GTM Program

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Protege Launch GTM strategy

Introduction to Program

Program Overview Introducing Protege: Truffle Shuffle's Premier Membership Program

Introducing Our New Premier Membership Program

Our new membership program designed to elevate your culinary journey to new heights. We aim to provide you with exclusive benefits, personalized content, and exciting culinary experiences.

Protege, our new membership program designed to elevate your culinary journey to new heights. We aim to provide you with exclusive benefits, personalized content, and exciting culinary experiences. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting out in the kitchen, Protege has something for everyone and is the first subscription program that allows you to become a Michelin star chef in your home. World class chefs Curated chef boxes delivered monthly Interactive live cooking classes Access to 1000’s of recipes Order ingredients via Instacart


FREEMIUM MODEL - TIER 1 Protege's freemium model allows you to access a limited range of features at no cost, giving you a taste of the Truffle Shuffle experience. As a freemium member, you'll gain access to a segmented number of curated recipes options, cooking tips, and educational content that will inspire and enhance your culinary skills (10 recipes per month).


For those looking to take their culinary journey to the next level, Protege offers a content-only membership. With this model, you gain access to an extensive library of premium content, including exclusive recipes, video tutorials, masterclasses by renowned chefs, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of Truffle Shuffle. Delve into the secrets of our culinary experts as they share their expertise, techniques, and insights to help you refine your skills and create unforgettable dining experiences.



If you desire a more immersive experience, Protege's monthly kit model is the perfect fit for you. With this membership tier, you'll receive a carefully curated kit delivered straight to your doorstep every month. Each kit is thoughtfully crafted to include unique ingredients, spices, and specialty items, along with step-by-step recipes designed to push your culinary boundaries. Embark on a gastronomic adventure as you explore new flavors, techniques, and cuisines with the convenience of having everything you need conveniently packaged and delivered to you.



Unlock the Full Potential of Your Culinary Journey: Protege is more than just a membership program; it's a gateway to a world of culinary exploration, growth, and inspiration. Whether you choose the freemium, content-only, or monthly kit model, you'll gain access to a vibrant community of fellow food enthusiasts, engaging cooking challenges, and exclusive events. Enjoy priority access to limited-edition releases, early access to sales, and special discounts on Truffle Shuffle products. Join us on this exciting culinary adventure with Protege and unlock a wealth of culinary knowledge, expand your cooking repertoire, and create memorable dining experiences like never before. Let Truffle Shuffle be your trusted partner in your culinary journey, every step of the way.

Welcome to Protege!

Objective 1: Target Market

Target Market




The target audience for the freemium model is aspiring chefs, baking enthusiasts, home cooks looking to enhance their skills or amateur bakers who are seeking inspiration, guidance, and access to a community of likeminded individuals. They are interested in accessing a limited variety of basic baking recipes, tips, and techniques for free, with the option to upgrade for additional premium content and benefits.

The target audience for the content-only model is intermediate to advanced bakers who are passionate about exploring new recipes, advanced techniques, and creative baking projects. They value high-quality, exclusive content and are willing to pay more for a premium subscription to access an extensive library of recipes, video tutorials, and expert advice. They may have some experience and are interested in expanding their culinary skills.

The target audience for the monthly kit model is cooking or baking enthusiasts who enjoy the convenience and excitement of receiving curated baking kits directly to their doorstep. They enjoy hands-on experiences and are willing to invest in premium ingredients, equipment, and subscriptions to receive that.They appreciate the convenience of having all the necessary ingredients and instructions provided, saving them time and effort. This model also can appeal to a range of both beginner and intermediate bakers who want to try new recipes and experiment with different flavors and techniques via virtual classes. teaching.

Objective 2: Marketing Channels



Utilize native advertising through online platforms and food-related publications to promote the subscription service. Create sponsored content that showcases the value of the Protege membership program and encourages sign-ups.

INFLUENCER COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS Partner with popular cooking/baking influencers, content creators, and complimentary brand partnerships on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to showcase the value and benefits of the Protege membership program. Collaborate with food bloggers and vloggers to create sponsored content, unboxing videos, and recipe demonstrations showcasing the monthly kits. Integrate Jason and Tyler into the video content to gain more brand awareness and foundational values.


Utilize search and display ads to capture users actively searching for baking or cooking-related content and keywords. Advertise the content-only model and monthly kit model, emphasizing the value and convenience of each offering.


Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest to target specific audience segments based on interests, demographics, and behavior. Run engaging ads showcasing the benefits of each model and highlight unique selling points to generate interest and drive conversions.

SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT Establish an active presence on social media platforms, sharing engaging content, behind-the-scenes peeks of Protege membership benefits, and exclusive offers to foster a sense of community and drive organic reach and engagement.


Optimize the content for SEO to attract organic traffic from search engines and position Truffle Shuffle as a trusted resource in the culinary space. Optimize website content, meta tags, and keywords to rank higher in search engine results for baking-related queries.

CONTENT MARKETING Develop a robust content marketing strategy by creating a high-quality blog on the Truffle Shuffle website, featuring a mix of free recipes, baking tips, and tutorials to attract and engage the target audience.


Create an engaging giveaway to collect email addresses and then use that group for upsell purposes. We could partner with another company or aligned brand to execute the sweepstakes in order to gather more consumer insights and data.


Marketing Channels

CUSTOMER REFERRAL PROGRAM Implement a referral program that incentivizes existing Protege members to refer friends and family. Offer rewards such as discounts, exclusive recipes, or free months of membership to encourage word-of-mouth promotion and drive new sign-ups.

AFFILIATE MARKETING Collaborate with cooking-related websites, blogs, and influencers to promote the Protege membership program and earn a commission on referred sign-ups.


Free Trials: Provide new customers a 15-30-day free trial of the subscription services before purchase. Once we have the program up and running, give free content only memberships to the freemium subscribers for a limited time only as an offer. Longer term, we can use the approach of reactivation tactics and offer the two lower tiers at a discounted price to continue to re-engage/re-subscribe canceled monthly box members. Cross-promote the different membership tiers to encourage members to upgrade to higher tiers. For example, offer discounted upgrades from the freemium tier to the content-only or monthly kit model.


Develop and launch printed inserts that include one month free subscription in the boxes delivered to current subscribers that they can give/gift to friends and family.


Marketing Channels

Earned Media

Additional thoughts on promotional strategy



Press Releases

Awards & Recognition

Media Outreach


Guest Contributions

Social Media Engagement

Objective 3: Messaging


Messaging Examples

FREEMIUM MODEL MESSAGING: "Unlock a world of recipes and inspiration for free with Protege's Freemium Model. Join a vibrant community of food enthusiasts, explore diverse recipes, and get a taste of the culinary journey that awaits you."

CONTENT-ONLY MODEL MESSAGING: "Take your culinary skills to the next level with Protege's ContentOnly Model. Gain access to our extensive library of exclusive recipes, expert tips, and step-by-step tutorials from renowned chefs."

MONTHLY KIT MODEL MESSAGING: "Elevate your culinary creations with Protege's Monthly Kit Model delivered to your doorstep. Delight in a carefully curated selection of premium ingredients, specialized tools, and step-by-step instructions to create extraordinary dishes in the comfort of your own kitchen."

Provide examples of key messages or value propositions for each model. How would these messages vary across different marketing channels?

Channel Specific Messaging PAID Focus on highlighting the unique selling points, benefits, and limited-time offers to drive conversions.

ORGANIC Emphasize the value of free content, expertise, and the community aspect of baking that Truffle Shuffle offers.

REFERRAL Highlight the rewards, exclusive content, and the opportunity to share the joy of baking with friends and family.

Provide examples of key messages or value propositions for each model. How would these messages vary across different marketing channels?

Visual Concept Ideations HELLO FROM

Chef Tucker Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur est adipiscing elit. Suspendi lobortis finibus sem ut imperdiet. Mauris est sollicitudin ipsum idem tincidunt maximus. Sem sit amet viverra.


Objective 4: Conversion Path

Conversion Path Touchpoint Overview

Optimization Strategy


Customer discovers Truffle Shuffle and Protege membership program through various channels, such as social media, native advertising, influencer collaborations, or earned media.

Optimize this stage by ensuring consistent and captivating messaging across touchpoints. Use compelling visuals, engaging copy, and clear calls-to-action to pique interest and drive customers to learn more.


Upon discovering the Protege program, customers seek more information on Truffle Shuffle's website, social media profiles, and other online platforms.

Optimize this stage by providing detailed and easy-to-find information about the different membership tiers, benefits, features, and pricing. Utilize customer testimonials, case studies, and UGC to build trust and showcase value.


Customers compare the Protege membership program with alternative options or competing programs.

Optimize by highlighting the unique aspects and advantages of the program. Clearly communicate the differentiating factors. Provide side-by-side comparisons to showcase the program's superiority.


Customers make a decision to convert and become Protege members.

Optimize by removing any friction in the conversion process. Simplify the sign-up process, with seamless registration/payment options. Leverage messaging, offers, to create a sense of urgency and action.


After conversion, customers enter the onboarding phase, where they familiarize themselves with membership program and its benefits.

Optimize by providing a comprehensive welcome package, including a guide to getting started, tutorials, and orientation videos. Personalize the onboarding experience based on customer preferences and data.


Once onboarded, customers actively engage with the Protege membership program, exploring content, participating in the community, and enjoying monthly kits.

Optimize by continuously delivering value and personalized experiences. Regularly update content, introduce new features, and offer exclusive benefits or events. Implement a proactive communication strategy.


Satisfied Protege members become advocates, recommending the program to their network and sharing their positive experiences.

Optimize with a customer referral program, incentivizing members to refer their friends/family. Encourage UGC, testimonials, reviews, social media mentions, and amplify them through marketing channels.

Additional Optimization Strategies PERSONALIZATION:

Tailor messaging, recommendations, and offers based on customer preferences and behaviors to enhance relevance and engagement.


Continuously test and optimize different elements of the customer journey, such as landing pages, messaging, calls-to-action, and incentives, to identify the most effective strategies.


Streamline the customer journey by optimizing website navigation, reducing friction in the sign-up and purchase process, and ensuring a responsive and mobilefriendly experience.


Regularly analyze customer data and feedback to identify pain points, bottlenecks, or areas of improvement in the customer journey. Use this information to make data-driven optimizations.


Implement automated email marketing campaigns, personalized recommendations, and targeted offers to keep customers engaged and drive repeat conversions.


Provide responsive and helpful customer support throughout the customer journey to address any concerns, answer questions, and enhance customer satisfaction

Objective 5: Metrics & KPIs

Essential Metrics:

Metrics & KPIs Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) you would track to measure the success of the GTM strategy.

Key Metrics:

Supporting Metrics:

Number of sign-ups for each membership model Conversion rate from free to paid memberships Customer lifetime value (CLTV) – Review the CLTV to CAC engagement by acquisition channel (LTV/CAC ratio) Retention rate: Percentage of customers who renew their subscription or continue using the freemium model after the initial sign-up. Repeat Purchase Rate

Conversion rate: Percentage of website visitors who convert to each model. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The cost required to acquire a new customer for each model. Average Order Value Lifetime Sales Website traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on site, bounce rate). Engagement metrics: Measure user engagement with content, such as time spent on site, recipe views, and social media interactions.

Referral program performance (number of referrals, conversion rate) Social media reach, engagement, and conversion metrics Return on ad spend (ROAS) for paid channels

Objective 6: Budget

Budget Allocation 40%

PAID PAID Allocate a significant portion of the budget to social media advertising and influencer collaborations to reach the target audience effectively. Start with a sufficient budget to conduct A/B testing and optimize campaigns based on performance. Allocate 40% of budget to social media advertising 10% to Google Ads to drive targeted traffic and conversions.


ORGANIC ORGANIC Invest in partnerships, content creation, SEO, and social media management to engage the audience and drive organic traffic. Allocate resources for blog writing, website optimization, and social media content creation. Allocate 35% of the budget to content marketing efforts, including blog creation, video production, and SEO optimization. Allocate 5% to social media engagement and community building.


5% 10%

REFERRAL REFERRAL Dedicate a smaller portion of the budget to referral program incentives and affiliate commissions, considering the potential long-term value of referred customers.

Allocate 10% of the budget to affiliate, native, and customer referral programs and associated rewards.

Objective 7: Timeline

Launch Timeline Month 1

PRELAUNCH Review all current/historical subscriber data and do research with the initial customers to gain insights into their perceptions of the current product and value propositions. This would help drive the messaging strategy for launch. Gather additional feedback and subscription data through consumer surveys. Use this feedback to refine your messaging and identify areas for improvement. 1-2 months before launch, focus on building a pre-launch buzz through social media teasers, blog content, email series, partnerships, and influencer collaborations. Develop landing pages, triggered welcome series, create/finalize content strategy, initiate social media advertising campaigns.

Month 2

LAUNCH Activate paid advertising campaigns, initiate influencer partnerships, and start the referral program. Monitor performance and optimize campaigns based on early data. Launch content marketing efforts, implement customer referral programs, monitor and optimize paid campaigns based on performance.

Month 3

POST LAUNCH Evaluate conversion rates, analyze KPIs, refine messaging and targeting, and make necessary adjustments to the strategy based on data analysis and customer feedback.

Month 4

ONGOING Continuously monitor and optimize marketing channels, track KPIs, and iterate on the GTM strategy based on customer feedback and market trends.

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