Grade 3 Newsletter

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VOL. 1

THE SCHECHTER TIMES The latest news and updates from the SSDS 3rd Graders


3 OF THE BEST INTERVIEWS by Liel Cohen, Robin Scott, Ori Azran, and Sami




In December, we interviewed 3 staff members. We


interviewed Ellen, the Principal, Jamie, the Assistant to the Principal, and Adina, a proctor. In Ellen’s interview,


we learned many things about Ellen. Ellen founded Gan Shelanu 11 years ago, but is now the principal of the lower school. As a principal, she makes sure the whole school runs smoothly and everyone, including students,


teachers, and families are happy. A fun fact was that she actually was a 3rd grade assistant teacher in the past. She has taught 4th, 5th, and Pre-K. Before COVID, she would


try to visit every class every single day. During COVID,


she spends a lot of time with 2nd grade because she covers snack. She reads them Dory Fantasmagory. She has most of her meetings on Zoom. She has 3 children


and 2 grandchildren.


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Jamie is the assistant to the principal. She works in the front office and takes phone calls and answers emails. She has been working at Schechter for 6 years, but before, she was the assistant to the head of school. She prefers her job now because that means she gets to be at the lower school full time. She has 2 cats and a nephew named Julian.

Adina was a proctor, who mainly worked with 3rd grade. She is 22 and actually used to help out in Judi’s classroom when she was in high school! Her mom used to work here. She graduated from the University of Rochester and is now in graduate school to be a teacher. She wants to teach 3rd grade when she finishes graduate school.

WORLD NEWS ABOUT COVID By Dalia Kliman and Jacob Monisov

Dalia made this timeline showing the history of COVID-19:

December 31, 2019: China alerts the World Organization about COVID-19 January 11, 2020: China announces the first death linked to COVID-19 February 26, 2020: NIH began the first clinical trial in the USA for a possible COVID-19 treatment April 2, 2020: Worldwide confirmed cases of COVID-19 reaches 1 million April 10, 2020: Global deaths because of COVID-19 hits 100,000 July 14, 2020: The House Appropriations Committee approved a ruling requiring masks on public transportation August 4, 2020: 50% of hospitals in low-income areas have no free beds August 17, 2020: COVID-19 becomes the 3rd leading cause of death August 28, 2020: The first case of reinfection was discovered September 28, 2020: Global deaths become over 1 million November 18, 2020: Pfizer, a COVID-19 vaccine, proves to be 95% effective 2021: The USA continues to vaccinate citizens



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Vaccine Update The first people to get the vaccine will be elderly people and healthcare workers. The second people will be essential workers. The third group of people will be people high risk like with a sickness. The fourth group of people will be normal people and kids.

A map of COVID-19 in Massachusetts

This is a mask. We wear a mask during COVID. Masks are very important during COVID because they protect your face from spreading COVID and spreading it to other people.

Asking Students and Staff How They Feel Dalia asked "How has COVID-19 affected you? " Ms. Stern: "I haven't seen my family." Yaira Sydney-Marshak: "I haven't been able to see my grandparents and my sisters. Violet Segall: “I want to go somewhere other than here. Jacob asked "How has COVID-19 been for you? " Gabriel Schidlow: "Well I don’t like that I can’t be with my friends all the time but the pizzerias are still open so it’s kind of still good because I get a lot of treats during COVID." Dara Lester: "it’s definitely upsetting but we’ve got a vaccine coming out. My dad already had it so our family is good. I’m excited when I get the vaccine but that’s probably not going to be until the summer. I don’t want people dying. With that, people are getting better, that’s good news and we’re staying 6 feet apart. Goodbye, peace to all.



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By Jessica Finder

Jessica interviewed Ms. Rosenthal about Hanukkah: Jessica: "What do you eat?" Ms. Rosenthal: "I eat latkes and applesauce. My mom also makes this cake that when you cut into it, gelt comes out. We also eat brisket and challah." Jessica: "What that do you wear?" Ms. Rosenthal: "I usually wear my normal clothes." Jessica: "What do you do?" Ms. Rosenthal: "I light the menorah and usually I would see family. My family also makes dreidels out of candy." Jessica: "Who do you invite?" Ms. Rosenthal: "I invite my family and my friends, both Jewish and not Jewish." Jessica: "Do you go somewhere?" Ms. Rosenthal: "I usually either go to my parent's house or my cousin's house. She also interviewed a student who wishes to remain anonymous:" Jessica: "What do you eat?" Anonymous: "I eat gelt, latkes, and sufganiyot." Jessica: "What that do you wear?" Anonymous: "I usually wear my normal clothes." Jessica: "What do you do?" Anonymous: "I light the menorah and play with dreidels." Jessica: "Who do you invite?" Anonymous:: "I invite my grandparents." Jessica: "Do you go somewhere?" Anonymous: "We usually go to my grandparent's house."


By Adam Scheer, Kobe Shamash, and Asher Friedman The newest trade of Russell Westbrook for John Wall and the Wizards first round pick for 2021. The Wizards will be very good with Westbrook, Beal, Hachimura, and Aviha. Anthony Davis signed a $190 million deal for 5 years to the Los Angeles Lakers Celtics get a big blocker in Tristan Thomson. If they play him right, he will be good for the Celtics.



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James Harden went to the Brooklyn Nets for a lot of first round draft picks. He is now part of the Big 3 with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving. The Denver Nuggets have Nikola Jokic who averages 30 points a game. The NFL will pay $100 million for 945,830 COVID tests. That is how they are planning on getting through the season. For the first time in a long time, a Super Bowl Contestant is playing at their home stadium for the Buccaneers which is the Raymond James Stadium.

THE BABY By Eitan Slutzman



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BANANA AND APPLE By Margalit Bresman and Galit Ravera

CATCHING A FOOTBALL By Roy Bouzaglo and Louis. Cretu-Kessel

I am Roy and I am known for being the best football catcher. The first tip I have is to throw a football in the air and catch it. Tip 2 is to play catch with a friend and that will help you. Tip 3 is to go to the gym and use the treadmill for 1 hour. Tip 4 is to practice playing the game of catch for 2 hours. It’s fun but do it inside. Tip 5 is to throw your ball against your wall and then catch the ball.

BUT WHY? By Sally Gross

People are losing their jobs in the world and I know that’s a really weird way to start, but they are losing their jobs because the stores are not staying open because of Coronavirus. A lot of stores are going online or are closing. For example, this summer, my favorite store Justice went fully online then the store closed in person so there's no Justice now. It's sad. People are losing their jobs just because stores are closing and they don't even get a choice that they are losing their jobs and that’s just plain wrong.




ARIEL'S BIDEN drawn by Ariel Spector

HOW TO By Jonah Chorev

Hope you enjoyed!! Oh, want to know the name? It is: HOW TO…. How to eat bananas? You open the peel and eat it. How to wash your hands in the sink? You turn on the faucet and put soap on your hands and put your hands under the water and scrub. How to put stuff in the trash? You go to the trash and drop it in. How to click to add title in Google Slides? You click it. How to say hi? You open your mouth and say hi. How to know someone is being mean to you? They will be doing mean things to you like hurting you or stealing your stuff.



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SOCCER DURING COVID-19 By Olivia Roffman and Eloise Speigel

COVID-19 is an interesting time for sports players, especially soccer players. Some rules that are different because of COVID-19 are: 1) You have to wear a mask the entire time. You can’t take your mask off if you are close to someone. 2) You have to stay 6 feet apart. 3) When we score a goal, we can’t high five or touch other players to celebrate. 4) You really can’t touch the ball with your hands - it’s a rule in soccer but even more during COVID-19. The goalie has to wear their own gloves, which is what professional soccer players wear. 5)Fans aren’t allowed to watch practice. Even though there are a lot of new rules because of COVID-19, it is still such a fun sport to play!


Hi I’m Dara and I’m the weather person. We were in the month of December. It was getting cold as the winter was arriving so make sure to get your coat! We had a very big snow storm with about 14 inches of snow. Imagine how deep that is! Now I am gonna do an interview with Oren about the snow storm. He says "The snow will probably cause some problems but it’s very fun." Oren is right. Because of the storm the Schechter students had a no school day on the 17th of December. Here’s a picture of the storm. Look at that snow! That is a lot more than last year. Now let’s go to January. It really was a great month. We had the inauguration and now Joe Biden is president! Plus we got some snow on the 21st. It was only a little bit but it was quite cold. All the leaves have fallen off the trees as we put our jackets and go far into the winter season.



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Yeah, so that’s what it would look like if you looked outside your windows. Let's have some interviews about winter weather and what it is like for them. Yaira Sydney-Marshak: "It makes me feel cold and happy because it’s almost my sister's birthday." Jacob Monisov: "Winter is very cold and today is the coldest day on earth." Well that was great. Well that was this week. Have fun and be prepared for our next edition of the third grade newspaper

COMIC By Leah Reich



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You need to hold the ball with both hands and then hold your hands and the ball over your head. One hand should be at the bottom of the ball, the other hand should be on the side of the ball. You stand up, bend your knees, put the ball over your head, and jump and flick the wrists. Then you push the ball. You want the ball to be spinning backwards like bowling. You can also spin the ball on your finger and around at the same time! You can shoot 3 pointers and jump shots.




VOL. 1


By Violet Segall, Yaira Sydney-Marshak, and Sonya Leeds

COVID-19 Yaira Sydney-Marshak Interviews teachers and students about COVID-19: Ms. Rosenthal said “it is not great” 3rd grade Hebrew teacher Orly said “it is a blessing and a curse” Dara Lester said “ It makes me feel sad though I know scientists have a vaccine ready.” Violet Segall said “It is absolutely horrible” Kobe Shamash told our reporter “It really stinks” Dalia Kliman said “sad…😰” Mr. Steve said “I don’t like it”

COVID-19 Testing Violet Segall interviews her fellow 3-4 class. She asked, "How did you feel while you were tested for COVID?" Yaira Sydney-Marshak: "It felt really weird. I got tested two times before so I didn’t feel as scared." Sonya Leeds: "I was a little nervous. I thought it would be better than it was. And it was very painful, I came out with my eyes watering." Adam Scheer: "I felt confident because I’ve been tested before." Asher Friedman: "I wanted to cry."



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Kobe Shamash: "I felt like I was getting tested for COVID." Dara Lester: "I’ve got tested for COVID four times, and they’ve all come back negative, so I was less scared. But it felt like it was going up to my brain." Oren Levin: "I felt like someone was poking my brain." Gabe Schidlow: "It really hurts and it makes you cough and cry." Ms. Rosenthal: "It’s not fun, but I felt safe because we were doing it." Violet Segall: "I was very scared, but when I saw other people coming out after ten seconds, I felt less scared."

Changes Because of COVID-19 Sonya Leeds asks classmates about how school has changed because of COVID-19. She asks: "Is wearing a mask harder in school than without?" Violet Segall: "I think wearing a mask in school is harder because I also wear a face shield and I only have to wear it inside. When I am taking a walk with my family I only have to wear a mask because I'm outside." Dara Lester: "We would have science inside of 3-4’s classroom." She asked Dalia about the COVID Testing and Dalia said painful!

Snow Day "What do you like to do on a snow day?" Third grader Violet Segall interviews her class. Dalia Kliman: "I just like to relax and do some homework." Oren Levin: "I like to go sledding, play video games, and play with a ball. " Dara Lester: "I like to stay inside and play games." Gabe Schidlow: I like to build snow forts, and if there’s a lot of snow I like to dig down and make tunnels in the snow that you can crawl in." Asher Freidman: "I like to play in the snow." Anonymous: "I like to stay warm in my coat outside." Kobe Shamash: "Go out with my neighbors and climb on big snow mountains and sled.



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Adam Scheer: "I like to drink hot chocolate." Sonya Leeds: "I like to play in the snow with my brother and dog and make tunnels." Ms. Rosenthal: "I like to sleep in and watch movies." Violet Segall: "I like to play in the snow with my sister and I like to play board games and drink hot chocolate." Yaira Sydney-Marshak: "I like to watch tv, read, and play with my friends and family in and out of the snow."

Half Day Fridays Violet Segall interrogates her classmates about how they feel about half-day Fridays. Yaira Sydney-Marshak: "I don’t like them because we don't have English. But I like that we go home early." Kobe Shamash: "I like it because it’s been a long week." Adam Scheer: "I think half-day Fridays are relaxing, they give me a break." Asher Friedman: "I have more time to do the things I need to get done." Dara Lester: "I’m glad I get a break." Jacob Monisov: "I think it’s a very good thing that students get a break from school." Dalia Kliman: "It’s nice not to have to go to school for half of Friday." Ms. Rosenthal: "I really like them because I just do third grade library." Gabe Schidlow: "They’re fun. And I didn’t like it when it was Zoom because I hate Zoom." Oren Levin: "I feel like they are good because you get a break for the rest of the day and if you had to go to school all day for the whole week it would be tiring." Violet Segall: "I really like that we do Shabbat Shira on zoom instead of not at all and I like that we get a break."



VOL. 1

THE CRAZY FRUIT BUNCH By Gabriel Schidlow and Oren Levin


By Micah Rachlin

The Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are in the Super Bowl. Usually this week would be the Pro Bowl. This is the Super Bowl with the pros. This is the first time the Buccaneers are in their own stadium in the Super Bowl. This is the first time that’s ever happened. Cam Newton on the New England Patriots might go to the Washington Football team. Odell Beckham Jr. is injured. He’s not going to be in the Super Bowl. Tyreek Hill really wants to win the Super Bowl back to back. Nobody knows who’s going to win the Super Bowl, it’s a really fair game. But the Buccaneers have the advantage of home-field advantage.



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By Benjy Grossman, Gabriel Katz, and Max Sparks

The Literally Lost Tooth One day a boy went to his Mommy. “Mom I lost a tooth!” the boy said “Amazing where is it?” asked the mom. The boy said, “I don’t know” Meanwhile the tooth was somewhere and asked “Where am I?” The tooth thought and said “I have to pack my bags” Suddenly… “MOM I FOUND IT!!!!! Night Time… The Tooth Fairy came and the tooth thought “Is she gonna arrest me?”

The Treasure Chest “Mommy, daddy! I found a treasure chest! Look I found 100 dollars in it. I ripped it up into 100 pieces so I can get 100 more dollars! Isn’t that so smart of me? I’m going to go out and buy some ice cream! Bye mom! See ya, I’m leaving with all of my money." “Wait, sonny boy! Wait! That money doesn’t mean anything.” “But mommy, but that was my MONEY! Why doesn’t it mean anything, is it fake? I found it in this really realistic shiny plastic treasure chest. It says “$20”." Well, you ripped it up so therefore the money has no value. "Oh now I have zero dollars! I think the money was fake anyway. I found the treasure chest that had the money in it on the coast of Oklahoma. Just umm… there is no coast of Oklahoma, right?"

Nick the Stick

One day Nick the stick was lying on the ground singing a song. “I am a stick lying on the ground” But then a weatherman said it was going to be windy. When Nick found out he said, “It is Moving Day."



COMIC by Leah Reich


By Caleb Schachter

Why Google is Great

In our current society, Google is an everyday tool because it has Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google classroom, Google forms, and Google slides. There’s also a web browser.

Google Drive Google Drive is basically where you can open all of your Google documents (like Google slides, docs, and sheets).


Gmail is a regular email company, but it has Google Hangouts and Google Meet on the sidebar.

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Google Classroom

In Google classroom, you can assign work and comment (to the class, or privately to the teacher).

Google Docs In Google Docs, you can do so many things! You can edit shared or private documents, you can comment on documents, and you can do so many other things.

Google Sheets In Google Sheets, you can put in different formulas (like in Microsoft Excel). In Google Forms, you can say to put the answers into a Google Sheet.

Google Slides

In Google Slides (which is basically like Microsoft Powerpoint),you can make different slides (which I recommend using for slideshows) and insert images.


By Eitan Slutzman

The Idea

How Do You Spell My Name?



VOL. 1

INTERVIEW WITH MR. STEVE By Ezra Preiss, Micah Salama, and Rosie Makarov "What activities do you want to do with classes?" Gan Shalanu is creating Boxasaurus, which are historical dinosaurs. They are made out of boxes, not flesh. Kindergarten is doing experiments with wood in water & seeing what happens to it. 1st grade is doing sound experiments. It’s sad because we have masks, so we can’t talk and make sounds. 2nd & 3rd grade are learning about solid matter. They are putting rocks in a rock tumbler, which polishes rocks. 3rd is also inspecting different rectangular blocks.

How do you feel about your old classroom window BROKEN? Is it fixed? It is fixed. It took them a while, but it’s fixed. The piece looked like a chicken, but we don’t know if a chicken BROKE it.

How long does it take to drive all the way from New Hampshire? 1 hour and ten minutes. Sometimes, if there is a lot of traffic, even 2 hours. He listens to audiobooks of Harry Potter.

How is it like to drink coffee with a mask on? Bad. I tried pulling his mask down for it, but the coffee spills. Then he tried cutting a hole, but that isn’t safe.

How is it to work outside all day Monday-Friday? He really likes it. In the winter, however, it is difficult for kids to go outside and write something with pencils.

Why do you collect sticks? He collects everything because he can then use them for the classes.

How do you feel about cockroaches & beetles? His favorite cockroach is the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. He likes all cockroaches and beetles.

Do you still use your old classroom? He uses the rock tumbler in his old classroom and teaches the remote class from his old classroom. He does all of his preparation in his old classroom.



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Do you ever leave your outdoor classroom? In the fall and spring, he rarely does, only to go to the bathroom or get ready for the next class. He doesn’t take a tent and sleep out there.

Do you feel guilty about missing school because of snow or rain? He doesn't because he thinks it's good for adults and kids to have a day off.

SCHECHTER Drawn by Ariel Spector

THANK YOU!!! Thank you to all of the amazing third graders who worked so hard on getting this issue out. It is spectacular. Thank you to all of the teachers who were interviewed. We will be back soon with our next edition!!


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