Suffolk Birds 1993 Part 2

Page 45

P U R P L E SANDPIPER Calidris maritima Locally fairly common winter visitor and scarce passage migrant.

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Monthly maxima at Ness Point, Lowestoft were: J 21

F 13

M 15

A 16

M 5

J 0

J 0

A 5

S 2

O 3

N 17

D 18

Not quite up to last year's peak figures but a good showing at this traditional site. Numbers there in early April tailed off to just two before an influx of 15 on 17th and 16 on 19th, including some in summer plumage, suggesting spring passage through the site. Similarly, a slight peak in August suggests light autumn passage. Spring passage also produced singles on Landguard Point, Apr. 19th and Minsmere, Apr. 28th. In the autumn one was at Benacre Broad, Oct. 26th; two, Gorleston-on-Sea, Sept. 2nd; two, Minsmere, Aug. 30th and singles there Nov. 9th, 25th and 26th and singles at Landguard, Oct. 25th and 27th and Nov. 27th. The new stone revetment at Southwold Harbour attracted a single bird throughout the first winter period and two on Mar. 2nd. In the second winter period, one was at Landguard, Dec. 31st. Less typical reports included one at Levington, Jan. 18th and one standing in a puddle in Felixstowe Docks, Nov. 11th. DUNLIN Calidris alpina Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Blyth North W a r r e n * Aide/Ore Havergate I.* Deben Orwell Stour ( H W ) (LW)

J F 857 1460 1000 530 2043 1296 674 299 2173 1948 5926 6750 17189 16045 — 9155

M 1030 25 2748 570 494 726 5362




3 —

400 273 271 2513


A —

6 -


_ _

1388 —

S 186 1 1065 347 380 52 2025 -

O N D — 614 682 0 150 220 1292 2 6 0 0 3 6 7 3 330 600 558 235 1398 2 3 7 4 246 2622 4147 5641 19902 14384 — — 9265

* Monthly maxima.

A slight fall in the average numbers recorded on the Stour was matched by other sites around the country and the estuary remained at 13th place in the table of main resorts 72

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