1 minute read

Rachel Walker

Phantasm // A product of fantasy

Shocked specters, ethereal landscapes, and lost souls, waking dreams, ghosts, arms, transitions - a storyline that got mixed up and is playing out of order. Who is it? I don’t know. Wait, is it me in this dream? Never mind, I lost my place again. Through their transitional evolutions, these ghostly wanderers drift into an aura-like field of color. The figures are both unsettling and peaceful. Is there a meaning behind the perceptions that worry us? Through the idiom of painting, I draw out the tension between our inner selves and physical bodies. I want to expand the visualization of self and rearrange its traditional indicators to allow an expanded portrayal of gender. This augmented visualization has directed me to questions about perceived gender expression and how femaleness is depicted in figurative art.



Rachel Walker is a Brooklyn-based artist who paints otherworldly women lost in a ghostly dimension. Her unusual palette and approach to painting are defined by her watercolor technique in gouache. Her methodology is unique, utilizing an intuitive process that taps into surrealist methods such as automatic painting and collage. Her work has been featured in New American Paintings and The Chicago Underground Film Festival.


Instagram: rachelwalkerart