Newsletter Week 24

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Registered Charity No: 1141329

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school for the Summer Term and to hear all about their Easter holiday adventures. The children arrived on Monday to find the front hall adorned with an array of flags from all around the world as well as the Olympic rings and they were excited to get stuck into learning about all aspects of the Olympics which is our fabulous whole school theme for the term. Many thanks to Miss Evans for decorating the front hall.

The vision for the Olympics is to build a better world through sport and in assembly. I told the children about the Olympic values of striving for excellence and being the best we can be, respecting ourselves, each other and our environment and celebrating friendship, particularly making new friends from all over the world. These are all great values for the children to think about and to aspire to and will form the basis of our theme which we hope the children will be fascinated by.

Sport and physical activity has so many benefits for our children - not only the physical but also social, psychological and developmental and promoting sport and physical activity is an important part of our curricular and cocurricular offering at St

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Peter’s from age 2 to 18. The Chief Medical Officer for England recommends that children should have at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day and yet of the 7 million children aged 5 to 15 in England it is estimated that over half do not reach this target. This is not the case for our children, who far exceed this by being active at playtimes and in clubs, and during their PE, games and swimming lessons. In PSHE this week the children counted up their active minutes getting to an average of 90 minutes per day!

nurture this whilst recognising the differing interests children have and the barriers they may have to being active and enjoying physical activity. There are so many ways to be physically active and there is always something for everyone.

Physical literacy has been shown in many research studies to be crucial to Childrens' levels of activity and it’s central to our approach to equip children to become physically literate.

Physical literacy has five elements which are: enjoyment, confidence competence, understanding and knowledge and all of these are incorporated as objectives when we plan our curriculum and lessons. Living an active life is important for our children now and beyond, and it’s so important that we

Not all physical activity needs to be in the form of organised sports. Children playing freely outside can be just as valuable for their physical health and wellbeing. This term as the weather improves (fingers crossed), we will get the children outside as much as possible for after school care and of course at playtimes. Along with physical activity, being in nature has multiple benefits for our children too.

In the Tuesday email we shared details of our Great St Peter’s Menu Competition (details here or on a separate page).

I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,


22 April 2024

School Council


Year 1 Lexia

Year 2 Art

Year 3 Cricket*

Year 1, 2 & 3 Lioness Football*

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Outdoor Games

Year 1 Wellbeing



Year 2 Cricket*

Year 2 STEM

Year 3 Tennis*

Year 3 Swimming

Year 2 & 3 Dance*

Year 2 & 3 French

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC



Year 1 Football*

Year 1 Yoga*

Year 2 & 3 Choir

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC T H




Year 1 Clay Craft

Year 1 Board Games

Year 2 Tennis*

Year 2 Cooking

Year 3 Athletics

Year 3 Sewing

Year 3 STEM

Year 2 & 3 European Languages & Cultures

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Dance*



Year 1 Cricket*

Year 2 Board Games

Year 3 VR

Year 2 & 3 Football*

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Newsletter No: 24 Friday 19 April 2024

School Council

The new School Council representatives have been elected for each class from Year 1 to Year 3 and are as follows:

Their badges will be awarded in Assembly on Monday before their first meeting on Monday after school.

Watch future newsletters for photos and information about their achievements as the voice of the pupils at 2-8.

Congratulations to all the above on being elected.

1E - Ella&Albie 1C - Harriet&Taymour 1E - Jasmine&HenryT 2C - Hector&BenW 2H - Rosie&Oliver 2P - ThomasW&Andrea 3C - HannahP&Bertie 3J - Zachary&Isabella 3LS - India&Finbar

Year 3 Concert Celebration

Monday 20th May, 1.30pm, Rayson Room

We will be holding a concert at the end of this half term for our Year 3 children to celebrate their music journeys so far. The concert will start at 1.30pm with a performance from our Year 2 and 3 Choir and then will be followed by soloists from Year 3 and a performance by our Year 3 Ukulele club. If your child has been learning an instrument in school and would like to perform, please can you email me so I can add them to my list.

We very much look forward to welcoming you into school.

Year 1 Concert Celebration

Tuesday 21st May, 2pm, Rayson Room

We will be holding a concert at the end of this half term for our Year 1 children to celebrate their music journeys so far. The concert will start at 2pm with a performance from all of our year 1 children, followed by solos and duets from our Year 1 recorder players . If your child has been learning the recorder in school and would like to perform, please can you email me so I can add them to my list.

This will be the very first concert for our Year 1 recorder players and they are already very excited! Ms Leaman-Brown is busy preparing the children with their pieces and I am so looking forward to their very first performances!

We very much look forward to welcoming you into school to share this special moment.

Year 2 Concert Celebration

Wednesday 22nd May, 1.30pm, Rayson Room

We will be holding a concert at the end of this half term for our Year 2 children to celebrate their music journeys so far. The concert will start at 1.30pm with a performance from our Year 2 and 3 Choir and then will be followed by soloists from Year 2. If your child has been learning an instrument in school and would like to perform, please can you email me so I can add them to my list.

This will be the very first concert for many of our children at 2-8 and we very much look forward to welcoming you into school to share this special moment with you.


Cross Keys is out now and includes a draw to win an exclusive prize!

The latest edition of our alumni magazine, ‘Cross Keys’, is out now, highlighting the remarkable achievements and stories of Old Peterites far and wide.

This year, the magazine is extended by a special 'Celebration of Giving' section which highlights the generosity of our supporters and the incredible difference they have made to our Keys for Life bursary programme.

You can read the magazine on ISSUU here.

We are running an exclusive prize draw for a luxurious overnight stay at Goldsborough Hall.

You can read more in the magazine on page 6 or to enter directly please click here.

We are grateful to the Oglesby Family for generously donating this prize, so all profits go directly to Keys for Life.

We hope you enjoy this latest edition of our alumni magazine!

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