Printers' Marks (W. Roberts, 1893)

Page 19


P r e f a c e ......................................................................


L ist of I l l u s t r a t io n s ...................................................................... xiii I n t r o d u c t i o n ................................................................................. S ome G en er a l A sp ec ts of t h e P r in t e r ’s Mar k


. .


T h e P r in t e r ’s M ar k in E n g l a n d .....................................


S om e F r en ch P r in t e r s ’ M a r k s ................................................100 P r in t e r s ’ M ar ks of G erm an y and Swi tz er la nd


S ome D ut ch an d F le m is h P r in t e r s ’ Mar ks . . . . P r in te r s ’ M ar ks

in I tal y and


139 178

S p a i n ..................................... 209

S ome M od er n E x a m p l e s ................................................................233 B ib l io g r a ph y ........................................................................................... 253 I n d e x ............................................................................................................255

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