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Nuno Serrão

Hi, I am a Madeira Island-born Portuguese photographer and filmmaker. My blank slate begins with a functional level of emotion, logic, minimalism, and curiosity; I view these to be the building blocks of my life and creative process. Led by curiosity, I often create or document ambiguous but frameable non-linear narratives about uncomfortable topics that, in the end, pose a new set of questions, keeping alive the mystery surrounding us, our universe and what is fundamental or emergent. My work is driven by the belief that if answers are to be found, they will come from the realm of non-locality through the sum of all relatable questions. However, even if the perfect answer is like the speed of light, exponentially harder to come close to, and impossible to achieve, nothing will give me more pleasure than to keep trying.

My House is a Parking Lot Healing nostalgia


For 25 years, I looked at the stars from a cement terrace on this very spot. Today, the cold cement on my back at dawn has turned into a tarred concrete parking lot at my feet, and what used to be my grandparent’s house, where the nights were dark, and the sky was closer, has turned into a viaduct supporting a kind of highway with secondary road traffic, which skips the valleys and pierces the mountains of the Madeiran capital as if avoiding submitting to the curves of reason and values other than those of concrete and corporate greed. With this project, I initiated a healing process that engaged the community and utilised art as a means of depicting the nostalgia and memories that are connected to the area. The use of photography and other mediums of visual art creates a narrative that reflects the biased abstraction of a life that is remembered and depicts the nostalgia reverberating from our collective memories formed from a biased abstraction of a life we recall having.


Instagram: nunoserrao

My House Is a Parking Lot 1, Analogue Medium Format Photography, 80 x 100 cm

My House Is a Parking Lot 3, Analogue Medium Format Photography, 80 x 100 cm