4 minute read

Spirit of Things

A Glimpse into Crystals By Samantha Duly

This month I interviewed Sue Yarwood about her lifelong passion in crystals. It is in her blood, as she is a third-generation crystal collector.

She now owns an amethyst that was found by her paternal grandmother 75 years ago. She was a diviner, able to divine water and gold and could pick up a solid rock and tell you whether it was an amethyst or clear quartz. It was on one of her visits to the Perth Hills that she discovered a large amethyst. Sue’s father as a ten-year-old was with her and he watched his mother break it into three pieces. Sue’s amethyst is one of those pieces.

As a child, Sue remembers her grandmother tumbling the rough gems and the backyard being full of rocks and crystals. She also has fond memories of fossicking every weekend.

Sue also has some of her father’s large collection of crystals; he liked to have multiple of everything in the Crystal Bible. After he passed, the family divided his crystals up and Sue said the most treasured crystal she has, is the spirit quartz her father had near him when he passed over, as she felt this really helped him.

Sue’s favourite crystal of all would be clear quartz, especially with the formations inside the quartz. She said that as you look at a raw piece of quartz you can see the different properties and different inclusions, such as rainbows or phantoms, within a crystal that make each one special. The energies and vibrations of the clear quartz just fascinate her.

Sue mentioned excitedly that she had been looking for a channelling quartz crystal for a long time. They are extremely hard to come by and recently she was excited to find two within one week! Sue’s other special crystals are a beautiful lemurian quartz and a herkimer diamond. These are also part of the quartz family elevating the energies and the properties of any other crystal.

The top five crystals Sue recommends as a starter are:

1. Amethyst: A really good crystal to relieve anxiety, a beautiful one for increasing intuition and achieving peace within your soul.

“Sue’s favourite crystal of all would be clear quartz, especially with the formations inside the quartz.”

2. Rose quartz: This is the stone of unconditional love and should be in everybody’s spiritual toolbox.

3. Black tourmaline: A powerful protection crystal used in grids to protect your entire home. Also it can be worn to protect you from absorbing negativity. Empaths who take on a lot of other people’s ‘stuff’ would benefit from having this crystal.

4. Howlite: A good crystal for beginners. It’s white with grey markings used to help alleviate any form of stress, anxiety or worry from any situation. It is called the ‘student stone’, as students can use its energy when they are sitting exams or starting a new school or a new year.

5. Clear quartz: A powerful enhancer for other crystal and, as it’s one of Sue’s favourites it’s definitely one that she would put in the top five.

Sue mentioned that the healing properties from crystals are amazing. She has always been a very strong advocate for placing crystals in water bottles. This must only be the quartz variety, as some crystals can be toxic. Use rose and clear quartz or amethyst in your water bottle taking those beautiful healing energies into yourself. In sad times, rose quartz in your water bottle brings the warm loving energies internally, so you can heal from within. Rose quartz is also beautiful crystal for soothing arthritis in dogs and cats, placing it in their water bowl to alleviate their pain.

Crystals hold many different healing properties. For example, Sue has used amber as an effective antiinflammatory, taping it to the sore area with great results.

With so much collective sadness going on in the world, Sue recommends a ‘medicine bag’ of crystals, to help with healing and protection, using any of the five previously mentioned. Her advice is to place as much rose quartz in your house as possible, even in your pillowcase, to surround yourself with its loving energies.

Sue feels wherever you put crystals, their vibration of love and healing will touch your soul. Yours in Spirit

“…rose and clear quartz or amethyst in your water bottle taking those beautiful healing energies into yourself.”

“…wherever you put crystals, their vibration of love and healing will touch your soul.”

Samantha is available for 1:1 Readings worldwide, private mentoring, classes and workshops via Zoom.

Photo Credit:Sue Yarwood