2022 Annual Report

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SocietyofSt. Vincentde Paul-Cincinnati 2022Annual Report


Dear Friends,

Blessed Frederic Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, famously wrote: “I would like to embrace the whole world in a network of charity.” I know that in our small corner of the world, Frederic’s vision becomes a reality each day, through people like you.

Thanks to you, St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati touches the lives of people from every walk of life and in nearly every neighborhood across Greater Cincinnati. Thanks to you, our generous donors, dedicated volunteers and Vincentians, loyal thrift store shoppers, and many supporters from businesses, schools, churches and other organizations across the community, we were able to offer material, emotional and spiritual aid to tens of thousands of families in the past year. Thank you for being a critical part of who we are –neighbors helping neighbors!

In the following pages, you will meet Tanesha, a mom of four, who found help and hope at St. Vincent de Paul as she worked to stabilize her family’s financial situation. You will read about Jordan, a young man aging out of the foster care system, who received furniture and basic home goods as he set out on his own for the very first time. You will meet Penny, one of our steadfast volunteers, who helped ensure our pantry shelves were stocked as a record number of neighbors turned to us for help with food in the last year.

The stories you will read are only a small representation of the many lives that were transformed this year through St. Vincent de Paul. We are tremendously grateful for our network of supporters, who find infinitely inventive ways to provide relief, comfort and care to neighbors facing difficult and often devastating circumstances.

I know there is still so much more work to do, and quite frankly I am both excited and humbled to be at the helm for this next chapter for St. Vincent de Paul. In 2023, we will complete the fifth and final year of our Upward Together strategic plan. As we continue to work on creating our next plan, I am grounded by our Society’s guiding principles, which call us to be “constantly striving to renew and adapt…to the changing conditions of the world.”

As 2023 presents a new set of obstacles for our neighbors already struggling to afford food, shelter, clothing and other necessities, I thank you for your continued support and trust in our mission. Together, may we bring faith alive through service to others, one neighbor at a time.


TABLE OF CONTENTS 2022 Impact……... 3 Conferences……... 4 Shelter & Food Assistance….…..... 6 Thrift Stores........... 8 Charitable Pharmacy….......… 9 Outreach Programs..............11 Seasonal/Holiday Programs……..…14 Formation & Service Learning..16 Events............…..17 Board of Directors…………18 Financials………..21 Donors…….……. 22 Legacy of Hope Society………..….26 Prescribing Hope….…......…..27














What is a Conference? Most of the work of our organization is done by our Conferences, volunteer groups whose members visit neighbors in their own homes and seek to provide material and spiritual support.

Conference members are known as Vincentians, and we often say they are the hands and feet of St. Vincent de Paul. Together, they are so much more than volunteers. They form genuine communities of friendship, prayer, and love in action.

Our Conferences are primarily anchored at local Catholic parishes, serving people who live in the neighborhoods surrounding each parish. Additionally, our Conference list includes one young adult Conference, four youth Conferences, one “Minnie Vinnie” Conference, and one Special Work Conference.

The Cincinnati District Council Conferences are:

All Saints

Annunciation/St. Monica-St.



Bellarmine Chapel

Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains/

St. Xavier

Church of the Resurrection

Corpus Christi/St. John


Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd Catholic



Guardian Angels

Holy Family

Holy Trinity

Immaculate Heart of Mary

McNicholas High School

Mount Notre Dame High School

Nativity of Our Lord

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of the Rosary/

St. Matthias

Our Lady of the Valley

Our Lady of the Visitation

Our Lady of Victory

Our Lord Christ the King

Resurrection of Our Lord

Roger Bacon High School

San Oscar Romero

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

St. Ann

St. Antoninus

St. Bartholomew

St. Bernard, Spring Grove Village

St. Bernard, Taylor Creek

St. Boniface

St. Catharine of Siena

St. Cecilia

St. Clare

St. Clement

St. Dominic

St. Gertrude

St. Ignatius of Loyola

St. James of the Valley, Wyoming

St. James the Greater, White Oak

St. John the Baptist, Northgate

St. John the Baptist, Harrison

St. John the Evangelist, Deer Park

St. Joseph, North Bend

St. Joseph, West End

St. Jude, Bridgetown

St. Jude (Young Adult)

St. Margaret Mary

St. Margaret-St. John

St. Martin of Tours

St. Mary, Aurora, IN

St. Mary, Hyde Park

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Saviour

St. Teresa of Avila

St. Ursula Academy

St. Vincent Ferrer

St. Vivian

St. William


A major theme for our Conferences this year was getting back to home visits. Visiting our neighbors in their own homes – and listening to their stories, anxieties, hopes and dreams – has always been the signature service model for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Over the past few years, especially, it has been apparent that our Vincentian vocation is more fulfilling and complete when we can show up for our neighbors, person-to-person and heart-to-heart.

As we gathered stories from our Conferences for this report, there is another theme that became clear. It’s not just the home visit that distinguishes SVDP – it is also the willingness of our Vincentians to go the extra mile. We heard countless stories this year about the ways Vincentians have gone above and beyond to help their neighbors. Some delivered food from their own homes to families in crisis. Others offered rides to neighbors, making sure they could get to work, job interviews, or social services appointments. Some Vincentians were simply present for neighbors during times of stress and uncertainty – becoming a reassuring voice on the other end of the phone, a hand to hold, a partner in prayer.

The three pillars of our Vincentian vocation are faith, friendship and service. In even simpler terms, what being a Vincentian is all about is putting love into action. For our neighbors, for each other, and for ourselves, we bring the message in 1 John 3:18 to life: “Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.”




Thanks to your support, Tanesha found help when she turned to St. Vincent de Paul, keeping her family safe in their home.

Tanesha says she and her husband were already struggling financially when, in 2021, their son was born with several medical complications. The loving parents spent months in and out of the hospital with their baby boy while his health improved. But, as she took time away from work to care for her son, Tanesha says her family’s financial situation worsened: “We kept on finding ourselves in a deeper and deeper hole.”

That’s when Tanesha turned to St. Vincent de Paul for help. She

was connected to Holy Family Conference, the group of Vincentians serving Tanesha’s neighborhood on Cincinnati’s West Side. Vincentians were able to help pay the cost of the family’s rent, ensuring they could stay in their home while they worked to stabilize their finances.

“An eviction notice was never filed, and our electric was never shut off, and St. Vincent de Paul has really been a big part of that,” Tanesha says.

In the next few months, Vincentians continued to offer support where they could. They made sure the family had a turkey and fixings to celebrate Thanksgiving, and brought presents for the kids to unwrap on Christmas morning.

Tanesha will soon move her family to a new apartment in a different part of town, where they can use the Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) they were recently approved for to help pay their rent each month. With a new chapter on the horizon, Tanesha says she’s hopeful about her family’s future in their new home: “It will have better schools, and it’s closer to my work… I think it will be good for us.”

St. Vincent de Paul distributed over $2.62 million in rental assistance and more than $742,142 in utilities assistance in 2022, helping to sustain thousands of families working towards financial stability.

$2.62 million in rent assistance distributed

26% Median rent increase in Cincinnati since August 2021

$742,142 in utilities assistance distributed



Famously attributed to St. Teresa of Calcutta, that quote has become a mantra for Penny O’Brien. Penny witnesses the impact of food insecurity through her work as a Vincentian (parish-based volunteer) and as a weekly volunteer at the Becky & Ted Catino Choice Food Pantry, St. Vincent de Paul’s food and nutrition hub in the West End.

As prices for groceries, gas and other consumer goods soared in 2022, more neighbors than ever turned to St. Vincent de Paul for assistance with food. “I am floored by the number of people who need our help,” Penny says.

Across St. Vincent de Paul’s network of pantries, including the Catino Choice Food Pantry, volunteers served 25,428 households in the past year – providing direct aid to over 75,425 people.

Each week, Penny packs up boxes of groceries from the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry at Our Lady of the Valley Parish to deliver to neighbors in Reading and surrounding neighborhoods who reach out for help. Home by home, she sees families struggling to make ends meet. “When I deliver the groceries, I offer to each family to come inside to help put the food away. I can tell you, their refrigerator shelves are empty. We know this is truly a need.”

St. Vincent de Paul would not have had the capacity to serve a record number of neighbors through its food pantries without the support of its many volunteers, in-kind donors, and hundreds of businesses, schools, churches and other partners who contributed food, hygiene supplies and personal care items. Your generosity helps provide compassionate, person-to-person assistance, relief, and hope. Thank you!

13 parish-based food pantries

16,689 families served by the Catino Choice Food Pantry

2,659 toilet paper rolls distributed per month



Amid an inflationary economy, more shoppers than ever purchased quality goods for affordable prices at our eight St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores in 2022. Thanks to the dedication of our staff, the continued generosity of in-kind donors, and our loyal customers, thrift store sales exceeded $14.8 million, a 10.4% increase over fiscal year 2021.

As our social enterprise, revenue from our thrift stores helps fund our social services and outreach programs, driving our capacity to extend relief to tens of thousands of Greater Cincinnati neighbors. Our thrift stores also provide direct assistance through our Voucher Program.


With SVDP vouchers in hand, neighbors can shop at our thrift stores for no-cost clothing, furniture and household goods, selecting the items that fit their family’s unique needs. This support helps ensure neighbors like Jordan have access to the essentials.

A young man aging out of the foster care system, Jordan had success securing an apartment of his own, but needed help with the furniture and basic household items that would transform this space into a home. After reaching out to SVDP for help, Vincentians at St. James of the Valley Conference were able to provide him with thrift store vouchers, offering encouragement and aid as he prepared for this big transition.

We are extremely grateful for our donors who entrust us with their gently-used furniture, housewares, clothing and other items.

Thanks to this support, 7,987 neighbors received clothing, and another 1,845 neighbors selected home goods through our Voucher Program in fiscal year 2022, a retail value of $613,638.

$ j j

$14.8 million in retail sales

$613,638 worth of clothing & home goods distributed at no cost

$ $

$88,406 generated through customers’ round-up donations



Stop by the Charitable Pharmacy’s satellite location –tucked inside the SVDP thrift store in Western Hills – and you’re likely to have Clinical Pharmacist Katie Owens greet you at the pharmacy window with a smile. “I love the mission. I really feel called to do this type of work,” Owens says.

Owens now leads all pharmacy operations for the Western Hills location, where roughly 27% of the 70,856 free prescriptions that the Charitable Pharmacy dispensed last year were distributed.

Owens and her team work closely with patients to not only ensure that they have access to their vital medications, but also

to monitor how effectively those medications are helping them manage chronic diseases. SVDP staff regularly call their patients to check in, and connect them with tools and resources they may need, ranging from primary care appointments to healthy food from the Catino Choice Food Pantry. “You just wouldn’t be able to do that in a typical retail pharmacy,” Owens says.

The trust and personal relationships that pharmacists build with their patients has been a major factor in the Charitable Pharmacy’s success since it was launched in 2006, saving local healthcare systems $27 million in cost avoidance.

“I’m proud that our patients feel safe here,” Owns says. “There are so many who have nowhere else to go.”

In recognition of her commitment to providing excellent pharmaceutical care, along with her leadership of SVDP’s innovative tobacco cessation program and drug procurement process, Katie Owens was recognized as 2022’s Pharmacist of the Year by the Charitable Healthcare Network and the Ohio Department of Health.

Thanks to the generous support of the community, the model of service that Katie has helped build from the ground up – a pharmacy within a thrift store –will be replicated in 2023 when SVDP opens a third Charitable Pharmacy location in its Milford thrift store. To read more about this effort, turn to page 27.

$11.48 million in free prescriptions dispensed

86% of prescriptions filled from donated medication

21,328 volunteer hours




Everyone deserves to have a safe and comfortable place to lay down to sleep at night. Unfortunately, for many families who are experiencing difficult circumstances, such as housing instability, pest infestations, or economic hardship, providing a bed for each family member may simply not be possible. Through our Bob & Sylvia Rahe Bed Program, St. Vincent de Paul works to provide stability and comfort by distributing new bed frames, mattresses and mattress covers at no cost to families. Thanks to your support, 1,668 neighbors received a new bed in the past year, including 702 children.

In August, Hope to Dream, a partnership with Morris Furniture Company and WCPO 9, helped to raise awareness for this need in our community. Seventy-five children and their families were invited for a morning of activities, culminating in a celebration as each child received a new bed of his or her own, complete with sheets, blankets, a pillow and more. Thanks to the public awareness campaign surrounding this event, $17,370 was donated to provide 100 additional beds for families in need throughout the year.


As pandemic restrictions eased this year, activities began to ramp up in our Ruth Jung Conway Teaching Kitchen, a space inside the Don & Phyllis Neyer Outreach Center dedicated to educating, encouraging and engaging with neighbors through healthy eating.

We partnered with the Ohio State University’s local extension office to offer EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education) classes, which use a hands-on learning approach to teach families about nutrition and basic elements of a balanced diet.

Recognizing that food insecurity leads to additional challenges for many neighbors, we also brought in instructors from La Soupe for monthly cooking demonstrations, showing how foods found on our pantry shelves can be used to create delicious and healthy meals at home.

Our Charitable Pharmacy has also piloted the PHARMer’s Kitchen, a nutrition program created specifically for patients struggling to control diabetes. Classes work to help patients grow their understanding of how their diet impacts this disease, and empower them with tools, resources and recipes to achieve better health outcomes.




Our Re-Entry Program offers compassionate, person-to-person assistance for neighbors who find it difficult to move forward after incarceration, arrest, or other challenging experiences in their background. We strive to serve with dignity and respect, providing not only material aid, but also support and resources as neighbors work toward stability and healing.

For Michael, the impact of the Re-Entry Program has been transformational. He says he had just returned home to Cincinnati when he was encouraged by his parole officer to attend a Re-Entry Resource Fair happening at the Duke Energy Convention Center. While waiting in line for another booth, he struck up a conversation with SVDP’s Re-Entry Manager.

“He says to me, ‘How would you like to have a job?’” Michael recalls.

Michael was hired and began working at SVDP’s Western Hills thrift store when he was approached with another opportunity. St. Vincent de Paul was opening its Clothing & Home Resource Center and needed someone who could manage the warehouse. Michael accepted, and he now says: “that’s when my life began to transform.”

Michael is now one of three full-time employees who keep the Clothing & Home Resource Center running six days a week for neighbors in need of clothing, basic housewares, and beds. His role is to help distribute beds from the loading dock, loading the mattresses and bed frames into vehicles for neighbors who come from all over Greater Cincinnati.

“People expect me to be here. To be on time, to show up…They trust me as well, to do that job, so that’s a great feeling,” he says.

While starting his new role, Michael participated in Working Better Together, SVDP’s workforce development program. The program helps orient new employees through job readiness training, the support of a small cohort, and coaching in key skills for success in the workplace and at home. More than just being prepared for his job, Michael says the classes helped him find meaning in his work.

“It gave me a sense of purpose. Because here, we all have a role to play in St. Vincent,” Michael says, adding: “There’s no big job, no little job. It’s all about helping others.”

With assistance from the Re-Entry Program, Michael has secured his own apartment and says he’s now focusing on bettering his health and wellness, and preparing himself for retirement.

“I encounter a lot of people here, some have been in jails, or are homeless. To see it all come back together, helping people that are desperate…It has influenced me a lot.”

In 2022, 563 neighbors were served through the Re-Entry Program with the most common forms of assistance being clothing, photo IDs, food and counseling. Sixty-four St. Vincent de Paul staff completed Working Better Together, with 69% still being employed by SVDP six months after graduation.


The Becky Catino Women’s Stability, Employment, and Empowerment Program was launched in 2022 and has already begun making an impact for 12 women who were enrolled, including one participant who has successfully graduated from the program. The vision for this program is to offer highly-motivated women individualized support to reach their goals and achieve self-sufficiency. Participants work closely with Program Manager, Tara Kerrigan, to develop a career plan that, when implemented, will lead to employment and enhance overall financial security.

“One of the challenges women face to obtain self sufficiency is known as the benefits cliff,” Kerrigan says. “This is the point in which someone makes too much money for public assistance, but not enough to replace what was received by public assistance. One of the goals of this program is to offer layers of support to create a bridge over the benefits cliff, creating greater stability for the neighbor and her family.”

The first participants were enrolled in the program in July, and by the end of the year several had already met or exceeded their goals. One of these women is Erin. She had previously been employed as a Certified Medical Assistant,

but her license had lapsed. Through the Becky Catino Women’s Stability, Employment and Empowerment Program, Erin received financial aid to pay the fees needed to get her license reinstated, and she also enrolled in phlebotomy classes to further her education. Erin recently received her phlebotomy certification and is now receiving one-on-one career counseling and mentorship to build a long-term career plan. She says, “This program has provided me with the ability to not just ask someone for help, but to ask for a sounding board so I can figure it out myself.”

Another participant, Sara, was working toward her bachelor’s degree in psychology, when she turned to St. Vincent de Paul. Sara needed help with transportation so that she could get to her classes, as well as financial support. The Becky Catino Women’s Stability,

Employment and Empowerment program was able to help meet both of those needs. Sara has since graduated with her degree and accepted a job at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

“One of the great aspects of this program is our ability to focus on the individual and her needs. Just as each woman has her own goals, we are grateful to be able to provide support that is flexible and evolving,” Kerrigan says.




Every day, families across Greater Cincinnati struggle to afford the basics, such as food, furniture or housing. That’s why St. Vincent de Paul helps make the summer days a little easier through our Fan and A/C Distribution, presented by Braun Heating and Air Conditioning. For over 20 years, this program has helped provide relief to neighbors, particularly for those most vulnerable to the effects of high heat and humidity, including the elderly, families with young children, and those with certain medical conditions.

In 2022, we once again provided heat relief to more families than ever before, distributing 1,522 box fans and 980 air conditioning units, an increase of 45% more households served than the year prior. Special thanks to a new sponsor of the program in 2022, SageSure Insurance, for helping to make this extraordinary effort possible.


Without free or reduced-price meals provided at school, more children go hungry during the summer months. For the past 15 years, Reds fans have generously stepped up to address food insecurity in our community by donating nonperishable food before select ball games. This year was no different, as we collected enough food to provide 2,916 meals for local families. Thank you to our partners on this initiative, the Cincinnati Reds, WLWT, and iHeart Media.


Each winter, St. Vincent de Paul collects new and gently-used coats, hats, mittens and more to distribute to our neighbors. With the help of partners WLWT, Warm 98.5, Lemasters Consulting and Gold Star Chili, and over 100 other businesses, schools and churches, thousands of coats were collected to spread warmth and comfort to those in need.

This winter, we provided 2,165 neighbors with a coat through three distribution events. Notably, our first distribution of the season at Elder High School was our largest ever, with 950 neighbors receiving a warm winter coat. We have continued to offer coat vouchers throughout the winter, and have distributed 673 additional coats through that model.


Spreading the joy of Christmas is a cherished tradition at St. Vincent de Paul – and this year, we reached more families than ever before! Thanks to the many supporters who gave to our Angel Toy program, Christmas Together, and the Tepee Giving Tree, 3,058 children unwrapped presents this Christmas, making the holidays brighter for 1,175 families in need.

We could not have fulfilled so many requests for gift assistance without the hundreds of individuals, businesses, schools and other groups who organized toy collections, purchased presents, sorted donations, shopped with our neighbors, and so much more. Thank you!


There’s nothing that makes the holidays more special than sharing time with loved ones over a home cooked meal. Our Thanksgiving and Christmas food distributions, operated through the Catino Choice Food Pantry, helped ensure this important tradition continued for 1,318 families who received a Thanksgiving meal, and 1,373 families who received a meal for Christmas. Many more families were served through holiday meal programs facilitated by our parish Conferences.

*These programs reflect results for programs held in fiscal year 2023



Rooted in Vincentian spirituality, the Ozanam Center for Service Learning seeks to provide meaningful service experiences, engage participants in reflection and education on poverty and justice issues, and grow a commitment to action on behalf of our neighbors in need.

Programs offered include our signature Cincinnati Poverty Simulation, implicit bias workshops, service immersion

retreats, Confirmation retreats and more. The Ozanam Center welcomes groups ranging from students to professional adults –anyone who seeks to serve their neighbors and engage in conversations around faith, advocacy, and social justice is welcome.

In 2022, the Ozanam Center held 66 workshops and retreats and involved 1,528 youth and adult participants in service learning programming.


Vincentian Volunteers of Cincinnati (VVC) is our 11-month residential service program, an opportunity for young adults to deepen their faith, grow in friendship, and serve in solidarity. VVC members form close bonds, living together in the West End and working full-time in key roles at St. Vincent de Paul, alongside staff and volunteers. Support is provided through ongoing reflection, leadership development workshops, retreats, and the guidance of a mentor to encourage professional, personal and spiritual growth.

Three VVC members completed their year of service in July, and three more began their service in August. Together, VVC members completed over 5,619 hours of service and provided critical support to the programs and people of St. Vincent de Paul.

“Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveler who has been attacked. It is justice’s role to prevent the attack.”
– Blessed Frederic Ozanam, Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul


We were thrilled to recognize Sherie Marek and Linda Mueller, two longtime friends and supporters of St. Vincent de Paul, at our seventh annual Celebration of Service. Through gifts made in Marek and Mueller’s honor, sponsorships and ticket sales, a record $576,000 was raised in support of our Homelessness Prevention Program. Our sincerest thanks to Marek and Mueller for their continued leadership and commitment to Cincinnati’s neighbors in need.




There’s nothing like a great time for an even greater cause! Our annual golf outing and signature wine and bourbon tasting reception generated $106,750 for the St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy, enough to provide over $1.1 million worth of prescription medicine for patients who otherwise may have no way to access their medications.


For the first time in three years, our fashion show fundraiser showcasing one-of-a-kind designs from University of Cincinnati College of Design, Art, Architecture, and Planning (DAAP) students returned in 2022. Thanks to the tremendous support of the community, including our partners, sponsors and attendees, $197,000 was raised for our neighbors in need.


thanks to Protective Life for its presenting sponsorship of each of these three events in 2022. In addition, Protective Life generously facilitated drives and provided consistent volunteer support throughout the year. We are extremely grateful for this partnership, which helps sustain our efforts to aid our neighbors through material, emotional, and spiritual support.




Alison Zlatic President

Nativity Vincentian

John Sawyer


Retired, Senior Vice President and Chief Distribution Officer Protective Life

Cindy Givens Vice President

Retired Program Manager –Customer Assistance Funds and Community Outreach Duke Energy

Lisa Mather Treasurer Audit Partner

Ernst & Young, Cincinnati Office

Ron Christian Secretary Charitable Pharmacy Board Representative Partner

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP

Giovanna Alvarez Director

Su Casa Hispanic Center

Henry Daniels+ Executive Finance Leader Engineering Division GE Aviation - Cincinnati

Kelly M. Dehan

Retired, Former Owner The Besl Transfer Co.

Lana Durban-Scott Vice President, General Manager for WRTV E.W. Scripps

Gigi Meyer Escoe, Ph. D. Vice Provost of Undergraduate Studies

Dean, Division of Experience-Based Learning and Career Education University of Cincinnati

Pam Farley Vincentian

St. Joseph, West End

Dan Fleming Managing Director River Cities Capital Funds

Kevin Flynn Retired, Attorney Griffin Fletcher & Herndon LLP

D.J. Hodge Market President iHeartMedia, Cincinnati

Robert Killins, Jr. Director of Giving Strategies Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Bart Kohler Past Chairperson President Takkt America Holdings and Principal CBK Advisors LLC

Sister Mary Caroline Marchal Sisters of Charity LaTasha Patrick HR Director Crossroads

Kelly Postlewaite, CPA Treasurer Partner

BKD CPAs and Advisors

Kitty Strauss Rosenthal Volunteer

Brittany Sparks Risk Management Administrative Technician City of Cincinnati

Mike Dunn ex officio Executive Director St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati

Deacon Royce Winters Spiritual Advisor


Todd Szewc President Chief Financial Officer Planes Companies

Mike Puccini, R.Ph. Vice President 340B Contract Pharmacy Specialist RxStrategies, Inc.

Brad Schwartz, CPA Treasurer Treasurer, Secretary, HR Director International Mold Steel, Inc.

Aaron Seurkamp Secretary President

Retirement Division Protective Life Corporation

Marc A. Alexander, M.D. Attending Physician Queen City Physicians Tri-Health

Amar Bhati, M.D. President and CEO MD360 LLC

Wayne Bohenek Chief Ancillary Officer Mercy Bon Secours

Pete Brown VP, Digital Future Growth Western & Southern Financial Group

Chris Canarie Principal STNL Development

Liz Carter President & CEO Scripps Howard Fund

David Catanzaro, Pharm.D. Senior Medical Liaison Retrophin Pharmaceuticals

Ron Christian Partner Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP


Jason Combs

Chief Financial Officer

The E.W. Scripps Company

Pam Heaton, Ph.D., FAPhA Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences

Winkle College of Pharmacy –University of Cincinnati

Mike Jennings, M.D. Internal Medicine Christ Hospital

David Mayhaus, Pharm.D., MS Assistant Vice President Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Katie McKinney, Pharm.D., MS, BCPS Director, Pharmacy Services UC Health – University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Rev. Frank Nation Vice President Mission and Culture TriHealth, Inc.

Donald Nofziger, M.D. Pediatrician

Bob Saelinger Attorney and Partner Graydon Head

Chuck Schroer

Retired, Attorney Frost Brown Todd LLC

Mike Dunn ex officio Executive Director St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati


Ron Brown Retired Chairman, President & CEO Milacron Inc.

Mark Casella CEO/Founder Coppertree, Ltd.

Becky Catino Past Chairperson Partner 625 Investments

Michael Conaton Retired, Vice Chairman The Midland Company

Steve Culbertson Retired, Business Executive

Jim Dodd Retired, Senior Vice President Fifth Third Bank

John Gartner Brokerage Senior Vice President and Principal Colliers International

Robert E. Gramann, FAIA Chairman Emeritus GBBN Architects

Dan Hurley Applied History Associates

Tricia Johnson Philanthropy Compliance Director Miramar Services Inc.

Ron Joseph, Jr. Director Joseph Auto Group

John Kron Retired, Partner Deloitte & Touche LLP

Dan Long Past President Managing Partner Cincinnati Business Brokers

Gary Massa Vice President for University Relations Xavier University

Dan Meyer Co-Founder and CEO

Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.

Neil O’Connor

Past Chairman/President Clark Schaefer Hackett

Chris Shimala Senior Vice President

Huntington National Bank

Bob Stautberg Certified Public Accountant Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co./KPMG

Tamara Sullivan President Sullivan Communications, Inc.

M. Jay Wertz, CFP

Principal and Director of Wealth Advisory Services Johnson Investment Counsel

Chris Williams Owner JCW Consultants

Rev. Barry Windholtz Pastor St. Rose



October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022 REVENUES, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions & legal bequests ............................ $11,651,151 In-kind donations ................................................... 23,001,154 Stores .................................................................... 16,314,035 Auto & other ............................................................... 601,362 Net investment return............................................ (2,056,564) Total revenue, gains & other support ... 49,511,138 EXPENSES Program services Assistance to neighbors in need ......................... 8,111,369 Food pantries ..................................................... 3,410,843 Furniture, clothing & other goods ….................. 33,120,457 Total program services .................... 44,642,669 Car donation program ........................................... 240,650 Supporting services Management & general ......................................... 849,332 Fundraising ............................................................ 985,501 Total supporting services .................. 1,834,833 Total expenses ................................. 46,718,152 Change in net assets .............................. 2,792,986 Net assets at beginning of year ............. 45,834,931 Net assets at end of year ................... $48,627,917
Of Support Assistance to neighbors in need.......17% Food pantries......................................7% Furniture, clothing & other goods…..71% Car donation program.........................1% Management & general......................2% Fundraising………….…......................2% Uses of Support Assistance to needy…17% Food pantries…7% Furniture, clothing, & other goods…71% Car donation program…1% Management & general…2% Fundraising…2%
Support Contributions & legal bequests ........24% In-kind donations..............................46% Stores................................................33% Auto & other........................................1% Net investment return ......................-4% Sources of Support Contributions & legal bequests…24% Donated food & other goods…46% Stores…33% Net investment return…-4% Auto & other…1%
Sources Of


We express our deepest gratitude to all our supporters, both those who made gifts to the Cincinnati District Council throughout the year, as well as those who donated directly to the St. Vincent de Paul Conference in their parish.

Your support provided food, clothing, medicine, furniture and so much more to neighbors facing difficult circumstances. Thank you for the trust you place in St. Vincent de Paul to put your support into action. This listing recognizes donors who contributed $1,000 or more to the Cincinnati District Council during the 2022 fiscal year, which began October 1, 2021 and concluded September 30, 2022. We also gratefully acknowledge the 2,846 donors who gave at levels not printed in this publication. Every donation helps bring hope into the lives of our neighbors in need.


Anonymous (x2)*

Barry and Ruth Bucher

Becky and Ted Catino*

City of Cincinnati Eviction Prevention Initiative*

Farmer Family Foundation

Elaine and Henry Fischer*

The James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Foundation*

Hamilton County Community Development Block Grant

Hamilton County Health and Hospitalization Levy*

Heidt Family Foundation*

Ed and Joann Hubert Family Foundation, Inc.*

Florence Koetters*

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families



Mary Lou Boylan +

William and Anne Burleigh

Mary L. Cramer +

Emergency Food and Shelter Program*

Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr. Foundation*

Hamilton County Nonprofit Relief Program

H.C.S. Foundation

Interact For Health

Bart and Linda Kohler*

L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation

Sherie Marek

St. Rose Church*

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Customer Round-Up*

John and Jenny Ward Family Foundation



Bank of America

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Castellini* Castellini Foundation*

Catholics United for the Poor* Charitable Healthcare Network

CPPS Heritage Mission Fund

Charles H. Dater Foundation*

The Fluegeman Family

Ernest Gillman +

Fred and Nancy Habegger*

John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust

Thomas Mason

Don Neyer*

The P&G Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation*

Raskob Foundation

Dick and Kitty Rosenthal*

John and Joyce Ryan + SC Ministry Foundation*

The Louise Taft Semple Foundation Sostento

Sutphin Family Foundation

Howard and Barbara Thomas

Sue and Mike West*

Western & Southern Financial Fund*


Anonymous (x4)*

Ryan & Kelley Adcock

Marc and Barbara Alexander*

Joseph and Jeanne Berns Jr.

Michael and Rebecca Bohmer*

Sheldon and Norma Braun*

Donna and Gordon Brown*

Michael and Carolyn Burns*

Charities Aid Foundation of America*

Mary Chauvin

Manuel and Cynthia Chavez*

Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Vicki Christian*

Christ Hospital Foundation*

Marylyn and Raymond Clark*


Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Foundation*

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Liz Curran*

James N. Day +

Carl and Linda DeBlasio*

Nancy DeBrunner*

Direct Relief

John and Georgia Dirksing*

Duke Energy Foundation

Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation*

The Thomas J. Emery Memorial Foundation

Charles Noe +

Jim Evans*

Jerome D. Fagel, Jr.*

Mr. Mike Flaherty*

Sue and Randolph Freking

Galvin Family Fund QuasiEndowment, Johnson Charitable Gift Fund

General Mills Foundation

Jim and Alyson Gerwe*

The Gockerman Family Charitable Fund*

Donald Gruber*

Hatton Foundation

Michael and Mary Anne Hengehold

Michael W. Hoffman

Bob and Sharon Hoverson*


Donald and Susan Hunsberger

William and Suzanne Joiner*

Amy and George Joseph

Robert T. Keeler Foundation*

Koch Foundation

Kohnen Family Foundation

The Kroger Co. Foundation*

Ms. Jean Lambert*

Kevin and Ann Lynch*

John and Deborah Majoras

Mike Marek and Elizabeth Weaver*

The Marnick Foundation*

The McCloy Family Foundation

Timothy and Patricia McDonald

Mary Menetrey +

Neediest Kids of All

Niehaus Financial Services, LLC*

Bernadette Nisbett

Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. and Virginia A. O’Connor

Virginia Orsini

Our Lady of the Visitation Conference of SVDP*


Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler*

Harry and Helen Rabe Family Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation*

Robert C. & Adele R. Schiff Foundation

Christine Ryan*

John and Sherry Sawyer*

George and Betty Schaefer

Marilyn J. Scripps

Scripps Howard Foundation*

Michael and Janet Sepela*

Becky and Aaron Seurkamp*

Kenneth and Kathleen Skau*

The Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Diane Williams*

The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation*

Mr. Mark Zlatic*

$5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (x3)

Anonymous* (x4)

The Benevity Community Impact Fund*

Jenny and Jim Berg*

Tom and Ruth Bobenread

Braun Heating and Air Conditioning Co.

Melvin Burkhardt Endowment +

Edward Castleberry +

Leslie and John Caulfield

William and Maureen Coleman

Jason and Traci Combs*

Michael and Sally Connelly*

Steve and Carolyn Dick*

Theodore and Mary Lou Elchynski

Mark and Diane Ellis*

Frank and Susan Fiore*

Daniel and Susan Fleming*

Thomas and Janice Forte*

Freestore Foodbank Capacity Development Fund

Steve and Julie Gerhardt

James Gielty

Jeanne Glassmeyer

William Groneman and Maureen Flanagan*

John and Kimberly Gruber*

Kok Lew and Natalie Gunawan

Theodore and Mary Haglage*

The HealthPath Foundation of Ohio

Peggy and Brian Hogan*

Home City Ice Co.*

I-systems Corporation

Eloise and Charles Jung

Fred and Susan Kahn

Marge Keller

Christopher & Meg Kohnen

Diane and Matthew Krumanaker

Lawrence and Marjorie Kyte

Paul and Maureen Lechleiter*

Adele Lippert*

Dr. Charles and Mrs. Ann McCarthy*

Marie Minges + Adam Mueller

Brian and Heidi Murray*

Gerald Mushaben*

New Riff Distilling

Jim and Dennie Patton Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation* Prasco Laboratories

Premier Service Title Agency LLC

Protective Life Foundation*

The Randolph Company

Kenneth and Bernice Reeder*

Rita Riddell*

Mr. and Mrs. John and Carole Ruschulte*

SageSure Insurance Managers

Nathan Schmucker

Mr. and Mrs. William and Amy Schult*

Michael and Michele Schuster

Daniel and Amanda Schwallie

Lana and Jason Scott*

Peter J. and Krista P. Settle

Charitable Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Larry and Rhonda Sheakley

Skynet Innovations

James and Linda Steffen*

Maria and Vlado Strmski

Bob and Sallie Sumerel

Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Meg Tarvin

Judy Thelen

Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann*

Amy and Steve Whitlatch

Bob and Marilyn Wildermuth*

Dennis and Patricia Worthen

William and Susan Worthington


Henry and Nancy Acciani

America’s Charities

Anonymous (x2)

Bartlett Wealth Management

Kathleen and Gregory Bell Family Fund

Barry and Carol Bien

Christopher and Beth Canarie*

Christopher and Kathleen Carr

Cassidy Schiller & Associates, Inc.

David and Marie Catanzaro*

Theodore Catino

Tammi and Craig Chalfie*

Robert and Pauline Chaloult*

Cincinnati Machines

David and Mary Kay Clark

Dave Clark

Scott and Kelly Clark Family Foundation

Jim Daria & Associates, Inc.*

Kelly Dehan*

Duke Energy

Michael and Anne Dunn*

The E.W. Scripps Company

David and Jennifer Ellis*

The Electrodyne Company, Inc.*

Empire Marketing Strategies

Jay Erdman*

Teresa and Robert Ernst

Mary Ann Fagel*

Special thanks to Poul Lemasters and his family for giving the gift of warmth this winter by donating hundreds of new coats to our coat drive. St. Vincent de Paul is grateful to Poul and the many coat drive partners who help ensure our neighbors have access to warm coats and essential resources throughout the year.


James and Leslie Fitzgerald*

David and Anita Freeman*

John and Rosalie Gartner, Jr.

GE Foundation*

Haglage Construction*

Toby Hazen

Gregory Hengehold

Hengehold Capital Management LLC

Phil Hock*

Mr. Paul Hoeting*

Jennifer and Robert Howe

Al and Kathy Humbert*

Huntington National Bank

Dan and Karen Hurley*

Judy Hutton*

Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.*

Thomas and Mary Kay Junglen*

The Kaneka Foundation

Katzen International*

Brian Kellett

Donald and Kathy King*

Mr. and Mrs. Marlene and Urban Kocher*

Barbara and Laurence Lain

Frank and Teresa Lamantia*

Shirley Lapiana-Martin

Jim and Kathleen Laughlin*

Susan Lennert +

Carol Lippoli

Dave and Judy Lococo*

Meredith and Joseph Loughran*

Arthur & Maryann Maines*

William Martin

Susan Martin*

McCloy Holdings LLC

Mary and Michael McGraw

Gregory Meade

Pat and Kathy Michel*

Eric Mueller*

Jacqueline C. Neumann*

Mary Joan Niehaus*

Barbara Noble*

Rev. Thomas C. Nolker*

Norden Supporters Group

Ohio Area Order of Malta

Steve and Cindy Ortner

Richard and Bonnie Peterson*

Christopher and Vickie Pfister

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Pamela Pratt*

Sue and Bob Ramsay*

Joan and George Rebeck*

Kimberly and James Reinhold*

Bill and Jo Ann Ropp*

Mary L. Rust

Patricia Schemenauer*

William and Elizabeth Schlater*


Peter and Marina Schmid*

Michael and Judith Schmidt

Elizabeth B. Schulenberg

David and Sandra Schwartz*

Joseph Shaughnessy*

Sibcy Cline Inc.

Jay Silver

Tammy and Anthony Silvestri*

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati*

Mary and Barry Smyth*

Christopher and Christina Stanek

Katherine and Tim Stautberg

George and Linda Strietmann*

Amy Studt

Truist Community Development

Richard Vogele

Phil and Bebe Vollmer*

Margaret and Albert Vontz

Francis and June Wagner

Jay and Kathy Wertz*

Susan Westerling

Jeffrey and Katie Zaenger*


Diane and Thomas Adamec

Claire Ahluwalia

Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Bonnie Albers*

Barrett Aldemeyer

All Saints Church

All Saints Conference of SVDP

Donna Allmandinger

John and Beth Andrews

Anonymous (x2)


Anonymous Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Jeanne Apgar

Archdiocese of Cincinnati*

Constance Arthur*

Patricia and Joseph Baker

Patti Banks*

Bill and Kate Baumann

Timothy and Kristine Bayer*

Robert and Barb Becker*

Vincent and Murielle Bennett

Karen M. and Bruce J. Berno Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation*

BeyondBeing LLC

BGR, Inc.

Larry and Sue Blum

William and Shirley Boardman*

John Borger

Stanley Boric*

Reeta Brendamour

Sandy and Bruce Brielmaier*

Michael & Mary Anne Broe

The Helen and James G. Broe Fund*

Tom and Kathryn Brokamp

Pamela Brosch*

J. Robert and Dianne Brown*

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Linda Brown*

Dr. Dennis and Jennifer Brown

Mary W. Bruening*

John Bruening

Linda and David Bryant

Bruce and Patricia Buckley

James and Elizabeth Burridge*

Joseph Busam

William Busch

Mary and Ambar Chowdhury

Patrick Clark

Martha Claypool

Dana Collins

Michael and Nancy Conaton*

Sheila Conway*

Janice Copfer

Deacon John and Sylvia Corson*

Crane Fund for Widows and Children

Steve and Gina Culbertson*

Matthew and Rachel Curran

Vicky & John Curtis

Tom and Joyce Davoran*

Job Trailer Storage

Deaconess Associations Foundation

Anthony and Sara Delisio

Mike Dempsey

Designer Donations for Cincinnati Charities Inc.

Clyde and Mary Dial

Pierig Lepont and Teresa Dicolandrea*

Bill and Kathy Dillhoff*

Joseph and Philomena Dillhoff

Jean Sepate and Peter Djuric

Rob and Katie Dodd

Beth and Joseph Doench*

Richard and Kimberly Donaldson

James Donnelly*

Bill Dorward*

Michael and Teresa Dransman

Kevin and Kim Dreier

Anne Dulle*

Karen & Mark Durchholz

William and Mary Edmund

Jon and Tami Eesley

Louis and Diane Eichhold*

Albert and Carla Eilers*

Carolyn Eisenschmidt

Tripp and Margaret Eldredge, III

David and Mary Ann Ellerbrock*

Adam Elrod

Rev. David J. Endres*

ES Properties

Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Mary Espel*

Murlee Espinal

Richard and Julie Fairbanks

Diane and Melvin Firestone*

Arthur L. Fischer*

Michael Fishel

Sarah and Greyson Fitzhugh

Joan Fleming

Thomas and Helen Flynn

Kevin Fogarty*

Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry*

Kelly Fulmer

William and Kathleen Fussinger

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

James Gallagher

John and Camille Gartner III

Francis and Beth Geiser

Gordon & Carie Geraci

Doug and Monica Gerstle

Virginia Gessing

John and Dorothy Gillen*

Daniel Gillman

Giulitto Charitable Giving Fund

Dr. Richard & Kathleen Glaser

Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP*

Jim Grimme

Thomas Habegger

Michael and Margaret Handleton

Jon Hansen

Joe and Julie Hauck

Ryan Heckmuller

Madeline and Jack Heffner

Timothy and Sherrie Heist

William Heitbrink

Mary Hemmer

Dave and Betsy Hendy*

Robert Hessler

Pamela Heydt

Dianne and Mark Hill*

Don and Patricia Hinkley

D.J. Hodge*

William and Lori Hogan

Martin and Tina Hollenbeck*

The Homan Foundation*

James R. Howe, Jr.*

Karen Hulefeld*

Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference of SVDP*

Thomas and Lynn Isgris

Ron and Gloria Johnson*

Tricia and Eric Johnson

Johnson Charitable Gift Fund

Dorothy E. Kaiser

Barbara and Enore Kanzler

Michael and Danya Karram

Judith Marie Keiber*

Arleene Keller

Kate Kennedy

Ken and Judy Kenniston

Carol Kerlakian

Chris and Pat Kief

Randall King

Alisa and Ryan Koster

Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Joan Kramer*

Mr. and Mrs. John and Marguerite


George and Jo Ann Kurz*

Daniel and Leanna Lach

Doug & Sunnie Johnson-Lain

Mr. and Mrs. John and Susie Lame

Barb & Steve Linder

Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Lisa Long*

Lucas Charitable Fund

William and Phyllis Luehrmann*

Lorie and Tom MacDonald

Jacquelyn and Jake Marsac

Jim and Debby Mason

Raymond and Madelynn Matlock*

Paul Maus

Janet McCarthy

Timothy and Jennifer McConnell

Lori McElroy

Larry and Jill McGruder

Mr. Thomas G. McKenney*

Granada McNeil

Patrick and Jan McNerney*

Mercy Health

Miami Valley Gaming & Racing

Kurt Micek

Barry and Christine Miller

Melissa Moore

Kathlyn and Ronald Morgan*

David and Barbara Mueller*

Paul and Theresa Muething*

Tom and Cynthia Muething

Cynthia Mulhauser

Kenneth and Theresa Mullen*

Jim and Jane Neyer*

William and Karen Neyer

Anne Niehaus and Martin Madar*

Elaine O’Neill

Carol Osterfeld

Allison Paley

Jane and James Paulin

Dan and Pam Payne*

John and Frances Pepper

John and Jane Perrin

PNC Bank*

Louis G. Pohl Trust*

John and Kathy Polivka

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Melissa Puccini*

Ken Radziwon

Patricia Rasp

Edward and Peggy Reilly

Mary & Ron Reitz

Renaissance Charitable Founation

Judith Wimberg & Frederick Reuter

Aviva Rich

Michael and Barbara Ricke

Mary C. Rider

Edwin and Carole Rigaud

Jeanene Robison

Roger Bacon High School Conference of SVDP

Bruce and Tina Ross

Richard and Sue Royer

RPP Containers*

Fr. Ryan Ruiz*

Donna Russelburg

Kevin and Kay Ryan

Sacred Heart Church

William and Susan Schmidt*

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mary Schmitz

Theodore and Alice Schneider

James and Margaret Schrimpf

Cheryl and Jerry Schuermann

Edward and Mary Jo Seibert

Susan Sewell

Special thanks to the Mayer family, who once again held their Mayer Friends and Family Toy Drive and collected 1,100 toys for the Angel Toy program. St. Vincent de Paul appreciates the Mayers and the many others who help ensure children in our community have gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.


Robert and Maria Shaffer

David and Janice Shea*

Mary E. Skahan*

Stephen and Lyle Smith

David and Linda Smith*

Edith Smitson

Sprimag Inc.

St. John the Baptist, Dry Ridge Conference of SVDP*

St. Xavier High School*

Jay & Judi Stautberg

Michelle Stava

Gary and Nancy Strassel

Henry and Julia Ann Striet*

Steve and Chris Sullivan

Summertime Kids, Greater Cincinnati Foundation*


Joyce Swallow


David and Margaret Tondow*

James & Susan Troutt

Arthur and Linda Tucker

Grace Ulm*

Gerald and Ann Umberg*

United Way of Greater Cincinnati

Gabe and Elizabeth Vandyke

Robert and Patricia Curran VanStone*

Marge and Joseph Varatta

Jessica Vihtelic

The Vista Foundation

Jane and Jon Votel*

Elizabeth Walsh

Kevin and Megan Walsh*

Mary Ann and Howard Watrous

Jonathan Weber

Wilson and Maureen Weisenfelder*

James and Jacquelyn Welborn

Jim Wenstrup*

Edward Wenstrup

Thomas E. Westerfield

Phyllis Weston

Raymond and Elaine Westrich*

Connie Widmer

Ruth Wimmers

YMCA of Greater Cincinnati

Linda Bruggeman and Thomas


Sharon E. Ziegler

Richard T. Zins

Paul and Alison Zlatic*

*These donors have financially contributed to St. Vincent de Paul for five or more consecutive years. +These donors contributed to St. Vincent de Paul through a gift from their will or trust.


Thank you to the following donors who have included St. Vincent de Paul in their will, trusts, IRAs, or other legacy plans. You bring to life St. Vincent de Paul’s mission to build a more just world through relationships with and service to people in need. Thank you for your selfless generosity which brings hope and healing to future generations of neighbors in need.

Barrett Aldemeyer

Anonymous (x24)

Sherrin K. Ashcraft

Peter and Mary+ Bauer

David Beckett

Bob and Karen Bell

Elizabeth Blessing+

Mary Lou Boylan+

Sandy and Bruce Brielmaier

Rosemary Burger

Thomas Calder+

John Conroy+

Ronald Covert+

Mary Cramer+

Phyllis M. Dawson

Jim Day+

Carl and Linda DeBlasio

Kelly Dehan

Jim and Elizabeth Dodd

Mark Durrough

Jerome and Diane Eisele

William and Rosemary Erman

Heidi and Mike Felton

Ernest Gillman+

Marie and Brennan+ Hill

Mary Hunt+

Joseph and Rosebelle Ionna+

Tim and Christine Jette

Kim Jordan+

Jim Jurgens

Susan Lennert+

Ralph Luebbe+

Thomas Mason+

Mary and Al+ McGrover

Mike McNamara

James and Mary Menetrey+

Mickey Merritt

Bob and Star Mierenfeld

John and Kathy Mitchell

Jacqueline C. Neumann

Don Neyer

Charles Noe+

Dan and Pam Payne

Theo Penker III

Richard and Bonnie Peterson

Jane Phelan

Patricia Quinlin+

Elaine Rairden

Bill and JoAnn Ropp

John T. and Carole Ruschulte

Tom and Audrey Ruthman

John and Joyce Ryan+

John and Sherry Sawyer

Robert Schoettinger+

Joan Schmutzler

Lana and Jason Scott

Robert Schmid+

Donald and Mary Ellen Sillies+

James Stallbaumer+

James and Linda Steffen

Mary Ann Tebbe

Richard Thie

Mary Theresa Thiemann+

Jeanne Twomey+

Herbert A. Vonderheide+

Gary Wahl+

Dorothy Waller+

Mike and Sue West

Connie Widmer

Gary and Paula Yerke

If you have already included St. Vincent de Paul in your will, trust, IRA, or other legacy plans and are not listed above or you are interested in learning more about gift planning options, please contact Susan Hall, Senior Development Manager, at shall@SVDPcincinnati.org or 513-345-4994. +Deceased



Far too many neighbors face significant barriers to accessing their life-saving prescription medications. That’s why St. Vincent de Paul is working to expand the Charitable Pharmacy through Prescribing Hope, a three-year strategic plan and $5MM fundraising initiative that will transform SVDP’s capacity to provide free pharmaceutical care to neighbors in need, and ultimately save lives.

In the past year, the Charitable Pharmacy has expanded weekly hours at its satellite location in

Western Hills, enhanced nurse practitioner-led health services, strengthened its clinical programs, and improved navigation services to help patients transition to other care options. Through innovative partnerships and action, it has grown its sources of donated medication and led the creation of new procedures that will impact charitable pharmacies across the state of Ohio for years into the future.

Among its goals for 2023, St. Vincent de Paul will open a third Charitable Pharmacy location in its Milford thrift store, expanding access to its pharmacy programs to residents of not only Hamilton, Butler, Clermont and Warren Counties, but also Adams,

Brown, Clinton and Highland Counties. With one in four Americans struggling to afford their prescription medications, this new location will help create a bridge to care for vulnerable patients living across southwest Ohio.

The success of the Charitable Pharmacy, and our ability to lay bold, exciting plans for its future, relies on the generousity of our community. Over $3.7MM of support has already been pledged to this campaign. Thank you for making this possible. To learn more about the Prescribing Hope campaign, or to make a donation, please visit SVDPcincinnati.org/hope

Over $3.7 million of support pledged

1125 Bank Street Cincinnati, OH 45214-2130 Non Profit Org US Postage Paid Cincinnati, OH Permit #1106 Honoring Rob and Julia Heidt Thursday, May 18 • 6:00 pm at Anderson Pavilion SAVE THE DATE a celebration OF SERVICE

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