Sunshine Cathedral Sunday Bulletin for Sunday, 14 January 2024

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Welcome Home To Your . . .

Your Local & Global Queer Church Community for All A Positive Worship Experience Theme for Today: Seeds of Miracles Second Sunday After Epiphany Remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 14th 2024 All Are Welcome!

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, God who has brought us thus far on the way; God, who by your might, led us into the light, keep us forever in the path, we pray.

Service of Gathering Welcome

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister Rev Dr Robert Griffin, Executive Minister


Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met you, Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, forget you; Shadowed beneath your hand, may we forever stand, true to our God, true to our native land.

Rev Dr Anne Atwell Minister of Connections Please rise as you are able.


Opening Prayer (Sunshine Cathedral 2024 Daily Prayer) Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Guide My Feet (STLT)

One: Let us pray in unison:

Guide my feet while I run this race. Guide my feet while I run this race.

Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope. I deny fear any power over me. I will be a bright light in the world. I am serene and confident and full of joy. I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me May we all be strong and wise and loving. May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Amen.

Guide my feet while I run this race, for I don’t want to run this race in vain! Hold my hand while I run this race. Hold my hand while I run this race. Hold my hand while I run this race, for I don’t want to run this race in vain! Sunshine Cathedral Affirmation

Prophetic Witness

Sunshine Cathedral is a different kind of church where: *Our God is love. *Kindness is our worship. *Compassion is our prayer. *The sacred value of all people is our creed; and *Healing the hurts caused by hatred is our mission.

Come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound). Come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land where I’m bound.

The Call to Worship One: This is the day that has been made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

There’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound).

Service of Praise

Crucifer - Tito McWilliams-Ramos Processional Hymn

Come and Go with Me

There’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land where I’m bound.

Lift Every Voice and Sing

Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring, ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Please be seated. Clarion Call

Sing a song full of the faith that the harsh past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won.

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Sung Response There’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound).

Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, come to the place for which our people sighed?

There’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land where I’m bound.

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. 2

Service of Proclamation

Sign of Peace

The Wisdom of Daisaku Ikeda Rev Dr Anne Atwell

You’ve got to ac-cent-u-ate the positive, e-lim-inate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, don’t mess with Mister In-between.

Our individual lives are each infinite treasure houses. Our lives are clusters of blessings. Lasting happiness never comes from the outside. Everything of value emanates from within our own being. Faith…is the recognition that the infinite horizon of the cosmos exists right here within the self. One’s life opens out toward the cosmos and is enfolded in it; at the same time, one’s life encompasses the entire cosmos.

You’ve got to spread joy up to the maximum, bring gloom down to the minimum, have faith or pandemonium li’ble to walk upon the scene. We better ac-cent-u-ate the positive, e-lim-inate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, don’t mess with Missus In-between.

In these human words, God's voice is heard. Thanks be to God. Please rise as you are able.

Service of Sacraments Sacrament of Sharing (Tithes & Offerings) Rev Dr Robert Griffin

The Good News According to Mark (4.26-29, JB Phillips) Rev Marian Cavagnaro

Offering Prayer 9AM Rev Dr Anne Atwell / 10:30AM Penny Sanfilippo

Jesus said, “The [Realm] of God is like a [farmer] scattering seed on the ground and then going to bed each night and getting up every morning, while the seed sprouts and grows up, though [the farmer] has no idea how it happens. The earth produces a crop without any help from anyone: first a blade, then the ear of corn, then the full-grown grain in the ear. And as soon as the crop is ready, [the farmer] sends reapers in without delay, for the harvest-time has come.”

One: Because we value our community and believe in our inspired mission, because we want every person to live with hope and joy, and because we know that even a little can mean a lot, we participate in the Sacrament of Sharing, the joyful giving of resources meant to help more and more people discover that they are God’s miracle and not God’s mistake. All: We give what we can and do so with love. Every dime and every dollar given with the intention to bless others will make a difference in someone’s life. This brings us joy, and in this way, we worship. God bless our gifts to faithful service, for the sake of your love. Amen.

In these human words, God's voice is heard. Thanks be to God. Please be seated. The Anthem

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive

When You Believe By Stephen Schwartz Performed By Sara Burns & Gabe Salazar

Offering Music Praise to the Lord, the Almighty By Lobe Den Herrren Arr by Mark Hayes Performed By Jihong Adams- Park

Rev Kevin Tisdol

Rise as you are able.


Seeds of Miracles


Altar Call and Anointing

Prayer Chorus

What Gift Can We Bring?

The gift we now bring, this present, this token, these words can convey it, the joy of this day!

Please rise as you are able . You Are My Hiding Places

When grateful we come, remembering, rejoicing, this song we now offer in honor and praise!

You are my hiding place, you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. I will trust in you. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong in the strength of our God.’ You are my hiding place, you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. Pastoral Prayer and Affirmations


Sacrament of Hospitality

The Lord’s Supper Sung Response

We Remember Mark Eagar Mark Purviance Ron Nicholson Joe Esposito Sharon McCracken Robert Eads Bud Adams

Rev Dr Robert Griffin

01/15/1992 Rick Stotts 01/15/1996 Kirby Sellers 01/15/1996 Steve Lather 01/15/1999 Tony Yaxley 01/15/1999 Viola Crotts 01/16/1999 David Wehrle 01/17/2001

One bread, one body, one Lord within; one cup of blessing which we bless, and we, though many throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord.

01/18/1994 01/18/2016 01/19/1994 01/19/1997 01/19/2007 01/20/2008

Invitation to Communion

Rev Marian Cavagnaro

One: These are the gifts of God for all the people of God. All: Thanks be to God. Eucharistic Intentions and Intercessions Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Communion is Shared The ushers will direct you row by row to come forward for Communion. If you would like a communion kit to serve yourself communion in your seat, tell your usher. “Taste and see that God is good.”

We celebrate this Eucharist to the glory of God and with special intentions for the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship and local congregation.

Communion Song

We pray for all seekers of Truth, may they discover an Abiding Peace.

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be, with God our creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.

We pray for all who govern that they may work tirelessly for justice, peace, and goodwill. We pray for any who might be hurting and we give thanks for grace equal to every need.

Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow: to take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

We pray for those who grieve; may they be comforted. We bless the memories of our (+) dearly departed, and we allow ourselves to be blessed by those memories.

Prayer of Thanksgiving 9AM - Rev Dr Anne Atwell 10:30AM - Rev Lynda Pantoja

We affirm blessings for all who are on our prayer list and all who are on our hearts. And with people all over the world we pray,

Please rise as you are able.

The Prayer of Protection

May peace prevail on earth!

The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us; the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is.

These prayers we offer in the names of all helpers of humanity, and in the spirit of Jesus, son of Mary, as we continue to pray as Jesus taught us: Model Prayer Creator which art in heaven, hallowed be thy names. Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And leave us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kin-dom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Final Song

This Little Light of Mine

Commissioning One: Our worship has ended. Let our service begin! All: Thanks be to God! Postlude

Please be seated.


Barbara Ramcharitar

Silent Helpers Prayer Ministry WE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING... Winsome M.; Kevin & Kelli; Vicky; John; any who struggle during the holidays; Laura; Katy; Phyllis; Margie; Becky; Wilfredo; Byron Y.; Anita; Christie; Norma & Jean; Glenn; Martin; Crystal; Colleen; Courtney; Jamie; Wendy; Davila; SD & KW; Lenae; CH; James M.; an underground lgbtq church in Kenya; all who suffer from war, oppression, bigotry, or dis-ease;

FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Prayers for Pastor Dan by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins (Senior Minister, Sunshine Cathedral)

Susan S.; Millie Y.; Mary K.; Laura; Tadd; Barb; Carlos C.; Wolf family; Joe B.; Dee; Al; Nancy S.; Jeral; Lewis family;

My friend and colleague, “Pastor Dan” leads a primarily LGBTQ+ church in Southern California. He has a long history in ministry. His parents were missionaries. He studied music before earning a seminary degree. He has taught music and led music ministry as well as pastoring in Colorado and California. He’s dedicated his life to ministry and with a gentle and generous spirit, he to love and shepherd people on their spiritual path. He sounds like a super great guy, doesn’t he? Certainly not anyone who deserves harassment, threats, or insults. And yet, some fringe group has targeted his lovely church. They have menacingly recorded people at church coming and going and then they have used their recordings to post unkind and untrue things on social media. Of course, their complaint against this thriving church (decades old and well over 200 strong) is that they include, welcome, even feature the LGBTQ+ community. They are historically and predominantly a church led by and reaching out to LGBTQ+ people (which of course includes committed allies). The group that is harassing Pastor Dan and his congregation are doing so in the name of the first amendment giving them free speech. Of course, that same amendment guarantees freedom to assemble (as in Sunday mornings at church) and freedom of religion (as in celebrating the LGBTQ+ children of God). But they are hiding behind the concept of freedom of speech in order to be abusive toward those who have a right to peacefully assemble and worship as they will. I share this story with you, partly, because it makes me angry and I just want to vent with you and remind you that this kind of homophobic bullying continues. I also share it with you so you can hold Pastor Dan and his congregation in prayer. They will respond wisely and well, and they will display the perfect balance of compassion and courage, pride and prudence, peace and power. And they may be able to do so all the better if they know we are wishing them well and holding them in the light of love as they face these needless annoyances. May God’s blessing be upon Pastor Dan, and all who witness to the unconditional, all-inclusive love of God. Amen.

Joanie; Brian; MM & CT: GG; Elaine; Colleen; Courtney; Jamie; Meg; M. Joseph; Michael; Melissa; Lewis family; Ren's mom; Charles & Chris (OBM); Lois; Troy & Phillip; Don E.; those in nursing care and assisted living facilities; LGBTQ+ communities; Global Justice Institute; DSFI; INTA; the ministries of Sunshine Cathedral; members & friends of Sunshine Cathedral; all who are part of the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship LET US PRAY... In life there is pain; there is also comfort. There is dis-ease; and, there is healing. There are challenges, and there is strength equal to the challenges. There is uncertainty, and there is love, companionship, & kindness to help us face the unknown. There is anxiety, and there is hope greater than anxiety. Alleluia for the blessings of peace & joy that circumstances cannot diminish. Alleluia for infinite possibilities. Amen. REMEMBER Prayers can be submitted via or by emailing any SC clergyperson. You can hear a prayer at anytime by calling 954.462.2004 (press 6).


SunBurst Cathedral News

A PRAYER FOR 2024 by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins (Put this prayer where you will see it every day and use it throughout 2024) Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope. I deny fear any power over me. I will be a bright light in the world. I am serene and confident and full of joy. I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me. May we all be strong and wise and loving. May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Amen.

Sunshine Cathedral Weekly Financial Information

MUSIC MINISTRY RECRUITMENT - seeking voices for Sunshine Cathedral’s Choir. We’re ready to start preparing for our annual Good Friday musical event. If singing is your calling, or your gift, or your passion, please see Sara Burns or Barbara Ramcharitar after Services on today or any Sunday.

Financial Data Snapshot: 7 January 2024

Weekly Generosity Income Needed $12,043.96 Generosity Income Received $11,077.20 ($966.70) Our Abundance and/or (Need) Per Capita Giving $20.97 SC Square Worship Services SC Global Fellowship People at SC Square (Weekly Avg) Food Sharing Ministry - Total Reached

POTLUCK - Wednesday, Jan 17, is our monthly potluck at 6 pm. Bring a dish and enjoy fellowship with your church community. For those who can't make the potluck, remember that Casa Monarca shares their profits with us on Wednesdays and they offer happy hour prices until closing. So, join us at 6 for potluck, or if you aren't free until later, swing by Casa Monarca. Either way, do something with or for your church on Wednesday.

311 177,342 6,000

Detailed information located at Any questions email:

SCCPA - Thursday, January 18, Sunshine Cathedral Center for Performing Arts, with GENVAS Production presents: Bach to Bond featuring Emmanuel “Manny” Vass, piano. For tix:

Donating to Sunshine Cathedral Venmo or CashApp Venmo - @SunshineCathedral CashApp - $SunshineCathedral Text to Give - 954.399.7333

SCCPA - Friday, January 19, Sunshine Cathedral Center for the Performing Arts presents charming singer Tom Goss. Enjoy a wonderful evening of music by the very talented Tom Goss! For tix: arts SCCPA - Saturday, January 20, Sunshine Cathedral Center for the Performing Arts presents Lea DeLaria. Lea DeLaria seems to have achieved overnight stardom with her three-time, SAG Award winning, standout role as ‘Carrie ‘Big Boo’ Black’ in the Netflix hit series “Orange is the New Black.” However, DeLaria’s multi- faceted career as a comedian, actress and jazz musician, has in fact, spanned decades. Lea holds the distinction of being the first openly gay comic on television in America which led to countless Television and Film roles portraying Police Lieutenants, PE Teachers and the Lesbian who inappropriately hits on straight women. Selected Film credits: Glitter & Doom, Cars 3, Potato Dreams of America, Support The Girls, First Wives Club, Dear Dumb Diary, Edge of Seventeen. She’s received Obie & Theater World Awards, and a Drama Desk nomination for her portrayal as ‘Hildy’ in the Public Theatre’s revival of On The Town, and has played both Eddie & Dr. Scott in the gender-bending Broadway musical The Rocky Horror Show. Lea was most recently seen on Broadway in the hit play, POTUS, as 'Bernadette.'


Lea was the featured vocalist at the 50th Anniversary of the Newport Jazz Festival, and has performed in some of the most prestigious houses in the world including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Chicago Symphony, Hollywood Bowl, The Royal Albert Hall and the Sydney Opera House. Lea has five records on the Warner Jazz and Classics label and her book "Lea's Book of Rules for the World" is in its third printing at Bantam Doubleday and Dell. Her sixth record, House Of David delaria+bowie=jazz, was released in the Summer of 2015 to critical acclaim. Follow Lea on Twitter and Instagram @realleadelaria and FaceBook. For tix: Tickets sales are non-refundable.

January 19: H. B. Jeffery (1872 – 1954) - Studied with Malinda E. Cramer, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Thomas Troward. He worked with Emma Curtis Hopkins on High Mysticism, and taught courses based on Hopkins’ work. His own books include Spirit of Prayer, Fruit of the Spirit, and Coordination. Jeffery taught, “God is the One Good. Thus goodwill is the Will of God manifest in [us].” January 20: St. Sebastian (d. 288) – victimized by the persecutions of the Emperor Diocletian. Sebastian was “executed” by arrows, but somehow survived and was miraculously healed by a woman named Irene. When the newly revived Sebastian went to the emperor to confront him (feeling, apparently, immortal after his last brush with death), the emperor had him beaten to death on the spot. In art, Sebastian is often depicted as beautiful, athletic, nearly nude, pierced by arrows, taking joy in his faithfulness but also suffering agony because of his mistreatment. Gay men often identify with the paintings of Sebastian and relate the picture to their own life experiences.

GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP – Those who don’t live locally but who wish to be part of the Sunshine Cathedral community can learn about the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship by visiting OUR SUNDAY BROADCAST is made possible by Happening Out Television Network and donors who support our televised ministry. Happening Out is housed at Sunshine Cathedral Square. Happening Out programming can be viewed on YouTube, Facebook, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Google TV, and Roku.


Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunshine Cathedral Annual Congregation Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 21st, immediately following the 10:30AM worship services. All are welcome to attend.

SAINTS OF THE WEEK January 14: George Berkeley (1685 – 1753) - an Irish philosopher and Anglican bishop. He believed that God is spiritual substance, and everything that is must be made of the same spiritual substance. He wrote, “What [humans] thought to be substance is actually an idea in the mind of God.” January 16: Phineas Quimby (1802 – 1866) - generally considered the father of the New Thought movement. He spoke of the “Christ Principle” and considered Jesus to be an inspired soul. He said that mind as matter and mind as invisible essence (or solution) are controlled by a Superior Wisdom, which Jesus understood. Long before Einstein discovered that energy and mass are equal, identical and interchangeable, Quimby was saying that mind as form and mind as solution (or essence) was the same thing. Quimby was known as a healer. He reasoned that dis-ease is really a belief and beliefs can be changed. To change the underlying thought is to change the condition. January 17: Mary Oliver (1935 – 2019) – lesbian poet whose work expresses love for nature, compassion for humanity, and subtle references to Queer intimacy. January 18: Gladys Alberta Bentley (August 12, 1907 – January 18, 1960) - an American blues singer, pianist, and entertainer during the Harlem Renaissance. Gladys was lesbian, preferred men’s suits to what was considered women’s attire, and right before her death became an ordained minister.


Sunshine Cathedral Church Affiliates

The Cathedral Staff

Divine Science Federation International Council of Community Churches International New Thought Alliance Metropolitan Community Churches

1480 SW 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315 954.462.2004

Sunshine Cathedral Programming

Executive Leadership Team

Administration Ministry Assisted Living Facility Ministry Broadcasting Ministry Center for the Performing Arts Local & National Partnership Ministry Food Sharing Ministry Global Fellowship Ministry Global Justice Institute Partnership Music Ministry SAGE - Friendly Visitor Program Samaritan Institute Sunshine Social Services - SunServe Social Justice Ministry Advisory Team Sunshine Cathedral Foundation Wellness Ministry Worship Ministry

Rev. Durrell Watkins, DMin, Senior Minister Rev. Robert Griffin, DMin, Executive Minister Rev. Anne Atwell, DMin, Minister of Connections Rev. Kevin Tisdol, Minister of Education Mr. Darren Loli - Director of Communications Mrs. Sara Burns, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Vocalist Ms. Barbara Ramcharitar, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Organist


Jessica Borbone, Vocalist Gabe Salazar, Vocalist Aaron Ball, Vocalist Teresa Flores, Percussion Felipe Diaz, Percussion Laura Gonzalez, Violin David Suarez, Flute Jihong Adams-Park, DMA, Pianist Kurt Litzenberger, Set/Sound & Lighting Phi McChesney, Handbell Director

Sunshine Cathedral Partnership

Support Ministries Leaders

American Red Cross | South Florida Region BOLD Justice Broward House Broward Women's Chorus Campbell's Company Care Plus Care Resource The Cupboard - Kosher Pantry Feeding South Florida Fort Lauderdale Seventh-Day Adventist Church Gateway Terrace Apartments Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida Happening Out TV Network Homeless Outreach - Hollywood Latinos Salud Medflo (ALF) Opera Fusion Our Fund The Pantry of Broward Paradise Manor (ALF) Presidential Place (ALF) Pride Center Project Lifeline (United Way) Publix The Residences at Equality Park SAGE Salvation Army - Fort Lauderdale Chapter South Florida Hunger Coalition TLC Little Free Pantry Unlimited Healthcare Williamsburg Landing (ALF) Women in Distress

Rev. BK Hipsher, DMin, Virtual Minister Rev. Kurt Krieger, Seasonal Members Chaplain Rev. Marian Cavagnaro, Hospice Chaplain Rev. Ren Bell, Hospice Chaplain Rev. Lynda Pantoja, Interfaith Spirituality Rev. Margarita Rodriguez, Minister of Spiritual Companionship Deacon Ed Huckemeyer, DD, Diaconal Minister of Pastoral Care Deacon Jean Johnson, Community Chaplain Deacon Lydya Chapman, Women’s Ministries Deacon Michael Karban, Diaconal Minister of the Chancel Deacon Sue Gallagher, EdD, Teaching Associate Peggy Brereton, Usher Team Leader Trevor Stewart, Bookkeeper


Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Systems & Leadership

Officers of Sunshine Cathedral Board of Directors Gary Grieve, Chair, Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Vice-Chair; Linda Edin, Secretary; Lynda Pantoja,Treasurer,

Chair of Sunshine Cathedral Foundation Phil McChesney

Sunshine Cathedral Two Sunday morning services 9:00am & 10:30am (Live Broadcast) Sunday 5:00pm in Second Life 1480 SW 9th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 954.462.2004

Note: Sunshine Cathedral is not liable for any vehicle incident, including acts of nature, while attending any events. CCLI - Copyright: 11274929 | CCLI - Streaming Plus: 20947089 CCLV - Video: 21-03857842 8

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