St Paul's College Boomalakka News - April 2023

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St Paul’s College - April 2023

From the Warden Ed

One of the many joys of living in the St Paul’s community is that we get to experience and delight in the wonderful talents of others. A particular highlight is the musical life of the College, not least of which is our glorious Chapel Choir. In this issue of Boomalakka we are reporting on their very successful trip to the Canberra-Goulburn Diocese in April. Congratulations to our choir and to the many students involved in providing music at dinner, in the Salisbury as well as competing in the Palladian Cup. The College’s up-coming Coronation Concert, dinner and outdoor cinema event features the choir and I encourage you to join us for this unique and fun event on Saturday 6 May which will also raise funds for the College’s music programme.

We have been so happy with our contributions to intercol sports. We are in a year of firsts with our Rosebowl teams and it has been impressive how many of our young women have been willing to participate. Support from everyone at Paul’s for these players has been remarkable. Keep it up as we move into the Rugby, Hockey and Rowing seasons.

Since the start of the year 268 tutorials have taken place. The tutorial program at Paul’s is second to none and just about every Fresher is signed up and participating. We are grateful to many members

of Graduate House and senior undergrads who have been conducting the tutorials and bringing their recent experiences of university study to the table for the benefit of first and second years.

The Anzac Commemoration Dinner was held for the undergraduate community on 19 April when we welcomed budding RAN chaplain Rev David Hastie who has served for many years as a naval officer. We are reminded each time we step into our war memorial chapel of the sacrifice of so many Paulines. The entire Pauline community will remember them as we commemorate Anzac Day.

A new College website has been launched and in the emailed edition of Boomalakka there are many links to our news and events pages. Please continue to use our website as a place of information about College life and as the place for prospective Paulines to make their application. We are also well on the way with our major new project – the Waddy Performance Centre. This remarkable space will grow our very popular gym by double its floor area, including a dance studio, and create a 275-seat theatre. Please give generously to this project through the new website.

St Pauls College THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 9 City Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050 | 02 9550 7444 |
St Paul’s College Chapel Choir Loane

Intercol Palladian Oration

An enthusiastic crowd of Paulines in maroon and gold turned out on the evening of Tuesday 4 April to support our representatives in the Oration competition. Presenting persuasive speeches on the topic ‘All Publicity is Good Publicity’ our representatives Annabelle Sherlock (I) and Bryson Constable (II) represented the College with great distinction. Congratulations go to Bryson for securing 3rd place for the College in an extraordinarily competitive field of 12 speakers. We also extend our congratulations to Siena Fagan of Sancta Sophia College on her win.

Anzac Commemoration Dinner

Some 260 members of the undergraduate community joined the College commemoration of Anzac Dinner on 19 April. Rev’d David Hastie who has served for many years as a naval officer, and soon to return as a naval chaplain, was introduced to the College as he is our guest speaker at the Anzac service this year.

The speech from the Alex Back (Lord of Yore) reminded the College of the extraordinary sacrifice of its men in world conflicts followed by the Ode and the musical items all made this a very special occasiona very special occasion.

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— April 2023
Annabelle Sherlock and Bryson Constable

College Choir Successes

Allegri’s “Miserere” - was included in the Tuesday Evensong during Holy Week. The College Chapel Choir brings together 34 students from the colleges and Con, and sings every Tuesday during semester and for other special services and events at the College.

On Friday 31 March they ventured into the labyrinth to discover a very personal path to enlightenment in a full chapel for Holy Week performing Michel-Richard de Lalande’s “Leçons de Ténèbres” and “Miserere” (1730).

The Choir went on the road after Easter and brought their polished repertoire to the southern regional centres of Goulburn and Crookwell and the Nation’s Capital. (See p. 7)

Graduate House

Cultural Diversity Celebrated

St Patrick’s Day provided an opportunity for members of Graduate House to put on cultural dress and, in many cases, learn some highland dancing. Using a Celtic, or more precisely Scottish, theme the kilts were made to fly. This annual event that brings together the ‘house’ has become immensely popular and educational in the sense that attendees learn something new about each other while participating in a traditional social gathering.

Graduate House Award

The Dean’s Award for Exceptional Service to Graduate House was conferred on Jethro Mahon, upon his retirement from the MCR Executive Committee, in recognition of his uncommon dedication to the House, the College, and to unfailing and cheerful selfsacrifice for the benefit of all members of the College.

This annual award is for up to two members who have gone above and beyond the normal expectations to serve their fellow House Members, and who exemplify the

Pauline spirit. The College community congratulates Jethro on his award and thanks him for the contribution he has made and continues to make to the College through involvement in the postgraduate community.

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Surreal Sounds, a Roaring Success

Intercol students’ events kicked-off with Surreal Sounds at Paul’s on 15 March. This annual ‘dance’ brought the 165 year old Quad roaring to life with entertainment from DJs Caleb Jackson, Room 53, Mincy, and Jordan Brando, with the headline act Kettama.

Roni Chapman and Callan Adams (Room 53) hailing from Auckland were at Paul’s 2019-21 both doing BComm/BAdvStud. Caleb Jackson is an up and coming DJ star in Australia who is a regular at Lost Sundays, Mincy has been an international success over the past few years and she is a regular in both the club and festival scenes. Jordan Brando has solidified his name in the dance music community and today is one of Australia’s most promising dance music exports.

The ‘headline act’ at Paul’s was Kettama, arguably the biggest name we have ever had at Surreal. Kettama is a very well known international DJ who is originally from Ireland. He was on tour to NZ and Australia performing at numerous festivals when he was secured to perform at Surreal.

This event usually attracts about 1,500 and this year the SClub was not disappointed with the interest and ticket sales. It is a huge event for the College and all credit to Zac Lerner (convener) and his committee for the planning, execution and clean-up of an outstanding event in the Students’ Club social calendar.

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Intercol moot

Budding lawyers had the opportunity to plead their cases at the Intercol Moot held over three nights at Paul’s. These simulated court proceedings provide students with great practical opportunities in front of a panel of high profile lawyers including old Pauline Matthew White SC. It is competitive and on the final night Pauline Bryson Constable was runner up and Taryn Cameron from Wesley won.

Housekeeping and catering are essential services for the life of the College. Debbie Phoebe commenced with Alliance Catering in January 1992 and the College’s office and maintenance staff gathered with TWG staff to celebrate over 30 years of Debbie’s service. When Spotless took over Alliance Catering, Debbie was a tuck shop attendant at Newington Grammar where she worked for several years. Debbie joined St Paul’s College in October 2019 as part of the housekeeping mobilisation.

Trippas White Group (TWG) has since purchased the Spotless operations where she is employed full time as a housekeeper looking after the Freshers in Arnott.

Did you know Boomalakka is published as an e-News letter regularly. It provies news of acheivers, successes, activities and up-coming events. If you are not receiving this by email that means the College does not have your current email address. PLEASE UP-DATE YOUR DETAILS TODAY

Community and Advancement Office |

Boomalakka — April 2023 | 5
St Pauls College
9 City
Camperdown NSW 2050 | 02 9550 7444 |
Staff Celebrate Service

Sports Digest

From the Dean of Undergraduates, Harry Croker

Photo Credits: Jason Zhu He and his team

The Rawson Cup and Rosebowl tournaments roll forward with the College giving its all in both competitions. In Rosebowl, the College finished in 5th place for Netball, and 6th place for Swimming. Rawson Swimming; 3rd place.

History was made on Monday 13th March when the St Paul’s netball team took the court, marking the College’s maiden undergraduate participation in the history of Rosebowl.

And who else to play our first Rosebowl match against other than the old foe, St Andrew’s. A formative opponent, no doubt, but the girls in gold and gules showed no sign of backing down.

Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of the contest was the sheer amount of support from the rest of the College who headed down in droves to show support. Final score: Andrew’s 61 def Paul’s 34. Round 2: Wesley 52 def Paul’s 35 Round 3: John’s 41 def Paul’s 26.

Exactly a week later from the College making history by fielding the first undergraduate Rosebowl team, it happened again on Monday the 20th March with the College’s maiden Rosebowl victory against Sancta. Paul’s 34 def Sancta 16. Round 5: Women’s 49 def Paul’s 38.

St Andrew’s finished first overall, Wesley 2nd, Women’s 3rd, St John’s 4th, St Paul’s 5th, and Sancta 6th.

Swimming proved to be a challenging event for the College in both Rawson and Rosebowl. St

Andrew’s may have won both tournaments overall, but it was great to see Fresher, Tilly Wittenoom, get the gold in the 50m Rsoebowl breaststroke.

News of other achievements in sport:

National Athletics: Connor Whitely won the NSW State Championship 5000m event and has gone on to represent NSW at nationals coming 5th

National Rowing: Henry Blackwell rowing for UTS achieved a first and second in events in the March 2023 championships in Perth

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Boomalakka — April 2023

Faultless Perfomance review

from Canberra City News 16 April 2023

Music / “In Concert”, St Paul’s College Chapel Choir, the University of Sydney, conducted by Jack Stephens. At St Paul’s Anglican Church, Manuka, April 15. Reviewed by IAN McLEAN.

St Paul’s College Chapel Choir is one of Australia’s most exciting young choirs and Canberra was fortunate to have been included in the schedule for its first tour in a number of years. An appreciative audience was treated to a concert of particularly high quality with glorious singing filling St Paul’s Anglican Church. The entire performance was faultless with wonderful clarity and balance displayed by the 23 choristers. Dynamic control and contrast was excellent, pitch and intonation absolutely accurate and phrasing always clean and precise.

Director of music Jack Stephens not only conducted with tight control but introduced the program with interesting and relevant annotations. Music of Henry Purcell, “Hear My Prayer”, composed while he was organist at Westminster Abbey, began the concert and it was obvious from the tight, accurate harmony of the opening moment that this was to be a concert of exquisite musical beauty. The eight-part harmony Antonio Lotti “Crucifixus a8”, with second basses opening, gradually building with all voice parts entering with confident clarity confirmed that perception.

The Geogorio Allegri “Miserere mei, Deus” saw fine tenor soloist Elias Wilson move to the pulpit and soprano Ariana Ricci and a supporting quartet separated to the loft at the rear of the church for the major work on the program. It was just terrific with pitch-perfect, rich sound beaming from seemingly every corner of the church. From that music of the early 1600s to a unique version of “How Shall We Sing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land?” by Joe Twist, the composer of music for the hit cartoon series, “Bluey”. A Latin chant, overlayed by English verse with additional reiteration of the title may have seemed odd but it worked wonderfully well.

On then to English cathedral church music and the introduction of huge organ sounds to accompany Henry Gardiner’s “Evening Hymn”, highlighted by the “Amen”, with wonderful dynamic contrast ranging from whisper quiet to full grandeur.

Two coronation anthems, Herbert Howells “Behold, O God our Defender” (played at the 1953 coronation of Queen Elizabeth II), and again featuring the alluring voice of tenor Elias Wilson, then Parry’s “I Was Glad”, played as Prince William and Kate Middleton walked down the aisle, led to speculation about what rousing anthems might be written for performance in less than a month when the coronation of King Charles takes place.

This was a wonderful concert of many moods – exciting, moving, reflective, emotive, passionate and joyful. On a grey and gloomy afternoon this uplifting concert filled hearts with sunshine and gratitude.

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At Crookwell’s St Bartholomew’s Church, 13 March At Goulburn’s St Saviour Cathedral, 14 March

Boomalakka — April 2023

Events Coming up for Alumni and Community

Evensong with the College Choir, organ and more, in the Chapel - every Tuesday at 5.15 pm

Coronation Concert, Dinner and big screen - 6 May 5- 10 pm [see above for save-the-date]

RB Hockey - 8 May, 10 May, 12 May, 16 May and 19 May

Graduate House Impressario’s Players production of The 39 Steps - 19 & 20 May

RC/RB Rowing - 23 May

College and USyd Open Day - 27 May

The “3s” Fresher Years Reunions weekend Sat 15 & Sun 16 July - 1963s have booked lunch on Sat 15th, 1993 have booked for dinner on Saturday and 1940s, 50s and other 60s have booked lunch for Sun 16 July. Enbquiries/tickets contact the Community & Advancement Team.

Boomalakka e-News is the official news bulletin of the College (including the Union) published about every month and emailed to all our alumni, residents, parents, supporters and friends to keep you informed about the achievements of current and older Paulines and events at the College that are for everyone to enjoy.

If you have news and pictures you think will be of interest please contact me. Thank you for your support for and interest in St Paul’s.

Richard “Rex” Morgan (1978) - Editor t. 02 9550 7472 | e.

Please see the College website for more stories and current news items:

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