Distribution Instructions

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Before your first working day, complete the virtual distribution worker`s tutorial program at www.ssmjakaja.fi, which is designed to guide you in your new job.

Distribution worker is the most important link in the chain that ensures distribution of products to customers.

Performing the tutorial is a prerequisite for distributing magazines and ads at our service.

Welcome as a distribution worker

Your employer, Suomen Suoramainonta (SSM) distributes city papers, catalogs, and other printed products to more than two million households in Finland.

Suomen Suoramainonta Oy was founded in 1987. It is a nationwide organization specializing in unaddressed direct distribution. We are part of Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen. Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen is Finnish mediagroup that publishes 100 media, offers marketing communications, as well as research, printing and distribution services.


The SSM-chain is nationwide in its industry as the market leader. This is based on good reputation and trust, which has been the result of many years of work.

We hope that you, as a new employee, will help us to maintain and strengthen our position as we compete for the quality of distribution.


We work reliably, transparently and objectively with our customers, partners and our staff. Our staffing responsibilities are guided by common values, accountability, trust and flexibility. The distribution worker is our main link and our resource. We appreciate the skills and problem solving of our employees.

Distribution work is flexible and works well for many life situations. Diversity is a very descriptive feature of our staff. Distribution work is often done alongside another job and even at retirement.

Many young people get their first job from us, and we often provide first-time

contact with Finnish working life for immigrants as well.

Experience from distribution work proves ability to take responsibility, independent performance and physical fitness from demanding work. In addition to the employment certificate many young people get a recommendation from us to help future work applications. We strive to minimize environmental hazards and we work responsibly regarding to waste treatment and recycling.


This guide will give you instructions and tips how to handle the distribution. You will also find information about payroll and other issues related to distribution work.

We believe that these guidelines will help you in managing your work and your work related matters.

If you find something unclear after getting acquainted with the guides, or later you will find other things that may be needed during your work, you can always contact us and ask for advice.


Your job is to distribute ads, newsletters, magazines, catalogs, and product samples for every home in your distribution area within a specified time. Sorting and handling the products is a part of the distribution job.


Distribution day is once in a week, Wednesday. Distribution has to be finished before


▪ People look forward to receiving the magazines and adverts you distribute.

▪ 80% of households read through the papers and ads and also save them.

▪ Our customers expect the mail to be distributed on the agreed time in the agreed area.

▪ We are liable for any failures in distributions


For employees under the age of 15, the distributions should be executed between 8:00-20:00. You are allowed to work for two hours on school days and together with the school day you may not exceed eight hours per day. Please notice that if you have a lot of ads to distribute on Wednesday, you can start sorting already on Tuesday to share the workload. If your district grows due to new houses and you are unable to finish distirbutions within the legal time limits, contact your supervisor immediately.

Following the right distirbution time is very important to our customers. Even if the products are delivered to you well before the distribution day, you are not


▪ People will go to buy the product too early before the offers are effective

▪ Goods are not in the shop yet

▪ Cash register coding has not been done for the product on sale

▪ He effectiveness of the ad will drop – people will forget about the offer

allowed to start distributig before the morning of that distribution day.

Material distributed in the wrong time causes several phone calls and extra work in our office. This will deteriorate the company´s reputation and we may lose our clients. We also have to compensate them for the work done badly.

Public holidays might affect distribution days. If a public holiday occurs on a distribution day, the distribution might be changed to a date before the public holiday, or the next weekday. Changes in distribution days will be informed beforehand.


Familiarize yourself with the map of your area. It shows you the borders of your area. All the houses, doors and mailboxes within the borders belong to your distribution area.

If the map seems to be unclear to you and you are not sure about your own distribution area, please call our office or send an e-mail to us and ask for further information before you start your route.

Never cross the borders of your area because then you would be distributing ads to the same addresses as your co-distribution worker and you will run out of your own material.


▪ The customer will lose revenue

▪ Product on sale will remain unsold on the store shelf

▪ People in your district will not get the product on sale because the offer has expired or the product is sold out

▪ An important notice will not reach the people or reaches them too late

If the area line runs along a road, distribute only to the side inside of your own area marked in the map.

Inform the office if any changes take place in your area, for instance new houses being built or changes in the amount of “no ads” signs in households etc.

Should there be any issues requiring special attention in your area, there will be detailed information about this in the covering letter. Read the area details carefully each time. There might be changes.


When you first start distributing you should keep in mind a learning curve; executing the distributions will take significantly more time in the beginning than later on after you`ve learned the job.

Sorting the ads will soon become a routine and you will learn to handle them quickly. The first few times the actual distributions will also take more time, because you will have to learn the borders of your area and design an efficient route for the


Distribution products are delivered to the distribution worker’s home.

Detailed information about distribution times will be sent to you by your own distribution company on a separate leaflet. In the same section you will also find all the necessary contact information. Please check the products immediately after you have received them and please notify us if there are any defects or other fails in the delivery.

distributions. When the area becomes familiar, the work goes faster.

If you need any assistance or help with your work, you can always contact us.

Distribution products are delivered to the distribution worker’s home.

Detailed information about distribution times and about checking your distribution products with the covering letter (”runner instructions”) will be sent to you by your own distribution company on a separate leaflet. In the same section you will also find all the necessary contact information. Please check the products immediately after you have received them and please notify us if there are any defects or other fails in the delivery.


You can familiarize yourself with the map of your area, the products in distribution, and read any additional distribution instructions on distributor portal at jakelu.ssm.fi. You will receive login credentials for the portal from your supervisor. In the distributor

portal, you can also confirm that the distribution has been completed.


Call us immediately, do not wait until the evening of the distribution day. For example, the driver may have taken the products to a wrong address. Notification made in time will save the situation and the products can be delivered in time.


After all the distribution products have been delivered to you, the driver will leave you a covering letter with the ads. It shows what ads you should distribute in your area. Check that you have received right amount of all products. If you are missing any products that your covering letter shows for future distribution, please report any defects immediately to us. We will deliver the missing products to you as soon as possible. If you have any extra products, please call us and let us know. A similar amount may be missing from someone else.

Covering letter also shows you, if you will receive more or less pieces than usually, because of exceptional way to distribute some product. Not all ads are always distributed to all households, and sometimes other types of newsletters may also be distributed to no-ads (ei mainoksia) -households.

If there is a mention “pientalojakelu/ distribution to small houses” after some product name, it means that you should distribute only row houses and detached houses and leave apartment buildings without this product.

If there is a mention “kerrostalojakelu/ distribution to apartments”, this means you should distribute apartment buildings and nothing else.

“Julkinen tiedote/Public announcement” means that you should distribute the product also to the households with sign “ei mainoksia” (= no ads) and/or “ei ilmaisjakelua” (= no free papers).

Please notice that the covering letter may have separate distribution instructions, and therefore should be read carefully. You can also check your salary later using your cover letters.


All extra products should be collected in a bundle and returned with the next delivery. Take the bundle to the same location where the driver will deliver the next distribution products shortly before the next delivery.

If more than 5 distribution bundles are left over on one distribution area, please let us know about it separately. The number of no-ads-households in the area may have changed, so it is important to update the number of households to be distributed.

In any case, extra products may not be put to any household waste or paper boxes. Residents may think that you have not done your job and notify our customers. With centralized waste sorting and recycling time, we take responsibility for the environmental impact of our operations.


Distributions almost always contains many different products. In order to

You can get instructions for the sorting from your superior and on our website.

make the distribution, the ads will have to be sorted first.

When the sorting is done carefully, the distribution is easy to complete.

Reserve enough time for the sorting. Learning the right technique will help you process the products faster. There are lots of different ways to sort the papers, so try them out and figure which is the most suitable for you. If the sorting feels difficult even after training, please ask your superior for more guidance for this.

If your area has products that can only be brought to you in the morning of that distribution day, it’s usually reasonable to sort the products that were brought to you earlier beforehand separately. When you have all of your products, it’s easy and fast to handle those presorted bundles.

Also when there is over 10 different adverts, you can try two round sorting technique. First sort like normal 5 to 8 adverts nested. After this you can sort that bundle in between a fitting product i.e. city paper.

You can also find instruction videos on Youtube with the search phrase “mainosten lajittelu”. The right technique makes your work easier and much faster.


If you live in an apartment building, bring the items inside soon as possible. When moving the products, pay attention to the proper lifting technique. Bend your knees and keep your back straight all the time when lifting and lowering the burden.

If there’s more than one distribution worker living in the same staircase, make sure that only take your own ads, marked with your area number.


Check that you have all your ads and papers. If some ads are missing or there are too many, let us know immediately. Read the covering letters on the bundles careful, so that if there´s any special distributions e.g. only to small household (= row houses and detached houses) you can plan your distribution route correctly and don´t run out of products.


Place all of the ads on a table in a way that you can reach them all while staying in one place. Organize the heavies adverts close to you and lighter adverts on the sides.

You can open bundle cords by pulling on the tag on the reverse side of the gluing point. Be careful so that the tag does not get under your fingernails. Handle the bundles carefully so that you will avoid paper cuts.

Notice that the printing ink stains easily. Cover the table you are using to sort. Pay attention to the surface you are using for the sorting: sorting on the floor is difficult and ergonomically a bad idea.


Take one of each advert and place them between the centerfold of one of magazines or on the unfolded magazine. Do not put small ads between the magazine pages, there they might not be noticed at all. During the sorting keep your back straight and try to relax your shoulders. If you are sorting a lot, it would be good to take some break once in a while.


The papers in the picture below are unfolded (5a). Collect the other ads and papers on top of the unfolded papers (5b) and fold the paper to form a neat bundle. Stack the finished bundles in a separate stack (5c). If there is more than one product unfolded, stack them first and collect other products on them. Finally fold all unfolded papers in the same time to create a cover for the bundle.

1 2

3 4 5a 5b 5c


To facilitate the distribution work, it’s possible to obtain for example, bags or trolleys. You can borrow some work equipment from us, just ask your employer.

If you live in an apartment building, be aware that the trolley should be stored properly in a suitable place (not in the stairwell). If any of your tools break down, return it for repair. At the same time you will get a new bag or trolley.


For apartment buildings with stairwell doors locked, you can get the paper distribution keys and / or door codes from the office. Never give keys or doorcodes to outsiders, or add tags to the key.

In such day when you are unable to execute your disribution work, the delivery of keys to your area replacement should always be agreed with your supervisor.


Your distribution area may also include apartment buildings for which we don’t have paper distribution key (for example, new houses where people are just moving in).

If you are not able to complete your distribution work because of a locked door, please report the problem to the office and the same time contact information for the house manager or property manager in order to be able to request keys / door codes. This information usually reads in the

label on the front door or the notice board.

In addition, it is important to remember that distribution can´t be performed in any circumstances by leaving distribution bundles beside the front door or in the stairway. If you can’t reach the mail slots, contact us as soon as possible.


If you have a locked door in your area and you don’t have the key, you can call the buzzer. After you called the buzzer, wait for a while. If the door is not opened, you can also call other buzzers, one at a time. Do not call the buzzers after the end of the distribution time, that is after 21.00.

Most apartment buildings staircases are open until around 18.00-20.00, so it is good to try to distribute the area before that.


Some apartment buildings have a door phone at the bottom door.


Press the button on the door phone like a buzzer, and wait a while. When a resident answers, introduce yourself politely, for example: “A magazine distributor here, could you open the door?”. If there is no


answer, you can try other buttons, one at a time. Do not call the door phones after the end of the delivery time, that is after 21.00.

Ei mainoksia/No adverts -sign

If a mailbox or slot has written ”ei mainoksia(no adverts)” or ”ei ilmaisjakelua(no free papers)” on it, you don’t distribute anything in that box/slot. Sometimes the distribution may include a product with an exceptional distribution method and it may be distributed to prohibited economies. If an exceptional distribution method is followed for your product, you will find information about that in the distributor covering letter.


If there are companies in your distribution area, you should only distribute there if there’s a separate notification about it in your covering letter or in your area’s information. If you don’t receive any specific instructions about distributions to companies, distribute only to households.

Good tips


box has two


If the door/mail box has two names, you still distribute only one bundle of products.

Remember tidiness

Walk in the yards minding the lawns and plantings.

Gather with you all the trash that comes from distribution. Keep your own yards and stairwells clear of bundling straps and plastics.

Be careful with walls and lightswitches, printing ink in your hands stains easily.

If the mailbox is full and no one is clearly taking care of it, you don´t have to fill it anymore.

Don’t leave the products hanging

Push the papers and adverts all the way through the mailboxes/slots, so that nothing shows of the adverts. Adverts left hanging out tell thieves that no one is at home.

When distributing to apartment houses, you can leave your bag downstairs and take with you only the amount that goes to that specific part of the building. If you’re distributing to a building with an elevator: It’s easier to start from the top and continue down the stairs.

If you’re distributing to a building without an elevator: Start from the bottom. As you’re going up the amount of bundles decreases and you will get a brief break between the floors.

Remember to close the mailboxes after distribution


You must make a confirmation after each distribution. It is a normal part of the distribution process to confirm each stage of the job. It is required for the salary. Confirmation is also essential to protect you under the law; it notifies the distribution company the time when you have finished your work. If you do not confirm your distribution, it may be considered a sign of a job not done. If you are unable to confirm your distribution, inform us right away. Never just leave your distribution unconfirmed.


You can confirm that the distribution has been completed for free in the distribution portal at jakelu.ssm.fi. Start the confirming in the portal by selecting the distribution area number.

When you have opened the area, confirm that the distribution has been completed by pressing the “Jakelu valmis” (=distribution complete) button.

Use the form that opens next to indicate how many extra sorted distribution bundles you had left after distribution, or if they were missing. You can write clarifications or other information in the comment field. Finally, press the ”Lähetä” (=send) -button.


If you don`t have internet, you can also confirm the delivery by sending the area number (for example 04_19210) via text message to 045 783 62694.

The area number must be written in it`s entirety in the message, i.e. for example 19210 is not enough, but the code 04_ must be written in the front of area number. The message must not contain any other text. Confirming with text message costs your mobile operators fee for text message. Text message has to be sent from the number which you have given to us. Otherwise our system doesn´t recognize you.

Confirmation number is reserved for distribution confirmations by SMS only. The number cannot be called and only confirmation messages may be sent to it. In other cases, such as sick leaves or missing distribution products, you must always contact your distribution office in the way you are advised.


We do phone interviews and internet surveys for our customers to find out if the residents have received their adverts and if they read them.

In these check ups we also make sure that the products are distributed in time. The residents inform us very easily if they missed a waited advert.

Situation, where the magazine or leaflet hasn’t been distributed at all or it’s been distributed at wrong time or in bad shape, we call it a distribution disorder.

If some distribution area has a distribution disorder, that area’s distribution worker will be contacted, so we can sort out why the distribution was not completed.

Reason might be that the mail box is in a difficult location or that the mail slot has something written on it that you might not understand. Remember that difficulties during the delivery have to be informed immediately or with the delivery confirmation, so we can react to them in time.

Part of sorting out these distribution disorders is so called after distributions, which means completing the distribution after you’ve been informed about the addresses with problems. By doing this, we fulfill our distribution promise to our customers, and make sure that the same addresses don’t come up again.

Repeated distribution disorders might at worst lead to terminating the distribution worker’s contract.


If you intentionally destroy or sabotage the products, you will be held liable. Additionally that is a sufficient reason to terminate your contract. By working carefully and informing us about every problem during distributions you can avoid misunderstandings.


When you want to take a holiday, ask about it well before, at least two weeks beforehand. Let us know the duration of your holiday and the day you´ll be back. We will accept holidays if possible.

If your holiday is very important, you can find and suggest a substitute distribution worker to replace you (tell us the name, address, and phone number of the person). Particularly during school holidays you should prepare to find your own replacement, because we can´t offer holidays to everyone at the same time. If there are distribution keys for your

area, you have to return them to the employer (or give them to your own substitute) before leaving. You can’t start your holiday without returning your keys back to us or passing them on to the person who is going to take care of the area during your holiday.


If you fall ill and feel that you can’t work or can’t complete your distibution, contact your superior immediately, so that the required measures can be arranged to complete your distribution. Illness is to be informed in the first instance by phone. If you can’t reach your superior by calling, leave a message.


After you’ve informed about your illness, you need to acquire a doctor’s or nurse’s certificate about your incapacity for work, so called sick leave certificate.

The certificate has to be brought to your superior immediately after the doctor or nurse has given his/hers statement. It is required so that your superior can grant you sick leave. You will also get your salary during the sick leave by the certificate.

If you are a student, you can ask for the sick leave certificate from your school nurse or from the student health care. If you have another job which has a provided health care, we accept also the certificate from that health service provider.

You can also use your city’s public health care, so you can book an appointment to the health care center. If that is closed, contact the hospital’s on call duty.

If you have expenses from using public health care while getting the proof of your incapacity to work, arrange the

compensation with your superior. We do not compensate for private health care’s expenses.


Occupational health service is meant to promote safe and healthy way of work and prevent health hazards, work related diseases and accidents.

Law regulated occupational health service is preventing health dangers and harms ensuing from work. Providing medical care is voluntary for the employer. Law regulated occupational health service includes i.e. statements for the employer, providing information, guiding and counseling. The aim is to promote and maintain our employees health, ability to work and safety. Mehiläinen is our partner in these services.

Hospital services of Mehiläinen are available to you in case of work-related illnesses. If you need medical services, ask your supervisor for a payment

commitment and instructions for booking an appointment.


If you have an accident when you’re working, inform your superior immediately. After you have informed, your superior will make a notice to the insurance company and will give you an insurance certificate.

The certificate will authorize the medical establishment and the doctor to send the bill from the work related incident and treatment expenses straight to the insurance company.

By the insurance company’s directive, you can choose your place of treatment. It’s good to keep in mind that the insurance certificate is not a payment commitment. Compensation for the medical expenses require that it is a work related incident or an occupational disease. The insurance company solves the bill’s substitutability after they have received all the required statements and documents.


▪ Notify your employer about the accident right away.

▪ our employer will give you an insurance certificate, which hold information about your insurance. You might need it at the health center or hospital

▪ If you need urgent treatment, you can go to any doctor on call.

▪ You may also use the partners of LähiTapiola, Mehiläinen or Pihlajalinna. Tell them the name of your employer and the insurance company when using their services.


Should you wish to terminate your employment, inform the office about it in writing as soon as possible.

Note that if you have worked for over a month, you have a term of notice of one month, which means that you must be prepared to work for one month after informing us of the termination. Your first month in our service is a trial period, during that time you can leave the job immediately after informing us.

If you have a temporary contract, it will be valid until the last day marked on the contract.


Distributing papers and leaflets is an independent and responsible job that requires a good physical condition and attentiveness. Working conditions may vary a great deal during the various seasons of the year and in different distribution areas.

Always aim to do your job with care and safety. Different phases of the work are of course meant to be executed quickly, but unnecessary rush will backfire with the quality of work and might put you or someone else at risk.

Don’t put yourself at risk during distribution. If there is danger, interrupt the work and inform the situation to your superior immediately.

• Being familiar with the distribution area, identifying hazards in the surroundings, proper clothing and correct working methods play a key role in preventing accidents.

• Maintaining occupational health and safety always requires cooperation

between the employer and employee.

• The employee must report all hazards or deficiencies to the employer without delay.

• Remember that slippery streets and haste, sharp edges of mailboxes and lifting heavy bundles of papers cause most of the accidents that occur during distribution work.


When moving your products, pay close attention to the right lifting technique. Bend your knees and keep your back straight all the time when lifting and lowering the burden. In other words, lift with your legs, not with your back. This is also a good method for lighter lifting.


If you are working in the dark or dim time, be sure to use a reflector and the light on the bicycle while driving. In the staircase of an apartment building, interrupt the

distribution when the lights go out, turn the lights back on and then continue to distribution safely. You can get a reflector vest from your employer if you want to.


Taking care of a distribution job, like anything else, does not releave you from responsibilities. For example, traffic rules must be applied.


Preparations for the distribution begin at home. A successful distribution round requires that you take the weather into consideration and wear appropriate clothes. You should always change into dry set of clothes and socks if they get wet during the round. It is a good idea to put on a dry pair of socks every time you pick up more items for distribution from home.

When you are working in the heat remember to drink enough and take a

break once in a while if necessary.

Please notice that in the winter it is not only dark but slippery. While moving you should remember that in the winter time even cars will need a longer way to stop. Wipe of the snow well from your feet before you enter a stairway. Snowy and wet shoes are slippery and dangerous.

In winter conditions, the right kind of clothing is important to keep you warm in changing weather conditions. Prefer layered clothing, with a warm underlayer against the skin and warm socks. Always wear gloves that are suitable for the weather. On the distribution day it may snow a lot or be very cold. Distribution days will not be canceled or postponed due to snow or frost, but when you are going out to deliver, you must dress according to the weather.


Go through with the distribution area

and route in your mind before the actual distribution round. It helps you manage the job and enhances safety.

Make sure that planning for the distribution route matches the vehicle you intend to use. Distribution by car may require a different route than with a bicycle or a trolley in the same area.

Reserve plenty of time for the first distribution round. Write down important things to remember along the distribution route. Anticipate any hazardous locations.

Keep the place where the papers are dropped off clean. Place all bundle cords and plastic wrappers in trash bins. Pay attention to regulations concerning the sorting of waste in your area.

You should sort the papers and leaflets on a desk. Place the different items close enough to each other. It is a good idea to cover the desk with a fabric tablecloth. Remember to also protect the wall if you stack sorted bundles against a wall. Fresh

ink leaves stains. Never sort on the floor! An incorrect working position can easily lead to pain in the back and legs.


Load the paper bundles correctly so that you can drive your car safely. Remember that traffic rules also apply to those distributing papers/leaflets in all circumstances. Be particularly careful when reversing in courtyards and near rows of mail boxes.


If you use a distribution trolley, check the contition of the trolley. Always remember to put on the brake when you leave the trolley. Never leave the trolley so it can roll downhill. Fully loaded distribution trolley moving at high speed is lethal!


Always wear bicycle helmet when riding

a bike. Find out if your bike is insured against loss/damage and theft.


Keep your head straight during work and pay attention to the working environment both outdoors and in the staircases. Anticipate dangerous situations you may face along your route.

Remember that you have every right to move around in staircases and courtyards. You are allowed to ring door buzzers in a block of flats to get in. People may act negatively towards you when they are in their home surroundings. Courteous behavior and a smile can resolve almost all situations like this. Also, you can always say that you are carrying out duties given to you by your employer and tell any residents that they can contact our office for further information.

In staircases, pay attention to the lighting time. The light switch usually turns on shortly before the lights turn off. If the lights go out before you notice to press the switch again, carefully approach the light switch to turn the lights on safely.

Do not put your fingers inside a mail slot. There may be an angry cat or dog behind the door. Always remember to push the paper bundle all the way in through the slot. You can push it through with another bundle of papers. A paper bundle that is hanging halfway out is signal to burglars that there is nobody home in the flat.

Write down the name and phone number of the property manager from the bulletin board if there are any problems in the courtyard or staircase of a block of flats. Report it to the employer.

If you cannot enter a locked staircase for some reason, write down the contact details of the building´s maintenance company. They are usually listed on a

label affixed to the front door. Report it to the employer.

If you encounter a dog that is free in the yard, do not go into that yard if the dog has a chance to attack you. Notify your superior.

You must never enter the apartments of people you do not know, even if they invite you in. Decline politely and carry on with your work.


Authorities, such as the police or rescue department, might be carrying out operations in your distribution area. You must always follow orders from the authority orders without exception. Remember to notify our office about possible obstructions in distribution.

If during your distribution rounds you should encounter a situation where you are the target of harassing actions, vandalism, threatening or hate speech, you receive inappropriate feedback or you are subject to physical or mental pressure or you are obstructed from moving, it is important to always notify your superior as soon as possible.

You must always try to leave from a threatening situation when possible. If you feel that you are in immediate danger, call 112 right away. After this,

inform your supervisor about the matter.

Find out how you can call the emergency number from your own phone. Depending on the trademark and model, phones often have quick functions that allow you to call the emergency number, for example, when the phone is screen locked. If you have a mobile phone, always keep it with you and make sure that your phone has enough power before going out for distribution.

If the situation allows it, you may also tell the person who is treating you inappropriately that you find their conduct disturbing and ask politely them to stop that conduct. Tell them what you define as inappropriate treatment and that you will notify your superior about the matter. You may also ask the person to contact your superior or the management of your company. Good, friendly behavior and correct use of language are always for your benefit in dealing with such matters. Please notice, that it is of no use to argue with people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Act in a calm and determined way and try to leave the area quickly.

Should there be probable reasons to suspect a felony subject to official impeachment which meets the characteristics of criminal law (for example theft), employer will always notify the police in such cases. Harassment and hate speech are plaintiff crimes, which means that the employer subject to the harassment must themselves demand punishment in the matter.


Look after yourself and your health. A healthy lifestyle is a good foundation for all work throughout your life. Always be proud of the work you do!


The content of the work is the same, but you work in a commission relationship and thus can earn more. Working as a a light enterpreneur means that one works as an enterpreneur without a need to start a company. In addition to the normal distribution compensation, light enterpreneurs charge +25% as an enterpreneur extra.

Our collaborator partner Omapaja is in charge of the salary payment. Only traveling expenses for using your own car have to be notified by yourself. As an Omapaja light enterpreneur you don’t have to account nor pay withholding taxes from your income. Only thing you have to do is to fill your personal data and the information of your personal income-tax card to the Omapaja systeme. Omapaja pays the salary for you each month.

Omapaja charges 7% as a service fee from the total payment. Accident insurance and liability insurance are included to the service fee. Service fee and other possible expenses can be taken into account in your taxes, thus you pay less taxes.

If you choose to be a light enterpreneur you get also access to the other Omapaja acts of becoming employed. Hereby you can also work on another field besides distribution.

Read more about terms and register: www.omapaja.fi Registration is free and off commitments.

Normal salary for distribution work is on average 50-300€ per month. The distribution compensation to the light enterpreneur can for example be following:

▪ Distribution compensation 100€ + enterpreneur compensation 25 % (+25 €) = 125 €

▪ withholding tax due to your income-tax card, f.ex. 10 % (-12,50 €) = 112,50 €

▪ service feed 7 % (-8,75 €)

▪ = total pay 103,75 €

Salary example:

▪ Distribution salary 100 € + vacation compensation employment relationship under one year 9 % (+9 €)

▪ withholding tax due to your income-tax card, f.ex. 10 % (-10,90 €)

▪ pension insurance contribution 7,15 % (-7,79 €)

▪ unemployment insurance contribution 1,25 % (-1,36 €)

▪ = total pay 88,94 €

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