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Living in the Gaian Mind

Reductionism to Personal Experience

By Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot

Indigenous cultures understand that everything is alive, has a soul, is intelligent and aware, and that we are just part of the circle of life - rather than the dominant life form. They value the visionary experience and feel that the people, who have visions, are enriching community and supporting culture to thrive and grow. These two fundamental viewpoints appear to be missing in contemporary western culture which reduces everything in a lineal manner, into its component parts. Each part is investigated mechanically to understand its purpose and its connection to the other parts in creating the whole. In this modern system of investigation, the invisible metaphysical background upon which all form is placed, is not considered.

The metaphysical background is known through personal experience. My experience of the metaphysical will be different to another’s experience. What determines our experience is our individual uniqueness and the contribution we are here to make for the evolution of all life. Reductionism doesn’t allow for personal experience, because experience is something which cannot be reduced into its separate parts for investigation and then reassembled into the original experience. Reductionism is present in religion, medicine, politics, economics, sexuality, gender identity, cultural norms and even in our personal beliefs. Wherever we seek to restrict and control we will generally find a restrictive and reductive ideology playing out. So many movements begin with the purest intention to ‘do good’, either for the Earth, animals or humanity. Over time however, many such groups become fundamental, restrictive and reductive in their ideology. There is no allowance for personal experience that does not fit the dogma.

“The most restrictive, reductive, psychologically damaged, and afraid members of any movement will come over time to dominate that movement. It doesn’t matter whether it is vegetarianism, feminism, finance or economics. It doesn’t matter what it is, you have this movement towards that kind of dynamic.” Stephen Buhner on Free Radical Media.

“The Inquisition was created to stop anyone who challenged the dogma.”

When monotheism replaced polytheism in the Western world, the Church declared itself to be the prime source of global knowledge and the only valid provider of education for the people of Earth. To further its control and to secure its global kingdom, the Church used the law to enforce their ideology and cannon law. The Inquisition was created to stop anyone who challenged the dogma. No one was allowed to have a personal relationship with the divine… all lived experiences were reduced to the accepted experiences allowed by the dictatorship known as the Church. In time, the church was challenged by scientists, who promised a more humane and unbiased approach to knowledge by keeping an open mind regarding truths, both scientific and personal. As science secured its supremacy in being the only pathway to discover the ‘real truth’, scientists began to dogmatically defend their status as the only providers of true knowledge and its truth as absolute. Once again, that which replaced an oppressing institution with the intention to liberate humanity, became the oppressor and also used the strong arm of the law to enforce its dogma onto the masses. By preserving and protecting its cherished, yet obsolete dogma, the scientific establishment - or, more accurately, those that profit from science, for example, the pharmaceutical industry - have slipped into the realm of religion by touting the dogma: “It’s true because we say it is!” “As we will see however, when we follow Newtonian linear logic to its illogical conclusion and declare that only matter matters, we end up excluding the entire dimension of the unseen realm. And that’s the reality we are beginning to realize may be of greatest importance in regard to the nature and mechanics of the Universe.” Bruce H. Lipton, PH.D., and Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution A person can live a rich and fulfilling life through their lived experience of the unseen realm. My family and I, live with a spotted gum in our backyard, whom we lovingly call Lumini. I requested assistance from Lumini regarding a client I was supporting a few years ago who’s name I have changed to honour her privacy.

“…as she sat with him, tears began their journey down her face.”

“Greetings Lumini, I need some assistance with my client, ‘Jane’.” “What is troubling you?” I heard this gentle beings energy communicate to me. “Jane has achieved so much in her healing journey, yet she is still struggling with her choice to keep smoking marijuana to relieve her stress.” He replied, “Bring her to me and ask her to sit with her back resting against me.” Jane was excited to interact with Lumini and as she sat with him, tears began their journey down her face. Jane’s energy field expanded with a great strength, and when the session was over Jane opened her eyes and smiled the biggest smile. “That was amazing! I felt so much love and lightness. I felt so expansive.” In short, Jane stopped smoking marijuana, made important changes in her life and moved forward with confidence. Newtonian linear logic and reductionism would see my lived experience with Lumini as illogical and non-scientific, because my experience cannot be proven through scientific investigation whereas the metaphysician or spiritually inclined human in me, would simply express gratitude for the experience.

Check out Charles’ Blog on Gaian Heart Wisdom HERE

Image Credit: Christel Mathelot