Newsletter Week 21

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Registered Charity No: 1141329

We had a wonderful start to the week with the opening of our art exhibition inspired by World Wildlife Day to raise money for our school charity Yorkshire Children’s Charity. I do hope that you had the chance to visit and enjoy all of the artwork on display. The artwork that the children created is so impressive from owls to African animals, ducklings to giraffes, snakes to chameleons! The common factor was that each artwork was so carefully created and most of all unique. An art rich education inspires so many varied skills including creativity and expression, but also communication, imagination, grit and resilience, giving children opportunities to learn new techniques and skills. A huge thank you to Mrs Hall, our Art co-ordinator, for the exhibition which was no small feat to organise and display.

Many thanks for your kind donations for the artwork. We are delighted to have raised £405 for Yorkshire Children's Charity. The charity’s mission is to transform childhood and make life better to the thousands of children disadvantaged by poverty, ill health or disability living across Yorkshire. As well as financial support they also offer care, support and advice to families to enable them to cope and thrive. You can read more about the charity here.



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Each Monday morning, I deliver an assembly to the children in Years 13, but this Monday I had a very special helper. Adam came along to help me and tell his fellow pupils all about Islam and his Muslim faith.

We learnt all about Ramadan and Eid, and Adam showed us his prayer mat and his prayers. He delivered his assembly with such confidence and clarity, and all the adults and children were so interested and impressed. A big thank you to Adam and to his family for helping him to prepare. We are always keen for any pupil or parent who feels able to deliver an assembly, so please do contact me if you would like to come along and lead assembly.

The school was filled with amazing costumes and excitement was at fever pitch as the children dressed up as their favourite book characters to celebrate World Book Day. We had some incredible creations, including Isadora Moon, Fantastic Mr Fox, Alice from Alice in Wonderland and characters from Paper Dolls. The children have enjoyed all of the activities designed to promote reading for pleasure, including the extreme reading challenge, the guess which members of staff are hiding

behind their favourite book and accessing the resources that are on the QR codes that can be found on the posters. A big thank you to Mrs Salisbury for organising the week and enthusing the children with the joy of reading. Today is International Women’s Day with the theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

I was visited by some passionate Year 2 pupils who wanted to share their thoughts on how we ensure inclusion for girls and boys in our clubs and at playtimes. You may have seen on the St Peter’s Instagram account some of the activities the older pupils have been involved in, including partnering with Yorkits, the York Rotary Club, and York Minster to make washable feminine hygiene products that some of our pupils will take to communities in Cambodia this summer.

Next week as part of British Science week we are holding a STEAM week, and we have a special assembly planned to start the week of activities to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. It promises to be a very exciting and engaging week.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Newsletter No: 21

Friday 8 March 2024


11 March 2024

Year 1 & 2 Fascinating Facts

Year 1 Cricket*

Year 2 & 3 Football* (cancelled for Year 3)

Year 3 Virtual Reality (cancelled)

Year 1 Lets Get Moving

Year 1 Wellbeing

Year 2 STEM

Year 2 & 3 French

Year 3 Swimming

Year 3 Tennis*

Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*

Year 1 Football Skills*

Year 1 Yoga*

Year 2 & 3 Choir

School Council

Year 1 Board Games

Year 1 Outdoor Games

Year 2 Tennis*

Year 2 Art

Year 2 & 3 European Cultures

Year 3 Netball

Year 3 Cookery

Year 3 Sewing

Year 1 Lexia

Year 1 Street Dance*

Year 2 Quiz

Year 2 & 3 Lioness Football*

Year 2 & 3 Running Club

Year 2 & 3 Cricket*

Year 3 STEM



Nut Allergies

This school is an Allergen Aware school. We have students with a wide range of allergies to different foods, so we encourage a considered approach to bringing in food.

We try to restrict peanuts and tree nuts as much as possible on the site and check all foods coming into the kitchen.

All food coming on to school premises or taken on a school trip or to a match should be checked to ensure peanuts and tree nuts are not an ingredient. Please check the label on all foods brought in. Common foods that contain these goods as an ingredient include packaged nuts, cereal bars, chocolate bars, nut butters, chocolate spread and sauces.

Parking at St Peter’s School

Please could we remind parents that the school does not have facilities for parents to leave cars at school. Outside of drop off and pick up times, if you need to park at school for a meeting with a member of staff or for other school related matters, please ensure that you note your registration when you sign in. We will of course make separate parking arrangements for events involving parents during the school

Monday 11 March : Year 3 Clubs

Virtual Reality and Year 3 Football is cancelled on Monday due to the Leeds Grammar School workshop. (Year 2 Football will run as usual).

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