Sr. Donna M. Pollard, O.P. - ex officio
Marisa Cruz Hurd '94 Chair
Deidra Smith
Vice Chair
Sean Jez Treasurer
Joan M Gallagher Secretary
Roberta Konicki
Paule Anne Lewis
Jerry Nevlud
Sr. Mary Jean Olsovsky, O.P.
Melissa J O’Neil
Tracey A. Prince
Ginger Przybyla
Monica Silver
Ray Vitulli
Richard Worley ‘95
Jim Black President
Mike O’Connor
Vice President
Sr. Lavergne Schwender, O.P. Secretary
Ray Vitulli - Foundation Treasurer
Thomas Bradley Edwards, M.D
Jose Enriquez
Ray Gilliam
Marisa Cruz Hurd '94
Erik Konicki
Anna Mateja
Donna M. Pollard, O.P
Kevin Roberts
Adriane M. Schultea ’96
Star Stefka-Borg
Patrick Svrcek
Brian D. Walton
Robert W. Wolf
The Office of Advancement of St. Pius X High School publishes the Annual Report. The report lists gifts made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, the School’s fiscal year. In compiling this report, we have made every effort to ensure these listings are accurate and complete. If you made a gift during this period and your name has been omitted, misspelled or listed inaccurately, please accept our sincere apologies and advise us of the error by contacting Mr. Jerry Yeager in the Office of Advancement at 713.579.7511 or yeagerj@stpiusx.org with the correct information.

Sr. Donna M. Pollard, O.P., Prioress
Sr. Mary Jean Olsovsky, O.P., Vicaress
As I write this letter, our campus is abloom with the transformative beauty of Spring. Our Panther family has been joyfully participating in school events, such as Veritas Theatre's spring performance, athletic games, retreats, Stewardship for Justice for Turkey and Syria, and volunteer gatherings.
This outpouring of generosity speaks volumes of the nature of stewardship at St. Pius X High School. Ours is a giving community which recognizes the importance of acknowledging our blessings and responding in kind. As we know, generosity can be reflected in many forms: donations of time, like our Parents Association (Moms and Dads clubs) and our Booster clubs who provide service to the school’s numerous events, and our dedicated gala committee that ensures a successful annual SPX Foundation Gala. Our alumni, students and parents once again volunteered their time for a day together at Kids Meals. We are blessed to have so many generous stewards in our community, whose values are reflective of our founding ideals.
Stewardship also entails caring for those things that have been entrusted to us. For the SPX community, that form of
stewardship is profound. It includes fostering the Dominican charism in our current students and their families and encouraging it in our Dominican family and in future generations. It means nurturing those traditions that ensure our students and alumni remain Panthers Forever. Stewardship affirms our commitment to integral ecology and care of Earth, our common home, a challenge inspired by Pope Francis in his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’. And it also encompasses our responsibility to maintain and preserve the physical plant and campus that have served generations of the SPX community so well.

Over the course of the last year, the SPX community was able to implement Panther Pride days for our students and staff. In addition, we were able to equip the Panther Den with ping pong and pool tables for student use before and after school and during lunch. The implementation of these activities has brought life and joy to our campus. The challenges that COVID brought to building community and sustaining relationships have disappeared. There is nothing better than seeing smiling faces on campus!
Each year since 1992, we have proudly published an Annual Report which includes a roll of donors to the St. Pius X High School community. We hope that you will enjoy reading this edition of our 2021-22 Annual Report. This is not only our yearly “thank you” to the many individuals, corporations, and foundations who help to provide a stable foundation for our School; it is also an opportunity to glimpse those who benefit from those gifts and learn of their success stories. We trust you will agree that we steward your gifts well at St. Pius X High School! You are instrumental in helping us carry on our mission today and tomorrow. Please know that you remain in our prayers as we continue to hold you in our hearts with love and gratitude!
In Veritas, Donna M. Pollard, O.P. Interim Head of School
Despite the challenges of a tumultuous school year in an evolving “post-COVID” landscape, the 2021-2022 year was packed with memorable moments. From the dazzling lights of the Homecoming football game, sacred school liturgies, three fantastic Veritas Theatre productions, and an unforgettable Enchanted Forest senior prom, our students experienced a rich and formative school year.
It is often said it takes a village to raise a child. In the same vein, it takes a community, a mission of caring and charitable individuals, to make a

difference in the lives around us. I continue to be awed and inspired by the community we have at St. Pius X High School.
The intellectual capital of our trustees, the hard work of parent volunteers, the enthusiastic support of alumni, and the generous financial support provided by so many in the extended SPX family make all the difference in accomplishing our mission to make a Veritas education accessible to all. The goals of the school are rooted in our Dominican heritage and guide the board, faculty, staff, and volunteers in all we do. I truly believe that the SPX Panther spirit is built on these tenets,
coupled with generous giving.
On behalf of myself and the entire community, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the generosity of every donor – be it time, treasure, or talent. Thank you for your commitment to SPX. The fruits of your generosity can already be seen all around campus, and I know we will continue to see it blossom for years to come.

In thanksgiving,
Marisa Cruz Hurd '94 21-22 Chair, SPX Board of DirectorsROLL OF DONORS
Publishing the Roll of Donors each year is a small way in which St. Pius X High School can publicly recognize those who have made financial gifts to the School. Gifts included in this list are those made from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. Every year, the list of benefactors grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent donors who have supported St. Pius X for many years. Each of these gifts is needed and appreciated.
Every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide financial aid, construct, renovate or maintain facilities, or develop new academic programs. Please take a few moments to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, friends, faculty and staff, businesses, foundations, and organizations who have made a gift this year. Because of their support, St. Pius X High School can continue its mission to teach truth and preach justice.
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bramanti
The Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation
Dominican Sisters of Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes '64/'66
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Thomas G. and Nancy J. Macrini Foundation, Inc.
Marek Family Foundation
Scanlan Foundation
Mrs. Raye G. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alsup
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barth
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bright, Jr. Callahan Advisors, LLC
Mr. Gary L. Edmondson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilliam
Mr. Edgar E. Hancock '62
Mr. Gavin and Mrs. Marisa Cruz Hurd '94
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Isler '82/'82
Mr. Gregory S. Jez and Mrs. Beth B. Jez '89
Mr. George Joseph
The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy
Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Konicki
The Lewis and Joan Lowenstein Foundation
Moran Shipping Agency of Texas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Myers '61
The Louis and Peaches Owen
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rekieta '76
Ms. Margaret Terrasson
Dr. Libbyette Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zinni

Allegiance Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Amelang
Mr. James A. Black
Mr. Eddie B. Blackwell, Jr. '92
Mr. Richard Blair
Dr. and Mrs. Louis-Philippe Bosse
DeMontrond Automotive Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Elam
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. George
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Irvin
Mr. and Ms. Juan Padilla
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Parsley '80
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sands
Mr. Charlie E. Sarao '64
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tomczeszyn '89
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Walkoviak '65/'65
West Point Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. White '11
Dr. Noe Zamora and Mrs. Bernadette Zamora '92
Advant Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Angulo
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bodensteiner Service, Inc
Mr. Marcus A. Bollom '71
Mr. Jason Borg and Ms. Star Stefka-Borg
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyles, Sr.
Mr. Bartholomew J. Bramanti '16
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Callahan
Mrs. Vicki Clepper
Mr. James M. Davin II '21
Mr. Frank R. Dittoe and Ms. Joan M. Gallagher
Ms. Kelley Fitzgerald
Ms. Charlotte Gilliam Ray '99
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guckenburg
The Hillcrest Foundation
Houston Pilots
Houston Mooring Company
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hughes '68/'68
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruppa
Mr. Kevin Lunday
Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marek '66
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Massiatte '96/'96
Mr. and Ms. Michael Matula
The John and Maryanne McCormack Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Motiva Enterprises, LLC
MTY Builders Inc.
Mr. Leonard Norris '79
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paneral
Mr. Huw Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Pollard
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Sipes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Svrcek
Ms. Amy Thompson '91
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Trant
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Woods '93/'92
Mrs. Yan Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benys '85
Ms. Carisa Bolanos
Ms. Janet Haynes Box '63
Mr. and Ms. Hector Caram
Catalyst Counseling
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Fabian A. Corzo
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crockett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Troy W. Davis '94
Mr. Pete Dear and Mrs. Wendy Prater Dear '82
Dee Foundries & Sipi Metals
Mr. Jose Enriquez
Mr. Brian Flaherty
Ms. Laura Fletcher
Mr. Robert A. Gonzales '89
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gould '67/'67
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hancock '73
Mr. and Ms. Clinton Heider
Mr. Kevin Holt
Dr. Cheryl Howard and Ms. Kendra Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Brock King
Mr. Charles M. Kmiecik '70
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane
The Ninfa Laurenzo Scholarship Fund
Lexington Independents
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mateja
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben G. Martinez, Jr. /'88
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGowan
Mr. Johnny Misley and Mrs. Kristina Misleh '00
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mobley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Nevlud '74
PBK Sports
Phillips 66
Mr. and Mrs. David Pierce '81/'82
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jeffrey Przybyla '67/'67
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Radusch
Mr. David Kem and Ms. Judith L. Raines '66
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rohlfs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sadoski '64
Mr. and Mrs. Herc Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sanders
Slice Of Life Properties LLC
Strake Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Stringfellow
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wendler
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Alex
Mr. and Mrs. John Belcher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Rickie Belt
Ms. Joann Bishop '80
Mr. Kenneth W. Bollom '73
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bubela
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Canon
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Carney /'67
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ciarella '74/'74
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cunningham
Dr. Marion J. Danna '70
Ms. Christina Deajon '82
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Devlin '94
Mr. Josh Ecroyd and Dr. Lisa Ecroyd
Mr. Bruce Erftmier
Mr. Michael E. Evans and Mrs. Kimberly R. Evans '90
Mrs. Rachel Fabre
Mr. Thad Faleski III
Fat Dads Basketball
Mr. Aaron Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garfield, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Scott George
Mr. Peter Gilliam and Mrs. JoAnn P. Gilliam '00
Mr. and Mrs. James Gray
Mrs. Kristin L. Guthrie
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jankowski '68/'68
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson
Ms. Bernadette Keating
Dr. and Mrs. Tony Kim Kroger Company
Mrs. Janice Schneider Lahr '60
Mrs. Karen Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Loredo
Mr. Bradley L. Maxcey
Mr. and Mrs. Brady McCarty /'04
Mr. Robert A. McKee and Mrs. Rosela McKee '74
Sister Jane Meyer O.P.
Mr. Paul M. Nick
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Phillips '72/'73
Sister Donna M. Pollard, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Quinlan '64
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scardino Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Seberger '81
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Skopal
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Smith
Dr. Francisco Velazquez and Dr. Marieberta Vidal
Mrs. Linda Gerace Visinsky '63
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon A. Vitulli III
Mr. Jeffrey Ward and Dr. Jennifer Ward
Mr. Chad Warner
Mr. Rick Worley, Jr. '95
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Altomari / '79
Bank of America
Mr. James Avant and Mrs. Angela M. Chance-Avant '86
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham I. Baba
Mr. and Mrs. James Banfill '59
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Baxter /'68
Mr. A. J. Benys, Jr. '82
Ms. Blakely Bering and Mr. Steven Boeder
Mr. Steven Birkelbach
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Blackford
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Bodensteiner/'90
Ms. Carol Keyworth Boll '61
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Botello
Mrs. Carolyn J. Bryant
Mrs. Betty Spampinato Cadena '61
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Calub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carew
Mr. Richard Childs and Mrs. Beverly Childs '64
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cormier
Ms. Carolina A. Corzo '18
Mr. Christian T. Corzo '20
Mr. and Mrs. F. Baron Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Cromeens
Mr. and Mrs. David Dabney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis
Mr. Peter Schubert and Mrs. Lori Davis-Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Diamond
Mrs. Darlene Dichero '70
Mr. Franklin Edmonds
Ms. Christine Eheman '60
Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fite
Mr. David Fox
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frank, Jr. '65
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Goins '68
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Griffin
Mr. Jimmy Hintz
LTC and Mrs. James V. Hintz III
Mrs. Patricia Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Hughes '94
Mr. Michael Jacksis and Mrs. Jennifer Jacksis-Quintana
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Jacobs '98/'99
Sister Wanda Jinks O.P.
Ms. Tricia Joseph
Reverend Lawrence W. Jozwiak J.C.L. '76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kasischke
Mr. Arthur M. Keller '73
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kemper
Mr. Harold Kenrick
Knights of Columbus
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Krusleski '82
Ms. Katie M. Kubiak '07
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kubiak '79/'79
Mr. and Ms. Marc Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Lease /'96
Ms. Diane Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leone /'98
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lopez, Sr.
Ms. Elisha Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lorson '64
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Low/ '98
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lurix
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marcantel
Mr. John P. McKenna '64
Mr. and Mrs. Chris McMinn
Ms. Carol A. Meister '63
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montalbano '62
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Moratto, Jr. '99
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Narvaez
Mrs. Carol Neff
Mr. and Ms. Steve C. Nitzsche '83
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O'Connor
Sister Mary Jean Olsovsky O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Neil, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Panzica '66
Ms. Leslie Pauls
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pawlawski '63
Mr. Rob Peterson and Mrs. Carolyn A. Peterson '63
Ms. Ginger A. Przybyla
Mrs. Deborah L. Lopez Ramirez '86
Mrs. Eliza Lovett Randall
Ms. Kathleen Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. William Reyner, Jr. /'77
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rogers /'67
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Santiago
Sister Lavergne Schwender, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Shanks
Mrs. Patricia Beach Sherrill '68
Ms. Evelyn Shupak
Mr. Billy Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Skouby
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Slaid
Dr. and Mrs. Randal R. Stavinoha
Mr. and Mrs. David Thorson
Mr. and Mrs. David Tyrell
Mrs. Tawn Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Warne '77
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wehrer
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Winkler
Mrs. Jaclyn S. Wisnoski '97
Mrs. Barbara Holik Woods '67
Mr. Jeff Woods '89
Mrs. Mary Ann Sralla Addison '69
Mr. Norbert Aguilar '82
Albertsons Safeway
Mrs. Maureen McMahan Alsup '68
Ms. Sarah L. Altus '11
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Amalfi Jr. /'72
Mr. Mart Anderson
Ms. Kathryn Anderson '08
Anonymous Donations
Ms. Stephanie L. Peairson Applewhite '96
Mr. Anthony J. Aquilina, Jr. '64
Ms. Marilyn Arendt
Mr. Chris Arsdel
Mrs. Catherine A. Asaro '73
Mr. Charles and Dr. Carol Aulbach
Mrs. Criselda Oliveira Austin '92
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Babin '01
Mr. Matthew M. Babin '97
Ms. Angelina M. Babineaux '89
Mrs. Katherine L. Miles Bain '03
Mr. Michael Bancroft '74
Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Banks, Jr. '98
Mrs. Barbara A. Steimel Barcelona '61
Miss Barbara Barnes
Mr. Don A. Barnett '83
Ms. Mercedes S. Barraza '16
Mr. and Mrs. Daren Bartula /'96
Mr. Brian M. Batson '02
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Battenfield , Jr. '87/'87
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Battenfield, Sr. '68/'68
Ms. Michelle Bauman
Mrs. Mary A. Jankowski Beard '72
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Beauford /'78
Ms. Georgianne Beissner '87
Mr. Keith D. Bell '91
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benestante
Ms. Rosie L. Beniretto '63
Ms. Erin E. Smith Bennett '03
Mr. Braeden S. E. Benys '20
Mr. Andrew Biba
Sister Kelly Biddle, O. P.
Mr. Jerome C. Bielamowicz '66
Ms. Staci D. Biggar
Ms. Keya Bishop
Mrs. Heidi Bollich-Erne
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonnett /'76
Mrs. and Mr. Karen Bordas
Ms. Lauren M. Borrego '01
Mr. James A. Borski '62
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Boulanger
Mrs. Anouchka Bowne
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Bramanti '00
Mr. Joseph A. Bramanti '06
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breeding /'82
Ms. Karen Brockenbrough
Mrs. Clare Brockman
Ms. Michelle Broussard
Ms. Sasha Brown
Ms. Kari Browning
Mr. Kenneth Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyles
Ms. Margaret S. Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Burns III
Mr. Thomas Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Butts /'87
Mr. Sam J. Buyajian '63
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Cabaud III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Cali
Mr. Jorge Camas
Mr. Laura Cano '97
Mr. Jose Carbajal and Mrs. Julissa Villasana
Ms. Sally Y. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carouthers, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carter
Dr. Nedith Casquete
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Caudill
Ray Cauthern
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cavanaugh /'69
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Cegielski
Ms. Milagros M. Cerda '98
Mr. Lathan Chambers
Ms. Chelsea M. Chance '13
Mr. Wayne Cherry
Ms. Karen Christos
Mr. Charles Chude and Mrs. Sharon
Sobotik Chude '66
Ms. Mary Snow Cipolla '71
Mrs. Tanya Clark
Dr. Yvonne Clark
Ms. Cindi Collins
Mr. Martin Collymore '95
Knights of Columbus Galveston-Houston Chapter
Ms. Jacquelynn Conger
ConocoPhillips Company
Mr. Miguel Contreras and Ms. Maria Fajardo
Mr. Peter Contreras
Mr. Anthony Corte '60
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cox
Mrs. Karen Crabtree
Mr. Gregory Cranfill
Mr. and Mrs. Owen P. Crow/ '90
Mr. Steven Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. David + Cusimano
Mrs. Kara Dagostino
Mr. William P. Daly '60 and Mrs. Darleen Gerace Daly '60
Ms. Mary G. Dattilo
Mr. Brandon P. Davenport '20
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Davin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Davis
Dr. Rhonda De Loache
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert De Los Santos Jr.
Ms. Emily M. Dear '21
Mrs. Patricia Straub Defalco '62
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Delphin '86
Mr. Kaleb C. Delphin '19
Mrs. Linda Guenther Denison '68
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin DeVries '95
Mr. Paul A. Dishman '83
Ms. Sarah A. Dismuke '13
Mr. Justin Doran '91
Mrs. Julie Dorman
Ms. Mary M. Dowe
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Driver
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor L. Ducoff '09
Mr. and Mrs. Garret Dumoit '92
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duoto '62 +/'64
Mr. William Durham and Ms. Susan Gallagher
Mr. Dennis T. Duszynski
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Dyson '64
Mr. James Dziedzic '94
Mr. Joseph Elam
Ms. Judith Elam
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ellisor
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Esquivel
Mr. Arthur J. Etzler, Jr.
Mr. Ephrem Eyob
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Eyring '63
Ms. Joan M. Fagan
Ms. Madelyn Falivene
Mrs. Mary Fenn Farmer '64
Ms. Crystal McMahan Faver '89
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Feldpausch
Mr. Jeff Feller
Ms. Xzenia Fernandez
Mr. Joseph A. Ferraro '83
Mr. Carl W. Ferraro '65
Ms. Lily Ann Carrillo Ferris '75
Ms. Stacey L. Fike '95
Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. Fite, Jr. '65
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fite '68
Mr. Lawson Fite '79
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Fite '86
Mr. John R. FitzGerald
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Flatten
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flores /'80
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Flores '85/'84
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Flores
Ms. Mary Beth Flores
Ms. Elisa Flores '95
Mr. Christian A. Flores '21
Mr. Robert Paniagua and Ms. Veronica Flores-Paniagua
Mr. Patrick M. Foye and Dr. Ana L. Blackmon
Mrs. Claudia Arguelles Franks '07
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fredette
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fullenwider/'89
Ms. Tonya M. Gaitz '97
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Galiette
Ms. Mary Ann Trombatore Galindo '60
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gallatin / '02
Ms. Nancy E. Gallegos '21
Captain and Mrs. John N. Gallis '62
Mr. Richard Garcia '76
Dr. Yesehia Garcia
Ms. Teresa M. Garcia
Mrs. Clare F. Garcia '10
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Colby '05/'05
Mr. John R. Garza '06
Ms. Melissa G. Garza '91
Ms. Chloe C. Garza '12
Ms. Isabella C. Garza '14
Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Gay
Ms. Catherine A. George '19
Mr. James A. Giacona '07
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Giles
Mr. Chris Goins '78
Mrs. Erica Gonzales
Mr. Stephen Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goodweather
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Gorka, Jr. '67
Mr. Stephen Graham '65
Ms. Dolores Kmiecik Graham '68
Ms. Jessica L. Grahmann '02
Mr. Cory Green
Ms. Alicia Green
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Greenwade /'77
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffin /'64
Mr. Marcus Grimes '07
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Grochett '65/'65
Mrs. Rosalie Calvin Groendes '64
Mr. John W. Grupa '63
Ms. Christina Guajardo
Ms. Alicia I. Gutierrez '99
Mr. and Mrs. Angel A. Gutierrez '96 /'96
Mrs. Tabitha Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haas '84/'85
Mrs. Joyce Haas
Mr. Pat P. Hancock '08
Ms. Christine M. Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Chris K. Hanus '79
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Harris '59
Mr. Scott Hay and Mrs. Jill E. Hay '82
Mrs Tiffany M. Fischer Hayes '06
Mr. Paul Hebert
Mrs. Janet M. Gentry Hebert '69
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin M. Hengst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Henning, Jr. '62
Ms. Julie Hepler
Mr. Christopher R. Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herrera '69
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Herzog
Ms. Nancy Hewitt
Hewlett-Packard Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Hidalgo, Sr. '59/'59
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hlozek '65
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Holik '84/'91
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holik '81/'82
Mr. Edward C. Holloway
Mrs. Karen Popelka Honey '68
Mrs. Catherine Nunciato Hood '09
Mr. and Ms. Jerry Hornsby
Dr. John H. Houchin II '65
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hubbard /'89
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Huddleston
Mrs. Barbara L. Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Gray G. James
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Jessup /'88
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Johnson
Mr. Chandler M. Johnson '11
Ms. Mildred Dickel Johnson '77
Ms. Rose Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Millard A. Johnson /'91
Mrs. Jeannine Joiner
Mr. Jeremy K. Joseph '06
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jurick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaiser /'00
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Kallus '76/'76
Mr. Stephen D. Kallus '91
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kallus '89
Ms. Carol Kanewske
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kapczynski
Ms. Rosalind Kaplan
Mr. John Kaylor
Mr. Simon Keating
Ms. Andrea A. Keith '04
Mr. and Mrs. Diane Rodriguez Keller /'82
Mr. Luke Kerschbaum
Mrs. Janet S. Roemer Key '82
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kieschnick
Mr. Ronnie Kilpatrick and Mrs. Danielle E. Kilpatrick '07
Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. King
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kirk '76
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Kirk, Jr. '75
Mr. Frank Kleinworth III '64
Mr. Jack E. Kleinworth '71

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kloss '66
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Klvac '88/'89
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Komarek
Sister Mignonne Konecny, O.P.
Mrs. Bernadette J. Cadena Konkel '99
Mr. Andrew Korenek '74
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Koteras /'63
Mrs. Evelyn Knapik Krolczyk '62
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krolczyk /'88
Ms. Chelsea Kuzniar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lahaie /'73
Ms. Patricia L. Lampton
Ms. Tuyen Le
Ms. Pauline Consoli Leaumont '70
Ms. Yolanda Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ed LeGate
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Lesmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lipp '96
Mrs. Domenica Liska '98
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lloyd /'84
Ms. Michelle G. Lockstedt '01
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Lokker
Mr. Michael Lonchar '64
Ms. Vicki Long '90
Mrs. Rebecca A. Longoria '91
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Lopez, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Lopez
Ms. Brenda Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lozano
Mr. John J. Magalhaes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Majewski '98
Mr. Mathew Maldonado '13
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Malicki
Mr. Jonathan L. Marek '98
Mrs. Kimberly Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Martin /'92
Mr. David Martinez and Ms. Yolanda I. Zamudio
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Martinez
Ms. Dora Martinez
Mr. David Mathieu
Mr. and Mrs. John James Matula
Mrs. Christina M. Miles Maxwell '02
Sister Carol Mayes, O.P.
Ms. Jo McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McClure /'74
Mr. and Mrs. Herb McCullum III
Mrs. Cara M. LeBlanc McFadden '00
Ms. Abigail R. McGee '19
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McGee '84
Mrs. April McIntosh
Ms. Alison McKell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. McKenna '65/'72
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. McKoy '82
Mr. Samuel McWhorter
Ms. Margaret M. Mebus
Ms. Michele Meicler
Ms. Graciela Melchor
Ms. Kaylyn Aden Merricks
Ms. Holly Meyer
Mr. Brian Miksch '91

Mr. and Mrs. J Otis Mitchell, Sr.
Ms. Donna Mobley
Mr. Arturo Melo and Ms. Camelia Molina
Ms. Griselda Montalvo
Ms. Julie Morehead
Mr. Kenneth P. Morgan '71
Ms. Magdalena Munyon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Murphy
Ms. Kristina Musachia
Ms. Mari H. Muzyka '19
Ms. Rachel Naff
Mr. Rodney E. Nathan '84
Mr. Phillip Pham and Mrs. Hayley Nguyen
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Udeh Nkwocha '03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nunciato '06
Mr. and Ms. Imad Obid
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce On
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Orr /'97
Mr. and Mrs. Earon Nick F. Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Otto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Overbey
Mr. Jeffrey Page
Ms. Nicole Pampell
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmond Pawlowski '63
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peairson '94/'96
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Pechacek /'79
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pecot
Mr. Joseph Perez '89
Ms. Cynthia Perez
Mr. Russell Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pesek
Ms. Angela Phillips '96
Mrs. Alison C. Picheloup
Mr. and Mrs. Jeramie C. Pinter '98
Ms. Krystal Pitre
Mr. Terry Poole and Mrs. Tara Bufkin
Ms. Vicky W. Porter
Mr. Paul W. Fisher and Ms. Mary Linda Portner
Mrs. Dolores Prater
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pratt Jr.
Ms. Keeva J. Price '00
Mrs. Connie Nevlud Pritchett '73
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pryor '77/'77
Mr. Jason F. Radfar '00
Mr. Babak A. Radfar '97
Ms. Monique K. Ramirez '02
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Ramirez
Mrs. Phyllis Beam Rector '60
Ms. Abigail Reed
Mrs. Linnie Reichle
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Resendez '05
Ms. Candace M. Reyes '08
Mr. Jim Reynolds and Mrs. Marcia L. Reynolds '70
Mr. John Rezentes
Mrs. Carolyn Sobotik Richmond '65
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Riepe
Mrs. Veronica A. Castillo Robertson '91
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth K. Rodgers '68
Mr. Phillip Rodriguez '91
Ms. Cassie Rodriguez
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Romero
Mr. Orlando Romero and Mrs. Courtney Zavala-Romero
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Ruffino
Ms. Nancy Ruiz
Mr. Andrew A. Russell '13
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Russell
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd
Mr. Philip Salmons and Mrs. Leann Salmons '95
Mrs. Mary Ann C. Carrabba Samaniego '65
Mr. Jeovanny Sanchez
Dr. Holly Sanders
Mr. Samuel Santana '66
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sanzo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schattle '62/'69
Mr. Christopher Schisser
Ms. Susan Schloeder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schneider '78/'78
Judge and Mrs. Michael H. Schneider, Sr. / '70
Mr. Peter Schubert and Mrs. Lori D. Davis-Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schultea
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schultea '91/'96
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Schwab /'71
Ms. Dana Scott '91
Mr. Steve Seberger '79
Mr. Jerry Sechelski '63
Mr. Amir Seliman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaughnessy
Ms. Debbie Shaw
Ms. Janette H. Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shupak
Mr. John Shupak
Ms. Johnnye F. Rena Shupe '66
Mrs. Julie M. Gardner Simon '02
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Singer
Ms. Kristin M. Smith
Ms. Alice P. Smith
Michael Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Smith /'89
Mr. Christopher DuPlain and Ms. Veronika Snell
Dr. Theodore and Mrs. Claudia Somerville
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Spear
Mr. Patrick W. Spedale
Ms. Iris D. Spells
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spring '59
Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Stallworth '62
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Stangle
Ms. Mary C. Stegent '69
Ms. Courtney M. Stein '09
Ms. Margaret K. Stephens '03
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Sterner
Ms. Patricia Stewart
Mrs. Angela P. Stinner-Trimble
Ms. Annieva Stokan '61
Mr. Tommy Stone
Mr. Steve M. Straub '67
Stuart PC
Mr. Kenneth L. Stuchly PE '72
Mr. Terry Sturm II
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus T. Summers /'59
Mr. and Mrs. George Svatek
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Svoboda /'71
Mr. Bryan C. Talley '06 and Mrs. Laura E. Talley '06
Mr. David Tanner
Mr. Paul Tanner
Tanoholics Anonymous
Ms. Mary E. Tarpey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teeter
Mr. and Mrs. Zenow Tesemma /'91
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam R. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Thrift
Mr. Christopher M. Tolle '99
Ms. Cherry Tomczeszyn
Mr. John Tomczeszyn, Jr. '63
Ms. Katrina A. Torres
Ms. Irene Ramirez Townsend '63
Mr. Nicholas Tracy
Ms. Emily Tran
Ms. Kim Tran '11
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Triplett
Ms. Katherine Nicol Trombley
Ms. Alisa Truax
Mr. John Tsertos and Mrs. Angela Sarantopoulos
Dr. E. Joseph Upton '77
Mrs. Claudia Valbuena-Mejia
Mr. and Ms. Julian D. Valencia '05/'08
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos R. Valero
Mr. KJ Van Ackeren and Mrs. Lauren Van Ackeren '91
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Van Veghel '04/04
Ms. Erin J. Van Wassenhove
Mr. Eric Vandenberg
Mr. Carlo R. Varela '98
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vasicek
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Veech
Viviana Velasco
Ms. Ana Villarreal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vincent '11/'11
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vocelka /'69
Mrs. Patricia Hobizal Vogelsang '63
Mr. William Wachel '79
Ms. Kaitlyn M. Walker '10
Mr. Eugene D. Walkoviak '66
Ms. Marion Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ware
Ms. Kay Warhol '69
Dr. Sharon Warren
Mr. William Warren and Dr. Nancy Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Weatherly /'69
Ms. Adeline Weaver
Mr. Gary T. West
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Whelen
Mr. and Mrs. Duane White
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Widmann
Dr. and Mrs. James Wilkerson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Williams
Ms. Bianca Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams '96
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh S. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wind '62/'66
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wolff
Mrs. Judy R. Resweber Wollner '65
Ms. Monica T. Wonzer '98
Ms. Lacy Wood
Ms. Barbara Wood
Mr. Timothy Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Woods
Mrs. Nancy Holub Wooldridge '69
Ms. Judy Worley
Ms. Brenda K. Yanowski '75
Mr. Gerald A. Yeager II
Mrs. Linda Younger
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Zanger
Ms. Teresa Ann Cieslewicz-Zarsky '77
Mr. Christian Zela
Mr. Anthony Zermeno '91
Ms. Peggy Zievert '80
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimmerman /'01
Mr. Daniel Zinni '08

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Janet Haynes Box '63
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. James A. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montalbano '62
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. Dennis T. Duszynski
Mrs. Barbara L. Ivey
Mrs. Judy R. Resweber Wollner '65
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Mr. Chris Arsdel
Mr. Brian M. Batson '02
Ms. Karen Brockenbrough
Mr. Thomas Butler
Ms. Sally Y. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. F. Baron Craft
Mr. Franklin Edmonds
Mr. Joseph Elam
Ms. Judith Elam
Mr. Paul W. Fisher and Ms. Mary Linda Portner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Flatten
Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Gay
Mr. Paul Hebert
Ms. Nancy Hewitt
Mrs. Barbara McMahon
Ms. Margaret M. Mebus
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto/'70
Ms. Julie Morehead
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pecot
Mr. Russell Perry
Ms. Susan Schloeder
Ms. Janette H. Shrader
Ms. Alice P. Smith
Ms. Mary E. Tarpey
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh S. Williamson
Mrs. Jaclyn S. Wisnoski '97
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Dr. Nedith Casquete
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. George
Ms. Carol Keyworth Boll '61
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moratto /'70
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montalbano '62
Mr. Mart Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyles
Mr. and Mrs. David + Cusimano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cutaia
Ms. Mary G. Dattilo
Ms. Alicia Green
Mr. William Durham and Ms. Susan Gallagher
Ms. Julie Heppler
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hubbard /'89
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hughes '68/'68
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Hughes '94
Mr. Gregory S. Jez and Mrs. Beth B. Jez '89
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kapczynski
Mrs. Bernadette J. Cadena Konkel '99
Ms. Patricia L. Lampton
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Lease /'96
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Martin /'92
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Minar
Ms. Courtney M. Stein '09
Ms. Mary E. Tarpey
Ms. Amy Thompson '91
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson
Ms. Kaitlyn M. Walker '10
Ms. Kay Warhol '69
Mrs. Jaclyn S. Wisnoski '97
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimmerman /'01