In this season of heightened patriotism and cultural commemoration, we salute our beloved multi-islands state in the season of our 45th anniversary of independence Simply put, as a nation, we have come a long way. Our journey on the road to improve our socio-economic Wellbeing has come with its challenges The strength and resolute spirit of our people is heard in the refrain, “ …. What ere our future brings, our faith would see us through” We stand and reminisce with our compatriots at home and abroad on our journey throughouttheyears. Let us likewise pause in the corridoroftimeandreflectonour ownpassageasacreditunion
One year before our declaration of independence in 1979, the teachers of St. Vincent and the Grenadines launched The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Co-operative credit Union (SVGTCCU) The political and socio-economic uncertainties of that time demanded decisive, and resolute actions not only to advance but protect the interests of teachers and the working class at large. In the words of Sister Yvonne Francis Gibson, it was “One for all and all for one” We have grown from a meagre asset base in the first year of operation to bordering on a current asset base of Two Hundred Million Dollars. Our Loan Port Folio now stands at $120 million ”
Last year we celebrated the FortyFifth (45th) Anniversary of this noble institution that was “built by teachers for all Vincentians”. During those years we have been instrumental in the democratisation of the financial sector. The ordinary working man and woman as members were able to obtain loans which were
otherwise beyond their reach. We are now able to afford individual loans in the hundreds of Thousands of dollars to our members Members are now able to access credits to build homes, educate themselves and loved ones, grow diverse businesses while enjoying the power of wealth through thriftiness and smart investments. Many of these dreams were only realised through the services our credit union crafted with members in mind
Building on the core principles of Co-operativism. we are involved in community development initiatives,supporting educational programs, scholarships, and local projects that benefit the broader community.
Continued on pg. 1
SVGTCCU Ltd. President Independence Message:45 Years of Togetherness, Prosperity & Preservation
Bro. Nathaniel Williams
President’s Message Continued
Wecontinuetoplacestrongemphasisonfinancialliteracybyprovidingresourcestohelpmembersmake informedfinancialdecisions.Wehaveandcontinuetoinvestinmoderntechnologiestoenhanceour services,includingonlinebankingandmobileapps,makingthemmoreaccessibleformembers.These initiativesareadvancedtomemberswhilefocusingonmaintainingfinancialstabilityandsustainabilitythus ensuringthatwecancontinuetoserveourmembersinthelongterm.
WewanttoensurethatdoingbusinesswiththeSVGTCCUismorethanjustparticipatinginafinancially strongfinancialinstitution.Overtheyearswehavefocusedonexcellentserviceandconvenienceforour members.Beingamember-owned,non-bankfinancialco-operative,westrivetoprovideopportunitiesfor youandyourfamiliestoimproveyourpersonalandprofessionallives.Wecanneveroveremphasizethe valueofworkingtogethertoresolvethechallengesinsmalleconomieslikeourswithlimitedfinancial resources,majorgapsinhumandevelopmentandcontinualexogenousshocks.
Todate,wehavenavigatedtheroughseasofnaturalandman-madedisastersandtheirattendant difficulties.Wecontinuetocopewiththeeconomicconsequencesofglobalfall-outsandtheirsocioculturalramifications.Thisisdonewhiledefendingthespiritofcooperativesandempoweringourmembers toachievetheiraspirationsanddreams.Thisfundamentaltenetiscloselyguardedinwhatwedoandhow weserveourmembers.Itisthefibreopticsonwhichallservicestomembersmustbecraftedand delivered.Thisapproachovertheyearshasserveduswellandremainsacriticaldeterminantofour success.Thatiswhywehavecraftedspecialproductsandsupportprogrammestomeettheneedsofour members,inparticular,membersoftheSouthernGrenadineswhomBerylravished.
Whilethebatonofleadershiphastransitionedfromstrictlydedicatedvolunteerismtotrainedpersonnel overtheyears,thefundamentalsofCo-operativismarealiveandwellinthemodusoperandiofoursociety. Inthisseasonofcelebration,fromIndependencetothecomingChristmasHolidays,Iwouldliketowish everymemberthebestintheirendeavoursatnation-building,communityservice,and,moreparticularly, patronageoftheSVGTCCU.
Iremindusofourthemeattherecentlyheld46thAnnualGeneralMeeting,UNITE,INNOVATE,PROSPER GodBless.
Community Connections: Celebrating the Heart of Our Credit Union Branches by Sis. La Tanya Grant
Vincentiansbothathomeandinthediasporaarecelebrating45yearsofindependence.Weareimbuedwith vivid recollections of our journey through socioeconomic, political, and environmental problems that have strengthenedusasaresilientpeople.Fromthegushingwaterfallsthatcomplimenttheluxuriantandmajestic mountaintopsandvalleystothepurewhitesandbeaches,St.VincentandtheGrenadinesisakaleidoscope ofcolours,flavours,andgenuinenessthatcanbeseenineveryvillage.
Onthismomentousoccasion,theSt.VincentandtheGrenadinesTeachersCo-operativeCreditUnionproudly reflectsonthegrowthofthisnationandourfinancialinstitutioninthevariouscommunitiesthathouseour branches across this country, including Paul’s Avenue, Barrouallie, Chateaubelair, Bequia, Canouan and Union Island. In this feature, we would recognize their unique contributions to the cultural, agriculture and fisherysectors.
A vibrant and bustling community located in the heart of the capital city Kingstown, is well known for its profound roots in sports and culture, having produced national footballers, calypsonians, musicians and, traditionalMasbuildersfordecades.
ItisdistinctduetoitsdirectcontributiontothedevelopmentandsuccessofVincyMas,asitisthehomeof theNelsonBlocCultural Organization.Thismasbandwasformedin1983andhascapturedtheheartsand eyesofrevellers,judgesandspectatorsfromallwalksoflife.
Thispillarinourtraditionalmasqueradingculturehasemergedvictoriousinnumerouscompetitivecategories throughouttheyearsandhaswonthecovetedbandoftheyeartitleon10occasionswithbeautifulpieces. Furthermore, the band is committed to keeping Mas alive. They have adopted the School for Children with SpecialNeedsallowingeachchildtheopportunitytocreatecostumesandcrossthebigstageatVictoriaPark duringKiddiesCarnival.
ThisbeautifulanddiversecommunityislocatedontheleewardsideofSt.VincentandtheGrenadinesandis well-knownforitslong-standingwhalingtraditions.Itscontributiontothegrowthofthefishingindustrywas through the capture of blackfish, a pilot whale scientifically known as the Globecephalus Melas. This indigenousmethodhasdevelopedintoasourceofeconomicsupportforthefishermen,processors,vendors, andtheirfamilieswhoaredeeplyinvolvedinprocessingthebyproducts.
Blackfishhaslongbeenpopularinourlocalcuisine,particularlyforbreakfast,crispsnacks,andmaincourses. The oil is a well-known treatment that earlier generations prescribed as vitamins to improve the immune systemsofchildrenandadultswhoarepronetocontractingthecommoncold.Atvarioustimesthroughout theyear,thousandsoflocalsandvisitorsfromallwalksoflifewillflocktothislivelytowntocelebratetheFish Festival.
Withlushgreenvegetation,fertilelands,beautifulwaterfallsandlovelypeople,Chateaubelairishometoour newest branch which opened on January 4th, 2024. This traditional agricultural and fishing community, located southwest of the La Soufrière Volcano, has made substantial contributions to St. Vincent and the Grenadines'foodsecurity.Despiteitsremotelocation,“Chateau”,asitisknownbylocals,isbrimmingwith ecotourismopportunities,includinglocalattractionssuchasTrinityFalls,DarkViewFalls,andChateaubelair Islet.TheIsletisaNationalWildlifeReservethatprovidesasafehavenfornativeandmigratorybirds,reptiles, andwildlife.
"EveryonewantstogotoBequia"expressesbothlocals'andvisitors'desiretoseetheamazingbeautyofthis jewel.Thislocationisspecialduetoitsfriendlypeople,itsverynature,anditshistory,whichareprofoundly ingrainedinthetraditionofboatconstruction,fishing,sailing,andwhaling.
Every year, the Bequia Easter Regatta is held to commemorate the island's rich maritime tradition and includes boat races, model boats, fishing expeditions, and on-shore activities that add to the island's uniqueness.Modelboatconstructionisanintergenerationalartandcraftpracticethathaslinkedthepeople totheseaforcenturies,evenwhenthesugarindustrydeclined.
A well-known and gorgeous sanctuary that awakens your inner child due to its magical hills, beautiful blue waters,softsands,andfriendlylocals.
CanouanaccentuatestheGemoftheAntilleswithitsflamboyantweddingceremonies,whichincludethecake dance,familyreunion,andflagdance.Thesearesymbolicfortheislandanddemonstratetheimportanceof marriage and family in their society. The Cake and Wedding dances bring together the bride and groom's families,wheretwocakesortwoflagsarecarriedbyarepresentativeofeachfamily.
Thecakeorflagrepresentingthehusbandisheldhigherthanthatofthebrideasthetwodancerscompeteto determine who will be the leader of the household. Regardless of the competition, the man's cake or flag remains higher. At the end of the dance, the bride's flag is tied beneath the man's flag, symbolizing the couple'sonenessasitisflownononepole.
AnunspoiltparadisethatisdeeplyrootedintheAfricanheritagefromtherhythmofthedrums,anddancing tolocalcuisine.Theresidentscelebrateavarietyofactivities,includingtheMaroonandBigDrumFestivals,as wellastraditionalCake-Danceweddings.
UnionIslandisrecognizedasoneofthemostfestiveplacesinourmulti-islandstate.ItishometoEasterval, theConchFestival,theModelBoatRegatta,anabundanceoffood,friendlycompetitions,andascubadiving andyachtingparadise.
TheMaroonFestivalisapre-harvestthanksgivingcustominwhichtheresidentshonourtheirancestorsand prepareauniquedishknownasWangooforthefeast.BigDrummingisatraditioninwhichpeoplegatherin public squares to drum and dance to honour significant events and festivities. These are wonderful experiencesthatreflectthecitizens'prideandjoy.
TheBoardofDirectors,Management,andStaffoftheSt.VincentandtheGrenadinesTeachersCo-operative CreditUnionwishallVincentiansablessed45thAnniversaryofIndependence.Whatbetterwaytocelebrate45 yearsofresilience,growth,andnationhoodthantorememberthemanycommunitiesthatcontinuecontributing toournationaldevelopmentwhilekeepingtheirtraditionsalive.
Community Connections: Celebrating the Heart of Our Credit Union Branches by Sis. La Tanya Grant Whaling
Empowering Change: Raising Awareness for Breast Cancer by Sis. Tera Samuel
The Importance of Regular Breast Cancer Testing
Breast cancer is a prevalent global disease that necessitates regular screenings and testing. Early detection leads to better treatment outcomes and survival rates. Mammograms, clinical exams, and self-exams are effective methods. It is recommended that women should begin regular mammograms at 40 or earlier if risk factors exist (ACS Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, n.d.).
What to Expect If You Are Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Receiving a positive breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, triggering a range of emotions that include shock, anxiety or uncertainty, and even despair. However, it is essential to recognize that a diagnosis is not the end but the beginning of a new journey toward recovery and resilience. While every journey is unique, understanding the general process and what to expect in the coming weeks and months can help ease some of the anxiety associated with this diagnosis. After a breast cancer diagnosis, your healthcare team, including oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and nurses, provides detailed information about the cancer type and stage, along with recommended treatment options. Treatment is highly individualized, considering age, health, tumor size, and hormone receptor status. Additional tests like imaging scans or biopsies are necessary to assess the cancer's characteristics and spread. Maintaining a notebook can improve communication with your medical team and support system.
A treatment plan for cancer typically involves surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormonal treatments, each with its potential side effects. Open conversations with the care team about side effects and managing them, as well as exploring emotional support resources, are crucial.
Breast cancer treatment requires addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Joining support groups, finding healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, finding strength in family, friends, and communities can help individuals navigate the challenges and lead fulfilling lives post-treatment. A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming but understanding the medical processes and utilizing support systems can empower patients to engage in their care and navigate the journey with hope and resilience.
Vincy Doucana
Banana leaves
2 cups of sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup of grated tannia or dasheen
1-1/2 cups of grated coconut
4-1/2 cups of grated sweet potatoes
1 cup flour
1. Put the tannias or dasheen and the potatoes into a mixing bowl and mix well
2. Add the sugar along with the other ingredients, and mix well.
3. Next fold about half a cup of mixture in the steamed banana leaves cut into squares.
4. Finally, tie and cook the doucana in boiling water in a large pot.
5. Boil until it is firm and cooked
6. Proper cooking may take 30 to 40 minutes.
Ginger(aboutthelengthof yourthumb) 7cupsof water Addsugartotaste Limejuice(optional)
Step 1:Washandpeel thegoldenapples (don’tpeel if you wishtotry itwiththeskin)
Step 2:Removetheseed(atthecore) and dicedtheflesh
Step 3:Wash,peel anddicetheginger.
Step 4:Addthegoldenapple,gingerand waterintoablenderandblenduntil smooth
Step 5:Thenstrainintoacontainer,sweeten totastewithsugar
If you areusing theripegoldenapples.Then alittlelimejuicecanbeadded.
SAVER Retirement Planning
Planning for the future is a crucial step in ensuring financial security and peace of mind. For members of SVGTCCU Ltd , enrolling in the Retirement Savings Plan offers a unique opportunity to prepare for a comfortable retirement while taking advantage of attractive benefits.
Competitive Interest Rate
The Retirement Savings Plan offers an impressive interest rate of 4% per annum This competitive rate ensures that your savings grow significantly over time, providing a solid foundation for your future financial needs.
Flexible Maturity Dates
One of the standout features of this plan is the flexibility it offers. Members can select a maturity date that aligns with their retirement goals and financial timelines. Whether you are planning to retire in 10 years or 30 years, you can tailor the plan to suit your specific needs
Personalized Savings Goals
The plan allows members to choose the amount of money they wish to receive upon maturity. This personalized approach means you can set realistic and achievable savings targets, ensuring you have the funds you need to enjoy a stress-free retirement
Long-Term Financial Security
By enrolling in the Retirement Savings Plan, you are investing in your long-term financial security The disciplined approach to saving, coupled with the attractive interest rate, helps build a substantial nest egg for your retirement years.
Community Support
As a member of SVGTCCU Ltd, you are part of a community that values cooperation and mutual support. The Retirement Savings Plan is designed with your best interests at heart, reinforcing the union's commitment to helping members achieve their financial goals.
Enrolling in the Retirement Savings Plan at SVGTCCU Ltd is a wise decision for members looking to secure their financial future. With a competitive interest rate, flexible maturity dates, personalized savings goals, and the support of a community-oriented credit union, you can confidently plan for a fulfilling and financially stable retirement. Don't wait – take control of your future today! This plan truly is about building a brighter tomorrow, together.
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