Vestnik 1955 05 04

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Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 With Unde l iverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST P.O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS 6islo 18. RO6NIK (VOLUME) XLIII ye sttedu (Wednesday) 4. KVETNA (MAY) 1955.



D NEKOLIKA LET JE vyhrazen nejkrasnej g mesic v roku oslave matetske lasky. Myelen ka Svatku matek vy ga prove ze Spojerich Statil a villa se na celern svete velmi rychle. Dnes neni snad mista, kde by se tento den radostne neslavil. A pravem! Vklyt' neni sladeiho jrnena nad ono; lei .c lySime v prvnim detskem satvatlani: "Mamieka, mamenka, ma rnineeka, a t. d." Vg chni velci mutove vzpominaji vdeene a s laskou s yYch matek. Nejkrasneji, SitiVy prostYmi, led viselYrni, dovedi vystihnouti synovskou lasku basnik Jan Neruda. Celt' cyklus basni venoval ma tiece, ttebate byla =had, chudiekk jakoby svazana v uslieku.

I lidova moudrost potvrzuje v detnych prilovich nenahraditelnost mateinu. Zeinte-11 otec, zemte chleba, zemte-li ale matka, zernte vkchno. A kniha knih, Bible, hlasa: "Potehnani matcino sta vi detern domy." Laska matetska se sta la ptisloy eenou. Matka dovede za dite obetovat i tivot. A deti? Jak canto neclocenuji vSech 01)60, bezesnYch noci, prace a lasky mateiny! Jsotr, bohutel, pravdiva slova, ze male deti kaSi jedi, velke srdce utiraji. Maminky nenalezaji ve dne v noci klidne chvilky pro sebe. Starost o rodinu, o deli, male i velke, a sylaSte o ty, jet .` le jit rozletely 2 hnizda, nedava jim pokoje. Dobra, matka, ktera miluje veechny deli stejne, stale vzpomina a ptemYii14 , jak by pornohla a elm by udelala radost veerii, ne jen nekteremu na -Afar druhebo. gadnY nenahradi matte vgechny lej i °ben, ieji nestiAnou, neskonalou la.:-ku. 2ena, ktera hYbe kolebkou, hYbe svetern. Ano, to si nutno uvedorniti aspori v Den matek. Toho dne katdY se ma zamysleti hloubeji nad krasnym slovern

(Jaroslav Kleprlik) matka. S nasazenirn vlastniho tivota dava katda z nich tivot novY, s peelivosti a nehou vychovava sve deti. Ani nedocenime a nernateme doceniti obeti, ktere ptinag katda z maminek. Nezapominejme na jeji obeli hlavne na sklonku jejiho tivota, kde jeji sily jit ochably a ona vkobetujici bytost je odkazana na pomoc a podporu tech, kterkin tolik obetovala. V Den matek si nutno ptipomenouti, ze vdeenost k nagm zlatYm matkam je na g nejsvetej g povinnosti. "a',driSr mi jiste neupte, Se oci ze vSech nejkrasnejSi path pouze na g matte. JSOU prve, ktere nas pozdravi, kdy vehazime na svet, a nam se jiste zda, ze to na nas hledi andel z onoho ta,jemneho raje lasky, z nehot ptichazime. A pak nas vedou uz celYm tivotem, netne hvezdy, peeujici, abychom nezabloudili na sterYch ktitovatkach i ktere nam nastratil osud. Jejich smutek nam vypravuje o tichYch starostech, ktere protiva nak matka ve stale peel o naSe Stesti a ktere teprve velmi pozde dovedeme oceniti. Jejich sat nas posiluje, odirvetuje a vraci nadeji. Pohledy jejich maji kouzlo sluneenich paprskii, jet jsou posly krasne pohody a nedaji nam zoufati ani v hodinach, kdy prochazime nejtet g -mizkouSativ.ZahnejimocYrn kouzlem smrt ,od 1USka, k nemut jsme p •ipoutani. Vabi etesti do naaeho srdce. 2ehnaji nam ye Stesti, slzi nad nagmi ztratami. Tak v tivote se s nimi setkavame a jejich sladkY ptelud neopoueti nas ani tehdy, kdy zhasly nadobro pro tento pozemskY svet. Jako veene hvezdy sviti nad nami a vedou nas i pak, oei ze vSech nejkrasnej g, oei nagch zbotfiovanYch maminek. Moji drahou marninku ztratil jsem pied vice net dvaceti roky, o vanocich

roku 1934, kdy jsem byl vzda.len pies 1000km od domova. Byl to pro mne nejsmutnejSi den v tivote, na ktery/ do sve nejdelAi smrti nezapomenu. Bylk to zlata. maminka,.,nej yyS stejne sprayedliva ke v'Sem detem, zijici jen pro ne, jak tatinek easto tikaval, byla to svetice. jeji krasne, laskou zatici oci vzpominam denne, ale hlavne v Den matek, jeht venovein tivYm a pamatce mrtvYch maminek. Nebylo nic co bych pro moji xtiilovanou maminku neudelal, pies to si easto rnyslim, ze snad jsena, mohl udelati jeSte vice. A co bych za to dal dnes, kdybych ji mel a mohl zlibat jeji slate ruce, ktere pro mne tolik vykonaly. Den matek neni nejakYm svatkeni darn a lasky, ale je dnem, kdy se ma. dostati matkam Acty a oceniti jejich prace. Ptipominame size matka je dug rodiny, a Se jeji prace a jeji tetkY irkol se ma hodnotiti spravedlive a nepodcenovati. KatdY mut a katde dite ma si vzpornenouti na vgechnu mateinu star rest a praci, kterou venovala male= elovieku, aby ho vychovala a vypiplala, kterou vykonavala v rodine, aby ji udrtela v &stork a potadku, zdravou a spokojenou. Tam, kde chybi matka, kde ptedeasne ode ga, kde se nemilte dobte venovati svYm povinnostem vychovatelky a hospodyne, vidi se hned, ze rodina stime. Vagina pokleskti proti lidske spoleenosti byla savinena tim, ze. rodine chybela matka, ze rodine chybela dobra matka, ze rodina byla jako bez duAe a rozpadavala se. Detem chybela laska a virdei ruka matky. Ten Den matek je proto, aby si katO ptipomnel, jak se matka stall o dite, jak je mu lekatem i ueltelem, jak dba o jeho telo i dug, peouje o vhodnY i zahavu, o detske hry i o tivotni zainestnani. Ma na staro,sti deti rtizneho

English Section Starts on Page

(Pokraeovani na strane 10)


V i S T INT I g.

Strana 2 .., 'K

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Entered as second class mail matter. January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas, under the Act of Congress of Aug. 24, 1922. Send Form 3579 to Supreme Lodge SPJST, .Temple, Texas. 1: REDNI


SLOVANSKE PODPORUJIC1 JEDNOT3 STATU TEXAS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ORDER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS • REDAKTOR — EDITOR STEPHEN VAL.OfK 6402 Prague Houston 7, Texas Vydavatele — Publishers CECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY WEST, TEXAS Pfedplatne $3.00 — Subscription $3.00 Per Year Zineny adres zasilaji se do Hlavni Uradovny ye Temple, Texas C11 ges of address must be sent to Supreme Lodge Temple, Texas Imedplatne a oznarnky bucrta adresovany na Vestnik, West, Texas. ZivotoPisy zeinfelYch Meat se uvekernuji bezplatne Za rytinu podobiznY je nutno zaslati reclaim" $2.50 The obituaries are printed without char ge. For cuts, it is necessary to send $2.50 to the Editor. ITT.AVA TitADOVNA — SUPREME LODGE EDWARD L. MAREK. President Temple, Texas JOHN A. KUBENA, Vice-President La Gran ge, Texas J. F. CHUPICK, Secretary Temple, Texas JOE. KOLIHA, JR., Treasurer Temple, Texas R. A. URBANOVSKY, Bookkeeper Temple, Texas ADOLPH PAVLICEK, Attorney 511-13 Shell Bldg. Houston, Texas OTT. MARVIN LESIKAR, Medical Director P. 0. Box 410 Taylor, Texas ItEDITELE — DIRECTORS A. C. STEPAN, First District Brenham, Texas CHAS. NAVRATIL, Second District Temple, Texas ROBERT CERVENKA, Third District west Texas FRANK CERVENY, Fourth District Munday. Texas J. M. SKRABANEK,,Fifth District 4790 Bellaire Blvd.. Bellaire, Texas FRANK ROD, Sixth District El Campo, Texas CHAS. HOLASEK, Seventh District 2541 Lexington Blvd. Corpus Christi, Texas TMI,--.0r(/ 71BOR —_PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE JOS. HORNAK, Chairman P. 0. Box 125 College Station, Texas MRS. FRANCES OLEXA 6402 Taggart Houston, Texas MRS. ANTONIE HORAK 2305 Housley Drive Dallas 18, Texas .-. ANOVNf VI-BOR — BY-LAW COMMITTEE FRANK OLEXA, Chairman 6402 Taggart • Houston, Texas c`OS. SLAVIK, Secretary Box 426 Temple. Tessa


Naiim od redaktora V nedeli 8. kvetna je svatek nagich matinek. Slavnost matek ma v nas oiiviti v gechno„ dim jsme &Om matinkam povinni. Den matek ma ptipomenouti znovu naae dobra pi'edsevzeti, na gi vdeenost a tictu k to bytosti, ktera poloZila zaklady k •na g emu celemu dal g imu Zivotu, k na g emu charakteru a spoleeenskemu vycho y ani. 2a.dna spoleeenska povin nost nestoji tak vysoko a neni tak zita jako ukol matky. Matka je tim nejvzne g enej g im Menem v lidske spoleenosti. A kdyby matky mohly rozhodovati o mezinarodni politice, o miru a valce, byla by nadeje na svetovk mir mnohem slibnej gi nei kdy2 o miru mluvi lide, kteti pro politiku zapomenou bkti lidmi. V rukou matek je budoucnost narocia. A zamyslime-li se, kdo tvoti narod, musime ptiznati, ze narod jsou vlastne v g echny spoledenske vrstvy, v g echny orga nisace jakehokohy druhu, tedy take na,se bratrska organisace je eastkou naroda. Tedy v rukou matek je tea budoucnost na g' SPJST. Dokud naae matinky nepievezmou vedeni na gi mladeZe, dokud ony nezaknou planovati programy deti a omladiny, muZete nekoho jineho, opentliti jak chcete, InNete ho okra g liti zlatkmi knofliky a medajlemi, hnuti, omladiny nebude pokracovat. Deti a mlade2 pottebuji matPf.:>ke vedeni nebo Zenskou, jernnejSi tuku • r- actn:cr umelec, Zadnk y edee, Za,(111; filosoi nemilZe mladkm lidem dati to, co mu da avedomela, svedomita, dobra, matka. Proto vet gina bratrskkch organisaci, ktere maji detske odbory, ptenechaji vedeni mladeZe v rukou Zen, a pouze pro dorutalicti chlapce jsou vybirani mIaci i muz,i, Ano, 'r rukou ma Lek a Zen je budoucnost nasi SPJST. Jen se rozhlednete kolem sebe a pozorulte dinnost v jednotlivkch domacien tadech. Tarn, kde jsou matinky zapojeny do prace, nebo tam, kde pornaha Zenska, ruka, ktera ma vZdy blizai p •istup k detem, tam je videt take lep gi spolkovou einnost. A tam, kde naae matinky ptipravuji po schilzich nejakou to hostinu, je schilze vady lepe nav g tivena. A kdyZ uz to matieka nakonec zestall a neintOT uz ani do schtize, a mu si jako uboha statenka ziistati doma, piece jeji my g lenky a jeji tee toe' se kolem tech dnil, kdy jako neunavna pracovnice pomahala y e spolku. Je g te i ye svem vysokem stall veledne a laskave vzpomina, dob, kdy jeji pracovite ruce slou'Zily v g em, sve rodine, svkm svkm spolkovkm brattim a sestram. Oby'eejne pisi sve tivahy v pondeli a v ntery, aby byly eleny naAimi eleny aZ priati tYclen, tedy za deset dnu. Tenkrate

Ve sttedn, dne 4. kveIna eekal jsem, abych se mohl rozepsati, jak svatek maminek—Den matek—bude oslaven ruznkini programy v nagich mistnich ta.clech. Oekal jsem, Ze y e sttedu nebo y e etvrtek ptijdou nejaka oznameni, Oekal jsem jeate do patku. Dele eekati neize. A pti g lo toho velice malo. Nepti g ly Zadne dopisy, k by v naaich dornacich tadech byly planovany zy to naai lasky a ptitulnosti nejakkmi slavnostnimi programy. 2i. y ot ptinagi zklamani, a zda, se, ae ten spolkovk aivot neni o nic lep g i. Take y e spolkovem podnikani, i tenkrat, kdy mime projeviti svou vdeenost, kdy mame sejiti se ke slavnostnimu shroma.Zdeni, nepamatujeme a zapominame. A vite, koho vinim z takove nev ginkavosti? V g echny zabavni vkbory u domacich tadt, vaechny tadove irtednkky—a take ty nahote. Ano, v nedeli hrdie si ptipneme krven.k nebo bilk karafiat, abychom si ozdobili chloperi limce kabatu. Ale kde byly naae rny g lenky, kdy2 se v posledni tadove nebo distriktni schtizi jednalo 0 neeem, co by nas pozvedlo nad hladinu v g ednosti, co by narn dalo vzpruhu nejakk dilstojnk program ke Dni matek ?Kolik pokynil bylo poslano z Usttedny na mistni tady? -4Jaka je to naae spolupra.ce na detskkch programech k °slave Dnu matek? Mame v kaZdem distriktu dve Zeny, ktere byly navraeny naaimi tediteli a schvaleny vedoucim telesem. Techto etrnact 'Zen a jsou to vetainou matinky nebo deveata majici zajern na einnosti mezi mla.cle21, maji dostavati pokyny, jak rozvinouti takovou einnost. Na jakou lep g i ptilelitost eekame? Najdeme lep g i den pro deti a jejich prograrny nea je Den matek? A povezte mi, ktera z techto etrnacti dostala letos nejakk navod nebo nojake ptipomenuti k dtistojnemu programu na druhou nedeli v kvetriu? Ani jedna. Jako mezinkrodni politikari mluvi o miru, zatim co matky videji sve syny umirat na boji g tich, tak take my, mali domaci politikaii, mluvime o spolkove praci, o tide k naaim pionkrtim a jejich mozoltim, ale staei riam, kdyZ si v nedeli ptipevnime na prsa velikk karafiat. Kde jste vy, ptedsedove tacit, kde jste vy, novo zabavnich y kborti, kde jste vy, y ellci mluvkove se svkmi puny, ktere se mely uvesti y e skutek? Oekal jsem na oznameni od vaaeho facia ae budete miti program na Den matek. Oekal jsern 'name. A teknu y am otevtene--i kdybyste mne, za to vyhodili z reda,ktorstvi—k se nine vase zapomenlivost a lhostejnost nelibi. Kamard.di bud'me, pravdu sobe mluvme. Jestli si myslite, ae y am ktivdim, podejte mi dilkazy, ze jste pied mesicem nebo dverna planovali program no, Den matek, Ze jste to y e sehtizi y Yboru nebo v tadu rozebrali clitkladne, ale ae to bylo hlasovanim. zamitnuto. Pak se y am omluvim.

ye sttedu, dne 4. kvetna 1955. Pak oznamim vekejne, ze jste dobitmi atedniky, ale Ze neni pro vase snahy Porozumeni mezi vaSimi 'deny. V tomto eisle najdete nekolik ojedine1Yeh oznameni od tadovtch dopisovateld, Ze tad bude pokadati oslavu Dne matek. Na takove kady se nevztahuji vScSe napsane tadky. Takove tady jsou chloubou naSi Jednote, jako tteti distrikt je aZ dosud nejlepSirn mezi vSemi sedmi distrikty. A snad pfijdou pozdeji dal gi zpravy, programy Dne matek byly potadany ten u jinStch facia, tfeba o torn nebyla udinena pfedem Zadna zminka. Uvidime, kolik jicli bude oznameno. Vgem radfun a vgem adovSrm predsedim, a take vaern zabavnim vSlbortim, kladu toto pfipomenuti pro budoucnost. Chcete-li pokradovati, musite vyvinouti nejakou einnost mezi vak mlideli. Mate nekolik pkilelitosti v roce, ktere byste nerneli ptehlednouti. Mate miti program na Den matek a na Den act. Nekdy tyto dva programy se mohou spojiti v jeden ptijemnST spoleenSr program. Pak mate ptilelitost pokadati jeden vlastenec14 program kolem etvrteho dervence. Na posledni den v kijnu mate popfati detem jejich taSkatinu, ale pod rozumnSun novanim stargi, dospele elenkyne, aby zabava "Halloween" nebyla rozpustila. A koncem roku mate pfipraviti pro mlacle2 vanoeni nadilku. Rad oznamim ye Vestniku kaZdt fad a jmeno kaaleho spolkoveil° ernovnika nebo spolkove sestry, kteki se postarali jin pfedem o podobrit celorani rozvrh detsktch programa. Navody k ternto programinn byste meli z Usttedi. Nejsem jistSr, ne je pokaZde dostanete .Psala mi jedna sestra od dosti silneho tad% abych ji poslal nejake knitky nebo pomacky, aby rnohla upraviti program na Den Matek. Bylo to asi pled 'testi tSrdny. Oznamovala, ze dopsala bratru Markovi, ktert ji poslal svazek obsahujici deskou "Besedu", ale nic vhodneho pro Den matek. mohl jsem vyhoveti, ponevadi vSechny zpatedni v5"itisky programa, ktere sveho easu ptipravila sestra Birdie Hilsherova, jsem rozpajeil, rozda.1, a nic mi neztistalo. I zde nam schazi system, lenSi postup. Bratr Marek nikdy nehral divadla, nezna noty ,nema zruenost v sestavovani programa. Byla chyba, ze takova, prace byla na nej vlolena. KaZdS7 name vla,stnosti, ktere se nedaji pouhSrm protokolovanim piivlastnit, jako nezmenite barvu myth odi a delku meho nosu jednomyslnSim hlasova.nim. Az jednou budeme miti teditelku mlade2e, ktera bude miti pottebne k tomu kvalifikace, asttedi bude mod dodavati razne programy mistnim HAMA, V nekterch zpateenich cislech "Fraternal Monitor," mesieniku pro zajmy

VESTNIK — WEST, TEXAS bratrskYch podpurnYch jednot ve SpojenYch statech, byl popis, jak nektere organisace upravuji kakleho roku nove a zajimave programy pro svou mladeL Tyto programy mohli bychom snacino dostati, ale nejrozumnejel a nejsluenejei testa byla by, kdy takova 2adost byla by poslana z fistredi, nikoliv od nektereho mistniho radu nebo dokonce od jednotlivce. Jsme zapojeni do Narodniho bratrskeho kongresu, jsme jaksi vazani, abychom si yzajemne vypomahali a radili. Sestra Hilsherova ziskala podobnYm zpilsobern mnoho cenne latky od jinych bratrskYch organisaci, dokud mela na starosti vedeni omladinoveho hnuti. BACH bychom take nadale hledati touto cestou dared pomficky a informace. Vykonali jsme dosti znadnY pokrok mezi mladek, a bylo by ekoda upustiti od dalti prace. Take je ekoda, ze nemame ve Vestniku od Noveho roku nic o hnuti mlade2e. Kdy2 pied 'Casein pozmenil jsem npravu Vestniku, po2adal jsem tiskarnu, aby stranka dvanacta byla vkly ponechana pro stat' "Youth Movement." Od doby, kdy sestra Hilsherova, podala svou resignaci, stranka dvanacta, je vypinovana nahodilou eetbou .Soudim, ze bratr Marek je prilie zaneprazdnen organisaeni einnosti, aby mel eas psati nee° o hnuti omladiny. Mame veak etrnact distriktnich pracovnic, dohliktelek na einnost mlacleie ,snad obeas nektera z nich by mohla nahraditi tivahy bratra Marka. At' je to pokus sebe menei, kakla troeka je lepei nen naproste nic. Aby nebylo vSrmluvy, ie nikdo nevi jmena techto etrnacti, kteii vedou omladinovou praci v jednotliqch distriktech, zde uvetejnuji jejich jmena, jak byla doporueena distriktnimi iediteli a schvalena Hlavni afadovnou jiZ pied rnnoha mesici. Distrikt prvni: Miss Joyce Hiibek a Mr. Gus Novosad; distrikt druhV: Mrs. Clara Hejl a Mrs. Vlasta Ivieie; distrikt tketi: Mrs. Wilma Nesuda a Miss Annie Steiner; distrikt etvrtSt : Mrs. Mary Haisler a Mrs. Hattie Pavlieek; distrikt pity: Mrs. Amelia Sturm a Mrs. Mary Britschek; distrikt eestY: Mrs. Carrie Bohaeik a Mrs. Selma Grone g ; distrikt sedrust: Mrs Betty Juiica a Mrs. Victor Veroda. Mnohe z tachto sester jsou neho byly ueltelkami, maji kvalifikace k vedeni mladete, maji S"koly a odborne vzdelani; toteti mono iici o bratru Gus Novosadovi, synovci nageho hlavniho tajemnika, ze jako ucitei mohl by hodne pkispeti nejen v prvnim distriktu, ale podati zdrave pokyny prostiednictvim Vestniku pro mlade2 a feditele mladeZe v cele Jednote. Male pfipomenuti nebo povzbuzeni od nageho hlavniho pkedsedy by jiste prospelo.

Sbrana 3 Zminil jsem se, ie eekal jsem na zpriivy o slavnostnich programech ke Driu matek. Dostal jsem misto toho nekolik soukromYch dopisti, ktere opravdu by zaslouNly bYti uverejneny v organu bez jakekoliv poznamky. V teto korespondenci prevlada jedna otazka, ac je vyjadiena rozmanitYrni zpnsoby: Prod jsme nahle ochabli ye veem, co se po sjezdu zadalo provadet? Kaki* z tech dopist. ukazuje na ureitY bod. Jedna sestra ye svem dopisu zaluje na to, 'Ze distriktfim se dosud neposkytla nadna finaneni a moralni pomoc. Ba pry se nic nepodnika, aby jednani sjezdove bylo hodne zkraceno a fispory se mohly venovati distriktfun na jejich einnost mladeee. Od jednoho bratra prieel dopis, v nem'2 mne poslal vSTsttiZek z mistnich novin o torn, v meste se konal sjezd zname brateiske organisace, kde bylo pies 350 delegatfl a vee ,s(4 hladce projednalo ye trech dnech.Mam zakazano psati o jinYch bratrskYch spolcich, operujicich v Texasu, proto vYsttiek nemoha uverejnit. Treti dopis byl nd elena, kterY chce \Teat, prod un nevybrali jsme jednoho z tech pet kandidatfi, kteii se hlasili o praci statniho organisatora. Dopis byl vlastne 4dresovan pro Vestnik, ale jsou v nem jiste naraky, ktere redaktor povakije za nespravne. A prieel ten dopis, v nemz pisatel prozrazuje svou nespokojenost s vysvetlenim o protahovani pfijeek a o " adostech, ktere kakleho roku prichazeji v listopadu, prosinci a lednu. Chce od redaktora odpoved' prod se neoznamuji pujeky a neberou 2adosti hodne drive a s tim dorozumenim, ne Jednota bude miti prebytek penez v listopadu, prosinci a lednu? Redaktor yede Vestnik, nema v investicich 2e.dne vetei slovo, nez kterYkoliv jinY den, proto nernUe podati vysvetleni. A take na ostatni dopisy odpovi, jakmile mu' eas dovoli. Zde je pouze ukozka, jak easto redaktor must bYti prostrednikem mezi eleny a astrednou, a o kolik lope by prace v naei Jednote mohla bYti vyrizena ke spokojenosti Clone, kdyz by redaktor byl primo po boku vYkonnYch firednik0, aby podobne dotazy predal na patriene misto k soukrome odpovedi, V kvetnu kaideho roku jsou v Chicagu konany tfi bratrske konference, totiZ poradni schtize tti dillelittch toles bratrskS7ch podparnSrch jednot. Jeden den je venovan otazkam, jak vybudovati omladinove hnuti. Druheho dne se probiraji velice pottebne body o vSicviku organisatora bratrskeho pojiSteni. Tteti den je schaze pokroeileMich organisatorri. Meli bychom take letos brad fieast na, konferencich a stale se piqueovati a rusti. Na toto zastoupeni v bratrskSich konferencich v Chicagu se v posledni etvrtletni schazi ptizapomnelo.


Ve stiedu, ,-dne 4. kvetna 1955.

ZPRAVY A OLILASY Z DISTRIKTU Z TRETIHO DISTRIKTU Kdyz dne 13. 'Mora t. r. byli organisafori a eleni pateho distriktu hosteni v udelali organisatortim a dlenum rretiho distriktu pozvani k hostine, ktei ou patY distrikt bude davati pro nas ze distriktu v nedeli, dne 22. kvetna. Ovgem ze nabidka tato byla hned pfijata s diky. Den 22. kvetna se nam blai a doufame, ze tato nedele bude tak vYznamnYm svatkem bratrske vzajemnosti a pfatelstvi jako byla nedele dne 13. funora.. Dowlame totiZ, ze se tohoto zajezdu do-Housu ,nu freastni takovY podet jednatelfi a elenit ze tfetiho distriktu, abychom zaplnib aspon jeden bus. Proto uvefejiaujeme toto pozvani vgern organisatorfan a dlenfun Jednoty, kteki by si pfali teto pfatelske vYpravy se za6astniti, aby se co nejcifive prihlasili na Ooleji udanou adresu. Mame zjednanY clostavnik (bus) pro tficee sedm osob; tunele chlazenSr pro majove pohodli cest ujicich, protok v maji jest PI dosti velike teplo. Bude se nam tedy cestovati Bus vyjede od sine faclu Pokrok Dallas i'is3lo 84, 2625 Floyd Street, Dallas, 'asi v pOt hodin rano v nedeli, dne 22. kvetna. Bude jiste jedna zastoska, rnoZna i dve, za pet hodin jizdy biideme v Houstonu. OkruZnt-cesta bude stati: pro mute osm clolara a pro Zeny sedm dolaru,tak jako platili HoustonSti a druzi nav gtevnici z pateho distriktu v imoru. Jiste jest, ze nam nebude po ceste smutno, to jest jiste., Zpateeni cestu z Houstonli nastoupime bud' v 'Aest neb v sedrn hodin; to bude podle nalady, --- a ta, bude asi takova, k se nikomu nebude chtiti jet don't'''. A zase za pet hodin jizdy budeme al:Jet u sine v Dallas. Abychom neopomenuli, bus udela zastavku v Ennis, kde nastoupi sestry a broth z Ennis, kterYch se mini na torn zajezdu podileti dosti sluSnY podet, take asi bude bus Upine obsazen. Prihla gicy ku zajezdu laskave zaglete na Cyrill (Sid) Pokladnik, 2924 Elm St., Dallas, nejpozdeji do dtrnacteho kvetna a nebude na gkodu kdy2 zaroven zaglete C2ek na cestovne. S bratrskYrn NAZDAR ceste do Houstonu, Cyrill Pokladnik. • .4 • ( ZE SEDMEHO DISTRIKTU Karnes City, Texas. Sestry a bratfi sedmeho distriktu: Dovoluji si yam oznamit, ze schtize 7. distriktu SPJST bude konana dne 29. kvetna 1955 ph Floresville, u faclu Rozkvet Zapadu eislo 107.

Zveme vgechny nage rady, aby se do to schtize dostavily, nebo svoje zastupce poslaly. Zveme vkchny filedniky z Hlavni fifadovny a redaktora Vestniku, a vgech ny navgtevniky z druhYch distriktn, a piivezte svoje pfatele sebou. Schfize bude zahajena v 10 hodin rano a po schfizi ma zabavni vYbor kraznSr program pfipraven. Obed a v ge ostatni nam sestry a brat''i od radii Oslo 107 pfipravi. Tak jisto se dostavte do teto schilize a ptedneste navrhy, jak by se co dalo lepSiho zafidit v nagi Jednote a na gich distriktnich schtizich. Dne 24. dubna 1955 fifednici a zabavni vYbor 7. distriktu melt schuzi v dornove bratra a sestry John HranickYch v Orange Grove, Texas. Byla debata o programu a ruznYch zalelitostech na gi schilze 7. distriktu. Dovoluji si jen napsat, k /lam zabavni vYbor pripravuje krasnY program; a jestli by rady si pfaly adinkovat s deZ1 v prograrnu, tak to bride velice vitane; bud'te tak laskavi a dejte zavdas yeclet pkedsedkyni zabavniho vYborii, sestke Mrs. Mary McCloskey, Rt. 1, Box 51. Elmendorf, Texas. Bratr Frank Boll byl zvolen, by fidil scuta mladde do 16 rola" staff, kdo zazpiva kteroukoliv eeskou pisnieku, to bYti hoch neb device do 16 rokfi Odmeny na.m. “Tbor oznami. Pfali by-eh= si, aby co nejvice tech mladYch nam ty krasne ` deske pisnielcy zazpivalo. Dejte veclet zaveas, kolik to mladek se naudi eeskou pisnidku zazPivat, na bratra Frank Bolf, Floresville, Texas. Dekujerne velice bratru a sestfe John HranickY v Orange Grove, Texas za dovoleni konati ty schfize v jejich domove a za to velke pohostinstvi a chutnou svaUnit, Koneirn s bratrskSrm pozdravem Jacob Shortner, tajemnik 7. distriktu SPJST. ) • 4 •

dech nebo novYch pokynech pro vzrust nag i Jednoty. A jestl,i nechcete Va ge myglenky davat do Vestniku, po glete je na nine nebo na kterehokoliv jineho fitednika tietiho distriktu. Bud'te jisti, ze ka2ZdS7 navrh bude vdeene pfijatY a spravne tivalenk. Jak yam vgem znamo, a jak bylo take uvefejneno v poslednim disle Vestniku, organisatofi tfetiho distriktu dostali pozvani od organisatorfi pateho distriktu, aby se dostavili k •spoleene hostine, ktera bude davana v nedeli 22. kvetna v Houstonu v sini faclu Pokrok Houstonu. Toto pozvani s dikem pfijimarne a tegime se na bratrske pobaveni pripra ovene nam od bratra a sester pateho Johnnie Hrabina., ptedseda na geho tietiho distriktu, mne oznamuje, ze bude-li lads dostateenY poeet, zjedname si "chartered" bus, kterY nas dopravi bezpeone do Houstonu a nazpet. Zda, se to ISS,11 mnohem pohodlnel gi, a take bezpeenejgi. Jiste ze v gichni budeme miti nejen pelcnSr vYlet, ale teZ pfijemnou cestu tam i nazpet. Nebude nikdo unaven fizenim auta, nebude nebezpedi nejakThehody, jak by se dalo odekavati pii doprave nekolika auty, a take nemusime se starati, jak se veder nebo v nod dostaneme z Houstonu Tak kdo by chtel si s nami udelati vYlet do Houstonu tirnto pohodliVm zpfisobem, oznamte to bud' bratru Hrabinovi, nebo bratru Sid Pokladnikovi v Dallas, nebo tfeba i mile, a my se dohodneme o Nage ieditelka mlacle2e, sestra Mary LaZ"novska za pomoei sestry Vlasty LaInovske, pilne ptipravuje program k °slave Dne matek. MC, trochu nesnaze v rozdelovani uloh, protOe prave vgechny skoly mail sve programy, cvideni a gkolni pfipravy. Vzdor tomu te gime se na zdafilS7 program, kterY bude v sobotu weer, dne 7. kvetna, pofaclanSr faclem VolC' echie Oslo 135 v Sokolovne. Nezapomerite se dostaviti. Ve sve anglicke zprave uvadim jmena , nag ich eeskYch zaku, ktefi byli letos vyZ TftETtHO DISTRIKTU znamenani. Vg ern tem, kteti obdrZ'eli Ennis, Texas. zvla gtni vyznamehani, srdeene gratuluSestry a bratfir j eme. . AM se nenadame, a zase budeme mitt S bratrskkm pozdravern horke letni dny. VA° kid, co je Joe B. fIejnY. zdali to studene zimni podasi nebo letni ) • ot,* • ( horka. Ale tak 112 je to zakizeno, ze noc pfichazi po dermim Case, a leto se stfida se zimou. Pfigti schfize na geho tretiho distriktu Schfize v jin3"Tch distriktech budou uvebude poradana v nedeli 19. eervna v sini fejneny jakmile distriktni fifednici ustafaclu Ennis Oslo 25. Opel se te gime na novi datum schfize ye svem distriktu. na'si distriktni schazi, protole ka'Zcla z Distrikt treti, 19. dervna, Ennis nich pfinese nee° noveho a povzbuzujiDistrikt etvrtY, 14. srpna, Lubbock ciho. Jen bychom si pfali, aby na gi dleni Distrikt gestSf, 15. kvetna, Hillje. se rozepsali ye Vestniku o'nekterYch boDistrikt sedrnY, 29. kvetna, FloresvIlle

Distrmtni sciaize

Ve ti edu, One 4. kvUna 1955. Z 'OISTRIKTU gESTEHO El Campo, Texas. Sestra a bratii: Veer 15. dubna se gel se vStbor, aby projednal program naSi distriktni schtize, ktera pfipade. na 15. kvetna. Po delgim jednani jsme prijali nasledipici program: V 10:30 dopoledne zahajeny budou skupinove schtze v gech pfedsedti a tajemnikil gesteho distriktu, a take v gech organisatorti gesteho distriktu. 2adame pkedseclu Marka, aby vedl schtizi pfedsedit, tajemnika Chupika, aby prevzal vedeni skupinove schtize tajemnikil Vime, ze je mnoho cennYch a dfilditYch pokynti, ktere oni mohou poskytnouti radovYm fedniktim. Dale Z'aclame bratra Valeika, aby on Pkedsedal schtzi organisatorti, jestli mu to bude mdne. Je nesporne, ze on mile poskytnouti organisatoram mnoho ponaudeni. (Poznamka redaktora: — Milerad bych to vykonal, jen'Ze od 1. ledna bratr ivrareit prevzar vesicere vedeni oiganisadnich schtizi, oznamovani naborove prate, odmeny organisatoram, vedeni, klubil "50-M" a "12-M". Dohodnete-li se s bratrem pfedsedou, ochotne vypomohit.) V 11:45 se bude podavat chutnSi obed skladajici se z mnoha dobroty. Po obede v 1:30 zapoene zabavni prog r ani deti z East Bernard a z okolnich tadtt. teinkujici deti budou odmeneny lined po ukoneeni programu, kterSr nebude delgi nez hodinu a pill. Pak se zahaji distriktni schtize. Doufame, ze dleni vSech Mai se schtize ziteastrii a pfinesou nejake dobre navrhy k projednani, aby se pak u getfilo mnoho drahocenneho Casu ye sjezdu. }name o nagi mladdi by se dalo mnoho rokovat. Valyt' to vlastne byla, mySlenka tech, ktefi navrhli zaldeni aby se mohlo v u*Zgim kruhu pracovat pro mladel. Zaroven fad 6echoslovan bude tuto di3triktni schuzi povaIovati za svou pravidelnou mesidni schtizi v kvetnu. TotiZ" acetni a pokladnik budou plitomni, aby u sveho stolku ochotne prijali Umrtni poplatky od vgech Menu, kteki si budou sve povinnosti zapraviti. Jste vgichni zvani, abyste prijeli do distriktni schilze 15. kvetna a privezli s sebou sve zname, a pkatele. S bra,trskSrm pozdravem James HradeckSt, tajemnik Aesteho distriktu. (V17-19) tto POZVANi


Organisatoki pateho distriktu timto cledne zvou v gechny organisatory tfetidistriktu a jejich rodliny ke spoleone hostine a pkatelskemu poba,verii v nedeli


8trantl 5 Pojieteni se vyplati kdykoliv v plipadu umrti dle klesailci stupnice. Vida N: tpisove, ochrana jen tern, kdo mail od SPJST vypiljeene pee Pet druhii cerWikatii SPJST pro deti: Tkida J-T: Doeasne poji:sleni do veku 16 let, ktere se maze zmeniti na kterekoliv jive pojiSteni pa dosaeni veku 10 let, nebo pozdeji. Vida J-C: Poplatky se plati 20 roku, Pink obnos pojieteni se vyplati kdykoliv v piipadu mrti ye veku od 16 let vkee. tmrtni pojistka pod 16 let stall je dle stupnice. Vida J-S: Poplatky se plati ,20 rokil PhiSr obnos pojatd, ii se vyTkiniet druhii certifikatu SPJST plati kdykoliv v ptipadu. pro dospele: T.nrti od veku 1 roku. Do 6 mesic0, $250, pod 12 mesicii, Vida B: Dcdivotrit, poplatky se plati a2 $500. do smrti. Vida C: Poplatky se plati 20 rola). Plnk Vida T-E: Poplatky se plati do 18 let obnos pojieterii se vyplati kdystab. Plny obnos certifikatu kdykoliv v piipadu vyplati po 18 letech stati Tfida D: Poplatky se plati 15 mkt. Pink nebo kdykoliv v pfipadu obnos pojieteni se vyplati kdymrti od veka. 1 roku. Do 6 koliv v mesic0, $250, pod 12 mesict, Tfida E: Poplatky se plati 10 ron. Pink $500. obnos pojiteni se vyplati kdykoliv v pfipadu fnrti. Vida J-G: Poplatky se plati 20 rok0. Vida F Pink obnos certifikatu je vyPink obnos certifikatu se vyplacen po 15 letech nebo kdyplati po 20 letech nebo kdykoliv pfedtim v plipadu koliv v ptipadu nmrti od veVida G Pink obnos certifikatu je vyku 1 roku. Do 6 mesic0, $250, placen ye 20 letech nebo kdypod 12 mesict $500. koliv pfedtim v pkipadu (ris) Vida H: Pink obnos certifikatu je vy)♦4 placen po dosaZeni 65 let staff Ptal se zvidavY syn maminky: nebo kdykoliv pi'edtim v "Mami, rostou ryby hodne rychlele?" padu "Zeptej se tatinka, tomu vyroste Vida 1: roptancy se plats 20 roku. Pint co veera ulovil, za hodinu o decimetr." obnost certifik,Itu je vyplacen ) • 4, • ( po dosaIeni 60 let stars nebo Stepna fonotika kdykoliv ptedtim v pfipadti "Je vas syn jests v Americe, pane Schutzmanne?" — "Ne, ted' je uz v T ida Poplatky se plati do Nina 65 "Opravdu? A v ktere provincii, let. Piny obitos poliSit(lui se vy- prosIm vas? — "Posledni dopis poslal ze plati kdykoliv v phpadu Umrti Sing-Singu." Tfida Dvojnasobn, Mazove pojieteni )• 4, • ( (double indemnity). Certifikat Lekaiska rada se vystavuje pouze do obnosu Phvalila se do ordinate takova, men$2,500, clodateene k jinemu si Nora masa. Pan Harapat. certifikatu. Ma-li pry doktor neco teinneho proVida M: Poplatky se plati do veku 65 ti Moue-Coe. Ze by rad pan Harapat u-let. Po dosateni 65 roku byl na vaze. Men dostava rndsidni plijen‘ )• 4•( dokud Z1v. Zemke-li pfed 80 Lam': vedel, Ze mu nemitZe radit ant lety staff, dedici dosta,nou me- ranni telesnd ovideni, tim mene hladovsieni pfijem do 80. vkroei ku. Proto poradil: rozenin elena. "Pro vas by byla dobra takova jedr,zi Vida M-C: trpisove, ochrana no, 20 let prima tasemnice " ) ktera, se zmeneuie, az zustanP vyplacene pojieteni no, $1,000. Pravda je kraska ve hrube halenco, 22. kvetna 1955 v Houstonu v sini ka,du Pokrok Houstonu eislo 88 na jedenactou hodinu dopoledne. Nemame v ilmyslu rozesilati 'Z'oldne osobni pozvanky v techto dvou distriktech, ale doufame, ae toto oznameni neujde pozornosti na gich organisatorti a vyhovi svemu 2adame laskave, abyste se vS'echni urCite dostavili, nebot' chceme spoleene miti p •ijenme pobaveni v duchu bratrsUm. J. M. Skrabanek, pkedseda 5 distriktu Rudy J. 8efeik, tajemnik 5. distriktu (30 4

Vyberte si die potieby

Straoa 6




Ve Stfedu, Brie 4. kvetna 1955.

Z CINNOSTI DOMACial RADe Rad San Antonio, eislo 133 San Antonio, Texas Sestry a bratti! Tesil jsem se, to v dubnove schuzi uvidirn °pet ty, kteti mezi narni jiz dlouho nebyli, ac valycky radi pti gli, veseliii se a vgechno si pochvalovali. °praygkoda, jak rad bych si byl s nimi popovidal. Byla ptekrasna, nedele, nalada velikonoeni a schrize se yydatila velmi pane. Chci yam o tom kratce napsat, ad bych tak nejradeji udinil jen pro ty, kteti bydli mimo San Antonio; main dojern, 2e v§ichni mistni u'sedlici podavanim zpray o prilbehu schuzi jenom zpohodlni a jak jsem ji2 sly gel nekolikrate, upine si na to zvyknou. Pry prod chodit do schtize, kdy2 si to pak mohou doma pteeist. Radny, uvedomelY 'Oen neco podobneho oveem netekne; takova filosofie je dostatednou visitkou kadeho jed notlivce. Nema-li proste nekdo zajem, tim je tedeno vse. 8kodi It nom sobe, anit toho je vedom a nam je takoveho dlena uptimne lito. Iflavnim bodem jednani na schuzi bylo u4)otadani nageho pikniku. Veechno bylo dojednano a schvaleno k provedeni. Nebudu zabihat do podrobnosti, o torn napik yam yeas nekdo ze zabavniho yYboru. Chci jenom ptipomenouti, ze piknik bude konan v nedeli dne 22. kvetna V Mission County Parku, kde je mista pro kaideho do't a o to ostatni se postard zabavni vYbor. Rozhodne doma ten den nevatte; obed bude ptipraven a hned po d yanacte hodine mute kaZdY zasednout ke stolu, pohodlne se najist a fiderem jedne hodiny mute si men:sim vetAim osveZenim, to die libosti, Samortejme budou tam ruzne chutne zakusky, dorty, kolade, dostatek kavy a pro deti nekolik druhil sodovek, aby si nemohl nikdo natikati. Bude to krasne osveZeni Po •celotYdenni praci, uvidite svoje znarne a co vie, budete mit °pet peknou ptilelitost neco hezkeho vyhrat v Bingu. Ut bych se malem byl podteknul, slibil jsem v gak, to neprozradim jake budou ceny a proto mleim. SeSlo se nam toho trochu mnoho najednou. Jak ut jste eetli drive ye Vestniku, byli jsme thodne zaneprazdneni ptinravami na nazi krasnou slavnost "Majales" v Austinu, konanou 1. kvetna; pristi nedeli (8. kvetna.) nezapomerite pkijit do schiize radu, ye ktere chceme vhodnYm zpusobem vzpomenouti vgech nagich maminek, a posledni nedeli v mesici, 29. kvetna, ptijd'te ureite do Floresville na schuzi naAeho sedmeho distriktu. A nejenom pkijd'te, ale pkipravte si neco pro jcdnani, ptemYtlejte,

uvaInjte a ptihlaste se o slovo, kaklY sebemenei, zdanlive snad bezyYznamnY navrh mute ptinesti mnoho dobreho, rozvine se debata a pak vasi zasluhou bYti neinen zaver, majici g'irokY vitznam pro dobro vgech. To bylo teZ fidelem nekterYch mYch ptiporninek, ueihenYch ye schilzi naeeho tadu dne 10. dubna t. r. Zdtiraznil jsem nutnost myslet a planovat dopfedu, aby bylo v2dy dosti dasu k dfikladnemu promygleni, pripadnYm zmenam a k ptesnemu uspokojivemu vyte geni mnohdy naprosto neoeekavanYch pfekelek. Doporudil jsem, aby kattlY den uvazoval jfi nyni o kandidatu pro funkci delegata na na g" sjezd, kterY bude konan ptiSti rok. Volba musi bYti provedena letos v prosinci a do to doby ize vykonati mnoho dobre prate, usnadni jenom fikol delegata. Nutno studovati stanovy a ptipadne navrhy, zmeny neb dopinky vhodne formulovati; je nutno zaujmouti urdite stanovisko k otazce ztizeni fitulny, musea, prave tak jako se yyjadtiti, chceme-li voliti teditele a jejich nahradniky v distriktech, podat dozrozdani a navrhy ye veci nemocenskeho a firazoveho pojOteni a t. d., a t. d. Nebudu uvadeti vice, mam vgak za to, te budeme-li na flak distriktni schtizi jednati pouze o techto vecech a ueinime-li zasadni rozhodnuti, pak muteme, doufam,rici, to se na schuzi neco vykonalo. Promyslete si v6echno, vyslovte svoje mineni, je to vase pray° a vase povinnost. Jest na nas, aby se sonze po to strance stoprocentne yydatila, abychom new skutedne vykonali, aby to nebyl pouze vYlet a ptatelske pobaveni, spojene se spoleenYm obedem. phcemeli neeeho dosici, pak nutno za veci jit, pracovat a spoleenYmi, silami v nejlepg shode postupovat. Nejsem atednikem distriktu, ale jako den mel bych uptimnou radost, kdyby tentokrate byly na schuzi zastoupeny vgechny tady, aby nechybe! ani jeden. DokaZte, sestry a bratti, ze mate pine porozumeni a zajern, ptijd'te vgichni a ptivecile i ty, kteti nejsou jegte natimi eleny. Jsem opravdu zveciav kolik na gich deti zifeastni se souteZe vypsane bratrem Boliem z Floresville. Nejenom pro samotnou piseri a jeji ptednes, ale i pro celkove posouzeni zajmu a konedneho vYsledku bude to jiste smerodatne mefitko pro dal gi praci v tom smeru. Je to vybornY napad, bratte Bolfe, velmi vtipne a chvalyhodne. Maminky, jiste dorna neite Ceti nektere nazi krasne Ceske narodni pisnidce s ptanim, aby yak. Bite ziskalo nejlepg1 cenu. Totei pieji vam i ja a opravdu se tabu. K dopineni zpre.vy o konane tadove

schrizi chci dodati, ze ptedseda, bratr S. C. Bundil, jako Glen ptipravneho vYboru Spolku vSech dobrYch lidi deskeho privodu v San Antoniu a okoli, podal zpravu o dosavadni dinnosti jmenovaneho spolku, ktery konal jit svoji druhou schfizi. 0 veci bylo Zive debatovano s poukazem na urdite formalni nesrovnalosti, ktere v zajmu dal gl klidne a fispegne. spoluprace bude nutno vhodne upraviti. Jest jiste pfanim vS'ech, aby slibnY zadatek se rozvinul v dinorodou praci, ktera by brzo pkinesla iadouci 0voce. Sledujte tisk, abyste -byli inforrnovani a pkilofte ruku k dilu, je to pro vas a vase deti. PonevadZ budou k projediani jeAe mnohe podrobnosti tykajici se'distriktni schfize, prosim vas, sestry a bratti, abyste prisli ufeite do pravidelne schilze radii v necieli 8. kvetna t. r. Na shledanoul Jaroslav Kleprlik, tajemnik -) • lad Hvezda Mira Zislo 33 Bleiblerville, Texas. Bratfe redaktore: Zabavni vYbor mne tadal, abych Ti napsal, ae nas tad bude miti tteti nedeli, 15. kvetna "fish fry", Talc to dej do yestniku a oznam to desky i anglicky. PH torn "fish fry" Ktenkova kapela bude hrat odpoledne i veder. Poslednekrat, co jsem Ti psal, dal jsi to jenom desky a anglicky nic. Nevim jestli byla tam nejaka chyba. Vincenc Chaloupka, tajemnik. (Poznamka redaktora: — S radosti uvetejnim co pogleg, a take upravim die potteby. Ale nemohu pochopit, prod ye schrizi necia g navrh, aby si tad zvolil take anglickeho Ve stanovich mame, ae podporujeme deskou fed, ale nestoji tam, aby redaktor psal anglicke zpravy pro tady, ktere si nezvoli anglicke dopisovatele z tech mladYch a dobte AltolenYch. Va g tad ma Cleny sedmi narodnosti, anglickeho dopisovatele pottebuje jako soli.) ) •4, • ( Mad techoslovan lisle 40. El Campo, Texas. Mile sestry a bratti: Opravdu se zda, ze uz ani nebudu /mat o jinem jak o Candi v nagern fade, neb jsme od dubnove schrize meli °pet dye *mai. Ztratili jsme dva bratry a to bre.tra Jos, Valiguru a bratra Petra Oba byli fadnYmi 'deny, jedni z tech starYch, kteti pomahali tad budovat. test pomace jejich, at' odpodivaji v poke% Tak si nas letos pani smrt vzala na muku. To us je pet Umrti od Noveho

stredu,- rine kvotna 1925. tau. Jak uz jste asi v gichni eetli v Vestniku, ae 15. kvetna na gi distriktrii schtizi na Hillje. Pred polednern jsou na programu skut)irgive sclatize-predsedd, tajemnikrt a ort2,anisatoru gesteho clistriktu. Pak •bude podavan abed. Proto prosim sestry, by princ,ly clo kuchyne •peeivo a okurky; a budeme po,tfebovat pornoc do kuch ■ proto ktera , chcete pomoci, tak se pi 1.111,1 u sestry Ed. Krestove, neb Emil Wa'al)vO. Priloame proto v gichni v distrilii u race k a prieinme se, aby to • hitze byla opravdu jednou z tech nejz,taritelSicki. Zverne bratry a sestry z ,okolnich disttiktri, by mezi nas prijeli a tak trochu ream dodali chuti k dal gi praci. Jegte jsem- zaponmela napsat, ae obed • budetskladat z barbecue, klobas a jin<teli NL-1 shledanou v Hillje 15. kvetna. pozdravem Hradecka, dpisovatelka. o o Rad Svaz i5echoslovanu. eislo 92. Fort Worth, Texas. bratti .a.sestry.: -Ten, es as tak rychle leti, i ty krasne •vatky velikonoeni jsou jia za narni. Dou-, jste letvaichni ye zdravi a radosti nagi sini tez mnozi proarli peknou Po ladove schtizi deti se bavily bled-aninarmalovanYch va,jieek a pak pa dobre svaeine a piatelskein hovoru `nasieeloVala taineent tzabava,,, ktere_ byla Aka navgtevata,v gichni ze se veseie bavtli as do skoneeni., Vgern navgtevniktim path na ge srdeeJA diky, tea sestram a v gem, kteri yypoinahali a darovali vajidka na to detskou pomlazku a tak o zdar teto zahavy se. Ted' se ditky pkipravuji na program na Den Matek, kterY pripacia na druhou ne(t ell v kvetnu, to je 8., a tea radova. scherzo. Tak zase bude velkY den, neb bylo u,jecinano, ze Svatek Matek a Otcti oslavi me spoleene. PO. schtrzi; .asi .ve, 4. hod. :laude detsk program, na podest tech na glch rnatieek • tatinkil. D ye sestry a dva bratiti, kaadY cbdrai darku,,.tak, jako v.,minulosti. Pak nasleduje spoleend svaelha a dalgti pcbaVenijake si kdo bude prat. Bud' zakrasbrat domino, neb , 'si zataneit . , nVch deskYch rekordech;'kterYch mamo e 1 bratr tanger _lky vS/ber. narn zahraje na jeho harinonice, a on to rii hezky od podlahy, se Vain"an i donebude chtet jit. Sestry jsou aadany, by prinesly peeivo ke kafieku, t5 maser a ostatni k tomu se postara fad. 'Jest to zdarma pro vgechny . pritomne. Tak prijdte v gichni i s rodinou'a pMely.



Dostavte se tea,, hratiti, a sestry, v podu U) nejvetgirn do ,schrize, ktera za,poene ve 2 hodiny. Budou etena radova pra y! dla pet tied, tak mate posiedni Lost podat svoje namitky, neb navrh pro alepgeni techto, nea budou pfijaty. Bratr L. 0.-Ho g ek na mne prozradil, 'ae jsem nebyla v minute cshtizi, ale za, to napsal poudnY dopis do yestniku, za coa, mu pekne dokuji. Doufam, ze si ho kaadY preeetl a vzal k srdci. Jen piste easto. Bratr Steve Ma,tusevich je jia doma z nemocnice, kde byl operovanY na able a clobre pokraduje. Bratr Robert Rtiaietka, tea nedavrio podstoupil mengi operaci a pomalu se pazclravuje. Jeho manaelky maminka, sestra Lukgova, ktera pied nedavnem padla a zlomila si ruku, tea dobre pokra -eujec coa, nas vaechny te gi, neb pHl stari se zlomenina teak° hoji. Tea se dovidam, ze bratr Alex Bunker byl v nemocnici. Vgem temto nemocnYm jest piano brake a trvale uzdraveni. Jegte pripominam, nezapomente na, schtimi a prijd'te, kornu je moano. Nage mlacla elenka a ma vnueka, Mary Ann Juran, obciraela v souteai, ktera byla poradana v gemi zdej gimi gkolami, cenu v ruenich pracich. Byla to vYstavka zvand Fort Worth Civitan-Press Handicraft Exposition. Vnueka dostala tri modre maale a tea trofej za u giti dvojich gatu. Jedny gaty byly pro denni potrebu., kdeato druhe byly krasne yeeerni satyr TeSi rids jeji vyznamenani, Pfteji v gem maminkarn na ten jejich svatek, aby ho ra,ddstne a ye zdravi se svoji milou rodinou ually. Ovgem to preji sobe take. S pozclravem na V g echny etouci Marie Juranova, dopisovatelka. $ 1 v ( Rad nozlivet Zapadu Oslo 107. rloresville, Texas. ttenafti Vestniku: Ten eas mne skoro zas utekl, kdy mam psat; zas by bylo pozde, jak se mne to stalo, minule. Byla jsem rada; sestra Vaclavikova mela dopis v anglicke Cast!. Meld jsme velice dobrou nav gtevu, jak dospelYch tak i deti. Jak se detem rozhlasilo, ze je eas hledani vajieek, tak se rozlitly pa dvofe. Byl velice peknY dojem pozorovat jak hledaji vajioka. Potom byly Pekne rovne rozdeleny. A tea dareeky, kterYt met vice. Nag tfiletY Tommy dostal "boobY prize". Potom jsme men dobrou svaeirm, kterou sestry dle sve chuti donesly a upravily. Jednalo Se take o pitiprave distriktni sehazi 29. kvetna. Ted' nam schtme pripadne na Den Matek 8. kvetna. Manic zas donest svadinu.

Strang. 7 Mona nektere deti budou mit nE'itiatti6 hasnieky nebo necto .podobneho. Poadrav vgem Libtige -S. Bn ( Rad Praha eiglo 29. etene sestry a bratri: V nagi radove sciatjzi dire 3. dubnattistha to bray odbyli. Protoae byla schnze 0, "1Yden drive, nebylo mnoho jednani,iiani vybory nemely sve zpravy hotove;;ntak nam je podaji az v pri gti schrizi 8. kvet na, Jednalo se hodne ohledne May Fete kralovny. V necieli 22. kvetna budeme mit naai. velkou "May Fete" oslavu. Sleena Joy Lee Kropp je zvolena naai kralovnou. Pady naaeho distriktu, ktere by chtely si zvolit device za "Duchess", ktelta,stupovala doneaci rad, mohorPse zaeastnit. Necht'..uveclonai na g vYbor, pant Ben Mikolaj, sleonu Mary Rose Mikolaj, pani John Svedlerjak, aneb pani Lillian . tKa'01) gpa,rek. ✓ nedeli 8. 'kvetna .budeme mit'stna'gi pravidelnou schtizi; Zaroven. oslavtme Den Matek-Bude nejakY program a,sva?Ana. S pozdravem Marie '8 vadienak, dc■pisovateika. ° At • ( Rad Pokrok lIoustonu eislo Houston, Texas. Sestry a bratil: Na'S ;prvni leto gni piknik u radu Pokrok Houstorm,kterY byl poraclan v nedeli 24. clubna, se velice dobre yydaril. Vgechno, na eem eleni rtiznYch vYborti pracqvali, ale hladce, takaie kolem pate hodiny.oclpoledne v gechno bylo yyprodano a , sneden°. Rogtenka, nebo jak my zde v geobecne rikame "brabecue", byla znamenita. Bratr Joe Zaludek, kterY met komando, byl tlipine spokojen9 a dekoval vgem vYbortim, kteri mu pomahaii, za jejich ochotu a vykonane pripravy. jsem jistY, ze v budoucnosti bude dosti "barbecue" pro kaacieho. Cleni vYborti mne.addali, abych podekoval v gem, kdo pfi:gli; a je nag im pranim, abychom vady meli ta,kovou navtbvu a abychom kaadeho mobil naleaite obslouaiti. Pitipominam, ae priati radova schtize bude druhY patch veeer, 13. kvetna. Nezaporrierite se dostaviti. Schtize zadina, v osm hodin. tt• Dale upozoriniji, e kaadou sobotu'je v sini radu PokrokHoustorm taneeni Zabava Pro dleny je vstup zdarma kaadotrprvni sobotu v mosici, totia pro eleny du eislo 88. A je to jen pro dobro radu, kdya zajem na ruznYch zabavach eleni podnicich, ktere fad poitada„. Proto neZapoininejrne na 'radove programy, prifO'te a take pOzvete sve Pratele a zname. S bratrskYm pozdravem A. J Brigtik.

6Lrana, -8


ye stiedu, dhe 4. kvetna 1955.

DOPISY A NAHLEDY CLEM,' San Antonio, Texas. Bile sestry a bratri: Jaro se nam pribliZ'ilo, to je odpoved' s emu Tvarci. \Tee se touZi dat do kvet i, sebe barvi kvety, vuni, zelene stroll-1y vnimaji lahodnY vzduch, a zase nastaxa 1;_casnY mesic mn.j, pro kterY jiz jaro pripravilo krasu prirodni, \Tee se na nas jen usmiva, luka i les. Prvni rnaj jest /lam , ,vatkem budoucnosti, pripravuji se mnoiit a rozdilne oslavy, na ktere se pripravujeme a teeime, ze se °pet po roku sejdeme a pobavime a nmohe ulolene myelenky projevime pro dobro a vzrrist radii a Jednoty, ku spolupraci narodni. Mame si bYti die moZnosti radou a skutkem napomocni v padu potreby, jedni Cteme a podporujme naei Jednotu, ktera byla a snad dosud je zalokna na dobrem zakladu. Nenechme ji uschnouti. Nezapominejme na sve dobre prilkopniky, na ty, kteri prieli z to vzdalene vlasti sve. Oni to byli, co dali zaklad naei Jednote, Bylo to v dobach zlYch. Z poeatku oni jen v chudobe, bez rozdilu vyznani, ptimkli se k sobe v lasce a bratrstvi, ktere utvotilo naei Jednotu. Dnes se jiZ miihrae honosit, jak jsme vyrostli; celkovY fispech jest zaliste velikY. Budi cilem kahleho, abychom si mohli iici uprimne a poctive, vykonali jsme sve bratrske povinnosti jak jen nejlepe jsme mohii. Zachovejme soulad a harmonii, pctom zdar a Uspech bude jeete vetei. V tomto mesici kvetnti budeme vzpominat kaZdY svoji maminku.. I ja se pHpbjuji, abych vzdala poctu a test svoji matte, ktera, nas jiz opustila, aby nastoupila cestu jineho 2ivota.

meteor a zanechala prikladne vzorneho syna americkYin SpojenYm statfn, sla y -nehOprsidntaprelidstvaochrance nesmrtelneho jmena. Nancy Hanks nebyla osobne nijak vynikajici, z chudiekeho, bezvYznamneho rodu, ekol nemela, ale Gist umela. Byla milovnice bible svate a jejich mystickYch zasad. Kdo ji ueil cist, nevime, snad jeji maminka. Tatinka nemela, ani se nevi ,kdo jim byl; ten gentleman se nikdy neprihlasil, aekoliv nekteti z historikfi tvrdi, ze niusel bYt skvelYch dueevnich vlastnosti, ktere Abraham Lincoln, jedinY syn Nancy zdedil. Moji drazi etenari, v Den Matek vzpornerite si na Nancy Hanks, poelete za ni do vesmiru modlitbu a to tichou ze srdce, ne jen ze rte. Hamlet rikaval, ze modlitby bez myelenek nikdy nebe nedosahnou. Srub Tomdee Lincolna stal v divaine v Kentucky pod planYmi jablonemi (crab apples). Jen jejich vane- a tithe noeni vYkriky plache zvere byly okolim Nancy. Podlahu v dome nemeli, jen tyrde uelapanou zem. Po Novem roce 1809 Tomde Lincoln se jednou rozbehl k pratelilm, nekolik mil v.zdalenYm, a rekl proste: "Nancy would need help soon," a 12. Aflora, byla zrovna nedele, Tomde nepracoval, ale pomoci take neumel, kdy'g Nancy toho nejvice potrebovala, tak beZel zase k pratelrim se zvesti: "Nancy got a baby boy that big." Ale v jeho tvrdi byl takovY nejakY vYraz, jako by chtel rici, "deti uz v Kentucky neni zapottebi." Pak se zase rozbehl domfi, vhodil eerstve drivi na 'oheri a jeete jednu medvedi kaZi na rodieku a ditko; to byla 'cela peoe. Ku stoleeku sedam, tutku do ruky zvePak vzdalena sousedka odpoledne pHdam, tuZica pane psati o me drahe mad; ela, Nancy omyla a dite take, pak je v dnes tomu dvacet let, co opustila tento plenky ze stare koeilky uloZila, jednoposvet, ano dvacet let, jakoby rukou tiesk. kojovou chalupu poklidila, pak same Pted dvema roky napsala krasnY ela.- trnky uvatila v divokem medu, Nancy nek do Svornosti Terezka Brazilska: dala trochu odvaru a take jeete nechala; "Matky polehnane". Nekteri z naeich pak Nancy polibila a beaela zase d ye mimuM1 byli na studie doprovazeni male domft. minkami, . ty Obyeejne nesly v nrieich bochnik chleba a synovo pradlo eiste vyPorovnejme to s peci, kterou dostavaji prane. Machar o nich psaval citove, "By- rrilade maminky dnes. Odpoledne pak ho ly to matky polehnane, v narodnim smy- aik to sousedky prieel, teeil se, 2,e dostal slu svetice, obetave k sebezapi-eni a mi- bratranka, .aby si s nim hral. Beze veech lujici a2 do posledniho dechu okolkti det'atko Nancy vzal do sve naruJedna z tech matek byla Nancy Hanks, ee a zaeal ho houpat. "JO, ten ma e'errnatka Lincolnova, Syn Nancy Hanks od- venY oblieej, vystfeenY jako stare jablko; stranil lidske otroeeni, nevzal Mc, pra- a jak se bude jmenovat, teto?" — "Abranic, pro sebe ziskal nesmrtelne jmeno, ham, jako dedeeek." Klueina zaeal Abrariejvzneeenefei titul, kterY smrtelnik hamka houpat, ne zrovna nane, tak ae nesti: President Spojenfmh state. malemu se to zrovna nezamlouvalo a dal Nancy Hanks byla Amerieanka, ale jeji se do kriku. Plice mel dobre, ale byl chuimeno neni ani v americlOch encyklope- ddeek, sotva nekolik hodin star. Jaka •o(filch a to neni hezke. Nancy Hanks, patrna: peee je dnes venovana takov3'im mnatka Abrahama Lincolna, pobyla na drobeekilm. Abrahamek ktieel a Mee', :,vete jen kra.t14 eas, ale zazailla jako uklidnit se nedal, toz hoeik ho vratil a

rekl: "Here aunt, take him, he will never come to much." Jak asi bylo Nancy? A ani nam neni zrovna skvele, kdy2 to eteme a uvedomujeine si, ze ten malt' tehdejei drobeeek vyspel v nejslavnejeiho presidenta SpojenYch state, druheho po George Washingtonu. A jsou historikove, kteri mysli, ae byl slavnejeim. Kdy2 se Nancy tak trochu zotavila (po narozeni Abrahama dlouho neleZela, rozmaziena, nebyla) — tak zase zaeala hospodatit, Komplikace a rozmanitosti kuchyriskeho natacii nemela, neznala. Mela "Dutch oven", velkY ZeleznY hrnec s poklici, jak.e itny dnes uZivame. Jsou prakticke. Pale mela na sma Z ` eni neva, eernu bychom mohli "frying pan", s dlouhou nasadou, proto ze to bylo pro otevreny °hen. To bylo jeji cele zatizeni. Chia pekla v primitivni peci, postavene venku. Toma.e. Lincoln "to" stave. Chia byl oveem jinnez lade dneeni. V roce 1816 Tornde si usinyslel, 2e se odstehuji do Indiany, Zei tam snadneji dostane praci. A snad mel pravdu. Nekdy pry vydelal i 75 centri , za den. Uva2te torn. Roku 1820 vypukla velka epidemie, kali ji "milk sickness". Carl Sanburg to krasne ale smutne popsal, A to "milk sickness" stihia i Nancy. Jazyk teftY, povleklY, nohy i ruce zledovele, puls pomalY. Zavolala si deti, Abrahama i Sam. fzekla; jim, ze odchazi. •Zabotila sve tNke prsty v neurovnanY piseitY vias synfiv a Zadala: "Bud' hodnY, hied' abys dobre vyrostl a postarej se o sestru a otce " Na posteli, jejia jedna Cast byla pribita ke stone, draha Nancy leZ"ela, blednouci, tuhnouci. Mir se usazoval v kraji znavenYch raft a zapuzoval bolest a hlad. Nancy neznala "sundes", "milk shake", ptipravenY ze elehane smetany a zmrzliny a eokoladove sody. Nemela ani mleka, vadyt' nemela ani kozy. Jeji blede, smutne, cede oei se pak uzavrely ye spanku nerueenem, ohnuta pater jeji se primila a vysychajici kosti vystoupily z pokoZky jeete znatelneji. Srdce Abeho krvacelo, SnaZil se pronest nekolik slov z Dvacateho Tretiho a Sara vykrikla: "Mammy, mammy!" Little Abe pak vykezal neco, co mohlo vypadat jako hreby, a tim spojil prkna, ze kterYch Tomde Lincoln udelal rakev. Pak Nancy uloZili u modravYch pod bledYmi kvety divokYch jabloni. Bylo ji jen 36 rokii. Jeji hrob je ve statnim parku v Lincolnove sadu v Indiane. Je .ohrazen a kvety zdoben. Vzpomerite si na ni v mo(Intl* udelate dobre jeji pamatce i sobe. Noma krasnYch poinniktl a imam jeji

u, anc rielii v encyklopediich, ale jeji velky syn postavil ji pomnik ye sve slave a ye svem yroku: "What I am, what I hope to be, 1 owe to my angel mother." A jejimu dekujeme i za jeho dobrodini pro lidi za jeho bleskovou,klasickou definiri demokracie: "The government of the people, by the people, for the people". (Iod Bless America, God Bless You. Vypsala jsem tak, jak to napsala Brazilska o Abrahamovi a jeho dobre matiece, z jakeho chudeho rodu vyspel na tak velkeho muse a eloveka. Manzi ae to bade mit pro nekoho cenu, jako pro mne. Na, konec preji v gern matinkam, ktere mate syna, aby z neho vyrostl take nadsemi mud pro dobro Ameriky a lidstva. Pfeji vgem veselY "Matky den", abyste hP potegily se gv:simi detiakami. Rubie Holly. ) 4, IVIAMY, NASE ZLATE CESKE MAMY

Sokol Houston si dovoluje pozvat v gechny Ceske maminky, ba i tatiky z celeho Texasu, na divadelni hru, jejia jmeno .Ie nadpisem tohoto elanku. Je to bra, kterou jsme vybrali, specialne k svatku rnatek, kterY pripada na den 8. kvetna. 'Ira bude zajimat nejenom maminky, ale i jejich deti a v gechny milovniky divadla. Jedna se o Velike lasce a utrpeni srdce matetskeho, ktere je east() debut Ale ' nakonec silna vira a pevna 'vide inateina zvitezi. Ve hre neinkuje deset osob;` prvni maminku hraje Harriette Earl, ktera brzy ovelovela a k vYchove dvou deti nebyla dosti silna, co se ukaaije v roli Karla S' icriera, jenZ .hraje jejiho syna Lad'u. Jarea, jeho sestra, kterou hraje Gizela Matejkova, je (levee dobreho srdce, ktera se snak vynahraditi lasku ke sve matce i za Lad'u. Druhou maminku hraje Mary Johnson, tea vdova se dvema cletmi, ktere vychovala dosti tvrcle. Ani to v gak nestakilo na tvrdohlavost Jendovu, jehoZ' roll hraje Karel Matejka. Lenku, Jendovu sestru laraje Elsie 8vec, ktera pozdeji podlehne Jendove tvrdohlavosti a odejde s nim z clomu. V dalk filoze jako fieetni tovarny vystoupi Tim KostomlatskY, kterY vady v nepravY Cas prinese gpatne obchodni zpravy. Veselou filohu zahradnika Bambase sehraje Emil Vala, kterY to vady mysli dobre., ale gpatne to dopadne. Sleenu EvZu, dceru bohateho obchodnika, ktera s yYm rozmarnYin Zivotem zavini mnoho rodinnY'ch mrzutosti, hraje Naomi Kostomlatska. Karel Vesely, kterY je stale veselY. se svYm grarnofonem a na.padnik Lenein, sehraje Vilem Svec. 0 vYpravu se horlive stara, Jan Ka gpar. Na.povecla Sylvie Kelai:kova. No.bytek z laskavosti zaptjei Hilsher's Home Supply Co. Zadatek bude presne ve 4 hodiny a po divadle edneeni zabava. Jidlo a piti si sebou nosit nemusite, to-

V -I II 9 T

V i ',


Je velk3"7 svatek zase, ' vaech matek slavnY den, kdy vdek ditek jich matkam ma bYti projeven. Vdek malYch jako velkYch tern drahYm matkam vaem za -vge, co ditkam daly na cestu Zivotern. Za peel a jich lasku a vge co mohly dat, kdyZ chtely ditky zdarne pro Zivot vychovat. Proto dnes dejte matkam nejkrasgi z darti vaech, jenZ bude vadycky cenen jak dnes, tak po letech. Tot' srdce a svou lasku a vrouci vdeku cit, neb nic nemtiZe srdce matky vic potent. F. L. Musil.

ho budeme mit tolik, ae to budeme muset prodavat. Tak myslim, ae ua jsem toho naakrabal dost, proto radeji ukoneim. Nezapomente na nedeli 8. kvetna, v gichni do houstonske Sokolovny. Za Sokol Houston srcleena, vas zve K. M.

San Antonio, Texas.

Pani S' ugarek, koldee. Pani Smith, kolaCe. Pani Valieek, koldee. Pani Walker, kolaee a jednu vazu a je den OokoladovY dort, jrneno clarkyne n( ni mne znamo. Pani Auburnova, pi. Blanakova, plAn nie Riebe a pi. Smith obstaraly vgechr dary, ktere venovali san-anton gti 01 chodnici. V gem tem na gim krajankarn, ktere pfispely do kuchyne, vzdava srdeenSr dik vYbor. Pan Kalmus i pan Han*, ti men na starosti chlazene obeerstvujici napoje. Pani Hajek s pani Murie mely zase kuchyni, kde byly horke parlay i mexicke tamales k prodeji. Pani F`abbo a jeji dcera obsiuhovaly prodejem peeiva a pi. Kubena zase you. Pan Blanaf, p. Kalmus, pi. Anna Riebe — Smith byli zamestnani stprodejem bingo. Pan D. A. Smith a jeAe jeden pan vyvolavah eisla k vYhfe. Doulam, ae jsem Zadneho nezapomela, a jestli se to stalo, prosim oznamte mne to, coa rnilerada opravim. Kdo daroval peneZni obnosy, bylo jim podekovano p •itomnYm phi hrani binga. Nag pfedseda, D. Netek dekuje v§ein co byli napomocni phi teto prilditosti vzdava celY vYbor nejsreli,enej gi dik i tem, ktefi prigli a maji zajem o vybudovani (;eskoslovenkeho spoleeenskeho domu -- bez rozdilu nabolenskeho vyznani. Barbora Riebe, dopisovatelka. ) 4 • ( JEDINA MATKA

Jedina jest rodna, matka, VaZene otendfstvo: ktera. divot dala tobe, Dne 24. dubna t. r. melt jsme v Misje to bytost draha, mild, sion parku tak zvane bingo ve prospech obetava v kaZde dobe. nageho budouciho 6eskoslovenskeho domu. Naygteva byla nadmiru uspokojiva. Jedind je, mluva matky, Byly prodavany horke parky, oblolene kterou mluvit uei dite, chlebieky, mexicke tamales, dorty, jablfee to vic je nezli statky, koVe zaviny, kolade, a po techto byla nejcelYm 'Zahn provazi te. vetai poptavka — je videt, ae jsou vaude JedinST jest narod pouze, eblibene nage Ceske kolaee. jehoZ mtiZeg bYti synem, Zde uvadim jmena naaich dobrch jedina jest domovina, krajanek, ktere prispely peeivem i rtiznY vgade jinde bude hostem. mi pochoutkami. Pani Bundilova, oblolene chlebieky. Smutno tarn, kde rodria matka Pani Blandfova, koldee. pro plae sotva cestu vidi, Pani Bartogova, 5 liber cukru. kdy2 je prazdna mala chatka,. Pani Falbaova, dort. a za svou Pee se dite stydi. Pani Hajkova, oblolene chlebiely. To venuje rnatiekam k svatku Pani Hanugova, koldee. • Anna Trampotova Pani Hughesova, jablkovSi zavin. z Crosby, Pani Kulmusova., jablkovY zavin. • eTi • Pani Kubena, koldee. Pani MalY, dort. U lekaie Pani Murio, obl6Zene chlebiely. Pfigel pacient k lekafi. Lekaf ho proPani Parma, jablkovY zavin. Pani Adolf Popp, kolaee. "No, ale to jste se mohl take trochu Pani Albin Popp, maslove rohlieky. umYt, nea jste gel k prohlidce." Pani Burton Riebe, maslove rohlieky. "Pane doktore, ja myslel, se jde o vniPath 8paeek, oblcdene chlebigky. chorobu."

Strana- 10


Ye stkedu, dne 4 1955.

roky. By' dlouho te g ce nemocen, po mnoho mesicti musel mai pf;evod krve kaZdY tYden. Jak mnoho se jeho 'Z'ena nachodi(Dokoneeni se strany 1) la, naprosila, aby krve vyZ'ebrala; jejich Uspory LIZ byly prye, ba uZ se i dluh hid• -veku a rUznVeh povah. Je takovYm saesil. Mela hocirie ktere goinahaly dem. kolorn k eCf ''110 Se Oct Yana do ye-.jak nejlepe mohly. A nyni, kcly si mohla il era kupi ten only .rodirn-IY suet, kterY sLaie :1.:1.v:)1. do poi-kiku.: •Ma Zr odpoeinout, kdy se • mobla rase si ji nemoc v-ybrala a ninseia opu- I • ti•:.1• ha stale napi . ed vSwenny (Icily ropot( d illy stit ditky a vSechny p•a•ele. A tak mill poznstali prijmete 11a14111e 21v(1. , v;;celmy ty kadu upPinanou soustrast. Will vas pates. LY, dcillit a 1 • ((1111, dob naZemi-ele sestPe • 2aehovante eestnon sinb det::kVeli i plklonitt se vzporninku a piejeme ji tichy spanek a V iiejhlubSi praci,vzda.Li •ji pathenou odpoeinuti veene dej ji, 6•Pane. KdO je;(.6 •-nad liekdS1 CX Gt tad Jaro: Cis: 130 v licoceil0V;11. spravedlive Ludo p y aci, •rnd Resolueni vYbor: dneSniho duo vilbee Jail Hernial kazov.0.; patiTcnoit 11(110 .)1-1.1.edy vgeril Stanley ftutovee matkaln, k j ekoli s ninn p y ijde do styktn. Anton:e HurAkova. at' je . h.o jui]. 01101 nebo y e vla:kn tnifbo za E5 • 1 kcly u1)011 RESOLUCE SOUSTARSTI nnatka s: qmoinly rady a ostatni Dne 19. dubna v 5:10 oc1poledne zeinkel de inn 1 1 til t mist() lay pomobli. Den nab bYvaIST mistopYodsccia a elen 11(..etni mal • k vu] th III ySoni 111 .;:o kM11 1, o vYboru, 1 11(1 .-in ii neSt'astn:Ym, nebot.' to nein En.10 (-11 k • v•inovy it (talk('- swa. Lek Jim tky. v%:dy hy) po •dlouho Lrraii(6. neirwc; , Svatek inaIei„; ir•den, 1•:terern 'lull ceW.111 2l bra] ',.iajein no tu.,:ee ntatetstvi, Icier NvU prOjevit . i.:fletrt ri aZ cio 'usu. onemocneni, 1 1 ()I11bc'ti hyl vctu diva dalSi • iivut, pracovit run(:. West. na katolickem hiThilove In:Calm': Ino/hy vudei PPJlri jt.. rcba I1inotry.1 Jeho man2elka a liae spoluse:.;i1a, it ri p Klansu y a., p1011eS1:) 110 11a vet:most ()mu, ali ‘„• Se zioosil fide' ySeeh ecrvenei. 1953. Zanechava. (Iva s .vny, V,111 Fli p Le, aby infitef.-ivi so sialo vSem i lie a Edward KlausovYc . li (oba jsou, radostnin a. vytou......enn. ,i. • narn nc,v(, 1111101, a 5 vuoueat. et tine sive inatky, at tak milujrne *adu. I My, 111: .e pociPpsan-,c 7 l a ctr , , at' staxi‘. vdceic vi,pcn inesi mir Oislo 54, VySIOVItieille iia.til upftlinOlt kter t .I tine ztratili, a Bun 2ehnej dvouni Syliabi na(I Aratou sta.odpint' hohat6 v:;;ein clobrYrn , spro ve rostlivet“) nice a dedeeka, i Inv elen:),,,'6 Yadu zelinle jebu pideasnel.tu Man:inky. vy vatic ziate eeske oc'.:'hociu. ktereho budeme poStYadati. 1;y, bud'te naiii zciravy Li incite ydeenost, odpueiva v pertestinlY :ipolubratr za vSeeko, i u jste pro svt , (Intl vy, 1.0,1i. a cost bucU jetw painatee. -i s indy. A nojen y deenost,. cola 1: (I'( .ucil.i V311.)or: •naSe ) John A. Sulah, Hobert Cervenka My dva.. Joe Tobola. president :Lincoln popyve ) • 4„ sprinaieldskoa •restnie4 volal nail. dobi • e se dorozurat. ! den. kedivYi karanee skrze • Novoman'i..ele se vratili ze svatebni cc--- Well, pane Lineohle, vy a jit..jsme obe race, 17. znalei krill-lin:Ain. My civil ciohyo• podi y al se ji do oei a ltid nlady 1,-;:;echny hap:::ky v tole nyni, ne-)..11 r,t usadnne 1.); novem•a dorozninn e' me se (101-(male. Jai Lincotn Za : - TOhle jc prvni ytebo mistop y edscdkyni na g tD :si • j,i ( :e , ( to klere jsut» (all .Nczn6, Luke se k nema, od- tekt vetila: • otipovdel Idiranee.. '.1.'o jc ui/il predsedkuu, artj • • J; .i nechci jz.). ve vsccli podrizemisLooN..cIseciko U. SpOli.0j 1 .1 • A • C

Svatek matek

PROJEV SOUSTRASTI za spolubratrem Janeni Coufalem st., kterY se narodil 17. ecrvna 1.879 v Ceskoslovensku v Cernme a zemrel v Kings Da-lighters n.emocnici po dlouho trvalici tOke nemoci 14. dubna 1955. PioZen k Veenemu odpoeinku z kostela 0.111.2, ha Seaton hrbitove 15. dubna shiZeb paiaa farare F. J. Kostohryze. 1.30sledui. misto odpoeink.0 zastlano bylo kras,n3%ini kvetinami za doprovodu roainy. spol.kovYch &lentil a prate'. V mladem veku 13 let pi . ijel clo Ameri ky:a to do Denville, Texas. V tone 1903 se pristehoval do Bell okresu na Seaton, kdeZ v rote 1903 20. listopadu pojal za ma,tiZelku sl. Matildu Motl, dceru prvni ho. Padoveho dlouholeteho 101et se odstehoval se svou rodinou na zapad a to do Bomarton, kcleZ rolnieil. Na zaslou2enY odpoeinek se Ind stehoval opC.A do mesta Temple. Se svou 111anzellioll vyebovali (leen' pl. V\T„,13. Hampton v Dallas. Tel s Y 11 . 7 , a Josef v Temple a Frank v Seymour. 7.:), nechal zde svou dobrou man2elku, 4 CUky„osm vnuktt a mnoho ostatui byi RadovYm elenem jednoty • dubna 1909. Schuze radove .i (d :flu • vgevoval, dokud zdravi jemu clovolovalo. Ac mezi jinonaroclovci a viii' si pte,c nezapominal a hlasil a iniloval rod„ z nehoZ vySel. R,adovi eleni cis. 47 v Scat vrele sotl • 'uncut manZelkou, ditt v a vinity ztratu jejich drahato, vca,;, nejlepSi, zahoji kaate ratly a bole. Odpoeivej, spolubra•re, v pokoji ct klictu vecnem po bojich Zivota. Dino v Seaton, Texas 26. dubna deity, 47. Resolueni vStor:. Agnes Mott F. Klinkovst Marie H•uSka. ) • 09 •


Od6la Mon, odkud se nikdy' hodna spolusestra, detein starostliva maW.ka Kylistyna Jeji pmrti nas vsuchrly pYckvapito. By-- 111j Pin. jakSna, drallouqw2 Pukladnictvim. la dobrou elenkou naSeho tadu, ba byla narn innohSma vzorem, nub p•ihlarsovala )• vSechny sve diLky do Y :jin a jak Velmi gpatne obehotly (To unnohdy • vnotteat, tak i tyto, jd(at obehody, pane ,1arabai'el0" i mesieni poplatky. • cic u dill hit..'. I3ucle -li to .cite neZivot jeji byl trpkY, tcrke. peach. eas izvat, bade mop , dano y e pPizna Jeji mu2 jl predesel ac suirti pied then), t I ni ducula 6pr:j0; i1 (j. "

eloveka v parka. Dva vain; jej na zem a zaealiprohledaten (..lovek por91 kNeel. 'H.crgot, Franto," zai • val jecten lcipa, coin Ct, abvs iii l ca ./it do liaby roubik "CJE.:vece, Vencu, dy . von ho Lain . nn Ale von jt.: ten pactiolek bi:lchomluvcc."

y Ma 4,


Reports from Lodges, biographies, etc., intended for publication, must be in the hands of the Editor a BENEVOLENT ORDER week before the date of issue. Address all editorial matters to: OF THE STATE OF TEXAS • Editor, 6402 Prague, Houston 7, Tex. Postmastor: Please Send Form 3579 With Undeliverable Copies to SUPREME LODGE SPJST, P.O. BOX 400, TEMPLE, TEXAS



MUSINGS OF THE EDITOR I WAS TOUCHED RECENTLY BY A story about a blind beggar. It seems there were two beggars sitting side by side on a busy street, and one was having mugh more success than the other, for nickels and dimes were pouring into the cup in his outstretched hand. The first beggar's card bore the usual words, "I am blind," but the successful mendicant's sign read, "It is May and I am blind."

for the youngsters, baseball clubs, lodge picnics, and dozens other lodge activities? It is May and we don't see the need for general spring house cleaning. It is May and we are blind to our own pressing problems. It is May, time for work. But we sit, like the beggars, hoping that somebody else will help us.

FORTUNATELY, OUR BLINDNRSS IS not permanent. I know a man holding a respectable position who has the habit of closing h i s eyes when shaking hands with someone he does not particularly like or whenever he suddenly meets a new problem. Instead of thinking, this man blinks. Many of us behave the same way — we are blinking instead of thinking. Many of us :hut out of sight not only the beauty of brotherhood in our local lodges, but also the task of cultivating and nourishing the spirit of brotherhood. By blinking, we are acquiring the habit of dodging our fraternal LET US NEED NO REMINDER TO problems until we don't see them at all. enjoy the spring and the good things of life which belong to us all. So many of us are engrossed with making a living OUR DISTRICT MEETINGS AND OUR and worrying about our own small troubles, that we are blind not only to open discussion of the problem we have the beauties of spring but to some very in these district meetings should be the wonderful things which we take for best remedy for the temporary blindgranted or ignore — common everyday ness which we have unconsciously acitems to us. Yet it is these simple things quired. These district meetings are the which we take for granted that men and best place to do some sensible, wholewomen in other countries wish so much some, worthwhile planning. You may to have, and never do have, and are dy- not agree with me on this point. But ing for want of these simple basic permit me to remind you of some of the good projects which originated in the things. district meetings, and which would not have been started otherwise. IT IS_MAY AND WE ARE BLIND. That kind of sign should be placed on many a door of our lodge halls, on the IT WAS A HIGHLY DISAGREEABLE table, of many a presiding officer. What are we doing to feel the spring atmos- weather when District Five held its phere inside of our halls? What steps are meeting at the Brazoria County Fair we taking to fill the meetings — and I Ground in Angleton. From all indicarefer to all the meetings, local, district, tions, the district meeting did not promand the governing body alike -- • with ise to be remarkable in any way except fragrance of new ideas, new plans, new by rain, gloom and disappointment. But inspirations? What are we proposing the visit of the officers from District relative to new membership campaigns, Three supplied the spark for action. youth activities, better meetings, larger Director Skrabanek announced that he attendance, Mother Day's program, tried several times at the meeting of Father Day's program, summer outing the governing body to inaugurate some BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THIS little story can be a reminder to all of us. It is May, beautiful, warm, blossomfilled May. We are living in the most glorious country on earth, overflowing with natural gifts of every sort. We have more freedoms and rights than any other nation in the world. We are living in a country of great ideas, of humanitarian interests. The blind beggar reminded • passers-by that he could not see the beauty of spring and won their pity.

kind of contest among the district:. Since his suggestions had never been accepted, he proposed a contest on a limited scale between District Three and District Five. His challenge was accepted by the officers of District Three. THERE WAS THE FIRST CONTEST, and there was a banquet. There followed another contest, another banqtitt, and still another bappy get-together with a banquet to be held on May 22. Blindness? On the contrary, it is vision. It is a suggestion which had been accepted, developed, crystallized, and launched for the benefit of the entire SPJST. Then the Supreme Lodge followed with a contest for seven districts. • ANOTHER GOOD PROJECT WHICH originated in district meetings was the participation of younger members to present entertainment programs at these meetings. Just think of the youth activities in every one of the seven districts. Don't blink, but think! Suppose we had perfected this youth machinery ten, fifteen, twenty years ago? And suppose we drop it now, don't make it a part of our discussion at the headquarters' meetings, at the districts' meetings, at the local meetings? The meetings are useful only to the extent we keep our eyes open, and quit blinking. THE DISTRICT MEETINGS ARE THE proving grounds for discussing other projects. One lodge alone cannot accomplish anything worth-while. It takes united effort. It takes fifteen or twenty lodges coming to the district meeting and arriving at some mutual plan of action. We are striving for brotherhood among men and women. Can't we have some definite way of telling it in our own communities ? Can't we have a special program set up to help the younger members get started in a better life? Can't we reserve at last three hours once a month for earnest study of this brotherhood business? Can't we visit the district meetings once in six months not as visitors, but as conscientious members of a fraternal organization? It is 1Vlay, don't act blind, don't blink, but think.

Straw, 12


REPORTS FROM DISTRICTS DISTRICT NO. 3 Ennis, Texas Dear Brothers and Sisters: Time passes on quickly and before we know it summer will be here again and with it will come the hot weather. I don't know which is best, summer or winter. It could be nice if we could have spring all year round, but I guess it takes all four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fail, to make this world what it is. (Editor's Note: Guatemala is a land of eternal spring. Would you like to try it?) Our next meeting of the Third District will be June 19, 1955 at Ennis Lodge No 25. We are all looking forward to this meeting and hope ' that all you members will come and bring , some good suggestions and ideas to this meeting. If any of you have any good suggestions to better our district meetings, then don't hesitate to send them to the Vestnik or to some of our district officers and they will see that proper consideration is given them. The Third District organizers and their families have an invitation, from the District Five organizers to a banquet and friendly get-together on May 22, at Lodge Pokrok No. 88. We are all looking forward to this get-together and hope that a big delegation will attend this banquet. Bro. Hrabina, our president of District Three, informed me that if enough of us would get together that we could charter a bus to Houston. That sounds like a very good idea to me. I'm sure that everyone would entoy the trip by bus more than he would car; the chances of an accident would be much less and then we wouldn't be all worn out by driving when we et to Houston. While there we wouldn't have to keep thinking about the long c, ve back home. So if any of you would like to ride the bus, contact Bro. Hrabnia or Bro. Sid Pokladnik in Dallas, or me, and we will try to make arrangements for the trip. Our youth director, Sister Mary Laznovsky together with Sister Vlasta Laznovsky is preparing a program for Mother's Day. She keeps busy placing the poems and songs to the children. She, has a hard time at this time of the year, because the schools are having their plays and exercises and all the children seem to have their hands full. But she is getting along just fine and I'm sure that she will have a good proPram as in previous years. We have a good worker in Sister Lazhaysky and we are very thankful to her

for her good work and cooperation with the young children. We will have the program May 7, which will be Saturday nite. We invite all members and friends- to come and enjoy themselves with us, we will have refreshments and eats for all This is being sponsored by Lodge Volna Cechie No, 135 at' the Sokol Hall. So don't forget the date May 7, and be sure and come. We have some very outstanding young SPJST member students in our Ennis schools this year. Jeanette Nesuda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nesuda and Sylvia Laznovsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Laznovsky, were among the four year honor graduates. Sylvia was also initiated into the local chapter of The National Honor Society. Jean Martinek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martinek, and David Knize, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knize Jr. were initiated into the Honor Society as Juniors. We are proud of these young people and wish to congratulate them for their achievement. Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny Ennis, Rt. 1, Texas ) • 4 • ( INVITATION TO A BANQUET The District Five organizers are extending a cordial invitation to the District Three organizers and their families for the banquet and a friendly get-together on Sunday, May 22, 1955, at 11:00 a.m. in Houston at Lodge Pokrok No. 88. There will be no personal invitations sent in either District, and we hope that this announcement will serve as an invitation to all. We wish and trust that this notice will not be overlooked. Please do not disappoint us as we are anticipating a grand time in a fraternal way. J. M. Skrabanek, President District 5 Rudy J. Sefcik, Secretary District 5 Most of the folks we know anticipate and plan to be vastly happy at some future period or other, when they have more time. Seems as though the only time we can really be sure of is today. Reckon it might be better to plan a little happiness for ourselves and others on a day by day basis, beginning now. • • Every man has his price, but some hold bargain sales.

Wednesday, May 4, 1955

WHERE TO GO TUESDAY EACH WE Every Tuesday, until further notice, at 8 p.m. chorus singing practice will oe held. Any one interested is welcome at Lodge Pokrok Houston No. 88, 1140 Robbie. WEDNESDAY EVERY WEEKS A course in "Conversational Spanish" s being taught at the hall of Pokrok Houston from 8:30 to 10:00 in the evening. Visitors are welcome. Call editor for in-formation. SATrIRDAY EVERY WEEK• Dancing at Pokrok Houston Hall, beginning April 16. First Saturday of each month free for members. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY 4: Dallas SPJST Softball Team plays the Southland Life Insurance team, Samuel Park Diamond 2. Game starts at 8:30 p.m. SUNDAY MAY 8: Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu No. 92 will have meeting starting at 2 p.m., Mother and Father Day Program at 4 p. m. Then lunch in the evening. After that will be free dancing for the members and their friends. SUNDAY MAY 8: Ennis Lodge No. 25 will observe Mother's Day by presenting a special program which will start at 6:30 p. m. Dance will be held after the program. Everybody invited. SUNDAY MAY 8: Lodge Os-veta No. 38 at Kovar will have a Mother's Day program and luncheon after the regular meeting. SUNDAY MAY 15: Hvezda Miru Lodge No. 33 at Bleiblerville has its annual spring fish fry. Krenek orchestra will furnish music. Everybody welcome. SUNDAY MAY 22: SPJST members of District Three will go to Houston to be entertained by members of District Five. SUNDAY, MAY 22: May Fete Lodge Praha No. 29, Taylor, Texas Plenty o f refreshments. Crowning of Queen at 4:30 p. m. Bingo and Music afternoon and night. Dance at night. Music by Emil Bartos orchestra, Moilton, Texas, Everybody welcome. )• 4 • ( "What are you studying in college now?" asked the fond mother of her son, who was a freshman. "We have just taken up molecules." "That's fine. I hope you will like them. I always tried to get your father to wear one, but he couldn't in his eye."

Wednesday, May 195a



MOTHER'S DAY In recent years there has sprung up in many portions of our land a most beautiful custom — that of setting aside one day in the year to be designated as Mother's Day. Of the many observances we have, there is probably none that appeals more to the average person than this, and as long as this nation shall endure, may this custom never die. The arrival of this newcomer, Mother's Day, in the calendar of our national festivals is significant. That a day so rich in sentiment, so tender in its meaning, should be officially adopted in a country which scoffs at sentiment and prides itself on its veneer of practicality is a hopeful sign. Like the divining rod of old usage it reveals underneath the crust of commercialism a perennial spring of idealism. Although the formal designation of a specific day as Mother's Day was but recently made in this country, we find in turning the pages of history that the idea rests, like so many of our customs, upon an ancient foundation. It strikes deep roots into universal truth and emotion. Mother-love antedates the Christian religion. Mother-worship, with its own rites and ceremonies, reaches back into pagan times. The beauty of Christian motherhood is exalted and emphasized by the sweet services of Mother's Day. The idea of a Mother's Day has a broad and deep appeal to men as well as women, to rich and poor, to those within and without Christian organizations. I consider the observance of Mother's Day one of the most beautiful suggestions I have heard in years. There is a Jewish saying that "God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers:' While this saying may conflict with our ideas concerning omnipresence as a necessary attribute of Diety, it qevertheless voices an essential truth, that mothers, as the representatives bf the fecundity of nature, sustain the closest relationship to God as his chosen channel through which to manifest the highest forms of creative power. "The fatherhood of God, the motherhood of nature and the consequent brotherhood of man" is an expression giving motherhood almost coordinate rank with God. It seemed to say that mother is the being who gave us life, the guide who directed our steps when they needed the guidance of age and wisdom, the parental affection which claimed our love, the parental authority which commanded our obedience; whatever may be our

(By Jaroslav Kleprlik) success, whatever our renown, next to our God, we owe them most to our mother. No language can express the power and beauty and heroism and majesty of a mother's love. It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows stronger where man faints, and over the wastes of worldly fortune sends the radiance of quenchless fidelity like a star in heaven. A' mother's love is indeed the golden link that binds youth to age; and he is still but a child, however time may have furrowed his cheek, or silv.ered his brow, who can yet recall, with softened heart, the fond devotion, or the gentle chidings, of the best friend that God ever gives us. It is generally admitted, and very frequently proved, that virtue and genius, and all the natural good qualities which men possess, are derived from their mothers. It is my deliberate conviction that in one point at any rate — very likely in, more — a poor child's lot is ha ppier than the lot of a boy born into what we call "The upper classes" and it is this — that the poor child has so many more years of that inestimable blessing, a mother's watchful oversight. A motlagr's love and a mother's prayer may indeed follow their object round the world; but the rtrsonal intercourse and daily contact between mother and child have a sacramental virtue in guarding and shaping a child's course such as nothing else on earth can supply. Every additional year spent at home, before the age of fourteen or sixteen is reached, is a boon which cannot be over-estimated. It is more thL twenty years since I lost my mother, but she still is to me an external conscience, pointing me in every exigency of-life to the right path, and urging me to take it. My mother was, if ever there was, a Saint of God, and I loved her with all my heart; and yet one afternoon, at Christmas 1934, when a wire brought me the intelligence that the same day early in the morning God had called her to Himself, then my first thought was how much kinder, how much more loving I might have been; how in ten thousand ways by word and deed, which would have cost me nothing, and which would have caused her a thrill of happiness, I might have brightened her earthly life. It seems to me, though I know how much I loved her, that I had not always been so kind to her as I might have been; and I looked back with joy only to those occasions

when I had treated her love for me as a matter of course, but had shown, by acts of kindness and gentleness, how infinitely I valued her blessings and prayers. Yes, my mother has been in heaven for over twenty years; but her memory is to me most precious, and grows more beautiful with each passing year. Most of us went out from home to ern.. bark on the stormy sea of life. Of the feelings of a father, and of his interest in our welfare, we have never entertaind a doubt, and our home was dear because he was there; but there was a pecgliarity in the feeling that 4 was the home of our mother. While slia lived, there, there was a place that we felt was home. There was one place where we would always be welcome, one place we would be met with a smile, one place where we would be sure of a friend. The world might be indifferent to us. We, might be unsuccessful in our studies or our business. The new friends we supposed we had might prove to be false. The honor which we thought we deserved might be withheld from us. We might be chagrined and mortified by seeing a rival outstrip us, and bear away the prize which we sought. But there was a place where no feelings of rivalry were found and where those whom the world overlooked would be sure of a friendly greeting. Whether pale or wan by study, care, or sickness, or flushed with health and flattering success, we were sure we should be welcomed there. Though the world was cold towards us, Yet there was one who always rejoiced. in our success, and always was affected by our reverses; and there was a place to which we might go back from the storm which began to pelt us, where we might rest, and become encouraged and invigorated for a new conflict. So I have seen a little bird in its efforts to fly, leave its nest, and stretch its wings, and go forth to the wide world. But the wind blew it back, and the rain began to fall and the darkness of night began to draw on, and there was no shelter abroad, and it sought its way back to its nest, to take shelter beneath its mother's wing and be refreshed for the struggles of a new day; but then it flew away to think of its nest and its mother no more. But not thus did we leave our home when we bade adieu to it to go forth alone to the manly duties of life. Even amidst ., the storms that then beat upon us, and the disappointments that we met with, and the coldness of the world. we felt still (Continued on page 15)






REPORTS FROM LOCAL LODGES LODGE POKROK DALLAS NO. 84 Dear Members and Friends, Hardly a meeting passes that someone doesn't do a goad deed for the lodge. This time it's the beautiful frame, containing the names of our members that was enlarged. We want to thank you Brother Emil Petr, I am sure that all the members will notice this frame, as often we see many looking at this display. It's wonderful when members Lake such 'an interest in lodge work. The reason we needed a larger frame Ilor our members' names is that we are all the time, it seems, receiving new members. At our last meeting, three more new members were admitted. Not long ago, Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 34, representing District 3, played host to the organizers of District 5 by serving a Victory Dinner. This was a reward for the insurance selling competition between these two districts, which District 5 won. This was enjoyed so much by District 5 that Lodge Pokrok Houston Nd. 88 has extended an invitation to District 3 to be guests at that lodge on Sunday, May 22, So, it has been decided that a bus for this occasion will be chartered for those in District 3 who wish to attend. The bus probably will leave Dallas at 5 a.m. on the same day, and . return at midnight. The cost will be $7.00 for each lady and $8.00 for each man.' The extra $1.00 charged the man is a tip fOr the driver. Those who are interested in attending, please notify Mr. Cyril Pokladnik, c/o Rudolph's Market and Sausage Factory, 2924 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, by May 14. This is very important, as it is necessary to know how many reservations to make. Of course, the Houston members will entertain, and we can guarantee a good time worth your while. Please don't forget this occasion. Sunday, June 5, marks the 14th anniversary celebration of our lodge building. We will have dinner at noon, a program in the afternoon and a dance at night. Everyone be sure and watch the Vestnik for the advertisement of this. And, as usual, we'd like for the lodge ,sisters to help out by bringing some of their fine pastries. Just a reminder that our next regular meeting will be held Sunday, May 15. We will have a dance that evening. Fra ternally Frances Baleja

SVAZ CECHOSLOVANU LODGE NO. 92 land Life Insurance and this should Le a good game. Fort Worth, Texas So until next week, I remain, Dear Readers: Fraternally yours, Ben Jarma, The Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu No. 92 Manager SPJST Softball Team will have it regular meeting Sunday, May 4, • ( 8, starting at 2 p.m. Mother and Father POKROK HOUSTON NO. 88 Day program starting at 4 p.m. The laHouston, Texas dies are asked to bring pie, cake or kolade for the lunch. The By-laws will be Dear Members: The barbecue picnic held at Lodge read and discussed again this meeting. Pokrok Houston No. 88 on Sunday, April Those who found the prize eggs in the 24, apparently was enjoyed by all, who Easter Egg .Hunt were Jackie Praslicka, attended. The only thing I believe was Kay Lynn Parham, R. L. Alholm, James wrong with all the hard work that the Pekar, Randy Admire, Jimmie Paprskar, various committee members . peformed Calvin Ruzicka and Billy Koci. was the fact that everything was sold We want to wish a speedy 'recovery to cut by 5:00 Ilan. The barbecue was deBro. Robert Ruzicka who became sick licious. Brother Joe Zaludek, who was after our last meeting but who is able to in charge, expressed his appreciation to all members who co-operated with him be up and around. in the necessary preparations. In the Fraternally, future I feel certain there will be enough barbecue for all. Your committee memJay Dee Waggoner bers wish to thank all who attended and ) • 4 • ( hope we will have a big turnout next time. S. P. J. S. T. SOFTBALL TEAM Your next regular monthly meeting Dallas, Texas will be held on the second Friday, May Dear Brothers and Sisters: 12th. Please try to attend. The meeting Last night, Wednesday, April 27, our begins at 8:00 p.m. Please remember the regular Saturday S. P. J. S. T. Softball team defeated Republic National Life Irturance by an night dancas, and that the first Saturoverwhelming score of 17 to 3. Though day night dance of each month is free to so many runs were scored, nevertheless, members of Lodge Pokrok Houston No. the high scoring game was enjoyed by 88: For the best interest of your Lodge all because of the runs having been you should attend the various entertainment functions and invite your neighscored by our team. Leading the hitters for the night were bors and friends. Fraternally yours, J. D. Griser with a homer and a double, A. J. Bristik and Bob Wright, Jody Rejcek, Jodie ) • 4 • ( Zmolik and Raymond Smith who all had one hit. Numerous walks were issued by SAN ANTONIO LODGE NO. 133 the opposing pitcher which, along with San Antonio, Texas timely hits at just the right time, con- Dear Members: tributed greatly to our victory. Jodie I had been late with my last month's Zmolik was the catcher and Richard letter, it seems like we all are busy with Vrana, our pitcher, really pitched an our school work. Our last April 10th outstanding game by allowing only 3 meeting was not attended too well. The hits and striking out 6 men. All of the little ones each got a basket filled with players played a good game which in Easter eggs. itself is evidenced by the final results Our picnic that will be held on May of the game. 22nd at the Mission County Park was Again we were pleased with the nice also discussed. A good barbecue dinner turnout of friends and members who will be served with plenty of kolaches came out and enjoyed the game. Still, and beer. We assure you that everyone it would be nice if more of you could who comes out to the picnic will have a come out to some of the games and show good time. Bingo will be played in the the players you are all behind them. afternoon. We now have two victories against one Our next meeting will be on Mother's loss which currently leaves us tied for Day, so I hope we'll have a big crowd. second place. Our next game is Wed- In the last meeting, Brother Marek was nesday, May 4th, Samuell Park Diamond No. 2, at 8:30 p. m. We will play South(Continued on page 15)


clay, May - 4; 1955


Mother's Day


(Continued from page 13) that there was one there who sympathized in our troubles, as well as rejoiced in our success, and that, whatever might be abroad, when we entered her dwellings we should be met with a smile. We expected that our mother, as she looked out at her window, waiting for the coming of her son laden with the spoils of victory, would look out for our coming and that our return would renew her joy and ours in our earliest days. I know that I owe too much to my dear mother. All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. All that I have ever accomplished in life, I owe to my beloved mother. Apd I dare to say that to the man who has had a mother, all women are sacred for her sake. Unhappy is the man for whom his mother has not made all other mothers venerable. There is in all this cold and hollow world no fount of deep, strong, deathless love, save that within a mother's heart. The love of a mother is never exhausted, it never changes, it never tires. A mother's love endures through all; in good repute, in bad repute, in the face of the world's, condemnation, a mother still loves on, and still hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways, and repent; still she remembers the infant smiles that once filled her bosom with rapture, the merry laugh, the joyful shout of his childhood, the opening promise of his youth, and she can never be brought to think him all unworthy. And I hope, you will agree with me when I say, a man never sees all that his mother has been to him till it's too late to let her know that he sees it. Too late, in other words means no more, never. And so, thinking about this fact, I decided in conclusion to deliver a Griffith's short poem to those, who are so happy and have still a mother, hoping, it will not miss the aim. The title of the poem is: BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE If you have a gray-haired mother in the old home far away, Sit you down and write the letter You put off from day to day. Dun 't wait until her weary steps Reach Heaven's pearly gate, But show her that you think of he Before it is too late. If you have a tender message, Or a loving word to say. Don't wait till you forget it, But whisper it today.

Strana 1.5

I hold in my hand a. miracle of paper and ink, and yet because it is of paper and ink we are prone to think only of the paper and forget the iniracle. You say a piece of paper? Yes, a piece of paper . . . but that isn't all. I hold in my hand a piece of paper which guarantees that if my earning power is cut off by early death my wife will know comfort and security and decency as long as she lives and thus she will never know want because she pledged her life to me, BUT THAT ISN'T ALL. I hold in my hand a piece of paper which guarantees that when my earning days are done I shall have the right to live without working .. which guarantees that my wife and I may face our declining years without fear, and with anticipation of happy days to, come, for when. I no longer earn, or no longer want to, we shall have an income as Who knows what bitter memories May haunt you if you wait? So make youv loved one happy Before it is too late. The tender word unspoken, The long letters never sent, The long forgotten messages, The wealth of love unspent. For these some ,hearts are breaking, For these some loved ones wait; Show them that you care for them Before it is too late.

Reports From Local Lodges (Continued from page 14)

as long as we both shall live and as long as the survivor lives thereafter. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL. I hold in my hand a piece of paper which gives me a share of this world's wealth, a cross section of the finest of bonds and mortgages and bank account a piece of property which I can buj, on the installment plan and which is the safest financial plan ever conceived by the mind of men. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL. I hold lin my hand a savings account, which is not only absolute in security but creative in effect. Creative .LAause it wraps up in one package my savings plans, my guaranties of my wife's economic dependence, and my own hopes of financial success, and thus puts my savings account out of the reach of pet-, ty temptations . yet keeps it instantly available for emergencies. Creative it is because it gives me the overwhelming psychological advantage of working toward a goal; it gives me instead of the hard job of saving $50 a month, the easy job of saving $25,000 at the rate of $50 a month. And creative it is because having assumed the obligatidn of saving, I am motivated to greater effort, great accomplishment, and greater earnings. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL. I hold in my hand a piece of paper which is perhaps the most remarkable contract ever upheld by the laws of civilized land. For this is an unilateral contract . .. one under which the obligations are all on one side . . . and by this' contract a great financial institution— binds itself irrevocably to the future performance of these things I have., named, at my option or under certain contingencies . . . while I asume no ob,,ligation, but merely the responsibility;-.of saving money periodically, at ell times retaining the right to end the arrangement, whereas the other party to the contract may do so only by my contract. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL. I hold in my hand a piece of paper which provides all these, and more; and which further agrees, that if disability cuts off my earning power, all these things will still be mine, exactly a,t, though I had been able to continue my deposits. A piece of paper? No . • a Iniracle of paper and ink! ) • la ° (

the lucky winner of the $2.00. Brother 1VIarek donated the $2.00 to the San Antonio Czech Youth Club. So, thanks a lot Brother Marek. This will be all this month. I'll see you all next month. Sincerely yours, Stanley Kalmus, Reporter ) • 4, 4. ( TO BLEIBLERVILLE AND VICINITY The secretary of Hvezda Miru Lodge No. 33, at Bleiblerville, requested the ed-, itor to announce that Lodge No. 33 is giving a fish fry on May 15. Krenek orchestra will furnish the music both in Change is not always an improvement; the afternoon and at night. sometimes an old set-up is better than —Editor a new upset.



'V ST/If It -


Wednesday- May

SWEDEN'S HEALTH INSURANCE Since the beginning of: this year, evci ybody in Sweden, including resident foreigners; is' • guaranteed Medical care aainst illness under a' new compulsory health insurance law. It is one of the most eornp • ehensive,social medical sygterns, ever introduced anywhere. The operation of this plan undoubtedly will have repercussions in the United States. Our own medical situation will' be resurveyed in the light of Sweden's experiment. Some of the , basic questions =that have- been the subject of debate' in this country -- such as the benefits or. defects of compulsory health insurance, which organized medicine here opposes -- will again be argued. Therefore, it is useful to examine the Swedish plan and to consider whether any of its principles can be applied to the: United States. In Sweden, there are few doubts that the plan, despite its detailed nature, is working 'smoothly. Although doctors, the drug stores and the staffs of health organizations have felt pressure under the initial rush of the "free" medical care, reports on the, early operation of the system indicate that everything in connection with it is going more or less in aecordance With expectations. This is due tcrimarily to the traditional SWedish attitude toward what in America is called , socialized medicine. "Compulsory," for example, expresses the American concept of the Swedish• plan but not to the Swedes. For the Swedes, the new type of care represents an inclusion of everyone in "sickness , societies" or "funds" — independent groups that have been heavily subsidized by the Government, It is through them, about 70 percent of Sweden's papidation has long insured itself against illness. 'Under the new law, these societies or 'funds are' retained and new ones will be established as the need arises. Members pay 44 per cent of the cost, employqrs 27 percent, and the Government 29 percent. The Sivedes have none of the squeamishness •abdut public medical care that many Americans have. Even before the new plan wept• into effect, ho Swede, for example, hesitated to go to a public hospital. Indeed, he . did .So as a taxpayer exercising his right, just as he felt free to call one the 'fire• department to save his house. He did not think of the public hospital as a place of last resort, an inAitution maintained chiefly for the benefit of the indigent sick. Rather, no matter what his social position or his financial circumstances, 'he went because he knew that the medical and surgical skill

there is so high, the diagnosis and ther- medical care as if they had been taxed epeutic services so expert that he could for it. find no better care anywhere. Everyone is 'cared for up to '2 years in Nine out of ten Swedish babies are a hospital ward, and care continues afdelivered in public hospitals or clinics. ter 2 years on the basis of social relief. Most infants receive care at free clinics. Vitally essential' drugs, such as insulin, Swedish schoolchildren, regardless of are free; prescriptions that cost more their parents' ability to pay, have long than $0 cents are filled at half the regbeen examined regularly free of charge ular price. by physicians. Free dental care and A patient is transported to and from a free lunches are also common in Swe- physician's office or hosPital wholly' or partially at public expense. If medical dish schools. care is given by a private physician, If a family cannot afford to send a three-fourths of the official fee is paid child under 15 to the country once a by the local or Federal 'Government. year, the State pays the railway fare or Anybody who wants a private room can the fraction thereof beyond the family's have it for a few dollars a day , -1- at le.Ss means to get the youngsters into fresh than one-third to One-half the .actual air. If the child is under 10, it is accom- cost. panied by its mother at state expense. Among the most important Vrovisions Housewives in lower income brackets of the new law are the benefits paid are entitled to virtually free vacation r lost earnings and for the extra extrips. No matter what the circumstances penses usually incurred in sickness. Evof the family, every mother is paid $58 ery employed person who earns mere annually for every child under 16. Swe-.• than the almost trifling minimum of den prefers this method to allowing $360 a year must pay insurance for stipexemptions from income taxes for de- plementary sickness ben&fits, in addipendent children. tion to what he pays for the basic beneWhy is the quality of medical care, fit of 60 cents a day. Housewlvt,s . who are whether rendered in a physician's of- not employed are included. These extra fice, at home, or in a hospital, so high— benefits run from 21 cents to $3.40 a as high as and possibly higher on the day, depending on earned income. average than ours? The reason is to Though maternal care is not specificbe found in the Swedish system of med- ally provided for in, the compulsory, ical education and in the insistance of insurance plan, expectant mothers the Royal Medical Board and the Swe- get it under a separate law on 'th4 same dish Medical Association (a counter- terms as those who carry medical care part of the American Medical Associa- and benefit insurance, but with some extion) on the maintenance of rigorous tras. That is, there is free prenatal and standards. postnatal hospital care, daily basic and The majority of physicians in Sweden supplementary cash benefits, allowances serve as either full-time or part-time for medicines, and for the fees of private salaried public-health officials but are physicians. permitted to practice privately if they A working expectant mother receives are on half-time. Few of the doctors from 65 to 70 percent of her normal derive their entire income from private practice. Their income averages $5,000 earnings and a bonus of $52.38 at childto $6,000 a year and they get Govern- birth -- the equivalent of the basic sickness benefit (3 kroner daily) for a periment pensions. od of 3 months. If the expectant mother The new system, like the old one, con- does not want obstetrical and other care siders need rather than ability to pay, in a hospital she can stay at home and though income is not ignored as a fac- engage a midWife at Government extor. Everybody who is older than 16 and pense. who has taxable income of at least $250 Sweden's population of 7 million, a year comes under the new law and which is a little less than that of New pays a basic or minimum premium of York City, is served by some 5,500 physomewhat less than $5 a year for medical sicians, or 7 for every 10,000 persons care. Another $5 must be paid for basic about half of the prevailing ratio in or minimum sickness benefits that a- the United States. On the other hand, mount to 60 cents a day. Thus, for $10 the number of hospital beds per 100,000 a year virtually everybody in Sweden is population is about what it is in this entitled to medical care plus a sickness country. Because compulsory health inbenefit of 60 cents 'a day. Those who surance includes the entire population earn less than $250 a year are public with very few exceptions, it is estimated charges, yet receive exactly the same that by 1960 probably 8,000 physicia138

AVetine &ela.y, Mak. 4, 181',;5 will be needed. There may have to be more hospitals, too, because on them much of the burden of medical care will ' The working of the Swedish health plan will, of course, be followed closely zbroad. Would the Swedish plan work in the United States? Given present conditions and our present medical philosophy, it is highly improbable that it would. In the first place, Sweden is a small country with a small homogenous population. The United States sprawls over 114,4 a continent and its population is composed of many different ethnic stocks. The conditions that prevail in the. arid Southwest and West are very different from those lin the Middle West or New England. With 48 autonomous States and a heterogeneous population engaged in many different kinds of activities, we must work out our own formula. for, the integration of low-cost medical care with social security. This, however, does not rule out the adoption of features of the Swedish plan that could meet our needs. . Our medical philosophy stems from several basic concepts. One is that we do not want any further socialization— which we identify with Governmentguaranteed 'medical care and compulsory health insurance. Another is that the p atient must be free to choose his own. doctor. A third is that we should heed the views of the medical profession on this matter, just as we take the medicines it prescribes. Let us examine each of these concepts. As to socialization, it is likely that one either believes the Government should take more part in public welfare activities or one does not. But in the field of public health it is not quite that simple. It is possible that some supervision of medical care by the Government or some further participation by the Government in health measures is justifiable on the ground of public good. When we examine the second concept, it should be noted, first, that under neither the Swedish nor the British plan is the patient deprived of the privilege of choosing his own physician. Even in Sweden political parties could not overcome the opposition to any system that would abolish that privilege. In the United States the opposition of organized medicine would be still more powerful. There is, nevertheless, reason to question the , necessity of free choice in, the practice of medicine. How valid is this




idea? The right Or a patient to choose his own physician is based on the assumption that he knows how to weigh Thirteen SPJST certificates for adults: a physician's education, hospital connections, and standing in his profession. CLASS B: where a member pays preAny physician who has a license and miums during his lifetime. who is a member in good standing of CLASS C: where a member pays prethe county medical society is supposed miums for 20 years, but in case of to be a qualified practitioner, though he death, the full benefit is paid as may be a medical mediocrity or hopeprovided by the by-laws. lessly antiquated in his diagnostic 'and therepeutic procedures. Actually, t h e CLASS D: where a member pays fc. 15 years; benefits paid as provided physician chosen is usually one recomin Class C. mended to the patient by a friend. There is no free choice of physicians CLASS E: where a member pays premiunis for 10 years with death benein the Army or Navy, yet we were asfit paid as provided in Class C and sured during and after the war that D. never in history were armed forces so well cared for medically and surgically CLASS F: full amount of certiOcate Is as were ours. There is no free choice paid after 15 years. in the outpatient departments or free CLASS G: amount of certificate is paid wards of our great voluntary hospitals; after 20 years of payment. nor is there free choice when a patient CLASS H: proper amount of certificate goes to such an outstanding medical is paid when member attains the center as the Mayo Clinic. There he is age of 65 years, member pays preassigned by the clinic authorities to the miums until he attains the age of doctor they consider best qualified to 65. handle whatever disease he may have or CLASS I: member pays wemiums for whatever surgery he may require. There 20 years and proper amount of the is no hit or miss about it; he gets the certificate is paid when he attains specialist whose records show his knowlthe age of 60 years. edge and skill. CLASS K: member pays premiums, ,,tt The third concept — that the views age 65, and the proper amount .oi of the medical profession should prehis certificate is paid upon his death, vail — is perhaps the root of the matter. Conceding the great good that the CLASS L: Double Indemnity insurance: which is issued up to the sum of American Medical Association has done $2,500.00, and is not included in the in exposing charlatans, raising medical amounts of the other classes. standards and improving medical education, questions nevertheless have been CLASS M: Annuity Policies. raised about its opposition to efforts to CLASS M-C: Mortgage cancellation inimprove medical and health conditions surance with gradually reduced benthrough Government participation and efits and $1,000 paid-up insurance compulsory insurance. after 20 years. The best that organized medicine CLASS N: Mortgage insurance will be issued to members up to the age of now offers voluntary insurance, which 50 years, who have real estate loans does nothing more than provide money from this organization. to pay, or help pay, the doctors' bills and hospital bills for the period of illness. According to the deep-rooted feeFive SPJST certificates for children: for-service principle a surgeon may CLASS J-T: Term insurance to 16 years charge a wealthy man many times more of age, which may be converted into for an opeTation that he would charge a any other insurance after the child poor man. This may seem equitable in reaches the age of 10 years and betheory, but in practice it often works fore attaining the age of 16 years. hardship on the salaried or middle-income patient who may not have the reCLASS J-C: 20-pay life, face value at serves to meet a sudden crisis. age 16, payable at death. — New York Times CLASS J-S: 20-pay life with face value • at age ono year, payable at death. ) .1. • ( CLASS J-E: Endowment at age 18, with Keep your smile pinned on! mortuary face value at age one year. It may give another cheer; CLASS J-G: 20 year endowment, morIt may soothe another's fear; tuary face value at age one year. It may help another fight. If T.:lir smile's on tight. _Utz).

ave Your Choice

Straaa' 13



Wednesday, May 4, 1955

BINGO IS GETTING INTO POLITICS Bingo—a simple game of luck played largely at church and charity affairs— is rapidly becoming a major political issue from coast to coast. In city after city, the game is turning into something of a craze. In Washington, D.C., for example, there are now regular bingo circuits, with free, chartered buses taking the addicts from one church or fraternal hall to another, every 'night of the week. Bingo, is illegal, however, in 39 states a,nd-the District of Columbia. Even though ' played avidly in nearly every one of them, it is always subject to a craCkdown by police. Millions of players appear to feel strongly about legalizina;' the game. Others feel it should be outlawed as public gambling. Political battles over the legalization of btrigo, as a result, have long raged in New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Colorado, California and Louisiana. Elections are beginning to turn on the issue. The outcome may be either way A legalization measure was defeated at the last election in Michigan. But New Jersey voted pverwhelmingly to legalize-- bingo on a local-option basis. Bingo -teas the principal issue in that arriPaign. Bingo= was once a fairly minor issue in New iYork. In 1943, Thomas E. Dewey, Republican Governor then, vetoed a bill- that would have legalized bingo. But' in 1=954, when the New York Republicantocame out for a referendum on bingo, Mr. Dewey declared that "it might be a .gbod idea to let the people pass upon it . ." The Democrats already had grted to back a move to put the issue before the voters. Retulf is that both major political pariieS) on New York are now formally on record in favor of an amendment to the- Atate constitution that would legalize' bingo in communities where it is appreved by local option and operated under 'strict supervision. ' Amicr all the neighborly gaiety at bingaipes, few players are likely to note that politicians are closely watching the bingo vote; or that some of the clergy are fighting bitterly over the right and wrong of the whole business. The players' attention is concentrated solely on the prizes. They often see someone winning $10 to $40 on a 10-cent card every few minutes. This whets their appetite for one more game or one more night of bingo. Some women become bingo addicts, going from one end of town to another, night after night, to the halls where games are being played. Fabulous prizes are advertised for spe-

cial games on certain nights—$1,000, or a diamond ring, or an automobile. Such offers draw the big crowds. Often 1,000 persons or more flock to, the larger games. But, in a tyPiCal evening, even at a big game, $150 is about as large a prize as anyone wins. The conditions for winning the big ones are so difficult that one must have phenomenal luck to succeed. The most common "special" prize is the jackpot, which is so hard to win that no one succeeds until it has been carried over week after week. The political issue evolving over bin'o is complicated, too, by indications that professional gamblers and racketeers are trying to get in on some of the easy bingo money. Not much of this evidence has come to the surface, but such experts as Virgil W. Peterson, operating director of the Chicago Crime Commission, suspects that there is much more of it than has so far been reported. Mr. Peterson gives this warning: "If a game like bingo gets to be big money, the hoodlum element is going to try to get in. They see a gOod thing, and they take over. It is hard to detect the professional gambler's influence." If the game is run by dishonest operators, there are many ways to arrange for most of the prize money to go to confederates among the players. The numbers that are drawn can be "stacked", so 'that the operator draws numbers which make a "bingo" for a confederate. Another technique is for a confederate to call, "Bingo!" before he really has covered the winping numbers. A crooked usher will quickly "verify" his card before other players can detect the fraud. Players even have been caught cheating the operators. The American Legion was operating a big bingo game in East Chicago, Ind., when a woman tried to take a $1,000 jackpot by cheating. She brought with her a blank card and a small printing set. As the numbers were called, she printed them in the spaces, her movements being hidden by three other women who huddled around her, pretending to be playing. After she had shouted, Bingo!" the usher detected the fraud, because she had printed one of the numbers on a slant. But neither could the Legion have her arrested, because in Indiana bingo is illegal. Handsome profits come from the big games, like those that were held by the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the Bronx before a recent, police enforcement drive resulted in the closing down

of bingo in New York. The church gave prizes as high as $500, attracting large crowds from all over the Bronx. Six chartered buses transported some of the bingo enthusiasts. The church cleared at least $25,000 a year on bingo. How big is bingo? Some say that a million people play the game every night and that it is a billion-dollar-a-year industry. Such figures are bard to verify. But they don't seem too far out of line when you have such facts as these: The chief bingo-game manufacturers, the John A. Roberts Company, of Newark, prints 8 million bingo cards a year. In addition, the company prints many times that figure in "extra" or "Vecial" cards. The gross annual profit 4 of the firm has risen, from $10,000 in the 1930s to $3000,000 today. Since New Jersey legalized bingo, in April, 1954, the 11,000 games played there are profiting at the rate of 10.5 million dollars a year. Religious lines are being sharply drawn in the growing political contest over the game. Some Catholic priests have. strongly urged in public statements that the present state limit on the size of the prizes be raised, to enable the charities to reap larger profits. Protestant mini4ers who do not oppose the game want4(the limits on prizes kept where they are: $250 a game and $1,000 for an evening of play. Few Protestant or Jewish churches sponsor bingo games, but many Catholic churches do. Many protestants play bingo, ci course, and they often are among the sponsors when fraternal or other organizations conduct the games. Players are lured by the promise of big prizes—jackpots often in the thousands of dollars, sometimes many thousands of dollars. In the larger games, $20 to $40 prizes are won every few minutes. Since nearly all the bingo games are for the benefit of some charity, the players can justify their gambling on that basis. It isn't as if they were going to gambling casinos. And it takes less money and effort than horse races. The only muscular requirement is to cover a number with some kind of marker when you hear it called. The mental exertion consists of listening to the nurpbers as the caller drones them, hour after hour, and watching to see-if they are on any of your cards. When you cover five numbers in a row, you yell, "Bingo!". If someone else (Continued on page 20)

Wednesday, • May 4' 1953


Strana 19

PROSPERITY SKIPS THE FARMA One Major industry affecting many millions of people is not sharing in the nation's business recovery. This great exception is agriculture. Farmers are getting lees for their (Tops. They are being forced to grow less: Their costs are high. Their incomes are shrinking. Last year, farmers had the smallest share of the national income on record--7.2 percent. As yet, there is no solution in sight for their problem. Time and again, Government officials have sensed a change for the better. At times, prices strengthened.. But, each time, the improvement proved momentary. Thinking back to the 1920s, some economists now are wondering if this longcontinued trouble in farming may not prove to be a serious weakness for the nation as a whole. History, especially in the '20s, shows that, when farmers suf fer over a long period, other business* is likely .to be hit. MILLIONS ARE AFFECTED Farmers today are a smaller group but still big enough to have an impact. The Government figures there are about 21 million people living on farms, and about 31 million more in rural areas closely tied to the farm. Thus, nearly a third of the nation is affected by a drop in farm income. Farm net income was about 12 billion dollars last year. That figure makes an allowance' for expenses, taxes and value of home-grown food and feed. Farmers got 40 per cent more in their best year 1947 • Thus the drop, from peak prosperity, has been great, though most farmers still are much better off than before World War II. The drop in 1954 from 1953 was 10 per cent. The Government had expected the drop from 1953 to, be about 6 per cent. Now, a further drop of about 4 per cent, to 1.5 billion, is being forecast, unofficially, by the federal experts for 1955. WHAT'S THE TROUBLE? Behind the farmers' plight are two big factors: price weakness and heavy surpluses. Farm prices just haven't leveled off the way the Government and many private economists thought they would. Right now, in a time Of great business strength, farm prices have been showing weakness. Cotton in rural areas, a short time aio, sold for slightly less than the Govvcrnment price supports. Farmers are selling wheat at a discount of about 14 cents a bushel from

the price support, corn at a discount of 27 cents, rye at a discount of 31 cents. Hogs are the cheapest since 1949. Cattle prices are up from last year s lows, but have lost ground recently. Supplies are so big that, unless there is a war or some other calamity, real strength in prices can't be counted on soon. Farmers' will produces less. But•consmilers will have plenty of meat, flour, fiber, eggs, poultry, dairy products, just about everything the farmer grows. The supply of wheat on July 1 is expetted to be about 975 million bushels. That is more than the U. S. uses in a year, and three times the normal carryover, as the Government figures it. And a new crop is coming. Corn at the start of the growing season this year is estimated at 918 million bushels, already on hand. That's a third of what is used in a year. And a whole new crop is about to be planted. Before the 1955 cotton crop is picked, the U. S. will have on hand something like 9.8 million bales of old cotton. EFFECT OF ACREAGE CUTS The Government hopes to hold production on new crops to less than the normal year's use, thus reducing the huge surpluses. But the surpluses will shrink little, the economists say, unless there is a crop failure Big supplies still will be hanging over the market at the end of this year. But acreage cuts will mean this to the grower: less income. Wheat farmers of the Great Plains will be sowing about 30 per cent less than they did two years ago. And what they reap brings a lower price. In Southern States, cotton acreage has been reduced by more than 27 per cent since 1953. Here, too, farmers are feeling the cuts. Meanwhile, farmers expect to raise more pigs this year than last. That keeps the price low but holds volume up. Cattle on ranges and farms also a year ago, numerous than they were a year ago, the Government says. For those who sell livestock, big volume helps offset low prices. Still income declines. Most farmers will have less coming in. EXPENSES HARD TO CUT They'll be trying to cut expenses. So far, this has proved difficult. Since 1951, cash received by farmers has diminished by 2.8 billions a year; production expenses have declined only half a billion Feed costs less. But feeder cattle cost more; cost of animals purchased for fattening early this year has risen more than has the price of fattened steers.

The big corn-hog producer figures•his costs at 12_ cents per pound of hog; he gets about 15 cents. The 3-cent margin has to pay for his own work, his investment and family expenses. Fertilizer is costing less than last year. But seed to be planted on land taken out of corn and wheat has ,become more costly—especially grass seeds, clover and alfalfa seed. Farm wages are down. The farmer is buying less machinery than he did when': he felt more prosperous. But family: needs are more expensive. And taxes are rising. Farmers have gone deeper into Aleht:.-, The Government says mortgag gs, 2 . on farms increased by 7 per cent last iyear. Interest payments on mortgages are In creasing. The over-all result is this conclu+ sion: Farm costs per unit of crop have inched up for the last two years deSpite.o' efforts to cut down. GETTING BY What the broad figures don't reveal is... the wide differences in thefortunes , of different types of farmers. Hard hit Are ;' wheatgrowers on the Great Plains I who'. haven't much choice but to grow wheat,, or cotton farmers tied almost entirely oe to cotton and lacking latest equipments Small farms without machinery feel- a real pinch. Less hurt is the medium-sized mid- is western farm that is well equipped! and' versatile. It still supports the familyt;,,, with some profit, though the prof4t.oi,S:[i: smaller than before. There is more.,leer way to meet hard conditions. Distress would be greater except! that; many moved off the land in the latt cade. A smaller income. is being shafrec11 by fewer farmers. Those who remain,gre.-, more efficient. Even so, they feel the pinch. As ;co,-..,,. sumers, they are not able to buy as :freely as last year; they share the lowesOprzmii come since World War II. When 1post., other people are feeling well off, farm-, ers get no lift from the busines boom. U. S. NeWs and World Report, Mareh 25, 1955. et. • (

She (to chauffeur): "Clarence, I din not accustomed to calling my chauffeurs', by their first names. What is your , Surname?" Chauffeur: "Darling, madam." She: "Drive on Clarence." oge

Life is like a bank account. You'only get back what you put in. Experienee is the interest.

Stiana 20

Senator Strauss' Column TO THE PEOPLE OF THE 15th SENATORIAL DISTRICT The Senate this week passed a Constitutional Amendment which would authorize the Veterans Land Board to issue 100 million dollars worth of bonds for the purpose of making loans to veterans to purchase land. This Amendment would' be voted on by the people at the General' Election in 1956. -an The Senate received the tax bill from the , House this week. This bill provides for one-cent per gallon increase in the -gasoline tax, and increase in the tax on cigarettes, snuff, cigars, and an increase in the beer license fees. It is predicted that there will be quite a battle on this tax !Fill in the Senate, with many changes to be proposed. The Senate passed a bill this week which would give persons serving jail sentences credit for good behavior. At the present time such credit is given to those confined- to the penitentiary but not to persons serving jail sentences, The credit would be 10 days for each 30 days•,served. The Senate has passed a bill which would - authorize the Lower Colorado River ,Aulthority to issue an additional 15 milliOn dollars worth of bonds. The LCRIs has been given authority to issue bonds on several occasions in the past. They use the funds for the purpose of building claniS the Colorado River for flood control and to generate electricity. The bondajare then paid off from their revenues` '' derived from sales of electric power. , They have a series of dams above Austin, and it is hoped that thn new money will be used to construct a dani 'below Austin. The public hearing on the tax bill has been.set for Monday, May 2nd, at 2:30 .m. The hearing will probiabay require several days. We are being flooded with propaganda on this bill. It seems that every industry wants some other industry to pay the taxes. It is interesting,to.note that a 4 per cent reduction in State spending would eliminate the necessity of voting new taxes at this session. With economic conditions in our district as they are at present, it is very difficult to vote new additional taxes on our people. Sincerely, Gus J. Strauss


House Of Re Tre.-:,ntative3 Auz[in (By Herman Yoaiii: April 25-29—The .signed into law a bill raising ciriver':; license fees from $1 for two years to al roe one year. A bill also increased eitatiit a ur's and commercial driver's licene fees. -The increased fees will an thorixe flie' Public Safety Department to acid more high-way patrolmen to its force. According to a Senate Bill, ihe membership of the Live-tuck SicilLbry Commission would be In creed. (corn three to six members and 11, requirea all segments of the Livestock industry to be represented on the Commissaan It includes on veterinarian. The House and Senate approved oy overwhelming votes two different constitutional amendments on Tuesday. Each authorized another one million dollars for the Veterans Land program. The Senate finally passed a House bill which prohibits the use of intoxicating beverages in any athletic stadium or field when an athletic contest is sponsored by a public school. Penalty for violation will be a fine- of $25 to $200. A bill to allow the State Parks Board to issue bonds for improving state parks won its firat round before the House by an 81-55 vote. The Senate approved a previously House-passed constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to appropriate money to compensate any person falsely imprisonod. The House -failed to approve a constitutional ar — ndment to set up an auto:tricting board for courts. The maeature received ninety-eight votes winch is two votes short of the one hundred necessary for passage. The omnibus tax bill passed the House on Monday by a vote of 86-53 and it was sent to the Senate. An effort was made to delete the tobacco and snuff tax in the bill. A Senate bill passed the House exempting buildings housing veterans organizations such as the Anierican Legion and others froin a state advalorem tax. The Governor vetoed the first bill of the session. The bill would have raised the salary of the Criminal District Attorney of McLennan County The members of the House have introduced 933 bills while in the Senate the count stands at 427 Senate bills introduced.

Wednesday, may 4,' 1055

Bingo Is Getting Into Politics (Continued from page 18) makes bingo at the same time, the winners split the prize. Players squeal and groan when they come within one number of winning. Some buy all- the "extra" cards they can put before them, and they are kept furiously busy placing markers on the numbers, both hands flying as if they were playing a fast tune on a piano. The game is most popular among middle-aged women. Few pla yers, these days are young, fewer are male. Each player pays an admission charge, typically about $1, allowing her to play 1;ntie 25 games. High priced sessions cosl $2 1. At all bingo sesSions "extra" or special" cards are sold, at about 10 cents each. Most players spend about as much on "extras" as on the regular session. Bingo was born centuries ago, in Italy. In the 1800's the game was widely played by American children under the name of "lotto," and it still survives, in that form, today. It was in the1930's, however, that some churches, hit by the depression, adopted the game. They called it bingo. A number of movie theaterS offered bingo games at the same time in an effort to attract customers. It is this game that is becoming a serious political issue in cities from coast to coast. Bingo undoubtedly is going to be a factor in many state and local elections in 1955. — Condensed from U. S. News and World Report. Senator Jimmy Phillips of Angleton, a member of the Senate committee investigating the Veterans Land scandal, personally seized the original minutes of about one hundred meetings of the Veterans Land Board. The records will be photostated for future reference and then returned. On Monday the Sixth Grade of the Hearne Elementary School and on Wednesday the Civics Class of the Thorndale High School and their teachers were visitors of the Legislature and on an educational tour of the State Capitol. A bill permitting the taking of rough fish by gill nets in Milam County was passed in the House on the local calendar and sent to , the Senate. This is the bill that is unanimously endorsed by the Sportsman Club of Milam County. ) Science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war. — Pasteur.

Wednesday, May 4, 1955



Strana 21

MOTHER'S DAY 1955 This coming Sunday, May 8th, America pays homage to the mothers of this Nation. It is proper that one day out of each year be set aside as a reminder of the love and reverence we owe our mothers, and which in truth we should express every clay of our lives. Mother's Day is a simple festival of era titude within the family, an acknowledgment of a debt that can never be discharged. The members of the family, wherever they may be, still within the home or out in the world for themselves, unite in appreciation of mother and the sacrifices that make home possible. On this day a "thank you" is said which was forgotten on other days, and whateveer may be the language of her children mother understands. Some little gift, a letter, a card of greeting, a visit, a bouquet of flowers, these are the varied currencies of appreciation. Their value surpasses the material. For it is, human value, without money and without price. On Mother's Day what seems to be trivial has an importance beyond itself. Life is lived amidst a sea of trouble, worries, misunderstandings, disappointments and under this friction, day by day, the bond of love that should bind brothers ai.c1 sistcrs sometimes wears thin.

of our nation is founded on the American home. A leading historian of our days says that no great nation has ever been completely destroyed by an outside attacking force. The nations and the peoples that have been destroyed were the vic tims of self-destruction. One of the major factors in this process of death from within has been the weakening and decay of family life. Frankly, the future of our Nation depends more upon what happens in our homes than we have heretofore realized. The experience of our social agencies and schools all point to a basic tact. Not only are good homes important to the life of the people and the very existence of a nation, but the most potent factors and influences in the growth and development of wholesome personality lie in the life of the family. The schools, community agencies, the church, a good neighborhood, all help; but the basic institution in giving a sound and wholesome start in life is a good home. We must take more time for family living, more time for having fun together, more time for sharing with others, more time for opening cur minds to new ideas and more time to constantly recall our heritage.

The most satisfying of all pleasures to mother is absence of jealousy and illfeeling among her children who are dear to her heart and who on Mother's Day can unite in paying her the tribute of love and devotion that she so richly deserves.

Then, too, we must always take time for Mother's Day. Mother is still the one who takes the lead in seeing that the home's operation is smooth. There are many tributes that are tendered mothers for their loyalty, their sweetness, their unselfishness, their tenacity for work, their . fOrbearance, their understanding, and many other of their noble qualities, for all these are woven into the tapestry of a good home. Yes. Mother is always the "chief cook" and "bottle washer." But her influence on the children and her part in training® them correctly calls for education and intricate psychology which often cannot be found in books. The welfare of the family also requires her to know something of sanitation and health. Running of the household to meet the budget requires some knowledge of economy and the handling of money. To help her children iron out their problems she must know something of the functions of schools, churches, and all groups which they will come in contact. To make sure that the best laws are enacted for her children's future, she has to know something about politics, Wednesday, May 11 government, and international affairs. Joe Patek orchestra — Plainview ComAs a matter of fact mother is expected munity Center Hall near El Campo

The children of a real mother are not just incidents in her life. They are her life. Her interest in .them does not vary with her moods. They create her moods. The unfolding of their natural tendencies, day by, day, is the textbook from which she studies. Therein she finds the derivatives around which she builds—to form their character. She keeps her heart young. She is their friend and their confidante. She is one of them, but a superior one, with the knowledge of her years and the spirit of her children. These are the mothers we need. The economies of home and nation are closely allied. The government of our country depends upon the men who guide it. The character in these men has its beginning, in the home. The character of the home is made and enlarged or limited by the woman who is the mother of that home. It can be truly said that the character

to be .a walking Encyclopedia. Mother's Day is a precious day. But it is entirely possible that as adV approach the thoughts of this day we may be too much given to sentiment to meet the actual facts with clear judg ment that they demand. It is possible we may let sentiment take the place of duty. Does the wearing of a flower' and the use of pious-sounding platitudes fully express our devotion? If we are among the number who are so highly favored as to have gibd motn, ers, and that number is very much the majority, we can. do no greater home.: than to "follow in our mother's/twill steps." We are too inclined to give lip service only. The real and lasting service extends far past the second Sundayain May. It is not made up of words alone: ) • 4 • 4:

POLKA DANCE CALENDAR (Calvin C. Chervenka) Rt. 2, Rogers, Texas Saturday, May 7 Baca's Original orchestra -- Hillcrest, Park near Columbus Emil Bartos orchestra — Olmos at Skidmore " Henry Broscl, orchestra -- K. T in San Antonio Lee Isle orchestra — American „IA:7 gion Hall in Crosby Konvicka's Worthing Band — Chero.7, kee Inn on Hwy '77 near Yoakum Sil Krenek orchestra — Ledbetter 114p. Rudy Kurtz orchestra --- Harmonip Hall. in Shelby Majek orchestra — Moravian Hall. in Corpus Christi Joe Patek orchestra — Boedek's Place in Shiner Sunday, May 8 Emil Bartos orchestra — Firemen's', Dance — VFW Hall in Moulton Wedding Henry Brosch orchestra rl Dance — Hostyn Hall Lee use orchestra — Nada, Hall Sil Krenek orchestra -- La Salle littiL,if American Rudy Kurtz orchestra a, Legion Hall in Shiner Majek orchestra — Mother's Day Dance — Sokol Hall in Corpus ChriSti at Joe Patek orchestra — Sefcik Seaton near Temple

vESTNix wtsl, TEXAS

fltrana 22 EDUARD IVIICES:

Tvou milou dcerugkou.


Na Den Matek

Pos yi jen prenila matielo, srdeaco co Ti me, 1 Tube Indy upiimne, vypravuje; Ono Ti povida, tie Te vidy rad° ma. Stale jen radosti iadne Zalosti, Tobe, ma matielo, pieje me srdielo y e dne g ni den. kee' je to kratiali, jsem je gte malfeki. Drava ma matielco, celo' me srclielo nida Ti dam] a Tebe miluji nad cel svet. 'My chci b t posluinou

F st eau, dne 4. kVi: tin 1;a

Babieka (NapSala Botiena NemcOva.)

A6 jsem je gte inaly, y elike me piani kez bys s nami, matko, byla bez piestani. Kei bys dlouha Feta mezi nami a nis laskou svoji den co den

Ia draha mati&o, poslechni maiiteko, co chci Toby: piati, ke dni Matek dati. Slibuji poslugnost, lasku a upiimnost, k tomu hodde pile ye velikem dile. Pieeti nekolikrat a spravne °pig do sesitu! Strkeok • rad uslygi o tom, co mall etenari a etenaiky ueinili pro maminky na jejich den,. NapiAte mu! S pozdravem STRiCEK mitEK Z AUSTINU. Adresa strkekova je: Dr. Ed. Week, University Station, Austin, Texas. ) • et. • ( Pritel domlouva pfiteli, tie na sebe nic, tie chodi agumelk. "Mel jsi videt tveho tatinka, ten nosil pane gaty." "Tak vidis, nosim prave ty tatinkovy gaty."

(Pokraeovani.) Kristla rozev'kela list a pomalu eetla: "Ma draha Kristinko! Na stokrat te pozdravuju a libam. Ach Sae, je to platno! ja bych te racieji jednou opravdu polibil, neti tisickrat na papir, ale tti mile cesty lezi mezi nama a k sobe nemiltieme. Ja vim, tie ty si kolikrate za den myslig . 'Co asi Jakub dela? Jak se mu as vede?' Delat mam dolt co, ale jake je to dilo, telo pri praci a mysi vgecka jinde. Zle se vede. Kdybych byl svoboden, jako je Vitkovic Tonda, snad by se mi vojensick stay zalibil; kamaracti zvykaji, a pomalu nebude jim nic take I ja se feemu ueim, nereptam proti nieemu. ale mne nic netai, a misto privykant' je mi den ode dne kru gneji. . . Od svitu db rnraku myslim na tebe, ma mild holubieko, a kdybych jen vedel, tie's zdrava, kdybych jedine pozdravenieko od tebe dostal, byl bych spokojen, Kdyti stojim venku na strati a vidim ptaky letet k yak strane, myslim vtidycky, pros nemaji mluv, aby ti vzkazani moje vyridili, aneb radeji sam abych byl ptakkent, tim malkm slaviekem, abych k tobe zaletel. — Nerika ti babioka Prakovic nic? Co tim jen myslila, tie nebude snad loneeni nage na dlouho? Nevig? Ja si, kdy mi je nejhut, vtidy na jeji posledni Slova vzpomenu a jakoby Panbilh do mne vstoupil ,tak mne obaerstvi nadeje, tie ona poradi, jak a co (Mat. Ona nemluvi nadarmo. Jen mi par facleeku abych se pote gil, vgak ti to yield° napige; pig mi vgecko, rozumig ? Sklidili jste sena za sucha? A co tiatva? Tady jiti zaeinaji sklizet. Kclyti vidim tience jit do pole, pra gtil bych vim a utekl. Prosim te, nechod' sama na robotu, ja vim, oni se budou ptat, budou ti cleat take srdce —nechod'; a ten darmotlach, ten pi-" "To je blazen, on se boji, tie bych ja snad "—" zahnevala se Kristla, hned ale eetla dale: "— nedal by ti pokoje. Jen se drti Tomg e, ja ho prosil, aby ti byl pravou rukou. Pozdravuj ho, i Aneu! Dojdi take k na g im a jim pozdraveni, a vase take tie nastokrat pozdravuju i babieku a detieky i v gecky zname a piltely. Mel bych ti je gte tolik povidat, tie by se to ani na takovk kus papiru neveglo, co by s nim Lernovsky kopec se potahl, ale uti je eas na strati. Kclyti v noci chodim na stratil, zpivam si: `Vy krasne hvezdieky, coti jste vy malielty.' Zpivali jsme ji spolu v pfedveeer, net jsme se rozlouoili; tys pri ni plakala.. Ba, Boae, teaivaly nas ty male hve'zdieky, teSivaly, ale Buh vi sam, budou-li tekt kdy vice. Ziistavej s Panebohem!" (Pokratovani.)

Ve strethi, am; 4. kvetria.

V k' S N


Strana 23

Z IVI CFI VZPOMiNEK DOHA I ZDE (Pokradovani)_ Tak se pomalu jaro a to se Majznerovi zastesklo a ae pojede domt, kdya ma tak diit, to ae rnohl bYt dorna. K nemu se pada' hued Vinci Praaak, ae tarn neqhal haiku a ae mu nepiae, ae snad ua tarn ma jineho. Tak po YYplate se sebran a jeli zpet na Galveston. Me se, tea zas.tesklo, tak jsem se jel podivat do Fort Worth navativit zname. Byl tarn Pavelka, Alois Vaja., Bedan, Kodi, Koldin, Cek, paprskat, Blaha a jinn, ktere ua jsem zapom el. Rtijel jsem zpatky a Vacla y Mrnka me povida, ze dostal od aeny psani a ae pige, ae nekcle u Strawn je mestedko Lyra a ae tam clelaji nekteki oe gi a tea ae jsou tarn Kriegseisove a jejich rodiny ae za nimi jedou. Tak nejblilai nedeli se vypravil on. a Mergl a jeli to hledat, ale zpatky tia fnepkijeli. Zustali tarn, Jen psali, je tam hodne naaincti, prate je tarn dost, ae jsou tarn dolt' na uhli, tak abychom pkijeli a jejich, veci aby thorn Nzaii s sebou. Tak .jsme delali do NT .7 platy a podekovali diloveelcincimu. On nas nerad ztracel, rnel nas rad. Pkijedeme do Strawn a rovnou do salonu napojit duaidku. Tam bylo hodne tak jsme se shaneli po povozu, kdo by nas do-Lyry dovezl. Tam byl jeden pan a ten se ptal tech Polak!, co jsme zab. Ord mu kekli, ae jsme 'deai a ae jecleme do Lyry delat do clohl. On nas podastoval, a povida ae nas odveze. Naloaili jsme vae na bogy a on nas saves! do Lyry pied obchod spolednosti. Tam jsme vae sloaili a ptame se, co jsme dlua ni. On ae nit a abychom pry si vzali na jeho jmeno Soden soudek piva v salon& V torn pkiali nekteki te g i a povidaji, ae je to podilnik jmenem Bennet. Tak jsme mu jegte podekovali a sve \red jsme odnesli k Vaclavu Kriegseisovi, kde jsme tea zirstali na stravu, DruhST den jsme se pkihlasili do prate v dolech, kde jsme praci dostall a vstoupill do unie hornicke. Price v dolech ne byla zrovna lehka a kdo byl lehtivS/, ten tam cllouho nevydrael. Uhli bylo od 18 do 26 palcti vysoko a veakera prate se delala v klede a v leae. V leae se podkopa.valo (iikalo se "ararnovar), pak se kliny sraZelo Uhel dolil se na d ye vrstvy, tak kdya nechtel vrchni do10, tak se srazil spocini a kopalo se dale, tak ae toho hokejaiho (kikalo se tomu "top coal") nekciy bylo 8 i vice stievicir net gel dole nebo se musel sestkelit. Nekde se delalo dobke, nhel gel od vrchu, ale na vice mistech se muse! stillet. KaadSr delnik rne'l 36 stievic sveho rozmein na katdorr stranu ,15 stkevic, v prostied li stievic, to byl prirjezd, po terern se privately voziky do nicht se na adalo

(Frank Volf, Britt, Iowa) uhii. Tento priljezd se pkibiral ve strope v kameni, aby se tarn mohl delnik postavit, to se odstkelo yalo dynamitem. Kdya delnik vydelal 3 dolary, to si liboval. Nejvice trpela kolena si' na to cielnik zvykl. Misty tea byla voda a v to bylaTrate mod apatna. Lyra byla tabor spolednosti, bylo tam asi 300 clornku od '2 aa do 6 svetnic, byla tarn akola, poata, dva salony, obchod a fikalo se hotejai a dolejai "kemp". Byli tam dva doktoki, ty si piatili hornici. Pracovali tam Oe§i, Polaci, Francouzi, Mexikani a tea ternoai, zkratka vaechna sebranka. Tenktat, to bylo asi 1907. To zdejai Amerikang nevedeli, co je to Cech, oni snail jen Austria-Hungary. Tenkrat 6e§i nebyli addnemu zde znami. Meli jsme zde dost teake zadatky, neb takovYch par vozkil, (co jezdili s mulami a tahali voziky s uhlim pod aachtu), ti dovedli delni-

Id= nadelat dosti nesnazi. Jestli si delnik neco objednal, trvalo to kolik dni nea to dostal. TakovY pacholek chtel na vas Jlej nebo Jtarbid na sviceni a u salonu centa na pivo — tak si dovedli poroudet. Ale vae rria sYfij zadatek a tea i sVfij konec. Jednou (*tali tadnS, vYprask, at z toho jeden zemtel. Byl z toho soud, ale nic nam nemohli dokazat, tak bylo po soudu. Od to doby byl pokoj, Chodili mezi rids, ale chovali se sluane, naueili se jist kolade i knedliky. Stale nas ptibYvalo, takae jsme pomYAlen na zaloaeni nejakeho spolk.u. Muziku jsme tea men: Karel Anya a Jan Mesidek harmoniky a ja, si objednal bubny na alapadla a pin, torn piskal fletni4.4" jsem si ale ptestal zpivat, "Ne a nebIdem se aeniti" a to proto, ae v ten eas sestra manaelky, V. Kriegseise a svobodna. T1,1 jsem si vzpomnel, jako brY ktest'an, ae pismo, pravi, neni deb dioveku samotnemu, proto ae Buh stvotil Evu. Ale tahle byla Franti gka. 071



Nu a co dal? 2e jsem byl kluk jako curnel, netrvalo to dlouho a byla ruka v rukave. Dne 26. iijna jsme men svatbu a to prvni deskou veselku. Oddavky vykonal soudce ze Strawn a to u nas v domku a zuoastnil se take deskeho obeda. To se tYde pitiva, tak se ten veder vypilo 26 soudkil piva. Tahli jsme spolu dobre i apatne a dnes ua se blialme k padesatce. Takto jsme byli vady spokojeni a tak brazdu nejak doorame. 2enu brou as na to, ae nekdy ja4dek bezel vie nea mel. Ale jak p. avi tato priipovidka: Kdyby byly vaechny aeny bez jazyku, bylo by na svete malo kiiku,

bylo tak chmurno, truchlivo, jako kdya nema vojak na pivo. Ba bylo, a potorn jak se iika, ae n1, dvou se to lcpai tanne a my tahli, a rrItr. seli jsme, neb jsme men po vesektieL $260.00 dlulm. Moje manZelka se jmenovala Fra ka Machaekova, narozena v Lianici 10. prc,...:ice 1884, okres Smichov, hejrnan6tvi Zbrasla y. Neznali jsme se z kraje,l'ale‘ piece jsme se domluvili, ae jsme se ua videli a site v Trnenem tijezde, kde jOnt delal na stavbe u pana 8paaa a ona tam byla ye sluabe a site pani k race; pry se ji smaly, ze po Ili ten zednik ka, ale ja zatirn koukal po jejich schovance. To bylo asi v voce 1900.

v/, /.;


SEDLACI t(POkradovani.) (DejovS7 celek:—Matej Boryna, prvni sec,ilak v Lipcich, bezmala aedesatnik, Chee se 2enit po tteti. Boryna ma etyti Ott, 'Ienateho Antonina, provdanou MagdU, vojaka Gtelu, a desetiletou Josku. Antonin, kteremu tikaji Antek, se svou 'ienou Hankou a s detmi, bydli v jedne polaVici selskeho staveni. Start' Boryna s dcerou Joskou bydli v clruhe Pacholek Kuba a pasak Vitek spaivaji ye stag Ve vsi se aepta, 2e Antek, ac " Ze#atSr , chodi za nejhezeim svobodn§'M'creveetem v Lipcich, Jagnou Dominikoirou. Nejvetai klepna ve vsi, stars Jagus*ka, byla toho tajneho milovani oCiOtri''svedkem. Boryna mel soudni proces svou laS7valou deveekou. Cestou od adudu - doma, Boryna, svezl starou'Dominikovou, matku krasavice Jagny. Snad DOminikove mohl rici, Z'e se mu Jagniela lib.. Do Tymova na jarmark hrnuly zdatupy lidi. Boryna gel peaky, ale cestou se svezl s varhanikovSrmi, jejich2 syn jell& studoval na kneze. Na jarmarkti del se Boryna se svSrm zetem, kovatem, kterY ptipomnel Boryncvi, e by mei dceti Magcle, kovatove Zen& nechat ptipsat kousek dedictvi. Kdy2 se chystalo k svatbe Boryny s Jagnou, Antekbp celY bez sebe. Nemohl se smitit s myalenkou, jeho milenka se ma stati 2eh'•;S1.t jeho otce. PH prudke hadce mezi otc4iiif a synem, stall/ Boryna vyhnal Antka Bal se snad, ge by se Antek their k•olem sve milenky, ktera se stane hosptioyni v Borynoire dornacnosti?) * *

fojt, ze byl uz podnapilY, inluvil stale hlasiteji, nafukoval se, bil pesti do stolu vette. Ja jsem e •edni osoba, postal. jsem lejstro s rozkazem, ab ych sv-oralobec a dal odlilasovat na akolu nejaky grog z kaZdeho korce." "Vy si, Pette, odhlasujte z korce ti'eba celY desetnik, ale my nedame ani halit!" "To nedame!" vyktikl kdosi. "Ticho. .. kdy to kika ntedni osoba, musi to bYt. . ." "Jakapak Skola, my ji nepottebujeme!" prohodil Boryna. "To se vi, e nepottebujeme," pti svedeili vSichni sborem. "Hm, u nag ye Von Skola je, ti. zimy me deti do ni chodily, a co? Nedovedou z kraky ptedist ani Otdena.S. . . pro koCku je takove udeni!" "OteendS at' kaZdeho naudi matka, na to kola neni, ja, fojt, vam to povidam." "K Cemu tedy je?" vyktikl ten z Vole a vyskodil. "Ja., fojt, vain povidam, jenom dolate poslouchejte... Tak tedy za prve.. ale del se nedostal, protole Simon na celY stuff vyktiZoval, Ze ten prodanY les kupci uz vyznddili a Ze ho co nevidet zaenou kacet, .dekaji jen na mrazy a na sanici. "At' si vyznaduji, na keceni si podka" tvrdil Boryna. "Ptijdeme ke komisati a podeme Zalobu." "To ne, komisat drZi s hrabetem. My vSichni se musime sebrat. jit a rozehnat je. .." "Ani jeden smreek nenechame padnout!"

"2alobu k soudu, musime podat." "Ptipijme si, Mateji, ted' neni kdy na to, abychom se dohadovali. Pti piti se lehce vyhroluje, tfeba i Pent' Bohu!" zvolal mlynef a nalil. Rozmluvy tohoto' druhu a vyhritZky mu nebyly po chuti, protole se s kupci lesa dohodl, :Vciptvni svetnici se prochazela Jagnie- ze jim dtevo poteZe na sve pile pti mlyka-4 Nastkou Golombovou; drZely se ko- ne. leni if.pasu a neptetrZite vybuchovaly Vaichni si ptipili a povstali s mist, Smichern, neco si aeptajice do ucha. . . starai syn Dorainikove, se dival protole Zenske uz zadaly nosit a rozeza!a-Limi, nespouateje oci s Nastky. . . a stavovat po stolech vSelijake nadobi. Ale sedleci keel o lese nenechali; jak jak: se jen dalo, s vodkou k ni ptistutaky, kdy2, to byla tak paldive otazka! poval, zuby cenil a vykladal. Dali hiavy dohrornady, a ptitlurnivAe, vat, svateene nastrojenk, v eernem pied mlyna •em hlasy, radili se a domlousvrchniku a v kalhotach ptes vali, Ze se sejdou u Boryny a Ze se na Jaehal nejeiperneji, byl vaude, pil neeem dohodnou; ale svou poradu nedosq17Aemi, zval, 'dastoval, hovoi'il a zase koneill, protole veSel JambroZ a pfidrumizel. jeho zrzava hlava a pihcvata Zil se k nine. Opozdil se, byl s velebnYm tvat se ukazovala hned tam, hned zas na panem u nemocneho aZ ye tteti vsi, v druhem konci svetnice. Krosnove, proto se omeSkal. . a tady Jadi nekolikrat p •etaneili, ale jen nemel Stesti, stark. Zeny uz sborem zakratee a bez vain& chuti, proto"Ze se uZ" ealy prozpevovat: ha zel po yeeeki, Stara. kozpraveli; Dokola, drubove, dokola,


at' jsou vaichni u st nla, - A na,to, Soupajice lavicemi, drulbove zavolali: VSechnvjsme kolem pozvali sedi, dejte jim , neco ,dobreho — vgaii snedi. Svatebeane se, zadali zvolna rovnat u stole a Usazovdt se na lavicich. Tot' se vi, na prvnim miste usedli novomanZele, vedle nick po obou stranach hoste nejva.ZenejAi, podle hodnosti, podle majetku, podle a2 do dru g -dekati—ka,esvSichnel, ad stoly byly nastaveny podel tr. step. Jenom druZbove nezasedli, protoie musili nosit na still, a hudebnici. Hovor utichl, varhanik vstoje odfikdval modlitbu — ale pouze kovet ji opakoval po nem, protole ten jediny se trochu vyznal v latine; a 'pak vSichni ptipili na zdravi a dobrou chut'. Kuchai• y zeroveri s druZby zlealy nosit na stuff ohromne koufici itisy s Jrdlem a prozpevovaly: Neseme polevku rytovou, pekne v ni kutatka plovou! A pH druhem chodu: DrSt'ky nesem s peptem, at' to chutne komukoli. Muzika zasedla u pece a pfehrevala tine rezne pisnieky, aby vedete' lip chutnala. VSichni jedli zpasobne, pornalu, skoro mlety, jen to a tam nekdo prohodil slovo, jenom mlaskani a haraSeni lzic plnilo svetnici; kdyt se pak ponekud nasytili a zahnali prvni hlad, kovat paslal dokola lahev; ted' zadali uZ i zticha hovofit a rozrnlouvat pfes stoly. Jenom Jagna, skoro nic nejedla, marne ji Boryna nutil, bral kolem pasu a jako det'atko . . nemohla sousta masa polknout. Byla unavend a uhfate jenom studeneho piva se napila, odima bloudila po svetnici a malouato naslouchala, co ji Boryna Septa. "Jagnidko, libi se ti svdtba, co? Ty ma nejkresnejSi! Jagnielto, neboj se, dobte ti u mne bude, jako u maminky, ba jeSte lip. . BudeS pani, Jagnidko. sluttu ti zjednem, aby ses zbytedne neudtela. . . " hovofil Boryna tiSe a dival se ji zamilovane do odi, zaporninaje na lidi; svatebanne si z neho nahlas tropili "Jde na ni jako kodka na slaninu!" "VSak je hezka., aZ se sliny sbihaji." "Stars' se vrti a pfeSlapuje jako kohout" "Pariedku, ten uZije, kilZe stars, ten se bude mit!" volal fojt. "Jake pes na mraze," zamrudel jizlive start' Simon. VYbuch smichu, .. mlynat se a2 prohYbal a tloukl pesti do stolu, jak se mu to libilo. Kuchaity znova zazpivaly: Nesemer neseme mastnou ka6i,

ye stkedu, dne 4. kv6tna 1955. aby se najedli hosts natl. "Jagno, nahni se ke mne, neeo ti keknu," ozval se fojt, zaklonil se za Borynu, proto2e seal hned vedle neho, a rkpl nevestu do boku. "At' me pozvet na tiny!" zavolal se smichem a jeho oei chtive Po ni klouzaly, nevesta se mu stratne libila. Jagna se prudce zaderve= nada, tenske propukly v sfnich a zaealy si ji dobirat, radice ji jak si ma s muaem poeinat. "KaRlY veder music u kamen nahtat pekinu!" "May ne mu davej potadne jist, pak to prijde!" "A mej se k nemu okolo krku ho ber." "A °prate drt volne aby je ani necitil pak si ho zavedet kam bude chtit" mluvily tenske jedna pkes druhou jako vtdycky ktlyt se tenske trochu napiji a popusti uzcht jazyku. Svetnice se otkasala smichem a 2 enske rozvazovaly aim dal vie, je mlynakka zaeala karat a vyzYvat, aby mely ohled na svobodne a na deti, a varhanik se dal do vykladani, ze je velkYm htichem budit pohorteni a davat zlY pkiklad. "Protote Pan Ja g a svati apottolove nem fekli. . . vtecko to je napsano v latinskYch knitkach 'eerne na bilem. . . te je lepe zabit, ne2 pohortit. • . kdyt nevinatka pohortit, jako bys mne sarnemu ueinil, tak to stoji v Pisme sva tern nebot' nemira v piti, v jidle i v konani bude ptisne potrestana, to yam, zlati lide, povidarn," blekotal varhanik nesrozumitelne, protote u2 mel v sobe vie net jen jeden nebo dva , kalitky. . "Nekad kalkant, bude lidem kazit ra dost." "Chodi okolo kneze a mysli, ze je svatY." "At' si zaepe uai!" ozYvaly se nepkatelske hlasy, protote Lipeeti nemeli varlianika radi. "Dnes je svatba a ph svatbe nenis Mich se pobavit, neeernu veselemu se zasmat a poradovat se, to yam kikam ja, fojt, moji drazi lide." "Kdyi to tak vezmem, i Pan Je2it na svatbach pil vino," rozumoval,vain Jambro2, ale tiae, protote uz byl jente seal az na konci u dveki a nikdo ho neslySel.. • Vtechni zaeali mluvit, smat se, bkinka.t kalitly a stale pomaleji hodovali, aby dokazali co nejvice mist; leckdo ut si popouttel iemen a protahoval se, aby se mu do taludku vie vealo. Kuchakky pfichazely s nov3-rmi misami a zpivaly: Chrochtala, ,kvieela, na zahradce ryla, za tu tkod g nyni nahrada je mils.. "Ti si nejak davaji zaletet, jen co je pravda!" divili se lide. "Ta svatba prY bude stat sto tlatYch!"


"Vaak se jim to vyplati, copak ji nepkipsal test korcri?" "Ale Jagna sedi jako pavouk!" "Zato Matej sviti oeima jako sari!" "Kciy2 ono je to vaecko marne, lidieky, vtechno =me." "Ten bude jette nakikat!" "Boryna neni z tech, co nakikaji, ten to spit spravi holi." "Hhed jSern to povidala fojtove, kdy2 mi fekla o namluvach." "Prodpak dnes nepkitla?" "Kdepak by mohla, deka, se." "Krk bych za to dala, te to nebude dlouho trvat a Jagna zdene behat za svobodnYmi. jen co spusti muzika v kreine. . ." "Matout se ut nemil2e doekat." "I to se podivejme, i to se podivejme!" "Ut je tak! Vatkoriove, slytela, co iikal v krerne!" "Ani mezi muzikanty ho nepozvali!" "Start' chtel, ale Dominikova, se tomu vzep •ela, probate katclY vi, co by bylo. , . to vite. . ." "KatdY nee° vi... ale vial je nekdo?" "Podle vas mluvi tedy vtichni naplano!" "Bartek Kozhi je zastihi z jara v lese!" "Kozel je zloclej a lhak, mel s Paeesoyou nejakou mrzutost kvrili svini, proto ji na zlost dela keel.... "Ale vtdyt' jini mail taky "Tohle apatne dopadne, uvidite. . tot' se vi, mne do toho nic neni, ale piece si myslim, te se Antkovtim a jejich detem stala kfivda. za to musi pkijit trest, uvidite. . . "To je jiste, Bo2i mlYny melou pomalu, ale jiste. . ." "0 •Antkovi se taky auakalo, ae je videli tu a tarn spolu, jak se domlouvali." Svatebeane tlumili hlasy, hovoiili stale zlobneji a nemilo.srdne probirali celou rodinu, nic nikomu neodpouttejice, ani stare nejen hochri jim bylo lito. "Copak to neni Mich? Synove jsou celi voustati, 8imkovi tahne na tficitku a ona mu nedovoli, aby se otenil, z domu ho nepusti a pro katdou maliekost ho hubuje. "Vtclyt' je to pro ostudu. takovi velci chlapi a delaji vaechnu tenskou praci." "Jenom aby si Jagnieka ruciaky nepotpinila." "Maji po peti korcich, mohli by se 'te nit!" "Deveat je ye vsi jako smeti!" "Yak Marcycha eeka nejdele a grunt sousedi s Padesovjimi." "Jen si dejte pozor na svou Francku, aby se neeeho nedoekala s Adamem!" "Stara je Zenska, jako eert, to je znaale ti kluci jsou vrtaci a nemema hla." "Takovi chlapi a maminky sukna se

Strang 25 boji pustit!" "Vaak se pusti... uZ" dnes chodiuimek za Nastkou Golombovou." "Jejich otec byl takovY. . . dobke se na, nej pamatuji, a ona, stars, nebYvala za mlada lepti ne2 Jagna!" "JakS7 koren, taka nat', jaka dcerka, ta,ka mat'!" Hudba utichla a hudebnici odetli na druhou 'stranu, aby se najedli, protoie veCere uz koneila. Z nieeho nic nastalo ticho jako v stele pki Pozdvihovani... Vzapeti se vpk zvedl hovor jeate hlasnejti, vtecko..Se jen ottasalo, vtichni mluvili najednbri: vtichni ki iceli, volali na sebe pies007 ly, jeden druheho neslytel. 4 Nakonec pro vybrane hosty pc da krupnik zalivanY medem a koke4i1U, o.= statnim pak hojne nalivali ku a pivo. Malokdo daval pozor, co pije, t. se uZ pekne koulilo a dobra nalada ,ve-; ala vSem do til. Posedavali, jak se koma hodilo, rozepinali si kabaty a opicall o stoly. Busili pestmi, jen misky 1)44:kovaly, chytali se kolem pasu nebO ko-; lem krku, small se a mluvili oievkend,, jako kkest'an s kkest'anem.4., "Zie je na svete! Tot' se vi Neni porno-c ci eloveku, vaude sumo. bida. • ." "Aby zcepeneli, nekadi!" Pod stoly 4e psi rvali o kosti. "Jedina radost na svete je, kdy2 se soused sejde se sousedem a pki ce si popovidaji, ponatikaji a odpusti co si udelaji... tot' se vi, te ne to spa-. send obili anebo ptiorane meze, pkapte soudy vedi a svedkove potvrdi, kdo jey, ktivde a kdo v pravu, ale tak, s4s mezi sousedy mute piihodit — kdY, ,tier, ba dobytek udela akodu v nebo kdyt se tenske pohadaji, deti pc)1?Prgiir. jak se tit nekdy stava. . . Na to je4fece. svatba, aby zlosti piestaly a bratitifii a svornost rostly. mezi "Jen kdyby tomu tak bylo alespori na dobu svatby, na ten jedinY den!" "Eh, zittek pkijde tak jako taldifHtj! Neuteeet svemu osudu, leda pod to Boa zemi! Piijde, za hlavu to eapne, ohlivku ti polotI na krk, nouzi to popotene, a tahni, eloveee, tiebas i krvi hled' si sveho, z ruky nic ani na kam zik nepouttej, aby ses nedostal pod ko,, la. . . "Pan Brill stvoiil lidi, aby si byli bratry, ale oni jsou na sebe jako "Nejsou vlci, ne, to jenom to bida je tak dratdi a otravuje a jedny proti dru= hjim Atve, Ze se mezi sebou rvou jak6 psi o holou kost!" "Ba, ne, to neni jenom bida, to d'Abel temnotu vrha, na lidi a oni pak nedovedou rozeznat, co je dobre a co "Pravda, pravda, a dmYcha do dung jako do uhasinajiciho uhli, at chtiiia

- Strana 26 a zlobu a vgechny h •ichy, tozclmYcha!" "Nu atm. . kdo je, hluchY prikaza`EoZimu, ten posloucha d'abelske meni!" "Drive tak nebYvalo! Byla posluanost, acta k staraimu, svornost!" i "A katidY mei , gruntu, co jen anohl ob clelat, k tomu pastviska, louky a les!" kdo kdy slytel o danich?" "Copak nekdo nekdy kupoval drivi? Jel si do lesa a vzal si, kolik potteboval, Vybkal si tieba I nejlepti sosnu nebo dub! . . . Co bylo panske, bylo i selske." ted' to neni ani pa,nske, ani selskk jenom prekupnicke nebo salad jeate horai. . ." "Holota! Pripil jsem vam, tak mi taky pripijtel Usadili se jako dorna. .. no pljte, ty mat pravdu, ja, marn pra y'jen spravedlnost musi ye vaem IDYL" -‘"Brabata praaiva! Tady si vezmete! itoialka neni hrich. . . kdy se pije ye irk poeestnosti a s dobrYrn lidmi, pak zdravi, eisti krev a nemoci !.1 sloutii hard." "A kdy pit, tak celY maz, a kdyk se veselit, tak celou nedeli. A mat tady co na praci? Pilne delej, hnaty negetri a s fortelem se do toho dej! A tak, abychom tak rekii, uda, se prilettost kttiny nebo i nekdo write, doptej si, odpoeiti, udelej si po van a OW Kdyk to dopadne zie se ti zkazi nebo dobytee zdechne nebo to potiar navativi — vale Boki, neprotiv se, vtidyt', chudaku, co potidia , krikem a pladent? Nic. . . jenom spokojenOst ztratia, jidlb se ti v astech pri'di! Trp a doufej v'Boni milondenstvit Ptij •dou jeate horai easy, to s tou kosou to chmatne za krk a podiva se ti do oei. . . ani se nepokougej se ji vymknout — nic nesvedea. . . vaecko je v rukou Pana Bohai" "Tot' se vi, kdopak make vedet, kdy Pan Jetta tekne: 'At sem, eloveee, je to tvoje odtud zas me!' " "Tak je to, tak! Nahore jako blYskavice leti Boki pkikazy a nikdo, ani knez, nejrnoUdrejai elovek na svete, je nepozna driv, neti padnou na lidi jako zrale zrno.." "A ty elove'de, maa vedet jenom jedinou vec — abys delal sve a byl ziv, jak svata prikazani uei, a vie neeekal. Pan Jetiia vein lidem za.sluhy poeita a Mane vyplati, co kdo zaslouk." "Jenom tim vtidycky narod sta3 — a tak topiu buditi ak na stay vekav, amen!" "A trpelivost i brany pekeine premate!" Tak spolu hovorili, hojne si pripijejice, kakly odhaloval, co mel na srdci a co mu davno treelo jako kost v hrdle. Nejvice a hejhlasiteji hovoril darribrok, hate ho mnoho neposlouchali, protoke


katidy chtel sdelit sve bolesti a nikdo si nevaimal dr:1113:Th. . Hdyk Evka s Jagustynkou ve gly do jizby, nesouce pied sebou vystrojenou a naparadenou varecku, uk vtela a bluacela velmi Hudebnik, kterY . gel za nimi, vyhraval na housle a ony zpivaly: Pomalu, pomalu vstavejte, od stela! Po trech gretich za vedeii, po petniku za.tvateni kuchatinkam dejtet Protoke svatebeane byli dobre najedeni, podnapili a zmekli dobrya: a hojnYm jidlem, hazeli na vareeku i Ettibrne penize. Nato se zaeali za stoly zvedat a pomalu se rozchazell; nekteri se s1i projit na vzduch, nekteti zustali stat na sini nebo taky ye svetnici a pokradovali v hovoru, jini se zase pratelsky objimali a nejeden se uk motal a do sten hlavou tloukl nebo i do druhYch jako beran strkal nebylo to nic divneho, prototie ve `aere byla nalekite zalevana kotalktm. Za stolem zustal jenorn fojt s mlynatem, hadali se a vrhali sei s sebe s nesmirnou prudkosti jako jeStrabi; Jambi-6Z je chtel smitit vodkou. "Hled' si kostela a hospode.ram dej pokoj," zahueel fojt. Jambroti mrzute ode gel a s lahviekou pritisknoutott na prsa. hluene akobrtal po jizbe, hledaje, s kYm by se mohl po pratelsku napit a popovidat, si. IVIladek se vyhrnula• pted dam, nateti, drkice se• kolem pasu, vybehli na cestu, aby si pohavo •ili a pbdovadeli. . . honili se a krieeli, jen se to rozlehalo. Noe byla jasna, mesie nad rybnikern, ktery se leskl tak ja.sne, ze i nejslabai kruhy, rozyitene clopadem svetla, vypadaly jako hadi svinuti do kruhu a tie se pohybujici; byl silny mraz, hroudy ae lamaly pod nohama, jini po.. krYvalo stfechy a sypalo se na pogedlou zemi. Bylo uz pozde-ve"vsi se ozYvali prvni kohouti. U Dominika za,tim uklizeli svetnici,, pripravovali ji k tanci. , . A sotvatie hudebnici neco pojedli a odpoeinuli si, zaeali zticha brat, zvouce s/ateboany, aby se znova shromatidili. Nebylo je tteba dlouho shank,. Houfne se hrnuli do svetnice, protoke housle vabily k tanci tak, ae nohy samy sly dokola; ale mladenci byli po veeeri tekci; jakrnile nekolikrat pfetaneili, hned zase utikali do sine ukroutit si cigaretu nebo se oprit o stenu. Jagnu kenske doprovodily do komory, Boryna s Dominikovou sedeli na zaspi, stark obsadili lavice a kouty a rozpraveli; ye svetnici zastala jen deveata, dovadejici mezi sebou; ale samota je brzy omrzela, i zaaala vymy glet razne hry,

`Ve Wed% 'dne 4. kietn aby ptilakala mladence, Nejprve hrali "Chodi ligka kolem rohu, neina ruka ani nohu". Za lisku s ko21chem ylnou navrch si vybrali Jendu ,s prizviskem Popleta; byl to tupec a nemotora, sloukici pro posmech cele vsi, mladenec uti dorostlY, ale shine pilhloup1S7; chodil s otevrenYmi asty, hral si s detrni, mel se k deveatarn; ale protoke to byl jedinY syn na deseti korcich, vat:de ho radi videli. Zajiekem byla Joska BorynoVa. Mtlj ty Botie, to bylo smichu! Jenda sebou na katidem kroku bacil jako klada, prototie mu nastavovali nohy, a Joska gikovne piisedala, panaekovala a mlela Usty jako opravdovY zajic. Potom si hrali na "kproptev".. Nastka Golombova byla prvni, .poskakovala a amejdila po svetnici tat hbhe, tie ji na ZadnY zpasob nemphli chytit: nakonec jim sarna vlezla do rukou,„aby si Tr.ohla zataneit. , I na prasatko si zahrali. Nakonec jeden z drutiba. . . zda,,se, tie to by Tomek Bachnika... dela' eapa; dal si na hlavu plachtu Zpod dye tyeky, kterymi klapal jako 'opravdovy Cap zobakem; Joska, Vitek a.vaechna miadea se zaeala za honit a volat: Kle, kle, kle, kle, tvoje matka v pekle. Go tam asi dela? Drobi detem chleba, Co to ueinila? Deti zahubila. . a s krikeit rozbehii, schovavajice se jako koroptve po koutech, prototie 66,p je honil, kloval a bil kridly. Svetnice se ottasaila ktikem, smichem a honiekou. Dobrott hodinu trvala tato zabava; nakonec vaak stark drutiba dal znameni, aby zmlkli. Zenske vyvedly z komory Jagnieku zakrytou bilou plachtou a usadily ji uprostted svetnice na diki pokryte perinou — drutiieky vyskoeily, jako by ji chtely vysvobodit, ale stark tienske a rilukati ji nedall, a tak _se , c1rWieky .seskupily_ pied ni a smutne, plaotivymi hlasy zpivaly: Ted' uk to mat, veneeek sundat, kornet vity, depec city,' ten je tobe naletiltY, ten na hIavu dot- . . . A srialy ji s hlavy zavok. Jagna mela ua na zavinutYch, silnYch vrkogich eepec, ale v tomto. -astroji se zdala jeate krasnejai, piototie byla rozesmata,, vesela a oei ji planuly. (Pokra6ovani) )• 4•( Ze tiivota lze uciniti basal nebo licejni raport.

Ve sttedU, dne 4. kv6tna 1955.

ICALENDAII ✓ fiterf veer kaitV tc,tlen atrial se sborove zpevy dospelYch v sini tadu Pokrok Houstonu. Ochotnici a hoste jsou vitani. Zaeatek v osro veder. Kaidou sttedu je vyudovano prakticke hovorove S'panelkine v sini iadu Pkrok Houston od 8:30 do 10:00 veder. Nav tiici jsou vitani. Zavolejte na redaktora o inf ormace. Kaidou sobotu taneeni zabava v sini kadu Pokrok Houston, podinaje v sobotu 16. dubna. Prvni sobota v mesici je pro deny zdarma. ✓ nedeli 8. kvetna tad Osveta eislo 38 v Koval, Texas, bude miti po schuzi program k °slave svatku Den Matek a spolednou svadinu. Ve stiedu 4. kvetna hraje dallaska S.P. J.S.T. midoVa, eta v Samuell parku, ate eislo 2, nalezajici se hned u Samuell ulice, v Dallas, proti midove dete Southland Life. Zadatek v 8:30 veder. V nedeli 8. kvetna Sokol Houston dava, divadelni kus ", nak Ceske manly" k pocte svatku matidek. Vaimnete si 0znameni na jinem miste tohoto disla. ✓ nedeli 8. kvetna tad Ennis dislo 25. bude miti program ku pocte "Dnu matek." Zadatek v 6:30 veder. Po programu tanedni zabava. KaZdY srdedne vitan. ✓ nedeli 15. kvetna potada mistni tad Hvezda Miru 'Oslo 33 v Bleiblerville pta,telskou jarni hostinu "fish fry". KahlY je uctive zvan. V nedeli 22. kvetna: Oslava "May Fete" tadu Praha Oslo 29 v Taylor, Texas. Korunovani kraloVny ye 4:30 odpoledne. Bingo a hudba celd odpoledne, wade a dostatek vkho obderstveni. Veder taneeni zabava pti hudbe Emil Bartow orchestru z Moulton, Texas. KaZdY je uctive zvan. ✓ nedeli 22. kvetna: Oslava 361eteho zalokni tadu Stefanik eislo 142 v Houstonu. Zadatek v 10 hodin rano. Odpoledne spolednY obed. Odpoledne bazar s programem ditek. ✓ nedeli 22. kvetna hromadnY zajezd bratr0 a sester z ttetiho distriktu do Houstonu na pohosteni, ktere tretimu distriktu davaji oleni pateho distriktu. ✓ nedeli 29. kvetna Sokol v Houstonu dava jarni piknik. ✓ nedeli 29. kvetna majovji piknik Sokola Houston. oistY vSyteZek jde na cestovne cvidenctim na slet. ) • 4 • ( Nohy, necht' jakkoli se pfieifiuji, nesb1121 dye duke.

V t ST NI K — WEST, TEXAS Nemohla zaplatit Divil se pan tovarnik: "Probilh, zany, ty zase pottebujea sto dolaru pro krejeiho? Vhlyt' jsem ti dal penize na Saty jiz pied tYdnem." Divila se pani tovarnikova: "Ale to jsem piece nemohia zaplatit. To jsem jeate nemela to tieti upominku." • • Vysv'etleni "Tati, co je to mystifikace?" "No . . . to je na pHklad, kdyt" shoti deset nemeckYch filmt a noviny napigou, ze gkoda je ohromna."

Stram 27 Veda dala eloveku do rukou obrovskou moc. Ale co ma s tou mod podniknout, mu netekla. — Rev. Dr. Raymond C. Knox. Pan Snob zatizuje domienost '"No, tak dobte. Do tech dveti dejte to dy mleene sklo, ale at' je pasteurisovane, prosim vas, je to vchod do det,Lkeho pokoje! • • Krasa, ktera se musi uplatnovati hermelinu a purpuru, sotva ji jest.

Marek - Burns POIlkul3Ni DOMOV V hodine zarmutku najdete n nag nejlepai pohiebni obsluhu a ceny levne. 'Pk prodavame pohiebni pojlaterti od 1 mesice do 80 rokil stati. Ambulance ve dne i v noci MAREK BURNS FUNERAL HOME Bill Marek a Bill Burns Telefon 546 TEXAS CAMERON,

SPOLEHLIVVA POHROBNICKA SLIABA .srue pohOtovi Vam posldditi :bez rozdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvlaStniho poplatktt ly S narni milte9 mluviti desk 1V nabizime Pattebni PojiAteni katdeho diem rodiny.

Pete E. Ettlinger FUNERAL HOME Elsie Pralak-Ettinger damska pomocnice Telefonujte "collect"Tel 38 BELLVILLE, TEXAS

IN MEMORIAM n■nor.o...1......e.•■■■ •■ 11■■■■■■■•■■tparetim....merem

Piejeme si zde venovati vzpominku k vSTroei timrti na'Sich draze milovanYch rodida, a site °tee

J. F. Bartek kterY zernfel 26. kvetna 1949 a jeho martielky

P'. Rosie Bartek ktera, zorniela 13. kvetna 1954. IimAmmis...mwoomwmallmmos...w....nowoomnammoommoat

Tuto bolestnou vzpominku na sve rodide jim venuji (p)


Strana 28


ye sttedu, dne 4. kVetna 1955.

JOSEF LIDUMIL LEIKAR (Pokradovani.) Tak bylo i s Le'Sikarem, kterY, ad dovedl bYti s •akojen i s Urn malem, ktere ode na'Sel, a kdyS jini reptali, sam poz,buzoval a nabadal, aby si vaSili teto 'Acme svobody. Jako by s neho neco spafilo, kdyS vstoupil na pildu nove vlasti, jako by mu okovy spadly s rukou, bylo mu volno. Vern, Se trpelivosti "Mae se jen; takove semi dopracovati spokojenosti. Brzy po prichodu dopsal Klacelovi a .BoSene Nemcove, aby mu posilali eetbu a udr.loval s nimi aS do valky dilou korespondenci. Z to doby se zachovalo nekolik dopisti, z nich'S pro zajitravost obsahu uvadim dopis BoSeny Nemcove ze dne 12. srpna roku 1856, jenS zni doslovne: "St'astny priteli! Sondasne dovoluji si Yam poslati vYtisk me nave knihy. ( Pohorska vesnice?) Vim, Se z g iimat jste se o moje veci a Ceske vubec, proto doufam, Se i auto prijmetc ode mne s povdekem. Rada uslYaim od Vas nejakou zpravu, nebot' v posledni dobe mnohokrate jsme s manSelem na Vas vsponainali, jeSto pomery nose jsou dim dale, tim nesnesitelnejaImi. Jak Vam snad, v dervenci zemrel naS" velikY vlastenec a drahY ptitel _Karel Havlidek u aveho Avagra JaroSo. Nav'Stevovala jsem jej Casio v dobe aemoci jeho a jako ostatni jeho detni ctitele zneastnili jsme se s manSelem slavnehO pohrbu. Pri tom poloSila jsem veiled na jeho rake's/. Byli pritomni snad vaichni verni a predni pra'S01 i venko y ,Sti ctitele Karlovi, ale ne ,, nn, Se praye-' memu manSelu vladni nemohou neast na pohrbu zapomeriouti. KdyS, den Arednik prima iei z toho ocIsuvo-v,11 jakoby z preeinu, zc ro7daval ihnrtni sty, roZeilil se rnanel ton , merou, .)•,e se proti idedniku piikke postavil a 7„ to byl odsouzen no osm dni do Zalale„ Fri c oudu mluvilo so hla yne o torn, ,,e si pri pohrbu pro yokativne poeinal, a o ura2ce na cti se ani nemluvilo. ManZ'el podal site rekurs, ale jsou ohav y . ze se sued jiS do statni slu2by nedostan( cull do soukrome, o nil m6, zadann se obavam jeke horiho, ze jej zbayi pense a z Prahy niis vypovedi. ani netu.Ote, jak tezky zde vlasti Lvot proMvarne. Na sebe samu tv, nehledim, ja uz jsem zrozena k hick, a neAtesti, ale jde mi -•o ty deti. svou rodmu jen duS"eni praci ale pova!2te, jak mohu psati, kdyz v me hla ye pino starosti o skYvu chleba straSi jako teSmlha. Jak main shank, detern Sivobyti a lidem poteSeni syYmi duaevnirni vlohanai, kdyS mne ubiji a svet k smrti rmouti! Mnohomu se, snadno rek-

ne — kdo nepracuje, at" neji. Blazen takovy si mysli, rc kayS maize Svec s pra.zdnYm Saluclkem alit both_ he i sovatel maze roman ukovat, sa nejS Pak nabidnou chudou °Omen', \r ate mi, kdyby mi neAlo o 1y deti, sla bych sama nekam slouSit, ale dokud nemam deti zaopatrene, musim trpet. Jak je mi tolno, kdyS vidim aye deli chodit v zaplatovanYch Satech vedle deti bohatYch rodicu! Odpust'te, Se si Vam tolik steSuji nad neblahYmi pomery, ale main to Vas velkou clilveru a pak chci Vain naznadit, jak muzete byt St"asten, Se jste z takovYcli pomern unikl. Byl to At'astny tah a ja budu do smrti litovati, Se jsem , se jiz tehdy nerozhodla, kdy.2; jste odjiSdel a i maj manSel byl svolnY odjeti do Ameriky. Byla bych si jiS do tap chvile uSetrila mnohou horkou ch.vili a zbavila se techto bidnYch pornrii. Dues jiS nedbam, jak t s nami dopadne, jsem odhodlana na vh‘clao, ani to nebezpedne cesty pies more bych se, jon kdy, bych mohla deti privesti do seme jistejSi budoucnosti, sama se spakojim treba s okoralYrn chlebem. Bucite zdrav, milt' vlastende a naa' teli, zdravte ode . rune milou Viisi manSelku a deli a v'Sechny dobre deske lidi vc V&;:em okoli a prosim, vzpomente si ten na nas dopisem. Zijte S't'astne v to nove vlasti a nikdy nelitujme tclao, Se .opustil jste rodnou zeta, he Sijete v cizine vlast je vande tam, kde jsou tide jednoho jazyka a jednech rnravu a snah. •

logicky kandidat presidentstvi a celym avYm programem. A nedaleko ad teto podobizny bylo zretelne otisknuto lme no LeSlkatovo. Z toho bylo moSne snadno posoudit texaskYm otrokarinn a teS Nemcilm, ke ktere strand se LeSikar hlasi, Tehdy zaoaly Cake dny, v teto zemi nadeji pro Le gikara a jeho rodinu. V kratieke dobe prinesly nejprve nemecke noviny, , pozdeji i anglicke jrneno Le g giho abolicionisty-karovjkStonejhr s poznamkou, Se lidi toho druhu bylo by zahodno povesiti na prvnim dui* jakoSto osoby nebespeene jejich svate Kdo zeal tehdej gi pomery v jiSnich statech, east° lide nevinni byli stihani a veSeni, nebucle se diviti, Se,,,Le gikar, a jeho rodina se necitili ani ie‘dinYrn akoSikem ji§ti syYm Sivotem. A byli to zylaAte Nernci, kteri byli veta'imi neprateli 6echt neSli sami amerieti otrokaSi. Krajand byli Salarovani, v pribytcich prepadayani, od plulni a rodin odtrhavani bez ohledu, 'he bylo v dome nekolik malj'rch deli, jeh pottebovaly nernocne, he byla bida a nedostatek. Kdyh se rozpoutala bratrovrazedna litice Texas bylo ad celelth sveta odriz.imt, va21 obchod a farmaki nemohli Dili bavlnu zDenehiti, leda vSrvozem ptes hranice do Mexika. Ale i hranice vlada stfehla, a byl-li naklad zachycen, konfiskovala jej. Za valky si vlada vypomahala, jak se dalo. Kdyh nebylo penes, zastavovalo se vge, co melo jakoukoli cenu.. trady civilni i vojenske nebyly kontrolovany, kaSdY si podinal libovolne, bralo se ,co se komu hodilo a ochrany pred nebylo nikde.

KaSclY, kdo mohl unesti zbraii ,musil do valky, nakonec i muSi do padesati let. Star gi pak obeane meli tvorit tak svand "Minut men" Mlade lidi nebylo ize spatriti, jen gedive starce, heny a deti vhe bylo ve zbrani, valce .se musilo obetovati i pole. Mnoho mlaciSrch lidi uprehlo v torn nepotadku do lesn, kde jako diva sber se potulovali, vydani jsouce vkinu nebezpeei. Za dne se skr5rvali, v noel byli na cestach, hledajice potraviny, brodili se blatem, potoky pfebihali s mista na misto, aby nepadli do rukou slithin vedouce, he by pak, trestu smrti neAvi-',-;ak tote jednatelstvi Le'Sikarovi uhli. neposlou2i1o. AC sam radii vydava(Pokradovani) icls.l vu, aby z obesreinosti nevystupova) • 4, • li politicky ani nabo:',,ensky, tak, aby Nepochopitelne )yl ligem krajanu.n bez ohledu nabo2env svobodnYch a otro Ptihel pan Smith do kancelate. A mei stvi pristupen kai'skVch statef:th mold b3"it pkipuAten, Potkal beta. mama byla jeho varovna. slova.. Je§te "Uh jste zase ptihel pozde, pane Smith?" pied volbami byla uverejndna na prvni "Prominte, pane 'Sete, ale nekdo mi u.strance pod hvezdnatYm praporem po- kradl budika a ja se yeas neprobudil." clobizna Abrahama Lincolna a on byl 0Sef fiSasem rozevtel oei: "Cote? Vy spite take jdte i doma?" v tomto ":(2skera hate jako jedinY yam vreL,, °Orland BoSena Nerncoya." Jednoho dne dnSel Le§ikara ten dopis oa Jana Barty Letovskeho ze St. Louis, v kterem jej vyzval„ aby se stal podilnikem v nove se zakladajicim deskem hate. To byla voda na mlYn Lesikaruv. Od s'auseda k sousedu behal a shamel dalgi podilniky a v kratieke dobe oznamil vydavatelstvu asi dvacet novYch podilnikt. Brsy potom zaealy vychazet oeskoamericke "Narodni noviny" a jmeno Le§ikarovo bylo v inch oznameno jakogo hlayniho jednatele pro Texas.


wive toct....c.A., 6



Strad_ 30 Mark Twain dostaval spoustu dopisu s vkmoZ'nYmi dotazy. Jednou se ho ptal jeden mlady basnik, kolik by mel podle 'prediaLtelnYch basni snist ryb, aby jejich fosfor posilil jeho mozek k Zadpueimu spisovatelskemu nspechu. Mark Twain odpovedel: "Tak d ye velryby den-


Kacir Legika.r a ruAvrria TEMPLE, TEXAS fitadovna 2nd Floor Temple National Bank Building

+ Zabava vazla, byla uz pulnoe a host ,p•rad nezvedal k odchodu. A host se prave zeptal: "Write v prenos my'Slenek?" "Neverim, to byste byl uz davno odegel."

ye stredu, dne 4. kvetna 1955.

ca Co. Al tract COMPANY Jerome I. Kocian Vyhotovi abstrakty, v/astnIckil pravo, ♦yfizuje majetkove pojiReni iiitadovna nad Peoples State Bank Telefon do fifadovny /isle HALLFTTSVILLE, TEXAS

Efnest J. Hanka PRAVNIK

Kohl jste hodne penez pouze s Jednou tyeinkou NONAT Protote tato saolehltvi mast chrant nred zevne zavinenimi katnimi infekeeini, 6aurui anlikace vim mute snadne u g etlit hodn4 nepahodlt orAve lake 1 lekafske vYdint. NONAT je ur'ena k uleveni bolesti od vtedtt, v yrStek, zarostIteh nehtet, pakousani od MnYzo, eta. . • Objednelte pthodnou t ykinku jeAte dues! Pravideliti velikast 55c. Velka dspormi velikost $1.05.

408 Houston Title Bldg. Dallas and Caroline Sts. HOUSTON 2, TEXAS , TELEPHONE: Preston 8883

Adolph D. PavliCek PRAVNHE 511-13 Shell Bldg

SPRAVNE VYKONANA POHRE,BNi SLU2BA V hodine Salu zarmoueeni naleznete Edward Pace pohi4ni fista,v pohotovY k sympatleket0 vytizeni nezbytnYch jednotlivosti a k vy' praverii dojemneho pohilau. Levne ceny jsou nab. zasadou

Edward Pace Pohiebni feditel ben S.P.J.S.T.—Tel. Prospect 3-3606 118 N. 5th St.. TEMPLE. TEXAS All■■■••111•11MMI0110•111■M1.1011MOLOOVISIIIIMMOIrlIMEIMMOX


Dr. Chas. J. Hoilub

OCR R. C. MILLER & CO. P.O. Hex 285, Altadena, Calif.

John Leiikar PRAVNIK

Darkove bali&


do eskoslovenska vytizuji. Jsem za.stupee pro firmu Gift Parcel New Yorku. -Potegte sve drahe zaslanim balieku ze SvYcarska a Danska

429 Avenue F. — Phone 4528 BAY CITY, TEXAS

rs. B. Valcik

8631 Diceman Drive Dallas 18. Texas

ESKE FILMOVE DIVADLA V TEXAS "BABICKA" Shiner, ve etvrtek, 12. • kvetna v 7 hodin veeer. "LUCERNA" La Grange, ve sti edu 4. kvetna ✓ 7 hodin veeer


"SOUD BON" Fayetteville, v pondeli 16. kvetna ✓ 7 hodin Veeer "NA k FURIANTI" Flatonia, v titerY dne. 17. kvetna v ✓ 7 hodin veeer

CeskY Eckel a Operate'. HOUSTON, TEXAS Telefon res.: Twinoaks 1222 Telefon tikadovny: Pres 2553 711 Medical Arts Building

Victory Court.. Charlie Cerny, Owner & Operator • • •



• •


1125 Austin Hwy. U. S. 81 N. San Antonio, Texas Phone TA 6• 9146

ililsher's Home Supply Co 2020 Washington Ave AT-8424 5824 N. Main TW-1441 5225 Washinton TW-3387 9219 Jensen Dr. OX-2-5031 HOUSTON, TEXAS For All Your FURNITURE APPLIANCES • and EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOUR HOME Be Sure to See

HILSHER'S and get "THE BEST FOR LESS" CASH OR EASY TERMS Your Satisfaction Guaranteed And Free Delivery Service VASE t ESKE OBCHODY

\r e

dne 4. kvetna 1955.

Maly Oznamovatel Hlavni tii•adovna SPJST dela pilalcy na fanny, ranee, a vybudovanjr mestskST majetek, kdekoliv v Texasu. Pfijeuje svoie vlastni penize na nizke tiroky, dlouhe split:Icy a s velice pl• znivftni podminkaini pro p •edeasne vyplaceni. Pike: Supreme Lodge, SPJST, Temple, Texas. ) • •( W"' PMla bych si koupit malY domek v meste na dobr6m polo2eni, kratkY cthodnik k nakupovani; tii svetniee, nejakou zahradku, vodu, misto pro slep1ce, misto ohrazene. Nemusi bYt moclerni, ale dobrY. Mame i dobytek na prodej, michane Jersey. Zdali midete, radeji p •ijecite. Miss Elsie L. Baca, Rt. 1, (ltp) Box 16, Fayetteville, Texas. ) • 4 • ( Hleclam za neelem sriatku "naginku" do 30 let. Jen dobrou, laskavou povahu. Pike na znaeku "8 t'astnSi Domov", c./o. Vestnik, West, Wexas. (18c) • •


Strana 31

Dr. Broden idadovna jest v Hallettsville, Texas ye etvrtek, v patek cele dory a v sobotu do 12:00 v poledne. Já jsem bydlel celY blae Weimar, Ve Victoria, Texas v pondeli, v riter, mrij vek jest 72. Posiednich- 16 mesicil ye stfedu cele dny. Neni zapottebi mitt jsem trpel nasledkem "tumor" ' aludku. drivejei eas stanoven k navateve. Mel jsem lekafskou leebu, ale tato mne (Adv. dm) nepomohla. Bylo mne radeno, bych se ) • 4 • nechal operovati, ale mel jsem obavy, Spige se najde vAude misto pro dva tato by mohla pfinesti rakovinu. Nemohl skromne, neZli pro jednoho nafoukance. jsem spat nasledkem bolesti. Tea° mne bylo stati na nohou. Plyny a bolesti mojim Zaludku neustale tally. Mluvil jsem s pfltelem, kterY odporueil Dr. Broden N. D. mne. On nine leeil petkrat a bolesti jsou pry& Mohu spat celou noc dobrYm a hlubokSrin spankem. Zadne OtNI LEKAit daMi plyny a bolesti. Dye tfetiny "tumoBrDe spravue piipravene ru" jsou pryd. Ja citim, •ge jsou odstraneCas dle umluvy ny. • 513-17 SPJST Bldg. IC Rad, ochotne odpovim na vaechny doTel. ileadovna PR 3-3224k tazy. V dopise pfilo2te obalku se znamRes. PR 3-2687 kou a vati adresou pro odpoved'. TEMPLE, TEXAS WILL TURNER, 'WEIMAR, TEXAS

Todekovani Dr, Broden'

17)11r Pitme se neodvisla, bila 'Z'ena k bydleni na miste a k opatrovani dvou ditek. M. Goodman, 6347 Prestonshire (16-19c) Lane, Dallas.


DALLAS SOKOL HALL 3700 Carl St. Dallas, Texas SUNDAY, 'MAY 8, 1955 PROGRAM STARTS AT 6:00 P. M. DANCE AT 8:00 P. M. TILL 11:30 P. M. 1. This year, the program, will honor the mast famous Mother of all. "Mother Goose". And you will see all of the fivorite characters of Mother Goose. 2. "Big Bazaar" aith net proceeds going to Building Fund. Refreshments and eats between program and Dance 3. Wonderful Door Prize to some Lucky Mother. 4. 5. Music for dancing by John Dlabaj and Billies.

Admission to Program an Dance 50c per person Come one and all. Let's Honor Mother on her day.

Dr. Thos. N. DeLaney

SOKOL HOUSTON Sehraje divadelni hru pod nazvem

`Many, flak zlatsgi Ceske Mani


OS OB Y Jul ie Kalinovi Lad'a Jarea Evia jeji neteI Kalal, neetni Anna Novilkova, vdova Lenka jeji deti Jeada Bambas, zahradnik Karel Vesely

Hariette -Earl Karel Sicner Jejidl — Gizela Matejkova Naomi Kostomlaska Tim KostomiatskSr Mary Johnson Elsie 4leec Karel Matejka Emil Vala William Svec

Hru o 4 jednnanich napsali F. a M. Kc'stkovi.

Zacitek piesne ye 4 hodiny odp VNEDELI, DNE 8. KVETNA Hru nacvieil Karel Matejka, vYinava Jan KagPar, Poveda; Silvye Kelirek Po divadle vYborna veeeie a

TANEtNi Z.AL AVA Za vagi hojnou fieast piedem dekuje Sokol Houston 4514 Edsee, Houston, Texas

Strana 32


4 StfOciti, due, 4. kviAna 195a,

Sure ... My Dad Has Guaranteed Me A College Education Through Life Insurance" Ask Any Local SPJST Representative About The "Educational Plan"

upreme Lodge S.P.J.S T. Post Office Box 400

Temple, Texas

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