Sunshine Cathedral Bulletin for March 3, 2024

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Your Local & Global Queer Church Community for All A Positive Worship Experience

Theme for Today: Abundance Thinking

Third Sunday in Lent

March 3rd 2024

All Are Welcome!

Welcome Home To Your . . .

Service of Gathering

Welcome Rev Dr Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister

Rev Dr Robert Griffin, Executive Minister



Rev Dr Anne Atwell Minister of Connections

Please rise as you are able.

An Evening Prayer (AAHH)

If I have wounded any soul today, if I have caused one foot to stray, if I have walked in my own willful way, dear God, forgive.

If I have uttered idle words or vain, if I have turned aside from want or pain, lest I offend some other through the strain, dear God, forgive.

Sunshine Cathedral Affirmation

Sunshine Cathedral is a different kind of church where:

*Our God is love.

*Kindness is our worship.

*Compassion is our prayer.

*The sacred value of all people is our creed; and

*Healing the hurts caused by hatred is our mission.

The Call to Worship

One: This is the day that has been made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Service of Praise

Crucifer - Tito McWilliams Ramos

Processional Hymn

Let Us Give Praise to the God of Creation (CoCS)

Let us give praise to the God of creation, Lord of all hist’ry and source of all power, Calling us now to the world’s restoration; granting us strength for the needs of this hour.

Persons are agents by God’s gracious willing, Blessed with assurance of ultimate worth. Power is within us for hist’ry’s fulfilling, Stewards of all the resources of earth.

All things are sacred, for use with thanksgiving, Boundless resources for each to employ; Strength for the body and souls’ fuller living; Spirit and element bonded in joy.

Opening Prayer (Sunshine Cathedral 2024 Daily Prayer)

Rev Dr Anne Atwell

One: Let us pray in unison:

Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope.

I deny fear any power over me. I will be a bright light in the world.

I am serene and confident and full of joy.

I expect blessings.

Nothing is too good for me

May we all be strong and wise and loving.

May Love heal our world.

Let there be peace.


Prophetic Witness

Heal our world, Spirit, heal our world;

Heal Our World

Hear our cry and turn our nations back to you.

Lord, heal our world, hear us, O Lord, and heal our world;

Receive our prayer and heal our broken world.

Receive our prayer and heal our broken world.

Please be seated.

Clarion Call

Sung Response

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Heal our world, Spirit, heal our world;

Hear our cry and turn our nations back to you.

Lord, heal our world, hear us, O Lord, and heal our world;

Receive our prayer and heal our broken world.

Receive our prayer and heal our broken world.

Service of Proclamation

The Wisdom of Rodney Stock

Rev Dr Anne Atwell

Christianity served as a revitalization movement that arose in response to the misery, chaos, fear and brutality of life in the urban Greco-Roman world…To cities filled with the homeless and impoverished, Christianity offered charity as well as hope. To cities filled with newcomers and strangers, Christianity offered an immediate basis for attachments. To cities filled with orphans and widows, Christianity provided a new and expanded sense of family. To cities torn by violent ethnic strife, Christianity offered a new basis for social solidarity.

In these human words, God's voice is heard.

Thanks be to God.

The Wisdom of Michael B Curry

When we use the phrase the ‘Jesus Movement,’ we’re actually pointing back to the earliest days of Jesus’ teaching and his followers moving in his revolutionary footsteps in the power of the Spirit. Together with them, we’re following Jesus and growing loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other, and with creation.

In these human words, God's voice is heard.

Thanks be to God.

Please rise as you are able.


The Good News According to Mark (12.13-17 New Jerusalem Bible)

Some Pharisees and some Herodians came to Jesus to set a trap for him.

These came and said to him, Teacher, we know that you are an honest man, that you are not afraid of anyone, because human rank means nothing to you, and that you teach the way of God in all honesty. Is it permissible to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or not?'

Recognizing their hypocrisy he said to them, 'Why are you putting me to the test? Hand me a denarius and let me see it.'

They handed him one and he said to them, 'Whose portrait is this? Whose title?' They said to him, 'Caesar's.'

Jesus said to them, 'Pay Caesar what belongs to Caesar -- and God what belongs to God.' And they were amazed at him.

In these human words, God's voice is heard.

Thanks be to God.

The Anthem

Please be seated.

That's the Way It Is

Homily Abundance Thinking – Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Altar Call and Anointing

Prayer Chorus

Please rise as you are able.

Abide with Me

Abide with me; the dawn of day is here; Darkness is vanished, light is shining clear; Truth’s glorious message makes the glad earth free; O holy Comforter, abide with me!

I need Thy presence, satisfying, pure; All else is changing, Thou alone art sure. Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through joy eternal, Lord, abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy Truth before my wondering sight; Shine in my soul, fill me with life and light; Heav’n’s morning breaks, its glory now I see; Thou in rich blessing dost abide in me.

Pastoral Prayer and Affirmations

Sign of Peace

How Could Anyone

How could anyone ever tell you - you were anything less than beautiful?

How could anyone ever tell you - you were less than whole?

How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle?

How deeply you’re connected to my soul.

How could anyone ever tell you - you were anything less than beautiful?

How could anyone ever tell you - you were less than whole?

How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle?

How deeply you’re connected to my soul.

Volunteer Award Presentation (10:30)

Service of Sacraments

Sacrament of Sharing (Tithes & Offerings)

Rev Dr Robert Griffin

Offering Prayer

9:00 Rev Kevin Tisdol /10:30 Rev Renwick Bell

One: Because we value our community and believe in our inspired mission, because we want every person to live with hope and joy, and because we know that even a little can mean a lot, we participate in the Sacrament of Sharing, the joyful giving of resources meant to help more and more people discover that they are God’s miracle and not God’s mistake.

All: We give what we can and do so with love. Every dime and every dollar given with the intention to bless others will make a difference in someone’s life. This brings us joy, and in this way, we worship. God bless our gifts to faithful service, for the sake of your love. Amen.

Offering Music


6 Pezzi No 5 Serenata

Performed By Laura Gonzalez

Rise as you are able.

Glorify Thy Name

O God, we love you, we worship and adore you; glorify your names in all the earth.

Glorify your names, glorify your names, glorify your names in all the earth


The Lord’s Supper

Sacrament of Hospitality

We Remember

Tom Rosenblatt 03/01/2004

Mark Hooker 03/02/2004

George Lamas 03/03/1991

Jerry Widholm 03/03/1991

John Messina 03/03/2006

Grace Corey 03/03/2007

Bill Zaone 03/05/1990

Larry Nelson 03/06/1991

Bob Horton 03/06/2010

Bob Meadows 03/09/1979

Loretta Karban 03/09/2007

Eucharistic Intentions & Intercessions

9:00 Rev Kevin Tisdol /10:30 Rev Renwick Bell

One: Our hearts are set on God’s loving presence. Let us affirm our trust in God.

All: I believe in God, the Good, and in the message and mission of God’s anointed prophet, Jesus the Wayshower, who was born of Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was executed for empowering the powerless and restoring the dignity of the marginalized, and yet he lives in our hearts and ministry. I believe in the omnipresent power of divine Love, in the Blessed Community, in the sacred value of all people, and in life without end. Amen.

9:00 Rev Kevin Tisdol /10:30 Rev Renwick Bell

Mother-Father God, we affirm blessings for all who are on the Cathedral’s prayer list and for all who are on our hearts. We trust you to lead, guide, and direct each of us in the ways of happiness, well-being, and right action. We pray for those who hold authority in the nations of the world that they may be guided by wisdom and motivated by a love of justice and peace. We pray for our departed loved ones, (+) let light perpetual shine upon them. And with people all over the world we pray, May peace prevail on earth!

These prayers we offer in the names of all helpers of humanity, and in the spirit of Jesus, son of Mary, as we continue to pray as Jesus taught us:

Model Prayer

Creator which art in heaven, hallowed be thy names. Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And leave us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kin-dom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Please be seated.

9:00 Rev Dr Anne Atwell /10:30 Rev Renwick Bell

Celebrant: We celebrate this Eucharist to the glory of God and with special intentions for peace in our world.

Rev Dr Anne Atwell & Rev Kevin Tisdol

One: Referring to the Christian Mass, Thich Nhat Hanh said: “This piece of bread is the body of the whole cosmos. Look deeply and you notice the sunshine in the bread, the blue sky in the bread, the cloud and the great earth in the bread...What is not in a piece of bread? The whole cosmos has come together in order to bring to you this piece of bread. Eat it in such a way that you come alive, truly alive.”

One: The Apostle Paul wrote, “Is not the cup of blessing that we bless a participation in the life of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one loaf.”

All: At the Last Supper, Jesus said, “When you share this feast, (+) remember me.”

In his name, we share grape and grain, love and life. Amen.

Sung Response

For bread before us broken, for wine before us poured, for words which you have spoken, we give you thanks, O Lord.

In prayer that we’ll be strengthened and be again restored, in faith that you will aid us, we seek your table, Lord.

Invitation to Communion

Rev Dr Robert Griffin

One: These are the gifts of God for all the people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.

Communion is Shared

The ushers will direct you row by row to come forward for Communion. If you would like a communion kit to serve yourself communion in your seat, tell your usher. “Taste and see that God is good.”

Communion Song

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Be Still

Rev Dr Robert Griffin

Please rise as you are able.

The Prayer of Protection

The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us; the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is.


Rev Dr Durrell Watkins


Final Song

Dwelling in Beulah Land

Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling; Then I know the pains of earth beset on ev’ry hand.

Doubt and fear and things of earth in vain to me are calling;

none of these shall move me from Beulah Land.

I’m living on the mountain underneath a cloudless sky (praise God).

I’m drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry.

O yes, I’m feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply, For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.

Viewing here the works of God, I sink in contemplation; hearing now a blessed voice, I see the way God planned. Dwelling in the Spirit here, I learn of liberation.

Gladly will I tarry in Beulah Land.

I’m living on the mountain underneath a cloudless sky (praise God).

I’m drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry. O yes, I’m feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply, For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.

I’m living on the mountain underneath a cloudless sky (praise God).

I’m drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry. O yes, I’m feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply, For I am dwelling in Beulah Land.


One: Our worship has ended. Let our service begin!

All: Thanks be to God!


Barbara Ramcharitar


It’s About Love

by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins (Senior Minister, Sunshine Cathedral)

Someone on social media recently said that Sunshine Cathedral wasn’t really Christian.

It is true that not everyone who worships at Sunshine Cathedral identifies as Christian, but most do and we are a Christian church in any case.

Personally, I am not interested in whether people identify as Christian or not. The very word has been so weaponized that it brings horror and dread rather than joy and peace to far too many people. That being said, I very much wish to be a follower of the Christ Way, a person who embraces and tries to live by the Love-Ethic Jesus taught and lived.

To follow Jesus doesn’t require rigid fundamentalism, harsh moralism, cruelty toward non-Christians, or uncritical acceptance of preconceived ideas. To follow Jesus, one need no more dogma, doctrine, or creed than “love.”

In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, he blessed peacemakers, the merciful, the bereaved, and the oppressed. He tried to protect women by discouraging divorce which could leave women vulnerable and at risk (today he would say pay your child support). He discouraged retaliation and even gave the outrageously pacifistic advice to turn the other cheek. He said to love everyone, even our enemies. He warned to keep materialism in perspective, to not let it become a sort of god. He said, “judge not,” and he gave the Golden Rule.

Forgive. Be kind. Be generous. See the best in most people most of the time. Care about the vulnerable. Work for justice for all. Treat people the way you’d like to be treated. In short, just love. One thing I know is that Sunshine Cathedral is filled with love, and that’s what is important to me.

A PRAYER FOR 2024 by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins

(Put this prayer where you will see it every day and use it throughout 2024)

Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force.

I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope.

I deny fear any power over me.

I will be a bright light in the world.

I am serene and confident and full of joy.

I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me.

May we all be strong and wise and loving.

May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Amen.

CASA MONARCA – Join us Wednesday evenings for dinner and drinks at Casa Monarca (2980 N. Federal Hwy). Happy Hour menu available from 4:30 to close and a portion of Wednesday night profits are donated to Sunshine Cathedral!

BECOME AN EASTER LILY – The sponsors of our Easter programming are called Easter Lilies. Easter Lilies help us have a grand Easter


SunBurst Cathedral News

Sunshine Cathedral Weekly Financial Information

Financial Data Snapshot: 25 February 2024

Weekly Generosity Income Needed $12,043.96

Generosity Income Received $9,784.89

Our Abundance and/or (Need) ($2,259.07)

Per Capita Giving $18.43

SC Square Worship Services 335

SC Global Fellowship 209,428

People at SC Square (Weekly Avg) 6,000

Food Sharing Ministry - Total Reached 921

Detailed information located at

Any questions email:

Donating to Sunshine Cathedral Venmo or CashApp

Venmo - @SunshineCathedral

CashApp - $SunshineCathedral

Text to Give - 954.399.7333

celebration which also helps energize the ministries of the Sunshine Cathedral. Our Easter Lilies make special donations in memory or in honor of loved ones whose names are included in the Easter Sunday worship program. There are Easter Lily envelopes in the seat backs and an Easter Lily link is available on our website ( Form/ba2d6515-21b4-479e-99c1-50c8f84ed90d). Those wishing to be Easter Lilies must make their commitment by Palm Sunday. For more info contact Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin (

EVENSONG – Thursdays in Lent at 7 pm, we are offering a weekly prayer service that includes readings, moments of silence, candle lighting, and prayer choruses. We are offering this as a spiritual discipline for Lent. Join us for this profound and sensual prayer experience.

LOAVES & FISHES – Non-perishable food items are being collected on Sundays in Lent to help stock our food pantry that serves up to a thousand people many weeks.

LENT - the season of preparation that precedes Easter. It is said to last 40 days but Lent takes 46 days, because Sundays aren’t meant to be counted in Lent. Sunday is traditionally called “The Lord’s Day” because it is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, the legendary and poetic way of affirming that his purpose and place in our lives did not end at Golgotha, but rather, we experience him with us still in song, sermon, sacrament, scripture, and imagination. Since every Sunday is a little Easter, we omit them from the days of Lent. Subtract the 6 Sundays from Lent, and we are left with 40 days.

Lent is a time to renew spiritual practices or take them deeper. In the early church, preparation for baptisms (which would take place at Easter) could last a year. Lent is a shorter time of learning and recommitting to the path. It is a time for “alms-giving” (giving generously to church and charities), regular worship, and daily prayer.

Observing Lenten disciplines is a way to grow spiritually and to prepare for a renewal of Easter joy in your life.


Prayer is the cornerstone upon which the Truth teaching rests because it is [our] direct contact with God. From time to time, it behooves us to review the principles that make our prayers powerful.

1. Pray daily. In prayer, as in other human activities, practice makes perfect. Praying daily brings increased ability to pray successfully

2. Pray simply. If your prayers are becoming literary masterpieces, to that extent they are lacking in power.

3. Pray gently. In prayer, effort defeats itself. Remember that you are communing with God [who] does not have to be forced into a decision.

4. Pray with faith. Believe that the prayer that you are now making is the one that is being answered. 5. Affirm your good. You do not have to beg God to do something.

6. Give thanks. Giving thanks for the good you expect from your prayer is really another indication of your faith in God and prayer. If there is a high road to demonstration, it is through praise and thanksgiving.

GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP – Those who don’t live locally but who wish to be part of the Sunshine Cathedral community can learn about the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship by visiting

OUR SUNDAY BROADCAST is made possible by Happening Out Television Network and donors who support our televised ministry. Happening Out is housed at Sunshine Cathedral Square. Happening Out programming can be viewed on YouTube, Facebook, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Google TV, and Roku.



March 3: Robert Winterhalter (1936 -2010) – a Divine Science minister, former president of the Divine Science School (before it moved from the Midwest to the East Coast), and a published bible scholar. In addition to New Thought training, Dr. Winterhalter held degrees from Protestant seminaries.

March 5: Karl Rahner (1904-1984)—Theologian. Probably the most influential Catholic theologian of the 20th century, Rahner was a Jesuit who worked to build bridges between Christian faith and the modern world. He believed that all human existence was rooted in the holy and infinite mystery of God. He tried to reduce the divisions between faith and science, the church and the world, and emphasized grace as a relationship. He played a critical role in the Second Vatican Council.

March 6: Nona Brooks (1861 – 1945) – a major figure in the New Thought movement and one of the pioneers of Divine Science. Nona taught, “We no longer feel that we must overcome God’s reluctance, but rather that we are to lay hold of [God’s] willingness. More willing is [God] to give than we are to receive.” She also stressed divine Omnipresence: “…let us turn to our Basis, Omnipresence. This means God everywhere; therefore, God includes me.”

March 7: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity (d. 203)—Martyrs. Perpetua, who came from a wealthy family in North Africa, and Felicity, her friend and servant, were martyred at Carthage during a period of Roman persecutions. Despite the pleadings of her family and the prospect of being torn apart by savage animals, Perpetua refused to renounce her Christian faith. In death they comforted each other, and in one final act before the jeering crowds they kissed each other. Writings about their death were wildly popular in the early church, and are important for reflecting the perspective of an independent woman of faith who claimed her own identity and vocation despite the demands of a patriarchal society

Paramahansa Yogananda (1883 – 1952) – a spiritual teacher who emphasized each individual’s ability to experience Truth for herself or himself rather than relying on inherited or “blind” belief. He believed every individual has the ability to experience the Divine directly and should rely on that experience more than on religious dogma. Yogananda wrote, “As long as you are making the effort, God will never let you down!”

March 9: Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926) - the founder (or “re-discoverer”) of the complementary healing technique known as “Reiki” (universal life-force energy). Reiki practitioners allow themselves to be a channel of Universal Life-force Energy, imagining symbols as they place hands on or near certain spots of a person’s body (they also give “distant treatments” for people far away). Practitioners share the energy but remain detached from the outcome. They trust the energy will flow freely to accomplish whatever is most needed. The principles Reiki practitioners try to live by are simply: “Do not be angry. Do not worry. Be grateful. Work with diligence. Be kind to people.” Reiki is not a religion and can be practiced by people of any or no faith tradition.

A.K. Mozumdar (1864 – 1953) - Born in India, Mozumdar came to the U.S. to teach his understanding of spiritual principles (“Christian Yoga Metaphysics”). Mozumdar's beliefs about the connection between the mind and the body are now widely shared by both religious and secular thinkers. Mozumdar taught that God is within us, inseparable from us. Mozumdar’s quotes include: “That which you imagine with a positive assurance becomes a reality to you” and “Convince yourself that you have the ability to do a certain thing, and you will have the ability." Ernest Holmes was a friend and admirer of Mozumdar.

Silent HelperS prayer MiniStry


Lenae; SD & KW; Vickey; Kevin & Kellie; Sharon; Dale; Charlie’s grandbaby; Anita; BK; Devon; Rodney; Ukraine; Israelis & Palestinians; those who are incarcerated;

Doug; Don & Mary Lou; Jason; Kay W.; Cynthia; Eadie; Jackie; Steve; Tim C.; Maricely; Tino; Mama Tullo; Lipi; Marie; Jenny (obm); Jean & Norma; Mitch; Rosa; Joe;

Lewis family; DonnaChristine; WL; Beth; Wendy; David; Jesus; Momena; Matt; Steve; Jason; Bill; Walter; Byron; Joe; John;

Bob H.; MM; Paul & his sister; Brian J.; Steven; all who worship with us online and their various concerns; Troy & Phillip; Don E.; those in nursing care and assisted living facilities; LGBTQ+ communities; Global Justice Institute; DSFI; INTA; the Sunshine Cathedral ministries, members, and friends

Let us pray:

Our hearts embrace all who have been entrusted to our prayers.

We affirm each person’s right to peace, happiness, and connection.

We wish every person good health, fulfillment, and abundant living. We believe miracles occur, and we call them forth for each of these dear ones.

We give thanks for the ability to touch these lives through prayer. Amen.

Sunshine Cathedral Daily Prayer for 2024:

"Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope. I deny fear any power over me.

I will be a bright light in the world.

I am serene and confident and full of joy.

I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me. May we all be strong and wise and loving. May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Amen."

by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins


Prayers can be submitted via or by emailing any SC clergyperson.

You can hear a prayer at anytime by calling 954.462.2004 (press 6).


Sunshine Cathedral Church Affiliates

Divine Science Federation

International Council of Community Churches

International New Thought Alliance

Metropolitan Community Churches

Sunshine Cathedral Programming

Administration Ministry

Assisted Living Facility Ministry

Broadcasting Ministry

Center for the Performing Arts

Local & National Partnership Ministry

Food Sharing Ministry

Global Fellowship Ministry

Global Justice Institute Partnership

Music Ministry

SAGE - Friendly Visitor Program

Samaritan Institute

Sunshine Social Services - SunServe

Social Justice Ministry Advisory Team

Sunshine Cathedral Foundation

Wellness Ministry

Worship Ministry

Sunshine Cathedral Partnership

American Red Cross | South Florida Region

BOLD Justice

Broward House

Broward Women's Chorus

Campbell's Company

Care Plus

Care Resource

The Cupboard - Kosher Pantry

Feeding South Florida

Fort Lauderdale Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Gateway Terrace Apartments

Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida

Happening Out TV Network

Homeless Outreach - Hollywood

Latinos Salud

Medflo (ALF)

Opera Fusion

Our Fund

The Pantry of Broward

Paradise Manor (ALF)

Presidential Place (ALF)

Pride Center

Project Lifeline (United Way)


The Residences at Equality Park


Salvation Army - Fort Lauderdale Chapter

South Florida Hunger Coalition

TLC Little Free Pantry

Unlimited Healthcare

Williamsburg Landing (ALF)

Women in Distress


Sunshine Cathedral is not liable for any vehicle incident, including acts of nature, while attending any events.

CCLI - Copyright: 11274929 | CCLI - Streaming Plus: 20947089

CCLV - Video: 21-03857842

The Cathedral Staff

1480 SW 9th Avenue

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315 954.462.2004

Executive Leadership Team

Rev. Durrell Watkins, DMin, Senior Minister

Rev. Robert Griffin, DMin, Executive Minister

Rev. Anne Atwell, DMin, Minister of Connections

Rev. Kevin Tisdol, Minister of Education

Mr. Darren Loli - Director of Communications

Mrs. Sara Burns, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Vocalist

Ms. Barbara Ramcharitar, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Organist


Jessica Borbone, Vocalist

Gabe Salazar, Vocalist

Aaron Ball, Vocalist

Teresa Flores, Percussion

Felipe Diaz, Percussion

Laura Gonzalez, Violin

David Suarez, Flute

Jihong Adams-Park, DMA, Pianist

Kurt Litzenberger, Set/Sound & Lighting

Phi McChesney, Handbell Director

Support Ministries Leaders

Rev. BK Hipsher, DMin, Virtual Minister

Rev. Kurt Krieger, Seasonal Members Chaplain

Rev. Marian Cavagnaro, Hospice Chaplain

Rev. Ren Bell, Hospice Chaplain

Rev. Lynda Pantoja, Interfaith Spirituality

Rev. Margarita Rodriguez, Minister of Spiritual Companionship

Deacon Ed Huckemeyer, DD, Diaconal Minister of Pastoral Care

Deacon Jean Johnson, Community Chaplain

Deacon Lydya Chapman, Women’s Ministries

Deacon Michael Karban, Diaconal Minister of the Chancel

Deacon Sue Gallagher, EdD, Teaching Associate

Peggy Brereton, Usher Team Leader

Trevor Stewart, Bookkeeper


Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Systems & Leadership

Officers of Sunshine Cathedral Board of Directors

Gary Grieve, Chair, Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Vice-Chair; Linda Edin, Secretary; Lynda Pantoja,Treasurer,

Chair of Sunshine Cathedral Foundation

Dr Rozen Patterson

Sunshine Cathedral

Two Sunday morning services

9:00am & 10:30am (Live Broadcast)

Sunday 5:00pm in Second Life

1480 SW 9th Ave

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 954.462.2004

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