Printers' Marks (W. Roberts, 1893)

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Pr in te rs M ar ks .

known as the “ Anc ora gra ssa ,” which he used from 154 0 to 1546, is more careful ly engraved but less char acte risti c than that of his fathe r ; whilst that which he used from 1546 to 1554 was usually but not invar iably surrounded by the decora tive square indicated in the accom pany ing reprod uc­ tion ; then he again modified his Mark, or more particula rly its border. Paulus Manutiu s died in

T H E A L D IN E AN CH OR , 1 5 0 2 -1 5 .

Apr il 1574. Aldus “ the youn ger,” 157 4-9 8, the son of Paulus and the last repr esen tativ e of the house, also used the anchor, the effect of which is to a gre at ext ent destro yed by the elabo rate coatof-arms gran ted to the family by the Em per or Max imili an. Aldus “ the y ounge r,’’was a precocious scholar, of the pedan t type, and under him the tradit ions of the family rapidly fell. He married into the emin ent Giu nta family of printers, and

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