Southwestern Advance Capital Campaign

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Southwestern Advance Campaign:

Training the Next Generation of Nurses

The United States is facing a healthcare crisis. With an increased prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity being seen in children, preventative care has become an emphasized need. Additionally, the Baby Boomer generation is beginning to age increasing the need for healthcare services. The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics expects to see a 16% growth in jobs for registered nurses by 2024, making nursing one of the fastest growing professions.

the Need

Answering the need to train nurses with a four-year degree, Southwestern Adventist University began offering its Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program in 1982. Now, more than 30 years later, Southwestern has grown this program to a quarter of the University’s enrollment, beginning with 12 students to today’s nearly 200 students. The Nursing Department is currently housed in Hagen Hall, a 10,000 square foot building constructed in 1961. Due to the limitations of Hagen Hall, nursing instruction is dispersed among four buildings on campus to accommodate the number of nursing students. These small spaces are not ideal learning environments and make it more difficult to instruct in the classrooms, in skills training, and in nursing simulations. The outdated fixtures also make it more challenging to incorporate important technology that has expanded the healthcare field. To enhance nursing instruction and continue supplying the demand for nurses, the Board of Trustees at Southwestern Adventist University has made the construction of a Nursing and Administration Building its number one capital priority.

The U.S. Dept. of Labor Statistics reports that jobs for registered nurses will increase by



BY 2024

1 4 out of every

students is a Nursing Major


nursing faculty members

Our largest nursing course has



the Solution

Goal: Outcome 1:

Outcome 2:

Enhance nursing education to prepare our nursing students to meet expanding healthcare demands.

Construct a state-of-the-art nursing building that offers the use of efficient space with high fidelity simulations and skills laboratories. Increase the space and technology of the Nursing Department to enhance nursing instruction.

Southwestern Adventist University is raising funds to construct a building that will enhance nursing education and prepare the next generation of healthcare professionals. The building offers 37,000 square feet of space of which 27,300 features specialized labs, classrooms, nursing faculty offices, and computer rooms. This large space will centralize nursing instruction on campus as well as provide room for the growth of students and faculty. Incorporating advances in healthcare, the nursing labs and learning spaces will better reflect what nurses will encounter in today’s hospitals and medical offices. Southwestern Adventist University’s goal is to enhance nursing education to prepare our nursing students to minister to the expanding healthcare needs in our communities. Our project goal is to raise $10 million to construct the building, and then raise an additional $1 million to furnish the building with specialized equipment and fixtures. Thanks to our alumni and friends we have a portion of these funds already raised. In addition, we have a $2 million matching grant from the Southwestern Union Conference that will help us reach our goal.

Our fundraising team is continuing to cultivate relationships and naming opportunities so we can complete this project, but we need financial gifts of all sizes to accomplish this. We rest in the promise that we serve a powerful God who has plans to prosper Southwestern Adventist University, and we are thankful that the campaign is in His hands.



We have secured a

$2 million dollar matching grant from the Southwestern Union Conference

18 3 X

skills lab stations in the new building

The new building will more than triple the footprint of where the Nursing Department is currently located

above: Southwestern participants in the “Your Best Pathway to Health” ministry in San Antonio, April 2015.

Appeal from the President One of the things I really appreciate about Southwestern Adventist University is that we have a great diversity of students, staff, and faculty on our campus that work together as a family. I too want to thank you for being a part of our Southwestern family. When I came to Southwestern Adventist University I was impressed with the caliber of our Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree program. To me, the growth it has experienced over the years is indicative of our youth answering God’s call to minister to a world in need. With the growing healthcare challenges we are seeing, it has become my personal prayer that our students will build knowledge, increase faith, and provide services to meet these challenges.

This is such an exciting campaign for Southwestern, and I am incredibly grateful for the prayers and financial contributions that support us in reaching our goal. The enhancement that this building will have on our programs will transform this project from simple bricks and mortar into a vibrant learning environment dedicated to student success. Our nursing students remind me of the Good Samaritan parable, because as they learn and graduate, they are becoming the extended hands of Jesus Christ. Thank you for considering a gift to Southwestern Adventist University to further this good work. May God richly bless you, Ken Shaw, Ed.D

If you are interested in making a meaningful gift or would like to learn more about available naming opportunities, please contact Rachel Denny at the Office of Advancement. Phone: (817) 202-6233 Email:

100 W. Hillcrest Street · Keene, Texas 76059 · (800) 433-2240 or (817) 202-6321 · Fax: (817) 556-4712 ·

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