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Poor old Guy Fawkes. All he tried to do was rid the country of corrupt politicians. I heard that the whole thing was a cover up, Guy Fawkes had discovered certain discrepancies in the 17th century political expenses system, and the then government needed to keep the story quiet. Actually, Britons have celebrated at around this time of year with fire rituals since long before Guy Fawkes’ time. Celtic traditions saw the sacrifice of human offerings to deities during the festival of Samhain, as the land passed from the powers of light to dark in return for continued water, health or crop growth. Our burning of an effigy of poor old Guy is merely the most recent manifestation of a tradition that goes back centuries and at one time involved not an effigy, but a real living person. In fact, I’ve read speculation that

the word bonfire is a derivative of bone fire, for when the Saxons invaded they were amazed at the amount of human burnings they encountered. Despite its macabre origins, bonfire night is a great public festival. Maybe it’s not quite the same as the Spanish Carnivals, or the Mexican fiestas, but it is a time when the community comes out en masse to gather around a focal point and enjoy themselves. We should make the most of it, because we don’t have too many in this country. Whatever you celebrate - Guy Fawkes, Pagan rituals or whatever, you can be sure of a great time. Gustave Savy


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