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Istvan Dukai

After spending 15 years in the world of graffiti, Istvan Dukai started his solo career as a graphic artist. As a freelancer he works on logo, abstract graphics, and nonfigurative pattern designs. His very own style has its roots mostly in geometric tradition, the philosophy of constructivism, and op-art. The minimalist way he uses colors and forms, the repetitive rhythm – which he skips occasionally but wittingly – result unusual and illusion-like forms in the plane. The fundamental principle of his compositions is reduction, which is based on natural elements being stylized to geometric shapes and the diverse ways of combining these elements. Sensuality also plays a key role in his pictures. He has opened towards interdisciplinary fields: his work is often used on different materials hence he became one of the top graphic designer and art director for several European-based brands.

Artist Statement


Some experiences of the artist are often reflected in his art. Especially the curfew during his childhood in Yugoslavia shaped by the Balkan war came to the forefront recently due to parallels to the current „quarantine-life” during COVID: the feeling of loss, confusion and uncertainty when confined to our trusted space. He is to convey a transcendent calm and order in these artworks. Something eternal amidst troubling times.Textures and forms of his childhood are a strong influence. Such as roughly woven linens of military tents, basic motifs of folk-art and the bold shapes of brutalist architecture in post-war Yugoslavia. OP-Art, with its repetition of geometric shapes is a salient inspiration. He uses strongly abstrahising forms and muted colours. Such austerity underlines the calm atmosphere of his works. Contrasts and clashes define his art. These works are digitally designed, yet he uses traditional printing techniques and materials. This duality emphasizes the tresholds of cyber-space and reality, of digital and human connections. Contrasts between light and dark, between contained forms and disruptive lines express calm and upset, freedom and confinement, life and death.
