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NYS College of Ceramics ​well Tamara LaRue was 15 years old she was a troubled teenager one day she took a gun her mother had and put it against her chest and she pulled the trigger her body was rushed to the hospital but she said her soul went somewhere else I was convinced that there was no way to live a completely happy life and if I couldn't live happy I didn't want to live it all it began with a divorce a broken home and I believe that through that my mentality began to form and begin to develop a sense of rejection because I didn't understand I was a small child and didn't understand old things and so I I felt the breakup was all about me that sense of rejection just really grew I began to perceive myself as a burden to other people and so I would take little bitty comments that were relatively insignificant I would make it into a really big deal those little seeds in my life I began meditating on over and over and as I grew the rejection began to grow what is wrong with me and so I believe that the only answer for me was to in my life I walked to my mother's room thinking I want anyone to see me because I'm so determined to end my life to end the void to end the suffering to end the loneliness that nothing was going to stop me I began crying out and I begin screaming out to God God forgive me and the gun went off well she's written the book called delivered Tamara was here with us hey it's good to see you thank you patch mother's book thank you that was a 38 police special yes your mother had in her drawer I understand a voice said that you don't shoot your face it did Pat when I was headed to on my mission I was so determined not to live and when I held the gun initially I placed up to my head and a voice spoke to me and said remove that from your head and place it at your heart and I argued with this voice and I said no because I'm going to complete this mission I have started with and so all of a sudden I get a vision of what I would look like if I was to some bizarre reason survive that and then I got a vision of what I would look like and I felt a compassion for my family and so I I listen to the voice and I remove the gun from my head and I place it down at my heart you were you pointed to your chest you've had it straight going down this way into your heart I did I knew where my heart was and so I took the gun and I named it directly for my heart because I was not going to miss and I wanted that gun to send me into eternity because I was so desperate for my pain am i suffering to end so you pull the trigger and there was a loud bang and then with that Pat when I pulled that trigger I knew my body was dying I felt the blood rushing through my lungs death grips my body I became blind I became death deaf and as my soul left my body I began traveling faster than the speed of light and I began falling and falling and falling and all of a sudden this explosion happened on the inside of me it was as if there was like a sulphuric type acid burn that consumed me in every way it was so hideous and terrifying there are no words to describe the level of pain and the type of burn that I was Varian Singh what was it it was hell pat it was what the Bible describes as hell it was the fire of hell and when I looked around not only was I in a place of death but I now had become death I was no longer um in a place where there was peace I was in a place of total torment were you terrified I had become fear oh you've become free I had become a being a fear you know the Bible describes that death is the absence of God yeah yeah and so in the absence of God in the absence of anything good your soul actually transforms into a being of fear which is the opposite of love so my my being my person turned into a being of fear a being of pain a being in total isolation you anybody else around you Pat I could look out and I could see thousands millions of people that were all around me but I was unable to communicate with that was it like a lake was it mold it was like a I don't know that it was like a lake there was a it's hard to UM to describe I guess you could say it was like it was a huge sea of people and there were many many chambers that were all around me and all of the people that were there were in the same formless being screaming out in agony in total terror in a hideous scream then there was no into it had there are no words to describe how horrific this was they were screaming in anguish uh screaming in agony and because they had become total beings of death yeah and that's hard for the physical mind to understand those things but when I would look out and I remember looking at an individual particularly they were as close to me as you are and when I saw them Pat I knew everything about him I knew every sin that he committed I knew my knowledge about their life was completely full mmm I knew everything that had done wrong I knew their thoughts I knew their emotions I knew the will I knew everything I can think upon my wisdom was in his fullness it was like a Harvard degree instantly you know but it didn't matter it didn't matter in that hideous state of a burning torment the only knowledge that mattered was that Jesus Christ was Lord and Here I am in this state of of agony indescribable agony and the only thing that mattered was that I never surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ was this like regret in your mind as part of that absolutely regret there was so much regret and and shame and guilt that I had believed a lie and that I had believed the deceit and when I looked out

across the the leg that across the heavens I could see the entire universe pat and it was like the earth was magnified and there was a mutual feeling of mutual understanding of everyone to thousands and millions of people that were there with me that we did not want anyone to go where we were we wanted people to go back to earth and warn everyone don't believe the line do not be deceived by your enemy do not come here because your mind prior to this that ever could have seen anything as horrible is it no no and now I read the Bible and I see the Bible how it describes hell yeah and I look at my experience and there are no words to describe what I experienced Pat was there any end to it for these people no there was no end no one in no andin you could look across the gulf expanse uh-huh and you could see heaven you could see the peace the joy the love the the wholeness and you knew you were never going to experience that because time does not exist in eternity time does not exist at all and so you know you are there forever with no relief the burn will never stop the screaming will never stop and the only thing you can do is hope that no one else will come where you are the most horrible prospect when you think of it I mean a human I can't conceive of anything is absolutely awful is that you cannot the human mind cannot in our physical state cannot understand spiritual things hmm at all but you know Pat what is so amazing is God's love was so incredible that before I actually um I shot myself I cried out to God to forgive me and and in that cry of desperation of forgiveness God heard me and he is so faithful to his word into his promise that in my screaming and in my agony and in the revelation of what I experienced God came down from heaven and this hand scooped me up hat and picked me up and I realized I was not in Hell because I shot myself because no act can take you to hell as if no act can take you to heaven we are saved by faith yeah and so I realized that I wasn't there by my actions I was there because I didn't receive Jesus as my Lord and so when this hand picked me up and took me over the vast expanse took me over that goal fix and it's huge but to God is just like a simple that's what Jesus said in the parable there's a great gulf between us fix yes it was a great girl a great gulf and it was of nothingness yeah dark just nothingness and when I went over that and I entered into God's presence yeah Pat now you can't describe God's presence either but it was love and I had now left a place of death and torment in darkness and now I had entered into a place of love and light and I experienced God's wholeness I experienced his His grace that his mercy and there was unity with Christ that is indescribable my pain was gone my torment was gone and I was in this presence of total wholeness and you could see that the light the beauty of the stones and the lights reflecting in heaven and the very side of them was rejuvenating and just energizing it was magnificent show the people were talking oh yes they were all they were all communicating however I was restricted you were I was not allowed to take part in any of that although I knew that was going on and although I saw those things I was not allowed to take part of that or to see many things in detail there's many things understood and the knowledge was free and wisdom is free and so as I traveled over the heavens and I was cleansed of my sin and I came back and you know there are in the spiritual world you're not confound to the restrictions of the physical world and so I came right back into the roof of my home and they laid my body the vessel of God laid my body bat and my soul back into my body and when he did that I instantly could see and hear again and I knew at that moment that I was surrendering to the lordship of Jesus Christ and I knew that whatever I was facing the stigma of suicide the stigma of of everything that I had to face was going to be okay would you come back in it was it an operating room you came back in here no I came back into my home you did I came back into my home because when I had gone in there I was isolated nobody knew that I had gone in there alone so I don't know how long exactly I was out of my body but when I had come back that was when I had called for my mother to come and help me and that was when she called the ambulance but when the ambulance got there they even asked my mom are you gonna even bother to take her to the emergency room because I was great I had the power of death on me and they thought that I was fading into death or what they didn't realize as I had already been yet yeah and had just come back and so within a matter of a few hours Pat I had gone from are you going to bother to take her to the hospital they did their work on me in the emergency room then they took me into ICU by the time they got me to ICU they're like there's nothing wrong with her and they put me into a regular room like my recovery was just miraculous well did you hit the heart I made you bullet hit the heart I missed my heart by less than 1/4 of an inch and I understand with a 38 caliber gun that should have just shattered my my heart completely well quitting your book the the attendance and when you were lying there that they weren't too complimentary or they were they were coughing better than looks exactly they were it was quite humiliating here I was going through a situation that is humiliating in itself you know being in a state of emotional just despair and then I had gone in there and the emergency crew were just you know making sexual innuendos and just you know having fun and it would to them it was just work you know they were just working up did they know you wrote I've been hearing all oh they I was very coherent I mean they were looking at me and for a response yeah and now my response was just you know I kind of smile like I can't believe you're saying this you know but that was part of God used that Pat he works all things for good sure and he used that to show me Tamra

you have got to not be afraid of people there is only one fear you should have and that is a reverent fear for me this is you were 15 years old I was 15 years old what's happened since you know it's amazing you know you hear testimonies of how God just completely delivers you emotionally that didn't happen with me Pat although when I came back God healed me of hopelessness but he did not deliver me emotionally instantaneously and I began my journey in on this journey it has been a wonderful journey God has began to teach me how to take the promises of his word yeah and apply them to my mind and apply them to my emotions so God has through a process completely delivered me and and made me whole where I am no longer emotionally distressed or depressed or sad or lonely or rejected do other people buy this when you tell them the ones your family your parents what do they think did you tell them where you'd been you know initially I did not tell them Pat because I was scared me yeah and I know that the stigma when people commit suicide it's you know you're wanting attention and we're gonna okay you know and I didn't want people to think that I wanted tenshun I wanted people to know what I had to say was the truth because I was so afraid of what people thought about me I didn't tell anybody for two years I kept this secret to myself and when I was ready to come and tell people when I became sage I started going to church I started studying God's Word I started on my journey of learning how to become free and how to apply the cross to my life but I met a lot of mistakes and I would still fall back and I would drink and I would party with my friends because I needed these friends I thought and God showed me different and so when I came out and began to tell my story people were like okay if you're really telling the truth then why did you go back and do these things and it's a perfect opportunity for me to tell them when our soul is in our body we're in a war a war for our soul and I am having to learn how to crucify my flesh and live after the spirit of God and I have gone on that journey and so now Pat people when I share my testimony we see people saved and delivered and and restored and and made whole in that same love that God has given me I'm seeing him manifest in the lives of others and it's just amazing Tamara this book is Drona's ladies and gentlemans called delivered Tamara LaRue what a story and that journey from heaven or hell to heaven not heaven to hell heaven hell to heaven power god bless you this is great thank you so much Ellison we serve a mighty God we do it and you know Pat I do I want to say one thing if you are believing anything other than the gospel of Jesus Christ you are believing a lie because the gospel is the truth it is the only truth you cannot add to it nor can you take away and bring the gospel you've been there and I've been there yeah god bless you thank you thank you so much Tamara LaRue ladies and gentlemen a whole week we're talking about life beyond the grave people who've been there they've seen it listen to what they say we leave you these words from John 14 jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me we'll see you tomorrow don't miss it Columbia-Greene Community College.

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