The St.Olav s Path
Photo: Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
Practical tips for your pilgrimage
Wander in historical footsteps in beautiful and diverse nature
Plan your own trip on the path 1
From Selånger via Stiklestad to Trondheim, the St. Olav’s Path follows in the footsteps of St. Olav. In the Middle Ages, thousands of pilgrims wandered to Nidaros in Trondheim where the remains of St. Olav were.
Life moves on foot I have always loved the nature. My identity is shaped by countless walks in forests and mountains throughout my childhood. I find my soul in a crooked pine tree, and the outdoors feels like home. Nevertheless, I was extremely nervous before my first pilgrimage. I had spent months and years of my life hiking in the Norwegian mountains, either alone or with family and friends, but was afraid to go on a pilgrimage. I was not afraid of my fellow wanderers or the pilgrim guide, but of myself. A pilgrimage invites you to reflect in a way that ordinary outdoor recreational activities usually do not; to ask questions about yourself and your life. Where have I been? Where am I? Where am I going? Simple questions with complicated answers. Perhaps I didn’t feel quite ready to ask or get answers but did it anyway. I went on a pilgrimage and met myself. It proved to be a much nicer acquaintance than I thought. I find that the slowness and simplicity that characterize the days on a pilgrimage, combined with the proximity to nature, provide a sanctuary and a chance to reflect on my own life and the time we live in. A breathing space that makes things clearer in a way I never experience on an ordinary mountain hike. By going on a pilgrimage, I have got to know myself better and feel more assured and confident. I have started to appreciate the nature around me and the small things more, not just on pilgrimages but every single day. “Life moves on foot” are the words of Pilgrim Priest Arne Bakken. I chose these words because I believe they sum up going on a pilgrimage through one’s own life in a lovely way. I consider being able to arrange for others to experience a pilgrimage on the St. Olav’s Path as a great privilege. This magazine tells the story of the St. Olav’s Path and I hope many will be inspired. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all walking and cycling enthusiasts to the St. Olav’s Path and conclude with the beautiful words of the author and conservationist John Muir: Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.
Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
Heidi Carine Brimi General Manager, Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre
historic footsteps The St. Olav’s Path leads from Selånger by the Gulf of Bothnia via Stiklestad to Trondheim and the mighty Nidaros Cathedral. Text: Gunn Merete Roll, rollcompany.no Photo: Eskil Roll, rollpoto.no
From coast to coast, 564 km long and leading through vast landscapes, along the shores of glittering lakes, over mountains, through forests and, not least, in historic footsteps, the St. Olav’s Path attracts wanderers from around the globe. IN THE SAINT KING’S FOOTSTEPS
The path follows in the footsteps of Olav II Haraldsson, who was King of Norway from 1015-1028 and ruled over a larger realm than any previous Norwegian king. He made a host of legislative and administrative changes and is regarded as the king who introduced Christianity to Norway. But Olav ruled with a heavy hand and made some powerful enemies. Many Norwegian noblemen supported
Bror Holm and Helene Westerlind of the Selånger Parish are proud of the new pilgrim centre that is under construction.
Canute the Great, who was King of England and Denmark. In 1028, Canute the Great invaded Norway with a fleet of 50 ships. Olav fled the country, initially to Sweden and then to Russia. He returned two years later to reconquer power. “The fact that Olav landed in Selånger when he was returning to Norway was
renovated barn dating from 1907.
pilgrims and other visitors.”
is a large fireplace, perfect for gathering
on of power and alliances.
When he lost the royal power in Norway,
“We are pleased and proud to have
“We have started building an indoor
around for conversations. Both emphasi-
Even though Olav had support from the
Olav fled to Sweden and later Novgorod.
made so much progress with the
amphitheatre seating 100. The doors
ze that the new pilgrim centre should be
Swedish farmers who hoped the marriage
It was precisely from Novgorod that Olav
building of the new pilgrim centre,” says
will open out to a medieval garden
a place for reflection where everyone
would bring an end to the disputes bet-
travelled to Selånger to gather an army to
Bror Holm. He showed us around the
featuring hazelnut, walnut and apple
feels included.
ween Norway and Sweden, the King of
reconquer the throne.
wonderful building along with his colle-
trees and a herb garden,” says Helene.
While they wish to focus on the importan-
Sweden was not enthusiastic about King Olav. He broke his promise about the
they also wish to convey the history.
marriage and married off his daughter to Yaroslav I, the Grand Prince of Novgorod.
of Olav when he travelled from Selånger
“The building is 1,200m sqm and, alt-
building’s historic character has been
For his part, Olav saw the benefits of
to Stiklestad.
place in Olav the Holy’s time.”
hough the restoration work will continue
important. Some wooden panels from
Olav the Holy had another link with Selån-
being linked to the King of Sweden.
He died here in battle with the peasant
until the official opening in 2021, we
the former stable have been preserved
ger. He had been engaged to Ingegerd,
Mediation was needed but in time the
army on 29 July 1030. Olav’s body was
already have a wonderful building.
and bite marks from horses are even
the daughter of the powerful King of
King of Sweden conceded and allowed
then secretly taken to Nidaros and buried
There is a conference room with modern
visible. However, the building has gained
Sweden, Olaf Skötkonung. According to
Olav to marry his younger daughter,
on the riverbank.
Selånger church where Olav is reputed to
technology where we can host digital
a modern expression.
Snorri’s Saga, Ingegerd was extremely
Astrid. In this way, Olav became part of
Within a short time, hagiographies (bio-
and interactive exhibitions. We also
The architect’s task has been to create
keen to marry the handsome Olav, but at
the Swedish royal family and gained close
graphies of a saint) emerged about the
have a cosy café, which will be open for
space for calmness and simplicity. There
that time marriage was primarily a questi-
connections with the Russian principality.
deceased king. Olav the Holy’s Saga
the Selånger Parish. “There are burial mounds in this area dating back to 500 A.D. and Selånger was an important trading
The pilgrim trail starts at the ruins of have raised a copper-clad cross. Nearby is the new Selånger Pilgrim Centre in a
ague Helene Westerlind, who manages
ce of pilgrimages for the modern person, A PLACE FOR REFLECTION
no coincidence,” says Bror Holm, Vicar of
The pilgrim trail starts at the ruins of Selånger church
the centre.
They point out that retaining some of the
The St. Olav’s Path follows in the footsteps
Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
mentions that even the men who fought
and politically from the saint worshipping
Consequently, Olav’s battle for the
against the king in battle recounted
and work soon commenced on the buil-
kingdom of Norway was not only about
stories about Olav’s holiness.
ding of a church in his honour.
worldly power, but also a battle between the new Christianity and the old Norse
When his coffin was dug up a year later,
Olav’s legendary status spread widely,
religion that many of the powerful
it is said that Olav’s body still looked
which led to St. Olav churches being built
farmers and the Earls of Lade still
healthy, that his nails and hair had conti-
in several countries including in London,
believed in.
nued to grow and that the scent of roses
Tallinn, Novgorod, and Constantinople
emerged from the coffin. The reason was
(now Istanbul). We now know of 300-350
The worshipping of the Saint King was
probably that the king had been embal-
such churches around the world, the most
also extremely important for consolida-
med. However, stories quickly spread
important of which is the Nidaros Cathe-
ting the church’s power and the Battle of
about miracles that had occurred
dral in Trondheim. Among many icons
Stiklestad is regarded as the start of the
with his body and Olav was declared a
and church paintings, an icon of Olav was
Christianisation of Norway.
saint by the church in Rome.
painted at the Church of the Nativity in
The history and cultural heritage remain
Bethlehem around 1160.
alive and present at Stiklestad to this day.
Stories about the Saint King spread asto-
undingly quickly throughout Europe, and
Olav was baptised in Rouen in France as
Conveying this cultural heritage is the
pilgrims soon began flocking to Nidaros.
a youth and during his reign all religions
main task of the Stiklestad National
The church benefitted both economically
other than Christianity were banned.
Culture Center. This wonderful cultural
centre hosts regular exhibitions, lectures
the other. This impressive building is 7-8
stination of the pilgrimage is the Nidaros
and seminars. The highlight of the Saint
m wide and 36 m long. Alongside the
Cathedral in Trondheim. The majestic
Olav Festival (Olsokdagene) each July is
longhouse is a beautiful guest loft hou-
cathedral is one of the largest in Scandi-
the Saint Olav Drama, which is a drama-
sing a pilgrim hostel.
navia and is Norway’s national
tization of the events that occurred at Sul
“Stiklastadir, as the farm is called, hosts
Pilgrims can meet fellow pilgrims at the
farm in the days leading up to the Battle
various activities, including banquets ser-
Pilgrim Centre and exchange stories. For
of Stiklestad. It takes place on the actual
ving traditional medieval food. Stiklestad
some, it serves as a reunion with people
battle field on which a large outdoor
also houses a folk museum consisting of
they met along the way.
amphitheatre seating 10,000 people
around 30 buildings from the 18th and
Some find arriving in the city and the
has been built. Performed annually since
19th centuries,” says Heidi Brimi, General
hustles and bustles of everyday life hectic
1954, this ranks as Norway’s oldest drama
Manager of the Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre.
after a long wandering. The Pilgrim
and to date has been seen by more than
“I can highly recommend staying a night
Priest believes the custom of walking
800,000 people.
or two at Stiklestad. You can stay at the
three times around the cathedral when
distinctive pilgrim hostel or the hotel ne-
one reaches their destination is worth
Stiklestad also has a medieval farm
arby. You will also find a good restaurant
complete with a longhouse. It is built and
serving dishes based on local produce.”
decorated like a traditional longhouse during the transition between the Viking Age and the Middle Ages, with a banquet hall and one end and living quarters at
Just as it was in the Middle Ages, the de-
Just a stone’s throw from the Nidaros Cathedral is the pilgrim centre in Trondheim. “Many pilgrims come here, those
Photo: Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
Trondheim: Nidaros Pilgrim Centre has a beautiful location beside the Nidaros Cathedral.
Stiklestad: The longhouse at the reconstructed medieval farm, Stiklastadir. The adjacent guest loft houses a pilgrim hostel.
who have walked a long way and those
city,” smiles Guro, who has nothing
the historic buildings.” Trondheim has
You can wander or bike on the St. Olav’s
path is accessible by public transport, you
buying provisions. Stages of 15-18 km
who have walked the path in shorter
against talking about the wonderful
many visitors, so we recommend making
Path. You can also ride your horse. There
can take your bike with you on the bus or
per day will suit most people. If you plan
stages. You can get your pilgrim pass-
experiences Trondheim has to offer.
booking in advance at the Pilgrim Centre,
are suitable lodgings for riders and
train and start your trip where you like.
to walk longer each day, we recommend
port stamped here and anyone who has
“Although the cathedral virtually
especially around St. Olav’s Day. The
horses along the route. Apart from
wandered the last 100 km into the city
speaks for itself, we recommend going
annual St. Olav Festival in late June is one
certain sections to make the trip safe for
can also receive the Olav Letter,” says
on a guided tour. For history enthusiasts,
of Norway’s largest cultural festivals with
rider and horse alike, the riding route
Regional Manager Guro Berge Vistad.
Sverresborg Folk Museum is a nice
concerts, conversations, lectures and a
follows the same path. Remember to
dering too. Some start in Selånger and
Wanderers from different countries and
experience. The entire city is full of history
large medieval market. Trondheim has
check vaccinations and your animal
walk the whole route to Trondheim, while
companion and, with some preparations,
with many different backgrounds meet
so if you go outside you will be surroun-
plenty to offer throughout the season with
health certificate so your horse can cross
others walk stages each year. Some se-
it’s quite possible. On some sections of
here. Emphasis is attached to the centre
ded by history from every angle.”
something for everyone, from relaxing at
the border.
lect a special stage they wish to explore.
the path, shops are few and far between,
a pavement café to going on a kayaking
You will find a map and more information
Many people like to walk the last 100 km
so it’s important to take enough food for
trip down the river.
about riding on the path at www.stolavs-
to the Nidaros Cathedral, so they receive
two-legged and four-legged hikers. We
the Olav Letter when they arrive in the
recommend taking a first aid kit for the
city. A unique feature of the St. Olav’s
dog and using tick repellent.
Path is that there are two routes on the
Special rules also apply for dogs cros-
More and more choose to bike and the
final stretch to Trondheim, one through
sing the border, including deworming
St. Olav’s Path is well adapted for cycling.
rural farmland and forests and the other
treatment before crossing from Sweden
The path leads through farming areas
along the coast. If you choose the latter,
to Norway. Contact your vet well before
and past lovely lakes. On the way to the
you take a pilgrim boat across the fjord,
setting off and ensure the dog has a
mountains, it leads you through beautiful
which is a nice way to arrive in the city.
pet passport including all necessary
birch forests up to the border (700 m
You can walk alone or in small and large
vaccinations. Several accommodation
a.s.l.). There are wonderful views of both
groups. This magazine includes an over-
providers will welcome your four-legged
the Norwegian and Swedish sides. Sami
view of the various organised tours along
friend, but we recommend arranging this
reindeer herders have used the areas
the St. Olav’s Path.
in advance. Good preparations translate
as grazing lands for centuries and that
If you decide to arrange your own trip,
into a great trip. Regardless of whether
remains the case today.
we recommend studying the map care-
you wander, ride or bike, we can promise
Visit www.stolavsleden.com to download
fully before you start and planning well
you wonderful nature-based experiences
a special cycling map. As most of the
when it comes to accommodation and
along the way.
being a good meeting place for the pilgrims, a place where they can discuss
Trondheim has a perfect location by the
everything from the important questions
fjord with forests and fields easily acces-
of life to their experiences during the trip.
sible. The river Nidelven winds its way
“Some mention history and culture as
through the compact and cosy city centre.
their main motivation, while others have
In an idyllic setting on the banks of the
deep personal reasons for wandering.
river, you will find Nidaros Pilgrim Centre,
Common for most are descriptions of
perfectly located between the Nidaros
a wonderful nature-based experience
Cathedral, the historic wooden buildings
with plenty of space for reflection,” says
of Bakklandet and the Old Town Bridge.
Guro, who recommends remaining in the
“Even though there are many places
pilgrim bubble for a while after arriving
to stay in Trondheim, I think we have
as everyday life comes abruptly for many,
the city’s nicest location,” says Cathrine
especially those who have walked the
Roncale, General Manager of the Nidaros
entire route alone.
Pilgrim Centre. “The Pilgrim Centre is a B&B serving a continental breakfast
“We often also serve as a guide to the
or breakfast buffet and has a splendid terrace offering views of the river and
SHORT WANDERING: You can wander on the path for a weekend or a whole week. Most of the St. Olav’s Path is easily accessible by train. Choose your desired starting point then start to wander. KEEN TO WALK THE ENTIRE PATH? The St. Olav’s Path is 564 km long. Allow approx. 28 days to walk the entire path (20 km per day). Experienced hikers often include one rest day each week.
a rest day each week. WANDERING
There are several starting points for wan-
Many like taking their dog as a hiking
ACCOMMODATION Photo: Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
Photo: Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no
Many who have walked the pilgrim route
about Gisselåsen with a population of
youth hostel in Åre, the options at Stikle-
talk about enjoyable meetings with pe-
just 20.”
stad and Nidaros Pilgrim Centre.
ople living along the route and that you
Tommy has lived here his entire life and
“During my trips, I met several people
don’t have to go far on the St. Olav’s Path
knows the surrounding area well.
who visited us at Gisselåsen when they
before experiencing hospitality.
That came in handy when a girl from
started. That’s always nice,” he says.
Tommy and Sigrid Nordvall live at
The Netherlands who tried to walk the
The couple, who probably deserve the
Gisselåsen, just 8 km from the starting
path twice managed to get lost despite
title of the most hospitable in Sweden,
point in Selånger. When they are home,
directions and advice. Tommy got on his
say they appreciate chatting with their
they invite all passing pilgrims inside for
scooter and showed her the way.
many guests.
coffee and polar bread or cake.
“He’s not hard to ask,” confirms Sigrid,
“As long as we are home, all pilgrims are
“In 2018, a total of 243 people visited
who adds that he has driven to catch up
welcome to visit,” they say with a smile.
us for coffee,” says Tommy, who keeps
with people who have forgotten their pil-
If they go away, the couple put out a
statistics of the visitors and has photos of
grim passport or other things. If anyone’s
table with a guest book, glasses, a water
them all in his albums.
pack is too heavy, he helps them to send
carafe and a couple of chairs to relax on.
home unnecessary baggage and gladly
experience. You can pay by card at most
or life is necessary if you plan to only stay
More than 200 accommodation options
places, but it’s a good idea to check this
in tents and rustic shelters. If planning
are affiliated with the St. Olav’s Path and
when you book.
to camp, you need more provisions and
most people doing the route choose to
obviously your backpack will be heavier. CAMPING SITES
We recommend packing your back-
As camping has always been popular in
pack and having a few day hikes before
pilgrim accommodation. The prices are
Sweden, you will find many nice camping
making a final decision because it’s easy
affordable but count on sharing a room
sites. Many sites have idyllic locations
to overestimate your strength. We have
with other pilgrims. Book in advance or
and most rent out basic cabins. All have
met several people who have chosen
call a day or two before arriving. Several
toilet and shower facilities, many have a
after a few days to send their tent and
places are run on a voluntary basis, so be
small kiosk and some even have a café.
equipment home and stay inside instead.
patient if you don’t receive an immediate
There are few camping sites in Norway.
Good planning and packing light are ne-
response. As many options involve stay-
Good options are farm stays or renting
cessities for a good wandering experien-
ing on farms or in private houses, there is
via Airbnb or cabin rental agencies.
ce. We have made a packing list to help
stay at these. Many farms have converted a storehouse or a few rooms into
no reception. Remember to confirm your booking and arrange where to pick up the key in case the host is away.
you, which is on page 19. TENT AND RUSTIC SHELTER
The unique Swedish and Norwegian Right of Public Access means you can
roam freely in nature and even pitch your
You can find hotels in cities and larger
tent for up to two nights in the same pla-
towns along the path. In Selånger (Sunds-
ce. If you bring a tent, you have countless
vall), Østersund, Åre, Stiklestad, Levanger,
options providing you are considerate
Stjørdal and Trondheim, you can choose
towards the nature and don’t camp too
between hotels of a good standard.
close to houses and cabins. You will also
There are also numerous guests houses
find rustic shelters along the path. Alt-
“The coffee maker gets well used during
offers good advice.
the peak season in June and July,” smiles
Many are anxious about how the trip will
Sigrid, who also offers breakfast if anyone
work out. Tommy has cycled the path
wishes to stay overnight in the annex in
four times, so he knows the route well.
their garden. They maintain contact with
Even though he encountered snow in
many of their guests for several years,
the border mountains in July, he had no
receiving Christmas cards and greetings
problem biking. He is in good form and
from all over the world.
biked up to 130 km per day.
and B&B options along the route. Except
hough basic, they are a good alternative
for larger hotels in the main towns, you
to your tent when it’s raining heavily. You
“So far people from more than 30
“I took a tent on the two first trips, but
should book all accommodation in
will also find basic, unmanned cabins.
countries have passed Gisselåsen. We
there are so many nice places to stay
think it’s amusing that people in Australia,
along the way I prefer to stay there,” he
Canada, New Zealand and Hawaii know
says. His favourite places to stay are the
advance. Some places serve delicious food based on local produce, and their
Although these options bring you closer
rich cultural heritage makes these a real
to the nature, some experience of outdo-
Selånger Pilgrim Centre Tel.: +46(60)563575
Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre Tel.: +47 932 17 739
E-mail: heidi.brimi@stolavsleden.com Nidaros Pilgrim Centre Tel.: +47 73 52 50 00
E-mail: post@pilegrimsgarden.no
HIKING ON THE ST.OLAV´S PATH The landscape opens on the trip down from the mountain as you walk along the pilgrimage route from Munkeby to Markabygda. Here is the farm Troset, one of the oldest settlements in the area, with a restored farmhouse from 1780. The farm Troset is still in full operation, and in the summer you will meet both goats and cows on pasture. Troset has accommodation for pilgrims in a cottage and in the grannyhouse. At the farm you will also find the Troset clinic where you can get acupuncture and where they regularly arrange courses in mindfulnes and qigong. Read more at: trosetklinikken.no
This tour is led by Heidi & Heidi. Heidi Troset runs the Troset clinic on the farm Troset Gård offering Mindfulness and Qigong in addition to farming and pilgrim accommodation. We stay at Troset Gård on the way. Heidi Brimi is an archaeologist specialising in the Viking Age and General Manager of the Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre.
Photo & text: Troset Farm
fulness in beautiful Trønder landskape. You will join a guided
3-course dinner. You will join a guided walk from Troset to
walk through beautiful scenery from Troset to Munkeby. Along
Munkeby. In addition to beautiful nature, you will experience
the way you will learn simple qigong and mindfulness exerci-
mindfuness and qigong on the way. The lunch is served al fresco.
ses guaranteed to enhance your experience. Min. 6 pers.
On arrival to Munkeby, a delicious 3-course dinner awaits you.
The walk can be arranged in both directions.
Possibility of attending completorium at Munkeby Maria monastery.
Day 1: Arrival Troset. Mindfulness at Troset. We prepare our
Min. 6 pers. The walk can be arranged in both directions.
PIlgrimage with a visit to a monastery, local food, qigong, mind-
A different walk with mindfuldness and qigong, ending with a
own dinner. Accommodation Day 2: Breakfast and making your packed lunch. Hiking to Munkeby with mindfullness. 2-course dinner at Munkeby. Evening walk to the monastery with qigong. Munkeby cheese and beer by the open fire. Accommodation w/breakfast at Munkeby herberge. INCLUDED:
• • • • •
2 x accommodation All meals Guided walk Mindfulness and qigong Cosy open fire in the monastery ruins
• • • • • •
Guided walk Qigong and mindfulness Lunch on the way 3-course dinner Prayers Transport
INFO & BOOKING TO: pilgrim@troset.com
Phone:+47 951 51 420
Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre invites you on an eventful wandering
hostels and eat local food. We emphasize experiences to stimulate
to mark St. Olav’s Day, from Stiklestad to Trondheim through
reflection and joy. Our wandering through a changing landscape
the historic and beautiful Trøndelag landscape.
invites conversation and reflection.We start our pilgrimage at
Walking together in a group gives new depth to old friends-
Stiklestad on Sunday 21 July and stay overnight at historic Stikla-
hips and favourable conditions for new friendships. On this
stadir, a reconstructed medieval farm with a longhouse and guest
guided walk, you will enjoy wonderful nature-based experien-
loft from the time of Olav the Holy. We wander approx. 20 km per
ces and gain knowledge of the region’s rich cultural heritage.
day wearing a day pack.The tour price includes accommodation at
You will also learn simple Mindfulness and Qigong exercises
pilgrim hostels, breakfast, packed lunch and dinner, guiding and
to increase your attention and deepen your experiences
baggage transport. Alcohol is not included but can be purchased
on the trip. Wandering in the pilgrims’ footsteps can be a
at the various hostels. Bring your own sleeping back.
spiritual journey as well as a beautiful nature-based experien-
For more information and bookings, please visit stolavsleden.com
ce. On the way to the Nidaros Cathedral, you will be part of a fellowship, learn fascinating history, visit traditional pilgrim
or send an e-mail to heidi.brimi@stolavsleden.com
21–29 juli 2019. 15 per group. Price: NOK 10 500 p.p.
HIKING ON THE ST.OLAV´S PATH Join us as we retrace the pilgrim’s journey from Munkeby Monastery to
increasing amount of modern pilgrims have found
Stiklestad. Discover the fascinating history about Saint Olav and
their way on the “Nordic camino”. The way is well
the Munkeby Monastery, which lay on the route between Jämtland
marked, with signposted and labeled with the recog-
and Levanger.
nizable St.Olav way labels. Shelters and accommo-
You will also gain insight into the French monks who live at the new
dations are established along the route. The walk is
Munkeby Mariakloster/Maria Monastery today. Max: 14 people
a travel through a picturesque Scandinavian nature, clean air and water, exciting historical highlights and friendly people.
Photo: Olav Breen
Since the re-opening St.Olav´s Way in 2013, an
For more information or to book contact Visit Innherred: Email: post@visitinnherred.com Tel no: +47 74 40 17 16
Photo og text: Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter
Day 1 16.00 Arrival at Munkeby Old Monastery, where you will hear the story of the monastery. 17.00 You go up to Munkeby Hostel where Håkon welcomes you. Here you can taste the popular Munkeby cheese produced at Munkeby Mariak Monestary, close to the farm. Many regards this as Norway’s best cheese. You can also taste Munkeby Beer, specially brewed by Inderøy Farm brewery 17.45 Relaxation and socializing. 19.00 The evening ends with a two course dinner and accommodation at Munkeby Hostel. Day 2 07.00 Departure to Munkeby Maria Monastery 07.15 You attend the prayer in Munkeby Maria Monastery, together with the monks in the monastery. 08.00 A nice lunch at Munkeby Hostel. 09.00 Pilgrimage to Stiklestad. The trail is part of the St.Olav´ s
THE GUESTLOFT: We offer accommodation in our guestloft for pilgrims. In the guestloft we have a restroom and one shower. The guest loft is a copy of a medieval building from the 13th century. The beds are a reconstruction from the Middle Ages and are shorter than today’s standard. Several beds in the same room. There are toilet and shower facilities, and there is a small kitchenette. Breakfast can also be purchased for NOK 165
Path that goes from Stiklestad to Nidaros.
(served at the hotel). Packed lunch: NOK 85. Preferably bring a sleeping bag, as the house does not have its own bedding. Accommodation: NOK 300 per person. Bedlinen: NOK 150 per person. THE LONGHOUSE: We offer accommodation in our viking longhouse for groups over ten persons. In the longhouse we have showers and restrooms. Accommodation: NOK 390 per person, included breakfast. Linen: NOK 150 per person. SCANDIC STIKLESTAD HOTEL: Scandic Stiklestad opened in 2007, gifting the millennium-old meeting place with a modern hotel. Our restaurant Skalden has engaged chefs who are at the cutting edge of Norwegian cuisine. When added to our close working relationship with prized Trøndelag raw goods suppliers, this ensures that guests are served top class food. Plural room: NOK 550 per person, included breakfast Doubel room: NOK 850 per person, included breakfast Singel room: NOK 1150 included breakfast
The trip takes 4-5 hours, is 21 km long and the terrain is easy to walk through forests and fields. The areas you walk through have been the centerpieces of the Norwegian Viking Age and the Middle Ages. On arrival Stiklestad you will be served lunch and attend guided tours in Stiklestad church, St Olav´s Chapel and Photo: Eskil Roll, rollphoto.no/ Text: Visit Innherred
Stiklestad is chosen as both an ending point and a starting point for many who break up the walk in shorter distances. Even those who have walked other St. Olav’s ways into Nidaros, chooses to end their journey here. We can offer accommodation in Stiklestad Hotel and in a Viking longhouse (only for groups more than 10 persons), we also have a brand new guestloft where our visitors can stay. Special prices for pilgrims with the pilgrim’s passport. Pilgrimpassport can be purchased for NOK 50. We can help with the transportation of luggage: NOK 50 per. person per stretch (minimum price 200, -). For tips and more information contact Arnstein Indahl arnstein.indahl@snk.no or phone +47 74 04 42 00
Stiklastadir Longhouse. Then it’s time to relax or to walk around Stiklestad on your own. 19.00 In the evening, you can enjoy dinner and dessert in a quiet setting at Stiklestad Hotell. Accommodation at the hotel. The tour costs from NOK 2100 per person in double room. included tour of Munkeby old monastery, taste of Mun-
kebycheese and Munkeby beer, two-course dinner and accommodation with breakfast at Munkeby hostel, guided tour at Stiklestad National Cultural Center, two-course dinner and accommodation with breakfast at Stiklestad hotel. In addition, there may be transportation of luggage and a guide. If you come to Munkeby by car, we will arrange transportation back.
HIKING ON THE ST.OLAV´S PATH Your Nordic Pilgrim-contact along St. Olav’s Path is Ruben Heijloo. Ruben moved
The outdoor event organiser Aktivut was started in
from Amsterdam to the small town of Revsund in central Sweden late 2011, right
2000 by Sofie Jugård Löfgren and Crister Löfgren.
along St. Olav’s Path. Around the same time the route was being restored. Ruben
They believe that the Right of Public Access and the
helped promoting St. Olav’s Path in Holland and Germany. This promotion meant,
opportunities this offers is an important part of the
among other things, that Ruben had to experience the route personally: in May
Scandinavian nature and cultural heritage.
2013 he walked (and partly cycled) from Selånger to Trondheim. He made a video journal of his trip, that can still be watched at the official St. Olav’s Path website.
Aktivut has a team of knowledgeable experts with
Because Ruben is involved in the new developments surrounding the pilgrimage
considerable experience arranging outdoor events,
route and he himself has walked the pilgrimage, he has many contacts in both
including food, logistics, accommodation, transport
Sweden and Norway and knows exactly what is happening along St. Olav’s Path.
and anything else needed to create great experiences. .
Nordic Pilgrim offers trips along St. Olav’s
If you hike or bike your pilgrimage along
Path: in stages, the complete route, with or
the St.Olav´s Path does not matter, it is your
without guide, individually or in a group. Let
own experiences that is in focus. There are
Nordic Pilgrim arrange the practical part –
maps over the St.Olav´s Path for both hikers
then you can just enjoy the hike.
and bikers which makes the access very easy.
Nordic Pilgrim can arrange accommodation,
During our pilgrimage packages we normally
meals, luggage transport, pilgrim passes,
offer luggage transport so you only carry what
roadmaps, information about points of
you need for the day in your back pack or on
interest along the world’s most northern
the bike. Aktivut also help out with bike rental,
pilgrim route. If you have questions or enco-
accommodation, meals if you prefer and
unter problems during your trip then there
guides if you prefer.
is always a contact available in the region.
Take your time and talk to the locals along the
Would you like to take care of food yourself?
way, take off to the St Olav springs and the
Then you receive a list indicating food shops
view points and follow your own pace from
and dining and cooking facilities along the
Stiklestad to Trondheim through the beautiful
route. Do you just have a short period of
Scandinavian nature with a vivid wild life and
time? Together with Nordic Pilgrim you pick the best option for you. And if you carry your own luggage while walking, traveling can be even more ‘low budget’.
Photo: Håkan Wike
Photo & text: Nordic Pilgrim
bright evenings. Contact Aktivut for tailormade hike or bike pilgrimage trips along the St.Olav´s Path. www.aktivut.se, info@aktivut.se
ÖSTERSUND - ÅRE: approx. 7 days.
the Swedish east coast, which has a kind
tinues over rolling green hills, crossing
leden follows the Trondheim fjord, where
of Mediterranean atmosphere to it.
the islands of Frösön and Rödön in the
it passes through rural areas and suburbs
After a hike through deep forests, along
direction of the Swedish-Norwegian ‘fjälls’
until the final destination: the impressive
lakes and forgotten roads, this stage ends
(mountains) and the bustling ski village
Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, where
in the village of Bräcke.
of Åre.
St. Olav lies buried.
BRÄCKE - ÖSTERSUND: approx. 5 days.
ÅRE - STIKLESTAD: approx. 5 days.
shortest of the route: it starts in Bräcke
mountains, across the Swedish-Norwe-
follows the road across Frosta peninsula
and ends in Östersund, the capital of the
gian border. From there, the route goes
and Tautra island. The last stage of this
province of Jämtland.
downhill. It’s a lovely walk through valley’s
route is by boat – which makes the plan-
It is a pleasant walk, which passes histori-
in the direction of Stiklestad, where King
ning a bit harder.
cal sites and picturesque villages.
Olav died in 1030.
The second stage of St. Olavsleden is the
From Östersund, the pilgrimage con-
This stage follows the path through the
approx. 7 days. The final part of St. Olavs-
route): approx. 5 days. The coastal route
MORE INFORMATION: www.nordicpilgrim.com (in both Dutch and English)
Photo & text: Aktivut
The St. Olav´s Path begins in Selånger, on
Everyone who walks the last 100 km or bikes/rides the last 200 km to Trondheim qualifies for the pilgrim diploma known as the ‘Olav Letter’.
THE PILGRIM PASSPORT: This makes an excellent souvenir of your trip. The pilgrim centres and most accommodation providers along the route issue and stamp pilgrim passports.
Steady, waterproof, hiking boots
• • • • • • • • •
2 pairs of socks (wool mix)
(which are worn in) Woollen mittens + woolen hat 2 sets of underwear (wool mix) Light wind jacket and fleece jacket Hiking pants Shorts and t-shirt (not cotton) Rainwear (jacket and pants) Slippers (for indoor use) Compression stockings
along the shores of the Trondheimfjord. You can
wandering, but you need to check if
Imagine wandering from monastery to monastery experience this on the 57 km long wandering from Munkeby monastery in Levanger to the ruins of Tautra Abbey. This is a four-day wandering staying at Munkeby Herberge, the Falstad Centre and Oldervik Herberge at Frosta before reaching cosy Klostergården at Tautra. Jorun Mari Børstad is a pilgrim guide who has led around 300 pilgrims to Tautra over the past four years. The common denominator is experiences and joy. Visiting the monks at Munkeby and tasting their famous cheese, wading in the Levanger river and lighting candles at the 12th century Alstadhaug stone church are unique experiences that create peace of body and mind, she says.
Photo: Heidi Carine Brimi
Visiting the Catholic nuns at the Lady Chapel is
Spring: Spring is a wonderful time for there is still snow in the mountains and choose your route accordingly.
Summer: June and July are perhaps the finest time to wander along the path. In
August, it starts to become cooler in the evenings, but it is a great time for wandering as the weather is often fine and
stable. Autumn: September is colder, but still fine for wandering. In October, snow
can fall in some areas. If you plan to wander in the autumn, it’s important to dress warmly (wool) as the weather can change quickly, particularly in the mountains.
You will find maps, places to stay and suggestions for long and short trips on
for the St. Olav’s Path is Selånger (near Sundsvall). The path follows in the footsteps of King Olav the Holy all the way to Trondheim. The beautiful and varied nature makes it ideal for shorter and longer trips. As well as walking or running, you can bike or ride a horse on the St. Olav’s Path. As part of the St. Olav Ways, the St. Olav’s Path received European Cultural Route status in 2010. Thousands of people come from all over the world each year to walk the path. Some choose to walk the path in stages, while others walk the whole route from coast to coast.
Air: Airports in Sundsvall, Østersund and
Trondheim. Info: sas.se and norwegian.com Train: The train between Trondheim and
• • • • • • •
Soap, comb and sun cream Toothbrush/toothpaste (travelset) Insect repellent and medications Extra glasses and contact lenses Sunglasses 1 microfibre towel + face cloth Some toilet paper in a bag
Suitably large backpack with
• •
Travel sheet (or light sleeping bag)
• • • • • •
rain cover First aid kit with blister plasters and sports tape Small roll of gaffer tape Map (in waterproof folder), compass Small knife and matches/lighter Small headlamp/torch Cash + bank card Mobile phone + charger + power bank
Light drinking bottle + small
Provisions for 1-2 days + a bit more
another special calming experience. Other expe-
stolavsleden.com and pilegrimsleden.no
riences include visiting Tinghaugen at Frosta and
pilgrim path passes through.
- St. Olavsleden by Söderlund & Sjöstrøm
Bus: Local bus routes link most of the
Light tent + sleeping pad +
Info for Norway: en-tur.no
• •
Gas primus + light pot
the Logtun stone church. Jorun leads monastery wandering tours and one-day walks on the section of the St. Olav’s Path along the fjord. If you wish to hear more about the tours, please contact Jorun Mari by e-mail: jorunmari1@gmail.com
Search on the internet for: (English and Swedish) - St. Olavspad by Ria Warmerdam (German and Dutch)
Sundsvall stops at many places which the Info: sj.se and nsb.no
places along the St. Olav’s Path. Info for Sweden: dintur.se
IF YOU PLAN TO CAMP: sleeping bag Plate and spork
Administration for the St. Olav’s Path in Norway:
Administration for the St. Olav’s Path in Sweden:
Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre
Selånger Pilgrim Centre
Info: stolavsleden.com and pilegrimsleden.no
Info: www. stolavsleden.com
Follow us on facebook @stolavsleden og @Pilegrimsleden Instagram: @stolavsleden og @pilegrimsleden_st.olavways
Editorial content for the info magazine St. Olav’s Path: Heidi Carine Brimi, Stiklestad Pilgrim Centre and Gunn Merete Roll, rollcompany.no The info magazine St. Olav’s Path was developed and designed by rollcompany.no C The magazine content and design may not be copied in whole or in part without our permission. Text & graphic design: Gunn Merete Roll, rollcompany.no (unless otherwise specified) English translation: Gavin Tanguay Oversetting og språkvasking Photos: Eskil Roll, rollfoto.no (unless otherwise specified)