people, news & what sets us apart
Flash flood wreaks havoc in Stanford and surrounds (PAGE 5)
Good news hatches through adversity (PAGE 7)
Introducing spice master, Karl Hermanus (PAGE 8)
Above: Liz Hedley-Smith’s stunning spring creation turned heads at the Stanford Garden Club’s Spring Equinox celebration held at Casa Blanca Farmstead. (PAGE 3)
How ironic that on the evening following World Rivers Day, our little village situated on the banks of the Klein River would suffer a catastrophic flash flood. Even more ironic is that the theme for this year’s World Rivers Day was: “Rights of Rivers.” Hell hath no fury like a river under strain, that’s for sure.
In the aftermath of the recent flooding, a family of three beautiful white swans, feared missing, were found peacefully swimming around the water-filled dip in Queen Victoria Street. Of all the things that one would expect to see after such devastation, this was not it. And yet, there they were, totally oblivious to the chaotic situation around them. As with the story of Swan Lake where good overcomes bad, the swans’ presence can be seen to symbolise our collective resilience as a village and our capacity to endure and overcome our challenges. Having witnessed the wonderful sense of
warmth and togetherness in our community recently, I can confidently say: “This too shall pass.”
In this issue, read about Kevin McCallum’s frightening experience as he and his wife, Keri, frantically tried to escape the flood (page 5). For more flood photos, refer to page 17.
On a lighter note, read about the Spring Equinox celebration and why permaculture is so important for long term sustainability in the article on page 3. Then, speaking of Spring, find out which flowers are edible on page 13.
Keeping with the flower theme, find out what marigolds symbolise and how they fit into Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) on page 15.
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The Stanford Spectator is a monthly print and online publication that comes out on the 3rd Friday of every month. Advertisements to reach us by no later than the Friday prior to when the next issue is due. To place an advertisement, please contact:
2 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023
The Stanford Spectator is proudly brought to you by the Stanford News Agency
Above: Another symbol of good things to come, a magnificent rainbow appeared a day after the flood. Photo: Liz Hedley-Smith
Above: Swan Lake. Two locals gently guiding the family of swans back home. Photo: Supplied
Marike Groot (left) is our Graphic Designer who ensures that our publication always looks beautiful, standing with Melissa Mc Alpine (right), owner of Stanford News Agency and publishing editor of the Stanford Spectator. These two ladies make a strong team and are both passionate about upholding, supporting, showcasing, and maintaining the wonderful village of Stanford.
Cavy and John Kelley recently hosted members of Stanford’s Garden Club for the Spring Equinox Garden celebration at their home in the middle of Stanford Village, called Casa Blanca Farmstead.
This urban farmstead, which is just under half an acre in size, is a permaculture demonstration garden designed to showcase the systems and elements of permaculture such as the herb spiral, kitchen garden, footpath swales and rainwater harvesting.
“If you do nothing else, collect rainwater,” said John, quoting Geoff Lawton of the Permaculture Research Institute.
Walking around the property, one can certainly appreciate the careful planning and consideration that went into the design and development of the farmstead. Companion planting and fruit trees guilds are examples of how important diversity is to the longterm benefit of the soil and plants.
Water resources are finite and, without lei water, this farmstead captures, slows, and spreads rainfall using the deep pine bark filled footpaths (swales) enhancing the soil, flora and fauna. The garden pond is an example of a multi-functional connection within the design.
John explained that everything on their farmstead serves multiple purposes. Chickens, for instance, provide eggs and meat, control garden pests, eat kitchen scraps and till the ground. The worm farm transforms food scraps and garden waste into worm leachate (tea) and worm castings, excellent fertilisers.
The event was well attended with around 50 people, all eager to see and experience the farmstead for themselves. In keeping with the spring tradition, garden club members arrived donning their springthemed hats and people brought delectable plates of food to share and enjoy. The afternoon was sunny and pleasant. Looking back now, one could perhaps say it was the
calm before the storm.
Bountiful baskets of homegrown produce from within the club and community were raffled to raise much needed funds in support of the Creative Skills Factory, a local community NPO that feeds and offers creative extra-mural activities to children between 5 and 13 years old. A total of R2,300 was raised.
Why is permaculture important?
• Permaculture is a design system with a set of tools that enables us to identify connections to the benefit of the earth and its people to create sustainable solutions.
• Permaculture can be applied to any situation: in the garden, on farm, animal systems, vegetable growing systemseven your kitchen layout and home can be designed for maximum efficiency.
• Ancient civilisations used indigenous knowledge to create systems to the benefit of the land and its people using the same fundamental principles, many examples of which can still be seen today. A 2000-year-old food forest in Morocco, the ancient irrigation systems of Oman and the chinampas of the Ancient Aztecs are just a few examples.
• We must embrace that we are a part of nature and can create abundant societies that benefit and integrate with the earth and other species.
• Starting in your home and garden, with a structured approach to getting back to nature, you can learn to observe the patterns of nature and use the observable influence of wind, water and flow of energy to the benefit of your system.
• A journey of awakening to the benefit of us all.
3 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023 STANFORD GARDEN CLUB
Clockwise from top: Clivia maniata var. citrina (yellow clivia) from the garden; Viv Routledge and Cavy Kelley; Amanda de Wit and Annette Silvis; Liz Hedley-Smith with her stunning Spring creation; and John Kelley with his right hand man and gardener, Patrick.
Photos: Supplied
6 Fashion Modelling Show (6pm)
Stanford Community Hall
Details: Nicky 078 280 9428 |
7 Stanford Festival of Community Arts (9am – Late)
At the Ou Krale, Stanford
Details: 082 667 9232 |
7 ‘Home’ Performed by the Creative Skills Factory (10am –12pm)
Stanford Community Hall
Details: 082 667 9232 |
7 Stanford Wine & Cheese Festival (10am)
Walker Bay Estate
Wine Tasting, Food & Music
Booking: | 028 341 0183
7 Steve Newman, Wendy Oldfield & Ashish Joshi Live (Dinner from 6pm)
Stanford Kitchen
Cover Charge R200pp | Booking Essential: 079 975 6211
21 Country Craft & Hobby Fair (10am)
Birkenhead Brewery at Walker Bay Estate
Details: Carol 082 456 5923
26 Stanford Conservation Think & Drink
Birkenhead Brewery R125pp for the meal plus R50 donation to SCA
Book: 083 418 8973 (Leigh King)
27 Sunset Market (6pm)
Stanford Village Green
Live music, food & wine stalls, and family entertainment
Details: Phil Murray 082 667 0619
DAYS IN OCTOBER 1: Int Coffee Day 1: Int Day of Older Persons 1: World Vegetarian Day 2: Int Day of Non-Violence 2: World Habitat Day 4: World Animal Day 5: Teachers’ Day 10: World Mental Health Day 14: International African Penguin Awareness Day 16: Boss’s Day 16: World Food Day 31: World Cities Day 31: Halloween
STANFORD, A FLOATING BRIDGE over troubled waters
By: Kevin McCallum
In March the riders of the ABSA Cape Epic crossed the Klein Rivier into Stanford via a floating bridge. Some flew over, some went a little more sedately and others tiptoed. Just one rider fell into the river, trepidation seizing his momentum and turning it into a gentle, slow-motion splash.
The young lifesaver, on hand for just a mistake, swam to him and he was hauled out and then took the sensible option of pushing his bike the rest of the way back. The river was low that day, the dirt road running alongside packed with locals.
Two weeks before that first stage of the Epic, my wife and I made an offer on a house just under a kilometre from where the bridge was. It was a Stanford house that just felt right. In July, we did some basic renovations –built a pergola for vines to wrap around and painted it white. Inside and out.
It was as close to the Karoo cottage we had always wanted ever since we stayed at the beautiful Richmond Rooms in the Northern Cape. North facing, it has views of the majesty of Klein Rivier Mountains from the stoep. Stanford is very different and very special. Far away enough to be in the country but close enough to Hermanus, it has the Wandelpad, a path along the river that takes you under magical milkwoods. The branches of these old trees create mini fairy-tale forests, where you can escape the world and pretend you are Hansel or Gretel for a spell.
Gurgling Drains
On Sunday night, I watched Wales trounce Australia. It was raining when I went to bed around midnight. It had been raining for a good few days: hard, consistent, relentless. I woke up to the sound of gurgling drains. I looked outside and saw a flooded garden and a flooded road. It didn’t look too bad. It took less than 20 minutes to get bad.
The Klein Rivier embraces the village from the West and winds down to the lagoon. It had now burst its banks. Keri and I grabbed our dogs, Queenie and Laddie, and tried to escape in our car. Safety and dry land were just 100m away across one road. We never made it. The street we live in had become a river so strong and fast it was a horizontal waterfall. We were swept down the street like a twig. We couldn’t stop, we couldn’t think. The back of the window somehow lodged against a tree. I climbed out of the window and tried to open the door for Keri to escape, but it would not budge. The water kept rising, kept getting stronger.
A rescue team of local volunteers tied tow ropes together and formed a human chain.
Keri, who admits she couldn’t make the D-side netball team, caught the rope first time – think Jonty Rhodes at his peak and you get the picture. She was pulled to safety. I went back into the car to get the dogs out, passing them to our rescuers, then I was helped out.
My memory is a little hazy after that. I went into hypothermic shock and a series of panic attacks. Keri was the calm one. Her strength was extraordinary. We were alive.
That tree was our miracle. It saved us from drowning. As did Richard, Grant, Clayton, and one other whose name I forget, who risked their lives to save us. And then the extraordinary Ros, a guardian angel, took us to the sanctuary of our good friends, Robynn and Peter, who took our sodden family in and gave us warmth and hope.
I’m writing this column in our house, with the mud having been shoveled out and the floors made usable. We cannot stay here for a while. We have lost so much, memories and loved things, as well as furniture and stuff that can be replaced. But there is relief and calm. We are alive and Stanford has gathered us in its embrace.
As I write, Ros is driving past our house making sure those of us who were in the water have tetanus shots. La Cantina, the
local Mexican bar, became a collection point for clothes and blankets. Sue at the Stanford Laundry is cleaning clothes and linen. Others have made food, opened their homes, given huge discounts to clean houses.
A river runs through Stanford, and it ran through us on Monday. But there is love here, there is hope and there is a village like no other. They are our floating bridge after troubled waters.
(This article was originally published in the Business Day.)
5 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023
Above: Kevin McCallum’s car lodged up against a tree, which ultimately saved him and his wife, Keri, from being swept further away by gushing water. Photo: Rodney C Ackermann
Our community has rallied its resources, heart, and efforts to assist Stanford and its victims in a number of relief efforts during and after the recent flood. To witness the coming together of our humanity and village spirit has been inspiring and humbling. Thank you to all who have offered a listening ear, a bakkie, labour, food, money, essentials and shelter.
To all the many victims who suffered varying degrees of loss and trauma, know that you are loved, cared for, and in the centre of our Village Heart. Our prayers, best intentional wishes, and deepest empathy is with each and all of you during this trying time.
In the coming weeks, our resilient village will begin the steady walk toward rehabilitation and reclaimed normalcy. As the days pass, the reality of memories of the event along with irreplaceable losses, will become more evident to all who have suffered the devastation. Postevent anxiety, stress and depression may begin to emerge for both the victims and the response teams. As the days pass and regular life is slowly restored, know that we will continue to be here in support of your grief, healing, and the full restoration of your wholeness.
To this end, a group of skilled therapists, trained and experienced in relief counselling, trauma healing, and the rebuilding of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
well-being, are currently co-ordinating and preparing to offer our services to you free of charge. Please stay tuned by following the Stanford Notice Board on Facebook for updated information. We encourage you, or anyone you know who may be showing signs of posttraumatic stress, to connect with these healing professionals.
In the afternoon of Saturday 14 October, a community-wide Community Council (sharing circle) will occur at a suitable Stanford Venue to be announced. This is a valuable opportunity to gather as a village to share our collective experience of the flood while being held by a circle of loving neighbours and fellow community members. Stanfordians are invited to attend and help us all heal from the recent physical and emotional damage. Attentively listening to those who have suffered is a powerful remedy to help everyone rebuild themselves and our beloved community. Please save the date. More information will follow shortly.
May we all remind ourselves that out of muddy waters beautiful lotus flowers blossom. May we continue to lend a helping hand and a listening ear to all during the days, weeks and years ahead.
Glenn Nangaku Leisching
On the morning of 28 September, my daughter went up to the shop to buy some items that we needed for cleaning our house up after the flooding, and for the crew. The shop concerned, which I won’t name as it might put them in a difficult spot, had a glitch with their credit card machine. Instead of chasing her away, they very kindly told her to give them her details and to come back and pay them whenever she can. Well, that’s going above and beyond the call of duty.
Well done, Stanford!
Roddy Mann
By: Robynn De Klerk
hatches through adversity GOOD NEWS
Amajor focus for the new food club for Stanford and Hermanus, called Harvest Club, has been about supporting and celebrating our local farmers and producers, and most especially about their chemical-free and regeneratively farmed foods. And so let me tell you a story about why I'm so super proud of a special group of local farmers and how, through adversity, they're creating even healthier solutions that benefit us all.
You may have heard about the latest avian flu outbreak and how it will affect availability of eggs?
Now if you receive my Harvest Club emails or WhatsApp’s, you've heard me praise Terry from Eggcellent Eggs before, because her pastureraised chickens are possibly the most loved and well-cared-for hens on the planet - getting back-scratches and all!
And so, it's no surprise that when the flu outbreak was still only a rumour, Terry jumped into action and called together a remarkable network of local regenerative farmers in a brand-new collaboration that can have positive outcomes for us all.
First, to understand the problem, Terry explained to me that the biggest commercial egg company (with their caged hens) also owns the biggest hatchery in the country, and their raising farms. This ensures that they always get first dibs on the continuous supply of egg-laying chickens. Any hens that are spare are then sold to the smaller farmers, like Terry.
But this big hatchery recently got shut down and quarantined for 4 to 6 weeks, because one of the day-old chicks tested positive for the virus! The effect of this, considering the 21-day egg incubation and then 18 weeks of raising the chicks before they're ready to lay, means the industry is going to be very short of egg-layers and eggs for months!
This prompted Terry to rapidly collaborate with other Stanford locals to create their own hatchery (with Rachel and Jan from Overberg Pastured Poultry) and regenerative raising farm (with Vaughan Cumming from Rivergate Guest Farm) and support from Steve and Karien Buys (Cape Food Farm) and others!
This also means that Terry and Co. can raise these chicks in a far healthier, more natural, humane way - without the MRNA vaccines and awful debeaking practices of the big hatcheries!
And just like we look for powerful nutraceutical supplements to boost our health (like the highly recommended Natroceutics range available in the food club), Terry has been sourcing organic turmeric, ginger and healing herbs to boost the natural immunity of her beloved hens.
So, if you're looking for the most nutrient-dense foods you can find, please support our ‘eggcellent’ local farmers! You can learn more about how to do so through our Harvest Club food club on
7 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023 HARVEST FOOD CLUB
Top: Terry Georgiev from Eggcellent Eggs and her happy, free range chickens
By: Melissa Mc Alpine
The Stanford Square Market, held every Saturday from 9am until 2pm, is a thriving network of local artisans, farmers, craftsmen, and small business owners all showcasing and selling their wares.
One such merchant is Karl Hermanus who runs a little spice business called ‘Spice Bangalo’ and travels from Vermont to Stanford every Saturday morning to tempt and delight marketgoers with his wonderful aromatic spices like curry leaves, cumin seeds, nutmeg, cloves, coriander, and a variety of peppercorns, to name a few. Karl also sells homemade pickles, dukkah, apple cider vinegar, beetroot, hummus and his soups are an absolute must-try.
Spices are the secret alchemy of cooking and can turn an ordinary meal into an extraordinary one, and Karl loves nothing more than sourcing different spices so he can blend them together and turn them into new and exciting flavours for his customers. Spices have had a profound impact on Karl, who says: “There’s just something truly magical about the rich and exotic aromas of spices wafting through the air. Each spice tells a story, bringing its own unique character to the culinary masterpiece in the making.”
From the warmth of cinnamon to the fiery kick of chili, and the earthy depth of cumin, spices truly are a symphony for the senses. Do yourself a favour when next you find yourself wandering around the streets of Stanford on a Saturday morning and make a turn at Karl’s stall. Always friendly and chatty, Karl is more than willing to share his passion with others and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things hot ‘n spicy. All his products come beautifully packaged, so if you’re looking for a gift for a friend or family member who loves to cook, then Spice Bangalo is your go-to place.
Clockwise from top: Karl Hermanus, owner of Spice Bangalo; bouquet garnis that are perfect for stocks, soups and stews; smudge sticks; beautifully packaged spices; and a bowl containing the contents of the ‘bouquet garnis’ consisting of herbs such as rosemary, star anise, peppercorns, and more.
8 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023 STANFORD SQUARE MARKET
Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake
Time: Over 1 hour | Serves: 10-12
1½ packets (300g) Tennis biscuits, finely crushed
⅗ cup (150g) butter, melted
1½ cups (375ml) cream
1 can (385g) Caramel Treat + extra to serve
¾ tub (1.5L) chocolate and mint ice cream, softened
1 slab (150g) Peppermint Crisp, chopped, for serving
1. Line the bottom of a 23cm springform cake tin with baking paper
2. Blitz biscuits and butter in a food processor to create a fine crumb.
3. Spread half in the bottom of the tin.
4. Whip cream to medium peaks.
5. Whisk Caramel Treat until smooth.
6. Whisk one third of the cream through the caramel until wellcombined.
7. Fold remaining cream into caramel mixture.
8. Spoon onto biscuit base and freeze for 4 hours, or until hard.
9. Top with remaining biscuit base to create a second cookie layer
10. Spread chocolate and mint ice cream on top and freeze overnight.
11. Serve with extra caramel and a sprinkling of Peppermint Crisp on top.
10 The Stanford
11 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023 ACTIVITY PAGE
The African Penguin is known for its striking blackand-white plumage that helps camouflage them from predators such as sharks and seals. An intelligent and social creature, African penguins are found along the coasts of South Africa and Namibia, with the largest population living on islands where they prefer rocky shorelines and islands for nesting and protection.
The aim of International African Penguin Awareness Day is to alert people to the urgent plight of African penguins. Their numbers are rapidly declining as a result of the many threats they face such as a shortage of food. Adult penguins have to swim further and further away from their nesting grounds to find food, which is extremely dangerous for them. Their diet mainly consists of small fish such as anchovies and sardines, which are in short supply due to overfishing and changes to the marine ecosystem caused by climate change.
The average lifespan of an African penguin is around 10 to 27 years in the wild, and they can live up to 30 years in captivity. The African penguin is known for its loud ‘braying’ calls, which resemble the sound of a donkey which is why they are sometimes called “jackass penguins.”
Other Penguin Facts:
• A group of penguins in water is called a raft.
• Penguins spend up to 80% of their lives out at sea.
• Penguins don’t have teeth, so they swallow fish whole.
• Penguins are highly social birds and live in colonies.
• A penguin’s outer body is like a wetsuit making them waterproof.
How You Can Help:
Where do penguins go to watch movies? At the dive-in.
What does a penguin eat on its birthday? Fish cakes!
What do you call a cold penguin? A Brrr-d.
This page is sponsored by Letsolo Water and Environmental Services
12 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023 LETSOLO KIDS
Educate yourself and others around you about the plight of African penguins and do your part in ensuring the survival of these wonderful and most unusual birds. October
Beautiful, edible and very useful EDIBLE FLOWERS
By: Christine Stevens
Edible flowers are having their moment in the limelight of the culinary world and are much loved by gardeners. But this is not a new trend or frivolous fashion, for they have been a vital part of our diets for centuries. They disappeared from favour when industrial fast food became accessible, but many flowers were the foundations of our everyday diet.
A lot of flowers have medicinal qualities that were used as our first supplements, long before tablets were invented.
One of the most popular garden and culinary flowers is Calendula, more commonly called Pot Marigold, not called as such because it grows well in a pot, but because Monks in medieval times would always add the flowers to their cooking pot to flavour and enhance their food. Later in the 15th century when spices became very expensive it was often referred to as poor man’s saffron, as it added scent and colour in a similar manner to the very expensive saffron flowers.
Violas, roses, dianthus and carnations all have a sweet flavour so were used as a delicacy mixed with honey before sugar
crept into our diets, and rose water is again becoming popular with the rise in popularity of middle eastern cuisine.
In the Middle Ages Rose water was also used by physicians to treat heart conditions, it was a popular tonic. Another good reason to plant rose bushes!
Each spring Nasturtiums grow in abundance in Stanford, with their beautiful bright orange flowers, Nasturtiums are a prime example of beautiful and edible, their flowers and leaves have a strong peppery taste, they make a very tasty pesto and are extremely effective at soothing a sore throat, and each year I collect their caper seeds. Preserved in brine, they taste as good as expensive store-bought capers.
Another prolific garden flower is Alyssum, which is a part of the mustard family. Both the delicate flowers and leaves are edible and, needless to say, have a faint mustard flavour.
The list is long: Scabiosa, cornflower, asters, nigella, dahlias, pansy, cape jasmine, sunflowers, scented geraniums and some varieties of cosmos and chrysanthemum are all edible.
Weeds are also having their moment. After years of hatred, they are finding favour
once again and rather than being sprayed to death are being collected in baskets. Dandelions are one of the most useful and beneficial weeds: just make sure any flowers you collect are ones you know have not been sprayed with pesticides or any form of weedkiller before you sprinkle them onto your salad or make dandelion jam.
It is also worth remembering that most vegetables and herbs will set flowers so don’t discard them: Broccoli, cauliflowers and lettuce, onions and leek flowers all taste fantastic. Basil, fennel and sage flowers, which are often cut off and discarded, have a stronger flavour than their leaves and can be eaten rather than ending up on the compost heap. Vegetable flowers also look beautiful in a vase as a cut flower.
The queen of all vegetable flowers are the beautiful courgette flowers. If you run out, pumpkin flowers also taste delicious, but make sure you pick the male flowers with the long stalk so you don’t sacrifice your vegetable crop.
Flowers are beautiful, they make our world a better place, they enhance our lives, look spectacular in our gardens, benefit our overall health and some of them taste delicious.
Above from left to right: Nasturtium and calendula flowers; courgette flowers and pansies; and other edible flowers including violas, cornflowers, alysums and roses.
By: Andrew Herriot
Dear Stanfordians, and Clark Gable (Gone with the Wind), we do give a damn! This village is teeming with groups, clubbie people, event organisers, and gatherings - not least the local bioscope lot meeting held twice per month at Castle Herriot (covered outdoor; 1st and 3rd Monday), convened as from 3 October 2016 when the theatregoers became a donation source for the The Butterfly Centre, a school for kids with varying neurological disorders and conditions. In fact, since October 2016 (gosh, nearly seven years ago), 145 movies have been screened on the large pull-down projector screen facility with an average attendance of around 25+ donating around R850 per movie. Do the math - R123,250, probably slightly more. Quite magnificent!
The local movie-goers are quite fussy. They want a warm and fuzzy feel at the end of the movie, i.e., romantic-type drama, great story, lots of music from yesteryear (average attendee age is around 55+ or thereabouts), and of course the great
Warner movie stars, from Humphrey Bogart and Frank Sinatra to Sandra Bullock and Emma Watson. The movie night at Castle Herriot is a social occasion: BYOD, delicious choice of soups available, comfortable seating, blankets, and often an outside fire glowing in the background.
In recent times, the following movies have been screened: De-lovely, Les Misérables, Paris Sizzles, Scent of a Woman, My Father, 4 Weddings and a Funeral, Sugarman, Shirley Valentine, Sound of Music, Octopus, Slum Dog Millionaire - to demonstrate a wide choice, but one that is carefully managed to taste.
Over the years, I have had to source DVDs (try asking a local human ‘yearling’ if she/he has any DVDs? Answer: What is a DVD?). Hence my wonderful ageing movie DVD fans have settled into a twice-monthly night at the flicks – cinemaphiliacs (totally painless!). It’s easy to join the flick WhatsApp group – simply share your phone contact with me (Andrew) 072 571 7846 and you are set for easily another seven years of movie enjoyment… where we do give a damn!
Honouring the deceased and celebrating the living
By: Melissa Mc Alpine
Día de los Muertos, also known as the Day of the Dead, is an annual cultural custom dating back nearly 3,000 years that sees Mexicans and other Latin American countries honouring their departed loved ones in a jovial, celebratory way.
Traditionally commemorated on 1 and 2 November and tying in with All Saints’ Day (a Christian festival in honour of all the saints in heaven), Día de los Muertos is not at all related to Halloween. Rather, this special event is a loving tribute celebrating deceased loved ones, while at the same time fostering a sense of community and connection among the living.
Mexicans celebrate this sacred event by hosting large, colourful parades. The pieza de resistencia, however, is the ofrenda, or altar, containing things like candles, flowers, photos of loved ones, decorated sugar skulls, papier mâché skeletons, and offerings of food and drink for the deceased. Incense is burnt to purify the air and create a welcoming atmosphere for the spirits of the departed. Families visit the graves of their loved ones where they clean and decorate the tombstones. They may even spend the night at the cemetery, sharing stories and memories.
La Cantina in Stanford will host a Día de los Muertos themed evening on Saturday 4 November.
Marigolds symbolise the sun, life, and the connection between the living and the deceased. They’re an integral part of Day of the Dead celebrations, where their vibrant colours and fragrant petals help guide and welcome the spirits of loved ones back to the world of the living, while also serving as a reminder of the natural cycle of life and death.
For the of Stanford’s dogs! love
Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for good reason – they bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love into our lives. And if there’s one thing that just about every Stanfordian has in common, it’s the love they have for their dog/s!
This is your chance to show off your favourite pooch so we can get to know all the wonderful woofies from our ‘hood. Send us some details about your furry friend and don’t forget to include a picture-pawfect photo or two. The doggo featured will be gifted a special doggy treat!
Introducing Charlie, a very cute and friendly little guy belonging to Kobin and Joline Swanepoel from Daneel Street.
NAME: Charlie
BREED: An intelligent little mongrel with a whole lot of Chihuahua in him!
AGE: 5+years
PERSONALITY: Very friendly and loves attention.
FAVOURITE TREAT: Anything that tastes or smells like meat.
FAVOURITE THING TO DO/GAME TO PLAY: Charlie loves to go for walks and sleep.
FAVOURITE PLACE(S) TO GO: He loves going down to the river.
ANY BAD HABITS WE SHOULD NOTE: While Charlie is a well-behaved boy, he does jump up against people when they come to visit.
ANY SPECIAL TRICKS: His party trick is dancing on two legs when he gets excited.
16 The Stanford Spectator OCTOBER 2023
Above: Charlie playing house-house (top) and chilling in the sun (above).
For a FREE listing on this page, please send your details to:
CHARITIES & NPOs Stanford Animal Welfare Society (SAWS) 064 881 2294 Creative Skills Factory NPO 061 409 4109 Food 4 Thought Stanford 083 240 8454 Stanford Rotary 084 705 6719 Stanford Conservation 064 621 3258 WINE ESTATES Boschrivier Wines 028 008 5031 Misty Mountains Estate 082 973 5943 Raka Wine Estate 028 341 0676 Sir Robert Stanford Estate 072 611 5042 Springfontein Wine Estate 028 341 0651 Stanford Hills Estate 028 341 0841 Walker Bay Vineyards 028 341 0013 Welgesind Wine Farm 082 572 5856 ANTIQUES, DECOR & FURNITURE Mebel 082 554 9964 Stanford Trading Store 028 341 0449 TAT Antique and Vintage Decor 074 466 8748 Withers Antique and Décor 071 568 3499 SERVICES Printing (Stanford News Agency) 078 324 5692 Printing & Internet (Stuffed Creations) 076 054 5772 Stanford Laundry 063 718 0600 Library 028 341 8506 Municipality - Stanford 028 341 8500 SAPS - Stanford 028 341 0601 Transport24 (Transport & Removals) 083 380 3235 Stanford Sawmill 084 068 7861 Stanford Security Services 028 341 0801 Laser Solutions (Engraving) 073 318 5078 The Nest – A Place To Meet 078 324 5692 HOBBIES, RECREATION & CLUBS African Horse Company 082 667 9232 Grootbos Reserve 028 384 8053 Lady Stanford River Cruise 066 374 9386 Panthera Africa 071 182 8368 Quad Biking Tours 076 313 2814 Stanford Striders 072 571 7846 Stanford Tourism 028 341 8516 Strandveld Adventures 082 749 6696 HEALTH, HAIR & BEAUTY Beauty Vibes 078 236 1803 Salon Elmarie 082 717 0010 Vintage Beauty 082 357 1245 RESTAURANTS & EATERIES Birkenhead Restaurant 028 341 0013 Blue Gum Restaurant 083 304 0029 Calories Food Truck 074 113 7302 La Cantina Mexican Restaurant 082 328 1098 Madre Restaurant 082 901 4254 Manor House Restaurant 072 198 0862 Misty Mountains Restaurant 082 973 5943 Ou Meul Farm Stall & Bakery 028 341 0101 Rivergate Farm Eatery 082 449 8338 Searle’s Garagiste 076 485 9343 Stanford Kitchen 079 975 6211 Table 13 Restaurant and Pub 084 827 5658 The Zesty Lemon Restaurant 028 341 0647 Union Grocery & Eatery 072 078 0564 SPECIALITY & GIFTS Eikenhoff Orchid Nursery 084 038 7055 Journey (Gifts, Décor & Clothing) 082 824 6201 Klein River Cheese 028 341 0013 Mebel (Furniture & Antiques) 082 554 9964 Opwipwinkel (Antjie’s Handmade Naturals) 083 530 4968 Overberg Honey Company 072 325 6360 Village Emporium 028 341 0061 Withers Antique and Décor 071 568 3499 GROCERIES & FOOD Martin’s Deli 028 341 0337 OK Minimark 087 057 4738 The Harvest Food Club 083 324 1521 Union Grocery & Eatery 082 804 3970 REAL ESTATE Stanford Village Properties 082 893 2282 Seeff Properties Stanford 082 851 9452 Pam Golding Stanford 078 693 4046 Chas Everitt Stanford 084 911 2016 MARKETS Saturday Square Market 083 530 4968 Stanford Hotel Stoep Market 082 781 1704 Stanford Sunset Market 082 667 0619
By: Martin Ranger
Political correction
Recently a Major Political Party (MPP) announced that it had contracted Simon Cowell to run its next elective conference. To be called ‘MPP’s Got Talent’, the plan is that instead of ideas and policies forming the basis of election success, everything will focus on the candidates’ appearance as well as their singing and dancing abilities. ‘After all, when did you ever hear proper debate and discussion at these conferences?’ asks party spokesperson Sputnik Jacobs. Before the election there will be a formal dress parade followed by a brief Q&A to be run by Ant and Dec. To the relief of many the traditional swimsuit parade will be omitted.
Matching briefs
In a determined effort to qualify for the next FIFA Men’s World Cup, the SA Football Association has decided to employ some revolutionary training methods. They plan to use Helen Zille for her footwork, Irvin Jim for expertise in striking, FlySafair will help on
the wing and the Gordon Institute is going to assist with goals. Currently there are no takers for the dribbling portfolio.
Cold front, hot money Shock revelations suggest that Northern Cape town Sutherland’s Tourism Association has been contributing thousands of rands to the SA Weather Service’s Christmas Braai fund in return for a mention in every weather forecast. In response, Sutherland TA’s Galileo Hubble rubbished the story. ‘Why would we need extra publicity?’ he queries. ‘After all, we have the observatory, an annual sheepshearing contest and the only accordion tuner this side of Willowmore.’
Drop to the shop
Business leadership has made a concerted effort to drag the Hermanus CBD into the Twenty-first Century. They have concluded an agreement with independent retailers to remain open on Saturday afternoons. Says regular shopper Sassa Koekemoer: ‘This will change my life – no more rushing around on a Saturday morning trying to get
everything done. Now I can look for knitting needles, handkerchiefs and lamp wicks at a more leisurely pace.’ Requests for comment from major banks regarding the possibility of their making a similar change went unanswered - although one did charge R10 for the privilege of receiving our email.
No more cross-channel merries
The EU has revealed new post – Brexit travel rules that will affect British travellers next year. A form must be completed showing, amongst other things, the applicant’s physical description. EU rules decree that height may only be between 1.62m and 1,97m, weight may not exceed 95kg and eyes must be blue or green. (Grey and brown eyes will be accepted subject to the completion of a Form 118/56/a2019. (Fee of є20)
In addition, the two Calais buildings that previously housed discounted liquor outlets aimed at returning British tourists have been converted into reception centres for retrenched Aldi and Lidl store managers returning to Eastern Europe.
Stay tuned!