1 minute read

Debi Boyette

Debi Boyette uses materials gathered from everyday objects, photographs, vintage ephemera and incorporates them into her world of distorted whimsy. Turning drawings into paintings, collages, sculptures into wall works, furniture, installations and transmitting simple real materials into new expressions. Playful, funny, altered, curious and dystopian imagery inspires us to read a story and to see unexpected in the everyday paradox. Boyette’s multidisciplinary practice includes works on paper, collages, wall works, freestanding sculptures, wall-mounted works and site-specific installations. Regardless of medium, Debi’s work produces distorted culturally based works, both mocking and referencing the established forms. Debi Boyette was born in Jacksonville, Florida and currently lives in Seattle, Washington.

Get in touch with Debi: www.debiboyettestudio.com


Instagram: debiboyettestudio