SoDo March 2015 minutes

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SoDo NRZ Minutes March 18, 2015 – Hartford Public Library’s 3rd Floor Activity Room

Attendance: J. Palerma, R. Zaleski, C. Sicbaldi, C. Lowell, F. Gordon-­‐Quiroga, A. Ambrose, C. Ortiz, R. Gale, J. Gordon, CSO DeMaine, CSO Gorman, Guest Speaker D. Poland, many attendees from the community (specifically to hear Mr. Poland)

Meeting opened at 6:03. Motion to approve minutes of the February meeting by R. Gale, seconded by C. Lowell, motion passed. Police Report: Part 1 Crimes – Feb 19 through today. 9.6% down for crimes, which is good. There was a burglary downtown on 3/15, cash and security system, likely an inside job.

5 car break ins for the period, which is very low. There were none during AAC tournament

St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be this coming Saturday (postponed from last Saturday for weather), expected to be heavily attended, with traffic issues. Roads close 10:30 or possibly sooner for crowd control. Treasurer’s Report: $1627.35 is our current balance Holiday Party: Expenses $368.65 Progressive Dinner: Income $1855.00, Expenses $1019.02 for a Net Income of $835.98. Guest Speaker: Don Poland gave an excellent presentation on the history of the middle class in SoDo and Downtown Hartford in the 1800s, with many old photos and maps of the area. The presentation was 45 minutes with many questions from the audience afterwards. Old News/New News: The Residential Parking Permits discussed at the last meeting are still on hold for SoDo. Hartford Parking Authority will attend a future meeting with the whole neighborhood to get feedback on implementing these permits in SoDo. Buckingham Square Park – C. Ortiz has met with the DPW and the signmaker. DPW will present their plan for the park to SoDo at some point in the near future. There will be a work party if needed, as the plan from the DPW includes repairs from the winter and cleanup. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 Respectfully submitted by R. Zaleski

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