E-Buzzsaw Sept. 8, 2011

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Rotary Club 13 Buzz Saw This Week’s Meeting– Muehlebach Hotel, Noon, Trianon Room, Sept. 8, 2011 Last Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011 Pete Burgess

September, ahhhh September. Summer vacations are over, kids are back to school, and just maybe hurricanes pack it in for another season. So it was at Club 13 when we marched upstairs to the Muehlebach Colonial Ballroom to be met by our newest members on this first day of September. President Marc Horner opened the meeting. Bob Lager led the club in singing My Country ‘tis of Thee. President Marc led the pledge and invited Dick Harmes to the podium to give the invocation. John Clifton then stepped up to provide a warm welcome to the six visitors who joined our meeting. This first week in September was a good one for recovery. Executive Director Janet Ellis is home for R&R, and John Platt is mending at Villa St. Joseph near 119th and Rosewood. President Marc introduced Laurie Mosley as an honorary member and tagged her with the ―power of kindness‖ pin that he received from SuEllen Fried, last week’s speaker. He then announced a parade of Club 13 events in September and October. Meanwhile, Past-president Casual Carl Bolte was chomping at the bit to announce that he has passes to the Quality Hill Playhouse and The American Heartland Theater. See Carl for these valuable passes…Of course they are all the more valuable when Carl himself plays on Friday, Sept. 9.

Judy Baker explains the Affordable Care Act to Rotary13

Jane Lee introduced our speaker Judy Baker who enjoys the position of director of Region 7, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Judy is a Katherine Sebelius appointee who attempted to explain the ―Affordable Care Act‖ using a slide show and talking points to identify the parts of what appears to be an extraordinarily large lump yet to be digested in the snake that ate the act. Got something affordable for a big tummy ache?

Rotary Club 13 Office - 1289 Wyandotte - Kansas City, MO 64105 - 816-842-2322 www.rotary13.org VOL. XCV / No. 36

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