is the starting point from which all other things will flow into our existence.

Be a part of Swapnil Saundarya ezine and Make your Life just like your Dream World !

With love, Rishabh Founder-Editor Swapnil Saundarya

Rishabh is a visual artist & founder- editor of India's first hindi lifestyle ezine namely Swapnil Saundarya . He holds a double M.A in English Literature and Ancient Indian History, culture and Archaeology . Rishabh has authored three books on Interiors and blogs on Art, History recalls, youth issues, sports, Lifestyle & Society. He is also associated with the causes like ‘ Say No to Domestic Violence’, ‘ Fight Against Child Abuse’ and ‘ Whole Body Donation’ and his association with these social causes , represents in his work as well . Website :: www.rishabhshuklars.weebly.com

आभू षण द

ण भारत के .........

भारत म आभू षण का मह व अलंकार से कह ं और यहाँ तक क रा य या

यादा है . इसके साथ धा मक और र म- रवाज़ का भी स ब ध है . धातु, इसके आकार और कार से समु दाय, जा त, पंथ

वशेष का भी बोध होता है . वण से बने आभू षण हर रोज शं सत और धारण कये जाते ह. इसके अलावा, योहार और अ य धा मक

अवसर के लए वशेष आनु ठा नक आभू षण तैयार कये जाते ह.

भारतीय आभू षण का समृ और शानदार इ तहास का गौरव ‘भारत क द

ण भारत के तीका मक आभू षण के बारे म िजनक

वण भू म’ यानी द

ण भारत के अलंकरण म दखाई दे त ा है . तो आइये इस संदभ म बात करते ह

याती दे श - वदे श तक फैल है .

जड़नाग -

इसका अथ केश सप या बाल वाला साँप होता है . यह साँप से संबं धत बाल के जूड़े का अलंकार है . “जड़” का अथ केश और “नाग” का अथ साँप है . ऐसी मा यता है क कसी ी के घु टने तक लंबे केश एक काले नाग के समान होते ह.

ण भारत क ि

याँ अपने जूड़े को फूल से सजातीं ह, और इस लए केश के अ धकतर आभू षण फूल के प म बनाए जाते ह.

त ल या मंगलयम – पूरे द

ण भारत म मंगलसू

मांग लक ववा हत

ववा हत ि

य का पर परागत च ह है . वर वारा ववाह के दन वधू के गले म त ल बांधा जाता है िजससे वधू को सुमंगल , यानी

ी क उपा ध मलती है . त ल

वण से बनी लड़ी होती है िजसम एक लटकन (पडट) लगा होता है और इसका आकार थानीय पर परा के अनु सार

भ न हो सकता है . कालता उ –

यह एक हार है िजसे वधू केवल अपने ववाह के दन पहनती है . यह काफ भार होता है, इस लए रोज पहनना संभव नह ं हो पाता है . द

ण भारत क ि

याँ अपने पु के

ववाह के दन और/या अपने प त के 60व ज म दन पर कालता उ धारण करती ह. कासु माला – इस हार को वण के एक सौ स क से बनाया जाता है िजन पर दे वताओं और दे वय के च

क न काशी क गयी रहती है .

पा बदम – इन कु डल (कान क इन बा लय ) को च , गोल, शंकु, आ द जैसी व भ न या मतीय आकृ तय म तैयार कया जाता है . यहाँ प बा का अथ साँप और “पा बदम” का अथ साँप का फण है . ये कुं डल साँप के समान दखते ह. कुं डल के वजन के याल से कान क लोलक (ईअरलोब) को एक व श ट छूर से छे द दया जाता है जो बाद म पा बदम के भार से बड़े हो जाते ह. मु डचू – ये कुं डल लपटे हु ए साँप के समान दखते ह और द है .

ण भारत के सबसे अ धक च लत आभू षण म से एक ह. इन कु डल को वण के तार क बुनाई करके बनाया जाता

कु न कु – द

ण भारत के सु द ूरवत समु दाय म फैल हु ई लोलक (ईअरलोब) आम बात है . उनके कुं डल भार होते ह. इ ह शु

वण से बनाया जाता है और वशेष छूर एवं प

कान छे द कर पहनाया जाता है.

दलच प बात यह है क कु राि त समु दाय क लड़ कयां बचपन से ह कान क लोलक को फैलाने के लए बड़े आकार के कुं डल पहनती ह िजसे कु न कु कहा जाता है .

त द त–

त द त काफ बड़े कुं डल का एक और कार है िजसे कुं वार लड कयाँ पहनती ह. ये कुं डल व णम पि तय से बनाए जाते ह िजनमे मोम भरा रहता है .

त से

ये कु छ कलाकृ तयाँ है जो अपनी पर परा और वण के बीच स ब ध दशातीं ह. इनम से कु छ आभू षण अब लु त हो रहे ह या उनक जगह आधु नक आभू षण का चलन बढ़ रहा है . तथा प, भारत के द

णी ह से म कार गर के वंशज के पर परागत

त ठान म ये आज भी मलते ह.


वि नल शु ला

Swapnil Shukla is one of the finest Jewellery designers ,Fashion Consultants , craft experts and artists from India . She is the 'first' Jewellery & Fashion Columnist / Journalist who write and educate her readers about the most intricate subjects i.e Fashion , Jewellery and Lifestyle in ‘HINDI’ language regularly. Swapnil’s work appears in a wide variety of notable Indian publications. Swapnil made her fashion and Jewellery columns and knowledge available to the hindi language people. She specializes in trends Forecasting, Lifestyle, Fashion, Gemology , Art and Astrology. After graduating from South Delhi Polytechnic for Women , New Delhi ( First with Distinction ) , she studied export management and start working as freelance designer and undertook Jewellery Projects . Besides, she also Holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science . Website :: vwww.swapnilshukla.weebly.com

वि नल स दय ई-ज़ीन – प रचय

कला , सा ह य, फ़ैशन व स दय को सम पत भारत क पहल ह द लाइफ टाइल ई- प का के ष ठम चरण अथात ष ठम वष म आप सभी का वागत है . फ़ैशन व लाइफ टाइल से जु ड़ी हर वो बात जो है हम सभी के लये खास, पहु ँ चेगी आप तक , हर पल , हर व त, जब तक वि नल स दय के साथ ह आप. गत वष क सफलता और आप सभी पाठक के अपार ेम व ो साहन के बाद अब वि नल स दय ई-ज़ीन ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) के ष ठम वष को एक नई उमंग, जोश व ला ल य के साथ

तु त कया जा रहा है ता क आप अपनी िज़ंदगी को अपने सपन क दु नया बनाते रह.

सु ंदर सपने दे खते रह और अपने हर सपने को साकार करते रह .तो जु ड़ े र हये ' वि नल स दय' लॉग व ई-ज़ीन के साथ . और .............. बनाय अपनी िज़ंदगी को अपने सपन क दु नया . ( Make your Life just like your Dream World ) Founder - Editor ( सं थापक - संपादक ) : Rishabh Shukla ( ऋषभ शु ला )

Managing Editor (कायकार संपादक) : Suman Tripathi (सु मन

पाठ )

Chief Writer (मु य ले खका ) :

Swapnil Shukla ( वि नल शु ला ) Art Director ( कला नदे शक) :

Amit Chauhan (अ मत चौहान) Marketing Head ( माक टंग मु ख ) : Vipul Bajpai ( वपु ल बाजपई)

' वि नल स दय - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) म पू णतया मौ लक, अ का शत लेख को ह कॉपीराइट बे स पर वीकार कया जाता है . कसी भी बेनाम लेख/ योगदान पर हमार कोई िज़ मेदार नह ं होगी . जब तक क खासतौर से कोई

नदश न दया गया हो , सभी फोटो ा स व च केवल रे खां कत उ े य से ह इ तेमाल कए जाते ह . लेख म दए गए वचार

लेखक के अपने ह , उस पर संपादक क सहम त हो , यह आव यक नह ं है . हालां क संपादक का शत ववरण को पू र तरह से

जाँच- परख कर ह

का शत करते ह, फर भी उसक शत-

जानका रयाँ, फोटो ा स, च , इल

तशत क िज़ मेदार उनक नह ं है . ो

स से संबं धत

े शन आ द के लए ' वि नल स दय - ई ज़ीन ' को िज़ मेदार नह ं ठहराया जा सकता .

कॉपीराइट : ' वि नल स दय - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) के कॉपीराइट सु र


टस , ोड

त ह और इसके सभी अ धकार

त ह . इसम का शत कसी भी ववरण को कॉपीराइट धारक से ल खत अनुम त ा त कए बना आं शक या संपू ण प

से पु न: का शत करना , सु धारकर सं

हत करना या कसी भी प या अथ म अनुवा दत करके इले

ॉ नक या यां क ,

त ल प, रकॉ डग करना या दु नया के कसी भी ह से म का शत करना नषेध है . ' वि नल स दय - ई ज़ीन ' के सवा धकार ' ऋषभ शु ल' ( Rishabh Shukla ) के पास सु र

त ह . इसका कसी भी कार से पु न: काशन नषेध है .

चेतावनी : ' वि नल स दय - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine ) म घरे लु नु खे, स दय नखार के लए ट स एवं

व भ न च क सा प तय के संबंध म त यपू ण जानकार दे ने क हमने पू र सावधानी बरती है . फर भी पाठक को चेतावनी द जाती है क अपने वै य या च क सक आ द क सलाह से औष ध ल , य क ब च , बड़ और कमज़ोर यि तय क शार रक शि त अलग अलग होती है , िजससे दवा क मा ा

मता के अनु सार नधा रत करना ज र है .


India's First Chemo Dolls By Swapnil Saundarya

Luxury crafts manufacturing firm 'Swapnil Saundarya Label' takes great pride to create its exclusive range of chemo dolls which can help in conveying the psychosocial effects of treatment to cancer patients . Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are created with an extremely rare condition where they do not have hair , they went through all their cancer treatments with their chemo, radiation and surgery . These Chemo Doll with the ' Fighting Spirit ' help to affirm and support the struggles of cancer patients. These dolls are designed to encourage Cancer patients who have to go through chemo therapy and will likely lose their hair. Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are dolls for children as well as for adults in treatments for cancer. Swapnil Saundarya Label manufactured their first Chemo doll in 2017, but instead of placing them on sale for profit, distributed them to various NGOs.

Doll Designer 'Swapnil' has designed chemo dolls which are simply beautiful and bald , each with their own removable colorful hat adjoining with the doll's hand representing the power to fight against the terrible disease Cancer . These dolls are dedicated to all of them battling this awful disease. "Our goal is to place Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls in the arms of all cancer patients who need a hug and to put big smiles on their faces .You can nominate any child with cancer who needs a new best friend Doll and the firm will ship his or her new doll with lots of love and care from Swapnil Saundarya Label", said Swapnil, co -owner.

Rishabh , co-owner of Swapnil Saundarya Label said "we hope our dolls have the magic to make their own best friends feel super brave and courageous. Our mission is to provide emotional support to children and adults in treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses through our chemo dolls " Desi Tale of India's First Chemo Dolls by Swapnil Saundarya UNLOCKED !!!!!

SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA LABEL Make your Life just like your Dream World !

copyrightŠ2013-Present. Rishabh Shukla. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Copyright infringement is never intended, if I published some of your work, and you feel I didn't credited properly, or you want me to remove it, please let me know and I'll do it immediately.

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