The Epistle - February 2012

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CHILI COOK-OFF AND OLDFASmONED HOE-DOWN Are you tired of the cold weather already? Maybe a bowl of hot chili and some country dancing sounds like a cure for the winter blahs. Mark your calendar for March 24th, 4 to 7 pm. Bring your family over to Piney for some good old fashioned fun and homemade chili with all the trimmings and hotdogs for those who do not like chili. In fact, it is a good idea to invite your neighbors and friends t06. Our DJ, Gerry Bennett, will provide the music and volunteer cooks will provide the chili. If YOU have a favorite chili recipe, you can join in the challenge among chili makers and the contest will begin. Tasters will cast their votes for their favorite chili. Fabulous prizes will be given to the fITst and second place winners, so don't miss the fun. The cost for an evening of fellowship, food and fun will be $10 for adults or $20 for a family of 3 or more. Tickets will be available at coffee hours February 19th. Let Jane Fruh or Linda Hurd know if you will create a Crock Pot of chili. More details will be forthcoming.

The Alzheimer's Association is sponsoring a "Reason to Hope Breakfast" on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at the College of Southern Maryland in La Plata. Their goal is to acquaint attendees with the work they do in the local community. Check-in time will be 7:30 am. The breakfast and program will be from 8 am to 9 am, The breakfast is free but donations are accepted. Lorraine Berry is participating as a "Table Host" for the event. Please contact Lorraine at 240-7764021 or for further details or to reserve a seat at her table. *****~****************************

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Luke 12:34) Newton's laws of motion may too often govern our own behavior. That may explain, for example, why one of the fastest growing sectors in the service economy is self-storage. Excess household items, once laid away at rest, tend to remain at rest. Inertia takes over, and we keep what we have rather than give it up. With the holidays behind us and a new year lying ahead, it is a good time to rethink whether "the law of inertia" may govern how we handle our own resources. Will our giving - in terms of time, talent, or money - also obey the law of inertia?


- rlie StewardSliip Committee

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