Strategic Plan 2022-2027

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Mission Advancing Our

Dear SJCI Alumni and Friends,

Several historic moments have changed the trajectory of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and made it into the school our students enjoy today. Of course, Bishop Timon’s initial request of the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools in 1861 to open a place of learning for the burgeoning population of Buffalo is perhaps the most significant. Brother Pompian’s reopening of the school in 1896 after several years of closure is equally important, and the school’s move from downtown Buffalo to its impressive, modern campus in 1950 set the path for success for St. Joe’s in the second half of the twentieth century. Over the last 30 years, the success of several capital campaigns transformed the Kenmore Avenue campus and not only added state-of-the-art science labs, performing arts spaces, athletic facilities, and computer labs but also the funds necessary to open access to SJCI to young men of financial need.

Today, our school is emerging from two challenging years in a position of strength after its exemplary, unified response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a declining demographic landscape and fierce competition from public, charter, and private schools, St. Joe’s has continued to be a leader in educating the young men of Western New York.

Strategic Plan 2022-2027: Advancing Our Lasallian Mission is the culmination of a year-long process and provides a clear road map by which the administration, faculty, and staff will navigate the next five years on our way to establishing a more vibrant, accessible, and effective Lasallian Catholic school to serve God and His children. The foundation of this plan rests in the five core principles of a Lasallian School: quality education, respect for all persons, inclusivity, concern for the poor and social justice, and faith in the holy presence of God. As we seek to follow in the footsteps of St. John Baptist de La Salle, we strive to strengthen our curriculum and look for ways

to provide access for all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, income level, or learning needs. We seek to strengthen our brand, attract a larger pool of prospective students, and ensure SJCI’s financial sustainability while also striving to inspire young men to serve the poor and marginalized within our community. And we look for ways to better care for the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our students living in a culture that has become increasingly more challenging. The strategic plan is our vision for the next five years and the future of St. Joe’s. The goals contained in this plan will require our stakeholders’ creativity, ingenuity, and passion. More importantly, we rely on the holy presence of God to guide our pursuits and help us achieve the objectives of this ambitious plan.

We would like to thank the many volunteers who put time, energy, and effort into crafting this strategic plan and the thousands of alumni and community members who took the time to answer survey questions and participate in focus groups. We ask for and will pray for your continued support as we take the next steps and seek resources to help implement this strategic plan and advance our Lasallian Mission.


Christopher James W. Grable ’89 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Jeffrey Jessica L. Seabury Strategic Plan

The Process

Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, St. Joe’s engaged in an in-depth self-study and strategic planning process that involved hundreds and solicited feedback from thousands of stakeholders. After selecting Partners In Mission as our consultant, compiling data and resources, and inviting 24 community and staff members to serve on the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, the board of trustees and leadership team kicked off the formal process.

The Steering Committee sent surveys to current parents, faculty and staff members, and over 10,000 alumni from various generations. They also conducted focus groups, roundtable discussions, and interviews with stakeholders. Domain chairs analyzed and reviewed the data received from these surveys and conversations and crafted narratives highlighting strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities that lie ahead. The Steering Committee then expanded to a group of 62, representing alumni, trustees, past parents, current parents, faculty, coaches, and community members, who engaged in a full-day strategic planning retreat to establish goals and objectives for each domain area.

The St. Joe’s Board of Trustees officially ratified St. Joseph’s Strategic Plan 2022-2027: Advancing Our Lasallian Mission on June 22, 2022. This plan charts an exciting course for our school and community for the next five years.

Strategic Plan Participants

President/Strategic Plan Director

Christopher Fulco, Ed.D.

Steering Committee

Brian Anken

Kyle Ciminelli ’00 Marcus Deveso ’89

Fr. Christopher Emminger ’07 Maureen Finney Michael Folts ’98 Michael Freedman Joshua Gehl James Grable ’89 Johnathan Graves ’03 Jennifer Lyons Greco

Jakai Harrison ’15

William Hilbert ’88 Brian Kania ’92

Peter Kennedy ’97 Kathleen Kinder Potenza Steven Koniarcyzk Bart McGloin ’83

Thomas McManus ’88 Paul Mueller ’82 Bro. Augustine Nicoletti Luis Rodriguez ’01 Connor Rosenecker ’14 Patrick Shandorf James Spillman ’95 Ann Marie Spitzer Amy Starck Daniel Warner ’06


Jeffrey Papia ’06

Jessica Seabury

Strategic Plan Members

Joseph Aquino ’93

Antonino Borgese

James Carr ’94 Martin Cusack Elise Cusack Lisa Daye John Gavigan ’89 Annie Golden Don Held ’89

Frank Intorre ’03 Bro. Joseph Juliano Denise Juron-Borgese Catherine Kaczmarek Cronan Long ’84 Christopher Mekelburg ’06 Gabe Michael Paul Nasca ’86 James Nixon Michele Nixon Timothy Noonan ’92 James Panepinto ’87 Colleen Reidy Edward Reilly Cameron Rosenecker ’15 Anthony Shilen Katie Spillman James Starck ’90 Patrick Washington ’04

St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute transforms the lives of students from diverse backgrounds through academic excellence and care for the whole person in a respectful Lasallian Catholic community, developing each student’s unique talents in preparation for college and life.

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Mission Our


Domain Co-Chairs:

Staff Liaison:

Strategic Goal

Maureen Finney, Brian Kania ’92

James Spillman ’95, Ann Marie Spitzer

To ensure that our academic community has a clear vision and direction that promotes academic rigor through innovative, engaging, and responsive teaching rooted in Lasallian relationships and focused on complete and transformative education for our diverse learners.

1. Perform a comprehensive academic audit to create, support, and publish a clear academic vision statement that defines the unique, purposeful, innovative, and inclusive SJCI educational experience.

2. Research, evaluate, and implement an optimal class structure and bell schedule to maximize student learning and achievement while understanding SJCI’s academic vision, needs, and inclusivity goals.

3. Evaluate and implement department-wide assessments to ensure student success and growth aligned with the school’s academic vision.

4. Invest in the resources, professional development, and processes necessary to support and serve students with diverse learning needs and backgrounds.

5. Build a comprehensive freshman/transfer student transition program to lower attrition rates for first-year students.

6. Analyze the curriculum to ensure that diverse voices and perspectives are sufficiently represented in all academic areas.

7. Increase the number of students of color and underrepresented students in honors and AP-level courses.

8. Develop an internal academic committee to implement and monitor the school’s educational vision.

9. Define the core competencies students need to develop for success after St. Joe’s and develop programs and opportunities to equip all students with these competencies by graduation.

Objectives Enrollment

Domain Co-Chairs: Staff Liaison: Michael Freedman, Johnathan Graves ’03 Peter Kennedy ’97

Strategic Goal

To recruit, enroll, and retain a well-rounded student body and provide access to a Lasallian college-preparatory experience while maintaining an effective enrollment management strategy.


1. Expand the geographic area from which St. Joe’s enrolls students into Canada and the Southtowns of Western New York and remove barriers that limit the accessibility of a St. Joe’s education.

2. Expand SJCI’s market share in public middle schools, non-Catholic private schools, and non-Catholic Christian schools.

3. Formulate and employ a comprehensive student retention plan that increases retention rates yearly.

4. Create a profile of an SJCI graduate that succinctly expresses the unique SJCI value proposition, and use the profile in both internal and external communications and marketing.

5. Research new tuition models, determine the most effective and equitable allocation of tuition assistance, and implement a new model if appropriate.

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Catholic Identity

Domain Co-Chairs: Staff Liaison: Joshua Gehl Fr. Christopher Emminger ’07, Marcus Deveso ’89

Strategic Goal Objectives

To form a community of faith within the Catholic Lasallian tradition that articulates and shows respect for the gospel vision of Jesus Christ and the core beliefs, commitments, and practices of Christianity, Roman Catholicism, and the Lasallian educational Mission.

1. Create new Lasallian formation programs and opportunities for all Lasallian partners, including faculty, staff, leadership, board members, coaches, parents, and alumni.

2. Explore and implement ways of attracting and inviting mission-minded new faculty and staff who recognize and are open to viewing teaching as a vocation, together and by association, with the Christian Brothers.

3. Create more opportunities across SJCI to educate and accompany our students in understanding and appreciating Catholic traditions, teachings, spirituality, and fostering a Lasallian Catholic community.

4. Investigate and implement opportunities for sacramental preparation and RCIA at St. Joe’s.

5. Provide a pastoral approach to the support and care of the LGBTQ+ community of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, rooted in respect, compassion, and sensitivity, and consistent with the Lasallian core principle of inclusivity, Catholic Social Teaching, and guidance from the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools.


Domain Co-Chairs: Staff Liaison: Jennifer Lyons Greco William Hilbert ’88,Bart McGloin ’83

Strategic Goal Objectives

To strategically leverage and optimize our assets and resources to achieve short-term objectives and long-term sustainability.

1. Stabilize the school’s annual budget through increased enrollment, retention, and fundraising.

2. Maintain the school’s conservative budgeting practices to ensure its long-term financial strength.

3. Utilize affordable tuition increases to support the students’ educational needs and to attract and retain high-quality teachers and administrators.

4. Create new endowments to fund specific programs and positions.

5. Invest current and future endowment funds systematically, prudently, and thoughtfully to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.

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Domain Co-Chairs:

Staff Liaison: Daniel Warner ’06 Thomas McManus ’88, Amy Starck

Strategic Goal

To implement a multi-faceted and generationally-focused Advancement plan that prioritizes a significant increase in donors and philanthropic support, focusing on broader engagement and cultivation, moving toward a long-term goal of financial independence to support our Lasallian mission.


1. Create a culture of engagement and giving among current students and young alumni to build loyalty and affiliation with SJCI.

2. Leverage the wider SJCI community to create a networking platform for current students to have opportunities to network with, connect with, and learn from alumni in professional fields.

3. Implement a comprehensive, data-driven plan to identify and cultivate the next cohort of major gift donors.

4. Enhance communication and marketing to reinforce our donors’ impact on students’ lives and the mission-critical importance of continued and increased giving.

5. Grow SJCI’s endowment to provide the financial assistance necessary to enroll qualified students regardless of their family’s income or socioeconomic background.


Domain Co-Chairs: Staff Liaison: Patrick Shandorf James Grable ’89, Bro. Augustine Nicoletti FSC

Strategic Goal

To advance the Mission of St. Joe’s by ensuring that its stewards are visionary, committed, responsible, diverse, and visible, and oversee the implementation of the strategic plan to provide for inspired and driven service.


1. Develop and implement a robust evaluation process for leadership that includes measurable objectives and self-evaluation.

2. Create and implement practical and effective tools to assess progress toward achieving the goals of the strategic plan.

3. Formulate a targeted communication strategy to increase board visibility and awareness of board initiatives.

4. Establish succession plans for the board of trustees and school leadership to identify and engage visionary and diverse Lasallian leaders.

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Student Life

Domain Co-Chairs:

Connor Rosenecker ’14, Jakai Harrison ’15

Staff Liaison: Brian Anken, Michael Folts ’98

Strategic Goal

To empower young men to touch and serve the hearts and minds of others by providing opportunities for inclusivity, accountability, and well-rounded growth.


1. Enhance mental health support, programming, and educational opportunities for students, including adopting a multi-disciplinary student assistance team.

2. Define and promote the “Brotherhood” rooted in Lasallian values, character development, and formation of relationships.

3. Provide career exploration opportunities such as guest speakers, field trips, job shadowing, and internships to help students explore possible college and career paths after graduation.

4. Implement a process by which SJCI routinely evaluates 1) the role of athletics and extracurricular activities in the strategic direction of the school and 2) the desired outcomes of the students through participation in extracurricular activities.

5. Create a more inclusive and welcoming community for all members of the SJCI community regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, or gender.


Domain Co-Chairs:

Luis Rodriguez ’01, Kyle Ciminelli ’00

Staff Liaison: Steven Koniarcyzk, Paul Mueller ’82

Strategic Goal

To invest in the maintenance and improvement of SJCI’s facilities and technology to promote, support, and foster the physical, academic and spiritual activities and experiences of the entire SJCI community.


1. Update the five-year SJCI Facilities Assessment report and create a long-term Facilities Master Plan.

2. Make optimal use of the property across Kenmore Avenue and provide for the safety of all individuals accessing the property on the south side of Kenmore Avenue.

3. Create a committee to study and evaluate the scope and goals of the Innovation Center and develop the plan to create it.

4. Update all classrooms to facilitate learning and teaching aligned with the academic vision and to ensure accessibility.

5. Assess and implement opportunities for sustainability practices in operations, maintenance, and new construction.

6. Evaluate the resources and staffing necessary to maintain the existing physical plant and support its future growth.

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ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A Community of Excellence 845 Kenmore Avenue Buffalo, NY 14223 Address Service Requested Numbers STRATEGIC PLAN BY THE 10,000 surveys sent to parents, faculty, staff members, and alumni 1,500+ comments and suggestions from community members 16 Domain Chairs digging deep into different areas 8 11 Faculty and staff members helping lead research 62 Attendees on a two-day retreat helping define future priorities

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