7 minute read

Julian Silburn

The Passionate One

In the world of sound healing there are many amazing practitioners that are simply awe-inspiring Julian Silburn is one such maestro, a very humble man who is passionate about his instruments, connection to culture and vibrational healing.

Julian has worked professionally for over 28 years as a transformational sound facilitator here in Australia and overseas. Julian uses his Didjeridu and other instruments both in the traditional way and in more contemporary ways, for carried music genres. More information on Julian, his services and products for sale can be found at Sound Alchemy. Here’s a little of his story.

What inspired your passion for sound healing and playing instruments?

“Meeting Noongar Elder Maxine Fumagali in Denmark, South Western Australia, who explained that in her opinion the real purpose and most important use of the Didjeridu was for healing.”

“My first Didjeridu was a Kimberleymade instrument from Kununurra, WA.”

“Also meeting Derek Nannup and Heath Bergersen who played incredible Didjeridu at some local markets. They all provided amazing inspiration.”

What was your first instrument?

“Technically it was a guitar and I had some lessons. At around age19, I came across the Didjeridu. My first Didjeridu was a Kimberley-made instrument from Kununurra, WA.”

Why do you spell Didjeridu with a U and not OO?

“If you look at the indigenous language, the OO is not a

By Anthony Kilner

part of their language. Their U appears in traditional names such as Jabiru or Kakadu.”

How did your crystal Didjeridu come about?

“I broke a beautiful large crystal bowl and I thought how can I turn this into a positive. Okay, I thought, let’s design my own Crystal Quartz Didjeridu. “I knew they existed in some other parts of the world, however I wasn’t so pleased with the designs I had seen so, based on all my years of Didjeridu making, I decided to design my own. That was around 8-9 years ago. I have developed many designs since, including one with Quartz and Gold plating.”

You were adopted into an indigenous family?

“I was invited to live and work in the Northern Territory by a Central Desert indigenous artist in 1997. I was introduced to the Yolgnu from Arnhem Land, at the Mindil Beach markets where they played and sang each sunset at the market stall I worked at.

“During this time, I learned from several Elders who are masters of the Yidaki and Mago and, through this association, was culturally adopted by an Arnhem Land family that has a direct lineage to the Yidaki, Mago and Didjeridu, which has been played for thousands of years.”

I heard you had a beautiful dolphin story?

“I was teaching Yidaki one day at a park in Darwin, NT and was asked to play for a group of First Nation Australians.

“During this time, I learned from several Elders who are masters of the Yidaki and Mago…”

“They took us down through the mangroves onto the beach and did some ritualistic preparation of the Yidaki and instructed me how to form a U-shaped sand structure. I hadn’t any idea what it was for, yet I followed their instructions.

“I was then asked to play very gently into this U-shaped form. After sometime, I was in a trance like state and then out of nowhere I heard this excited cheering and shouting. I was a bit spaced out, so it took me a little while to realise that three dolphins had come up onto the sand on their bellies near the water’s edge and were just sitting there. These people were so happy and they took off all their clothes and started to make their way to the dolphins.

“The dolphins slid back into the water and started to swim close to the beach. When the people got into the water, the dolphins began swimming around them very fast, excitedly spraying water out. It was incredible to witness! I was still in a daze and slowly walked toward the water, totally amazed at what I was witnessing.

“These people said “Come in, hold onto one of their fins and go for a ride.” Again, I was too astonished to do anything other than watch and be close to the dolphins. Eventually the dolphins left and we were all high on the energy of this incredible interaction.”

“…it took me a little while to realise that three dolphins had come up onto the sand on their bellies near the water’s edge…”

Is there a common question people ask you about what you do?

“The main question I get asked is, “How does it work? The sound healing part.”

“I would encourage people to experience what they may not normally try. I believe we think

“…it’s a direct immersion in the moment to moment awareness of a particular encounter.”

we know things, yet we don’t really know anything until we fully immerse ourselves in any new activity.

“Sound and healing require an open mind and heart to experience fully. This isn’t from a previous understanding or on an intellectual level; it’s a direct immersion in the moment to moment awareness of a particular encounter.

“I believe life also requires this of us. There’s a great quote that I love: “Each day we are

born anew and what we do today matters most.” “Each sound healer will have something unique to offer…”

“Come with an open heart and open mind and ask for what you feel is the best for you.”

What suggestions would you give people? 1) Find a sound energy worker

I think a bit of research is good to learn about the person’s background and type of healing work they do. Each sound healer will have something unique to offer, so sometimes it takes a little while to find the facilitator that feels like a good match for your energy.”

2) Prepare for a sound healing session

“You may want to go on your own or with a friend. Hydration is important, however you don’t want to be too hydrated if you know what I mean – LOL.”

“Come with an open heart and open mind and ask for what you feel is the best for you. Having a clear intention is important at the beginning, then let go deeply and relax more and more with each breath.

“Stay present with every loving and compassionate breath you take and enjoy the journey. It’ll be different every time.”

3) Start a journey into sound healing

“It’s a beautiful and powerful modality for healing and spiritual development and I highly recommend undergoing a session first. From my journey, letting go and letting be is key. If you try too hard to have experiences they will be elusive.

“When you stay present to each and every moment, that’s when the magic happens!”

By Anthony Kilner

Anthony is available for 1:1 Readings and Bridging Realms Core Issue Vibrational Healing™ sessions.

Photo Credit: Julian Silburn

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