Sunshine Cathedral Sunday Bulletin for Sunday, 7 January 2024

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Welcome Home To Your . . .

Your Local & Global Queer Church Community for All A Positive Worship Experience Theme for Today: How I Wonder What You Are Sunday After Epiphany January 7th 2024 All Are Welcome!

Peace among earth’s peoples is like that star leading to a manger, so near, so far. Some saw the light; some were in fright, but all for peace were longing, just as we are.

Service of Gathering Welcome

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister Rev Dr Robert Griffin, Executive Minister


Opening Prayer (Sunshine Cathedral 2024 Daily Prayer) Minister of the Altar - Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Rev Dr Anne Atwell Minister of Connections

One: Let us pray in unison:

Please rise as you are able. Introit

Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope. I deny fear any power over me. I will be a bright light in the world. I am serene and confident and full of joy. I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me May we all be strong and wise and loving. May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Amen.

God of Wonder, God of Thunder (CCS)

God of wonder, God of thunder, God of impact and release, God of riddle and of reason, God of passion and of peace – to your mystery and marvel we return to give you praise, every year with you beginning to the closing of our days. For we name you and we claim you, Father, Mother, Spirit, Friend: you are vision past our vision, you are end beyond our end; all the circles, all the cycles of our little finite phase now we give into your keeping, trusting you through all our days.

Prophetic Witness

Come and Go with Me

Come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound). Come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land, come and go with me to that land where I’m bound.

Sunshine Cathedral Affirmation Sunshine Cathedral is a different kind of church where: *Our God is love. *Kindness is our worship. *Compassion is our prayer. *The sacred value of all people is our creed; and *Healing the hurts caused by hatred is our mission.

There’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound). There’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land, there’ll be freedom in that land where I’m bound.

The Call to Worship One: This is the day that has been made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Please be seated.

Service of Praise

Clarion Call

Crucifer - Deacon Lydya Chapman

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Sung Response

Processional Hymn Peace Among Earth’s People (CSS)

There’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land where I’m bound (where I’m bound).

Peace among earth’s peoples is like a star beaming just above us, so near, so far. Though out of grasp, we long to clasp it: peace among earth’s peoples, so near, so far.

There’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land, there’ll be justice in that land where I’m bound.

Wars are caused by wanting what is not ours. Why must we keep flaunting our lawless powers? We act in lust rather than trust that God who answers wanting will answer ours.

Service of Proclamation The Wisdom of Margaret Gooding Rev Dr Anne Atwell

Covetously plotting, we do not pray, asking our Provider to light our way. Is it not greed rather than need that tempts us into plotting when we should pray?

They told me that when Jesus was born a star appeared in the heavens above the place where the young child lay. When I was very young I had no trouble believing wondrous things; I believed in the star. It was a wonderful miracle, part of a long ago story, foretelling an uncommon life.

From our waring senses we seek release: then all earthly conflicts might also cease. Can we not share one common prayer with all of this earth’s peoples – to know world peace? 2

Prayer Chorus

They told me a super nova appeared in the heavens in its dying burst of fire. When I was older and believed in science and reason I believed the story of the star explained. But I found that I was unwilling to give up the star, fitting symbol for the birth of one whose uncommon life has been long remembered. The star explained became the star understood, for Jesus, for Buddha, for Zarathustra. Why not a star? Some bright star shines somewhere in the heavens each time a child is born. Who knows what it may foretell? Who knows what uncommon life may yet again unfold, if we but give it a chance?

You are my hiding place, you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. I will trust in you. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong in the strength of our God.’ You are my hiding place, you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. Pastoral Prayer and Affirmations Sign of Peace Jesus, Jesus, Oh, What a Wonderful Child Jesus, Jesus, oh, what a wonderful child. Jesus, Jesus, so holy, meek and mild: New life, new hope the child will bring. Listen to the angels sing, “Glory, glory, glory,” let the heavens ring.

In these human words, God's voice is heard. Thanks be to God. Please rise as you are able. The Good News According to Matthew (2.1-12) Rev Marian Cavagnaro

Jesus, Jesus, oh, what a wonderful child. Jesus, Jesus, so holy, meek and mild: New life, new hope the child will bring. Listen to the angels sing, “Glory, glory, glory,” let the heavens ring.

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, magi from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born to be the Jewish king? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage" When King Herod heard this, he was frightened… and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written.. Then Herod secretly called for the magi and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

Service of Sacraments

Sacrament of Sharing (Tithes & Offerings) Rev Dr Robert Griffin Offering Prayer 9AM Linda Edin/10:30AM Rev Renwick Bell One: Because we value our community and believe in our inspired mission, because we want every person to live with hope and joy, and because we know that even a little can mean a lot, we participate in the Sacrament of Sharing, the joyful giving of resources meant to help more and more people discover that they are God’s miracle and not God’s mistake. All: We give what we can and do so with love. Every dime and every dollar given with the intention to bless others will make a difference in someone’s life. This brings us joy, and in this way, we worship. God bless our gifts to faithful service, for the sake of your love. Amen. Offering Music


Feeling Good by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley Performed By Ladd Boris Rise as you are able.


In these human words, God's voice is heard. Thanks be to God. Please be seated. The Anthem

You Are My Hiding Places

Glorious now behold Christ arise Now on earth is Paradise Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia Heaven to us replies,

Honesty By Billy Joel Performed by Gabe Salazar

O star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy perfect light

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins How I Wonder What You Are

Altar Call and Anointing Please rise as you are able. 3

We Three Kings

Sacrament of Hospitality

The Lord’s Supper

Celebrant: We celebrate this Eucharist to the glory of God and with special intentions for our local and global Sunshine Cathedral community.

We Remember Robert Bickel Stephen Crompton Dru Drake John Oliver Gordon Fette

Rev Dr Anne Atwell

01/07/2003 Robert Israel 01/11/1988 01/08/1993 Marguerite Youngblood 01/11/1989 01/09/1994 Michael Krysiak 01/11/1992 01/09/2023 B.J. Feichtner 01/12/1989 01/10/2016 Joe Mitchell 01/12/1994

In an upper room in Jerusalem, before being arrested, Jesus sat at table with friends for a Passover meal. After supper, he took a piece of leftover bread and asked that his friends (+) remember him when sharing the ritual meal. Then he took Elijah’s cup, and likewise asked that in future, during the feast, he be (+) remembered.

Eucharistic Intentions and Intercessions Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Sung Response

We celebrate this Eucharist to the glory of God and with special intentions for the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship and local congregation.

One bread, one body, one Lord within; one cup of blessing which we bless, and we, though many throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord.

We pray for all seekers of Truth, may they discover an Abiding Peace.

Invitation to Communion

We pray for all who govern that they may work tirelessly for justice, peace, and goodwill.

Rev Marian Cavagnaro

One: These are the gifts of God for all the people of God. All: Thanks be to God.

We pray for any who might be hurting and we give thanks for grace equal to every need.

Communion is Shared The ushers will direct you row by row to come forward for Communion. If you would like a communion kit to serve yourself communion in your seat, tell your usher. “Taste and see that God is good.”

We pray for those who grieve; may they be comforted. We bless the memories of our (+) dearly departed, and we allow ourselves to be blessed by those memories. We affirm blessings for all who are on our prayer list and all who are on our hearts. And with people all over the world we pray, May peace prevail on earth! These prayers we offer in the names of all helpers of humanity, and in the spirit of Jesus, son of Mary, as we continue to pray as Jesus taught us: Model Prayer Creator which art in heaven, hallowed be thy names. Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And leave us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kin-dom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Communion Song

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be, with God our creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.

Please be seated.

Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow: to take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Prayer of Thanksgiving

Rev Dr Robert Griffin Please rise as you are able.


Silent Helpers Prayer Ministry

The Prayer of Protection The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us; the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is. Benediction

Rev Dr Durrell Watkins

Final Song

This Little Light of Mine

WE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING... Morgan G.; MS; Mikayla; Logan & family; GLB; Wilfredo; Byron Y.; WL; Beth L.; Jeff R.; TL; Sharon; those who are incarcerated; Anita; Christie; Norma & Jean; Winsome M.; Kevin & Kelli; Vicky; John; any who struggle during the holidays; Laura; Katy; Phyllis; Margie; Becky;

Commissioning One: Our worship has ended. Let our service begin! All: Thanks be to God! Postlude

Glenn; Martin; Wendy; Davila; SD & KW; Lenae; CH; James M.; an underground lgbtq church in Kenya; all who suffer from war, oppression, bigotry, or dis-ease; Susan S.; Millie Y.; Mary K.; Laura; Tadd; Barb; Carlos C.; Wolf family; Joe B.; Dee; Al; Nancy S.; Jeral; Lewis family;

Barbara Ramcharitar

MM & CT: GG; Elaine; Colleen; Courtney; Jamie; Meg; Troy & Phillip; Don E.; those in nursing care and assisted living facilities; LGBTQ+ communities; Global Justice Institute; DSFI; INTA; the ministries of Sunshine Cathedral; members & friends of Sunshine Cathedral; all who are part of the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship LET US PRAY... To the cosmic depths we cry out; to the still small voice within we now attend. In the light that shines in every heart we hold these who have been committed to the care of our prayers; and, with the power of indomitable hope, we bless each one. We are all enfolded in a love that will never let us go; in this love, let us now find comfort, peace, and strength. Amen. REMEMBER Prayers can be submitted via or by emailing any SC clergyperson. You can hear a prayer at anytime by calling 954.462.2004 (press 6).


SunBurst Cathedral News Sunshine Cathedral Weekly Financial Information

FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Now That’s an Epiphany by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins (Senior Minister, Sunshine Cathedral)

Financial Data Snapshot: 31 Dec 2023

Weekly Generosity Income Needed $12,043.96 $7,436.03 Generosity Income Received Our Abundance and/or (Need) ($4,610.39) Per Capita Giving $20.11 SC Square Worship Services SC Global Fellowship People at SC Square (Weekly Avg) Food Sharing Ministry - Total Reached

Today is technically the First Sunday after Epiphany (The Feast of the Epiphany was yesterday; it’s always January 6th). The Epiphany story comes from Matthew’s gospel. Magi (wise ones) from Persia, practicing the occult art of astrology, see a sign in the heavens that lets them know a special baby has been born. They decide to make a long journey (could have taken a couple of years) to seek out this blessed infant. Once they arrive in Jerusalem, they ask the Jewish king where the special baby born to be the next Jewish king is staying. Herod is unaware that there is any king in the wings waiting to replace him. He tells the visitors that he doesn’t know where this young prince is but if they find him to let him know so that he can honor him properly. Spoiler alert, he doesn’t want to honor him. He wants to kill him (insert maniacal laugh here). The magi, then, keep following the seemingly moving star until it stops right over Jesus’ house. Stars are high up…they look like they are right over every house, but it’s a story and stories can have anything happen that the author desires. They find little baby Jesus, give him gifts (that are symbolic of spiritual gifts), and neither Mary nor Jesus ever seems to be in possession of those gifts ever again (but, it’s a story…it doesn’t need to be factual or even to make sense to be beautiful and rich and meaningful) The magi are warned in a psychic dream to not go back to Herod and so they go home by a different route. The Holy Family, for their safety, become refugees in Egypt. I doubt if any of this happened (though there is a spot in Egypt that celebrates being the place where Jesus’ family took refuge). I doubt if magi traveled years to find a baby they learned about from the sky. I doubt if they walked right into the royal palace to ask for directions. I doubt if Herod would have been threatened by three strangers following a star. Herod might have even known that stars don’t travel through the sky nor do they “stop” over a particular earthly location. The “epiphany” is meant to be that these fictional magi discover the Christ Child and give him due veneration. They have found Christ, the light, the prophet, the healer, the anointed one, the living reminder that God is with us.

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There may be other “aha” moments and discoveries we can take from the story as well. For instance, the magi were probably Zoroastrian priests, not Jewish and certainly not Christian (no one was yet Christian). So, the divine encounter represented by Christ is shown to be available to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Moreover, there are three gifts but we are never told how many magi there are. Are there two, three, thirty? How many did the author imagine? He or she forgot to say. Some scholars believe the magi would have been gender non-conforming, perhaps even transgender by today’s understanding. Could it have been members of the Queer community that find and rejoice in the presence of Christ? And finally, after the magi leave (defying imperial authority in order to protect Jesus and his family), the Holy Family cross a border to find safety in another land. To love Jesus is to identify with and care about refugees, to care about human suffering and not simply identity hurting people as a problem to ignore or turn away. The real epiphany for me in the story is that it shows the value of compassion, the resilience of the marginalized, the artificialness of religious enmity, the value of diversity, and the sacred value of all people…poor children, people of various religious traditions, refugees, LGBTQ+ people. The story isn’t that 3 kings (or 3 queens) found the child of God; the real epiphany is that story beautifully affirms that we are all the children of God.

neighbors live more secure lives. GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP – Those who don’t live locally but who wish to be part of the Sunshine Cathedral community can learn about the Sunshine Cathedral Global Fellowship by visiting OUR SUNDAY BROADCAST is made possible by Happening Out Television Network and donors who support our televised ministry. Happening Out is housed at Sunshine Cathedral Square. Happening Out programming can be viewed on YouTube, Facebook, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Google TV, and Roku. SAINTS OF THE WEEK January 6: The Magi — “Epiphany” is the day traditionally associated with the arrival of the Magi to visit the child Jesus. Some Queer religious leaders suggest that the Magi may have been eunuchs — a sexual minority that would have included people that today would be known as gay, Queer, or transgender. Queer Theologian Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, author of Omnigender, surmised: “My guess is that [the Magi] were people who today would be termed transwomen,” (from Mollenkott’s brochure “Gender Identity and Our Faith Communities”). January 7: Alethea Brooks Small (1848 – 1906) – sister of Nona Brooks and Fannie Brooks James (early pioneers in the Divine Science movement). She encouraged Nona in her early leadership of Divine Science. Her husband was a business partner of Charles Fillmore before Charles & Myrtle founded Silent Unity.

{This is new: Today’s From the Pastor’s Desk reflection is actually the text of his Sunday sermon.} A PRAYER FOR 2024 by Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins (Put this prayer where you will see it every day and use it throughout 2024)

January 8: Jeanne Manford, out of love for her gay son, founded PFLAG (Parent & Friends of Lesbians and Gays), the first organization for LGBTQ people and their parents, families, and allies. She died in 2013 at the age of 92.

Right now, I am tapping into the universal life force. I wish for all who are suffering to find relief and hope. I deny fear any power over me. I will be a bright light in the world. I am serene and confident and full of joy. I expect blessings. Nothing is too good for me. May we all be strong and wise and loving. May Love heal our world. Let there be peace. Ame

January 12: Aelred (1109-1167) – a patron of friendship, and for some, of same-gender love. He described God as “friendship.” Historian John Boswell was sure that Aelred was gay, though as a monk, there is no evidence that he betrayed his vow of chastity. January 13: George Fox (1624-1691) — Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers). Fox taught that Christians should live simply, not swear any oaths, not make distinctions of social class, and to oppose war and violence. For Fox, the measure of a person’s faith was not in theology or even the Bible, but in their own personal spiritual experience. His followers became known as Quakers, a group which represented the left wing of Puritanism that believed in a divine, Inward Light (“that of God” in every person). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

MUSIC MINISTRY RECRUITMENT - seeking voices for Sunshine Cathedral’s Choir. We’re ready to start preparing for our annual Good Friday musical event. If singing is your calling, or your gift, or your passion, please see Sara Burns or Barbara Ramcharitar after Services on today or any Sunday. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th - SC Center for the Performing Arts presents Joe Posa and Seth Sikes (18+). Tix available via

Annual Congregational Meeting

LOAVES & FISHES – We ask you to bring non-perishable food items on the first Sunday of each month to help our food sharing ministry continue to address food insecurity in our community. Thank you for helping our

Sunshine Cathedral Annual Congregation Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 21st, immediately following the 10:30AM worship services. All are welcome to attend. 7

Sunshine Cathedral Center for the Performing Arts Remember to pickup an updated copy of our Sunshine Cathedral Center for the Performing Arts, in your seat backs, for a complete show list 2024 AND read about a chance to win a cruise raffle provided by one of our sponsors, Source Journey. Sunshine Cathedral Center for the Performing Arts 2023 - 2024 Performances Choir Next Door Thursday, 11 January - 8PM (Free Admission for all Students) Tributes Joe Posa as Joan Rivers & Seith Sikes (18+) Saturday, 13 January - 8PM Emmanuel Vass, UK Pianist Hosted by Genvas – Venetian Arts Society Thursday, 18 January - 7PM Tom Goss – Musical Concert Friday, 19 January - 8PM Lea DeLaria Saturday, 20 January - 7PM Alex Roitman Tango Ensemble Sunday, 21 January - 4PM Christopher Hamblin - Here in the South Friday, 26 January - 8PM Alexander Zenoz and the Birds of Paradise Hosted by ArtsUnited Saturday, 27 January - 8PM Latrice Royale (18+) Saturday, 10 February - 8PM Mark Hayes, Musical Concert Sunday, 11 February - 6PM Matt Alber, Musical Concert Friday, 16 February - 8PM Miss Richfield, 1981 in Bad Advice (18+) Saturday, 17 February - 8PM R&B Meets Pop, then Opera - Hosted by ArtsUnited Friday, 23 February - 8PM Anne Steele – Musical Concert Saturday, 24 February


Hued Song presents Sounds of Praise & Protest Sunday, 25 February at 6PM Caroline Rhea, Comedian Saturday, 2 March - 8PM An Evening with Levi Kreis - Hosted by ArtsUnited Saturday, 16 March - 8PM Sara Davis Buechner in Changing Keys Hosted by Genvas – Venetian Arts Society Thursday, March 21 - 7:30PM Amy Armstrong – Musical Concert Saturday, 23 March - 8PM Hued Song - March: TBA Anthony Nunziata


Friday, April 5 - 8PM

Dana Goldberg Friday, April 12 - 8PM Renegade Music & Concerts presents ...And Scene! Friday, 19 April - 8PM David Maiocco - Liberace Tribute Show Saturday, 27 April - 8PM Anastasiya Naplekova & Lindsay Garritson Concert for Ukraine Relief Efforts Sunday, 5 May - 7PM Master Chorale of South Florida Considering Matthew Shepard Friday, 31 May and Saturday, 1 June




Sunshine Cathedral Church Affiliates

The Cathedral Staff

Divine Science Federation International Council of Community Churches International New Thought Alliance Metropolitan Community Churches

1480 SW 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315 954.462.2004

Sunshine Cathedral Programming

Executive Leadership Team

Administration Ministry Assisted Living Facility Ministry Broadcasting Ministry Center for the Performing Arts Local & National Partnership Ministry Food Sharing Ministry Global Fellowship Ministry Global Justice Institute Partnership Music Ministry SAGE - Friendly Visitor Program Samaritan Institute Sunshine Social Services - SunServe Social Justice Ministry Advisory Team Sunshine Cathedral Foundation Wellness Ministry Worship Ministry

Rev. Durrell Watkins, DMin, Senior Minister Rev. Robert Griffin, DMin, Executive Minister Rev. Anne Atwell, DMin, Minister of Connections Rev. Kevin Tisdol, Minister of Education Mr. Darren Loli - Director of Communications Mrs. Sara Burns, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Vocalist Ms. Barbara Ramcharitar, Co-Director of Worship Arts & Organist


Jessica Borbone, Vocalist Gabe Salazar, Vocalist Aaron Ball, Vocalist Teresa Flores, Percussion Felipe Diaz, Percussion Laura Gonzalez, Violin David Suarez, Flute Jihong Adams-Park, DMA, Pianist Kurt Litzenberger, Set/Sound & Lighting Phi McChesney, Handbell Director

Sunshine Cathedral Partnership

Support Ministries Leaders

American Red Cross | South Florida Region BOLD Justice Broward House Broward Women's Chorus Campbell's Company Care Plus Care Resource The Cupboard - Kosher Pantry Feeding South Florida Fort Lauderdale Seventh-Day Adventist Church Gateway Terrace Apartments Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida Happening Out TV Network Homeless Outreach - Hollywood Latinos Salud Medflo (ALF) Opera Fusion Our Fund The Pantry of Broward Paradise Manor (ALF) Presidential Place (ALF) Pride Center Project Lifeline (United Way) Publix The Residences at Equality Park SAGE Salvation Army - Fort Lauderdale Chapter South Florida Hunger Coalition TLC Little Free Pantry Unlimited Healthcare Williamsburg Landing (ALF) Women in Distress

Rev. BK Hipsher, DMin, Virtual Minister Rev. Kurt Krieger, Seasonal Members Chaplain Rev. Marian Cavagnaro, Hospice Chaplain Rev. Ren Bell, Hospice Chaplain Rev. Lynda Pantoja, Interfaith Spirituality Rev. Margarita Rodriguez, Minister of Spiritual Companionship Deacon Ed Huckemeyer, DD, Diaconal Minister of Pastoral Care Deacon Jean Johnson, Community Chaplain Deacon Lydya Chapman, Women’s Ministries Deacon Michael Karban, Diaconal Minister of the Chancel Deacon Sue Gallagher, EdD, Teaching Associate Peggy Brereton, Usher Team Leader Trevor Stewart, Bookkeeper


Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Systems & Leadership

Officers of Sunshine Cathedral Board of Directors Gary Grieve, Chair, Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Vice-Chair; Linda Edin, Secretary; Lynda Pantoja,Treasurer,

Chair of Sunshine Cathedral Foundation Phil McChesney

Sunshine Cathedral Two Sunday morning services 9:00am & 10:30am (Live Broadcast) Sunday 5:00pm in Second Life 1480 SW 9th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 954.462.2004

Note: Sunshine Cathedral is not liable for any vehicle incident, including acts of nature, while attending any events. CCLI - Copyright: 11274929 | CCLI - Streaming Plus: 20947089 CCLV - Video: 21-03857842 12

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