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Maristella Rana

Maristella Rana was born in 1975 and grew up in Bari in a stimulating and lively environment. After high school, she spent seven years in Venice, where she perfected the technique of oil painting, and worked as a painter and illustrator. The Venetian period profoundly marked her artistic identity, thanks to the continuous exchange with artists, painters, writers, and philosophers who were part of her entourage. She arrived in Milan in 2005, where she graduated from the European Insitute of Design with a degree in Illustration and Multimedia Animation. Parallel to her studies, Rana worked in creative roles in the advertising and communication industry in Milan.

In a polyphony of colors, each work by the artist Maristella Rana is the epiphany of the artist’s inner voice as the observer. Rana’s works document a gradual process of purification that leads to the disappearance of every recognizable symbol and subject. Each work is a representation of ideas, images, and signs achieved through liberating gestural brushstrokes that signify a trace of what has gradually disappeared. The bright and impetuous color becomes the subject of the work and occupies the entire canvas surface. The color is the primary vehicle of Rana’s spontaneous and reckless inner language. In this transformation of language into color, she plays with the viewers’ gaze and invites them to have fun within the physical limitations of the work in a constant search for a focal point. Close to the lesson of American abstract expressionism, the pictorial language of Maristella Rana can be considered a warm and poetic abstraction in which rational meaning gives way to the expressive sense and to the visual narrative.


Get in touch with Maristella: www.maristellarana.com

Instagram: maristellarana