Solomon Schechter Day School

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Learning and Values for Life

It’s not the answers that educate, but the dialogue that emerges from the questions.



hen you visit our school, you’ll find a community of happy children, fully engaged in purposeful learning. A dedicated, caring and talented group of teachers guides these young people along their academic and personal journeys.

Schechter is a warm and welcoming community with a 50+-year history of helping

children achieve their full potential as critical thinkers, joyful learners and good citizens. Central to our educational philosophy is the commitment to strong academics. As children grow in their ability to read, write and reason, they do so within a framework that embraces Jewish values. Our graduates matriculate at top secondary schools, colleges and universities. Our alumni have gone on to successful careers in a variety of fields. Most importantly, our alumni share that the foundation they received here at Schechter has enabled them to become engaged citizens of the world, armed with a strong moral compass. We hope you’ll visit, ask questions and learn about our school. We look forward to welcoming you.

“Everything I wanted for my four children I found at Schechter. It’s a real community, a family. The teachers know my kids and the education is inspiring and rigorous, incremental and ageappropriate.” —parent of four Schechter students



very child matters. Our teachers make sure that each student knows that he or she has unique strengths and abilities. We offer a rich core curriculum with a solid

Critical thinking and depth of understanding are common threads that run through

our curriculum from language arts to math and science, from Jewish texts to the arts. Early second language acquisition, beginning with our youngest students, leads to Hebrew fluency and opens cognitive pathways to future language learning and increased mathematical aptitude. Through Schechter’s significant investment in technology we differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Across the board, we encourage students to develop their strengths and to realize their full potential academically, spiritually, artistically, physically and morally. Parents are our partners in the education of each child. We welcome parent involvement.

Educational Philosophy

academic foundation.

Whether participating in a special school program, chaperoning a field trip or serving on a committee, parents join with the faculty and staff in creating a caring community that surrounds our students.




ew students start at Schechter at different ages. The

youngest enter our early childhood program, Gan Shelanu, in which they experience concepts of learning

Our Community

and socialization through play. Many children join the Schechter com-

munity in kindergarten while others come to us in later grades having begun their education elsewhere. When children experience school as a safe and welcoming community, they are more receptive to learning. Their minds embrace new possibilities that open the world and spark the creativity and courage to take on new challenges. Regardless of when students enter Schechter, we make sure they have the right start. Through our Madregot Program, we work with students entering after kindergarten to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Schechter, regardless of their Hebrew language skills and Judaic studies background. Madregot, the Hebrew word for steps, refers to levels of attainment, academically and spiritually. The program varies at each grade level, offering a customized course of Judaic and general studies that allows children in grades 1-8 to experience the joy of success and achievement. At Schechter, learning is not just about books, equations and study. Students become part of a multi-faceted learning community. Schechter families come from over two dozen cities and towns; hail from almost 30 different countries of origin; and, represent a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds. At Schechter, students find their place in the world, make


friends and discover positive role models.

“I am beyond pleased with the warmth of the Schechter community.” – Schechter parent


an Shelanu is Schechter’s early childhood program, designed for children ages 18 months to 5+ years. It is a place filled with light and happiness where children grow, learn, make friends and flourish in their own way and at their own pace.

Our certified early childhood specialists provide exceptional care as they introduce the youngest members of our community to the joys of a Schechter education. Gan Shelanu is an excellent gateway to lifelong learning. We offer a play-based program that keeps children engaged and eager to come to school every day. A scaffolded curriculum allows children to progress year by year, building upon foundations that prepare them for more structured learning at Schechter’s Lower School. Each of our classes meets weekly with specialists in music, art, literacy and physical education. Sharing a campus with Schechter’s Upper School, even our youngest learners have access to state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor athletic facilities. Gan Shelanu and Upper School teachers partner throughout the year to coordinate a variety of joint programming

Early Childhood (18 months-5+ years)


including reading buddies and attendance at Upper School Shabbat programs, student museums, fairs and more.


“We love how everyone at Gan Shelanu cares for each and every child.“ —Schechter parent


“As Schechter parents for 21 years, Schechter is near and dear to our hearts. It has provided


our children with the best education, values and

ower School students, kindergarten through third grade,

a community of friends and role models.”

enter the building each day with genuine enthusiasm

—Schechter alumni parents

for learning. The focus in the Lower School is on

learning through self-discovery, inquiry and both independent We lay the foundation for reading and writing in both English and Hebrew, build number sense and problem-solving skills in mathematics and engage students in discovery about themselves and the world around them through prayer, Torah, social studies and science. Art, music, library and physical education classes,

“Our daughter’s kindergarten teacher

taught by specialists, complement the core academic program. We also take seriously our responsibility to help our students become respectful and contributing members of the school family

Lower School (Grades K-3)

and cooperative experiences.

is outstanding: she

as well as the larger Jewish and global communities. The principles

is caring, energetic

of derekh eretz, respectful and courteous behavior, are taught and

“As a parent, hearing that my child is happy is all

and warm.”

modeled each day.

that I could ask for. She's learning so much in class and has experienced many new things.”

—Schechter parent

—Schechter parent



t the Upper School, our faculty members support and encourage the academic, social, emotional, spiritual and physical growth of our students. Our program is rigorous. Students passionately ask profound questions to hone their understanding

of the world and their insights into the human spirit. Upper School students develop timemanagement skills, good organization and focused study habits. Beginning in fifth grade, students take national standardized assessments and consistently score in the 95th percentile or higher. The hallways are alive with the spirited sounds of vibrant conversations and laughter

Upper School (Grades 4-8)


mingling with music drifting out from any one of our student choirs or bands. On the field and in the gym students bring out the competitive and collaborative spirit in each other. Signature grade-level programs include an experiential overnight science week, a trip to Washington, D.C. and the eighth grade Israel Study Tour. From grades four through eight, students experiment, explore and begin to galvanize the habits of mind, heart and spirit that make them who they will be as adults.


The Arts



reativity is evident everywhere at Schechter. Children’s art work adorns our walls and halls. Music rings out. Students learn Israeli dances. Opportunities are

almost limitless to sing, play an instrument, perform on stage, throw a pot or paint a picture. The process of creating art is viewed as another avenue for self-expression. Art is integral to our core curriculum. It is an important way of helping students to develop problem-solving skills and to make subtle distinctions that are critical to observation and clear thinking. Children are creative by nature. We nourish that instinct and give it ways to grow and flourish. During their years at Schechter, students take part in a variety of performances both in the school and throughout Greater Boston. The annual all-Hebrew eighth grade musical is a highlight and Schechter community favorite.


“Schechter’s art curriculum is impressive and sophisticated. The teachers have imbued in our daughter a love for art and art history.” —Schechter parent

Extracurricular Activities/Community Service




earning goes far beyond the classroom at Schechter. A wide range of extracurricular activities provides new experiences that allow students to apply their knowledge, talents and efforts.

Visiting museums and historic locations lends context to a student’s education. The

culminating eighth grade Israel Study Tour brings students into direct contact with the Jewish traditions, values and love for Israel that have been at the heart of their entire experience at Schechter. Student government is another way of encountering real-life issues as students take an active role in the daily life of the school, assume responsibility for their decisions and actions and step up to leadership roles that demand accountability. Community service is a major focus at Schechter. Students find many ways to do acts of hesed and tzedakah including volunteering in and out of school, fundraising for charities, collecting supplies for disaster relief and performing other acts of empathy and lovingkindness.

“Schechter provides an atmosphere for our


children to excel in academics, learn how to learn, become enlightened Jews and become


better citizens of this world.”

hysical activity enhances cognitive function and teaches

—Schechter Parent

valuable lessons about fitness, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. This is all part of our well-rounded program.

In 2013, Schechter opened the Resnek-Gordon Athletic Complex

on the Upper School Shoolman Campus which includes state-ofthe-art indoor and outdoor synthetic turf fields. In addition, our four outdoor playgrounds and well-equipped gymnasiums provide

through the doors and

a wide range of opportunities for vigorous activity in all weather, all

witness the love and

year round. We make sure that games and friendly competition are

commitment, not only of

always age-appropriate and tailored to the interests and abilities of

the teaching staff, but

participating students.

also the administration, I know we have made the

Schechter teams compete in the Independent School League. Seasonal sports are available for both boys and girls including soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, lacrosse and cross-country. We are

right decision for our

proud of the high level of participation and that everyone gets to


play. The discipline of practice and competing to win is important,

—Schechter Parent


}“Every time I walk

“We feel so lucky to send our kids to Schechter, not only because of the loving, caring and rich

but the lessons of good sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork

secular and Jewish environment it has for our

matter even more.

kids, but also because of the teachers and parents who help create such an environment.” —Schechter Parent 17

CELEBRATING JEWISH VALUES AND TRADITIONS and sense of belonging through the rhythms of Jewish life. Eating in the Sukkah, lighting Hanukkah candles and bringing in fruit on Shavuot are woven into our school year. Joyful Purim activities and rousing celebrations on Yom Ha’atzmaut are complemented by solemn ceremonies marking Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron. Mornings at Schechter begin with tefillah. Students receive their first siddur in first grade. Our school’s self-published siddur, Halleli Nafshi, augments the prayer experience with child-friendly translations and meditations.

Developing Citizens

ewish values and traditions are at the heart of our school. Students build their identity

The study of Torah in the Lower School culminates with a Tanakh ceremony in which students receive the Hebrew Bible. In fifth grade, students learn to chant Torah; next, in sixth grade, they begin the study of Toshba (oral Torah) by receiving a set of Mishnah. Our students’ facility with spoken and written Hebrew connects them to the land of Israel as well as to Jews everywhere. Our alumni go into the world confident in their abilities, secure in their Jewish faith and eager to take on the role of informed and active citizens.


“I will forever regard Schechter as the foundation of my Jewish identity; Schechter is with me everywhere I go.” —Schechter alumnus

SUPPORT AND ENRICHMENT Support and Enrichment

cademic support and enrichment are crucial elements of our educational approach in both general and Judaic studies. For all children to reach their full potential, we must be able to take them from where they are in their academic journey and lift them to where they need to be. For students who struggle with some aspect of the curriculum, we provide additional support. For students who are achieving at higher levels, we develop enrichment activities that increase the challenge. Support can take many forms including personalized attention or small group instruction in or out of the classroom. As often as possible, we accommodate the needs of children who have mild to moderate learning differences. For advanced learners, teachers design special projects and curricular extensions that take the work to a deeper level. In addition, we offer small, guided reading and math groups that encourage students to take on differentiated work that focuses on their unique learning needs and that hones their mastery of subject areas.


As a family we also have been touched by the warmth of the staff. —Schechter parent

“My son’s teachers know how to challenge him where possible and support him with extra attention when necessary.” —Schechter parent


hile some Schechter students end their school day just after 3:00 p.m., many participate in a home away from home at Schechter’s afterschool program.

Parents choose from an extended day program that offers a wide variety of activities,

including art, cooking and gym; more structured hands-on enrichment classes in visual and dramatic arts, sciences, crafts, games and more; private music lessons in most instruments; and intramural athletics (kindergarten through fifth grade). Students participate in activities and classes, all designed to open new doors of exploration and discovery. Children experience hands-on learning and can become scientists, artists, athletes, writers, actors or musicians. Afterschool allows students to wind down after the core school day through activities and

Afterschool Program (Grades K-8)


classes, working on homework or just relaxing. There’s something for everyone at Schechter’s afterschool program.


“The staff really is fantastic. The kids love them and follow them with admiration. They know how to bring out the best in every child.” —Schechter parent

APPLYING TO SCHECHTER Please call the school to arrange a tour and receive additional information. Admission applications are submitted in the fall of the year prior to a child’s entrance.

Applying to Schechter

GAN SHELANU accepts children between age 18 months and 5+ years. Schedules are flexible. KINDERGARTEN applicants must be five years old by October 1 of the entering year. LOWER AND UPPER SCHOOL students can be accepted at any grade. The Madregot Program provides a smooth transition for students entering in grades one through eight. THE ADMISSION PROCESS for K-8 is comprised of a parent meeting with the director of admission, a readiness screening and the submission of an application, a teacher evaluation and school records. For the K-8 admission office, contact 617-630-4608 or For the Gan Shelanu admission office, contact 617-796-5500 or FINANCIAL AID is offered to qualified families based on need; applications must be submitted in the winter. TRANSPORTATION to and from school may be available through carpools with other parents or bus services provided by the City of Newton. AFFILIATIONS with other organizations include the Schechter Day School Network and the Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE). Schechter is a beneficiary agency of Combined Jewish Philanthropies.


Our Vision

Our Mission

Our students will become self-confident, compassionate, practicing Jews and committed citizens who are prepared for the academic and social challenges of the modern world and who are connected to the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

To provide an outstanding education in English and Hebrew that • inspires a love of learning, • celebrates the creativity and achievements of our children, and • nurtures lives rooted in Jewish tradition and Torah.

To provide an outstanding education in English and Hebrew that • inspires a love of learning, • celebrates the creativity and achievements of our children, and • nurtures lives rooted in Jewish tradition and Torah.

Our students will become self-confident, compassionate, practicing Jews and committed citizens who are prepared for the academic and social challenges of the modern world and who are connected to the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Learning and Values for Life GAN SHELANU



Early Childhood Program 18 months – 5+ years 125 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459 Phone: 617-796-5500

Grades K-3 Shaller Campus Gosman Building 60 Stein Circle Newton, MA 02459 Phone: 617-964-7765

Grades 4-8 Shoolman Campus Marcus Building 125 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459 Phone: 617-928-9100


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