Suffolk Birds 2004 Part 2

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Suffolk Birci Report 2004 17th, whilst many other sites had recorded their first birds by this time. Landguard Point again received a very light passage of spring birds with singles, April 29th and 30th, and two. May 1st and 2nd. Overall, 2004 appears to have been quite a good year for the county's breeding population with numbers either increasing or, at least, remaining stable at most sites. The BBS recorded this species in 24% of the 41 squares surveyed (5% in 1995, 13% in 2000), with a combined total of 57 birds. A dramatic increase in numbers was reported from Minsmere, where 181 singing males were located, compared with 81 in 2003, although, as with Common Grasshopper Warbler, at least some of this increase was attributed to improved coverage of the reserve. At other sites reporting breeding totals, there were 69 territories at Walberswick; 31 at Dingle Marshes; 77 at the Hen Reedbeds; 164 at Lakenheath Fen (141 in 2003); ten at Cavenham Sedge Warbler Mark Ferris Heath; 15 at Lackford Lakes (where CES returns indicate that the population has been stable, but at a low level, over the last two years); seven at Creeting St Mary (same as 2003) and 15 at King's Fleet. There was a small decrease in breeding numbers at North Warren, where 117 pairs were located (down from the all-time maximum of 128 in 2003), but the numbers are still well above those of six years ago (70 in 1998). Finally, positive news was also received from Orfordness, where 'many' returning adults are thought to have resulted from high rates of winter survival. This species seems to have a habit of 'slipping away' after it has finished its breeding activities and this is normally reflected in the generally small numbers reported during the autumn. This year there were just two August reports (Southwold on 29th and three there, 31st), although numbers appeared to increase during September. During the month, singles were found at Weybread, 2nd; Landguard, 3rd (the only bird of the autumn for the site) and North Warren, 5th, plus a run of seven birds on four dates on Orfordness. The last two reports of the year were from Minsmere, October 5th and Dingle, October 15th. MARSH WARBLER Acrocephatus palustris Scarce migrant. Red list. Carlton Colville: Carlton Marshes, male present throughout with a possible female seen on several occasions, Jun.5th to 29th (R.Fairhead et al). Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, trapped and ringed, Aug.31st (D.J.Pearson et al). Felixstowe: Landguard Point, Jun.29th and 30th (R.Cope et al). The Carlton Marshes records are most intriguing and, again, raise the possibility of future breeding within the county. Although late-spring records are now of annual occurrence in Suffolk, autumn migrants continue to be real rarities in our county. EURASIAN REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. A bird found at Minsmere, April 12th, heralded the return of this species from its subSaharan wintering grounds and was quite quickly followed by singletons at Lackford Lakes, 16th and Stowmarket, 17th (the latter being the earliest-ever site record), plus a 134

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