1 minute read

Joana María Sousa

“I’m a firm believer that it’s in the process that the greatest learning experiences and revealing moments take place, as much as the final result can be incredible. For me, it’s all about opening room for emotions and sharing them.

Purple World


For some time I was feeling that my creative production was suffering by not accomplishing a lot of the ideas I had, time is so hectic that I always left some of my personal projects to “one day when I have time”. The time is now and I have to make room for it. For that reason I’ve decided to challenge myself and start creating an image (moving or still) every day for the next year, 365 days. The idea was to explore a creative field I didn’t felt comfortable but really wanted to explore, digital art, and hoping at the end of it to have gathered all the knowledge and experience I didn’t had when I started and even a portfolio to show in this particular field of the arts. The theme I chose was my inner world which I call Purple World, the most spiritual color of all, and always be true to this life motto I have of searching for beauty in strangeness. I believe that inevitably quantity leads to quality and above all I believe that doing things leads to greater knowledge and inner evolution and that’s the most important for me and the reason I’m doing this. www.imjoanamaria.com

What inspires me the most is my family history, the strangest I know, that’s why I always felt the need to find beauty in the strangest places (the darkest).”