13/01/2023 - Parent/ carer newsletter

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St Peter’s Collegiate Academy

Part of the Three Spires Trust

Heavenly Father, at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son: may we recognize him as our Lord and know ourselves to be your beloved children; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.


Message from the Three Spires Trust CEO

I am exceptionally pleased to announce the return of Mr Mullen-Furness as the new substantive Principal for St Peter's Collegiate Academy.

St Peter’s has begun the trajectory towards becoming truly outstanding, after a period of turbulence and considerable change, linked to a sequence of short stay Principals. Three Spires Trust has worked closely alongside the school to evaluate provision and support an improvement culture; the academy is already demonstrating its ambition for all students and high standards are increasingly evident in all areas across the school.

Three Spires Trust leaders and the governors at St Peter's Collegiate Academy have been keen to appoint an exceptional leader who could lead the school through the next stage of its development, working alongside a dedicated and well-motivated, competent senior leadership team and a committed, accomplished staff. It has taken time to appoint to this position - there is a recognition that it is a pivotal role in accelerating the improvements at the academy.

The Trust and the Local Governing Body sought a high calibre, talented individual who could demonstrate a sound and strategic understanding of the educational landscape and who could demonstrate the experience and expertise to inspire and lead staff and students alike. We are thrilled that Mr Mullen-Furness has accepted the position and returned to St Peter's to take up this key role at such an exciting time, ahead of the partial new school build.

Mr Mullen-Furness will be fully involved in developing the build to enhance the educational provision of the academy for years to come. His forward-looking mindset and commitment to academic excellence will serve the school community well; he has demonstrated a commitment to achieving its aims and objectives and an ability to translate vision into reality. St Peter’s vision is for ambitious aspiration in order to maximise every educational opportunity for students through academic and personal achievement.

Mr Mullen-Furness brings proven experience, imagination, energy and commitment to Christian distinctiveness and I am delighted he is now the full-time substantive Principal of St Peter's Academy and I expect him to lead St Peter’s as the academy makes contributions across Wolverhampton.

Message from the Principal

Firstly, let me begin with wishing you a happy new year. I am pleased to be able to write this welcome message as part of a new look newsletter which I hope provides you with more information about the work being done at the Academy as we seek to improve the learning environments and experiences of our pupils. I started my role as the permanent Principal of St Peter’s Collegiate Academy on Tuesday, 03 January 2023 after previously working for the Academy last academic year. Since re-joining the Academy I have been privileged to speak to so many pupils about their learning and what they have been doing since September. They have also been extremely articulate while explaining how St Peter’s can grow and improve.

Over this half term I would like to speak with more parents and carers. During this time we will be using new forms of communication to share information with you and to collect your opinions about important matters to help improve the Academy. Anotherfocuswillbetoshareourvisionforthefutureandthevalueswewantto instilwithinourpupils;theirbehaviours,relationshipsandactions.ItisanexcitingtimefortheAcademy, togetherwecangiveyourchildthebestchancetofulfiltheirgod-givenpotential.

Our commitment to anti-bullying

As part of our commitment to Anti-bullying and our work with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we are undertaking a student survey which will provide our school community with an opportunity to share their thoughts about our anti-bullying practices in school.

All students will receive an email with a link and a unique code needed to access and complete the survey. Please encourage your child to complete this survey as soon as possible as the information we receive will help to shape our next steps.

Please note that the surveys are anonymous.

Careers update

Work Experience: All Y10 and Y12 students now have access to the Wolverhampton EBP work experience database. This has been shared with students on the Careers Google Classroom and sent to parents/carers via email.

Next Tuesday, our Y11 students will be taking part in Mock Employer interviews. We can't wait to see how smartly dressed they arrive ready to impress the Employers along with their CV's and prepared questions.

On Wednesday, our Y12 Science students will be visiting the University of Wolverhampton to take part in SciExplore. This will allow them to experience science workshops in a university setting.

January 26th will see our Y9 students joining the Step Into NHS virtual presentation to discover the wide range of careers available in the NHS.

Preparations are in place for the fast approaching National Apprenticeship Week 6-12 February. Details will be posted on the Careers Google Classrooms.

Current vacancies

If you would like to work at the Academy we currently have the role vacancies presented below. For further information I would encourage you to visit the Academy website and the current vacancies page (https://stpetersacademy.org.uk/vacancies/). If you have any queries regarding any of the roles or would like an informal visit to the Academy please contact us at: recruitment@stpetersacademy.org.uk

Vice Principal (two positions)

Exam invigilator

Site supervisor

Next week at the Academy

Monday, 16 January 2023: World Religion day.

Monday, 16 and Tuesday 17 January 2023: Y11 Performing Arts Exam. Pupils to attend in their ‘base costume’ which is black or at least very dark clothing with no obvious graphics or logos.

Wednesday, 18 and Friday, 20 January 2023: Y11 geography trip.

Wednesday 18th January 2023: Year 13 English Literature trip to see Othello at the National Theatre, London.

Wednesday 18th January 2023: Year 13 Art trip to London art galleries

Wednesday, 18 January 2023: Y12 SciExplore at University of Wolverhampton.

Thursday, 19 January 2023: Y12 National Skills Challenge.

Thursday, 19 January 2023: Y9 Parents evening (online)

Dates for your diary

Thursday, 16 February 2023: National Theatre production in school

Friday, 17 February 2023: End of the half term

Monday, 27 February 2023: Pupils return to school Year 7

Tuesday, 07 February 2023: Safer Internet day Year 8

Week beginning Monday, 06 March 2023: Geography trips will take place everyday Year 9

Thursday, 26 January 2023: ‘Step into the NHS’ live webinar at 10:00 – 10:45

Wednesday, 08 February 2023: Vaccinations

Thursday, 16 March 2023: Options evening Year 10

Wednesday, 25 January 2023: GCSE English literature workshop – A Christmas Carol

Thursday, 02 February 2023: Parents evening (online)

Monday, 30 January 2023: NHS Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education, group one

Monday, 06 February 2023: NHS RSE, group two

Monday, 13 February 2023: NHS RSE, group three

Monday, 06 March 2023: NHS RSE, group four Year 11

Wednesday, 25 January 2023: GCSE English literature workshop – A Christmas Carol

Week beginning Monday, 30 January 2023: Interviews week 1 of 3

Wednesday, 01 February 2023: Basketball Academy ‘selection day’

Thursday, 02 March 2023: Leavers’ photographs to be taken

Friday, 03 March 2023: What Careers? Live in Birmingham Year 12

Week beginning Monday, 30 January 2023: Review and interventions week

Student celebrations

Golden Ticket to Treetop Adventure Golf!

This week, 14 students were awarded a Golden Ticket to visit Treetop Golf in Birmingham next Friday. The students selected have achieved the highest number of achievement points in their year group last term.

Don’t forget, your child can spend their achievement points in the Class Charts shop where they can buy a wide range of reward items including educational resources, walks with Finley the therapy dog and raffle tickets to win an iPad.

Award-winning playwright enlists students’ help with new play

At the end of last term, award-winning playwright, Simon Stephens (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time) visited St. Peter’s to speak to students and gather inspiration for his new play which will be performed at the National Theatre, London. Simon met with groups of students throughout the day and also led a workshop with Year 10 and 12 Drama and Performing Arts students. Simon spoke incredibly highly of our students and even invited some to the premiere of his new film!

Premier League Inspires at St Peter’s

This term, a group of year nine students are taking part in the second Premier League Inspires programme of the year run by the Wolves Foundation. Each term, the programme shifts focus onto a new theme. This term’s theme is positivity and preparation for life after education. The students have already had their first session and the feedback was very positive with all students coming out saying they enjoyed the session and were looking forward to the next one.

Year 13 
Week beginning Monday, 13 February 2023: Mocks weeks Thursday, 02 March 2023: Leavers’ photographs to be taken

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