News - Cranbourne Star News - 20th June 2024

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Cranbourne U3A will soon leave their home for the past two decades.

It is an emotional farewell, but a fresh start awaits as they move to the kindergarten building at 20 - 22 Bowen Street.

The new rooms will be in use from the commencement of Term 3.

The relocation was followed by the planned future closure of the Casey Administration Building, which had been assessed as an “end-of-life” asset by the Casey Council.

page 8

‘Direct care’ only

Dr Michelle Kenney has been granted a stay with conditions on her recent suspension, the state tribunal heard.

The conditions stipulate that she may only practise medicine in roles providing direct clinical care to patients, and must not practise in any role and/or position which includes responsibility for clinical governance, or management or supervision of other health practitioners or students.

Dr Kenney was suspended as a medical practitioner on 17 May by the Medical Board of Australia.

According to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), the board took immediate action after noting that the Department of Health suspended the clinic’s registra-

tion as a day procedure centre on 29 February following two days of inspection.

The Department of Health stated that the clinic’s day procedure service was operating in a way that posed serious risks to patient health or safety and the clinic had also failed to comply with the relevant regulations.

The clinic was found to fail to assess the credentials of medical practitioners appropriately.

The anesthetist Dr Tony Chow, apparently hired by others when Dr Kenney was awaythe VCAT report said - had a condition on his registration that only allowed him to practise at Knox Hospital.

Other non-compliance included infection control, failure to ensure adequate training of staff involved in surgery and anesthesia and inadequate review of events.

VCAT noted that before the suspension of

the clinic, Dr Kenney had contacted the Department of Health in November 2023 to report the compliance issues she discovered on her return from health and personal reasons.

It appeared she had begun to take steps to address issues, but the department’s inspection recorded some issues had not been rectified, VCAT documents said.

The board reasoned that Dr Kenney, as the medical director, was responsible for the noncompliance and had put patients and employees at serious risk.

It warranted the suspension, the VCAT report said, with the board believing that “her lack of insight into how serious the failings were, reflect on her capacity to practise medicine generally, and put all her patients at risk”.

Dr Kenney contended that there was little evidence she was not a safe general practitioner and the board failed to make a distinction

between any risk she might have posed as a director and the risk if she would continue as a general practitioner.

The state tribunal did not find Dr Kenney would pose a serious risk to the safety of patients in the medical practice.

As public safety was the priority in the decision about a stay, the tribunal considered that the public would be sufficiently protected from any risk posed by Dr Kenney as the Department of Health had already suspended the clinic’s day surgery services and the condition on the stay would prohibit her from governing the clinic.

The tribunal also considered the evidence that refusing the stay would potentially harm Dr Kenney personally and the continued operation of the clinic as a general practice.

Continued page 4

/Cranbournestarnews @StarNews_SE CRANBOURNE 40¢ Inc. GST Thursday, 20 June, 2024 PAGE 6 Colourful hospital donation PAGE 10 Stellar Red Cross supporters SPORT Eagles amp things up PAGE 4 Top honour for Bassir T 5996 1200 Visit our website Thinking of Selling? Here's your sign! With Finning's NO SALE –NO CHARGE & SMART SALE platform YOU can't lose. Call us any time (24hrs) and find out more NOW! 12662182-AA03-24 Nostalgic goodbye for U3A
Story Cranbourne U3A secretary Sue Morris (left) and president Helen Bell (right) will soon wave goodbye to the old site in Casey Administration Building. 413954 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Predator jailed after assault on teenager

A judge has raised concerns about a “harmful” teenage online sub-culture as he jailed a Lynbrook predator over luring a 13-year-old into a park and sexually assaulting her in a public toilet cubicle.

Shivnesh Jagroop, 34, pleaded guilty at the Victorian County Court to eight charges including procuring three girls aged under 16 online in 2020 and 2021.

He also pleaded guilty to using the internet for sexual activity with a 15-year-old, paying her $330 to perform sex acts online over a period of three weeks.

A year after being questioned by police over this, Jagroop re-offended with two 13-year-old girls.

Sentencing judge Simon Moglia said on 17 June that it was “deliberate” and “persistent” conduct including “highly sexualised” content.

Jagroop had offered inducements to engage in sex acts even when he knew of their young ages.

“Your conduct escalated over time and it seems only the intervention of police stopped what you were doing.”

In what the judge described as a “certain sub-culture”, the victims were introduced by their friends to Jagroop’s Snapchat profile.

He said it was a “matter of great concern” that the girls’ online conduct contributed to their own exposure to harm.

It may have contributed to the market for the online exploitation of children, he said.

“This conduct by the girls seemed to have been cooperative either between them or others.

“(It) seems to have arisen in a certain subculture featuring a willingness by the girls to engage in harmful activity online by someone such as yourself (Jagroop).

“These are serious matters that must be investigated and I accept that they already are by the authorities and those in ... supervisory roles with the children online.”

The girls’ conduct did not make Jagroop’s offending any less grave, the judge said.

Judge Moglia named the online apps and services Snapchat, Skype and Discord as “bearing responsibility for their users’ safety”.

“These matters must be taken seriously by those with power to regulate those online services ... used by people such as you to take advantage of the vulnerability of children.”

In October 2021, a 13-year-old girl refused hisonlinesexualrequestsaswellastomeethim in a park to collect money from him.

She instead told him to leave the cash in the park, which she later collected and then reported him to police.

In December, she introduced another 13-year-old girl to Jagroop on Snapchat.

They arranged via Discord to meet in a park

at night for payment.

In the park, Jagroop grabbed her and locked them both in a public toilet cubicle.

He handed her $150, sexually assaulted her, and gave her another $100 before unlocking the door.

A covert police officer later assumed the girl’s Snapchat identity and chatted with Jagroop, who offered up to $500 to meet at the girl’s home.

He was arrested the next day.

Judge Moglia noted the girls eloquently told of the psychological harm inflicted on them.

Their parents also told of the “horror of not knowing what their children are subjected to online” and “not being able to protect them”.

“The harm that dynamic causes both to those families and our community as a whole are tragically significant,” he said.

Judge Moglia noted Jagroop’s guilty pleas, his lack of priors, his remorse and shame, and “a degree of insight ... and victim empathy”.

However, a psychologist reported Jagroop’s problematic belief that girls were able to appropriately consent to sexual interactions.

He was assessed as being a moderate risk of reoffending.

Migrating from Fiji, Jagroop struggled to adjust to high school and had difficulty fitting in. He’d had superficial, brief relationships but nothing serious.

He’d gone onto social media platforms to seek out sexual contact, and conceded he should have instead sought help.

Jagroop was jailed for up to nine years and two months, with a non-parole period. He had served 920 days in pre-sentence remand.

Cash to fix black spots

TheFederalGovernmenthasannounced $33.3 million in funding to improve 56 known crash sites in Victoria under the 2024-25 Black Spot Program.

Two projects in the City of Casey will receive funds; one of them is Wedgewood Road - Abbott Road Hallam, with a $246,816 contribution from the Federal Government.

The proposed treatment will see the installation of road safety platforms on Wedgewood Road, and in the north and south of Abbott Road, as well as signage and improved delineation treatments.

The second project is on Power Road - Kidds Road in Doveton, with the proposed treatment looking to install multiple road cushions at approaches to the existing roundabout, with the improvement of delineation/line markings and signage; the Federal Government will be contributing $121,027.

Bruce MP Julian Hill said the funding “is terrific news for our community”.

The Black Spot Program is a nationwide initiative aimed at reducing crashes on roads by identifying and funding the improvement of high-risk locations, according to the Federal Government’s Infrastructure Investment Program.

“Every death on Australian roads is a tragedy which could have been avoided.

“I encourage anyone who knows of a dangerous road location near them to consider submitting a nomination for future funding rounds,” Mr Hill said.

2 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 12693522-SM25-24

More homes on the radar

As the State Government released the draft

targets for each council - including 104,000 new homes for Casey - planning experts say insufficient market demands and low infrastructure supply would be the key issues for the growth areas.

Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny announced the draft targets for each council on Sunday 16 June – with final targets released by the end of this year.

The draft housing targets represent the previously announced distribution of 70 per cent housing growth in established areas and 30 per cent in growth areas by 2051.

Each target was calculated largely based on an area’s proximity to jobs and services, level of access to existing and planned public transport, environment hazards like flood and bushfire risk, current development trends, and places already identified for more homes.

Casey will be expected to accommodate 104,000 new homes with an increase of 79 per cent by 2051, and Cardinia will anticipate an increase of 78 per cent with 36,000 additional housing.

Dr Marcus Spiller from SGS Economics and Planning said setting targets for each council was a useful first step and enabled planners to focus on an agreed task, but the challenge lay in market demands.

“The challenge now will be to find the best ways of accommodating the set targets within each municipality, including allowing for market demands and preferences,” he said.

“For example, Casey wants to accommodate a substantial part of its target through high-density housing around activity centres and public transport routes.

“However, in this scenario, there may not be sufficient demand to support this housing form in the short to medium term, so there will be a tricky timing issue for planners and coun-

cils to manage in partnership with the state.”

Jonathan O’Brien from YIMBY Melbourne, a group advocating for planning reform and housing abundance, agreed with Dr Spiller and believed market demands were the key to developing and building.

The group conducted its housing target calculation for some council areas months ago but it did not feature Casey.

“Our targets are based on what would be profitable to be built, so that means our targets are based on what the market and what developers would actually build,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Is there market demand to continue building huge numbers of homes in Casey? And can it be done at the current level of land release? And the follow-up question is, do we actually want to release more land? I think that’s the set of questions that need to be asked.”

Mr O’Brien said the infrastructure in the growth areas needed to keep up, but the government should also be honest about the trade-offs of living in a growth area.

“When people choose to live in Casey, they’re choosing the trade-offs you make liv-

ing as far out from the CBD as Casey is. You’re expecting to own land, and you’re expecting a backyard and so on,” he explained.

“I think the government has let a lot of inner-east councils off lightly, whereas they’ve sort of continued to ask growth areas like Casey to shoulder a lot of new homes.

“And look, that’s fine so long as the infrastructure is there, but the government needs to be honest about the trade-offs that are being made.

“The government really has an opportunity here to reconfigure the way that we build to be very serious about ensuring that more homes are built in a middle Melbourne and enabling communities and areas like Casey to really find their feet, get the infrastructure they need, and ensure that the right set of trade-offs are being made for Victorians.”

Swinburne University’s Dr Stephen Glackin, who specialises in urban planning and urban geography said councils would need to work with developers to come up with the appropriate plans to reach the housing targets.

“Unfortunately planning and development

Casey Grammar student wins wrestling gold

Casey Grammar student Jannatpreet won gold in the recent Victorian State Wrestling Championships.

The 13-year-old came first in the U14 Girls 44kg competition.

Jannatpreet began the sport when she was 10 after being introduced to a wrestling coach at a family gathering.

Curious about what the sport involved, she decided to go to a few training sessions and was hooked. She now trains twice a week at a wrestling gym.

“Isticktoaregulartrainingschedulewhere I practise wrestling techniques, but my training also includes lifting weights, running and exercises like push-ups and sit-ups,” she said.

Jannatpreet won gold in only 43 seconds at the state championships, pinning her opponent to the ground to secure the win.

Organised by theVictorianWrestling Asso-

ciation Inc., competitors had to follow strict United World Wrestling Freestyle and GrecoRoman wrestling rules as they battled it out at the event that attracted talented wrestlers from across the state.

“I picked up one of my opponent’s legs and then put my leg behind her leg that was still on the floor. I then fell back on her and kept pushing until both her shoulders and back were on the floor,” Jannatpreet said, explaining her winning wrestle.

“Winning gold is definitely a highlight. I remember hearing the whistle blow that indicated I’d successfully pinned my opponent and I was really happy. There was a big buildup to that moment and my hard work has paid off.”

Jannatpreet balances her weekly training and medal-winning ways with school and homework.

“I particularly like Sport, PDT, Drama and Art and I’m looking forward to studying Forensic Science next year. I’m not sure what I want to do when I leave school – I just want to be successful and independent,” she said.

Casey Grammar School principal Fiona Williams said the whole school was proud of Jannatpreet’s state championship win.

“Our students take part in a multitude of sports inside and outside of school and it’s wonderful to see students like Jannatpreet working hard and then enjoying the success that their commitment brings,” she said.

“We’re interested to see where Jannatpreet’s determination and talents take her next.”

Casey Grammar student Jannatpreet won gold in the recent Victorian State Wrestling Championships. Picture: SUPPLIED

are kept apart to prevent collusion,” he said.

“But I feel this needs to change, as we are in desperate need of housing that is planned sustainably and the only way forward is to work together.”

City of Casey acting manager of growth and investment, Nick Felstead, said the council welcomes the targets announced by the State Government.

“The target for the City of Casey aligns quite closely to the housing forecasts, which have been presented previously, whilst still providing aspiration to increase this supply.

“We will incorporate these targets in our forward planning, with greater review required to understand opportunities for greater policy direction.”

Cardinia Shire Council’s general manager of liveable communities, Lili Rosic said the council would prepare a response to the draft targets.

“Cardinia Shire Council recognises the important role that council plays in supporting the development of new homes through its local planning policies and granting of permit approvals,” Rosic said.

“Council supports the objective of creating housing choice where there is existing and planned public transport, jobs and services. Other key considerations include protection of environmental features and assets, the shire’s unique character and containing growth to the urban growth boundary.

“Council will consider its position on the draft housing targets, and will participate in consultation opportunities as part of the new plan for Victoria on behalf of the Cardinia Shire community.

“Cardinia Shire Council is committed to continuing to respond to the needs of our growing and diverse community, and to building a strong and sustainable shire for present and future generations to enjoy.” Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Pakenham 190 Princes Highway Ph: 5941 4888 Cranbourne 6 Brunt Street Ph: 5996 6822 Drouin 2 Porter Place Ph: 5625 2571 Family Funerals 12658638-AA02-24 ONE LOCATION FOR YOUR HEALTHCARE NEEDS WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU Online Bookings Available through, or - select Hampton park 12612578-JC29-23 127-129 Somerville Rd • Hampton Park • Ph 9702 9300 • • Men, Womens and Childrens Health • Respiratory problems • Physio and Podiatrist available • Sleeping disorders • Patients with complex health issues • Weight Loss Programs • Everything under the one roof, good doctors, great services, new clean facilities with plenty of parking on site • Refugee and Assylum seekers welcome at our practice OPEN EXTENDED HOURS Mon to Fri 8 am to 9 pm Weekends and Public Holidays 9 am to 5pm Including Specialist & Allied Health Services For all enquiries phone 9702 9300   O Available for: Children under 16 with a valid Medicare card Patients with valid healthcare and or pensioner card Other patients will have a small out of pocket charge ($20 - $50) CONTACT US Phone: 5945 0666 ADVERTISING Visit Email Phone 5945 0666 EDITORIAL Email Published by Star News Group Pty Ltd ACN 005 848 108. Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas. All material is copyright to Star News Group Pty Ltd. All significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit AUSTRALIAN OWNED & INDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE Email Visit Email Phone 5945 0600 12651769-SN47-23 NEWS
Casey will be expected to accommodate 104,000 new homes by 2051. 387659

Heists leave trail of victims

Dozens of customers at a self-storage facility at Hallam have again been targeted by thieves who have stolen thousands of dollars of items over several months.

Victoria Police is continuing to investigate a series of alleged burglaries between February and April at the StoreLocal business on Hallam South Road despite recently charging a 37-year-old Dandenong man.

It comes after Star News reported 20 units at the site were burgled last September.

Police recently seized more than 150 items allegedly stolen from the storage facility during raids at five properties in Hallam, Dandenong and Clyde.

Some of the stolen items were returned to their rightful owners, a police spokesperson said.

However, a victim Ben Norman told Star News he was not so lucky, with his collection of 1400 Funko Pop boxed figurines worth upwards of $25,000 still missing.

He believes more than 70 other storage units have been broken into this year.

The first he heard of something amiss was an email from StoreLocal warning of break-ins in April.

Mr Norman later discovered his hired storage unit’s padlock had been replaced by another padlock.

The offenders presumably cut the original padlocks and replaced them with their own, he says.

The “sophisticated” operation must have involved large trucks to transport the loot.

“It took me six trips in a one-tonne van to

fill the unit.

“I was p***ed off. A lot of (the figures) can’t be replaced because they’re no longer in production.

“At least it wasn’t family photos, it’s simply money.”

Mr Norman blames StoreLocal for not providing security patrols and on-site staff, despite a wave of break-ins since September.

He is making enquiries about sueing for compensation.

“When I was there on Sunday morning, the gates were wide open and people could just

drive in. We’re meant to use a keypad to gain entry.

“They’ve done nothing to improve the site. I don’t think it’s fair, I don’t think it’s right.”

StoreLocal does not provide insurance for customers. Its website suggests customers to contact their home and contents insurance provider.

Mr Norman said he didn’t insure his goods. “I should be able to assume that putting them in secure storage will be safe”.

Other customers have detailed their losses on Google reviews for StoreLocal Hallam.

OAM a nod to Bassir’s community work

Striving for community growth and togetherness has always been at the forefront of Bassir Qadiri’s mind, and his efforts have since been rewarded after he was ordained with The Medal of the Order of Australia earlier this month.

Announced on 10 June, Bassir was acknowledged for his longstanding efforts and contributions towards Victoria’s multicultural community, and for him, receiving the award was “overwhelming”.

“I mean it was a surprise, I did receive some notification but I didn’t know that I would make it.

“I was overseas when I heard the news, and this was overwhelming for me, my family, my friends, my colleagues as well as the community organisation,” he said.

Chief executive and founder of Bakhtar Community Organisation, Bassir’s drive for his contributions is innate, saying that due to his mother’s position as a female activist, her traits were passed on to him.

“Giving back to the community was something I inherited from my mum, as far as I remember, I have always been involved in the community.

“When I moved to Australia in 2009 I saw the opportunity, especially since it’s a multicultural country which was [and is] something that I’m very interested in,” Bassir said.

Other notable achievements by Bassir include the Inclusive Volunteering Award through Volunteering Victoria in 2022; he was also the City of Casey’s Citizen of the Year in 2020 and in the same year was given the Australia Day Award in the Holt electorate.

He is a member of the South Metropolitan Regional Advisory Council and was a member of Casey’s Access and Inclusion Committee from 2018-2022.

While these paths, in one way or another contributed to his eventual OAM awarding, and though he is more than grateful, asterisks were never his goal.

“I’ve been committed since then, I started with poetry nights and cultural activities, and then I saw the need in other areas of the community.

“I would advise anyone to give back to this beautiful country, we don’t know [just] how privileged we are living in Australia.

“Giving back is our responsibility, whether it’s at an individual level, a group level or be-

ing part of a union, give back to this country,” Bassir said.

Bakhtar Community Organisation is the culmination of years of community engagement, where Bassir recognised the need for a centralised body to address people’s needs.

The charity organisation supports migrants and refugees with assistance in areas of employment, food assistance, cultural assimilation, health awareness and more.

Throughout the years, more than 6000 individuals have been supported by the organisation.

While the award was a surprise, “the other great thing is that we know that our work is being noticed”.

“I know we are doing something for the better of the community [and] if we are committed I think we’re going to achieve even more prestigious awards than this.

“So I feel privileged that somebody, someone in the community or within the organisa-

tion that we are working with has noticed the hard work we are doing, [that] we have been acknowledged and recognised,” Bassir said.

Working professionally as a financial manager for Program Finance Group, as well as an interpreter/translator for Monash Health since 2010, Bassir’s plate is more than full with his community endeavours.

However, he loves it, and he believes “that community work has been my passion”.

“When I do things, when I communicate with people when I do meetings after hours with organisations or community members, I enjoy it, I really enjoy it.

“Because I know that I’m giving back to the community, I’m helping someone and that gives me a sense of satisfaction,” Bassir said.

Moving forward, Bassir has launched his campaign for council this upcoming October election for Casuarina Ward, representing Narre Warren, Narre Warren South and Cranbourne North.

StoreLocal responded to one of the complainant’s claims of the site being unmanned and without security patrols and working CCTV by saying it “doesn’t sound like our site at Hallam”.

StoreLocal was contacted by Star News for comment.

The arrested man was charged with possessing an imitation firearm, burglary, car theft, theft and handling stolen goods. He was bailed to appear at Dandenong Magistrates’ Court on 28 August.

‘Direct care’ only for doctor

From page 1

Dr Kenney is the only general practitioner at the clinic. There was sufficient evidence that the clinic serves an area of need and carries importance to women across metropolitan Melbourne, the VCAT report noted.

A final review hearing will take place in three to six months.

Due to media interest, the tribunal stated that Dr Kenney was not involved clinically with NarreWarren South woman Harjit Kaur who died after a pregnancy termination surgery in the clinic on 12 January.

The board confirmed that it did not suggest there was a link between Miss Kaur’s death and Dr Kenney’s suspension.

A coroner investigation into Miss Kaur’s death is still ongoing.

The tribunal heard that the initial autopsy found “no significant natural disease contributing to the death, no evidence of any complication after surgery, and ruled out adverse effects of anesthesia, infection, and other conditions or reactions”.

The pathologist raised the“possibility of a heart rhythm abnormality”.

4 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
Bassir Qadiri, founder and chief executive of Bakhtar Community Organisation has been awarded The Medal of Order of Australia for his contribution of Victoria’s multicultural community.
Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Hampton Park Women’s Health Clinic. 396246 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Police are investigating a series of burglaries at StorageLocal Hallam. 413505 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Works wrapping up early

The Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road Upgrade is set to complete major works in August, a year ahead of schedule.

Originally scheduled for completion in mid-2025, the project has charged ahead with expanding this vital arterial road in Melbourne’s ever-growing South East.

The newly upgraded Camms Road/Rochester Parade intersection was opened on Monday 3 June and crews are set to reopen the Berwick-Cranbourne Road intersection in July, the ninth and final upgraded intersection on the Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road Upgrade.

Works are also continuing to place the top



A pedestrian was fighting for life after being struck by a car in Eumemmerring on Friday 14 June.

The male was struck while crossing Princes Highway about 7pm, police say. He was taken to hospital with lifethreatening injuries and remained in a critical condition the next day.

The driver, a 21-year-old Chadstone woman, stopped at the scene.

Greater Dandenong Highway Patrol officers are investigating.

Any information or dashcam/CCTV footage to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or

Gym fire investigation

Echo Taskforce detectives are investigating a suspicious fire that caused “significant damage” to a Hallam gym allegedly attended by outlaw motorcycle gang members.

Six fire-brigade pumpers, a ladder platform and 28 firefighters were called to Nitro Gym on Princes Highway just before 4.30am on Thursday 13 June.

A passer-by had called emergency services, reporting a glow inside the building.

“A number of windows had been smashed and it’s believed an accelerant had been poured inside the premises and set alight,” a Victoria Police spokesperson said.

“Nobody was inside at the time, but the building sustained significant damage.”

“Echo Taskforce detectives will look at whether the business was targeted due to a number of outlaw motorcycle gang members attending the gym.”

The building was“well alight” when fire brigades arrived, according to FRV.

The fire was deemed under control by 4.57am.

An arson chemist was set to attend the scene that morning, police say.

The gym, previously owned by Comancheros bikie-gang boss Mick Murray, has been the target of police raids and drive-by shootings in the past.

Any information, CCTV or dashcam footage to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or

layer of asphalt across the project, install centre medians and guardrails, and complete the new shared walking and cycling path.

After major works are complete in August, there’ll be some lane closures and speed reductions in place at times while crews finish minor works including landscaping and turning on the new permanent streetlights.

With 33,000 vehicles using Narre WarrenCranbourne Road each day, this upgrade will improve traffic flow and travel times while reducing traffic pressure on surrounding roads and the South Gippsland Highway.

This project aims to make it easier and

safer to travel in and around Cranbourne and the booming sporting and education precinct off Berwick-Cranbourne Road.

With more than nine kilometres of shared walking and cycling paths, the project is also creating better access for everyone who uses the area and encouraging more walking and cycling throughout the suburb.

Cranbourne MP Pauline Richards said it was such a wonderful feeling to see the Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road Upgrade ahead of schedule and ready to complete major works in August.

“This project is already dramatically changing the way people navigate Cranbourne and

surrounding suburbs as it provides easier, less-congested travel to the Cranbourne main street, local schools and the sporting precinct,” she said.

“We appreciate everyone’s patience as we got on with delivering this important project alongside many other fantastic upgrades for Cranbourne including Hall Road, Thompsons Road, Cranbourne-Frankston Road and Western Port Highway.”

For further information on the project, please visit the Big Build website: bigbuild.

Tax cuts for every taxpayer Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 5 Calculate yours at Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra
Estimate yours with the tax cut calculator. 12691064-FR25-24
Police cordoned off Nitro Gym during a raid of the premises in 2022. Picture: VICTORIA POLICE

NEWS Getting crafty for a cause

Casey Hospital has received beautiful handmade blankets and sensory mats from the craft group at the Balla Balla Community Centre in Clyde North.

Sue Taylor and Sue Frederick, who are passionate about giving back to people in need, made the colourful creations for patients at Casey Hospital with community program organiser Lauren McCarthy.

Acting director clinical operations (DCO) of general medicine at Casey Hospital Michele Evans said the hospital was grateful for the beautiful gifts.

“One of the main ladies had heard through a friend that there was a palliative care ward at Casey. They were really inclined to donate to us, and she reached out to me by email, and then we started the conversation from there,” Ms Evans recalled.

“The original plan was just for the blanket, and then she had mentioned that she’d made

sensory mats in the past. I said, oh, well, when I come to pick up the blankets, I’d love to have a chat about the sensory mats.

And when I arrived, she’d already made a large selection for me.”

The hospital received about 10 blankets and 15 sensory mats.

Ms Evans said the sensory mats would help patients suffering from delirium or dementia.

“Quite often, patients will be pulling at their dressings or their intravenous lines. And if they’ve got something else to fiddle with, it just makes their treatment easier and also keeps them occupied and less agitated, because it’s just something to do with their hands,” she said.

“It helps keep them safe.

“I think it’s wonderful. I really like that we can give something to the patients.

“I love that it shows community involvement. I know that the ladies themselves really enjoyed being able to do something that made life a little bit nicer for someone else.”

ACE Foundation

celebrates 10 years

A decade ago, a small non-profit organisation called Aiding Casey Education (ACE Foundation) was formed. Its vision was to assist students in the City of Casey to overcome challenges in their educational pursuits.

ACE’s approach to providing assistance is a unique one. Unlike many other organisations, ACE operates with no administration costs. This means that every dollar donated goes directly towards supporting their programs and initiatives, ensuring maximum impact for every contribution.

Aiding Casey Education was founded by local GP Dr Leon Shapero in 2014.

It has grown substantially with the support of the local community and the ACE Foundation Board.

It provides glasses to vision-impaired students, meal replacements to those arriving at school without a prepared meal, hardcover readers to all prep students (5000 each year) and offers encouragement awards in the form of bursaries to deserving students at all public schools in the City of Casey. The ACE Foundation truly makes a difference to the lives of students here.

Many students in this City of Casey community come from low-income households and struggle with food insecurity. By providing 4000 nutritious meal items every four weeks to these students, Aiding Casey Education is helping to alleviate hunger and ensure that


Thumbs up

To the repair of the rotunda in the park on McGregor Road. It looks great.

Thumbs down


Thumbs up


Thumbs down To people who stop in the middle of the roundabout and don’t let the rest of the traffic flow through, people like that block all the cars in every direction.

Thumbs down

To the price of rentals.

every student is able to focus on their studies without worrying about where their next meal will come from. Over 56,000 meal replacement items were delivered to the high school students in 2023/2024 alone.

The Glasses program caters for both Primary (all students) and Secondary (meanstested) students. It ensures students who are vision impaired will be provided with the required prescription funded by the ACE Foundation. The message sent to these students and families is that they themselves and their education are important. The smiling faces of the students who have benefited from their programs are a testament to the joy and fulfilment that comes from receiving a helping hand when it’s needed the most.

The community comes together every Oc-


tober in a show of solidarity and support for ACE Foundation’s annual fundraising Gala. Every year it is heart-warming to see people from all walks of life coming forward to donate for the silent auction and various prizes. Once again, the support and love from local businesses is requested to ensure the fundraiser is a success and we can continue to support as many students as possible.

Here’s to many more years of assisting children in overcoming challenges in their education. Congratulations to the Aiding Casey Education.

To join the volunteer team, sponsor or donate please email Ailsa at

Ailsa de Kunder, ACE Foundation

6 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
Stella O’Loughlin and Alisha Knights battle for the ball in the Pakenham v Bellarine match in Big V Women. 413421 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS
OPINION Thumbs Up Thumbs Down is your chance to have your say. Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. All submissions must include a full name address and daytime phone number. Contributions over the phone will not be accepted. Contributors will not be identified. The Star News reserves the right to edit submissions. To submit a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down email to fax to 5945 0777 or post to P.O. Box 9 Pakenham 3810.
how much rubbish gets dumped on our roads.
a great
free TAFE. Thumbs up To Garfield Picture Theatre -
venue and magnificent artists.
Sue Taylor and Sue Fredericks from Balla Balla Community Centre’s Thursday craft group handed over handmade blankets and sensory mats to Michele Evans from Monash Health Casey Hospital, with Lauren McCarthy representing Balla Balla. Picture: SUPPLIED The hospital received about 10 blankets and 15 sensory mats. Colourful blankets. Sensory mats.

Discover the Summerset difference at our Cranbourne North Open Days

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Our first Australian retirement village with premium aged care,# Summerset Cranbourne North is a modern village, which once complete will offer resort-style facilities, a full range of living options to suit your level of independence with the reassurance that there will be a modern aged care home onsite. With homes priced from $599,000 and flexible pricing options to suit your budget, that next step could be closer than you think.*

The village is conveniently located with easy access to nearby shopping centres, public reserves, the freeway, and is just minutes away from the local golf club and the gorgeous Cranbourne Botanical Gardens.

Pop along to our upcoming Open Days, enjoy some refreshments, tour the brand-new homes, and get a taste of the Summerset life that our residents love so much.

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Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June, 10am - 2pm

Summerset Cranbourne North 98 Mannavue Boulevard, Cranbourne North 03 7068 5642 | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 7
SUM6066_FP *Homes are secured by purchase of the right to occupy and are subject to availability and eligibility criteria. Rental options are not available. Only 4 villas left at this price. Flexible pricing arrangements are subject to a higher deferred management fee. Price and stock levels correct as at 8 May 2024. Exclusions apply. For full terms and conditions please visit #Pending completion. Image is indicative.
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New home for local U3A

Cranbourne U3A will relocate to a new home in the coming July, leaving the Casey Administration Building after almost two decades.

It will move to the kindergarten building at 20 - 22 Bowen Street and new rooms will be in use from the commencement of Term 3.

The relocation was followed by the planned future closure of the Casey Administration Building, which had been assessed as an “endof-life” asset by the Casey Council.

President Helen Bell said the new location

was very local, which was good for their members.

“Council found it for us. They were very helpful. They gave us five or six options, and this was a really good option for us,” she said.

“They went out of their way to make sure that where they were putting us was something that would suit all our activities.”

Looking back, Ms Bell believed the organisation had been very lucky to be able to use rooms in the old site.

“It’s a long time,” she said.

“We’ve done a lot of work here quite recently. We’ve put in new cupboards to make the classes so much better.

“The improvements that we have made will be beneficial to the new place, which is really good.”

Ms Bell said the members were excited about the move.

“We’re really happy with the new premises because they’ve got wall-to-wall lighting,” she said.

“And we can sit in our classes, and we can look outside onto the beautiful gardens.

“I think it’ll be a good move, a fresh start for us.

“We’re a very happy bunch.We are very welcoming to people who want to come and join. Just come and join us.”

Cranbourne U3A will also have a new phone number: 0493 991 919. The old phone number will no longer be in use from 30 June.

Ms Bell said they had been talking about a Biggest Morning Tea towards the end of July to celebrate the new start.

Concerns rife despite Casey not being affected by breach

Casey Council has been spared by the most recent data breaches experienced by afterhours service provider OracleCMS, following the tumultuous months of April and May after the attack by ransomware group Lockbit.

The council’s chief information officer Clint Allsop said that the council is aware of the attacks and that following careful analysis, they are “confident no City of Casey systems or personal data has been compromised”.

Furthermore, Mr Allsop added that there are “no direct links between OracleCMS and other Casey systems”.

While safe from any leaks, Deakin University professor and director of Centre for Cyber Resilience and Trust, Robin Doss, said that overall community confidence on organisations’ ability – councils included –would be impacted by these data breaches.

“In a sense it sort of places an onus on government agencies, broadly, that handle citizen data to not just look at how they manage the protection of information in their own internal systems, but also across their supply chains,” Professor Doss said.

Victorian councils including Whitehorse City Council, Merri-bek City Council, Mitchell Shire Council, South Gippsland Shire Council and Yarra City Council, among others, were all victims of the breaches earlier in the year.

While acknowledging that Casey had not been impacted, the professor expressed that the council now has a bigger responsibility in terms of safety.

“This is a classic example of what we term as a supply chain risk and a supply chain compromise; so it’s, in a sense, okay for some councils to say our own systems haven’t been breached, but their responsibility now extends beyond that as well.

“When they enter into these sorts of relationships, I guess some of the questions that they should be asking is around what security measures are in place to ensure that information that might be shared for the provision of services on their behalf is protected as well,” Professor Doss said.

The breach throughout April and May

resulted in the unauthorised access and publication of 60GB of data after a ransom demand set for 16 April 2024 was not met by OracleCMS.

Baw Baw Shire Council, alongside the City of Monash and the City ofWhittlesea, are the most recent to report breaches in their system, which all occurred in early June.

Mr Allsop had strong confidence in Casey’s level of cyber security, saying that they have “a robust Corporate Governance structure”, which in turn is “accompanied by a Cyber Security framework, which is based

upon industry best practices, standards and is compliant with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the state of Victoria, Australia and adheres to underpinning principles from International Cyber Security Standards (NIST, ISM etc.)”.

“We also have a Cyber Security Policy which defines and documents council’s approach to ensure effective management of cyber security risks,” he said.

For Professor Doss, however, the events that transpired earlier in the year and the most recent developments with the three additional councils are all part of the risks involved in the accelerating development of technology, especially cyber, digital and online spaces.

Cyber safety needs to be recognised in the same playing field as physical safety where “unfortunately we live in an environment where everybody is targeted”.

“You need to start early in terms of educating children, it’s something about a message that needs to be reinforced, right?” he said.

Making it well-known and understood that cyberspace is much more intertwined with the physical world is an important factor in terms of safety, with steps to take towards this being as little as not allowing apps like Snapchat to track your location.

“Your location information is being shared, so somebody knows where you physically are, even though you think you’re in this online world.

“You never know when you might become a victim and then when that occurs, what are the support structures in place?

“I think there is a sense of personal responsibility that as citizens, we need to recognise, but then organisations have a critical role to play as well, both in terms of how they handle citizen information, not just individually, but across their supply chains,” Professor Doss said.

In addition to Casey’s Cyber Security Policy, the council also has a Data and Information Management Policy “which outlines data and information management practices” as well a Data Breach Policy that “enables council to contain, assess and respond to

data breaches in a timely fashion and to help mitigate potential harm to affect individuals”, said Mr Allsop.

Incident response plans are a critical part of any organisation, councils included; and for Professor Doss, cyber and fire drills should be held with the same regard.

“If you don’t have a plan in place in terms of how to respond to something like that, then you’re already a step behind.

“You don’t wait for the fire to see if your evacuation plan works, which is similar to that with your incident response plans as well – you need to run through them a couple of times, run a few scenarios, cyber drills and things like that prior.”

The professor also spoke about the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which first came into effect in 2018, and which “outlines these principles around not collecting more data than what is necessary to provide a service”.

“It’s also about holding onto information only for the period of time that you need to [but] the caveat there is there might be some regulatory requirements for you to hold on to certain types of information as well.

“But the thing is, how you do ensure that the best practice is in place, and how do you ensure that you recognise the changing risk landscape and you’re responding to that as an organisation?”

Casey’s Data Breach Policy also sets out mandatory procedures that the staff must apply if the council were to ever experience a data breach, or suspects that a data breach has occurred.

Moving forward, OracleCMS released a statement saying that they have external experts guiding their investigation, as well as the organisation’s clients – such as councils – notifying individuals to provide them steps that provide added protection.

They have reported that there are also no malicious activities within their IT environments and they have also enacted a series of containment measures, as well as an External Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test which found no vulnerabilities in their system.

8 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
being moved. 413954
pack up. 413954 NEWS
It’s all
Robin Doss, Deakin University professor and director of Centre for Cyber Resilience and Trust, stresses the importance of cyber safety, not just for organisations but also for individuals. Picture: SUPPLIED

Process not started yet

Victoria revealed that it had not started the licence assessment process with the proposed waste transfer station next to the Hallam Road Landfill.

In a letter to community members in the area, EPA said that it received an incomplete application from Veolia, the landfill operator, for a development licence on 24 January.

“An updated development licence application was received on 28 May 2024 and is now being reviewed by EPA to determine if it is complete,” the letter said.

“Once EPA is satisfied it has a complete application, the assessment will start including advertising and community consultation.”

Lynbrook Residents Association president Scott Watson said residents were encouraged by this letter that it would provide protection from industries which were not appropriate within or near a community.

Veolia, the Hallam Road Landfill operator, has proposed a new waste transfer station next to the existing landfill site. 348748

When contacted on Tuesday 18 June, a spokesperson for EPA said they were now reviewing the additional information and if the application was accepted, they would progress using the most robust and transparent practices, and as they did with all licence applications.

EPA would take into account the applicant’s previous performance, compliance history and any judicial outcomes, and current and draft guidelines issued by the organisation.

“The community will be further consulted in this process,” they said.

To read more about the EPA Development Licence application process, go to au/for-business/permissions/licences


Car parks open at new Narre Warren Station

More than 200 car parks are now open to the public at Narre Warren Station after the eastern side of Webb Street completed construction.

Since the first trains departed from the newly upgraded station, construction crews have been working towards completing neighbouring facilities, with the car parks marking the first step.

A Level Crossing Removal Project spokesperson said “since the new, elevated station opened this year our team has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on a new precinct that will leave a lasting legacy for the Narre Warren community”.

This mentioned precinct is set to include the installation of additional lift access to both platforms, opening a new waiting room with toilets and continuing work on a further 400 upgraded car parking spaces.

Furthermore, construction teams will continue on landscaping projects, planting 300 new trees and 63,000 plants, shrubs and grasses and putting the finishing touches on pedestrian and cycling paths throughout the area.

“The new station was built during the Webb Street level crossing removal, which has reduced congestion for drivers and made local roads safer,” the spokesperson said.

The level crossing at Webb Street, Narre Warren, which was removed in December last year, was one of the most dangerous in Melbourne according toVictoria’s Big Build, with 19 near misses between 2012 and its removal.

The boom gates for the original crossing were down for a third of the morning peak, causing congestion for 13,200 vehicles every day.

It was also the 74th level crossing removed across Melbourne, with 110 in total going into 2030; this includes making the Pakenham line level crossing free by 2025 when the Metro Tunnel opens.

Remain alert to sophisticated scams amid tax time

With tax time on the horizon, we’re being urged to remain cautious over the coming months as various tax-specific scams begin to emerge.

The warning comes as new consumer data from cyber safety brand Norton revealed that 14 per cent of Australians said they had personally experienced cybercrime in the past 12 months, with the average amount lost to cybercrime being $863.79.

Of those who have experienced cybercrime in the last 12 months, 35 per cent had detected unauthorised access to an online banking or financial account.

Tax time can bring stress and confusion to individuals and businesses as they prepare to file their returns with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

It is the perfect environment for cybercriminals who seek to take advantage of the time and try to obtain sensitive information to cause financial harm to unsuspecting victims.

Mark Gorrie, APAC managing director for

Norton, said there were certain times each year that pique cybercriminals’ interest and tax time continued to be one of them.

Mr Gorrie has shared three examples of prevalent tax scams to look out for, plus ways to avoid them.

Tax-related identity theft

This scam occurs when cybercriminals access a victim’s account, impersonate them, and fraudulently lodge refunds from the ATO using your stolen personal information, including your tax file number (TFN). This can be dangerous, as in this instance, the cybercriminal who filed a return with your information may still have your data – leaving you vulnerable to other identity-related crimes.

To avoid this scam, keep your tax file number safe. Shred any documents that contain personal information before you throw them away, and ensure that your online accounts containing sensitive information, like myGov, are protected with strong passwords and two factor authentication. If you suspect your TFN

and identity has been compromised, immediately report the incident to the ATO. Be cautious of ATO impersonation scams Cybercriminals will pose as ATO representatives to convince victims to provide their bank details, tax file number, or other personal information via SMS, email, or social media accounts.

To avoid this scam, look out for tell-tale signs of a scam. The ATO won’t use urgent threats, such as arrest, payment, or suspension of your TFN.

If you receive a suspected scam email or SMS, do not click on any links, provide any payments, account log in information, or other personal information. To help people navigate the online world safely with digital tools, Norton Genie is a free app that detects scams by reviewing suspicious texts, emails, and web and lets you know if it is legit.

Occasionally, the ATO will contact you by phone, email, SMS, and post. If you are not sure about the validity of any communication,

the best thing to do is to call the ATO directly. You can obtain a phone number from their official website, or a previous letter you have received, and validate the request. Dodgy tax preparers offering to complete your tax refund

Scammers capitalising on the desire for maximum tax refunds will promise substantial returns and a speedier process, which can appear to be an enticing offer in an otherwise confusing and stressful time.

If someone approaches you claiming to be a tax preparer, you can check that they are registered on theTax Practitioners Board (TPB) by visiting their website to verify the legitimacy of their claims. Never share your myGov password with anyone. Sharing your information (such as your myGov password) with an unregistered practitioner puts your personal and financial affairs at risk. Enable two factor authentication on myGov. You can use either the myGov Code Generator app or receive a code by SMS when logging in.

on the day of Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 9 L1, 64 Vesper Cres, Narre Warren VIC 3805 0450 622 115 • Need funds for your business? Unsecured loans up to $250K Secured loans up to $4M Business Debt Solutions Complex Scenarios Next Day Approvals* Next Day Funding* Innovative Financing 12696678-FC25-24 MICHAEL PAJAR 0450 622 115 12569901-DL38-22 ABC ACCOUNTANTS HELPING SMALL BUSINESS GROW & SUCCEED TAX RETURNS * Individual
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More than 200 car parks are now open for use at Narre Warren Station, with more to come in the future. Picture: SUPPLIED

Planning for the future

Unlocking housing supply, facilitating employment land, public transport delivery, activity centres growth, and greater canopy cover are among the Casey Council’s key priorities by 2050, a draft submission to the state’s planning strategy reveals.

The State Government intends to prepare a Plan forVictoria to guide the future growth and development of the state, which will replace the existing metropolitan planning strategy Plan Melbourne 2017-2050.

The envisioned strategy will seek to support the previously announced target of 70 per cent housing growth in established areas and 30 per cent in growth areas.

Four focus areas have been identified to guide the community and industry engagement, including affordable housing and choice, equity and jobs, thriving and liveable suburbs and towns, and sustainable environments and climate action.

Council summarised its priorities and strategic directions under each focus area in a draft submission and endorsed the draft at the 18 June meeting.

Affordable housing and choice:

· Unlock additional housing supply through infrastructure funding and delivery, faster approvals for PSPs and more timely referral agency review of planning applications.

· State Government and local councils to codevelop housing targets for each LGA, including targets for differing typologies and minimum amounts of social and affordable housing based on local needs.

· Application of enforceable, non-voluntary statutory mechanisms for increasing social and affordable housing (such as mandatory inclusionary zoning, uplift rates, minimum outcomes within Precinct Structure Plans) by co-developing the reforms with local

government and setting a timeline for their implementation.

Equity and jobs

· Prioritise planning and infrastructure delivery to unlock, protect and facilitate the development of employment land.

· Prioritise equity and inclusion within economic development to ensure access to employment for all.

· Improve consultation with under-represented groups to ensure safety and inclusion can be more effectively built into planning sys-

‘High priority’ for park-naming review

After a long delay, Casey Council has declared a “high priority” review into a community proposal to name a park in Autumn Place, Doveton after a humble, huge-hearted volunteer Agnes O’Brien.

As reported in Star News last month, residents and groups say the late Ms O’Brien reached out to many troubled kids and families in the Autumn Place playground.

Thesinglemother-of-fourandsportsclub volunteer was credited for putting countless kids on the right path, bringing them off the streets and into her home and into sport.

Some say she saved numerous lives.

They argue that the recognition would right a historical wrong – in that none of Doveton’s parks and reserves are named after Doveton residents.

And just as starkly, none are named after women.

The idea has been backed by Doveton Boxing Club, Doveton Eumemmerring Township Association, Bruce MP Julian Hill, a former Doveton police officer Andrew O’Brien (no relation) and Ms O’Brien’s children.

As of mid May, the initial submission from boxing club leader Ryan Wilson had received no response from Casey for more than 12 months.

Finally in a letter dated 20 May - days after Star News’ report - the council’s geographical naming officer Fiona Baker confirmed that it was “proceeding” with a review.

“I apologise for the delay proceeding with this request and will make the review of this proposal a high priority.”

Meanwhile, former Dandenong MP and ex-City of Berwick mayor John Pandazopoulos has also written a statement of “strong support”.

“There could be nothing more fitting for Agnes’s huge contribution to Doveton then naming Autumn Place park after her,” he wrote.

He described Ms O’Brien as a“core part of

Doveton community life”.

“Everywhere to be seen, always taking an interest in the challenges the community faced and always looking out for the kids of Doveton.

“She was much loved by them whilst also being tough on someone who would break their promise to her.”

Ms O’Brien was a strong advocate to improve the Autumn Place precinct, and centred her volunteer life at football and cricket clubs and Doveton Neighbourhood Place, Mr Pandazopoulos said.

“For those of us that grew up in Doveton it may have been part of suburbia but it was a village its culture formed through community activists such as Agnes.

“Working class and proud from all sorts of backgrounds building a community together often through adversity.

“Such pioneers of the suburb of Doveton should be recognised as a fitting recognition of humble people that lived their life through community support and development.”

The naming proposal is undergoing a review by Casey Council to ensure it complies

with State Government guidelines as well as the rules of Geographic Names Victoria (GNV).

The council has also implemented a program to “increase gender equity” in the naming of new recreation reserves and community facilities.

tems and structures.

Thriving and liveable neighbourhoods

· Prioritise public transport reform and delivery of key infrastructure including the Clyde Rail Link and broad bus network improvements.

· Improve coordination of the planning, provision and funding of regional-level infrastructure.

· Implement planning and policy reforms to unlock growth and investment within activity centres and major urban precincts. Sustainable environments and climate action

· Improve policy, funding, and partnerships to enable greater canopy cover on governmentowned land and in the private realm.

· Improve regulation and investment in support of sustainability through Environmentally Sustainable Design, water reuse, and funding models for water infrastructure.

· Develop statewide policy focused on the identification, protection, and restoration of priority habitat corridors for threatened species.

Casey administrator Cameron Boardman said the submission was only a snapshot of the fundamental comprehensiveness of the consideration that everyone within the organisation deals with on a daily basis.

“It does capture our strategic inputs into the current council plan and where we see the requirements and the considerations that will undoubtedly be the responsibility of a future council,” he said.

“But we’re very much looking forward to how the State Government receives these and other submissions, how the future Plan for Victoria further materialises, and the specific additional considerations and requirements that will be forced upon us by the state government in this municipality and the region into the future.

Stellar supporters of Red Cross

Four stalwarts of Hallam Friends of the Red Cross were awarded at a presentation on 18 June.

At the group’s 45th birthday party, Betty Keen, Barbara Chinnock, Sue Hall and Elizabeth Russell received service medals for decades of volunteering.

Ms Keen’s medal marked 30 years with the group.

She’s served as branch secretary, helped organise events and worked hard behind the scenes.

Current treasurer Ms Hall, and Ms Chinnock and Ms Russell, have each served at least 20 years.

A service medal was also awarded to Joy Cappadona for 10 years’ service, including her role in the Friends’ teddy bear knitting program for hospitals.

Connected Libraries staff Kara and Alysha were guest speakers at the 45th birthday afternoon tea, which was held at Hallam Community Centre.

10 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
Hallam Friends of the Red Cross service medal recipients Barbara Chinnock, Sue Hall, Betty Keen and Elizabeth Russell. 412136 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Casey administrator Cameron Boardman said the council was looking forward to see how the future Plan for Victoria further materialises. Supporters gathering at the ‘Agnes O’Brien’ park include, front from left, Stefan Koomen and daughter Frankie, Frank and Jackie Horvath (Agnes’s daughter) - Lisa and Steve O’brien (Agnes son) and Ryan Wilson, and back row from left, Mia Wilson, Didi Wilson, Justin Le, unknown, John Turner and Clint Wilson. 406623 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Agnes O’Brien.


Opera Australia in town

In exciting news for local audiences, Dandenong is the first stop for Opera Australia’s latest national tour.

Experience the original bohemian love story that inspired Rent and Moulin Rouge when Puccini’s beloved La Bohème graces the Drum Theatre stage this July, preceding a series of performances across Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania in 2024. When Mimi meets Rodolfo, it’s love at first touch. They head out to bustling Cafe Momus, where the feisty Musetta and Marcello rekindle their relationship. For our bohemians, everything is possible and the future can’t come quickly enough.

Rodolfo and his friends are determined to make their mark on the world and experience everything it has to offer – but right now they’d settle for something warm to eat. Some emotions are too big for words alone, and for that, we have music. La Boheme exposes your soul to the feelings that only music can express.

Puccini’s score has always captured the soaring spirit of young love and this new production breathes fresh life into one of the world’s favourite operas.

Award-winning director Dean Bryant (Anything Goes, Sweet Charity) brings his trademark wit and vivacity to this new staging, which captures that giddy moment where you and your friends feel you’ll live forever. Opera Australia is one of the world’s most celebrated performing arts companies with an ambition to place an Australia stamp on great stories.

The company is committed to developing and nurturing new generations of Australian talent and making opera more accessible.

La Boheme is on at Drum Theatre on Friday 12 July and Saturday 13 July at 7.30 pm.

Tickets start at $25 for Under 30s, and $50 for Drum Members. Drum Theatre is a great theatre in your own backyard.

Visit or phone the Box Office on 8571 1666 to secure your seats.

miss a Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 11 Learn more about our upcoming program and book your next theatre experience today. Devdas - Hindi Musical Saturday 20 July, 4.30pm Sunday 21 July, 4.30pm Musical Celtic Illusion Tuesday 23 July, 7.30pm Dance Drum Theatre Corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong | 8571 1666 Don't
a selection of highlights at The Drum The Tap Pack Tuesday 10 September 7.30pm Music Simeon and the Solid Snakes Friday
September, 8pm Music Sunday 6 October, 10am, 12pm, 2.30pm Emma Memma: Boop and Twirl Tour Family You Are A Doughnut Family Tuesday 1 October, 10am
1pm 12692296-ET24-24
Opera Australia La Boheme Picture: DANIEL-BOUD

Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre will soon become host to a vibrant and captivating exhibition already spilling its creativity into Dandenong’s Settlers Square for all to enjoy.

Crafted by the talented Ethiopian-Norwegian artist, Olana Janfa, Too Much Drama blends political commentary with a touch of humour. Olana’s artistry bears the imprint of traditional Ethiopian Orthodox art while addressing the challenges and ironies of modern immigrant life.

This exhibition marks the 2024 edition of HOME, a cherished initiative by Greater Dandenong City Council showcasing artists from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. Born in Ethiopia and later immigrating to Norway as a teenager, Olana has called Australia home since 2015. He uses art to connect to his culture, communicate his insights and experiences, and celebrate his identity.

A large-scale mural inside the gallery draws from Olana’s engagement with Dandenongbased youth music group RIDDIM and depicts young peoples’ experience of belonging through the connective power of art and culture. The artwork is accompanied by the rhythm of Skilful Man, a single that Olana recently released.

A short walk from the gallery, Settlers Square is decorated with a series of Olana’s characters in his signature bold palate.

The exhibition will kick off with an opening celebration on Saturday 29 June, from 6pm-10pm, featuring a performance by RIDDIM and culinary delights courtesy of the local Ethiopian pop-up restaurant, Afro Cafe.

Join us for a special edition of Walker Street Gallery’s Consume program, presented by the Being Biracial Podcast, on Thursday 11 July, at 6pm. The evening will feature a live recording with Janfa and podcast hosts Kate Robinson and Maria-Birch Morunga, accompanied by

In August, Olana will host two sessions as part of the Greater Dandenong Libraries Art Series program, offering attendees a unique opportunity to engage with his creative process and vision.

On Thursday 22 August, at 6pm, experience a special presentation of the Drum Theatre’s Our Beat program at the Walker Street Gallery, spotlighting a diversity of contributors, including participants in RIDDIM’s recent workshop series as they share their cultural narratives

through performance.

Experience Olana Janfa’s captivating world of Too Much Drama at the Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre from 2 July to 6 September. Visit for more information.

12 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Exhibition Workshops Events On display at Walker Street Gallery and Settlers Square Image credit: Olana Janfa, Boat, Acrylic on Wood, 2023 (Detail). 2 July - 6 September HOME 24 Olana Janfa Too Much Drama | 8571 5320 | Combining bold images and political statements with lightness, dry humour, vivid colours and tones, the exhibition brings together old and new works by Ethiopian-Norwegian artist Olana Janfa. Opening event Saturday 29 June, 6pm. 12695234-JC26-24 BUSINESS IN FOCUS Exhibition for all to enjoy
food from Afro Cafe. Artist Olana painting a mural at Settlers Square Dandenong.


Choir is helping children

Bianca is a musical 9 year old living with high functioning ASD. She has always been fascinated with music and her parents have been looking for ways to nurture her talent. After trying a number of different choirs and finding that Bianca struggled, they enrolled Bianca and her brother Arthur with Melbourne Youth Chorale’s Flying Free Choir for children with additional needs.

The Flying Free Choir teaches children music skills along with communication and socialisation skills, facilitated by a music therapist and a speech therapist. Bianca’s family particularly appreciates the way Flying Free enables children with additional needs to be included, to be seen and to feel a strong sense of belonging in MYC’s community. Bianca is working towards developing her skills so she can eventually join one of MYC’s mainstream choirs. In the meantime, Bianca and Arthur are developing self-confidence and were able to perform recently for the first time.

The Flying Free Choir rehearses on a Wednesday afternoon at 4.30pm at Hampton Park Secondary College. For more information about the Flying Free Choir, or to register for a trial session, please contact Kerry at manager. or 1800 65 88 62.

MindClimb for young neurodivergent NDIS participants

Holiday programs can be daunting for children on the autism spectrum.

Unfamiliar settings and general group supervision by adults lacking autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience can make it difficult for ASD kids to enjoy activities and socialise with other children.

Now Clip ’n Climb Berwick has developed a brilliant solution to this unsettling holiday dilemma: the MindClimb holiday program.

In addition to the exciting MEGA Nerf holiday program for non-NDIS children, the MindClimb therapeutic holiday program for neurodivergent NDIS participants provides much closer and more empathetic supervision to cater for the individual needs of children aged 5 to 17 years with learning difficulties such as ASD and ADHD.

MindClimb instructors have considerable experience with children and teenagers with diverse disabilities and the MindClimb occupational therapist oversees the program, offering additional support as required.

All MindClimb programs are therapeutic and suitable for NDIS funding.

The school holiday program includes tailored, unique, fun activities on all four attractions at the Berwick facility, plus a facilitated Nerf gun battle, and making their own pizza

and playdough. These programs run for six hours from 9am to 3pm but the duration can easily be increased or decreased if necessary.

The specific program dates are shown on the Clip ’n Climb Berwick website.

Participants in the MindClimb program during the school term enjoy attending the MindClimb school holiday program because they are already familiar with the instructors and the venue.

This program caringly supports a wide variety of capabilities of neurodivergent children that often struggle to engage in extracurricular activities and typical school holiday programs.

Harry’s mother Carley says: “My son attends the MindClimb program weekly during the school term and gets really excited about the school holiday program.”

“I love that MindClimb encourages Harry to be himself and embraces each of his qualities and strengths.

“It helps him build a range of skills needed for daily life.”

For more information or to book either the MEGA Nerf or MindClimb school holiday programs, call Clip ’n Climb Berwick on 9769 9966. Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 13 Fun ASD and ADHD therapy in Berwick. Overseen by an Occupational Therapist. Suitable for NDIS funding. 39-51 Interpid Street 03 9769 9966 60+ amazing climbs, a huge flying fox, onsite café and multi-level play zone. 12689004-ET25-24 12696706-MS25-24 Flying Free Choir for children with additional needs Find your voice with MELBOURNE YOUTH CHORALE! MYC’s Flying Free Choir is facilitated by a music therapist and a speech therapist. Learn real music and performance skills while exploring - Emotional regulation - Communication - Socialisation Who: 6-12 year old children with additional needs When: Wednesday afternoons 4.30 - 5.30pm Where: Hampton Park Secondary College Cost: Donate what you can afford NDIS funding helpful but not essential 1800 65 88 62


Exceptional care, always

At Blue Lotus, we empower your loved ones to live the life they always wanted. As a registered NDIS provider and home care provider, we offer a unique blend of compassion, professionalism, and personalised service.

Our mission is to ensure that exceptional care is always possible, giving families peace of mind and loved ones the quality of life they deserve.

Our friendly approach and excellent services consistently deliver the comfort of a home, the care of a hospital, and the contentment of a loving heart. Every team member at Blue Lotus is trained to offer the best possible service with patience, empathy, and love. Our affordable prices further ensure that you can stay connected with your loved ones without financial strain,

making high-quality care accessible to all.

Choosing Blue Lotus means choosing care of the highest standard. Every member of our team is professionally qualified and dedicated to providing compassionate, individualised care. You can engage our services privately or through government support funding schemes such as the NDIS, making it easy to access the care your loved ones need.

At Blue Lotus, we bring compassion into care, ensuring that your loved ones receive the support they deserve to live fulfilling and enriched lives. Experience the Blue Lotus difference today and see how our dedicated team can make a positive impact on your family’s well-being. 0402 618 325

Making a difference

Disability Employment Services (DES) are crucial government-funded initiatives aimed at assisting people with disabilities, injuries, or health conditions in finding and maintaining employment. Mission Australia, renowned for its extensive experience and unwavering commitment to community service, excels in delivering DES, including Disability Management Services (DMS).

Within the DES framework, DMS plays a pivotal role. Specifically, Mission Australia’s DMS supports individuals living with temporary disabilities, injuries, or health conditions in preparing for, securing, and maintaining employment.This program offers comprehensive services, including job search assistance, resume writing, interview preparation, workplace modifications, and post-placement support, facilitating a successful transition into the workforce.

Mission Australia adopts a holistic approach to empower individuals living with disabilities, focusing on personalised support plans tailored to each participant’s unique needs and aspirations. This ensures that participants receive the best possible as-

sistance on their employment journey.

One of the standout features of Mission Australia’s DES program is its strong partnerships with local employers. The organisation actively engages with businesses to promote inclusive hiring practices and foster a supportive work environment. Mission Australia’s team provides continuous guidance and training to employers, helping them understand the benefits of a diverse workforce and how to effectively accommodate employees living with disabilities.

Mission Australia’s DES program boasts a proven track record of transforming lives. Success stories from the program highlight thepositiveimpactofemploymentonthewellbeing and independence of individuals living with disabilities. By facilitating meaningful employment opportunities, Mission Australia not only enhances the lives of its participants but also contributes to a more inclusive and diverse community. Employers and job seekers alike are invited to join this vital program, fostering a workforce where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

14 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
If you have an injury, illness or disability, we can help you prepare for and find positions you can thrive in. Struggling to find the right job? Call Mission Australia today on 1300 883 067 12614446-MS25-23 12693787-KG25-24
Mission Australia not only enhances the lives of its participants but also contributes to a more inclusive and diverse community. At Blue Lotus, they bring compassion into care, ensuring that your loved ones receive the support they deserve to live fulfilling and enriched lives.

Start your journey now

At The Bridge Inc, our vision is to have a connected society where people of all abilities achieve their full potential.

We aim to empower lives and inspire futures by providing holistic support that support people with disability through connections in the home, community, and employment.

DISABILITY AWARENESS Windermere here to help

When you choose The Bridge Inc, you begin a journey based on your interests and identified NDIS goals. You can access a range of services at the same time and move between services as your goals develop. Choose from:

· Day services (group community and centre-based activities based on the interests of participants)

· Individual support in-home or in the community

· Getaways and community recreation including Friday night social groups, day and evening outings, and overnight short-stay holidays

· School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) and pre-employment training · Youth employment support for those who need help to find employment

· Supported Employment in our assembly, picking and packaging warehouses

· NDIS Support Coordination (assisting people to find the right providers and coordinate a range of supports)

When you choose The Bridge Inc, you begin a journey based on your interests and identified NDIS goals.

· Disability Employment Services (providing placement, training, and support in the open labour market for young people and adults with disabilities, injuries, or illnesses)

The Bridge Inc is your local NDIS provider. We have centres across Cardinia, Dandenong, Casey, Bayside and the Mornington Peninsula.

Not sure which is the right service for you? No problem! Our friendly team are here to get you started. Call us on 1800 274 343 or email au to start your journey today.

Windemere Child and Family services has been a trusted provider of disability services for over 30 years with customer service taking pride of place in its service delivery.

Plan Management is among a range of NDIS services that Windermere provides for those with an NDIS plan.

When it comes to managing an NDIS plan, tackling financial administration tasks can become overwhelming, particularly where there are multiple support needs.

Cameron who has 21 service providers for his complex needs has been using NDIS Plan Management services from Windermere since 2018.

Cameron’s Plan Manager ensures invoices are paid accurately and on time, keeps track of NDIS funds and fulfills reporting requirements, taking the worry out of managing an NDIS plan.

“It’s just such a relief to have someone we can trust to work out the financial side of things. It was such hard work just coordinating Cameron’s NDIS plan,” says Jenine, Cameron’s mother.

Lynn who recently signed up for Windermere Plan Management relies on having her funds organised to meet her complex support needs.

“There’s no way that I’d be able to organise my NDIS funds on my own. Having my Plan

Manager do things efficiently helps everyone who supports me,” she says.

Lynn also stresses the importance of a strong reputation.

“Windermere has such a good reputation especially when it comes to NDIS. A good reputation means that you are doing what you say you will do,” she adds.

More information: Windermere Plan Management phone 03 8793 4267 or Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 15 12692053-WV25-24 12601530-ET17-23 1800 274 343 Increase independence, learn new skills & make friends at The Bridge
How Windermere Plan Management supports your NDIS journey.

DISABILITY AWARENESS Supportive learning

At Marnebek School, we provide a stimulating and engaging environment that enables our students to embrace learning and achieve their full potential.

We build students’ social, emotional and physical wellbeing, empowering them to become active and valued members of their community.

Marnebek School is a supportive learning community where everyone is encouraged to be responsible, safe, respectful and resilient. We allow our students to be active in their learning by offering programs that are tailored to their needs.

Supporting our students is a vast network of dedicated educators, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, psychologists, NDIS supports and transition and pathway guiders.

We promote learning with technology and offer a range of sensory spaces designed to help our students grow beyond their education and prepare for the future.

At Marnebek School, we recognise that input from external therapists and NDIS service providers may benefit the wellbeing and development of a student and, as a result, improve their learning outcomes.

Our school is excited to be part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Navigators Initiative. NDIS Navigators will be in all Victorian government specialist schools

by 2025 to help you navigate and understand the NDIS and get the most out of the supports available for your child.

If you would like to talk about how the NDIS Navigator service can support your family, please contact: Lorenzo Cusinu and Anke Stevens

NDIS Navigators, Marnebek School

Phone: 03 5996 3858 | Option 2


Learning at Marnebek

Marnebek is a dual campus school based in Cranbourne East. Across both campuses, we offer an environment that supports students’ academic, social and personal needs, with Primary, Secondary and Secondary Pathways.

We offer a range of support and allied health services, ensuring every student has access to the support they need to excel in their learning and development.

Allied Health at Marnebek

• Speech Pathology

• Occupational Therapy

• Physiotherapy

• Psychologist

• Music Therapy

• Mental Health Practitioner

• Registered Nurse

Support At Marnebek

• NDIS Navigator Service to support parents and carers

• External NDIS Funded Therapy Services

• NDIS School leaver employment supports

• Work Experience

• Career Expos

Head to our website, or book a school tour for more information.

16 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Address: New Holland Drive Campus, 9 New Holland Drive, Cranbourne East,VIC 3977 Corrigans Road Campus, 9 Corrigans Road, Cranbourne East, VIC 3977 Email: marnebek.sch.cranbourne RESILIENCE | RESPECT | RESPONSIBILITY Telephone: (03) 5996 3858 12696292-ET25-24
Marnebek School is a supportive learning community where everyone is encouraged to be responsible, safe, respectful and resilient. Dyland and Alwyn enjoyed the Term 1 program.

Grants flow to local groups

Cranbourne Rotary Club, Casey North Community Information and Support Service, and Transit Soup Kitchen and Food Support have received funding from the 2024 Community Grants program.

They are among the 22 community groups in Melbourne’s south-east that share the $140,000 this year.

The Community Grants program by South East Water provides up to $10,000 for a broad range of projects that help make communities better places to live, including essential food relief, accessible programs for people living with a disability, and health and wellbeing support for refugee communities.

The Rotary Club of Cranbourne will use the funding to support volunteers to deliver its Water Wise Wallies project, in partnership with Cranbourne West Primary School.

Rotary Club of Cranbourne secretary Lloma Shaw said the club had supported Cranbourne West Primary School for many years to develop their vegetable garden into an integral component of the school’s curriculum.

“Students have learnt to grow, tend, harvest and cook a range of fresh vegetables in meals for the school’s brunch club, or for distribution to families,” she said.

“The South East Water grant will help us purchase two rainwater tanks for the school’s vegetable garden, to help students learn the importance of catching and retaining water in times of need to keep the garden green all year round,” said Ms Shaw.

Minister forWater Harriet Shing and Cranbourne MP Pauline Richards joined South East Water to announce the grant outcomes on Thursday 13 June.

“Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Cranbourne for their continued support and collaborative partnerships with our school communities to deliver great learning outcomes for local students and their families,” Ms Richards said. Now in its fifth year, South East Water’s an-

Ordered food after bashing

After bashing his partner to death, Robert Rickerby left his Endeavour Hills home to collect two pizzas for dinner.

Jessica Geddes, 27, was slowly dying in the bedroom of their property after sustaining extensive blunt force injuries to her head and chest.

But Rickerby didn’t immediately call for an ambulance when he returned home, instead eating a few slices of each pizza before calling his parents.

They encouraged him to phone triple zero, which he finally did half an hour later.

When paramedics arrived, they confirmed Ms Geddes was already dead.

Rickerby told police he returned from the pizza shop to find Ms Geddes injured and unconscious, and he immediately started CPR and called for an ambulance.

Detectives did not immediately charge Rickerby over Ms Geddes’ November 2020 death, instead taking until April 2022 to arrest him over the alleged murder.

He was extradited from Queensland and contested the charge, instead offering to plead guilty to manslaughter in May 2024.

The prosecution accepted the offer with Rickerby facing the Supreme Court in Melbourne on Monday 17 June for a plea hearing.

Police could not say exactly when Ms Geddes was killed, although it was sometime between 2.40pm and 5.55pm on 6 November, prosecutor CampbellThomson told the court.

A forensic examiner found Ms Geddes would have been dead for at least 30 minutes by the time paramedics assessed her at 6.48pm.

She died of complications from fractures and other injuries caused by Rickerby punching, kicking or hitting her, Mr Thomson said.

Ms Geddes had been subjected to years

physical and verbal abuse from Rickerby before her death, the prosecutor told the court.

She was often seen by neighbours and shop owners with black eyes, cuts and bruising to her face and body.

In phone calls to her mother in Queensland, Ms Geddes repeatedly begged for help, with Rickerby often heard in the background yelling and swearing.

No charges were ever laid against Rickerby for the violence, although there was a six-month intervention order taken out against him in 2019.

After being charged over Ms Geddes’ death, Rickerby claimed there was no violence in the relationship, instead pointing to Ms Geddes’ history of drug use and mental health issues.

His lawyer Colin Mandy SC told the court the relationship had been “chaotic and difficult”, with both Rickerby and Ms Geddes using drugs and struggling financially.

Mr Mandy said Rickerby had shown remorse for the killing, as was evident by his early guilty plea to the charge of manslaughter.

The 30-year-old also had good prospects for rehabilitation, Mr Mandy said.

Mr Thomson argued Rickerby’s rehabilitation prospects were guarded at best as he had not worked since 2017 and had an extensive history of drug use.

This case was a serious example of manslaughter aggravated by years of family violence, MrThomson said.

Ms Geddes’ mother Saasha Brimble spoke through tears in her victim impact statement, telling the court Rickerby had threatened to send her daughter back to Queensland in a body bag.

“Which was true,” she said.

Justice James Elliott indicated he would sentence Rickerby later this month.-

· 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

· Lifeline 13 11 14

nual Community Grants program has awarded more than $475,000 to 88 community groups to deliver projects that enhance water secu-

rity and knowledge, protect the environment, support vulnerable community members and help people be more active and connected.

The site benefits from the following features: • Established tenant in place paying $1,030 + GST, and outgoings per month on a lease to February 2025, with a 3-year option to renew Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 17 RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OCCUPY AND INVEST For
contact: Shannon Hynd
980 100 Commercial Department Manager Todd McKenna
391 182 Managing Director
more information or an inspection, please
| 0499
| 0418
An unrivalled location on the corner of Station Street and Rossiter Road in the heart of Koo Wee Rup. The site of 118m2, offers the unique opportunity to occupy one premises, while receiving an income from the other with an established tenancy in place.
Floor Area:
FOR SALE $500,000 Neilson Partners 12684633-AV19-24
• Suitable for immediate owner occupation in the other premises • Prominent corner location
Rear shared car park
275 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup
118m² |
South East Water managing director Lara Olsen, Rotary Club of Cranbourne secretary Lloma Shaw, Rotary Club of Cranbourne president Kathy Dunscombe, Cranbourne West Primary School students Alysha and Pheobe, Cranbourne MP Pauline Richards, Cranbourne West Primary School principal Andrew Bergmeier, and Water Minister Harriet Shing.


Nurturing the whole person

Welcome to St. Francis de Sales Primary School, where we believe that education is not just about academics but about nurturing the whole person. Our school, nestled in the heart of Lynbrook, has been a beacon of learning and faith since its establishment in 2010.

We passionately create opportunities for our young people to excel as learners, enlightened by faith, animated by love, and filled with hope for their unique capacity to make a difference. As our patron saint St. Francis de Sales said,“Be who you are and be that perfectly well.”

We pride ourselves on being a happy, inclusive community where respectful relationships and positive behaviors are the cornerstones of learning and daily interactions. We encourage our children to be confident, resilient and excited about exploring their potential as learners.

Our curriculum and explicit teaching methods are centered around the student, personalised to meet the unique learning needs of each child. Through assessment, we identify the next steps in learning, ensuring targeted and effective instruction.

We emphasise high-quality learning and teaching strategies based on best practices and research. Our approach includes:

· A consistent, structured framework

· A strong focus on the Victorian Curriculum Standards

· High expectations for all learners

· Individualised student goals

We believe that a student’s age or grade level should never be a barrier to learning.

Our school features outstanding facilities, including permanent, purpose-built indoor and outdoor learning spaces. Our modern environment supports flexible and dynamic use of these spaces to meet learning seamlessly. Our

A small school where every name is known

St Therese’s Catholic Primary School is a welcoming and happy place where children are nurtured to become independent and responsible learners.

Families are welcome to contact the school any time to discuss the enrolment of their child and book a tour. The catchment area (or zone) for St Therese’s is presently those families within the St Agatha’s Parish boundaries living north of Camms Road and north of Thompsons Road.

A holistic and collaborative approach to education

At St Therese’s Catholic Primary School our vision is simple: do all that you do with love. We aspire to provide a faith-filled, safe, respectful and welcoming community where everyone thrives.

At St Therese’s we are an integral part of the Parish of St Agatha’s. We are committed to the spiritual, emotional and academic growth of our young people and to guiding them on their journey of faith and lifelong learning.

We follow the Diocese of Sale Religious Education curriculum, ‘To Live in Christ Jesus’, which nurtures our students’ spiritual growth and moral development.

Our commitment to providing a highquality education is guided by theVictorian Curriculum, which informs all aspects of our learning and teaching. Our dedicated teachers work within professional learning communities, engaging in collaborative planning to ensure that every student’s education journey is both personalised and effective.

Through ongoing assessment and teacher observation, we monitor student growth, identify individual learning needs, and tailor our planning accordingly.

To guarantee that our students receive a well-rounded education, we offer specialised weekly lessons in Japanese, Visual Arts and Physical Education.

These subjects are taught by staff who bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to their fields, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to explore and excel in a variety of disciplines.

We warmly invite families to contact us at any time to discuss the enrolment of their child and to book a school tour.

Enrolling at St Therese’s: A holistic and collaborative approach to education.

Once an enrolment form has been submitted, we schedule an interview with the parents/guardians and the student, conducted by the principal.

This interview is a crucial step in understanding the student’s educational needs and ensuring a smooth transition into our school community.

We look forward to welcoming new families to St Therese’s and embarking on a shared educational journey.

18 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
At St Therese’s Catholic Primary School our vision is simple: do all that you do with love. We aspire to provide a faith-filled, safe, respectful and welcoming community where everyone thrives. 12693463-AP22-24 Please refer to our enrolment criteria on our website for more information. 131 Endeavour Drive, Cranbourne North Victoria 3977 Telephone: 5996 7525
We would love to welcome you and your child to our school. To book a tour, visit our website or call us on 8773 6700.
new Multipurpose Hall is a recent highlight and air-conditioning that is being installed across the school. St. Francis de Sales Primary School welcomes you and your child to their school.


Free breakfast for students

AllVictorian government school students will soon receive free, nutritious breakfasts for the first time.

Premier Jacinta Allan and Education Minister Ben Carroll announced $21.1 million in the State Budget 2024/25 to expand the School Breakfast Clubs Program.

An extra 150 schools will be invited to join the program at the start of next year – expected to support up to 200,000 students – before rolling out to remaining schools from June 2025.

One thousand schools already participate in the program, which provides healthy breakfasts for students as well as lunches, snacks, and take-home food packs for students experiencing disadvantage or financial strain.

“School Breakfast Clubs make a huge difference to students whose families need a little extra support to give their children nutritious meals that power their school day,” Mr Carroll said.

Going to school hungry has a big impact on children’s learning, affecting their behaviour, ability to concentrate, and ability to retain information.

“Kids can’t learn on an empty stomach,” Ms Allan said. Food provided through School Breakfast Clubs meets Healthy Eating Guidelines, prioritises fresh foods, and caters for different preferences, with menu options like cereals, fresh fruit, soups, and rice dishes.

“This program has made a big difference to thousands of students who need a bit of extra support to have a nutritious, delicious meal every morning – and we’re proud to roll the program out to every government school from next year,” Mr Carroll said. Free breakfast for all government schools. Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 19 Lyndale Secondary College | 14 Halton Rd, Dandenong North VIC 3175 | (03) 9795 2366 | At Lyndale Secondary College, we empower students to thrive in a changing world. LSC School Median of 29 CLASS OF 2023 VCE RESULTS College DUX: Ciya Joseph – 95.55 ATAR 6.6% over ATAR 90 23% over ATAR 80 46% over ATAR 70 2025 YEAR 7, SEAL & SCHOLARSHIP ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN Call 9795 2366 for a School Tour 12672452-ET25-24


Berwick Artists Society Art Show

Meet our artists and their art, enjoy free drinks and nibbles.

· 24 June - 13 July, Cranbourne Library, Casey Complex, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road. The exhibition can be viewed during the library’s open hours.

Cranbourne U3A Relocation

Cranbourne U3A will be relocating to new rooms from the commencement of Term 3 in July.

We are moving to the kindergarten building at 20 - 22 Bowen Street, Cranbourne.

This building is being refurbished at the moment to suit our needs. We will be moving in there in early July. New members will be made welcome at our new rooms. There are lovely windows facing out to a well-maintained garden area where we can enjoy lunch or a coffee on a nice day. Please check our website for more details.

Woodworking Display and Expo

The Berwick District Woodworkers Club is hosting its annual open weekend and expo in July at the clubrooms at the Old Cheese Factory at 34 Homestead Road in Berwick.

The free event will include demonstrations of wood turning, band sawing, scroll sawing, Dremel toy making, routing, pyrography and wood carving.

· Various members produced by members on display with a selection of items for sale.

· For more information, contact John McMahon on 0437 096 840 or

Probus Club of Casey Combined

We are hoping to attract new members to our Probus Club of Casey Combined. We are hoping there are retirees out there who would be interested in joining our Club. Meetings finish at noon when many of our members assemble for lunch at one of our local cafes. After morning tea we have an interesting guest speaker. Our Club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Berwick to provide the opportunity to meet and mingle with other retirees. Open to singles. We meet at the Old Cheese Factory, 34 Homestead Road, Berwick at 9.45am on the second Tuesday of each month.

Blind Bight Community Centre


1. Live Music Afternoon Sessions and Open

Mic. Join us and bring your friends on Saturday 15 June from 2pm - 7pm. Featuring the fabulous Turk Tresize and band, door prizes and Peter will be back with his hot food van. BYO drinks and nibbles. We hope to see you there. Bookings can now be made via the website at au or via the door on the day.

2. TurnStyle returns on 20 July to keep us warm during winter. Mark and Steve will play classic rock and chart favorites, interacting and entertaining you all night.$20 per person, BYO drinks and nibbles, Doors open 7.30pm. Bookings can now be made via the website above.

3. School Holiday Fun - Mad Science, 2 July –11am

An awesome combination of crazy chemical reactions and mad science fun.

Explore the magic of dry ice, make a bag mysteriously self-inflate, and erupt a flurry of snow. Fun for mad scientists 5 -13 years old.

Children need to be accompanied by an adult. $5.00 per child

· Bookings can be made via the website at

Women’s group Berwick Neighbourhood Centre

Bring your own craft, bring your latest read or just bring yourself. Pop in for a chat. See what is happening at the centre. Have a cuppa and relax for a moment or two.

· Commencing Monday from 12.30-2pm. Community room. Timbarra Community Centre, 2026 Parkhill Drive off Timbarra Way in Berwick.

· For more details call 9704 1863 or email

Mental Health Peer Support

Program Cranbourne Group - Free

The program is based on a 12-step program of personal growth, mutual help, and support. Participants share challenges and solutions in a supportive and structured peer-to-peer format within a confidential, caring, and sharing community.

The meetings are weekly and go for about two hours. 10.30am to 12.30pm Thursday, excluding school holidays, 7/9 Selandra Boulevard (Balla Balla Community Centre), Clyde North.

· For any enquires contact Grow Victoria on 9528 2977/1800 558 268.

Balla Balla Community Centre

The centre is filled with activities in the coming weeks, catering to both children and adults.

Morning Melodies – running on 9 April at 10.30am, the centre’s entertainers will be singing for the audience, joined with some tea, scones, creams and jam and some friends to make along the way.

Introduction to creative writing – facilitated by local author Rod Grigson, the class will be held every Friday for eight weeks, beginning Term 2 and will prepare participants with the inspiration and skills to write their own stories.

Citizenship training – Held on Wednesdays, the eight-week course will cover all topics included in the Australian Citizenship test.

Playgroups – Balla Balla Bubs for 0-12 months will be held on Wednesday mornings and encourage little ones to explore tummy time, sensory play, singing and also reading with your baby. For playgroups 1-4 it also includes singing, dancing, sensory play, craft activities and story time.

Introduction to mindfulness meditation – Held on Monday evenings, this four-week meditation course will explore the topics of mindfulness, instructions and meditation practice, mindfulness of breath and body, the heart and being fully human and mindfulness of emotions.

· Bookings are essential for all of the mentioned activities and events and can be done over the phone at 5990 0900 or online at

Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club

Are you newly retired or new to the area or just wanting to enjoy your freedom or expand your social life?

Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club can offer you stimulating activities such as weekly social/ chat activities with low-key in line dancing if you want to tap your feet and enjoy an afternoon tea.

Day, short and long trips away via coach and flights, a weekly morning coffee club, monthly Saturday country pub lunches, monthly evening dineouts, weekly table tennis club, walking groups, seasonal daytime musical theatre outings, and more.

Come along and get to know us by visiting us

on a Thursday at 2pm at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House or join us on a Wednesday at 10am for a Coffee at Little Sparrow Fountain Gate.

· For more information, contact enquiry officer Gloria on 0468 363 616.

Cranbourne U3A

Make the most of your retirement! Tutors available to teach art using various mediums. A variety of crafts including knitting, patchwork and sewing, beginners card making, and calligraphy. Chess, resin making, Italian and table tennis groups welcome you. Would you like to play the Ukelele, or just singalong for fun? We can help. If you would like to tutor a class, contact us with details of your talents, we welcome new opportunities.

Our rooms are in the Cranbourne Library building, enter through the Casey Radio entrance. Expand your social life and get active for a healthy third age in your retirement.

· For more information visit: . or call the office on 5995 0311 for more information.

Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre

Located in Cranbourne North, it has vacancies in the following classes, learn to speak, read, and write in English - all levels, Monday to Thursday; Early Childhood Education classes - four hours on a Friday, government-funded, great to do before enrolling in a Certificate class; Computer classes every Wednesday morning and afternoon and in Hazaragi Wednesday evenings; Crochet and chat every Wednesday morning with a crochet teacher for free.

· Enrol now for our funded three and four-yearold Kinder Program with sessions up to five days a week. 9.30am to 2.30pm every day with structured play.

DnD at Orana

Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) is an inclusive tabletop, fantasy, role playing game.

· Second Saturday of each month, 1pm to 9pm, Orana Community Place, 16/18 Playwright St, Clyde North.

· For enquiries and to book a spot at the table, reach out to Jonathan Whelan at

Call for show volunteers

With household budgets under pressure, large crowds are expected to flock to this year’s 18th annual Doveton Show.

Designed as an affordable alternative to Royal Melbourne Show, the event at Myuna Farm is one of the biggest on the Doveton calendar.

Last year about 17,000 visitors packed out the farmyard to enjoy a bevy of showbags, rides, market, food stalls, entertainers, farm animals, kids activities and community stalls.

Show committee member Stefan Koomen said more were expected this year to enjoy the “low-cost alternative”.

“It’s about cost of living at the moment.

“We hear that people are doing it tough. That’s why we’re keeping entry free with an optional donation, and keeping our rides at the same price.”

Volunteers are needed to help stage the community-run extravaganza.

Tasks include ticket booths, concierge, giving directions and “just being a friendly face to help on the day”, Koomen says.

Prior to the event, a one-hour training induction is provided to volunteers.

Doveton Show is on Sunday 22 September 10am-4pm. To volunteer, go to dovetonshow., or call Stefan on 0403 610 247. A crowd of about 17,000

20 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Keeping up to date with your local news has never been so easy... Simplyregistertodayandgetourlatest news articlesandDigital EditionsinyourinboxforFREE SenttoyourinboxeveryThursday 12665035-AP06-24
flocked to the 2023 Doveton Show at Myuna Farm.

On the road to mobile clinic

The Lost Dogs’ Home is preparing to launch its first-ever Mobile Low-Cost Veterinary Clinic which will visit areas of greatest need in metro and rural areas across Victoria.

The Lost Dogs’ Home has welcomed the State Government’s announcement on Friday 14 June to fund the purchase of a Mobile LowCost Veterinary Clinic.

The initiative will be led by the home’s veterinary and outreach teams and work together with councils and other organisations committed to helping those doing it tough financially.

The home’s director of veterinary services

Dr Jessica Wilde said the Mobile Low-Cost Veterinary Clinic would provide discount veterinary services to vulnerable communities in Melbourne and regional Victoria.

“We are grateful for the commitment of the State Government in helping us improve animal welfare and support low-income pet owners who are facing significant cost-of-living pressures such as housing and food costs,” Dr Wilde said.

“Sadly, there are an overwhelmingly large number of pet owners who hold off desexing their pet or having a routine health check for

their pet because they cannot afford it. And the consequences of that are often catastrophic in the long term.”

The mobile clinic will perform routine but essential health surgeries such as desexing, dental procedures, microchipping, health checks, vaccinations, general health animal checks, and blood testing.

It is hoped the new initiative will reduce the surrender rates of pets to the home and reduce the cost-of-living pressures on pet owners on low incomes.

“The Lost Dogs’ Home is committed to pro-

viding low-cost desexing options for pet owners throughout Victoria,” Dr Wilde said.

“Pets are particularly important for people on low incomes and in crisis situations such as homelessness or family violence.

“Ownership can provide a consistent and secure home for pets and improve the mental and physical health outcomes for owners. Keeping families and pets together is something we are very passionate about.”

It is anticipated the Mobile Low-Cost Veterinary Clinic will be on the road by the end of the year.

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The envisioned Mobile Low-Cost Veterinary Clinic. Pictures: SUPPLIED The Lost Dogs’ Home director of veterinary services Dr Jessica Wilde said the Mobile Low-Cost Veterinary Clinic would provide discount veterinary services to vulnerable communities in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
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Public Notice


Public Notice

In accordance with Chapter 3, Part B Section 18.3 of Council’s Governance Rules, a special Council meeting of the City of Casey has been called for 11.00am on Monday 24 June 2024, which will be held wholly in person and livestreamed at the Function Centre, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren.

The business to be transacted at the meeting includes: - Adoption of Corporate Suite of Documents

Glenn Patterson Chief Executive Officer

The land affected by the application is located at: 3 Carluke Close BERWICK VIC 3806 Lot 115 LP 121233

The application is for a permit to: Variation of Restrictive Covenant

The applicant for the permit is: Songbowden Planning Pty Ltd

The application reference number is: PA24-0037 - (Lachlan Leahy)

You may look at the application and any documents that support the application at the office of the Responsible Authority.

Documents can also be viewed on Council’s website:

make other submissions to the Responsible Authority.

objection must:

made to the Responsible Authority in writing to, Manager Planning, P.O.

City of Casey Bunjil Place 2 Patrick Northeast Drive NARRE WARREN

This can be done during office hours and is free of charge.

Documents can also be viewed on Council’s website:

or emailed to

• include the application number and site address

• include the reasons for the objection, and

• state how the objector would be affected.

The Responsible Authority must make a copy of every objection available at its office for any person to inspect during office hours free of charge until the end of the period during which an application may be made for review of a decision on the application.

The Responsible Authority will not decide on the application before: 4 July 2024

If you object, the Responsible Authority will advise you of its decision.



Southern Rural Water (SRW) wishes to advise of an application to permanently transfer 71.3 megalitres of surfacewater for irrigation purposes on land described as 260 Manks Road, Clyde.

All surfacewater proposed to be extracted will be sourced from a tributary of Western Contour Drain.

Southern Rural Water is committed to an appropriate consultation process to ensure the proper consideration of relevant matters as prescribed by the Water Act 1989

We therefore seek comment from any interested person or parties that considers they may be affected by these applications. Submissions on this proposal will be accepted until 4pm on 11 July 2024 and will be taken into account in determining these applications.

Please direct enquiries and submissions to:

Alisha Clark

Manager Water Licencing P.O.Box 153

Maffra Vic 3860

Telephone 1300 139 510

Please quote reference: CZ 1793949

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Box 1000,
Narre Warren 3805
person who may be affected
the granting of the permit may object
Box 1000, Narre Warren 3805 or emailed to • include the application number and site address • include the reasons for the objection, and • state how the objector would be affected. The Responsible Authority must make a copy of every objection available at its office for any person to inspect during office hours free of charge until the end of the period during which an application may be made for review of a decision on the application. The Responsible Authority will not decide on the application before: 4 July 2024 If you object, the Responsible Authority will advise you of its decision. The land affected by the application is located at: 22-23 Harries Court NARRE WARREN NORTH VIC 3804 Lot 18 LP 220971A 22-23A Harries Court NARRE WARREN NORTH
Condition 1 (f) to be amended to state: o Creation of a restriction on Lot 2 on LP220917A to control the location of a building to the location defined by the building envelope on the endorsed plans to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. Condition 13 amended to state: o Prior to the issue of a Statement of Compliance the following works must be completed: Removal of any structures within Lot 2 boundaries that are located outside the building envelope. Removal of any structures/infrastructure (paths, steps, paved areas etc) which transect Lots 1 and 2. deleted condition 16. It is intended that the existing structure formerly a dependent person’s unit (dwelling) is to be retained on Lot 2, rather than be removed. The applicant for the permit is: Prime Land Consultants The application reference number is: PPA23-0188 - (Selena Sparkes) You may look at the application and any documents that support the application at the office of the Responsible Authority. City of Casey Bunjil Place 2 Patrick Northeast Drive NARRE WARREN This can be done during office hours and is free of charge.
VIC 3804 The application is for a permit to: Amendment to Planning Permit PA21-1009 (Two Lot Subdivision and Removal of Covenant R307202J (Lot 18 on LP220971A) The amendment seeks to:
condition 1 (d) delete condition
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United in fight against MND

The Berwick Junior Football Club held its third annual FightMND Big Freeze event on the night of Sunday 16 June, raising $10,750 as well as breaking the national record for largest simultaneous ice bucket challenges.

Previously sitting at 107 participants, the BJFC now holds the record with 252 people for the Largest Simultaneous Ice Bucket Challenge.

BJFC club president Kate Murphy said “we are so proud to be able to give back to fight MND and support this charity”.

However, the fight against MND began long before the night’s charity event, with all 22 teams in BJFC donning FightMND socks during their games throughout the day.

“A huge thank you needs to go to all of our committee for their tireless work in organising this event,” Ms Murphy said.

Some prominent figures were also in attendance, namely Jan Daniher who was the club’s special guest for the night.

Berwick MP Brad Battin also took part in

the event, braving the slide and cold temperatures once more in “what a couple of freezing weeks it has been locally to take up the fight against the beast”.

“From Beaconsfield Junior Football Club Big Freeze Slide all the way to arch-rival Berwick Junior Football Club who all were fighting for the one cause, victory in research to find a cure for MND,” Mr Battin said.

Bruce MP Julian Hill was also one of the guests and sliders for the event.

“Berwick Springs Junior Football Club are to be congratulated for this great initiative, raising money for MND research.

“I’d be happy to help at any time, but it means even more to me as a dear friends, State MP Emma Vulin was recently diagnosed with MND; I’ve known Emma since she was 11 years old and it’s devastating news of a horrible disease,” Mr Hill said.

A plaque with a certificate was awarded to the BJFC to commemorate the night’s achievement, as well as a flag by the Australian Book of Records placed on the field.

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24 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024 NEWS
Jan Daniher (middle) with BJFC members holding the plaque commemorating the club’s breaking The Berwick Junior Football Club began the fight against motor neurone disease well before the night’s charity event, wearing FightMND
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A flag by the Australian Book of Records was propped on the oval to remember the night’s achievement; with large amounts of ice still
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Cranbourne up for the fight

It was the win Cranbourne needed.

The Eagles netted their most significant win of the 2024 season in the Southern Football Netball League on Saturday, defeating Springvale Districts 9.10 64 to 6.9 45.

A six goal to one first half set the game up for the Eagles, which was able to hold off a brief third quarter charge from the hosts.

Steve O’Brien’s side brought the heat from the first bounce with Springvale Districts having plenty of territory with a breeze advantage in the first quarter but unable to register a major.

The Eagles swarmed and gave the hosts no space to work in and split aerial battles.

“I thought our pressure was fantastic and it was a real focus point for us,” said O’Brien.

“Making sure our first quarters are good quarters – which hasn’t always been the case for us this year – was something we targeted, so it was good to see the boys knuckle down.

“We certainly think that’s the best (the pressure has) been for four quarters (this season).”

A big Michael Boland lunging tackle on Springvale Districts’ Mason Russell, who looked to have burst into open space, reflected the intensity which set the tone for Cranbourne.

It gave them space to move in when they got the footy in their forward half, with Tyson Barry continuing his strong form.

He got on the end of the first centre clearance of his game, showing off his elusiveness and took a contested mark later in the quarter and converted the set shot to give him early confidence which he played with for the rest of the day.

Cranbourne was the far better side in the first quarter despite leading by just 10 points at the first break and got their rewards in the second.

Jake Stephens won a hitout which Jarryd Barker ran onto without breaking stride, hitting a leading Barry inside 50.

The visitors were able to hem Springvale Districts in for a sustained period of the second quarter, with back-to-back stunners highlighting a dominant period of play.

Casey-listed Andrew Green feigned to set it up deep to a contest to open up the goal face, which allowed him to kick one from 60.

From the next centre clearance, co-skipper Zak Roscoe burst away and handballed to Matt Alister, who tapped over his head to Nick Darbyshire, with that goal kicked from 50.

While Springvale Districts responded quickly with their first goal of the game, they

had just one until halftime, with Cranbourne holding on for a comfortable victory despite a third quarter flurry to the hosts.

“We knew they would come hard at some point so we just had to brace for that and we held up really well in the third quarter,” O’Brien said.

“Even though they closed the gap a little bit, we missed a few opportunities but we were able to finish the game off well.”

Defenders Jordan Bertrand and Green were among the best at Newcomen Road in the Eagles’ first victory over a top seven side this year - they drew with East Brighton.

Meanwhile, teenager Calvin Peris made his debut and showed some positive signs with

his electric pace.

Having represented Northern Territory’s under-16s in the talent pathway system this season, he is seeking relocation to Melbourne and will be one to watch for the Eagles going forward.

“He moves really well and is a pretty exciting kid we think,“ O’Brien said.

“He’s a very nice kid, really coachable and has some very good ability too.“

Despite the results not going their way, the 2023 grand finalists have genuinely challenged premiership contenders this year, with the victory moving them into the top five for the first time in 2024.

The result is significant given Cranbourne has top two sides St Paul’s McKinnon and Cheltenham awaiting them in the next two weeks.

“It was about time we took a scalp and to do that was really pleasing,” O’Brien said.

“We’ve been working hard for a while now so we’re putting some good form together and starting to play some really good footy.

“To build that confidence moving into those two games is going to be great for us.”

Storm sets sights on south-east’s future rugby league stars

Melbourne Storm is targeting Melbourne’s south-east as it forms its inaugural Storm female development program.

Following the success of the Female Footy Festival held at the State Rugby League and Community Centre in Broadmeadows, the Storm is now establishing a new pathway for female players born in 2008 and 2009.

The Storm is holding three combines, the first of which was in Broadmeadows on Sunday 9 June.

The Storm west hub was held in Wyndham on June 16, while the southeast hub combine will be held at Casey Fields on Sunday June 23.

Rugby League in Melbourne’s south-east has taken off in recent times, with the Pakenham Eels and Casey Warriors becoming key players in the NRL Victoria landscape.

Casey Fields has long been regarded as a crucial facility for the growth of rugby league in the region, while the Pakenham Eels new home ground at Comely Banks Reserve has already hosted some key events on the NRL Victoria schedule.

Storm’s female pathway program manager Pauline Poloai said the initiative is exciting.

“There are 1300 females playing the game of rugby league in Victoria,” she said.

“We know there are girls wanting to aspire to play NRLW.

“This Is a starting point of introducing females to our Storm family.”

Poloai said the Storm was preparing to launch an NRLW team for the 2028 season and they wanted to build the foundations now to get more Victorian females playing.

The three combine testing days gives the development squad selectors an opportunity to assess some key areas.

They will identify the top 30 players and they will be part of a 12-week program overseen by Melbourne Storm coaches and staff,

before heading off on a three-day tour of New South Wales for trial matches.

“There will be off field education,” she said.

“We’ll also teach them the Storm system.”

Poloai said they had development programs for the men’s side, now they were looking to implement that for women.

She said they had targeted areas where they know there’s a lot of females playing the sport.

Poloai said it was important to have Victorian-born players as part of the Storm’s female program.

Just five Victorian-born players have played for the Storm in the NRL; four from the Hume municipality.

“This comes off the back of these development programs,” she said.

“These programs give kids a first-hand look to see what the Storm program is.

“We have got some good talent in the north and also in the west and south.”

Storm chief executive Justin Rodski said the new development program will help the club lay the foundations for a pathway to NRLW.

“This is an exciting time for the female

game in Victoria and we are ready to find the best young talent in the state,” he said.

“We want to give Victorian players the chance to play at the highest level, whether they come from rugby league or other codes.

“We know there is a lot of work to do to get the pathways rights, develop the talent we have in Victoria and have the facilities in place for our girls to train and play.

“We can’t do that alone and will be working with our commercial and government partners to give our female future stars the best possible chance to wear the purple jersey in the future.” Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 25
Female Pakenham Eels players such as Ariana Gesi will soon be under the watchful eye of Melbourne Storm talent scouts. 411611 Picture: MICHAEL WINTER
Tyson Barry has adapted well to an altered role. 298233 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Luke Bee-Hugo has played himself into strong form in recent weeks. 410440 Picture: ROB CAREW

Seagulls just a sniff away

Tooradin-Dalmore may have lost by five points to Phillip Island in a classic contest at Cowes on Saturday; but another close tussle with a genuine premiership contender has further strengthened the Seagulls claims in 2024.

Phillip Island won a cliff-hanger 11.11(77) to 11.6(72) on the weekend, making it sevenstraight wins for Cam Pedersen’s Bulldogs.

But the real story to emerge from the WGFNC contest wasTooradin’s ability to once again clog up scoring; producing its fifth single-digit result against teams that currently sit in the top six.

Jordan Kelly’s Seagulls have only been on the right side of the ledger once in those five games - against Inverloch-Kongwak (76-70) in round eight - but their record against the top teams in the competition makes for fascinating reading.

The Seagulls have lost four games this year, by margins of nine (Cora Lynn), four (Kilcunda-Bass), one (Nar Nar Goon) and now five points to the Bulldogs.

With an ounce of luck, the fifth-placed Seagulls could be perched at the pointy end of the ladder.

Phillip Island started well against the Gulls, with Billy Taylor kicking two, and his brother Jack one, in a rugged first term that saw the Bulldogs take a 20-point lead to quarter time.

Stewie Scanlon got the Gulls on the board at the start of the second term, but replies from Zac Walker and Yianni Caffieri had the Bulldogs 28 points to the good and looking the better team.

The Seagulls kept their chances alive heading towards half time, with Cooper Shipp and Xavier Shinners cutting the margin to 16 points at the major interval.

The third quarter played witness to the most expansive football of the match, with two early goals to Jesse Patullo kicking the Bulldogs back out to a 29-point lead.

But the Gulls refused to buckle, and consecutive goals to Shipp, Piva Wright, Panos Papas and Johnny Duff cut the deficit to just six points.

Travis Woodfield extended that slightly for the Doggies, but when Wright kicked his second for the term the Bulldogs were just six

points ahead at the final break.

Two early goals to Shipp then gave the Seagulls their first lead since kicking the opening point of the match, before the talented Walker answered mid-way through the final term.

Shipp then kicked his third for the final quarter, and when Brad Butler and Scanlon kicked points the Seagull were seven up heading towards time on.

Billy Taylor then leveled the scores for the Doggies, before Patullo kicked the eventual match-winner in the dying stages.

Six points adrift, Xavier Shinners had the chance to level the scores; but his miss gave the home side a nail-biting five-point victory.

Patullo and Billy Taylor ended the day with three for the winners, who had Charlie Bruce,

The move of Shipp forward proved a master-stroke from Kelly and his coaching team, with the regular intercept defender causing all sorts of headaches when moved inside 50.

Shipp ended with five, and Wright two, while former AFL players Adam Oxley and Matt Buntine showed their class when the Seagulls needed it most.

After a character-building run of tough matches, the Gulls can take a deep breath now with a home game against Korumburra-Bena, while the Doggies can similarly unwind on an away trip to Bunyip.

One thing is for certain; this year’s premiership race is a classy five-strong field.

Results R10: Phillip Island 11.11(77) def

Tooradin-Dalmore 11.6(72), Kooweerup 14.17(101) def Bunyip 3.3(21), Nar Nar Goon 16.18(114) def Garfield 6.1(37), Cora Lynn 18.16(124) def Warragul Industrials 7.10(52), Dalyston7.5(47)defbyKilcunda-Bass7.13(55), Korumburra-Bena 2.2(14) def by InverlochKongwak 14.24(108).

Ladder: Nar Nar Goon 36, Cora Lynn, Phillip Island 34, Inverloch-Kongwak 32, TooradinDalmore, Kilcunda-Bass 24, Warragul Industrials 20, Kooweerup, Garfield 12, Dalyston 8, Korumburra-Bena 4, Bunyip 0. Fixture R11: Bunyip (12) v Phillip Island (3), Inverloch-Kongwak (4) v Nar Nar Goon (1), Kilcunda-Bass (6) vWarragul Industrials (7), Cora Lynn (2) v Dalyston (10), Garfield (9) v Kooweerup (8), Tooradin-Dalmore (5) v KorumburraBena (11).

Rollercoaster ride ends in Tooradin-Dalmore’s favour

Phillip Island and Tooradin-Dalmore took their supporters on a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions on Saturday before the visiting Seagulls secured a 59-50 victory to keep their top-two hopes alive.

The Gulls began like a house on fire, winning the opening quarter 18-10, with Stacey Sawyer (C), Abbey Howes (WA) and Zoe Coventry (WD) running rings around their opponents through the midcourt.

Chloe Phillips (GS) and Alex Maher (GA) were synchronizing wonderfully well in the goal-circle, and all signs pointed to an easy day at the office for the visitors.

But the Bulldogs had a trick up their sleeves themselves, surprising the Gulls with an 18-9 response to take a one goal lead to half time.

Lily Mewett (GS) had an amazing second quarter for the Bulldogs, scoring 14 of their 18 goals to set up a mouthwatering second half of netball.

But things then reverted to quarter one, with the Gulls scoring 16-9 to take a strong hold on the match, before finishing off with a 16-13 final term.

The Seagulls, currently fifth, host eighthplaced Korumburra-Bena this week in a massive game for both clubs, while Phillip Island heads to Bunyip.

Bunyip almost pulled off a huge surprise, leading Kooweerup at half time before the Demons ground their way to a 45-39 victory.

Brooke Cleeland (GS) was on fire for Bunyip early, netting 11 first-quarter goals as the Bulldogs led 14-12 at the first break.

Kooweerup tried to respond in the second

term, but still trailed 21-20 at half time.

The Demons gradually got on top in the second half, with Kate Sidebottom (GA) and Ash Murphy (GS) proving a difficult question for the Bulldogs to find an answer to.

Kooweerup, seventh, heads to Garfield this week and could well find itself in sixth place by 4pm on Saturday.

The three-game losing streak of Cora Lynn has come to an end after the Cobras won 5031 against bottom-placed Warragul Industrials.

The Cobras struggled to break free in the first half, leading 22-17, before scoring 28 to 14 after the break.

Annabel Sheppard (GK) and Paige BrooksMacMillan (GD) tightened things up at the defensive end in the second half, while Danielle Cameron (WD) and Phoebe Nolan (WA) provided great drive through the midcourt.

The Cobras face a huge challenge this week, hosting third-placed Dalyston at the Cobradome.

The Magpies started brilliantly against Kilcunda-Bass at Dalyston on Saturday, leading 15-7 at quarter time on their way to a 4639 triumph.

Jarney Thomas (GA) was the shining light early, scoring 11 first-quarter goals, while Gemma Thomas (GK) and Olivia Bramley

(GD) controlled the defensive end of the court with real style.

The Panthers were 12 goals behind at the final break, but showed character to cut the margin to seven with a fighting 14-9 last quarter.

Jemma Osborne (GA) played a key part in that revival.

Nar Nar Goon has set up a classic top-two clash with Inverloch-Kongwak this week after the Goon won all four quarters against Garfield on Saturday.

The Goon wasn’t explosive, but gradually built its lead by four, three, four and five to take a 57-41 victory in the end.

Darcy Utber (GS) started well for the winners, while Karly Meinecke (WD), Taylah Boatwood (GK) and Steph Lee (GS) will take some good form into this week’s clash against the undefeated Sea Eagles.

Inverloch-Kongwak made it a perfect 10 wins from 10 starts this year with a 55-46 win over a brave Korumburra-Bena.

The Sea Eagles led by four after the first quarter, which only improved to five at half time as Giants such as Felicity Fox (C) and Elisha Nicholas (GA) really dug in for the fight.

The extreme class of Renee Pilkington (GD), Kelly Boyd (GS) and Lanni Pryor (C) then stood out in the third quarter as the Sea Eagles opened up a match-winning lead.

The Sea Eagles are already guaranteed pole position for this year’s finals series, being two-and-a-half games ahead after 10 rounds.

Skipper Pilkington and her charges are aiming for an incredible three premierships on the trot.

26 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024
Jacqui Dennis celebrated her 400th game for Cora Lynn with a C Grade victory over Warragul Industrials. 413404
Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Max Walton and Hayden Bruce in fine form through the midfield. Moving Cooper Shipp forward proved a masterstroke from Tooradin-Dalmore coach Jordan Kelly on Saturday. 412137 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

The Emma Express

Casey Demons have delivered a super-impressive performance by securing a victory over second-placed Boroondara Express in theVNL Championship.

The first quarter was evenly contested, with both teams demonstrating strong defensive and offensive plays.

However, as the game progressed, the Casey Demons began to build momentum, effectively converting turnovers into scoring opportunities and maintaining a relentless focus on capitalising on their centre passes.

Emma Ryde was a standout performer for the Demons, showcasing her scoring prowess with an outstanding 50 goals at an impressive 87-percent accuracy.

Her ability to consistently find the net played a crucial role in the Demons’ victory.

In the centre, Ash Gill provided a steady and reliable presence, expertly feeding the ball and ensuring smooth transitions from defence to attack.

Her performance was instrumental in maintaining the team’s rhythm and flow throughout the match.

Captain Sacha McDonald continued her exceptional form, leading by example and inspiring her teammates with her tenacity and skill.

Her leadership on the court was evident, and she played a pivotal role in the Demons’ success.

Looking ahead, the Casey Demons are set to face the Bendigo Strikers this week.

Their previous encounter was a thrilling contest that ended with a nail-biting one-goal victory for the Demons at the final whistle.

Fans can expect another exciting show-

down as the teams meet again.

The Demons will return to Casey Stadium on Sunday, June 30, for their final home game of the 2024 season.

This game will be particularly special as it coincides with the Community Round, celebrating the Casey Netball partnership.

The event will recognise and honour the

hard-working volunteers who contribute so much to the sport and the community.

Tickets for this exciting match are available at TryBooking.

Don’t miss the chance to support the Casey Demons and be part of a great day of netball and community celebration.

-Rebekah Bogos-

Wagg hat-trick fires Cannons to victory

Casey’s women have opened up a four-point gap between themselves and eighth-placed Brunswick following a 3-1 victory over Mornington on Saturday.

Sam Wagg was the star, scoring a hattrick, with two of her goals from the Cannons’ only two short corners of the game underscoring their increased synergy from the set play, while her third was via a penalty stroke.

After racing out of the blocks and threatening early in the match, Casey conceded the first goal of the game as Mornington got them on a break away.

It was a rare lapse from the staunch defence, however, led as usual by Michaela

Bullock and Tegen Hyland, while their pressure allowed them to dominate territory.

“Our forward line press worked really well,” said coach Andrew Harris.

“We got lots of forward half turnovers which we’ve worked on at training and it came through on the weekend.”

Cardinia led 2-1 at halftime before a slight stutter early in the third following an injury to Emma Harris, but Cardinia was able to steady and hold on for a strong win.

Meanwhile, the men had a 4-3 loss to Craigieburn with Tristan Chaffey (two) and David Noney the goal scorers.

It sees them fall to fifth position, but they remain just a win away from second.

Shock loss a hiccup for Hendy’s Panthers

Devon Meadows had a rare lapse in the Mornington Peninsula Football Netball League, going down 11.11 77 to 9.12 66 to finals contenders Crib Point.

In a seesawing battle, the Magpies kicked the last two goals of the game to consign the Panthers to a defeat which results in them slipping to third on the table.

Nick Battle was tagged out of the game, finishing with 23 disposals but down on his typical impact.

Joel Hillis was as instrumental as usual with the game on the line, collecting 34 disposals, while Jack Wilson’s form continues to build as a forward-midfielder, finishing with four goals and three clearances.

But the hosts lacked their usual synergy and didn’t put speed on the ball the way they do when at their very best, with too many players down on their usual output.

The dour day was made worse by a potentially serious injury to emerging talent Patrick Sinnema.

Meanwhile, Pearcedale had a 10.16 76 to 5.6 36 win against Karingal, with Cruiz West and Huw Jones performing well.

Devon Meadows will be keen to bounce back next week against Bonbeach, while Pearcedale faces a tough test against Chelsea.

Pumped up for primary school 9x9

AFL Victoria and School Sport Victoria (SSV) have partnered to launch an expanded nine-a-side Australian rules football competition for primary schools across the state.

Following a successful pilot last year, there will be 33 ‘Gala Day’ 9v9 competitions held across Victoria throughout July and August in 2024, during Term 3 of the school year.

Casey Fields will host a Gala Day for primary schools in Cardinia, Casey North and Casey South on Wednesday August 7, before a Greater Dandenong Gala Day is held at Greaves Reserve on Wednesday August 21.

Registration is free for SSV Victorian primary schools, with the program open to students in grades four to six to participate.

There will be a girls division and a boys/mixed division at each of the 9v9 Gala Days.

Schools can enter more than one team in each division depending on their participation numbers.

First and second place from each event will progress to region level events - dates and locations to be confirmed - ahead of the State Championships being held on Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at La Trobe University in Bundoora.

The ‘9v9’ format, involving reduced player numbers from the conventional 18-a-side football format, is designed to provide greater participation opportunities for more students and schools.

Games are played on a smaller field size, allowing for multiple matches to take place on a full-size oval.

The increased number of Gala Days in 2024 comes after an eight-event pilot was successfully run in 2023, with the expanded program this year coming in ahead of 9v9 being introduced as the SSV Australian Football Primary competition format in 2025.

Head of AFL Victoria, Greg Madigan, said AFL Victoria is committed to enhancing the student experience and having more students and children playing and enjoying Australian rules football.

“We’re delighted with the expansion of the SSV 9v9 Australian rules football program in 2024 and, equally, excited about the full implementation across the SSV program in 2025,” Madigan said.

To support schools taking part, AFL Victoria will provide 9v9 kits consisting of balls, goals and playing bibs for SSV Coordinators.

Dates: Southern Metropolitan Region · Cardinia/Casey North/Casey South - Wednesday August 7: Casey Fields Oval 2 and 3

· Greater Dandenong - Wednesday, August 21: Greaves Reserve Thursday, 20 June, 2024 | STAR NEWS 27
Primary school-aged students across Victoria will take part in a nine-a-side Australian rules football competition in Term 3 this year. 409195 Picture: LJUBICA VRANKOVIC Nathan Drew took five intercept marks. 406512 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS Sam Wagg’s three led the Cannons to victory. 347266 Picture: GARY SISSONS
Goaler Emma Ryde was a standout performer for Casey Demons in a fantastic victory over Boroondara Express. 414530 Picture: SUPPLIED
28 STAR NEWS | Thursday, 20 June, 2024

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