The Epistle - February 2012

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Piney Parish Waldorf, Maryland

February 2012


Qector" ,

Dear Brothers.and Sisters' in Christ, I m guessmg that as we enter another new year we are all aware that nothing is the same as it was 20 years ago. One has only to think of cell phones, of TVs, of fashion styles... or think of the internet, Facebook, Twitter Ooops!... we didn't even have those 20 years ago. And ... most importantly... think of church. Times have changed and the way people find or join a church is vastly different than it was just 20 years ago. Studies agree that majority of individuals "begin their search" as adults when someone enthusiastically invites them to a worship service, "Come and see what we. do at my church!" About 15 percent begin by attending worship in a church they selected from the Yellow Pages. And 10 percent begin their search by worshipping at a church building they had noti~ed while driving past on a weekday.' Why do they begin their search at a particular time? Most say it's becauSe they feel an inner need... because their life is more stressful, or feels more negative. It seems that two factors strongly influence whether or not adults decide to become involved with a specific church: 1) How closely it agrees with beliefs formed in pre-college years (that is someone raised Baptist as a child will feel most comfortable in a church that has a Baptist "feel" to it.)

2) How well it meets their current needs for a social/spiritual community. Research tells us that four needs are especially important in choosing a church: 1) Religious education for children that includes moral and character education as well as learning about the Bible and church teachings. Young parents (ages 20-45) select their churches based on the one that is most appealing to their children and best meets their children's needs. (Is the nursery ,clean, bright, and modem? Are the classrooms up to date and using contemporary curriculum? Is there opportunity for music, crafts' and/or drama? Are there special children's sermons given in church?) 2) A sense of adult support, welcoming and inclusion on an ongoing basis from a number of people in the congregation. (If they come and no one speaks or interacts with them on a regular basis, they will not stay.) 3) A place for expanding social and business contacts as well as faith networking in an inclusive community which ,values their unique gifts and skills. 4) A place where worship and music is uplifting, empowering, joyful, and relevant. Church leaders






after 1975 as 15 percent of

e cencans ,.villi birthdates before 1946. Music should fit ewcomers' ages and eferences as well as nurture worshippers from all four eras: 1946, . 1946-1964; 19651990, and 1991-present. If you are like me you say, "This is a lot to consider ",ill require a lot of effort on my part." That's true! Keeping our church growing and vital in this community it will require determined effort from each and every one of us. It takes all of us working together to grow the church and fulfill Christ's mandate to, "Go and make disciples of all

1) The budget for 2012 was discussed with several further reductions presented by various Vestry Captains. The amended budget will be presented at the Annual Meeting on January 15,2011. 2) The outgoing Vestry Members were thanked for their service on the Vestry. Mike Fritz was thanked for assuming the position of Junior Warden mid~year. Kristin was thanked for her dedication and hard work as the Senior Warden. She was thanked with a round of applause from the other Vestry members. 3) Plans for the Bishop's Visit on February 12th were discussed. **********************************


people ... " [MT 28J




Please remove all flowers from gravesites by February 10, 2012. The Cemetery Committee will start clearing the cemetery on February 13, 2012. There will be no flowers on the gravesites from February 14, 2012 until April 7, 2012 unless they are live flowers. Thanks for your help in this matter.

pfii{ :J{ami{ton Cemetery Director

The Rt. Reverend Mariann Budde will lead and greet the congregation at both services on Sunday, February 12. Following the later service, a potluck . luncheon is planned. A unique suggestion was made to have all the food dishes come from recipes in our Piney Cookbook. This could be a recipe you submitted or one you would like to try. Small placards will be placed on the serving tables where the name of the dish and the page from which it was taken can be written. A gift of a cookbook will be given to the Bishop as a remembrance of her time with us. Thank you in advance for making this a truly special celebration. **********************************

FROM THE SERVICE MINISTRY: We will be providing dinner for the Angel'.s Watch Shelter on February 14th• Please contact Margaret Leman if you would like to help by preparing food or making a contribution. She can be reached at 301-645-1158 or **********************************

LADIES' NIGHT OUT - February 15 The next Ladies' Night Out will be at 6 pm on Wednesday, February 15th at the Sakura Japanese Steak House, 3205 Plaza Way, Waldorf. We look forward to seeing you on this evening for fun and fellowship. **********************************

FILE CABINET NEEDED The choir is looking for a file cabinet with at least four drawers. If you have one you are no longer using, please consider donating it to the St. Paul's choir. We can pick it up and a receipt for tax purposes is available. Email or call Peggy at 301-848-9148. Thank you." **********************************

My Dear Friends, 1 am blessed Your cards, calls and concerns during my illnesses are heart warming and health healing. 1 am grateful for and humbled by your carings. Thank you,

.Maud':H: :Pinkney


12, 2012 - 5-7 pm

The Youth Group will be sponsoring the pancake supper this year. We are in need of more help in cooking and serving, if you can assist, please contact John Sackman,Sr. 301-392-9367, or Susan Parody, 301-638-3844, Pancakes are associated with the day preceding Lent because they were a way to use up rich foodstuffs such as eggs, milk and sugar before the fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. The liturgical fasting emphasized eating plainer food and refraining from food that would give. pleasure; in many cultures, this means no meat, dairy or eggs. So as we begin the season of Lent and thinking about our sacrifice to God, let us eat well. The menu will include pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and juice and coffee. Tickets will be on sale beginning Sunday, February 12th during coffee hours. Cost will be: Adults, $8; Seniors, $6; Students (age 5-12), $5; children under 5, free. As always, you can also buy tickets at the door.


St. Paul's, Piney will be joining with the entire Diocese of Washington, at the suggestion of Bishop Mariann, as we offer a weekly Lenten study of the book, Finding Our Way A~ain by Brian McLaren and Phyllis Tickle. This evening gathering, open discussion, and study will be led by members of the congregation using the suggestions and guides provided by the diocese. We will also offer a Lenten soup and bread meal to begin the evening (do we have any offers from super soup-makers or bountiful bread-makers?) and a time of informal fellowship before the study begins. Days and time will be announced shortly. If you wish to get a jump start on the book - it is currently being sold on Amazon for $2.89 plus shipping if you look under the additional sources for new books. The book normally retails for $12.99. Mother Joy has eight new copies available for $5 each. **********************************

1 would like to thank everyone for all the cards, concerns and prayers 1 've gotten during my current bout with Shingles. 1 still have a way to go but am feeling much better. All the support 1 've gotten makes me fiellike I'm not alone in battling this "stuff."

:Bob.:Mumfora **********************************

ST. PAUL'S, PINEY BOOK CLUB The next meeting of the St. Paul's, Piney Book Club will be on Monday, February 27th in the clubhouse at Heritage of S1. Charles in White Plains, Maryland from 7-8:30 pm. We welcome new members and look forward to another great discussion. For more information, please contact Janice Miller at ianmill@comcas1.ne1. The book for discussion at that meeting will be The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. **********************************

SKIN CARE "LUNCH and LEARN" Please join us for a "Lunch and Learn" featuring S1.Paul's own Sandie Branan on Friday, March 2 at noon. Sandie is a licensed cosmetologist who will speak to us about promoting healthy skin and properly applying make-up. She promises an exciting and informative demonstration. Bring a bag lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided. RSVP or questions: Val Carter, 301-934-2883 or **********************************


CHILI COOK-OFF AND OLDFASmONED HOE-DOWN Are you tired of the cold weather already? Maybe a bowl of hot chili and some country dancing sounds like a cure for the winter blahs. Mark your calendar for March 24th, 4 to 7 pm. Bring your family over to Piney for some good old fashioned fun and homemade chili with all the trimmings and hotdogs for those who do not like chili. In fact, it is a good idea to invite your neighbors and friends t06. Our DJ, Gerry Bennett, will provide the music and volunteer cooks will provide the chili. If YOU have a favorite chili recipe, you can join in the challenge among chili makers and the contest will begin. Tasters will cast their votes for their favorite chili. Fabulous prizes will be given to the fITst and second place winners, so don't miss the fun. The cost for an evening of fellowship, food and fun will be $10 for adults or $20 for a family of 3 or more. Tickets will be available at coffee hours February 19th. Let Jane Fruh or Linda Hurd know if you will create a Crock Pot of chili. More details will be forthcoming.

The Alzheimer's Association is sponsoring a "Reason to Hope Breakfast" on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at the College of Southern Maryland in La Plata. Their goal is to acquaint attendees with the work they do in the local community. Check-in time will be 7:30 am. The breakfast and program will be from 8 am to 9 am, The breakfast is free but donations are accepted. Lorraine Berry is participating as a "Table Host" for the event. Please contact Lorraine at 240-7764021 or for further details or to reserve a seat at her table. *****~****************************

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Luke 12:34) Newton's laws of motion may too often govern our own behavior. That may explain, for example, why one of the fastest growing sectors in the service economy is self-storage. Excess household items, once laid away at rest, tend to remain at rest. Inertia takes over, and we keep what we have rather than give it up. With the holidays behind us and a new year lying ahead, it is a good time to rethink whether "the law of inertia" may govern how we handle our own resources. Will our giving - in terms of time, talent, or money - also obey the law of inertia?


- rlie StewardSliip Committee

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS: God has been moving in the hearts of many who have been sharing their gifts with the Christian Education program in the past few months. In the month of February, when we remember St. Valentine and the love he shared with others, we would like to thank those who have done the same here at St. Paul's. First we'd like to thank Paula Truitte, Charlie Gaumond, and Scott Wesley for their portrayal of Elizabeth, John the Baptist, and Isaiah for the Sunday School children in Advent. Thanks also to John Sackman, Sr. and the Youth Class for organizing Santa's Secret Shop. We also appreciate the work of Susan Carroll, Karen Truitt, and all of their helpers with the Christmas Pageant. Many thanks to Joyce Scofield and Linda Hurd for working with the Sunday School and Choir for the Caroling Venture to our shut-ins in December. We'd like to thank Wendy VanHoozier and Karen Truitt for teaching Sunday School in January and sharing information about St. Paul with our children. And for our crew of creative crafters who assisted the children in preparing banners about the life of St. Paul during the Interage Activity in late January as we recognized the feast day of the

Conversion of St. Paul. They include Jan Spotz, Michelle Lyon, Sallie Lyons, and Kathy Groff Special thanks to Kathy, who drew the designs used for the banners. We thank John Sackman, Sr. for his continued work with the Youth Class and Lorraine Berry who is assisting us with the snacks for Gathering Time. And most especially we thank Stephanie Hamilton for her organization and leadership with the Sunday School. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of the parents who bring your children to participate in our program. Our apologies if anyone has been missed and are known only to God. We thank you all for your support of the Sunday School with your acts of love in sharing God's message with our children. Watch in coming weeks for information about Lenten activities with Christian Education.

The Right Rev. Dr. Mariann Edgar Budde The Bishop of Washington Rector:

The Rev. Dr. Joy Rose, TSSF Phone: 301-934-8001 Email:


Office Hours:

Tuesday - Friday, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Parish Office: FAX: Email:

301-645-5000 301-638-5894 PinevParish(Q> www.PinevParish.ora

Web Page: Senior Warden: Junior Warden:

Linda Hurd, Mike Fritz,

443-550-3663 301-934-5736

Facilities Coordinator: Donna Ferguson, Cemetery Director: Phil Hamilton,

301-934-3127 301-645-5327


By the time you read this we will be off and running. The 20th Annual Silent Auction will be over with many thanks to Linda Lockhart and her committee and all of the parishioners who donated items. Those who attended the auction can tell you about the stunning decorations, delicious food and fabulous bargains they purchased. The Parish Life committee will be meeting shortly and would love to add you to our boat. We will be initiating some new fellowship/fundraising events and need your creative ideas and support as always. Email your ideas or let me know you would like to attend the meeting.

One ongoing opportunity we have is that for $5 you can purchase a $20 gift card to Ken Dixon Automotive which can be used for oil changes and other maintenance. Just let me know that you need one or several.


Once persons have been baptized, they may receive communion. Baptism, not confinnation, is full initiation into membership of the church. Therefore, even infants or small children may receive communion. Some parents, however, prefer to have their children begin to receive the Eucharist when they are older. This decision is importantly entrusted to parents, and we will support your decision. We also provide a variety of resources throughout your children's education at St. Paul's. One special offering is communion instruction classes at all grade levels held during the weeks just before Easter. Children learn (or are reminded again) the elements of why we do what we do and the significance of the Eucharistic meal. They then receive special recognition for their faithful participation in this study by being the first to come forward to receive communion during the 10:15 am Easter Sunday service. More infonnation about the dates of the classes will be distributed through the Sunday School classes.

Another ongoing fund raiser we are initiating is the recycling of inkjet cartridges. A basket has been placed in the foyer to collect them. Any brand or size will be OK. Please put yours in a plastic baggie and place them in the receptacle, we wilf do the rest.

Thank you to our Piney Family for all the notes and cards when Mike's mother passed away. We are so blessed to be a part of such a lovingfami/y.

Jane :Frufi

~li&~ Susan, .JJladTson,





:Brogan Carroll **********************************


This year Mother Joy and your delegates Janet Sargent and Charles Gaumond, with Steve Seely, Peggy Goldsmith, and Ruth Gaumond, attended the Diocesan Convention on January 2728. We approved the budget and voted on three resolutions, but most of the convention centered on worship and presentations about change and growth. Steve Seely, who is active in the Diocesan Council on Youth, led a group of teenage volunteers from the diocese who helped diocesan staff Themes of change and growth have . been presented for the past three years, but our new bishop, Mariann Budde, urges in particular the growth of parishes in our diocese, both in numbers and in spiritual renewal. She is here to learn the character and situation of each parish and to help each parish find what it needs to adapt and to anticipate changes in society, as well as new technology that serves and also changes society. Bishop Mariann and Dr. Lisa Kimball from the Virginia Theological Seminary led a seminar on the theory and practice of growing a congregation. Every congregation faces the challenge of spreading our message; we compete with other organizations including corporations who present their mission clearly and positively using the . latest technologies and methods. The Episcopal Church is no longer competing with other denominations; we are competing with Harry Potter. (In my opinion, we are also competing

intellectually with philosophies.)



They presented ideas from "Average is Over," by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. Average organizations and products cannot withstand the competition from organizations that adapt and change quickly and responsively. We cannot be average. Do not be dismayed! Even Brian McLaren, a Baptist minister and author, has said that we are intrinsically not average with our unique mix of liturgy, reliance on the Bible as well and tradition and reason, and our unique governance. He has said that this is the Episcopal moment. Our future will be filled with more and faster communication technologies and a population with more older people who are healthy and fewer younger people. Our future will be filled with more people who are completely ignorant of anything related to religion. We must excel and show that we are spiritually vital with a strong mission and purpose. We must be open to change to help others in the future. If this sounds daunting and overwhelming, do not be afraid. We are equipped with the trust, love and faith that accompanied St. Paul. In the words of the diocesan convention's theme, "We will, with God's help." **********************************


Accokeek, Maryland: Potomac Ridge Golf Links

I would like to thank everyone in the Parish路 and especially the Silent Auction Bryans Road, Maryland: Mama Stella's Restaurant Committee for all of their help and support with the 2012 Silent Auction. The evening Charlotte Hall, Maryland: couldn't have been better. Among the St. MarYs Landing Restaurant items up for bid included a number of very True Value exciting vacation packages, several golf Wentworth Nursery outings, antiques, collectibles, original Faulkner, Maryland: works of art and hand crafted items. The Hugh C. Gardiner, Inc. food was once again outstanding (especially the chicken salad sandwiches Indian Head, Maryland: and ham biscuits) and the wine this year Hill Top Beauty Salon was fantastic. Best of all, however, was . Issue, Maryland: the wonderful crowd of people who Swan Point Yacht and Country Club attended. Every year we have a marvelous Hughesville, Maryland: mix of new attendees and people who Everything Amish would not think of missing the event. King George, Virginia: Thanks to all of the St. Paul's "angels" Cameron Hills Golf Links who donated the wonderful items for the Mechanicsville, Maryland: auction, decorations, and cash donations to Tidewater Pharmacy defray auction costs. Between the Wicomico Shores Golf Course outstanding attendance and the generosity of our Parish members, friends and family, La Plata, Maryland: we earned a total of approximately Applebee's Neighborhood Grill $17,000.

I would also like to take this time to recognize the many businesses that generously donated items and gift certificates. Listed below are the area stores who so graciously supported our efforts. It is important to remember that as our community grows, the requests for donations from these businesses also grows and it behooves us all to say thank you to them by supporting them in return and let them know we appreciate their generosity.

.linda .locRnart Silent Auction Chairman

Bernie's Frame Shop Best Western Carvel Ice Cream Cathy Smith's Reflexology Colonial Liquors Flooring Central Judy's Hallmark Ledo's Pizza Marie's Diner Martin's MRW Lawns, Inc. Outback Steakhouse Ouzo's Greek and Regional Cuisine Pizza Hot Line

Port Tobacco Players Theater Royal Tea Room Southern Tire Towne Mouse Cafe True Value World Gym Port Tobacco, Maryland: Blue Dog Saloon and Restaurant Upper Marlboro, Maryland: Bob Hall Distributors




& CONVERSATION Thank: you to those who hosted Coffee Hour in January:

Andrews, Bongar, Gormley & Clagett Besche Oil Co.

Darlene and Joe Guy Russ and Ann Lancaster Val and Ken Carter Mike and Susan Fritz

Burger King Carrabba's Italian Grill

Kay Laughton Karen Truitt

Chaney The Concrete Store Country Florist Dr. Garg -love My Dentist Foster's Grill

Judy and Phil Hamilton Lynn and Sallie Lyons G.O. and Joyce Lyon

Waldorf, Maryland:

Greater Waldorf Jaycees Ken Dixon Automotive lefty's Bar-B-Que longwood Nursery Mary Kay Cosmetics, Doreen McAllister Massage Envy Mimi's Cafe Myers Auto Service Nancy's Beauty Shop Natural Elements Red, Hot & Blue Restaurant Southern Maryland Blue Crabs Top Wrench Automotive Waldorf Tire Yankee Candle White Plains, Maryland: Prime Street Grille White Plains Golf Course


LAWNCRYPTFORSALE The Endowment Committee has for sale a Lawn crypt. which has two burial rights at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, 3401 Bladensburg Road, Brentland, MaIyland. Value is $4,995 but would sell it for a special price of $3,000. If you are interested, please contact Phil Hamilton, 301-645-5327 or George Andrews, 301932-0720. **********************************



The parish office should be contacted immediately when a member has died. The clergy will be available for pastoral support and to plan burial arrangements. Christian burial, whene,ver possible, is preceded by a worship service held in the church. Saint Paul's tradition is that flowers in the church are displayed only at or in front of the altar. Additional flowers will bl:? placed in the breezeway. If a casket is in the church, it is closed and covered with a pall symbolizing the equality of all before God. Those who wish to memorialize a loved one may make a contribution directly to the church or to the memorial committee or to other designated memorial programs. Ashes may be interned in the Saint Francis Garden. For further information on funerals or other memorial opportunities, please contact the Rector. For information on obtaining a burial site in our cemetery, please contact the Cemetery Director. **********************************


Thanks to those who increased their pledges or gave additional funds to support our church this year. You and your gift are a blessing to all of us. **********************************



IN FEBRUARY 3 5 7 10 II 13 14 -

16 -

Janet Sargent Kia Williams Madison Carroll Donna Boswell Mike Lewis Debbie Brown Daniel Boda Don and Betty Wilson Ed and Laurie Jaffe Sewell and Paula Truitte Jerry and Carol Worsham Pete Shanklin

20 -

Kaelin Cavanaugh Marion Lanham

21 23 26 -

Jack Ferguson Joe Guy Joan Crittenden

28 -

Cindy Bears Joyce Ferguson Wendy VanHoozier

If you have a birthday or anniversary in February and are not listed above, please notify the office so that you can be included next time. Thank you! **********************************


, Carol Zanawlll


Jane Alvaro Paz Hicho Paula Truitte Phil Hamilton Donnie Garner Bill Jeannie Joan Fraser Fruh Crittenden Paz Hicho Melinda Fern Fred Ron Brown Crittenden Ritter Brown Sewell Justin Paula Truitte Truitt Truitte Lois Pam Keech Smith Dana Crittenden Mike Deanna BISHOP'S Mike Fritz Quasne Gerhart RECEPTION Susan Connor Eric Hamilton Fritz Keech Laurie Jaffe Lyon Don Wilson John Sackman, Sr. Don Katelyn Phil Dora & & Betty Judy VanHoozier Bunting Wilson Hamilton Joyce Scofield Scott Wesley Greg Skip Reeves Roland Tom David Steve Duke & Burroughs & Seely Meredith Shelley May Culhane Joe Duke Flynn Burroughs Becky Hackley Phil Ann Guy Dick & & Smith Judy Jimmy & Margaret Hamilton Robey Leman Doug Becky Lynn White & Hackley Sallie Lyons Wesley Steve Hamilton Seely Peggy Goldsmith Lorraine Susan Greg Parody Berry Donna Ferguson Duke Burroughs Wendy Harriott & Emily Jimmy VanHoozier Gough Lorraine Greg & Berry Donna Ferguson Lynn Jan Lyons Spotz Sean Heyl Susan Parody February February February 28 19 February 12


Catherine Sokol

February 1

10-12 am 11 amPaul's -Conversation Waldorf Adult Choir Rehearsal with Bible10-12 Study Food Pantry Open Handchime Rehearsal Bishop, Coffee am &Region Prayer Ministry 6pm 7pm St. hosts 10-12 am 1:30 pm Wedding and Food Pantry Open inVestry Hall Choir 9:30 amAdult Rhearsal H.E. Choir H.E. Eucharist EPISTLE 11 10am am 5.5. 9:30 am atShawl CCNRC Prayer Shawl Ministry DEADUNEJ 27 Choir Rehearsal Adult Choir Rehearsal 5pm Rehearsal Bible Study meets with Bishop visits 6pm Yoga Wedding Rehearsal Bishop Mariann at Collington 6pm6pm 9 9:30 am-3:30 pm 22 21 16 18 1Reception 7 25 2 4 Sunday 23 4 ASH WEDNESDAY 7pm pm Leaders 728 pm 8 7 6 20 15 14 13 1Yoga LENT 11 Vestry Ladies' Night Out 29 10-12 am 6pm Steak House in Food Pantry Open at atHandchime Sakura Japanese Mimi's Luncheon Restaurant 7Adult Gospel 12 noon ofRetreat Mary Wednesday Saturday Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday Foyer Group Charles St. Clubhouse Book Club Handchime Rehearsal at Paul's Heritage of St. 7pm


Food Pantry Open


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