The Off Topic, Schechter Literary Magazine (Edition 1)

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Lily Smith, Grade 8

When the teacher asks you to translate Shakespeare bUt IT’S alReAdY iN eNglIsH

When the Hebrew teacher walks by your screen and you forgot to close your Morfix tab of you looking up how to say “I” in Hebrew

When the teacher says the lowest test grade was 42 and you and your friends start laughing and then you get your test back

When you got three hours of sleep because you were up doing your LA essay but then your LA teacher asks you why you look so tired

When you’re waiting for Schechter to call saying it’s a snow day but then you get a phone call and it’s them confirming that “tHEy In fAcT WiLL nOt bE cLoSiNg”

When you’re sad because it’s Monday and you don’t have study hall but then you remember you get to leave school an hour earlier

When Newton public schools have a snow day yet Schechter doesn’t

When you’re packing up because class will be over in 3.83947 seconds but then the teacher yells at you and says “ClAsS iSn’T oVEr yEt”

When you forgot you had math homework but then you remember you have ISS right before math


The Off Topic


This publication includes poetry, short stories, non-fiction, book reviews, photos, art and activities created by students for students. We believe that by publishing student work, we are encouraging the development of creativity in students and providing a medium to share their creative efforts. By giving students ownership over the process - to create the content, drive the production schedule, design the layout, choose the name of the magazine, and edit the pieces, - We believe that students will become more invested in the magazine and learn valuable skills such as critical-thinking, teamwork, and an appreciation for different voices. We strive to: • Allow students to submit work that excites them and makes them proud • Encourage voices that have not yet been heard, i.e. new authors • Include different points of view We hope you enjoy reading every page!

CONTRIBUTORS: Winter Term Sophie Berk Orly Bolan Ari Gordon Abby Hepner Arianna Katzman Shoshana Liebowitz Mikey Rosemberg Lily Smith Fall Term Orly Bolan Eden Cherubino Eliana Fromer Ari Gordon Seth Korn Ariel Mooney Talia Porath Eli Rabson Evan Roffman Mikey Rosemberg Max Scott Hannah Stoll Josh Wolf Jacob Zalis Christen Hazel Faculty Advisor

This drawing and the outside cover by Shoshana Liebowitz, Grade 8


The Off Topic

Schechter Literary Magazine


Polaroid Canvases Eden Cherubino, Grade 8

The feeling of emptiness, of longing. A heavy pot lacking a flourishing plant in the pit of his stomach. It growled for vibrance, for a bright flower to grow. He wanted to touch the fresh soil, and even more than a flower, he wanted to bound across the pure earthy floor to a place that would nurture the missing flower within him. Young, ambitious Breccan had decided to set out to find where he really belonged, he strained for activity. The euphonious voice inside of his head had finally managed to awaken a great yearning to do so. Breccan peeped his head out cautiously from within his half-sunken-into-the-ground, and peeling house, and quietly heaved himself into a gentle hop and pulled himself toward the woods that sheltered his home. Then he was off. Breccan was a strong, persistent, and most importantly a bright, cheerful spirit. Of course he had many other attributes as well, most of which could fit one's image of a perfect role model. He had bright olive eyes, which shone as if the moon had poured into them. He looked at the bright side of the world everyday through those eyes but at a certain point, he believed he had seen enough of the dull, worn canvas spattered with sparse leaves drained of color that made up his home’s greatest scenery. He approached a patch of land of which may have just been taken out of a fairytale. Communities of silky dew-soaked flowers swayed to the wind, their residual dew being blown onto Breccan’s awestruck face. The mood was as pleasant low-hanging fog, something of which may have resembled a vintage Polaroid photo. He sat down and inhaled the calmness which enveloped him.


He had bright olive eyes, which shone as if the moon had poured into them. The Off Topic

Snow Not Sticking Abby Hepner, Grade 8

January tenth two thousand nineteen The earth is a weather machine Snow has arrived Not a blizzard Not a hurricane Simply a flurry Mother Nature is a wizard Who has delivered Snow We feel the snow blow Snow surrounds our bright red faces In all different places We feel the warmth of delight A sight so bright We hear the kids scream And see the snow stream Stick out our tongues and taste the flurries Disappeared worries Snow Not sticking Simply living

Simply a flurry Mother Nature is a wizard

Schechter Literary Magazine


On The Brink of Destruction Seth Korn, Grade 7


he rain pattering against Joe’s window was really annoying him. It was 2:13 AM and it seemed that the whole world was sleeping, other than him. The rain had been going on for 3 hours and finally Joe gave in. With a wave of his hand the rain stopped. No warning, nothing, the rain just stopped. Joe rolled over in bed and started sweating. He should not have used his powers. If anyone knew what he could do everyone would have wanted to exploit his powers. He would be subjected to torture and scientific tests day in and day out. There was a knock on his door. “Mom?” Joe said. There was no response. Joe cautiously got up and went to the door. He opened the door and saw three men dressed in black suits. He started to close the door when he saw and a fist coming down on his head. Then everything went black. Joe opened his eyes; he had been having a terrible dream. He had dreamt that his powers had been revealed and he had been caught.


The Off Topic

“Well, look who finally woke up.” Apparently it wasn’t a dream. “Huh?” said Joe. “Where am I? “You are in the secret base of the secret organization H.A.P.P.Y. the Horrible, Awful, Pitiful, Powerful, Yappers.” said the guy wearing black standing over him. “Yappers?” “We can’t help revealing our plans to all the people who we were going to kill, but during our monologue the person got away.” “Oh.” “Well, we are going to kill you so we are going to tell you our master plan.” “Ok.” “Well, we’ve been studying you, following you. Waiting for the sign that we were right. That you have powers.” “Really?” “Yes, and now that we’ve got you we are going to drain you of your powers and use them to make super soldiers. Think of it, soldiers with the powers to control the weather, super strength, able to fly, indestructible skin, laser vision, and many more powers.” “You guys have been watching me very closely. But you guys missed a very crucial power of mine.” He said. After a pause, he said “I can turn back time.” With a snap of his fingers there was a blinding flash of light, a loud crack, and everything went black. Joe sat up in bed and looked at his clock, it read 2:13 AM. The rain was still pattering against his window but he didn’t care. Joe laid back in his bed and slowly fell asleep.

With a wave of his hand the rain stopped. Schechter Literary Magazine


Photo Gallery Orly Bolan, Grade 6


The Off Topic

First Line, Last Line Faculty Advisor Rachel Kadish and the creative writing elective: Eden Cherubino, Isabelle Folkman, Eliana Lippman, Eli Rabson, Jessica Weinfeld, and Jacob Zalis

One of the exercises we do in creative writing elective is called First Line, Last Line. It’s a fast-moving exercise adapted from the world of improvisational comedy. Here’s how it works: first, two students volunteer to play the parts of characters in a scene. Then the class comes up with two incongruous sentences…one of which will be the first line of dialogue in the scene, the other of which will be the last. (For example: Whose sandwich is this? and That’s why your neighbor installed a fence.) The two students have just a moment to agree on their characters’ ages, personalities, names, and relationship. Are they strangers on a train who have never met? Are they grandparent and grandchild? Are they a boss and the employee she’s planning to fire? Is one of them rude…or fastidious…or goofy…or nihilistic? Then one of the students starts the scene with the first line the class picked, and the other responds in character…and we see where it takes them. In the space of just a few minutes, an imaginary relationship (and often a conflict) takes shape. The students think about what’s motivating their characters; they try to introduce revelations and plot twists; they try to make sure there’s always some kind of tension driving the dialogue. But in the end, the only rule is that the scene must conclude with the last line the class selected. Here are a few samples from a recent round of First Line, Last Line. We hope you enjoy!

Schechter Literary Magazine


First Line, Last Line cont. SPOOKY SCARY UBER DRIVER Uber driver: The traffic lights are out because of the storm. It’s gonna be a rough drive. Passenger: I didn’t get into this car to have a conversation. Uber Driver: [locks the doors] Passenger: What was that for? Why’d you lock the doors? Uber driver: [a long silence] Passenger: We’re on a highway going 60 miles an hour. It’s not like I’m going to get out. Uber driver: [another long silence.] Well. I thought you didn’t want to talk to me. Passenger: I don’t. Uber driver: Why do you think people drive Uber? Passenger: Because they’re leading lonely and pathetic lives. Uber driver: [momentarily hits the brakes before accelerating again sharply, passenger spills her hot coffee]

Passenger: Agh! Uber driver: [cheerful] So, how was your day? Passenger: Can you just let me off at the next exit? Uber driver: Hey it’s raining, let me drive you. I won’t do that again. Passenger: No, you creep. Uber driver: Let me tell you why I drive Uber. Passenger: Can we go back to the thing where we weren’t talking? Uber driver: Can I please tell you? Just quickly? Passenger: Fine, but no promises that I’ll be listening. Uber driver: I opened up a business and it made a bajillion dollars, but I lost all of my friends. I got so into my business that I didn’t spend time with them anymore…and then later when I wanted to see them, they just walked away. In fact I’m so lonely that last night I thought my table was moving. Passenger: That’s sad, but why should I care? Uber driver: [silent] Passenger: Well? Uber driver: I didn’t start driving Uber to get into a conversation with YOU.

- Eli Rabson and Isabelle Folkman, Grade 8

I didn’t get into this car to have a conversation.


The Off Topic

WILBUR’S TURDUCKEN RENT-A-ROOM WILBUR is an old man, widowed, who lives in a big house. He rents a room to a college student, CHARLOTTE.

KYLE and ROSE are culinary school classmates. They’ve never spoken before but they’ve been assigned to make a turducken together and record their recipe. Rose: Why is this pen broken? Kyle: Your guess is as good as mine. Rose: So …which bird goes inside which other bird? Kyle: Does it really matter at this point? Rose: YES. It does. We can’t fail the class. Unless you want to. Kyle: Does that really matter at this point? Rose: Do you know any other words?? Kyle: “Turducken.” Rose: Yes, that is what we’re supposed to be making. Why are you even here? Kyle: I didn’t want to be in this partnership either. Rose: I was talking about culinary school in general. You seem pretty bored. Kyle: Well it all started two years ago, when I realized that the system is broken and everybody’s gonna die. Rose: I’m fascinated. What exactly do you mean by that? Kyle: …including these birds, if we want to finish. Rose: We do, so where are the birds? Kyle: The chicken’s already dead. You want to take out the other two, or should I?

Wilbur: Why is there so much ice cream in the freezer? Charlotte: It’s for my friends, I’m going to throw a party here on the weekend. Wilbur: Am I invited? Charlotte: [hesitating] It’s technically only for members of one of the poetry clubs at school. But… you can pop down for a couple minutes to say hello… if you want. Wilbur: A couple minutes?? I’ve got all day. Charlotte: Well, it’s just supposed to be for the poetry club…but maybe you can come to a future event. Wilbur: I don’t know if I’ll be alive for a future event. Charlotte: Well, you’d better be, I don’t have any other place to stay for college. The dorms aren’t even air conditioned. Wilbur: When I was your age I was working in the bait and tackle shop, I was earning my own…oh forget it. I’ll take some ice cream and eat it in my room while you’re out there enjoying yourself. Charlotte: oh, old man, you don’t have to do that. You can pop down for an hour or so. Or…a half hour. Or so. Wilbur: [says nothing] Charlotte: And you can have some ice cream! Wilbur: [getting excited] I have some first-edition poetry volumes, they’re a little crumbled but they’re very valuable, I bet all the kids would love them, I have them stacked in the closet of the room you’re renting. Charlotte: oh… um…how much were they? Because I think I might have…thrown them out. - Eden Cherubino and Jessica Weinfeld, Grade 8

- Jacob Zalis, Grade 8 and Eliana Fromer, Grade 7

So …which bird goes inside which other bird? Schechter Literary Magazine


Everything You Need to Know For the Next Marvel Movie Jacob Zalis and Eli Rabson, Grade 8

Who was killed and why? At the end of Infinity War, we are left with a superhero death count in the low double digits. The following were killed: Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Groot, Falcon, Drax, Mantis, Gamora, Loki, Drax, Heimdall, Peter Quill, Spider Man, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, and Janet Van Dyne. Some of these deaths (or lack thereof) have simpler connotations, such as the fact that the original 6 avengers have been left alive. The fact that some heroes who are confirmed for later movies (Spider Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy) have been killed leads to some suspicion about the permanence of the snap. It is more than likely that the snap-killed heroes will return. However, all deaths that occurred prior to the snap (Gamora, Loki, Heimdall) will most likely remain dead permanently, giving heroes like Thor and Nebula, who lost close ones, to have extremely emotional moments at the end of Avengers 4.

Why did Dr. Strange not use the time stone? The fight on Titan has fans thinking: “Why did Dr. Strange not use the time stone?” “All this time you never used your greatest weapon.” -Thanos Dr. Strange could have used the Eye of Agamotto to turn time backwards or forwards, making Thanos die of old age, or turn into a baby. He also could have turned back time on the gauntlet itself making Thanos start all over again and make a new gauntlet. The reason Strange never uses the time stone is because he looked into the future. He knew there was one strand of time where the Avengers won. In this strand of time Gamora had to die, and Strange had to give Thanos the time stone. Strange knew exactly what do and what he had to do was give Thanos the time stone. Before he dissolves, Strange says “It was the only way,” letting the viewers in on the secret. As such, Strange gave Thanos the stone for the right reasons, even if it resulted in Vision’s death.

Hawkeye speculations

In the who died and why article, we stated that the original 6 avengers were still alive (Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, and Hawkeye), but if you have seen the movie, you know that Hawkeye was strangely missing. He was obviously not killed in the battles with Thanos, but what about the snap? Most fans believe that he survived the snap, but his family was killed off. This would most likely result in him donning the mantle of Ronin, Hawkeye’s other superhero name, and a vigilante who uses more than just a bow. We could even see Hawkeye clash with his fellow teammates! Whatever his actions, we can expect an incredible performance from Jeremy Renner and his character.


The Off Topic

Which FIFA is the best? Going through the history of the most iconic sports game ever. Ari Gordon And Mikey Rosemberg, Grade 8


If you didn’t know, FIFA is an organization that serves as the Federation of all football (soccer) that makes decisions on fines, tournaments, and more. They were founded on May 21, 1904 and had their first official tournament during the first world cup in 1930 in Uruguay. The current president is Gianni Infantino. Recently, before the 2018 World Cup in Russia, it was announced that the U.S.A, Canada, and Mexico would be hosting the 2026 World Cup. However, FIFA has also made a game of itself along with EA who have also made games like Madden and NBA Live. But EA has had a lot of controversy. They charge a lot of money for packs in their games, and in FIFA Mobile and the real FIFA, there are things called FIFA points. They are bought from the store in the game and they cost a lot of money and for the average player of the game. It is really hard to get good without FIFA points, unless you invest a lot of money into it. But EA has also had two of their heads of the company fired because they found out they were stealing money from the company.

Types of FIFA

FIFA is very well known for being a game that is available on a lot of platforms, but the game differs depending on what platform you are using it on. Every year a new FIFA comes out, except for FIFA on mobile devices. Since 2017 FIFA would just reset their market, meaning everyone's account would get reset and lose all progress, and there would be a very large amount of updates but it is not a new game. Before 2017 FIFA would just release a new FIFA every year, and many people are upset that they do not get an entirely new game every year. There are also a bunch of FIFA game modes. The console versions of FIFA have 3 main game modes, ultimate team, kick off, and my career. Our careers are pretty self explanatory, you create a character and get signed to different teams, all with the goal of winning games and money. Kick off is the easiest game mode to understand, you can play a soccer game against a CPU or a friend, and you both just pick a team to play with. Ultimate team is the most popular game mode, you play games to gain XP and coins, and you use those coins to buy better players for your team. You can also buy FIFA points, see INTRODUCTION, in order to get even better players. You can also buy packs with coins which players come out of, and you can also buy packs with FIFA points. FIFA packs are a very big controversy because some people consider kids buying packs to have a chance to get better players is EA promoting child gambling.

The Ultimate FIFA Ranking Table

Note: This will be covering every FIFA release since 2010: NOT from 1994-2018. We did not have enough time to review all of them. This also does not cover FIFA Street, we did not find it credible.


And the best FIFA ever is‌. FIFA 16! Personally, we are not surprised because this is the first FIFA we bought and we still play it to this day. The combination of the International Man Of The Match cards, the draft with new players and legends, the special cards with the actual celebrations of players, Euro Cards, and the reimagined career mode all make this the BEST FIFA EVER.

Schechter Literary Magazine



FIFA cont.


The Off Topic

Schechter Literary Magazine


Marvel’s Into the Spider-Verse Ari Gordon And Mikey Rosemberg, Grade 8

Background Info

For those who don’t know, Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse is NOT about Peter Parker. This film is an original story of how the other popular Spider-Man, Miles Morales, becomes Spider-Man in his dimension. Miles is half Puerto Rican and half African American and lives in Brooklyn, New York City. When the collider acts out and sends every other Spider-Man into Miles’ dimension, Miles has to figure out how do get everyone back home to their dimension. He only has a limited amount of time, and if he doesn’t do it in time, all the Spider-Man people will be stuck with Miles forever.

amazing chemistry


In the movie, the main villain, KingPin, made a portal thingy to alternate dimensions because his wife and kids left him after they saw him attack Spider-Man. So he made the portal thing and he turned it on to see them again, but didn’t care that the scientists told him that it wasn’t stabilized yet. KingPin goes ahead with it anyway, and all different Spider-Men and Spider-Women come out. Then Miles tries to return everyone to their dimensions, simultaneously trying to grow up and have the maturity to sacrifice things he loves. To find out the rest of the plot about the movie step by step, watch the movie.


lots of laughs


a perfect mix

Into the Spider-Verse has an amazing all-star cast, from Nicolas Cage to John Mulaney; there is a perfect mix of famous and new actors. The diversity was great, creating a cast with amazing chemistry. It is one of the best casting choices we have ever seen. There was an idea that was released from the studio to cast Tobey Maguire as the voice of the older Peter Parker who is the mentor to Miles. However, the idea collapsed and they went for Jake Johnson as Peter Parker, who pulled it off very well. Hailee Steinfeld, who voiced Gwen Stacy, also did a great job with her character and it showed specifically in the later stages of the movie. John Mulaney was really funny with his performance as Spider-Ham, with lots of laughs being passed around the movie. He was one of the most funny characters. Nicholas Cage was also great with his portrayal of Spider-Man Noir, with his own background to match his voice. He had the wind with him whenever he was shown, and looked like he was a private eye in the 40’s. Kimiko Glenn did an good job with her role, but her role itself wasn’t very interesting except for the tech she had. Liev Schreiber, or KingPin, also did a wonderful job of voicing the main villain, with nice energy and sound to match the famous villain.

In conclusion, this movie was one of the best movies we have ever seen. The cast, the animation and the amazing plot form an unbelievable project. The backgrounds were stunning, with tons of buildings each with their own characteristics. The color scheme was amazing, but there was this annoying little fuzz in the corner of the screen so you had to look in the center of the screen. Some people saw it , but other didn’t. Apart from that, in our opinion, we give this movie a 9.5 out of 10.

this annoying little fuzz


The Off Topic

Worst Kids Movie Max Scott, Grade 6 There are a whole array of kids films to watch, and a lot of them are good. But there is one movie that is absolutely terrible, and today we are going to delve into that one. The movie is live-action, but it is for kids. Now, this is my opinion and please do not confront me if you do not agree. Without further ado, here is the worst kids movie of all time.

Are Are We There Yet? We There Yet? This is the worst kids movie of all time, and it's a road trip movie. These were all the rage in the 2000’s. But they died down soon after. These movies often follow these guidelines: Boyfriend/New husband has to go on unplanned road trip with kids, the road trips include nature, hotels, and puking. LOTS of puking. There is definitely one puking scene in every road trip movie. This movie is the worst of the worst.

Ice Cube stars as “Mom’s new boyfriend” and the kids have always set out to “stop all boyfriends”. Now Ice Cube wants to prove that he can handle them. So when business commitments come up, with the mom in Vancouver for New Year’s Eve, and Ice Cube and the kids get bumped off the flight, he has to drive them up to Canada. As you can imagine, complications ensue, because they had to make it 90 minutes. This movie is definitely not good. As they say “He’s not our daddy. He’s the enemy.”

Schechter Literary Magazine


Tea Party Arianna Katzman, Grade 8 This is a peer-to-peer advice column for Upper Schoolers. Students were invited to submit anonymous questions. See below for thoughtful responses.

I have a crush at school but I don't know how to tell him.

Well, telling someone in person can be hard, unless you both happen to be alone. While telling someone can be nerve wracking, you will feel so much better after. I bet they like you back. Now on how to tell them: try texting them. Start off subtle and then maybe be like I need to tell you something and then you can tell them you like them. I would also include something like, “even if you don't like me back, I hope we can still be friends,” so just in case, things won’t turn out awkward. If he doesn't like you, he’s missing out on an awesome person!

So lately, this girl got really mad at me for making a silly mistake. I'm wondering what you think I could do to fix things?

The saying goes “learn from your mistakes.” I would remind your friends it was a MISTAKE and that you didn't mean what you did or said. I would apologize and maybe go out of your way to do something nice for your friend. Definitely talk to your friend though, and make sure not to be defensive or blame anything on her. I hope things work out! Also, if your friend isn't willing to forgive you or give you a second chance, try to draw your boundaries in a firm but kind way by saying something like, “I’m sorry I cannot be helpful to you with this” or “we all need to advocate and take care of ourselves.”


The Off Topic

My grade has a lot of drama and one of my friends loves drama but I don't. What should I do?

Try your best to not get involved in the drama. Don't pick sides and just be supportive but don't get in the middle. I suggest talking to your friends and telling them this, and if they get mad or don't want to hear it, you really need to evaluate your friendship and ask yourself; if they were my real friend wouldn't they listen to me and try to understand or stop the drama or not have me involved? Is it worth the drama to be friends with them? Is the drama even necessary? Drama for sure isn't fun, and I hope the drama gets resolved.

What should I do if I have a friend that's really clingy but if I tell her that she will get mad at me? I don't recommend outright saying you’re clingy, or anything close to that. Talk to her and say you feel like you might need some time.

How do I deal with homework and teachers?

Try your best not to procrastinate with homework. It helps to work with a friend on the homework and also if you’re having an issue with a teacher, go and talk to them.

I’m in the middle of a best friend fight. Help? Uh oh. Talk to both of them and then bring them together to talk about it. Stay neutral and try to help both. When they talk about it make sure the conversation is productive and not mean.

Word of the Week! I have this friend and we are really close. Also, we have almost every class together so we are always together. Now, she is starting to annoy me a little bit. She is really sensitive so I never know how to deal with it. I can't just not be with her as much because then she will think I'm mad at her. I don't want to make it a big deal, but I need space. I also don't want it to be a big deal with my other friends. One of them will for sure be like "I don't want to lose you." *tear tear* Help! Try to take time apart from her, and slowly drift. If she doesn't realize you need space, then have a talk with her. Make sure you don't say anything mean and plan what you are going to say before.

What should you do if you are struggling with mild depression but don’t feel comfortable telling the people “who can help you,” or that you feel like you can’t talk to anyone about it?

Telling someone will literally feel so much better because it will get it off your chest. Really find someone you trust.Trudy is a great option or a really close friend, or a teacher.

How do I tie my shoelaces really fast?

For the fastest solution, I recommend velcro shoes. Another suggestion is do one loop, then wrap the other lace around, and pull through. I don’t recommend bunny loops.

Abby Hepner and Arianna Katzman, Grade 8 Word of the Week! is a new project designed to build community in the middle division. Let’s try to incorporate that word (or phrase) into our daily school lives!


March 4 - 8 Example: “That homework was such a razzle-dazzle!” (Negative connotation)


March 11 - 15 Example: “That person’s clothes are totally drip!” (Positive/cool connotation)


March 18 - 22 Example: “That computer looks speca.” (Weird connotation)


March 25 - 29 Example: “That sports game was killa!” (Awesome connotation) Please do your best to incorporate these words/phrases into your lives throughout those weeks!

Schechter Literary Magazine


Make Your Own Poem Select a sentence from each category and build your own silly poem. Ariel Mooney, Grade 8 Select a sentence from each category and build your own silly poem. • when youEnjoy! snorted

• it began to rain KOSHER jello • there was a thump • everyone kneeled down • there was an eerie creaking sound


• before you glowered • as you skipped • after you jumped

• and your bathtub fell into your basement • and the landline rang with the White House's number • and 13 black cats came crashing down on you • the walls around you collapsed on you

• and you fainted • and you grabbed your pool noodle and swung away • and a T-posing cult began to walk in your direction • and your laptop caught in flames


The Off Topic

Swimming Hannah Stoll, Grade 6

The ice cold water Like a New England winter Coming with no warning Splash! First shocking my extended arms Reaching like there will never be another chance Then my head leads my body obediently following plunging into the pool The rhythm of my Full speed ahead kick A drum beat tip-tapping along In my head Finally carrying me to the surface As I emerge like a jet taking off from the runway

l o o p e h t o t n i ging


Schechter Literary Magazine


Student Surveys Sophie Berk, Grade 7 Ten Upper School students were surveyed on five topics.


Average number of family members:

Dog cat? Dog or or Cat?

Where isisyour family from? Where your family from?

Neither 10.0%

Britian 10.0% Argentina 10.0%

Cat 20.0%

Greece 10.0%

Dog 70.0%

What your favorite store? What isisyour favorite store?

Boston 40.0%

Morning Person or Night Owl? Pink 20.0%

Marshalls 20.0% Target 10.0%

Lululemon 10.0%

Nike 10.0% Newbury Comics 10.0%


The Off Topic

American Eagle 10.0% Brandy Melville 10.0%

Night Owl 30.0% Morning Person 70.0%

Israel 20.0%

Canada 10.0%

Sweet and Savory Recipes Talia Porath, Grade 6

French Toast Roll-Ups

Makes 12 French Toast Roll-Ups Level: Easy Ingredients: 2 large eggs 1/3 cup milk 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 12 slices bread 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Confectioners’ sugar, for serving Maple syrup, for serving

Pizza Pot Pies Ingredients: 3 cups Tomato Sauce 1 1/2 cups diced mozzarella cheese 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 1/2 pounds pizza dough 1/3 cup olive oil 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan

Directions: Whisk together the eggs, milk, granulated sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt in a medium bowl until completely combined. Set aside until ready to use. Using a rolling pin, roll each slice of bread to flatten and make more pliable. Trim the crust off each slice. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat and cook half of the roll-ups, gently pressing down on each roll-up to make a flat edge against the pan, until all 4 sides are golden brown, about 1 minute per side. Transfer to a plate and cover to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining tablespoon butter and remaining 6 roll-ups. Dip each rollup in the egg mixture and turn to coat all sides, making sure that the egg seals up the exposed edge so that the roll-up doesn’t unravel. Repeat with the remaining roll-ups.

Directions: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. In a large bowl combine the Tomato Sauce, mozzarella, salt, and pepper Stir to combine. Roll out the pizza dough and cut circles with a paring knife that are 1-inch wider diameter than the ramekins. Divide mixture between the ramekins. Place the circles of dough over the filled ramekins and press down to seal, making sure to pull the dough over the edge of the ramekin. Brush the top of the pizza dough with olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Cut a small slit in the top of the pizza dough with a paring knife. Bake until the pizza crust is golden, about 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly before serving.

Schechter Literary Magazine


Crossword Puzzle Eliana Fromer, Grade 7

Down 1. A vessel that holds water 3. What does the D in DNA stand for? 5. Common bird, little bird 7. Where the pilgrims docked 8. When you score in soccer 11. A blow of the wind 11. BREEZE Down 1. CANTEEN 3. DEOXYRIBO 5. SPARROW 7. PLYMOUTH 8. GOAL Across 2. CINDERELLA 4. PHOBIA 6. PLAYOFFS 9. BOSTON 10. MOSCOW 12. EURO 13. THIRTEEN

Across 2. Princess who lost her shoe 4. Fear of 6. The most important part of the baseball season 9. Capital of Massachusetts 10. Capital of Russia 12. European money 13. Five plus eight

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