4 minute read

Divine Time

Civilisation Lost - Civilisation Found

By ShirleySienna

Life in 2021 may feel like a satirical, ironic pun. How do we change this?

How do we move from the fear and lower based news, media topics of conversation and theatricals that currently bombard us on a daily basis? A Magnetic moon of Manifestation, is a gift now in play allowing us to align with the divine and our inner being, following the harmonic convergence of 16 and 17 August, now passed yet still working in our favour. Ask and it is given. Allow yourself to think you are able, allowed and worthy to receive. Don’t be scared of what may evolve if it comes to fruition. August, the 8th month of natural harvest, health and abundance, brings the ability to shift your perspective to higher levels. This is the key to manifestation, where all that is awaits your call and, most importantly, your arrival to the plane of gratitude. The lower planes very easily give you the mundane fear based moments of karmic fatigue that we face on a daily basis, because we forget to raise our eyes and our personal vibration. Travelling like a star bound warrior of galactic enterprise allows us to dream. Practice this with a poignant grace. This may seem like a conundrum of sorts, however, once you understand the true power you have within the depths of your psyche, you may also understand the power of polarity. Realise that you have word, frequency and vibration literally embedded into the palm lines of your hands, akin to the process and pattern of original creation. Entering the Lunar Moon of Challenge head on, like an incoming flux of space junk that we try to evade, dodging incoming meteorites and putting pedal to the metal, is all to no avail. Without facing, honouring and becoming one with the challenges that find and face you, you are lost. We are a civilisation quickly becoming lost in its own efforts of avoidance. To successfully navigate, we need to polarise, stabilise and accept the challenge rather than run the other way or backtrack. If in the August moon of manifestation, we’ve been able to purposely unify and focus on attracting that which portends a positive and uplifting tone and purpose, then the possible challenges until September 19th, can only be for our highest good.

“The lower planes very easily give you the mundane fear based moments of karmic fatigue that we face on a daily basis, because we forget to raise our eyes and our personal vibration.”

Mid-September to October offers a plug-in station to revise, revive and recharge your SoulR-Batteries. The Electric Moon of Service is here. Activation, bonding and putting your best foot forward to be of service to the higher good is necessary. We are individuals, therefore that challenge and the sustenance required in previous weeks, shows that you needed to take time to understand yourself and put your own needs first. This is the key to compassion and understanding of others. Life force energy in the Southern Spring and Northern Autumn Equinox brings the urge to find a way to personal freedom, unchained melodies, and autonomy in body, mind and spirit. Bringing this vibration to the community will assist others to activate it within themselves and a happy, productive community spirit can prevail. Electric Moon day 28, Kin 47 Blue Galactic Hand is guided by the power of magic. The electric tone of service, amplified by ‘Manik’, the gentle yet extremely powerful glyph of the ‘deer’ is guided by the Galactic Monkey, the magician and illusionist. There is a certainty that something totally unexpected will occur and prevail, giving Humankind a boost of the right vitamins to go forth with the plan for evolution and prosperity. The day in Gregorian calendar terms is October 17. The glyph of hand, being the 7th of the twenty signatures, becomes a wand of magic that the monkey magician can wave across the world on such an auspicious day. Amplified by the Galactic Human and Galactic Earth kin on either side of the hands oracle, freedom of spirit and liberation converge with clarity of navigation into synchronic order. The occult power of this kin day, Rhythmic Wizard tells us to listen to the song lines of gut feelings, the heartbeat of the Great Mother Gaia, and the symphonic nuance of the population of the peoples of Earth. Kin 47 Blue Galactic Hand Tone: 8 Galactic-ModellingIntegrity-Harmonize Tribe: 7 Hand. Know-HealingAccomplishment I Harmonise in order to Know Modelling Healing I seal the store of Accomplishment With the Galactic tone of Integrity I am guided by the power of Magic. Lak’ech Ala K’in

“The glyph of hand, being the 7th of the twenty signatures, becomes a wand of magic that the monkey magician can wave across the world on such an auspicious day.”

ShirleySienna at Divining Me offers a range of spiritually guided sessions and services to assist you and enhance your life every day.

Photo Credit: ShirleySienna