Turn Your Prayer List into a Care List with Stephen Ministry

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t urn your p r ay er l is t in t o a ca re l is t


s tephen minis try



A pr actical, biblical solution Stephen Ministry: A proven system for training and organizing members of your congregation to provide quality Christian care to those experiencing life difficulties.

Expand Your Caring Capacity There are many people in churches and communities who are hurting. Pastors want to make sure they receive ongoing care. Stephen Ministry offers an effective and biblical way to do just that: training a team of laypeople to provide Christ-centered care to many more people in need.

equip God’s people for the work of ministry. Ephesians 4:12

Since 1975, more than 13,000 churches worldwide from 180 denominations have trained over 600,000 laypeople as Stephen Ministers. Millions of hurting people have benefited from their care.

“ Every week I have someone thank me for having Stephen Ministry at our church.” Pastor Rick Darden Friends Community Church Brea, California

what stephen ministry provides your congregation High-Quality Christian Care

As a Result . . .

•   A ministry that works well in congregations with fewer

•   Hurting people receive quality emotional and spiritual

than 100 members and more than 10,000

•   High-quality, easy-to-use materials for training Stephen Ministers in your congregation

•   Training and resources for the pastors, church staff, and lay leaders who lead your Stephen Ministry

•   A Christ-centered, psychologically sound ministry •   A ministry that’s built to last—going strong for over 20, 30, or even 40 years in thousands of congregations

bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of christ.

care when they need it most

•   Laypeople grow in faith as they use their gifts in ministry and see God at work in and through them

•   Pastors don’t have to meet all the needs for care alone

•   Congregations have a powerful way to reach out with Christ’s love to unchurched people in crisis

•   Congregations become stronger and more vibrant

galatians 6:2

how your congregation can get involved 1

Enroll your congregation in Stephen Ministry (visit stephenministries.org/begin to learn more)


ave a few key people participate in the H online, interactive Bridge Leader’s Training Course (BLTC), where they’ll be trained as Stephen Leaders—the people who will begin and direct your Stephen Ministry


After the BLTC, your Stephen Leaders will:

»R ecruit, select, and train congregation members as Stephen Ministers

»M atch Stephen Ministers with people in need »P rovide ongoing guidance and support to your Stephen Ministers

Call us at (314) 428-2600 if you have questions about beginning Stephen Ministry in your congregation.

CHRIS T CA RING F OR PEOPL E T HROUGH PEOPL E Imagine the difference if your congregation had a team of 10, 20, 30, or more well-trained laypeople to work with your pastor in providing caring ministry to people who are hurting. That’s the difference Stephen Ministry is making in over 13,000 congregations across the U.S., Canada, and 30 other countries.

“ Stephen Ministry has given me a way to serve God more faithfully. In the process, God has blessed me in more ways than I ever could have imagined.” Gene | Stephen Minister Manassas, Virginia

stephen ministry

“ My Stephen Minister is more than a trusted friend. In her presence, I experience God’s grace. I feel cared for, strengthened, and supported. She is truly a gift.” Ashley | Care Receiver Topeka, Kansas

Questions? Call (314) 428-2600 or visit stephenministries.org

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