INformed People Magazine, Spring 2021

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In this issue: —Zarah, The Warrior Princess —Seriously, You’ve Gotta Laugh —BMBC Women Making History —Compassion Fatigue


Celebrating Saskatchewan Homegrown Heroes

Saskatchewan’s President and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation


President’s note Spring has Sprung, the grass is green, and this is the best edition I’ve ever SEEN! Big Media USA - More Than a Podcast Company


t is that time of year to plant seeds and put down roots. So, with the focus placed directly on “roots,” Women Making History and children in this fabulous spring, powerful, digital magazine edition; I have been gifted with the great honor and privilege to return to my own roots on a magic carpet ride right here in the INformed People Magazine. What a magnificent gift it has been on so many levels. I am overflowing with gratitude and absolutely delighted to introduce and celebrate wonderful happenings, and courageous dedicated leadership. On a virtual “zip cord” riding Back in History… I can tell you all that I am so very proud to share that I was crowned “Miss Saskatoon,” and was an ambassador along with 37 other young women in the Miss Canada Pageant – Ahhh the 80’s what a wonderful decade. I am including a link back to the woman I have been in my very own history in honor of Women’s History month for you to enjoy. (Click here to view the video.) In my speech to the panel of Judges, I did a presentation (complete with slides) on women who inspire and are World leaders, I asked the question- “Why do they call this a “beauty pageant?” we are ambassadors to our regions, not mere “contestants.” I wanted to open some eyes to the fact that this was the first year that a woman was nominated for Vice President of the United States of America, Geraldine Ferraro.

I boldly predicted that there was going to be a lot more of this happening in this world, and that they could be a world leader if they would get rid of the “swimsuit competition” and other frivolous patterning and allow us to have a platform and wear whatever we chose not these “cookie cutter” garments, or gobs of makeup. Well it went LuAnne Gingara (Mitchell) Miss Saskatoon, 1984 over with the panel of “judges’’ like a “lead brick,” and I did not win Miss Canada. But I left there and went on to become the country’s Number One Business Woman instead, for three consecutive years. We must all be proud of our history and support and love each other along the way. I am so proud to celebrate women and the men who walk beside us hand in hand along the way. I know you will receive much value from this wonderful publication and all the podcast and other links included. Thank You for being a part of our international Big Media USA Family.

LuAn Mitchell (LA) LuAn Mitchell President

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People Magazine



PUBLISHER Big Media USA, Inc. FOUNDER/CEO Tony DeMaio PRESIDENT LuAn Mitchell VP OF COMMUNICATIONS Mark Miller VP OF PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Angelika Christie VP OF INTERNATIONAL CONTENT Nina Michalchuk D’Ambrosio DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL STRATEGIES Cheryl Womack CREATIVE DIRECTORS LuAn Mitchell Lanna Monday Emmett PUBLICATION DESIGN Lanna Monday Emmett PRODUCTION CONTRIBUTOR Tusculum University Department of Art and Design CONTRIBUTING WRITERS LuAn Mitchell Britney Durell Angelika Christie Sally Navarrete Tony DeMaio Karen Adams Suzie Swerner Jennifer Johnson Betty-Ann Heggie Mark Miller O. Maurice Stewart Ada Gartenmann Georgene Summers Dr. Pauline Long ADVERTISING & SALES Mark Miller O. Maurice Stewart Georgene Summers Wendy Hamelin MARKETING DIRECTOR Mark Miller

Zarah: The Princess Warrior, a child and family coping with Acute Lymphobastic Leukemia

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Brynn Boback-Lane selected as Big Media USA’s choice for INformed People Magazine’s Spring Edition Cover Showcase

Women in History Love in the Afternoon Inspiring Men and Women Around the World Seriously, You’ve Gotta Laugh Compassion Fatigue Hot Books

MISSION STATEMENT Big Media USA is a marketing company with a digital communication platform geared toward helping businesses, professionals, non-profit organizations, and individuals expand their online presence. Big Media USA was founded in 2006, long before companies, non-profits and individuals realized the value of online marketing. During the last 14 years, we have seen our clients shift major portions of marketing budgets to online efforts, away from traditional marketing. During these years, we have developed preparatory marketing strategies and have produced quality content helping our clients build their businesses and brands efficiently in a cost-effective partnership. PLEASE NOTE: The print and video content, views, information, ideas, expression, advice, suggestions, and ideas expressed in this magazine are soley in part, or wholy of the individuals providing them, which do not reflect the opinions, ideas, or advertisement of INformed People Magazine, or its’ parent, affiliates or subsidiary companies. Tell us what you think about INformed People Magazine. Please email any comments, story ideas and submissions for potential inclusion to or visit us online at: Big Media USA

ZARAH 2 Informed People Magazine




Warrior Princess O

By Britney Durell

ctober 21, 2016 our lives turned into a nightmare. Zarah was 15 months old and had fallen off a bed at our home. I was worried she had a concussion, but it turned into something so much worse. We took her to our local hospital and the doctors there told us she was fine and to simply take

her back home and give her a children’s Tylenol. My “mommy gut” feelings told me there was something else wrong. Zarah had stopped moving her one arm, plus she had become very sleepy and just was not herself. We took her to Yorkton hospital for further exams, which is where

we found “Petechiae” (small red spots caused from no platelets) so the medical team ran some blood work, which is when our worries got much worse. Our dear daughter had no platelets to stop bleeding and her white blood cells were ten times higher than normal. The night emergency doctor


called the local pediatrician for further instructions. I clearly remember overhearing their conversation. “I will get the ambulance ready. Should I mention, it could be cancer?” My precious baby girl and her dad were fast asleep on a tiny stretcher, and I cried silently. The local pediatrician came in not too long after and explained what was going to happen. The doctor shared the worries that had arisen, and that Zarah could have cancer. As a result, she needed to go to the Saskatoon Hospital to have further testing. We had to quickly find friends and family to look after our other children while we figured out what our life was going to look like soon. It was so extremely heartbreaking as I never got to kiss my kids before we left. It all happened so soon. When we arrived in Saskatoon there were five doctors and many nurses waiting for us in a tiny room. They took little Zarah away to get an IV into her tiny veins. For some time after that, she was like a human pin cushion— over 20 pokes with no luck. Our sweet child was rushed into a quick surgery to put a Pic line in as she was in a desperate state of missing platelets and needed a blood transfusion and fluids. Doctor Ali was so amazing. He reassured us she was in a good set of hands, and she will be ok. After a bone marrow 4 Informed People Magazine

sample was taken, results came back from the lab; Zarah had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She had to start chemotherapy as soon as possible. This little child “warrior” quickly won over the hearts of her exceptional medical team. The skilled doctor and all the attentive nurses were wonderful. We watched in awe as they fought for her health just as hard as she could! Doctor Ali came to see us every single day to make sure we all were doing O.K. He called Zarah “His little princess.” Ronald Mcdonald House opened their doors for our family and quickly became our second home.

treatments, and it just so happened to be around the same time that the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital was also finished! To be able to walk into a hospital that is meant for children, helps calm Zarah’s nerves whenever we go back for her checkups. Seeing the three little bears waiting to greet

Zarah had over 50 transfusions, thousands of pokes, long days of chemo pumping into her, and her childhood ripped away. During these trying times she was given a wish from the Children’s Wish Foundation. She was able to pick out anything she wanted, and she picked a camper! All she ever knew was the hospital and camping! Now we are able to continue to make new memories every year, camping with all of our kids! We were blessed to watch the brand new Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital coming to life from the ground up during Zarah’s treatments! It was so exciting watching out of her hospital windows with sneak peaks of all the cool things; seeing lights on in the building for the first time, and being able to give our input on a few things was truly exciting! For almost three and half years Zarah had chemotherapy


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her, and all the pretty lights is absolutely breath taking for our entire family! To have Peds Oncology have their own space is so great to see as well! Zarah’s loving grandmother, (my mother) and many others spend a lot of time fundraising for multiple organizations including: Believe in the Gold, Small But Mighty, and Beads of

Courage. Spreading awareness of childhood cancer is our main purpose in life from now on. Childhood Cancer funding in Canada is now only at five percent for research and new medicines. Our children deserve better than five percent!

It started with a belief in a better future for Saskatchewan kids Two passionate doctors believed that our kids deserved more. Dr. Alan Rosenberg and Dr. Jerome Yager knew that children had unique needs and required specialized equipment and research. And so, in 1992, the beginnings of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation were created. The dream grew a little bigger With Saskatchewan as one of only two provinces in Canada without a dedicated children’s hospital, it didn’t take long to realize that children and families needed more. They deserved a special space of their own. In 2009, the Government of Saskatchewan committed $200 million for the new Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. Before long, the idea picked up steam. The Be A Part of

It Campaign, underwritten by Mosaic, launched with Western Canada’s largest individual gift in the history of pediatric healthcare at the time. Noted philanthropists Les and Irene Dubé kicked off fundraising efforts with a $6.5 million donation. That incredible donation was followed by several other major provincial contributions. Saskatchewan was on board! A groundbreaking year With a booming population, the Government of Saskatchewan announced an expansion of the children’s and maternal hospital to 176 beds and increased its investment to $235.5 million. Construction began on September 25, 2014 with an historic groundbreaking ceremony live-streamed

across the province. We promised to be there for Saskatchewan families Together, we are writing the next chapter in maternal and pediatric care. You have helped ensure that all of the enhancements and family-friendly pieces are ready to make our children’s hospital a special place for kids, momsto-be, and families. And we will be here long after the “ribbon cutting” to continue raising funds for what our Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital will need to be a world-class facility. about/history/


Brynn Boback-Lane selected as INformed People Magazine’s Spring Cover Girl By LA (LuAn) Mitchell

Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation President and CEO Brynn Boback-Lane is Big Media USA’s perfect choice as our INformed People Spring Edition Cover Girl. In the linked BMBC TV Podcast Brynn talks about the huge amount of work that went into making the 176-bed facility a reality. Those heroic efforts include dedicated fundraising of more than $125 million. “A children’s hospital is not a luxury in communities, it’s a necessity,” Boback-Lane tells us

in her interview. “There are so many significant differences in the equipment, in the environment. It is familyfocused. It is focused on the baby, the child, the expectant mom.” In this BMBC TV Show BobackLane said she gives credit to her team and the all the good people who joined forces creating a high level of support from all involved in order to move the project forward. “It meant people coming together from across the

province, numerous meetings with various government ministries, along with partners at the Saskatchewan Health Authority — all of whom brought different perspectives and strategies.” Boback-Lane shared that without those partnerships, and the generosity of Jim Pattison (a former Saskatchewan resident) who donated 50 million for the children’s hospital which bears his name, to come to life, the project would not have happened.




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Brynn Boback-Lane recognized with national leadership award Saskatchewan has received national recognition as Brynn Boback-Lane, President and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation, was named the recipient of the Children’s Healthcare Canada Award for Individual Leadership. This award recognizes outstanding leadership by an individual who has dedicated his or her career to improving the health of children and youth in Canada. Boback-Lane was nationally recognized by Children’s Healthcare Canada, a national association that enables local improvements and contributes to system-wide change by building communities across the full continuum of care in children’s healthcare across the country. Each year, millions of children and youth rely on the essential services delivered by Children’s Healthcare Canada member organizations, of which Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation is an active participant. As the award recipient, Boback-Lane has exemplified leadership, creativity and initiative to promote positive change and long-term improvement for the health and well-being of children and youth in Saskatchewan and 10 Informed People Magazine

throughout Canada. Boback-Lane was presented with the leadership award on Thursday afternoon at the Children’s Healthcare Canada virtual conference, taking place Nov. 16 to 20. Children’s Healthcare Canada acknowledged that recognition for Boback-Lane’s dedication and steadfast strategic direction in support of the advocacy and funding for the overall well-being and health of children exemplified this honour. “I am humbled to accept this award, of which I proudly share with my Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation team. In order to transform healthcare, the benefits of working in partnership within our province and throughout the country ensures positive impact is achieved. It will remain a strategic priority that we seek and secure progressive actions that create a healthier future for our children in Saskatchewan and throughout Canada,” BobackLane said. “Thank you to the work of Canadian children’s healthcare advocates, foundations, donors, and of course, our dedicated medical

professionals of every pediatric and maternal discipline. You all motivate me to better appreciate that environment, equipment and innovation are keys to a brighter and healthier future for Canada’s children and their families. Thank you to Children’s Healthcare Canada for this most incredible award,” she added. Boback-Lane has been the President and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation since 1999, guiding the Foundation for 21 years. The culmination of her twentyyear vision arrived with the opening of the 176-bed Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital on Sept. 29, 2019. She and her team raised more than $75 million and secured an additional $50 million from donor Jim Pattison for this once-in-a-generation project that now provides world-class maternal and pediatric care in Saskatchewan. Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital features 100 per cent private patient rooms, along with state-of-theart equipment. The facility includes a dedicated pediatric emergency, Saskatchewan’s first pediatric surgical suites, and one of Canada’s largest Single Room Maternal Care

Centres. Boback-Lane also ensured that supplementary funds were secured for additional enhancements, such as a pediatric catheterization lab, a pediatric sleep lab, and Canada’s first Teammates for Kids Child Life Zone. Boback-Lane now continues to advocate for the next step in maternal and pediatric care in Saskatchewan. Under her

leadership, the Foundation has funded ground-breaking research, as well as ensuring the equipment and technology found in Saskatchewan rivals that of major centres. The Children’s Healthcare Canada Awards program has been running since 2005 and has served to recognize leaders and champions within the pediatric healthcare community.

Children’s Healthcare Canada’s 2020 award recipients for Leadership in Media, Organizational Leadership, and Patient and Family Leadership are also being recognized during the virtual conference. View full article here: brynn-boback-lane-recognizedwith-national-leadership-award/


Churchman & Co. Law Office offers a variety of general practice services. We practice with integrity and pride ourselves on making our clients feel heard while providing them quality and affordable legal expertise. We place great importance in understanding our clients needs before creating a unique and efficient strategy to meet those needs. Established in 2012 by Elke Churchman, Churchman & Co. Law Office is a small general practice firm operating in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Contact us today for a consultation! 1106 A Central Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7N 2H1 Phone: (306) 652-4646 ∞ Fax: (306) 652-4642 ∞ Email: 12 Informed People Magazine

Elke Churchman and the Churchman & Co. Law Office Extend Thanks to the Valuable Team at the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital with the recent safe and healthy delivery of Elke’s precious namesake granddaughter:

Greta Elke Wilkinson born on March 24, 2021 at the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Saskatoon, SK. Proud parents, Kristine and Ryan Wilkinson Proud Oma, Elke Churchman

Laura Ch


Greta Elke


rchma Barrister & Solicito n r Churchm an & Co. Law Offic Proud ne e w Auntie


Big Media USA salutes great women in history Big Media USA Founder and CEO, Tony DeMaio’s pick:

British Broadcaster Elizabeth Cowell By Tony DeMaio

I greatly admire the women who broke barriers and became the first women to become broadcasting personalities- in the World! Back in the day when we needed to feature talented and exceptional voices of Women in media. Women like BBC celebrity Elizabeth Cowell and others listed here are my favorites. Elizabeth Cowell (1912–1998) was a British broadcaster and the first female television announcer. She was one of the first three BBC Television Service presenters, along with Jasmine Bligh and Joan Mitchell. She began announcing when the Television Service started in 1936 and made her debut on Monday 31 August that year at Alexandra Palace in London. This was a few months before the official launch of BBC Television on 2 November 1936. She returned in 1946 after its nearly seven-year hiatus due to the Second World War. Cowell was the voice of ‘the Woman’ on the soundtrack of Paul Rotha’s documentary Land of Promise (1946). (“History of the BBC: Back From The Big Parade”. Television Heaven. Retrieved 23 November 2016.)

Elizabeth Cowell 14 Informed People Magazine

Big Media USA Vice President of Communications, Mark Miller’s pick:

Rosa Parks and Haley Wickenheiser By Mark Miller

The ladies that come to mind for me as outstanding women in history are Rosa Parks and Haley Wickenheiser. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) helped initiate the civil rights movement in the United States when she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in 1955. Her actions inspired the leaders of the local Black community to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Led by a young Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the boycott lasted more than a year—during which Parks not coincidentally lost her job—and ended only when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional. Over the next half-century, Parks became a nationally recognized symbol of dignity and strength in the struggle to end entrenched racial segregation. Hayley Wickenheiser OC OLY (born August 12, 1978) is a Canadian former ice hockey player, and the current Assistant Director of Player Development for the Toronto Maple Leafs. She was the first woman to play full-time professional hockey in a position other than goalie.

on outdoor rinks in her hometown of Shaunavon, Saskatchewan when she was five years old. She played exclusively on boys’ teams until she was 13. Wickenheiser continued playing minor hockey in Calgary, Alberta after moving there with her family. In 1991, she represented Alberta at the 18-and-under Canada Winter Games. Alberta captured the gold medal in the tournament, with Wickenheiser scoring the game-winning goal and being named the Most Valuable Player of the final game. Wickenheiser was a member of Canada women’s national ice hockey team for 23 years, from 1994 until announcing her retirement on January 13, 2017, and is the team’s career points leader with 168 goals and 211 assists in 276 games. She represented Canada at the Winter Olympics five times, capturing four gold and one silver medal and twice being named tournament MVP, and one time at the Summer Olympics in softball. She is tied with teammates Caroline Ouellette and Jayna Hefford for the record for the most gold medals of any Canadian Olympian, and is widely considered the greatest female ice hockey player of all time. On February 20, 2014, Wickenheiser was elected to the International Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission.

Wickenheiser began playing minor ice hockey

Hayley Wickenheiser




Rosa Parks


Big Media USA Hairgeniks Co-Founder and Channel Owner, Suzie Swerner’s pick:

Marie Curie


By Suzie Swerner

Hi, I’m Suzie Swerner and I am proud to be a Big Media USA Channel Owner, podcast host and the co-founder of

Marie Curie is the woman I admire so much, as she was awarded 2 Nobel prizes which is extremely rare. Mme Curie throughout her life actively promoted the use of radium to alleviate suffering during world war 1. She retained her enthusiasm for science all her life and created her own radioactive laboratory. In 1929 president Hoover gave her a gift of $50,000 donated by American friends of science to purchase radium for her laboratory in Warsaw. She was a pioneer in X-rays and received the Davy medal of the royal society in 1903 and 1921. For these reasons and the fact that in 2021 we still use X-ray for so many diagnoses she is the woman I chose to celebrate as a “Woman in History.” Visit our Big Media USA Hairgeniks Channel: I also would like to invite you to visit our website at

16 Informed People Magazine

Above: Marie Curie; Right: Maya Angelou

Big Media Caribbean Cultural Vibrations Station Owner, O. Maurice Stewart’s pick:

Maya Angelou

By O. Maurice Stewart

Hello, My Name is O. Maurice Stewart, and I am a Station Owner and Podcast Host on Big Media USA. Maya Angelou is my choice for a great Lady to celebrate for “Women’s History Month.” Dr. Angelou was an American author, actress, screenwriter, dancer, poet and civil rights activist. The poem from Maya Angelou that impressed me the most is “Still I Rise.” “Still I Rise” is primarily about self-respect and confidence. In the poem, Angelou reveals how she will overcome anything through her self-esteem. She shows how nothing can get her down. She will rise to any occasion and nothing, not even her skin color, will hold her back. To me this is so powerful because I feel that many people of color use color as an excuse for low achievement and failure. Maya Angelou’s words remind me daily that hard work and a positive attitude is what is required to rise up and achieve my dreams and not resort to blaming the color of my skin.

Big Media Station Owner, Angelika Christie’s pick:

Audrey Hepburn

By Angelika Christie


The woman I honor and admired as a role model almost all of my life, is the amazing Audrey

Audrey Hepburn was the first actress who captivated me when I was a young woman in my 20’s. There was something elegant, innocent, enthusiastic about her with a touch of melancholy. This uncommon mixture of characteristics fascinated me. I found traces of her in myself. Even though I was born the first year after the 2nd World War, Audrey experienced much of the horror in Holland where she lived during the war. So much death around her affected her soul deeply and imprinted her character with the value rich core beliefs that she showed in everything she did. She did nothing frivolously or without intention.

betrayed. I find it amazing that she could not understand why she was classified as an extraordinary beauty since she believed that her nose was too big, her feet too large and that she was too skinny. Audrey did everything with dedication and total commitment. She retreated from film making to dedicate herself to being the best mother until her 2 boys were grown. She loved Rome, where she lived for 20 years, and Rome loved her back. Audrey was certainly a celebrity who openly walked in the city without being annoyed by photographers who followed her wherever she ventured in the city of Rome. You may have seen some photos of her while zipping through the narrow streets of Rome on a Vespa. I believe she made the Vespa a symbol of chic and covet adventurous.

She was a celebrated Hollywood Star, and she occupied the front covers of magazines over 250 times, which is the most of any other film star. What makes her my Hero is not as much the glamour and celebrity status she held, but her original self that she never

Audrey Hepburn

She exuded those qualities that were such strong assets of her character. Her most profound work was for children and as an Ambassador for UNICEF she dedicated her life to service for the betterment of Humanity and our planet. I celebrate Audrey Hepburn, the awesome woman of beauty, style, intelligence, and purpose as an example of excellence and integrity in her business and personal life. It is my honor to feature her as my Heroin for this month which is dedicated to: “Women’s History Month” I admired Mrs. Hepburn all my life, and with good reason. Dr. Angelika Christie is a Champion for Women’s Empowerment for over 25 years. Her Core Philosophy: Women are the Pillars of a New Consciousness and Must Lead the Way And Heroic Self Love is the unrealized Key to Happiness, Freedom & Prosperity. She changes lives with her unique and highly successful programs, “Prosper on Purpose” “Prosper in Love and Relationships” “Heroic Self Love” and “Kick-Ass Happiness” for Women who are not done yet. And “The 7 C’s to Outstanding Success” Angelika holds “One Day/Weekend VIP” Deep-Dive Coaching, and 3-Day exotic Retreats in the Bahamas. 17

Big Media USA Hairgeniks Co-Founder and Channel Owner, Karen Adams’ pick:

Karen Zweifler

By Karen Adams

Hi, I’m Karen Adams and I am proud to be a Big Media USA Channel Owner, podcast host and the co-founder of Hairgeniks. Many of us--men as well as women, define ourselves by our appearance. Hair certainly plays a definitive part of one’s picture..... Having Luscious locks is a part of everyone’s primary concern. Our mission statement is “We are Hair for you.” My background is in health and fitness. I was a spokesperson for a major chain known as Bally’s… Also, I participated in the beginning of two state-of the art health facilities Crunch and Equinox. My ultimate goal was to help people reach their personal health and fitness reality. I believe I achieved some modicum of success, only to transition into the aesthetic world, which was absolutely fascinating. Working with Dr Michelle Zweifler, a top notch New York Plastic Surgeon, was a learning experience beyond my wildest expectations. My move to LA inspired me to continue to help everyone be the best they can be! I was blessed to join forces with Suzie Swerner, founder, who also wants everyone to achieve the desired luscious locks they deserve! Dr. Michelle Zweifler is like the girl next-door, yet she’s a Fifth Avenue plastic surgeon in Manhattan. Dr Zweifler is like your friend; she’s down to earth with an awesome sense of humor. Working with her every day was a sheer joy, I never knew what exactly she was going to say but I know it’s gonna be a lot of laughs plus tons of happy aesthetic patients. She became a plastic surgeon because that’s what her passion was after own personal experience; she wants to make people happy like she was happy as a patient. Dr Z takes great pride in her own looks; she exercises regularly, eats healthy and of course at some Nip tucks too!

Karen Zweifler

I invite you to visit our website Big Media USA Hairgeniks Channel:

18 Informed People Magazine

Big Media USA Station Big Media USA Channel Owner, Sally Navarrete, pick: Owner, Author and Founder of A World 4 Women, Georgene Summers, pick:

Mary Magdalene

Mother Teresa

By Georgene Summers

Hi, I’m Georgene Summers and I am proud to be a Big Media USA Station Owner, podcast host, author and the founder of A World 4 Women. Mother Theresa to me is a real hero. She gave her life to rescue those in need. I spent about ten days in India on business years ago and to see the abject Poverty there is mind blowing. It was then that I realized how very much she gave. She was in Calcutta which was according to a friend of mine, like a sewer and yet she would go into the streets and pick up the Untouchables (it was legal to kill them if they crossed your property) and carry their broken bodies back to her hospital the-edge/

Mother Teresa

By Sally Navarrete

Greetings, I am Araceli Navarrete, Show Host and Channel Owner on Big Media USA, Heaven & Earth Spanish Spotlight Channel. My mission is to share the Word of God, God was and is the Word. The Word is the spiritual food of God for those that hunger and thirst. Looking at life through God’s perspective allows me to make better decisions in life, as I read my bible and pray, I am drawing closer to my purpose while growing, learning, and maturing. I rejoice fully receiving my spiritual gifts, which are the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Life is made up of many choices, and my life begins the moment I choose to have the best and intimate relationship with God, He first loved us and has chosen us, therefore, I say “Yes I Do!” and Yes I Will!” to all His goodness and His promises. I choose to write about Mary Magdalene, for Informed People Magazine, because I strongly believe that she has impacted the world. Mary Magdalene, a woman who was very close to Jesus, she traveled with Jesus and helped support his ministry. She was one of Jesus’s followers, the most beloved disciple, and the only one Depiction of Mary Magdalene who truly understood Jesus’s teachings. She was a witness to his crucifixion and present at His burial. Mary was the first to witness the empty tomb and the first to witness Jesus’s resurrection. Mary Magdalene, inspires me, in many ways, I can relate to her especially in times of need and in many troubles that seem to have no end. The demons or the personal problems that trapped her left her feeling she had no hope. We don’t know much about Mary’s life we only know that she Loved the Lord with all her mind, heart, soul, and strength. People had their own opinions about her, but that didn’t matter, she simply had her troubles and cried out for help and Jesus redeemed her. Not only does this remind me of my past, but it also reminds me of my present. Before I met Jesus and after I met Jesus. When I met with Jesus, His spiritual voice called me…Mary… A name I know and would know, which to my understanding has a meaning of Redeemed. 19

Once redeemed, I followed Jesus, just like Mary followed Him, in a similar way, I had a spiritual encounter with Jesus, since then, things were set in orderly motion, like a movement, and everlasting experience and continuance of walking with the Lord. A second chance, with new hope, a new life, and a new creation with God’s Love, Mercy, and Grace to those who repent of sins and are obedient to God. Because of the Resurrection, the world has Hope, Faith, Love, Joy, and Trust in the Lord. Sally Navarette network/super-sallychannel/

Big Media USA Heaven & Earth Spanish Spotlight Channel Owner, Sally Navarrete, pick:

Mary Magdalene

By Sally Navarrete

Saludos soy Araceli Navarrete, presentadora de Big MediaUSA, Heaven & Earth Spanish Spotlight Channel. Mi misión es compartir la Palabra de Dios, Dios fue y es la Palabra. La Palabra es el alimento espiritual de Dios para los que tienen hambre y sed. Mirar la vida a través de la perspectiva de Dios me permite tomar mejores decisiones en la vida, mientras leo mi Biblia y oro, me acerco a mi propósito mientras crezco, aprendo y madurando. Recibo con gozo mis dones espirituales, que son los frutos del Espíritu Santo. La vida se compone de muchas opciones, y mi vida comienza en el momento en que elijo tener la mejor e íntima relación con Dios, Él primero nos amó y nos eligió, por lo tanto, digo “¡Sí, quiero!” y ¡Sí, lo haré! “ a toda su bondad y sus promesas. Elijo escribir sobre María Magdalena, para Informed People Magazine, porque creo firmemente que ha impactado a todo al mundo. María Magdalena, una mujer muy cercana a Jesús, viajó con Jesús y ayudó a sostener su ministerio. Ella fue una de las seguidoras de Jesús, la discípula más amada y la única que realmente entendió las enseñanzas de Jesús. Ella fue testigo de su crucifixión y estuvo presente en su entierro. María fue la primera en presenciar la tumba vacía y la primera en presenciar la resurrección de Jesús. María Magdalena, me inspira, de muchas maneras, puedo relacionarme con ella especialmente en tiempos de necesidad y en muchos problemas que parecen no tener fin. Los demonios o los problemas personales que la atraparon en su vida, sin darle esperanzas. No sabemos mucho sobre su vida, solo sabemos que amó al Señor con toda su mente, corazón, alma y fuerzas. La gente tenía sus propias opiniones sobre ella, pero eso no importaba, ella simplemente tenía sus problemas y clamó por ayuda y Jesús la redimió. No solo esto me recuerda a mi pasado, sino que también me recuerda a mi presente. Antes de conocer a Jesús y después

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de conocer a Jesús. Cuando me encontré con Jesús, Su voz espiritual me llamó… María… Un nombre que conozco y conocería, que a mi entender tiene el significado de Redimido. Una vez redimida, seguí a Jesús, así como María lo

siguió, de manera similar tuve un encuentro espiritual con Jesús, desde entonces, las cosas se pusieron en movimiento ordenado, como un movimiento, y experiencia eterna y continuidad del caminar con el Señor. Una segunda oportunidad, con nueva esperanza, una nueva

vida y una nueva creación con el Amor, la Misericordia y la Gracia de Dios para aquellos que se arrepienten de los pecados y son obedientes a Dios. Debido a la Resurrección, el mundo tiene Esperanza, Fe, Amor, Gozo y Confianza en el Señor.

! s n o i t a l u t a r g n Co

To all the women making a difference in the world: Throughout history, today, and for those yet to come, we are grateful for all that you have done, all that you are doing, and that which you aspire to be! 21

22 Informed People Magazine


By Georgene Summers

didn’t really think it was so funny when my girlfriend Erica laughed until she cried after I told her how inept I was at the computer. The notion that it was laugh worthy, that I had enlisted the aid of my computer literate son to help with e-mail didn’t seem very amusing to me. I had been in business for decades and had known Erica since we worked together nearly 40 years earlier. I suppose we were an unlikely pair. Erica with her gorgeous red hair was nearly half-a-foot shorter than my 6’ frame. She was a vivacious, high energy, adventurer, who had been married and divorced several times, while I married once and was a widow. I had successfully run the HR Department for a major college, but still was struggling to figure out e-mail. Although Erica and I lived in different states, we remained close friends for decades. Our

meeting initially had been one of chance after she hobbled into a local department store on crutches and back then, I was working at the counter. We were as different as chalk and cheese, but our differences only strengthened our relationship. She was my oldest friend. We didn’t speak every day, but when we did time stood still. My husband passed years ago and I now was alone with two grown children. After my husband passed away, I wasn’t really interested in dating and pretty much just made my life around my children. My marriage had been a bit tumultuous and my husband was very much like a Dickens character. He was lovable, but cheated relentlessly. I did my best to maintain decorum and my dignity. Erica thought that was pretty incredible and she often called me her hero, which made me blush beet red. I thought more of myself as her

mentor and she mentored me in other ways, often. She always used to say that I walked the walk and talked the talk and I loved her for it. Imagine her surprise, when I began discussing online dating. I was apprehensive, but that didn’t surprise her. It was a new world and one that seemed daunting. I knew that I needed her more than ever because if anyone understood the world of online dating, she did. She was so sweet that day. “Carrie honey, don’t despair. I’ll help you with this, promise. You deserve to have a lovely man in your life. So trust me.” She exclaimed. I laughed and said “ Well, alright then.” My slightly Southern twang showed through. “Where do I start?” Without missing a beat she declared. “You begin at the beginning.” Then she started laughing with that infectious tone that separated her from my other girlfriends. 23

My first step was to get to a website with available men looking for friendship or love, at least that was what I had been told. Erica had her very own successful online dating story that ended in marriage. I was impressed and it gave me hope. We were very close in age and I thought “if she can do it, so can I.” I selected some pictures and with Erica’s input I penned an honest, even interesting profile. Suddenly my inbox filled up and between the two of us we scrutinized profiles via long distance. I actually was having a blast. I didn’t know I could literally shop at a buffet of men and that it could be so much fun. Late one evening I received a call from her and couldn’t wait to tell her something special had happened. “Guess what happened last night?” 24 Informed People Magazine

I exclaimed. “Ok, tell me, what happened?” “I met an interesting man who lives in Hawaii.” I could hear her silent disapproval. “Ok, not very close, but tell me about him.” For the next hour I described this man, Lawrence, an age appropriate guy, widowed with several grown children. He was originally from my hometown of San Francisco and had lived near me for years before retiring in Hawaii. At 6’4 Lawrence was taller than me which was certainly a plus. He had silverhair and I thought he was pretty nice looking. I described him as best as I could from what I now thought I knew. He had a lot of really nice qualities or so it seemed. He was a sensitive, artistic man who lived life in the moment, which appealed to me. I sort of worried about the distance and of course Erica, the voice of reason, cautioned

me about moving slowly. She became my online dating mentor. Every week I would call Erica and bring her up to date on the progress of my online romance, which I referred to as a friendship. I think she found it amusing that I continued to still be “faithful,” even though my husband had passed away years before. It was just a difficult process to think of myself being with anyone else but him. I don’t think Erica really understood, but she tried. One day about 4 months into my online dating adventure with my new friend Lawrence, I decided I needed to “take the plunge” and actually go for a visit. I phoned Erica, my dating mentor to share the news. “So where are you staying?” She quizzed me about my plan. “I booked a hotel 30 minutes from where he lives.” I told her. “I

am not getting involved with any man. I am just going to visit and check this whole thing out.” I was nothing if not a proper Southern woman and I would be darned if I was going to changes, especially at my age. I thought I had made huge leaps of faith just going online and meeting someone who I had never been formally introduced to. I sure wasn’t going to jump into romance with a stranger. I smiled knowing the Erica was pleased that I had listened to her advice. I wasn’t in the market for romance with someone I didn’t really know. Oh yes, I had listened intently. A part of me was still uncomfortable and nervous with the entire process. I decided that I didn’t want any more advice for the moment, so I held off calling Erica for a few weeks. When I finally reached out it was to describe my trip to Hawaii. I have always been a private person, so I glanced over most of the details and only shared what I thought was important. She was super-excited when I phoned.“So how did it go?” She was breathless and I found

it funny. “It was fantastic. We had a grand time.” I told her about the outings with his friends and meetings with family and a week of total and complete acceptance and joy. Lawrence turned out to

be a man who was filled with respect and admiration for me and others in his life. He was an artist and so he appreciated my spiritual and creative nature, which was so important to me. I had come from a family of women who were spiritual and strong and that was instilled in me growing up.

After our first meeting, Lawrence and I turned to Skype to communicate and we would send e-mails and special meaningful gifts back and forth. He visited me on two occasions and stayed nearby with family. When he came to visit, we enjoyed trips to galleries, museums and movies and I even felt so comfortable that I had him meet my family. Then one day Lawrence called to say he decided he wanted to move closer and asked for my help in finding a home. “Closer? Are you coming here?” I quizzed. “I am. I want to move back home, closer to family and to you. I hope that’s alright.” “I think that would be just perfect.” He originally lived and worked in the Bay Area before retiring. “What about a house? How can I help?” I was feeling close to this man, closer than I had felt to anyone in a very long time and I wanted to do whatever I could to make his move easier. He surprised me with his answer. “Carrie darling, you just find a house that you love. If you love it, I will love it.” He said. I couldn’t help but smile. 25

I got busy and searched around and a month later found what I thought would be a beautiful home for Lawrence about 30 minutes away from me. He phoned later that night and I excitedly described the property. Naturally I was a bit surprised when he said he didn’t need to see it. My first reaction was to say something like, “What? Of course you need to see it. This is your home. How can you buy something you haven’t even seen? That is ridiculous.” My practical side was blazing through and I wondered if I had come on too strong. It was true, we had spent time together but this was huge. This was a house that he was going to buy sight unseen. After all, this was “his” decision. His reply was swift and final. “If you love it, then it will be just fine for me. I trust your judgment.” He announced. I must admit that made me feel very special and truth be known, I loved that feeling and hadn’t experienced it in many years. But he was committed and just charged ahead with the purchase. I must admit, that was a quality that I really liked, his decisiveness. “I just feel like I want to be close to family and to you.” My head was spinning. “I like that just fine.” I replied. It had been a very long time 26 Informed People Magazine

since someone had made me feel special, loved, wanted and I was going to allow myself to embrace this new feeling. Nothing happens overnight and the process of purchasing this home was no different. For sure it was made even harder by the fact that Lawrence wasn’t living anywhere near the house. No one believed me when I told them that he had purchased this place without ever seeing it. But it was the truth. Three months later, he packed his belongings and two dogs and made the move. I think the hardest thing for me was the two big dogs, but I got over that, bought beds and some food for them and realized how huge a part of his life they were. Lawrence was like a little kid that first month after he arrived. It was like everything was brand new and he was looking at it from almost a childlike perspective. He couldn’t sit still so he took a part-time job at one of the luxury hotels managing staff and we explored the city and the quaint towns in Napa every possible moment. It was exciting to reintroduce him to the things he knew so well and loved so much. After he got settled in a little he announced we were going to have a party. This was going to be something between Gone with the Wind and a

BBQ. Lawrence was nothing if not inventive and I loved that quality. His idea was to invite family and friends in costume and he would BBQ dinner at his new home. “Are you sure about this?” I questioned his sanity I suppose as I had visions of guests arriving dressed in Southern hoop skirts and Clark Gable hats. He laughed. “Darling you worry far too much. I am an expert at two things, movie memorabilia and fantastic BBQ’s.” “Well, enough said. I defer to you.” So I set my rigid sensibilities aside and smiled. The day of our party the kitchen was alive with smells and the sight of piles of ribs, chicken marinating in a very rich red sauce and corn wrapped tightly in what looked like husks. Lawrence shooed me out

lovingly. “So you don’t need any help I guess.” I exclaimed as I made my way outside to our guests. By the end of the hour I was a total believer as the scent of the foods he had prepared wafted through the air and everyone was coming back for seconds. The outfits guests wore were both exciting and colorful and the modified hoop skirts some of the women turned up in actually added to the festivities. I even caught a glimpse of someone in a three piece white suit.

at my home with a glass of Perrier Champagne and thought “bully for me.” Change wasn’t easy but I realized it certainly was possible.

unknown. I was nervous to meet someone online. It was intimidating to me, but in the end, I found a man in a faraway place who has made my life fuller, richer and better. His presence makes me laugh and cry and believe in love again. I know that I could have gone on without feeling deep emotions for someone after my husband passed away. But now, I feel renewed, happier than I have been in a long time and fulfilled in a way that I don’t think I could have been alone. Life truly is a treasure chest of experiences and the pathway that I decided to walk has given me a whole new perspective on life. I feel love and loved again for who I am and even who I am not. I’m not perfect, but then Lawrence isn’t either, and in our imperfections, we have found a truth that goes beyond anything I could have imagined. That truth is that love does conquer all and when you have that unconditional love, you feel safe and protected. That’s what I have, and it makes me smile every morning when I greet the day.

This friendship has been an amazing journey and one that has surprised me. Just when I thought that I was going to live out the rest of my years alone, just with my children, I found something special. Our friendship has progressed to respect, admiration and love for who we are as people. Every day we discover new and My first instinct was to run to exciting qualities about each him with a bib but I held back. other. We are best friends and The day was spectacular and companions and we love each gave me another chance to see other. I even feel comfortable Lawrence from a totally different calling him my boyfriend perspective and I loved what I now. For me, that’s progress, saw. His family was gracious because when all is said and and welcomed me and he had done I am still a proper woman. this infectious laugh that I found I don’t really know where engaging. I moved closer to this will end up, but I think I him if not physically at least in might even be open to hearing my proper Southern way. This wedding bells again. was a good feeling and one that I had not experienced in many I speak to Erica nearly every many years. I always have week and thank her for opening been an arm’s length kind of my eyes to another pathway for woman. I’m private and keep finding friendship and love. I my feelings to myself most admit, I was frightened by the of the time but I was finding this new relationship a little CLICK HERE unsettling and I felt vulnerable TO BUY 50 SHADES OF LOVE and safe at the same time. I didn’t really know how to process all of this but I finally decided to just let go and let it happen. So I did. I celebrated



INSPIRING A special message from Ada Gartenmann, She Inspires Me Awards CEO and Founder: Since we are approaching our first anniversary of She Inspires Me Awards on 2nd of April 2021, I would like to thank all of our Awardees and Ambassadors of 2020! You are really making a real difference in your communities and beyond! We are so proud of all of you!’ She Inspires Me Awards 2021 nominations will be announced end of April 2021. Stay tuned and please follow us on Instagram: @sheinspiresmeawards and Facebook: SIMA.Awards SIMA Awardees 2020 LuAn Mitchell Emma Torres Caroline Makaka Ragne Sinikas Shamila Ramjawan Viola Edward Jackie Goldberg (Pink Lady) Samantha Viola Nancy Miguel Rosie Minako Myrka Dellanos Maria Victoria Cristancho Angelina Kali Caro Gomez Karina Bustillos Dr. Pauline Long Azucena de la Fuente Adrija Biswas Odalys Marino 28 Informed People Magazine


around the world

Korin Avraham Lenka Josefiova Rosemary Lloyd Claudia López Sonia Avilés Robbie Motter Pierangeli Dodero Jackie Guerrido Teresa Egana Diana Noris Marisa di Muro Layla Edward Belen Motilla Gines Cheryl Guidry Jossine Abrahams Rashmi Rai Johana Hernandez Tess La Bella Cinthia Zarzar Sandra Robledo Irene Villa Isasi B! Hortensia Celis Elizabeth Ortiz Eva Ramirez Coco Dávez Dr. Kamakshi Jindal Aida Phillips Pat Rogers Dr. Asha Anand Gabriela Rodríguez Shelly Rufin Veroncia Simesen Jill Lefkowitz Christina Rodriguez Odalys Ramírez Carolina Molea

Dr. Sofie Nubani Nancy Matthews Randi D. Ward Fanny Torres Shyla Day Jennifer Palacios Debbie Wysocki Vanessa Jacqueline Dcruz Dr. Cherilyn Lee Kimberly Anderson Gillian Larson Dame Shellie Hunt Dr. Barbara A. Berg AnGèle Cade Virginia Earl Dr. Sharron Stroud Dr. Cortesha Cowan Florence La Rue Angeline Benjamin Chebra Dorsey Diedra Favors

Felisha Kay Susana Casillas Auda Roig de Reichardt Emily Nguyen and Anna Hoang Jacqueline Jimenez Tracy Oriyomi Deyanira Martinez Sharon Doyle Özlem Özbekoğlu

Elena Grytsynger SIMA Ambassadors 2020 Carl Wilson Carlos Anaya Jose Ibañez Enrique Villena Mauricio Amuy

Imambay Kamara Fiore Tondi Eduardo Estala Rojas Simon Rosenberg Ricardo Malfatti Roger Castano Richard Marcel Alvaro Cristiano Valcarcel



You’ve Gotta Laugh... By Betty-Ann Heggie

I’ve always had a big laugh yet when I was climbing the corporate ladder, I considered muting it. Conscious of being a womanworking in a male dominated business I fretted that it made me look less than professional. And I was so very anxious to fit in! After much soul searching, I decided that I love to laugh and consider it time spent with the Gods. It raises my vibration and makes my day worth living. Giving it up was too big and productivity. When working on a price to pay for a job. I stayed true teams it can help ease the tension to myself and it worked. when establishing boundaries or standing up for My loud laugh didn’t impede my yourself. Laughter also shows that advancement, but rather became you are approachable and helps part of my signature. When I establish common ground with returned from vacations, colleagues others. told me they’d missed it. Carol Burnett famously said, “Comedy is tragedy plus time,” and my Mother had a similar sentiment. With every seemed catastrophe she would say, “Don’t worry, this will make for a great story later”. We all need to laugh, not only for our mental health but because it has true healing power, lessening people’s pain. Over the last year during COVID we have all been operating with a ‘fight or flight’ mentality which raises the cortisol in our systems. Laughter is the biggest cortisol buster there is. At work, humor provides many advantages such as boosting engagement, creativity,

30 Informed People Magazine

The key is to find the humor in your life for yourself, NOT because you want to be considered funny by others. That never works (as I am reminded each time I try to tell a joke). It is much more effective to tell a story and find funny things in what you observe in your daily life. When you share something delightful, you feel better, and it will rub off onto others. That will make you appealing as we all like people that make us feel better.

For example, Midge from ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ didn’t even realize she was doing stand-up when she gave her first performance. She simply grabbed a microphone and started sharing her personal experiences. People loved her authenticity because every story was real, and they could relate to it themselves. People don’t have to roll in the aisles with gales of laughter, they simply must chuckle or even smile inside. Never plan to make people laugh. Instead, see humor for your own pleasure and let the laughter happen. I also notice that people take a cue from me, if I laugh, they often do too. Yet, it doesn’t matter because I have already had a great release. By sharing humor with others, we develop a ‘conspiracy of comedy’. It becomes natural to spend time with people who laugh readily, and this makes it easier for everyone to participate. When we laugh together it has a ripple effect because humor is contagious. So, laugh and the world laughs with you. If not, at least you’ll be happy!

About the author...

Betty-Ann Heggie, a widely recognized thought leader in gender dynamics is published in Harvard Business review, Inc. Magazine, Apple News, Huffington Post and The Good Men Project . An awardwinning speaker, author and mentor, she is also a corporate director, philanthropist and a former Senior Vice-President with PotashCorp (now Nutrien), the world’s largest fertilizer supplier. The author of “Gender Physics, Unlock the Energy You Never Knew You Had to Get the Results You Want”, she speaks regularly on how men and women can make progress together in the modern workplace.

During her corporate career she was twice named the top investor relations person in Canada, once by her clients and once by her peers and was subsequently inducted into Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women Hall of Fame. In 2019 BettyAnn was named a Distinguished Speaker by the Canadian Institute of Mining after being given the Trailblazer Award from Women in Mining Canada and recognized as one of the 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining. She was also inducted into the Saskatchewan Business Hall of Fame, given the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, the YWCA Lifetime Achievement Award, the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Mentorship Award and the Stevie Award for “Women Helping Women”. Betty-Ann currently serves as a director for TIFF (the Toronto International Film Festival) where




she Chairs the Philanthropy Committee and has also been on the boards of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority, the Canadian Wheat Board, Allana Potash and MITACS. She was the founding chair of the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Institute of Corporate Directors. Her groundbreaking Womentorship program at her alma mater, the University of Saskatchewan, has had more than 2500 women participate in the program’s networking events, professional development and its annual women’s film festival. The program also developed and hosted a Canadian mentorship experience for women from Afghanistan. She and her husband Wade are very proud of their two highly spirited and independent adult daughters.

Website: Heggie’s Book: Contact: Podcasts: 31

Angelika Christie interviews the most amazing

thought leaders on Heroic Self-Love from Ben Winkler to Aaron Kleinerman. This is your opportunity to delve in for amazing, free content to start bettering your relationships, from self to others. Click page to watch and learn more!

LISTENNOW! NOW VISIT 32 Informed People Magazine

Heroic Self Love Is the master key to Freedom and Abundance Heroic Self-Love is the ultimate gift to yourself Heroic Self -Love is the highest calling from your Soul Heroic Self -Love gives you permission to love yourself

Heroic Self-Love is God’s Gift to you Heroic Self-Love is the key to heal your relationships Heroic Self-Love allows you to free yourself from the past Heroic Self-Love shows you your destiny Heroic Self -Love is the Fire that ignites your Soul Heroic Self-Love keeps your commitments to yourself Heroic Self-Love ignites your divine will Heroic Self-Love is the prerequisite to love others Heroic Self-Love is the highest frequency of creation Heroic Self Love is the ultimate tool to co-create with God


Compassion Fatig u e by LuAn Mitchell

In an excerpt from my best selling book, Paper Doll; I share this message about how I felt being a caregiver to my now, dearly departed husband.

It was a long, slow recovery. There was the worry of organ rejection for several months, but Fred was alive and he had a healthy new set of lungs. A new light shone from his hazel eyes. We had beaten the odds—again! “More Than a Game.” During Fred’s long recovery from the transplant surgery, I faced several challenges. I was single parenting a toddler, and making endless trips to the hospital with my two year old in my backpack to visit with Fred and help with his rehabilitation. Once the crisis passed and it was clear that Fred was returning to good health, I began to get a bit restless. Those were agonizing and long, lonely days. Sometimes I longed to escape. I cried a river—I am sure the San Francisco Bay rose to new levels with the flood from my aching heart! So, I planted some seeds. I put all that water to good use and I created my own escape by returning to our dark bedroom. I kept our baby son close beside me on a blanket that I laid out on the floor. After the baby was asleep, I lit a small lamp and I began to write and create just like back in my teenage days. I put all my worries and racing thoughts into my Love Sieve and I asked for a fresh perspective; I prayed for vision and hope. Then I looked at my baby who was so peaceful and I quieted my mind and got settled. I sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed as I leaned my back on the frame and ideas began to flow. Only this time it was not story poems, this time I invented a board game called “Save the Planet.” My Love Sieve healing had guided me away from worry and refocused my thoughts into constructive ideas. 34 Informed People Magazine

A flow began that came to me like dictation from an angel. My hand began to write out the details for how the game was played and how many cards were needed, etc. The idea for “Save the Planet” was linked to a passion of mine—my fervent environmentalism. I envisioned the future world my child would be inheriting. I wanted to be of service and do my part in a global healing. I wondered how I could create a greener planet while also enjoying a new creative outlet for myself. I realize now that creating this game was an important coping mechanism for me in the aftermath of such a grueling time. Gradually, the game took shape. I designed it for children so families could play it together and learn about conservation and ecology. Once I had the concept, I started working with a talented Bay Area designer who created a colorful board for the game and an attractive outer box. I would bring the game with me into the hospital when I would visit Fred. He was able to sit up in a chair now, so we would sit and play the game together. Save the Planet became an outlet for us to take our mind off the stress of his health challenges. We began to smile more and we would look forward to our time together as though they were actually dates, not just hospital visits. One day, while visiting Fred at the Stanford Medical Center, I met a man whose wife was waiting for a transplant. The man was Dennis Hayes, founder of Earth Day. Another divine intervention! These Earth Angels kept showing up in my life like clockwork after I began forgiveness Love Sieve practices for both myself and for others. I was seeing all these new friends constantly appearing in my world at just the right time in my life, over and over again. It was truly miraculous. Mr. Hayes took one of my games, later telling me in a lovely letter how much he and his staff enjoyed it. Save the Planet even garnered me some attention among the ladies who lunch in Beverly Hills. When I had lunch with some high-profile Hollywood wives to promote my game and Kids for Saving Earth, a non-profit organization for which I served as the volunteer National Advisor for North America. Our picture ended up on the cover of Beverly Hills Today. I was in discussion with a large toy maker to market Save the Planet on a national scale when Fred’s family problems escalated. I shifted my priorities and put my game on hold. I learned that you don’t always have to answer when opportunity knocks. Sometimes it can be a knee-jerk reaction instead of a thoughtful decision we need to prioritize. Sometimes, the opportunity is there but the timing is wrong. Instead I donated the game to the United World Colleges. At the time, their Chairperson was a woman I greatly admired, Queen Noor. The game was put into their integration program for international studies with my blessing and compliments. Kids for Saving Earth was given the children’s version of 35

I envisioned the future world my child would be inheriting. I wanted to be of service and do my part in a global healing.

the game as a gift to use as a tool to help children understand how they can help the Earth. Now, instead of wondering, “What if?” I see “Save the Planet” as another seed for good that came out of Fred’s health challenges. Our world needs care for it’s own heart and lungs (oceans and forests), I thought, and so did Fred. Instead of playing the blame game, it all starts with me—the best I can do—and perhaps, it will catch on. That’s the answer when you put your questions into what I call in my book, a “Love Sieve.” Family members who want to make sure their loved ones’ needs are met give the gift of love and unselfish caring. Caregivers like I was in those trying days, with my husband do things like shop for groceries, prepare meals, pick up and set out regimented prescriptions, assist with bathing, grooming and even dressing - in other words - they pull it together and do it. Caregivers make it their mission to do everything they can to make a loved one more comfortable during healing and if necessary at the end of life.



THE EARTH ANGEL NETWORK 36 Informed People Magazine

Caregivers often times burn the candle at both ends and develop something called compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue occurs when caregivers become stressed from caring for others. According to San Francisco psychotherapist Dennis Portnoy, “Compassion fatigue is caused by empathy. It is the natural consequence of stress resulting from caring for and helping…suffering people.” Compassion fatigue can be thought of as extreme burnout. I know now that I suffered from this during my time as a caregiver, when my late husband journeyed through the horrors of cystic fibrosis then a heart and double lung Transplant. It is in large part what motivated me to write my inspired international best selling book, “Paper Doll.” Compassion fatigue doesn’t just happen overnight. Days, weeks and months (in some cases even years) march on with mounting responsibilities, and stress factors caregivers become overwhelmed physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. Patricia Smith, founder of the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project, said: “Every day in our caregiving role, we empty out in order to be present to those in our care. If we continue to empty out without filling up again, we place ourselves in harm’s way.”

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A true sports hero


You know how life sometimes throws speed bumps in your way?

LuAn Mitchell Got the Everest Variety.” The Woman is a Doll. A Paper Doll, to be precise. She is a Headliner. LuAn, or LA as she is often called, is the Paper Doll. She builds others up because she knows what it’s like to be torn down. In this life-altering book, paper is used as a metaphor for what we are all made of when we are walking one by one. A single piece of Paper can be burned. Have you ever felt like you were burned? Maybe you were crumpled up and stepped on or blown away and destroyed. Time for us all to rise together because a ream of Paper Dolls has some heft! Together we are building a Global army of Dolls, one reader at a time. We are taking charge and writing our own headlines— and the storylines that go under them. Becoming the Woman God designed you to be will cost you friends, relationships, plans and material things. Become her Anyway. You are worth LA putting it all “on the line.” Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. Don’t just dream your dreams and tuck them away out of sight—get up and make them come true. They are yours! Take hold of them now! This book is your “Dream Come True” claim ticket. Click here to get your copy.

August 8, 1982. A line drive foul ball hits a four year old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would take EMTs too long to arrive and cut through the crowd, sprang from the dugout and scooped up the boy. He laid the boy gently on the dugout floor, where the Red Sox medical team began to treat him. When the boy arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later, doctors said, without a doubt that Jim’s prompt actions saved the boy’s life. Jim returned to the game in a bloodstained uniform. A real badge of courage. After visiting the boy in the hospital, and realizing the family was of modest means, he stopped by the business office and instructed that the bill be sent to him. This is what a sports Hero looks like! 37

Contact: Tony DeMaio, CEO Big Media USA 38 Informed People Magazine




Women’s movement marks international day with the launch of a powerful campaign called

SHE IS LEADING The global movement Women Appreciating Women(WAW) is celebrating it’s 5th awards and honours with the launch of a powerful movement called SHE IS LEADING. The campaign aimed at honouring women in leadership as well encouraging more women to step into leadership includes global phenomenal figures such as Kamila Harris, the 46th Vice President of USA, H.E Fatima Maada-Bio who is the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Juliet Holness MP, a politician and the wife of the Prime Minister of Jamaica, LuAn Mitchell who’s the President of Big Media USA, Laura Giadorou Koch who’s the CEO and founder of Women 4 Solutions and many other notable figure. WAW - Women Appreciating Women is a global movement established by the amazing visionary woman H.E Ambassador Dr. Pauline Long to bring women together to create a positive impact in the world while they appreciate and support each other without boundaries in business, humanitarian projects, activism, professionally and personally in all aspects of life. “We bring incredibly extraordinary women together by way of parting each other’s back and supporting each other’s initiatives and 40 Informed People Magazine

just sharing human love and kindness. We have honoured over 700 women wonderful women from over 90 countries in the world since 2017. This year we will honour many more virtually,” said Dr Long.

Some of the phenomenal women who have been presented with WAW Honorary Awards include The First Lady of Jamaica Hon. Juliet Holness MP, First Lady of Republic of Sierra Leone H.E Fatima Maada Bio, former Vice President of Zimbabwe Dr Joice Mujuru, Veteran Hollywood Make up artist Kim Elba, CEO of Diana Awards Tess Ojo, former pilot and business development leader Tara Howard, international artist Dr Vivian Timothy, visionary leader Dr Viola Edward, Founder of Ann Frank Trust Gillian Walnes Perry MBE, young leader Heather Lloyd, philanthropist Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk and many more. WAW Executive Board Member, Dr. Viola Edward said, “Our theme at WAW this year #SheIsLeading fits in with our ethos and beliefs especially at a time when we see more and more women taken in major leadership roles.” The movement would like to

welcome on zoom amazing women from the diverse world of business, media, activism, charity, education, health sector, property development sector, entertainment, film, fashion, art, and more on this historic day International Women’s Day for a worthy virtual celebration where the first list of the 2021 Women Appreciating Women Hall of Fame Honours awards is expected to be released today The first 16 faces of SHE IS LEADING campaign: 1. H.E Vice President of USA, Kamala Harris 2. H.E First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Maada-Bio 3. The Most Hon. Juliet Holness MP 4. H.E Amb. Dr Pauline Long 5. Dr Viola Edward 6. LuAn Mitchell 7. Dr. Caroline Makaka 8. Laura Giadorou Koch 9. Olga Balakleets 10. Tere Egana 11. Veronica Sosa 12. Noha Hefny 13. Ada Gartenmann 14. Dr.Haidi Badawi 15. Vera Cabrera Dekovic 16. Andrea Perez Join us for the virtual 5th WAW Gala and honours: WAW 2021 online Monday March 8, 2021 5.00 PM-London








42 Informed People Magazine


44 Informed People Magazine

Scott and Jennifer Johnson




By Jennifer Johnson

covered road bike, longing n 2005, after a for the exhilaration that would seventeen-year hiatus, accompany those long-ago my husband picked rides. He had gained a few up his 1970’s Colnago extra pounds from all the Super Classic road international travel and hours bike and began to ride again. behind a desk and had not Reminiscing about the three found the same passion while years he learned to love the running or hitting the gym. sport of racing as a junior racer He was still searching for a with his local cycling coach, much-needed way to reduce Steve Ball, where he had his stress load. One day, climbed iconic mountains, flown while working in the garage, solo through local canyons and he grabbed that old Colnago, passed cyclists five times his pumped up the tires, tweaked age. Regretfully, he hung up the brakes and hopped on. his bike on a lonely hook in the garage and gave it all up in high That’s all it took - the love of school to join the swim team, cycling returned immediately! a sport more accepted by the The joy of wind in his hair, the local community. thrill of flying down the canyon paths and gleeful anguish of Flash forward seventeen years climbing back up the mountain later, this former accomplished side with every muscle in his cyclist was married with a body working overtime not family and three children, only brought back wonderful working as a CFO at a highly memories, but it was what prestigious video game firm, he had been searching for. with a CPA and post-graduate He was hooked! He began to degree from HBS. Each day get back into shape slowly, arriving home from the office, getting dropped by the pack he glanced at the now dust but gaining momentum as he


continued to chase the finish line. After almost a year, he had lost 40 pounds naturally, rekindled his desire to cycle as a sport and found cycling to be the ultimate stress relief for a busy executive with an active family. As an anniversary gift fifteen years ago, he surprised me with a trip to Bacara in Santa Barbara for the weekend. This lavish resort was not the only surprise as he also purchased a tandem bicycle, a way to share his rekindled love of cycling with me. I was timid to say the least but accepted the challenge and joined him on a lovely day in July. We rode towards the Ojai Valley, passing orchid farms, polo fields and ending the ride at the original Habit Restaurant for a mouthwatering burger and fries. That wasn’t all, he surprised me again with a couple’s massage and candlelight dinner on the patio – a wonderful finish to my introduction to cycling. 45

I was hooked as well, a bit slower to start, as I did have three children under my care, but began to ride bicycles as sport, not just recreation. I had always ridden bikes, learning at a young age around the neighborhood and loving to ride to the beach as a teenager to gain my independent freedom. But as a workout riding was a new challenge for me. At the time I could not even run around the block without stopping to gain my breath. Cycling showed me a new way to gain back my fitness in a fun and social manner.

My husband would take me out on the Saturday morning group rides, introducing me to local cyclists and showing me parts of our community I had never seen before. Driving around, you follow the shortest route to your destination, while with cycling you follow the best route. It may be the challenging climbs, the best road conditions or even the safest path. I saw parts of the San Fernando and Conejo Valley I did not know existed. Afterwards, I would jump in the car with our children to share the excitement and the new interesting places I had found. A few months later I was 46 Informed People Magazine

surprised with my own road bicycle and quickly increased my fitness by riding alongside my husband and new cycling friends. We used our love of cycling to explore new communities – all across the state and around the world. We have traveled for organized rides including bicycle wine tasting events, charity bike rides, as well as creating our own challenges including European cycling adventures. Our time together on the bicycle is our time, a special way to be together to clear our heads of business or family stress, to clear our bodies of the toxic world we live in and to better ourselves as a whole. The love of cycling not only rekindled the spark of fitness but rekindled our relationship as well. We celebrated our twenty-five-year anniversary this summer riding bicycles in the Central Coast of California, side by side and planning our next twenty-five years together.

Jennifer Johnson is the number one supporter and partner of Scott Johnson, CEO of Serious Cycling. Serious Cycling is a premier cycling brand located in Southern California. Founded in 2009, our mission is to grow the love of cycling. Our daily work in the local community has safely put thousands of riders on bikes and produced a race club competing at every level of the sport on the road, mountain, gravel, and velodrome. We’re passionate about all types of bikes so you’ll find a curated variety of products to meet nearly every need and every budget. Visit us at our full-service bike shops, which we affectionately refer to as Club Houses or online at

Jennifer Johnson Co-owner Serious Cycling USA Cycling Coach League Cycling Instructor

Jennifer Johnson




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STRENGTH in numbers As chief executive officer of Ronald McDonald House Charities Saskatchewan, Tammy Forrester has spearheaded the expansion of the Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon from a modest support mechanism for families to a modern, inclusive and welcoming space. The House grew from 13 rooms to 34 in the span of two years, and families are reaping benefits.


with in the corporate and create not-for-profit space, and has become a go-to resource for the Ronald McDonald Canada and North America network. Her leadership and guidance have proven valuable, as she has built a strong team able to work across the province from the southern tip to the northern regions.

For this dynamic CEO, diversity means, “difference of thought, opinions, culture Forrester is continually identifying new partners to work and values. When you can 50 Informed People Magazine

embrace diversity in your work environment and include all views as part of the whole, you are truly working towards an inclusive environment. All opinions matter and all opinions count.” She goes on to explain, “We live in a diverse world, with a mix of cultures, races, experiences, thoughts and opinions. There is so much strength in a work environment, and growth on a personal level, that can be gained by

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