The 1884 Legacy Society

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The 1884 Legacy Society

Shaping St Swithun’s

On the 5th May 1884 Miss Anna Bramston, daughter of the then Dean of Winchester, John Bramston, founded the school initially as Winchester High School for Girls. Raising funds via a subscription, the school started with just 17 pupils. It quickly transformed and grew into the flourishing independent girls’ school you see today.

Creating a legacy for the future

It is a common misconception that fee-paying independent schools have tremendous wealth at their disposal. Whilst some may be buffered by historic reserves, assets or investments, most need to fundraise to be able to make significant improvements and this is the case at St Swithun’s.

We concentrate the school fees we receive on high quality teaching from a dedicated faculty of staff. Fees also cover the basic maintenance and safety requirements of school buildings, vehicles (minibuses) and other equipment that needs regular servicing. And they cover catering costs, heating and electricity, insurance and a vast range of experiences to enhance the academic, arts, sporting and wellbeing provision.

We also provide a variety of bursaries for those who meet certain criteria. On top

of that we match-fund the transformational bursaries offered by the Bramston Bursary Foundation that provide full boarding places to girls in really vulnerable situations, on the edge of or within the care system, or from a very disadvantaged community. After our designated financial committees have evaluated and fulfilled all of these priorities, there is little spare change for any future projects and ambitions.

This is where our new 1884 Legacy Society can make an enormous difference.

A bequest from the will of a former pupil or parent has the power to be put to effective use by the school, particularly if it is unrestricted. It enables us to think beyond just today and better equip the school and enhance facilities or make financial provision for future generations.

Ms Jane Gandee, headmistress of St Swithun’s
The 1884 Legacy Society 2

I am keen that anyone who is generous enough to put St Swithun’s into their list of charitable bequests feels a part of the school community that they are investing in. All legators who choose to come forwards and let us know of their intentions will receive an annual update from me on the school’s future development plans by post or email. And those who intend to leave the school a legacy gift of £10k or more will be invited to an annual lunch to meet and connect with others who have joined this society to enhance and support the school in perpetuity.

I hope that together, these pledges can shape St Swithun’s into the best launch pad for the wider world.

A word from the first president of the 1884 Legacy Society

I benefitted hugely and entirely from the quality of the education and experiences I had in my formative years at St Swithun’s. The values of the school have served me well throughout my life and caritas, humilitas and sinceritas have remained at the core of who I am. I made friends for life at St Swithun’s and we were always encouraged to talk to everyone we met which is still what I do! I regularly have lunch with friends from my form group.

It’s only natural therefore to feel it is my duty to put something back into the school for the next generation. Yet, like many, I do not have huge sums at my disposal to give away and the cost of living is an ongoing concern as I grow older. I also want and need to make provision for my family first and foremost.

Pledging a legacy to the school enables me to assist the school in a way that I can’t right now, without impacting on my current available income. By giving away 10% or more of my estate to charitable causes, I will reduce the inheritance tax on

the remainder of my estate to 36% instead of 40% for my beneficiaries. Supporting the school enables me to play a pivotal part in shaping and securing the future of St Swithun’s and the generations of girls who come after us.

I know first-hand that St Swithun’s provides a superb education and grounding for life. Our job is to make sure that the school has the funds to continue evolving to match the needs of the girls, as well as the means to continue widening access for those who need financial help to attend the school.

I cannot wait for the first 1884 Legacy Society lunch, to meet all those who, like me, are interested in doing our bit for future generations. I feel I am part of something very special, making my mark on the school by leaving a legacy, and I very much hope you will join me in this important endeavour.

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Roberta Brockman, first president of The 1884 Legacy Society

Types of legacy gift

A residual legacy

This is where you designate a percentage of your estate to be left to a charitable cause or beneficiary. The residual element comes from how much of the estate is left to distribute after all the costs and debts relating to the estate have been removed. By leaving 10% or more of your estate to charitable causes, you will reduce the rate of inheritance tax for your beneficiaries to 36% instead of 40%.

The table below illustrates how, in straightforward cases, the net result of a 10% residual legacy means a small amount less for your beneficiaries, but a substantial difference to your charitable causes, allowing you to direct generous gifts where you want to make a real difference:

Without donation: With donation: Estate value £500,000 £500,000 Less nil rate band -£325,000 -£325,000 Net estate £175,000 £175,000 Less 10% residual donations Nil £17,500 (10%) Taxable estate £175,000 £157,500 Less inheritance tax £70,000 (40%) £56,700 (36%) Remaining estate £430,000 £425,800 Cost to estate Nil £4,200 Charitable causes receive £0 £17,500
The 1884 Legacy Society 4

A pecuniary legacy

This is leaving a specific sum of money of your choice to St Swithun’s or any other charity or person of your choosing. You can add a pecuniary bequest to your will very easily and instantly by using a codicil, but it does need to be witnessed appropriately and kept safely with your current will. If you have many other codicils, it might be wise to discuss your legacy plans with a solicitor and ensure that your estate can provide all that you wish to achieve.

A reversionary legacy

This can be a specific or pecuniary gift, or a residuary gift, that is left to another beneficiary in the first instance, but will revert to the school absolutely, usually after the initial beneficiary has passed away. This is a very common type of gift that couples or parents often consider, where a gift is set up as a will trust. The interest goes to the surviving spouse (or children) for their lifetime, and the school only benefits from the gift on the spouse’s (or child’s) death.

A specific legacy

This is where an item of personal property, shares or assets can be given to a named beneficiary or charity. It is important that you know that we might not be able to keep what you leave to us if you list us as the beneficiary. We will need either your consent or the consent of your executor to sell any items that we can’t make use of, so that we can use the funds created where we need them most.

A contingent legacy

This is a legacy gift that is dependent on the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen. For instance, a legacy gift which will only apply if all the other beneficiaries named in the will die, before the person who made the will.

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The 1884 Legacy Society

This special society has been created to enable a group of like-minded individuals to stay closely connected to the school throughout their lifetime, once the school is aware of their intended legacy pledge. They will be kept informed of future school development plans and any shifts of focus, so that they have advance information of where the school is most likely to apply any legacy funds received.

A gift of £10k or more at the time of distribution will be recognised after it has been received, in our tree-planting scheme. A sapling will be planted and a permanent plaque placed at the foot of the tree in recognition of the donor, unless there is a desire to remain anonymous.

“A generous unrestricted residual gift from the estate of former pupil, Debbie Kerridge, has enabled the school to invest part of her legacy into the Bramston Bursary Foundation, enabling us to fund a girl who would never have had access to the school otherwise. The other half has been put into our future capital projects fund, ready to improve facilities for everyone to benefit from. This gift of a lifetime will have a long-lasting impact on the school and is already changing one girl’s life significantly, helping her to achieve her full potential.”

To speak to Kate about how you would like to play your part in shaping the future of St Swithun’s email: or call 01962 835734

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How to play your part

Making a legacy gift and letting us know of your pledge of support couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is complete the codicil, making sure to have it witnessed by two people who are not beneficiaries or family members, and then keep it safely with your will.

If you also complete the pledge declaration following the codicil and return it to the school, via post or email, we will make you a member of our new 1884 Legacy Society and keep you up to date with the school’s development plans.

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The 1884 Legacy Society

St Swithun’s Codicil

I: .......................................................................................................................................... (full name) Of: (address) Postcode:

Declare this to be a 1st 2nd 3rd / other codicil to my will

Dated and made the: ........................ / ...................... / ......................... (date of original will) I give the sum of £: ........................................................... I would like to leave the following specific items or shares:..................................................................

to St Swithun’s School, Alresford Road, Winchester, SO21 1HA, Registered Charity No: 307335

In all other respects I confirm my will and any other codicils thereto.

Signature: ..................................................................................... Dated: ......................................... Please ensure that your signature is witnessed in the presence of two witnesses, as with your will Keep the codicil with your current will Send a copy of this codicil to your solicitor, executor or whomever looks after your will to check the codicil will achieve your aims.

Please note that it is always sensible to talk to your solicitor about your intentions to make sure you have the right will setup to achieve all of your aims.

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.............................................................................................................................................................. .........................................................................................................................................................
our presence and witnessed
the presence
him / her and each other. Witness One Name: ......................................................... Address: ...................................................... .................................................................... Postcode: ................................................... Occupation: ............................................... Signature: Date: Witness Two Name: ......................................................... Address: ...................................................... .................................................................... Postcode: ................................................... Occupation: ............................................... Signature: Date: The 1884 Legacy Society 10
Signed by the aforementioned in

My legacy pledge declaration

I would like to join the 1884 Legacy Society and shape the future of St Swithun’s (Please send this part to St Swithun’s or email the completed form to us at

Name: Address:

Please tick:

I intend to leave a legacy gift to St Swithun’s

I intend to leave a legacy gift of £10k or greater

I would like to speak to St Swithun’s about my intentions

I am not interested in legacy giving

All information received is handled confidentially. We are grateful for all legacy gifts and pledges of any amount and knowing your intentions means we can thank you for your caritas.

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............................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................
/ Telephone:

Alresford Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1HA Tel: 01962 835782 Fax: 01962 835779

St Swithun’s School (Winchester)

Company Registered in England and Wales Charity Reg. No. 307335 Company Reg. No. 110692

The 1884 Legacy Society 12
The Jill Isaac Study Centre was created to provide a quiet study space for the school’s upper sixth as they prepare for A-levels and university applications. The domed circular building was generously donated to enhance the school’s facilities, in memory of Jill, by her husband Malcolm.

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